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Fighter 16 / Man at Arms 11 / Rogue 3 Human, Lawful Neutral, Deity: Helm Str 18 (ends up with 27, so 30 with a +3 item)

Dex 9 (since man at arms uses heavy fullplate no mithral this needs a +3 dex item to reach 12 to use the 1 dex bonus fullplate got) Con 14 (or 13, SEE NOTE at the end of the document) Int 12 Wis 8 Cha 13 (requires a +3 cha item) Background feat: veteran (+1 fortitude save, -1 diplomacy) Nb. Uses Scimitar that allows a good critical range, with the right feats it deals a lot of damage (see damage listing under the progression scheme). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 +1 Str 13 14 +1 Str +1 Str Rogue Fighter Man at Arms Fighter Man at Arms Fighter Man at Arms Fighter Man at Arms Fighter Rogue Man at Arms Fighter Man at Arms Umd 4, tumble 4, listen 4, open lock 4, heal 2, intimidate 4, search 4, survival 2, diplomacy 4 1 tumble, 1 umd 1 tumble, 1 umd 1 tumble, 1 umd 1 umd, 1 listen 1 umd, 1 listen 3 tumble (gains +1 AC), 1 umd 1 tumble, 1 umd 1 tumble, 1 umd 1 tumble, 1 umd (can now use wands) 1 tumble, 1 umd, 8 listen 1 tumble, 1 umd, 1 listen Thoughness Weapon Specialization: Scimitar Improved Critical: Scimitar Luck of Heroes Power Attack Weapon Focus: Scimitar Blindfight Tower Shield Specialization

1 umd, 1 tumble 1 tumble, 1 umd

Improved Power Attack, Steadfast Determination Armor Specialization Heavy



1 tumble, 1 umd

16 +1 Str 17 18 19 20 +1 Str 21


1 tumble, 1 umd

YOU CHOOSE Power Critical: Scimitar, Alertness or Knockdown Greater Weapon Focus: Scimitar Cleave, Great Cleave

Fighter Fighter Fighter Rogue Fighter

1 tumble (gains another +1 AC), 1 umd 1 tumble, 1 umd 1 tumble, 1 umd 8 listen, 1 tumble, 1 umd 1 tumble, 1 umd

Epic Prowness, Expose Weakness Greater Weapon Specialization Melee Weapon Mastery: Slashing; Epic Weapon Focus: Scimitar Great Strenght Epic Weapon Specialization: Scimitar Great Strenght Overwhelming Critical: Scimitar

22 23 24 +1 Str 25

Man at Arms Man at Arms Man at Arms Man at Arms (10)

1 tumble, 1 umd, 2 listen 1 tumble 1 tumble, 2 listen 1 tumble, 1 listen

26 27 28 +1 Str 29 30

Man at Arms Fighter Fighter Fighter Fighter

1 tumble, 1 listen, 1 umd 1 tumble (gain the last +1 AC), 1 listen 1 listen, 1 umd 1 umd, 1 listen 1 listen, 3 umd

HP 430 AB 48 + (+ expose weakness, needed for bosses since it deals a stacking -3 to

opponents AC, for a total of -15 AC) AC 52 (base, crazy high, + UMD to reach 55+ with Mirror Images and Displacement) Damage 1d6 + 22 (without Improved Power Attack) Critical Range and Hits: 15-20 x 2 + 2d6 (1 hit on 4 is a crit for 50+ dmg) Skills 30 tumble for +3 AC, 25+ UMD to cast pretty much anything Best Equipment Possible: +3 Strenght Item +3 Dexterity Item +3 Charisma Item +2 Constitution (see note) Scimitar +4 Tower Shield +4 Fullplate +4 Necklace of Natural Armor +4 Boots of Dodge +4 Deflection Item +4

NOTE (1) on the missing Combat Expertise and Improved Combat Expertise: Since theres UMD (can cast Improved Mage Armor, Spiderskin or Barskskin, Mirror Images, Displacement and so on), Combat Expertise and Improved Combat Expertise arent really needed. To have Combat Expertise and Improved Combat Expertise, can start with 13 Constitution and find a +3 Constitution item (maybe belt). Combat Expertise could be taken at lvl 15, replacing the existant choice. Improved Combat Expertise could be taken at lvl 30, replacing the existant choice (AC is really high yet and you dont want a -6 to the attack bonus). NOTE (2) At lvl 15 theres a feat choice, remember that knockdown can be good against mages.

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