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A landscape for the bowl and a proposal for re-use of the dam and powerhouse

Intentions Recognize the context of Ceresco and the Kalamazoo River Explore ways of re-connecting the community and the riverfront Consider ways to populate the site and powerhouse building with a long term occupant overview


Cues from context History is a key consideration, but were looking beyond buildings and structures Evolution is a part of Cerescos characterthe community is not an artifact The dam is no longer serving its original purpose, but what remains after its removal can be made useful and attractive context: evolution of a riverfront


Ceresco area, excerpt from records of Public Land Survey, 1825.


Ceresco, excerpt from Map of Calhoun County, Michigan. Published by Geil, Harley & Silverd, Philadelphia; compiled by Beychler & Wenig, 1858.


Ceresco, excerpt from Atlas of Calhoun Co. Michigan. Published by F.W. Beers & Co.: New York, 1873.

context: evolution of a riverfront



Ceresco, excerpt from Illustrated Atlas and Directory of Free Holders of Calhoun County Michigan. Published by The Atlas Publishing Company: Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1894.

Bridge over the Kalamazoo River at Ceresco, c. 1910.


Commonwealth Power Co. Dam between Marshall & Battle Creek, Michigan, 1910.

context: evolution of a riverfront

Ceresco dam and powerhouse. Site photographs, 2013.


Ceresco area, aerial photograph. Google Maps, 2013.

context: evolution of a riverfront


Key ideas Consider what the land will become More than restoration, but a landscape drawn from the patterns of river landscape communities Creating a designed place concept: bowl landscape

concept: bowl landscape


concept: bowl landscape

Key ideas The dam area is a series of related riverfront places and experiences
north bank access and overlooks river meadow building renovation

The riverfront is a publicly accessible amenity for Ceresco and the region concept: dam area


North bank access and overlooks

memorial/upper river overlook elevated walkway/overlook at dam remnant

River meadow
river terrace/pavilion portage walk

Building renovation
renovated/reconstructed powerhouse building teaching lawn/river overlooks

concept: dam area

North bank access/overlooks

memorial and overlook lawn upper overlook aggregate path prairie slope riverside lawn elevated walkway lower overlook at dam remnant

concept: north bank access/overlooks


River meadow
river pavilion riverside lawn prairie and wet meadow river access

concept: river meadow

Building renovation
renovated building over former turbine bay new construction on existing foundation teaching lawn and interpretive markers tailrace lawn river access

concept: building renovation


Site and building use

retain elements of the portage improvements and making use of remnants of the dam facilitate access to the river renovation and reconstruction of the existing building sensitivity to historic qualities use of alternative energy strategies

concept: populating the site/building

Site and building occupancy

non-profit entity and mission-driven organization embracing the idea of restoration and a free-flowing Kalamazoo River orientation to environment and education commitment to maintain the site and allow public access to the river occupy and maintain the building and site

concept: populating the site/building


Ideas shared tonight are concepts onlynot definitive plans Without removal of the dam, there is no purpose behind these ideas Refinement of concepts will occur through discussions with the community and a potential building occupant next steps: engaging the community

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