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Tasks that we Performed 1.

Review of SQ manuals:
On the very 1st day we have been given SQ manuals to read so that we come to know that what the functions of SQ department are. There were 3 manuals on each division of SQ (Branch Banking, CRU, SQ consumer). We read all 3 manuals one by one and after completing all the 3 manuals we had a little idea about the department functions.

Like in Branch banking we come to know how it is divided geographically (North West central). Which things are focused in Training and Development sessions? What are the products of MCB in Consumer Banking,
Car4U Pyara Ghar (PG) Business Sarmaya (BS) Personal Loan (PL) Credit Card

What is the function of CRU (Complain Resolving Unit) We come to know the Job description of different heads and Analysts working in the department.

2. Branch Visits:
Branch visits is the task which is performed by the analysts of the Service Quality. The reason behind these branch visits is to ensure the staff of the branching is fulfilling the tasks which they have been given like 1. Host of the day 2. House keeping 3. service indicators The above mentioned are the list of tasks which should be performed on daily basis and mostly the CSO (customer service officer) is responsible for these task and somewhere Host of day is performed by some other staff, but CSO should keep the record of the daily check of the above mentioned list. Service Quality analyst visits the branch and checks the record of all the mentioned things and also check the on time condition of the branch that whether it is clean or not, everything is on it is place , does CSO greet the customers with smile or not, what is the behavior of branch manager with the customers. Sometimes the analyst can ask the customers available in the branch about the behavior of the staff.

After the visit the SQ analyst rank the branch accordingly as if all the things were in excellent condition in branch and all the tasks are performed and the records are up to date the branch can get A grade and if not than may be B or even worse C or F . Sometimes to counter check the results the Mystery shopper is sent to the branch to check the things, For example: When we were on branch visits with the analyst he told us go 1st before him and see whether the CSO in branch greet with smile or not, whether she ask you how she can help you or not and if she did then does she refer you to the desired counter or not. The main reason for Mystery shopper is that it is done by an unknown person where as when service quality analyst go to the branch on check the staff behave in a proper way as there grade is on stack. To overcome that a Mystery shopper goes to the branch and asks annoying question to CSO to see whether she respond in a polite way or she get irritate. We perform the same task and after 5 to 10 minutes analyst himself used to enter in the branch and he introduce us to the staff, sometimes they get shocked that he is mystery shopper, and we afterwards report to the analyst about our observations.

3) Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS):

We have been assigned this task by the analysts to conduct a TELEPHONIC CSS, They give us the lists with information of clients includes Name of client Number Account Number Branch name

Other than this we have been given the CSS form which we have to fill which includes around 10 questions which we have to ask after getting the permission from the client, the questions includes the information regarding, Staff Behavior in Branch ATM Service Product Information Online System Any problem Faced in Last 6 months Future Business with MCB Referred anyone to do business with MCB Overall Satisfaction of Client Other Comments

We used to ask these questions and mark them according to customers answer and after completion of lists we use to tabulate those responses on the Excel sheets.

4) Presentation for Customer Sales Officer Training for Complaint Management System:
Complaint Management System Is a centralized System for complaint handling. We were given a task to prepare a presentation for the training of Customer Sales Officer so that they can easily use the Complaint Management System. We made a presentation which included detailed step by step process on how to use the Complaint Management System from how to open to how to logged the complain and how to close it. The presentation helped MCB Bank Ltd in training the customer sales offices so that they can log the customers complaint in the branch only and get it solved. Our presentation included: Introduction What is Complaint Management System? Why do we need it? When do we need it? Who would be using it? How to use the Complaint Management System

In our presentation we included detailed step by step screen shot of Complaint Management System from how to login to how to close the complaint

5) Analysis of product and their interest rates of each Banks:

We called each bank and got information on their products and their interest rated, after that we made a detailed analysis of each product separately and compared it with MCB Bank ltd and made a report on it. Our report include Products of different banks which included o Credit Card o House Loan o Business Loan o Car Loan o personal Interest rates of each product

Eligible criteria of each product Any special offers with the product

6) List of All Branch Manager and Operation Manager and their contacts:
We called up each branch in the city and got information on the contact information of the Branch, Branch manager and the Operation manager and consolidated all of them in one report. We were required to get the folling information Name of the Branch Manager Branch Managers Contanct number (ptcl no, cell no, direct landline) Name of the Operation Manager All the Branch numbers and ext

7) Updating of Database:
We were given task to update the present database of all the branches and sort them. We were to sort them according to the following: By city wise By Region wise By circle wise

8) Consolidation of Quality Check Report:

We also consolidated a part of the quality check report. Were were given a task to high light all the branches with ATM, branches with Customer Sales Offices and branches with ATM and Customer Sales Offices both. After highlighting these branched in the quality check

report we were required to make a separate excel sheet of these branches.

9) Customer Sales Offices test result:

At the time of our internship customer sales offices training was under way and a quiz was conducted before the training and after the training to check the result of the training. We were giving a task to conduct the quiz and prepare the result of both the pre-test and posttest.

10) Branding:
For branding of MCB Ltd we were required to send out branded Note pads and branded Mugs of MCB Ltd to selective branches. The Note pad and mugs were sent through mail to braches which were out of the city for the inner city branches we were required to call them and distribute the note pad and mugs.

11) Registration of VIP customer:

We were given a list of VIP customer of MCB and were required to educate them about our call center and get them register in the call center for extra incentives. We called each VIP customer inform them about the call center, verified their addresses and sent the application form and after they have registered themselves in the call center we were also required to do a follow up call.

12) Tabulation of customer satisfaction survey and comments cards:

In services quality department each analysts were required to get 25 of customer satisfaction survey and comments card filled by the customer from 25 branches. So we were given the task of tabulating them on excel sheets.


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