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*** Fitzgerald13 joined #pcp People's Communist Party - Public Channel || Remember to vote in the congress elections today Topic set by SirRex! on Wed Sep 25 2013 22:57:29 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) +++ wtfs has given voice to Fitzgerald13
Fitzgerald13 Shyran: SirRex hes one of us now SirRex Fitzgerald13 shyran on PCP now?? Fitzgerald13 xD SirRex we offered him cookies Fitzgerald13 lol Fitzgerald13 okay let we start the interview... Fitzgerald13 are you ready SirRex ? SirRex okay SirRex yeah Fitzgerald13 SirRex: you are PCP PP now. what do you feel? SirRex SirRex Fitzgerald13 nice and congrats to you SirRex thank you Fitzgerald13

00:32 00:32 00:33 00:33 00:33 00:33 00:33 00:33 00:34 00:34 00:34 00:34 00:35 00:37 00:37 00:38 00:38 00:38

I am very happy that I won the elections and have the support of PCPs members. It has been hard work recently but I have never doubted that this is the perfect job for me

00:40 00:41 00:42 00:42 00:42 00:43 00:43 00:43 00:43 00:43 00:43 00:43 00:45 00:46 00:47 00:49

Can you tell me briefly away about PCP political in building eSocialism in eUK throughout eHistory? PCP has always been an inspiration to a lot of the parties in the eUK. It has shown that SirRex numbers don't make a difference in politics and that even the few have a bigger presence if they enjoy what they do SirRex it doesnt matter who you are, we all deserve an equal footing and thats why PCP is so great

Fitzgerald13 Fitzgerald13 are you finished? SirRex yes SirRex I will say finished after every answer is completed SirRex make it easier SirRex Fitzgerald13 thanks Fitzgerald13 Fitzgerald13 How conditions and situations of PCP today?

I am surprised at how active everyone is in PCP. Whether they are level 20s or 50s,
SirRex everyone is giving me new suggestions on what we can do to improve the party and what

they want to see installed

SirRex finished Fitzgerald13 How about position of PCP be it in the citizens eUK and inside the government today? SirRex We have had PCP members become CP and other major roles within the government. We

00:50 00:50 00:51 00:53 00:54 00:54 00:54 00:54 00:55 00:55 00:56

SirRex SirRex Fitzgerald13 SirRex SirRex SirRex SirRex

usually work together to help one person, who we believe deserves a spot in government, If you are ambitious enough in PCP, then the entire party will root for you and support you 100% finished how about in eUK citizen? is PCP have a good image or bad image? I would say that we have a good image because we are constantly getting members, who have a big influence in the eUK, to join us. We have been branded the name "The cool guys club" that speaks volumes in itself

SirRex finished Fitzgerald13 lol Fitzgerald13 xD

PCP was the party with the liberal left-wing orientation. Can you explain the basic principles
Fitzgerald13 of PCP idieology in carrying out the functions and duties as a party in achieving its

00:57 00:58 00:58 00:59 01:00 01:00 01:01 01:01 01:02 01:03 01:04 01:04 01:06 01:06 01:08 01:08 01:10 01:13 01:14 01:29 01:30 04:42 04:42 04:42 04:43 04:43 04:43 04:43

SirRex SirRex SirRex SirRex SirRex SirRex Fitzgerald13 SirRex SirRex SirRex SirRex SirRex SirRex SirRex Fitzgerald13 Fitzgerald13 SirRex

objectives? As you say we are left wing so we follow the ideals of higher minimum wage and lower taxes but as this game is about politics, we see the newer members as the "proletariat" therefore we strive for giving more new members a chance in politics this can be achieved, quite easily, by letting newer members take the top spots in congress and letting them become vPP and just educating them about the political system its as easy as that, yet we still see the exploitation of the newer members by large parties who only want them for the numbers advantage finished so what kind of marxism PCP is ? I, myself, am a neo-marxist but I believe the party is a more academic marxist group academic marxists believe that education is the way forward and that will lead the way to a better society finished I think I broke jamima xD wait xD

SirRex yup I broke him SirRex I made him cry SirRex yup SirRex jamimas dead Fitzgerald13 can we start it again? Fitzgerald13 SirRex start again ;_; SirRex I dont want to start again Fitzgerald13 i mean continue it SirRex ok SirRex lets do that

04:43 04:43 04:44

Fitzgerald13 for your review to refresh your mind last question is Fitzgerald13 01:01 Fitzgerald13 so what kind of marxism PCP is ? Fitzgerald13 and you answer



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SirRex Fitzgerald13 SirRex SirRex Fitzgerald13 Fitzgerald13

01:01 SirRex I, myself, am a neo-marxist 01:02 SirRex but I believe the party is a more academic marxist group 01:03 SirRex academic marxists believe that education is the way forward 01:04 SirRex and that will lead the way to a better society 01:04 SirRex finished cool so is academic marxists is some kind of neo marxist too ? or just some peoples who learn abour marxism ? lets do this its a type of marxist that prioritize education as the thing that pushes workers closer to the revolution dont forget to say finished rexy

SirRex finished SirRex Fitzgerald13 did PCP know each other in real life? SirRex we have quite a tight community and a lot of us play games on steam and talk on skype SirRex but I dont think any of us have met in real life Fitzgerald13 finished? SirRex oops sorry SirRex finished SirRex my friends on fb are having a civil war SirRex Fitzgerald13 -_-" Fitzgerald13 damn you rexy SirRex Fitzgerald13 okay next Fitzgerald13 What are the challenges facing the PCP in building eSocialism in eUK? SirRex mainly ignorant opposition who don't see the benefits of having active new members SirRex I mentioned that before so I won't go into detail about that again SirRex Even in PCP there are critics who question our own beliefs

but that is a good thing because we can learn what they are annoyed about and reform accordingly SirRex finished Fitzgerald13 What are the main objectives and goals of PCP in Erepublic?
SirRex Fitzgerald13 SirRex again, I believe I have talked about this in a different question

but mainly educating the masses that they can make a difference individually if they put the effort in SirRex we were formed to keep the citizens interests in mind SirRex we will stay that way SirRex finished

04:58 04:58 04:58 04:59 04:59 04:59 05:01 05:02 05:03 05:04 05:04 05:05


How conditions and situations of eUK this time?

SirRex We are losing a lot of citizens to nearby countries SirRex like Ireland and Belgium SirRex SirRex SirRex Fitzgerald13 SirRex SirRex SirRex SirRex Fitzgerald13

05:05 05:07 05:08 05:08 05:08 05:09 05:09 05:09 05:09 05:09 05:09 05:10 05:10 05:10 05:10 05:10 05:10 05:10 05:10 05:10 05:10 05:10 05:11 05:11

SirRex SirRex SirRex

SirRex SirRex Bohemond4 Fitzgerald13 Fitzgerald13 Fitzgerald13 SirRex SirRex Fitzgerald13 Fitzgerald13

luckily some of the people that did leave were the main source of corruption and negligence in the country We have come out of that situation more united and stronger finished What is PCP idea to resolve this problems ? we have become almost like a "refugee" camp where people from all over the world (for example North Korea and Cyprus) have come to help out and look for a temporary home although this isn't a permanent solution, it has given us a good name internationally finished Does eUK have the opportunity to become a socialist country? If yes how is the possibility it could happen? And what are the measures was already performed PCP to make it happen? Although the eUK has never been a socialist country, the country does have a lot of social policies that do help new members out We have the ability to make the eUK fully socialist but there hasn't been the right candidate to make the transformation but that is understandable as he/she would be under constant surveillance for mistakes and could be taken out of power by congress *** Bohemond4 joined #pcp +++ wtfs has given voice to Bohemond4 Basically we are getting there but we aren't there yet finished sup very realistic ! i loved it yo Bohemond4 we on an interview boooohh -_Bohemond4 shushs and watches intently lol

SirRex damn boh SirRex so neutral is stupid SirRex Fitzgerald13 next question rexy Fitzgerald13 What is PCP opinion regarding the eComintern? Fitzgerald13 Fitzgerald13 my fav question Fitzgerald13 xD

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SirRex The PCP are massive advocates for the eComintern SirRex PCP will always do its best to support the eCominterns decisions Fitzgerald13 finished? SirRex We have given some of our best members the role of leftist representative SirRex and the role is seen as a major position within the PCP SirRex finished Fitzgerald13 yes PCP always give an active representative for eComintern Fitzgerald13 like jimbobfrey and you too Fitzgerald13 by the way... SirRex yes Fitzgerald13 where is jimbobfrey now? Fitzgerald13 i never seen him anymore SirRex he is busy outside of the game SirRex but he still plays a major role within the party SirRex but just not as much on irc these days SirRex whichis a shame SirRex finished SirRex Fitzgerald13 LOL Fitzgerald13 xD SirRex idk SirRex Fitzgerald13 Fitzgerald13 next question rexy Fitzgerald13 SirRex SirRex SirRex Fitzgerald13

you might be trying to catch me out by making me think that you arent doing the interview anymore

What do you think about the real step for eComintern needs to be done in building socialism in eRepublic? kk I dont understand the question sorry what is your idea for eComintern to building socialism in eRepublic ?

Fitzgerald13 hope you will understand it SirRex ah SirRex got ya SirRex SirRex My advice to the new eComintern is to regroup and reorganise

there has been a lack of co-operation recently and that is the first issue that they will have to face SirRex In my opinion that is the hardest obstacle they will have to pass SirRex but with the right team and a positive attitude, anything is possible
SirRex SirRex SirRex finished Fitzgerald13 Fitzgerald13 last question rexy SirRex ok

05:25 05:25 05:26 05:27 05:27 05:27 05:27 05:27 05:28 05:28 05:28 05:28 05:28 05:28 05:28 05:29 05:29 05:30 05:30 05:30 05:31 05:31 05:31 05:31 05:31 05:31 05:31 05:31 05:31 05:31 05:32 05:32 05:32 05:32 05:32 05:32 05:32 05:32 05:33 05:33 05:34 05:34 05:34 05:34

Fitzgerald13 Erepublic is some kind of capitalist game Fitzgerald13 so what eComintern must do to make a communism more realistic in this game?

--- Shyran is back

SirRex There is proven evidence that communes work in the game very well SirRex Sweden used to use them and their government profited from it Bohemond4 SLAVERY OF THE WORKERS Bohemond4 OPPRESSING THEM FOR LOW WAGES Bohemond4 :3 Bohemond4 nah, communes are cool bro SirRex as boh said SirRex his memorable words SirRex that we remember him by for all eternity Bohemond4 hue SirRex "nah, communes are cool bro" Fitzgerald13 xD SirRex SirRex SirRex SirRex SirRex SirRex SirRex Bohemond4 SirRex Bohemond4 sorry for butting in, but I saw someone run that angle SirRex finished Bohemond4 once SirRex ah Bohemond4 and Belgium had 2 CPs recently Bohemond4 at the same time Bohemond4 it could be done as an idea Bohemond4 hell, i'd be up to try it out :3 SirRex exactly Fitzgerald13 nice Fitzgerald13 Bohemond4 sorry for butting in, but it reminded me SirRex even the influential, yet extremely neutral, boh thinks that Fitzgerald13 no problems comrade Bohemond4 Fitzgerald13 okay i think you has finished all of my question SirRex Fitzgerald13 thanks for your time SirRex cool SirRex no problem Fitzgerald13 i will publish this interview on eComintern Journal as an article SirRex thanks for having me

but my personal opinion is that legislation is needed outside of the actual game for communism to be a fully working ideology and in the eUK we lack this which is a shame because if means better flexibility and more roleplay situations *it basically, communes and politburos the most radical idea is to have a number of leaders instead of one CP but have that one CP be the spokesperson of the group there are a lot of ways around the problem we call erep hey, ive seen that idea done before

05:34 05:34 05:34

SirRex SirRex cool Fitzgerald13 for your info next party is Partido Socialista from Brazil

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