Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad I Year B.Tech. I Mid Term Examination UNIT-1

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1. What were the arguments of Aristotle for believing that the earth was a
round sphere? [5M]

2. What important evidences did Aristotle’s book “On the Heavens”

provide? [5M]

3. Write in detail about the salient features of Geo-centric theory. [5M]

4. What was Aristotle’s model of the Universe? Who else supported his
model? [5M]

5. Enumerate the salient features of the first theory of the Universe? [5M]

6. What was the simpler model of the universe proposed in 1514? [5M]

7. How was Aristotle’s model of the Universe elaborated by Ptolemy? [5M]

8. How did Copernicus’ model of the Universe differ from Aristotle’s? [5M]

9. Write about Helio-centric theory. Who else supported this theory? [5M]

10. Why did the death blow come to the Aristotelian- Ptolemaic theory in
1609? [5M]

11. Do the opinions of Aristotle and Ptolemy agree or differ from

Copernicus’ and Galileo’s? How? [5M]

12. What were Aristotle’s and Copernicus’ models of the universe and how
was the latter supported by Galileo? [5M]

13. How was the Copernican model supported by Galileo and Kepler? [5M]

14. What was the explanation given by Newton for the motion of the planets
in the Universe? [5M]

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15. How did Newton explain the movement of the moon around the earth
and the planets around the sun? [5M]

16. Why do the stars not fall together at some point, according to Newton?

17. Give a brief description of Newton’s theory of Gravity. [5M]

18. The modified theory of Newton did not affect the predictions of the
motions of the planets but allowed an infinite distribution of stars to
remain in equilibrium- How? [5M]

19. How did Newton’s Law of Gravity give a new dimension to the theories
of the Universe? [5M]

20. Newton’s law of Gravity led to another unknown concept that

demanded explanation regarding the size and nature of the universe -
Discuss. [5M]

21. If gravity is attractive, Universe should collapse to a centre and should

not be static, but it is not happening why? [5M]

22. What important explanations were provided by Newton in his book

“Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica”? [5M]

23. Compare the observations of Edwin Hubble with the traditional views
which existed? [5M]

24. Describe the beginning of the universe basing on the Big Bang Theory.
25. How did Hubble explain that the Universe is expanding? [5M]

26. What was the landmark observation made in 1929 and how did it explain
the beginning of the Universe? [5M]

27. Why would it be meaningless to suppose that that the Universe was
created before the Big Bang? [5M]

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28. Why any physical theory is always provisional? Cite Examples. [5M]

29. What are the requirements of a good theory? Give examples. [5M]

30. Aristotle’s theory stating that, “everything in the universe was made out
of four elements”, cannot be considered as a good theory? Why? [5M]

31. When does a theory survive and when does our confidence in it
increase? [5M]

32. According to Karl Popper, what is a good theory? [5M]

33. The eventual goal of science is to provide a single theory that describes
the whole Universe– Discuss. [5M]

34. Is it possible to know everything about the universe by investigating its

parts in isolation? Why? [5M]

35. What are the great intellectual achievements in the first half of 20th
century? Explain in detail. [5M]

36. Why are the two theories, the General Theory of Relativity and Quantum
Mechanics, known to be inconsistent? Explain. [5M]

37. What are the existing theories of the Universe? Why does the author
think that a unified theory of the Universe is needed? [5M]

38. Discuss the need to develop a complete unified theory of the Universe.

39. Which human yearning is justification enough for the continued search
for this complete unified theory of the Universe and why? [5M]

40. There is every need to find a unified theory in spite of the fact that it
appears to be almost impossible- Explain. [5M]


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41. Describe briefly about the place of Abdul Kalam’s birth. [5M]

42. How did the early influences help Kalam in moulding his personality?
43. How did Kalam express indebtedness to his teachers? [5M]

44. What were the hurdles faced by Kalam in completing his project work at
MIT and how did he overcome them? [5M]

45. How did Lakshmana Sastry and Sivasubramania Iyer influence and inspire
Kalam? [5M]

46. Write a brief note on Kalam’s admiration for Prof. Sponder? [5M]

47. Why did Kalam consider his teacher, Iyadurai Solomon as an ideal guide?
48. What were Kalam’s experiences at St. Joseph’s college? [5M]

49. How did Kalam start his career? [5M]

50. How did Kalam’s visit to Rishikesh bring him solace? [5M]



1. How did Computer Ethics emerge as a field of study? [5M]

2. What is Cybernetics? What is its relevance in the growth of computer

ethics? [5M]

3. What is the contribution of Norbert Wiener towards the growth of

computer ethics? [5M]

4. What important insights did Weiner’s book Cybernetics: Control and

Communication in the Animal and Machine provide? [5M]

5. Bring out the significance and relevance of Weiner’s views on computer

technology. [5M]

6. How did Weiner foresee the glory of computer revolution? [5M]

7. Who created a code of ethics for the members of the Association for
Computing Machinery in 1973? What is the background for the
emergence of the ACM code? [5M]

8. What did the invasions of privacy by “big brother’’ government lead to?
Were the consequences positive? [5M]

9. Why were the new privacy laws enacted in the U.S. in 1970? [5M]

10. Explain the importance of Weizenbaum’s ELIZA program. [5M]

11. What made Weizenbaum author the book Computer Power and
Human Reason? [5M]

12. What was the observation of Walter Maner about the use of computers in
medical ethics? [5M]


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13. Define computer ethics and justify the definition by Walter Maner. [5M]

14. Who prescribed the guidelines for the study of computer ethics? Do you
think computer ethics should be part of curriculum? [5M]

15. Who developed curriculum materials for the study of computer ethics?
What is his significant contribution? [5M]

16. Bring out the description of computer ethics by James Moor? [5M]

17. Why is 1985, a watershed year for computer ethics? [5M]

18. What according to Deborah Johnson is the scope of computer ethics?

19. What are the differences in the views held by Maner and Johnson about
computer ethics? [5M]

20. Justify the definition of computer ethics given by Deborah Johnson.

21. What significant trends did the computer ethics as a field of study
witness in 1985? Were they advantageous? [5M]

22. Who are the two important thinkers in the field of computer ethics?
What is their role in the development of the field? [5M]

23. What is the essence of Gornaik’s ETHICOMP paper? [5M]

24. What is Gornaik’s hypothesis about the fate of computer ethics? [5M]

25. Bring out the differences between the views of Johnson and Gornaik.
26. How did Gornaik visualize the future of computer ethics? [5M]

27. How did Johnson visualize the future of computer ethics? [5M]

28. Comment on the global dimension of computer ethics. [5M]

29. In the changing times what is the relevance of computer ethics? [5M]

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30. What is the outcome of Johnson-Gornaik dichotomy about computer

ethics? [5M]

31. Do computer ethics differ from ordinary ethics? Elaborate. [5M]

32. What was the response to Weizenbaum’s ELIZA program? [5M]

33. Computers do not know the borders - Do you agree with this view?
Elaborate. [5M]

34. How did ETHICOMP series of conferences create awareness about

computer ethics? [5M]

35. What is the second industrial revolution? How did it influence different
fields of knowledge? [5M]

36. What were the ethical and social consequences in the field of science
foreseen by Weiner? [5M]

37. What is the difference between applied ethics and computer ethics? [5M]

38. What is the new twist given to computer ethics by Johnson? [5M]

39. Are the computer ethics universally applicable? If so, how? [5M]

40. Do you accept the view of Weiner that Computer Technology can
remake society? Elaborate. [5M]

41. Describe the experiences of Kalam during his stint at ADE (Aeronautical
Development Establishment) Bangalore. [5M]

42. “I always knew that I, and not just fate, would have to create my own
opportunities”. [5M]
Bring out the implication and importance of these lines in making Nandi
43. Why was the Nandi project abandoned? [5M]



44. What was special about the author’s interview at INCOSPAR? [5M]

45. Write about the establishment of Equatorial Rocket Launching Station at

Thumba? [5M]

46. “Bread baked without love is a bitter bread, that feeds but half a man’s
hunger.’ How does the author use this quote in the context of work?
47. How did Prof. Vikram Sarabhai give physical dimensions to the
technological vision of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru? [5M]

48. Why did Kalam say that Prof. Oda’s dedication to work is exemplary?
49. How was Kalam impressed by the organizational structure of the
Institutions in the US? Why is it missing in our country? [5M]

50. Bring out the importance of Kalam’s meeting with Sarabai at hotel
Ashoka? [5M]


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