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‘ADVANCED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SERIES PHASE CONJUGATE OPTICS by Jun-Ichi Sakai Caracas Lisbon London Madrid Mexi Milan Montreal New Delhi Paris San Juan Sto Paulo ‘Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto Gear oR RAs VEEP ROR OD Phase-conjugate light coeficient of reflection, wavefront curvature radius Rank 3 electro-optic tensor Probe wave penetration, absolute temperature Light intensity absorption coefficient, coherent state (Section 4.2) ight-intensity absorption coefficient Standardized detuned frequency at incident light frequency «atomic resonance frequency, and horizontal relaxation time T; [=(w ~ a%)T;] Phase mismatch f a medium (at optical frequencies) Static electric permittivity Coupling coefficient Wavelength in vacuo Carrier mobility ‘Magnetic permeability of free space ‘charge density, density matrix (Section 4.2), medium density (ection 5.2) Electric conductivity Coefficient of nth order optical nonlinearity Phase difference between optical intensity distribution and spatial electric field distribution Optical angular frequency Atomic resonance frequency ‘Probe detuning frequency corresponding to pump wave detuning frequency Table of Contents 1. The History of Phase-Conjugate Optics......+seseesereeeseeeees 1.1 Methods of Generating Phase-Con) — 22. Properties of Phase-Conjugote Light 3. Theoretical Foundations of the Production of Phase-Conjugate Light 3.1 Introduction (1) Generation and Polarization of Phase-Conjugate Light 9 (@) Wave Equations with Polarization 13 3.2 Four-Wave Mixing in Optical Kem Media (1) Principles of Phase-Conjugate Light Generat (2) Formulation of the Coupled-Mode Equations 16 * {G) Effects of Absorption 20 (4) Effects of Pump Depletion 22 (5) Neatly Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing 24 (6) Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing Theory Based on Diffraction Integrals 26 3.3 Four-Wave Mixing in a Photorefractive Medium (1) Band-Transport and Hopping Models 29 8 eres mpr-ung 0661 1999190 aydiwos aut Suydjay so Kuedwios Surystiqng wnyesy njovesd Kydaap ure J J01ua Yoreasoy 2q) JO Jes J0ssajold IUEISISSY Pure IYSPEO 20ss2}0%4 AUE|NON “rad — ssossajoud aip o1 ‘Antunnioddo snorsasd siyp aus axe Oy SOANINDOX® LIN ay 01 $208 2pm ung ‘aamuan Yoxeasar Sw inoyBnosIp PapuaTxe pUE “Wat aemoous s,ryse3Q J0ssajosd J9pun Arjssoarum aap ye Aes Kus SuuNp uN ‘sem 4009 STU, “6861 01 8B6I WO} UID YasEasayy ABojoUNDay, paduTApY 8,415 “isarup, OfYOI, 1 s0ss9J01d ayeIDOSSE Ue SE LLLN WON} UBO| YO Sem sOKAME OH ‘uol9 SnOUaS aWOs ae axoKp TeyY Ing “UTES ‘Kou soma yeorydesBodAyyoyatn Ajuo tou reyr Ast axp SAEoqe st atau ‘sjoquacs Jo we wounsedap ‘2y1 01 pure — arepoH oF ¢ Avquusoyrun 9x1 pur suonenbo ay) Jo uoneaLtop ayp o} uorwane eroeds pied anry ‘2m yBnownrYy “Yoo9 st ut suortenbo Jo saquinu a8s0) ipuodde ayy ur uaa two}sianuoo 40) 4q poorsiepun pur pear 2q ro youd ‘o[qissod se siaq10 2th ‘wos} wepuadopur se apeur st soidey> {oes aout otsseyo-isenb “Burumap pur uondiosge Jo si Sif 0} anp wontsoua8 1481] a1n{uod-sseyd Jo Kuoatp axp UE Tewawepuny oy) us saBueys ayp Jo ssouszeme ue 129Yas aM ue siaideyo noysnomp uoyrun spew st uontioN, Ine oze uonesoued 18 arenfuod-2seyd jo Asoaup a ‘SexapuT aANeyjay IwOUTTUOU au, (1) ‘SMOIIO} Se AME YO0g stEp Jo saumNEay aK, twodn payonoy fyaug aze my oun “Aout “ue sonido ateBn{uo-aseyd jo ue Jo svaxe sossnosip pu 2p Jo sojduexa jemoe smoys g Asoauy qeorssej9 01 diysuoneyas 21 pue *p sardeyD ut uodn paysnor axe siuawieon (ponaroaq-wnueNb | aeBnfuoo-aseyd Supeioua’ 30} suEaW prepLEs-MoU 0999 SuIAey se poureidxo st Zupxqur anea-sog “148 axeTnfuoD-aseyd Supeious@ 20 etpau se 2104 pasaprsuoo ae nipou 9 ‘PY sn ut sompaoosd pauauruades ap siaino Aueur &q pamowoy sem 24 *ZL61 Ut EAI 6a pasodoud sem anbrayoo1 Surv anes-snoy syesauotap un ye aoursqns tt pa aumeU Us paytqeo sem .ondo anfuoo-seud, SisuaUl1Y8 01 woRNPpR UL woneuOyuY ase eds {am twop wea sond 40 pi ‘nou OU, ‘is¥9 Woneoyydue x9[duo9 ueiao yum aKem F uoyin poieiougd oa ( sh Tate of Contents 66 Three-Wave Mixing Experiments 67 ed Scattering Experiments lated Brillouin Scattering 125 mulated Raman Scattering 126 ‘Enhanced Four-Wave Mixing 126 7. Phase-Conjugate Light Generating Media 7.1 Guidelines for Phase-Conjugate Light 7.2 Sources of Nonlinear Polarization 7.3 Gases 7.4 Particles in Liquids and Solutions ) Liguids 132 (2) Particles in Solution (Radiation Pressure) 135 75 Dielectrics (1) Origin of the Photorefractive Effect 137 (2) Response Time with the Photorefractive Effect 138 76 Semiconductors (1) Bound Electrons Under Anharmonic Potential 139 (2) Nonlinear Polarization Due to Non-Parabolic Conduction Bands 140 (3) Band-Filling Effect 141 (4) Excitons in Quantum-Well Structures 142 (5) Photorefractive Effect 143 7.7 Nonerystalline Substances (1) Dyed Glass Filters 143 (2) Glass 144 7.8 Organic Compounds (1) Macromolecular Single Crystals 144 (2) Dyes 145 8. Applications of Phase-Conjugate Light ........e.csceseeeseesee 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Applications of Phase-Correction Functions 137 ( “Die of Comes x Optical Gyroscopes 159 8.3 Applications of Space-Domain Multiplicative Interactions 161 Optical Processors 161 Associative Optical Memory 162 8.4 Using the Relationship Between Phase Shift and ‘Wave Int 8.5 Making Use of Det Optical-Frequency ‘Semiconductor Laser Amplifiers 164 Nonlinear Polarization 165 8.6 Use of Temporal Parity (Group Delay Equalizer) 167 8.7 Application of Time-Domain Multiplicative Interactions 169 (1) Optical Pulse Compression in Forward Four-Wave Mixing 169 (2) Optical Pulse Compression by Stimulated Brillouin Scattering 170 8.8 Applications of Quantum Correlation (Producing Optically-Squeezed States) m 163 164 (2) Conversions for Thrd-Order Nonlinearity 178 G) Relationship Between Third-Order Nonlinearity and Nonlinear Refractive Index 178 {susp souop pazuoy «AN N w ‘apur uonenpous reneds i w pao] so ssouyonn WPI, T ¥ sowson Sunes uonseiyiad = jueysuoo uueumyod YF JOI998 9AM Aysusp waumy ‘snojonu wondiosqe ayy te Ausuorur yy voneames —"W uyurnap wo Suspuadap Ausuot "| Ausuonmy wT wun Keuseuy Prey onoubey urisuoo youd prey suey ons" pry ainsag a a (280m awSnfuos-os0yd ‘9 = / d'd= fsonem duund aan3s ‘q.= [tanem duund preauoy ‘f= /) apmnyduse xojduwoo prey oui | 'V sowiado uosog woREION oom su fos 2) somata ( asn are sjoquiAs wos asnesag ‘suonoes pue siaideys unpim sod se uuojtun se Sump ewes amp ssaudxa veya sjoquids ayeUt o1 PIMOS am Se sjoquixg pue Fojouuusay,y "009 2th Jo 4209 2tn poz -tununs are pu ‘a1dey> yoeo 40y patoquunu are saouarajas yeonydesB01191@ a Andestoniaig auaigy “¢ sordeys ayy unum Sutiapi0 jeuonsod aya resswinu puosas a 2 stuasaxdau fesouine yay 24, “Pasaquinu-2[qnop ase sojqen pue st SoIqR, pus suonezisnyy ‘suopenby uy sjoquiks -z *V 1QRI, Ur URoYs are sHOI>ey UOrSIAAtOD pure Mun qnog Buysn suonenba axe Buour sd ‘aat8 aze songea — uonsesyip Jo xapuy set ‘oq woxy sonyes yu ‘aie sium nso $89 aourg ( 2 1. Te tory oF hase Cenugte Opes 'as argued, was a means for recovering degraded image quality when optical images were conveyed by multi-mode optical fibers. Few experimental results are available because of the req ing conditions, and the limitations of nonlinear o discussed in Section 5.1 Degenerate four-wave mixing was proposed by Hellwarth nique for ing the flaws described above.* t of the same frequency w from opp. medium having a third-order optical nonlinearity, Then, (probe wave) of frequency w was injected, phase-conjugat of the same in the opposite direction. The term “degenerate” is derived from the four light waves all having the same frequency. Since degenerate variety of advantages — this is discussed in Section 3.1 ts can be performed using gases, liq ‘materials, and non-crystalloids, experimental method for generating phase-conjugate light. Degenerate four- wave mixing was proposed at almost the same time by Yariv et al Here, the analysis of phase-conjugat rough coupled-mode theory became the standard technique. ‘The experiment that first suggested the practical value of degenerate four: ‘wave mixing was performed in 1977, and used CS; as the optical Kerr medium.’ With & Q-switched frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser as light source, Phase-conjugate light was employed ina test-chart image reconstruction exper, iment. The result was a reconstructed image with a spatial resolution of 40 Uines/mm. Other optical Kerr media, such as Na vapor and semiconductors, were also employed. ‘The photorefractive effect is often used forthe generation of phase-conjugate jotorefractive effect was discovered in ical memory media when inate LiNbO, and LiTaO and .” although this phenomenon was inciden “photorefractive” was derived by analogy with “photochromism,” ‘The first photorefractive medium used for the generation of phase- ight was BSO, in 1979; an argon-ion laser was used as the light tubsequently, phase-conju; was also generated with BaTiO, Phase-conjugate light generation via a self-excitation arrangement not using ( 1.2. Applicaton f Pte Conagte Opti independent pump bea advantage because 1p wave. An He-Ne laser (632.8 nm) was used as the tne source in init pe 50 W of phase-conjugate Hight light source in this experiment, and at le wer was generated, _ fesonane absorption, t40-photonabsmton, optical echoes and thermal effects are also used in the generation of phase-conjugate light. 1.2 Applications of Phase-Conjugate Optics ative optics were used to achieve phase comection. A rence eam vat se fm he rg 0 ani ane ion Pt tren was eased yay bere at te ase Before the ight beam was erie, a deformable ior revered the i along the transmission path and offset the distortion fo pore forthe mir tobe done accrtely by hs high, promping the states per ot -nsors and servomechanisms for the distortion to be Spatial resolution was vested by the number that could be set pn tis ay, dion the we af varous pes of. precisely measured. In of subapertures and phase ‘measurement and reverse f phase conection used nop hopaphy. among eer appicsons, isan area where Might replace apie opis a ne ps of gene forwae an i teed tua ane oor knowledge becomes ene, We a leaning tt many i aaa pomeen then same emerging ideas that are raphy are alo being wd for

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