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A Monthly Newsletter

2013 M Street, Belleville, KS

October 2013 issue, Page 1

Emily Meckley, Pastor Cell Number: 785-577-1752 Email: Virginia Smith, Family and Youth Ministry Coordinator Office: Monday and Wednesday 9:00am to 1:00pm email:

Church Phone: 785-527-5608 email address: web page: Church Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8:00am to 1:00pm Closed Friday

Food Bank Hours: Sunday School Monday thru Thursday 9:30am 9:00am to 11:30am Worship Service Closed Friday Sundays at 10:45am

THANK YOU. . . Phil and I would both like to say thank you for your support the last month and a half. We have experienced viruses, colds, regular busyness and especially Phil dealing with a shoulder injury and subsequent surgery to repair a rotator cuff tear. There have been times of fatigue, frustration and not being where you want to be. We both appreciate your being patient with the needs of our family. We appreciate your kind words, sharing your concern, cards, and goodies. You are a wonderful congregation to serve. Pastor Emily, Phil & Sean

DearFriends, Ijustcantwaittoaskthewholecongregationforlotsofmoney!...saidNOpastorEVER! StewardshipandFallalwaysgohandinhand.Nopastorhasfantasiesofaskingfor money.Yetallpastorslovetotalkaboutthemissionofthechurch.Missionisreally whatstewardshipisabout.Yes,wewriteoutchecksbutthatisjustthetechnical business.Missioniswhywearehere.ThechurchofJesusChristinthisworldexists todomissiontotransformtheworld. Weareinthechangebusiness. Godgivesusavisionfortheworldanditisourmissiontomovetheworld towardthatvision. Thisyearaswetalkaboutourmissionandourstewardshipresponsetothat mission,wewillbeusingthesymbolofbreadtofocusourworshipdiscussion. Inourworldandineachofusisadeephunger;ahungerforhope,ahunger forjustice,ahungerforjoytofillouremptysadness,ahungerforbread. Breadisthesymbolofusbeingsatisfied.Jesussaid,Iamthebreadoflife. Whoevercomestomewillneverbehungry. WearefedandnourishedbyGod.Stewardshipisaboutknowingthatinour hearts,inoursouls,andinourminds,andresponding.Godblessesusthatwe canbeablessingtotheworld. Pleaseconsiderhowyouwillchangetheworld.WhatpartofGodsvisionare youlivingsothatyoucanhelpmovetheworldtowardsJesu?Whatactions, whatresources(thatincludesfinancial)areyougivingtoGodandto Godscreation? JoinusinworshipandexperiencethestoriesofGodsmissionbeingcarried outintotheworld. PastorEmily

This is your chance to let Pastor Emily know how BLESSED we are to have her in Belleville serving our church! The whole month of October is dedicated to showering her with our attention and gratitude. Find fun ways to show her you care... surprise her... or be predictable - just do something... think calls, cards, texts, baked goodies, lunch, treats, (diet coke )... get creative and get outside the box (did I mention diet coke?). We often do not see all the behind-the-scenes responsibilities that Pastor Emily accomplishes on our behalf. Please take a moment to convey to her just how much she is appreciated.

Sunday, October 27th at 4:00pm Food provided by the Fellowship Team! Hot Dogs, Chips and Smores . . . Hayrack ride and Pumpkin Carving too! Please bring your very own pumpkin and carving supplies will be provided! The FUN is for everyone so, please, come on out to the home of... Russ & Stacia Piroutek Nick, Hayley & Zack where all the activities happen!

Your generous gifts offered on World Communion Sunday support: *World Communion Scholarships, related to the General Board of Global Ministries, that help students in the United States and internationally. *Ethnic Scholarships and Ethnic In-Service Training programs related to the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.


In our world and in each of us lies a deep hunger: a hunger for hope, a hunger for justice, a hunger for joy to fill our empty sadness, a hunger for bread. We live in a culture with many false offers to appease this hunger, urging us to pursue and clutch. Bread is the great symbol for our basic human need, and Jesus understands this. To our deepest longings Jesus responds, I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry. With just a handful of the ordinary things of life, Jesus changes everything. Stewardship recognizes that life is a cycle where faith leads naturally and urgently to the receiving and sharing of the abundant bread Jesus offers. The bread Jesus gives nurtures us and helps us to grow in faith. The bread Jesus gives helps us to recognize our gifts, make life-giving choices, and build community. The bread Jesus gives challenges us to open our hands to receive and to share the bread of life. In the communion meal Jesus prepares, all are welcome, all are fed, and all are sent back into the world to love and serve. *Stewardship emphasis begins October 13th and concludes in November.

Steve Scofield has graciously accepted the task of financial secretary for our church. Jenny Zenger has served faithfully in this position for many years. She will be working with Steve in the transition time and continue to support our financial ministries. We are grateful for both Jennys and Steve's faithfulness to God's call to financial ministry. Pastor Emily

Tony Kriks has been hospitalized for observation. Margaret Duffey is now home from the hospital. Neva Hermes has moved into Country Place Senior Living, room #12. Harold Mitchell is now a resident of Belleville Health Care Center, room #5. Phil Meckley is recovering from Rotator Cuff surgery. Debra Caneld & Robyn Clements (family of Tom & Joan Grover) continue to need prayers of comfort & healing.


Lets all pitch in together to clean-it-up, shine-it-up, paint-it-up do-it-up, get the idea! After worship, the Mission Team will provide lunch for us (oh yum - chili & chicken noodle soup and D.Q. ice cream), then we will get busy in our church spaces (inside & out) to accomplish some tasks the Board of Trustees will have listed for us. There will be a variety of jobs to do to match your skill level and energy level. . . so dont stay away just cause you think there will be nothing you can do! God can use us all in one way or another-so be prepared to roll up your sleeves and pick-up a paint brush, rake, broom, shovel, clippers, mop, dust rag, etc. - and come with the attitude... Lets Work It Out... TOGETHER!

JustafewSaturdaymorningsago, wehadsixyoungpeoplecometothe churchtomeetwithPastorEmilyand Virginia.Welearnedaboutthechurch year.WelearnedaboutourSanctuary. WelearnedtobeAcolytes! Acolytesserveintheworshipservice. T hosewhoparticipatedwere: MercedesVannortwick TerinRundus FaithSchintler HayleyPiroutek BlakeAurand LasondraAurand Whenyouseetheseyoungpeople servinginourworship,letthemknow theyaredoingagoodjobservingGod. Pastor Emily

When disaster strikes, United Methodists respond withprayers,time,labor,financialhelpandlove. BasicDisasterResponseTeamsprovideassistanceand supporttothoseaffectedbyadisaster.Responders donotperformrebuildingorrepairworkthatmay jeopardizeavictim'seligibilityforfinancialassistance frominsuranceandgovernmentagencies.Responders mustbetrainedandhavereceivedanIDcardfor accesstothedisastertobesentoutbytheConference andDistrictDisasterResponseCoordinators.
Our church is in need of a Disaster relief coordinator... would you be willing to serve in this capacity? If so, please contact Janet Heyka at 785-527-5228 or


Dear Church Family, By now, many of you are aware that I have given my notice of resignation from Concordia First United Methodist Church, with my final day on staff there being Sept. 30th. I want to reassure you that my leaving there was purely personal & due solely to a recognition of my limits. Both churches are thriving, & I have found myself stretched increasingly thinner in order to meet the needs of two wonderfully unique churches. My decision to remain at Belleville FUMC was very difficult, & ultimately came in response to a better fit for my educational & ministerial background in working with young children. Although I am looking forward to spending more Sundays at Belleville FUMC, I will not be assuming a full-time position. I will continue to work part time & intend to pick up several hours a week of substitute teaching in order to provide for myself. I plan to remain living at my apartment in Concordia, for the time being, as I enjoy being so close to downtown, near my friends, etc. While I will not be taking on more hours in Belleville, I am looking forward to seeing you all more consistently during Sunday morning worship & at community events. As always, please feel free to email or make an appointment with me if you have any questions or concerns. Blessings, Virginia Smith, Family & Youth Ministry Coordinator

Classes begin again on Sunday, October 6th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm in the Youth Room! Confirmands: Justice Anderson Lasondra Aurand Nicholas Piroutek Paul Rundus Riley Woodward

Disciple Dudes are having a blast! oys earning nd erving ogether. We are using a construction theme this quarter. Road signs, construction cones, roadways on our rugs, and even special seating thanks to Virginia. So far we have learned about Adam and Eve and the first sin, and Cain and Able and how to control ourselves. There are games and singing going on too. For paying attention and doing their lessons, the boys get to play with construction toys and playdough. This is a big hit! Kim VanNortwick, Teacher

The 3 years old thru Kindergarten have been learning Bible stories from 1 Samuel. They have so far learned abut Hannah, Samuel and Eli. In October, we will learn about David and Goliath. We also make time to learn Sunday School songs. ! ! !

3R D - 6TH GRADES LEARNING fun ways TO LIVE OUT FAITH & deal with issues IN REAL LIFE.

Acti vities will encourage caring for & sharing with others!

Crystal Young, Teacher

The Lesson on Oct. 13th is Bread of Life, which will center around Christ as the Bread of Life. The girls will bake breakfast breads for Caf dEl Soul as a fundraiser for upgrades to the Di va classroom! Stacia Piroutek & Tandy Rundus, Team-Teachers


Circle Meetings

SUSANNAH Tuesday, October 1 6:00 pm Hostess & Lesson: Shirley Tallent Meeting in Fellowship Hall RUTH Saturday, October 5 at 10:00am, Coffee Meeting in the church Overflow! Hostesses: Linda & Crystal Young NAOMI Wednesday, October 23 at 7:30pm Hostess: Neva Lee Co-Hostess: Emma Berggren

Since there is no UMW General Meeting in October, please remember to attend Republic County Church Women on Friday, October 4th at 9:30am. The gathering will be held at Saint Edwards Catholic Church, 1813 Q Street, Belleville. Fred Mikesell will share his experiences in Zambia and Sierra Leone. Please bring an item for the Food Bank: there is plenty of vegetables, but needed are donations of: paper goods, canned soups or milk, crackers, cereal, jello, cake mixes, etc. The offering will go Doodle Bug & Stepping Stones Preschools in Belleville in addition to the Pike Valley Preschool. October 17th is the Red Cross Blood Drive in Belleville. Our local UMW Unit is responsible for providing Sandwiches and Dessert for lunch. We need help from all our ladies to sign-up to bring these food items as well as volunteer to help be workers, full-time or part-time, from Noon to 7:00pm. Please call me at 785-527-0042 if you are willing to step in to help in any way. Circles, its that time...make sure to elect your Ofcers so that info will be included in the 2014 Program Book! Our UMW Ofcers for 2014 will remain the same: *President, Carolyn Rauch *Vice-President, Carol Nicholson *Recording Secretary, Joan Grover *Treasurer, Emma Berggren *Historian, Wilma Snapp *Membership Nurture & Outreach, Kaye Ray At-Large Members October responsibilities include: cleaning both kitchens and sharpening pencils in the Sanctuary. And also, visiting our members in the Care Centers are part of your October obligations. Thanks for all you do!

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in the love lives in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:16 (NIV)

Our unit has been invited to a Mission Study Day to be held on October 2nd from 9:30am to 2:30pm at Harmony UMC in Mankato. Please bring a sack lunch; drinks and dessert will be provided.

Food Distribution
october 16 6:30am

4-H Building




Thisisalargeshipmentso lotsofHELPisneeded!

Virginia is still in need of babysitters to watch our adorable kiddos during Worship Services. You must be Safe Gatherings certied. Please contact her to volunteer at 527-5608 or Page6

Tuesday, October 1 10:00am - BHC Bible Study 3:30pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall 6:00pm - Susannah Circle, Fellowship Hall 6:00pm - Handbell Practice, Overflow 7:00pm - Stewardship, Parlor Wednesday, October 2 9:00am - Bible Study, Parlor 9:30am - Mission Study Day, Harmony UMC, Mankato 10:30am - LTC Bible Study Friday, October 4 9:30am - Republic County Church Women, Catholic Church, Belleville Saturday, October 5 10:00am - Ruth Circle, Overflow Sunday, October 6 9:30am - Sunday School 10:45am - Worship Service, World Communion Sunday 4-H Sunday & Pot Luck 5:00pm - Confirmation Class, Youth Room Monday, October 7 10:30am - Staff Meeting, Parlor 6:00pm - Leadership Team, Overflow Tuesday, October 8 6:00pm - Handbell Practice, Overflow Wednesday, October 9 9:00am - Bible Study, Parlor Thursday, October 10 9:30am - Church Chat, CPSL 6:30pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall Saturday, October 12 Salina District UMW Annual Meeting Sunday, October 13 9:30am - Sunday School 10:45am - Worship Service Stewardship Sunday #1 Noon - Soup Lunch/Lets Work It Out Day 5:00pm - Confirmation Class, Youth Room 7:00pm - YATT, Sanctuary TBA - Bread of Life, Diva Class Monday, October 14 Columbus Day 10:30am - Staff Meeting, Parlor Tuesday, October 15 9:00am - Consultation Group (Pastor), 3:30pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall 6:00pm - Handbell Practice, Overflow

Wednesday, October 16 6:30pm - Food Distribution, 4-H Building 9:00am - Bible Study, Parlor 11:30am - Ministerial Association 8:00pm - Trustees, Overflow Thursday, October 17 Belleville Blood Drive Sunday, October 20 9:30am - Sunday School 10:45am - Worship Stewardship Sunday #2 Pastor Appreciation Sunday 10:00am - Coffee to Honor Pastor Emily 5:00pm - Confirmation Class, Youth Room Monday 21st thru Friday 25th Meals on Wheels Week Monday, October 21 10:30am - Staff Meeting, Parlor 7:30pm - P.E.O., Overflow Tuesday, October 22 6:00pm - Handbell Practice, Overflow Wednesday, October 23 9:00am - Bible Study, Parlor 7:30pm - Naomi Circle Thursday, October 24 6:30pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall Sunday, October 27 9:30am - Sunday School 10:45am - Worship Service Stewardship #3 4:00pm - Fall Fest, Piroutek Home 5:00pm - Confirmation Class, Youth Room 7:00pm - YATT, Sanctuary Monday, October 28 10:30am - Staff Meeting, Parlor Tuesday, October 29 3:30pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall 6:00pm - Handbell Practice, Overflow Wednesday, October 30 9:00am - Bible Study, Parlor 7:30pm - SPPRC, Overflow Thursday, October 31 Reformation Day

2 3 5 6 7 9

Alice Kelley, Richard Romberger Karen Hiatt Susan Arbuthnot, Ray Clark Jaclyn Sheets Sheila White Jackie Myers

10 Marcy Johnson, Frank Krob, Charlene McCartney, Jeff Woodward, Matthew Frydendall 11 Molly Williams, Allen Smith 12 Dalynn Sedlacek 14 Brian & Deb Carlson 15 Steve Scofield, Lois Scott 16 Linda Young, Jeremy Melton 17 Kevin & Kerry Johnson, Davyn VanNortwick 18 Marvin Houdek 19 Phebe Splichal 20 Al Havel, George Morehead, Gwen Walter, Kurt & Kelli Childs 22 Clarence & Alice Kelley, William & Wilma Snapp, Shirley Tallent, Kennedy Anderson 23 Carol Nicholson 24 Gladys McCracken, Maxine Erickson 28 Amy Morehead 29 Marvin & Janis Houdek 31 Neva Lee


First United Methodist Church 2013 M Street Belleville, KS 66935


Our Mission is to prayerfully: SEEK God GROW in faith LOVE and SERVE others For the transformation of lives!

PASTOR Emily Meckley PRAISE TEAM Pam Scofield, Director Sid Scofield John Surber Stacia Piroutek Waylon Sheetz Kevin Johnson Kerry Johnson Molly Williams Susan Childs Molly Hug Jillian Couture (flute) Sean Meckley (violin) ACCOMPANISTS 10/6 - Marge Waring 10/13- Pam Scofield 10/20 - Tana Trost 10/27- Pam Scofield

GREETERS 10/6 - Wilma Dove, Helen Fielder 10/13 - Janet Heyka, Lanie Engle 10/20 - Don & Betty Anderson 10/27 - Steve & Kathy Dunback AV TECHNICIANS Kurt Childs Mikel Hadachek Rich Schintler Annette Bredthauer Bob Arbuthnot MULTI-MEDIA Pam Scofield Kelli Childs Janet Heyka CAF DEL SOUL HOSTESSES 10/6 - Stacia Piroutek 10/13 - Gina Aurand 10/20 - Stephanie Schintler 10/27 - Lori Scofield

USHERS Jay & Lynell Kallman Mike & Lizz Skocny

BUS DRIVER for October Daryl Dove

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