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cido actico Se dispone generalmente en soluciones de agua al 10% en peso.

A esta concentracin los productos de la reaccin son solubles en el cido gastado. El cido actico al 10% cuest a el doble que una solucin al 15% de HCl y disuelve aproximadamente la tercera parte d el Ca CO3. Overflush The overflush is an important part of a successful sandstone acid treatment. It performs the following functions: displacement of the nonreacted mud acid into the formation displacement of the mud acid reaction products away from the wellbore removal of potential oil-wet relative permeability problems caused by some corro sion inhibitors. The overflush fluid must be miscible with the acid in order to displace it. Ther efore, aqueousbase liquids should be considered as the first displacing and flushing fluid. This ma y be followed by other fluid systems depending on the concerns and well conditions. Studies of displacement fronts indicate that the reactivity and fluid character of the overflush have a major influence on the volume required to displace the spent mud acid. Recent experience indicates the advantage of including HCl or acetic acid in the first part of the overflush to maintain a low-pH environment for the displaced spent mud acid stage. The minimum total overflush volume should provide at least 3 ft of radial penetr ation into the formation to move potential problems past the critical matrix where the greatest pressure drop occurs. Damage effects are minimized beyond the critical matrix because of the l ogarithmic relationship between pressure drop and distance from the wellbore. Volumes that are less than twice the mud acid stage volume should be considered inappropriate. Formation permeabi lity anisotropy may require doubling or even tripling this volume, if the reservoir pressure is sufficient to unload the injected fluid. Large overflushes help prevent the near wellbore precipitation of amorphous sili ca. At formation temperatures of 200F [93C] or greater, amorphous silica precipitation occurs while the mud acid is being pumped into the formation. The precipitate is somewhat mobile at first, but it can set up as a gel after flow stops. If this potentially damaging material is k ept moving by the overflush fluid, it will be diluted and moved beyond the critical matrix. Fluid type Hydrochloric (HCl) is the most common acid used in carbonate acidizing due to it s low cost, availability and its soluble reaction products. Organic acids are preferred for high-temperat ure applications because of their low corrosiveness, ease of inhibition and seemingly retarded re

action characteristics. Blends of HCl with either formic or acetic acids have also been used to take advantage of the cost efficiency of HCl and the reduced corrosion provided by th e organic acids. However, in the course of reacting with limestone, HCl will react fast and produ ce large amounts of CO2. The quantity of CO2 will almost completely stop the reactivity of the or ganic acids. The overall result is a lower quantity or concentration of HCl with the additional e xpense of the organic acid. Retarded acids are used to slow down the reaction rate and obtain deeper live ac id penetration. In mass transfer limited reactions, retarding the acid requires slowing down the rate of mass transfer. There are two factors that affect the mass transfer rate of H+ to the rock surface: diffusion coefficient and viscosity. Effective diffusion coefficients (Deff), measured fro m rotating disk experiments, are shown in Table 5-1 Abstract Conventional matrix acidizing in carbonate reservoirs uses hydrochloric acid to remove formation damage and stimulate well performance. Many experimental and theoretical studies in carbonate acidizing have confirmed the existence of an optimal acid injection rate at which major wormholes are formed, and the benefit from stimulation is maximized. This optimal rate depends on reservoir conditions, rock properties and chemical reaction rate. high reservoir temperature, the optimal rate of hydrochloric acid is usually high, and it sometimes is beyond the maximum injection allowed (the rate to id fracturing formation). In this case, weak acids, such as acetic acid, are ernative fluids to stimulate the wells. In our previous study, a theoretical el showed that under the same condition, the optimal injection rate for weak ds is relatively lower than the one for strong acids. This paper presents an experimental study of the wormholing process in carbonate acidizing with acetic acid. Carbonate rock samples were acidized, and the effectiveness of the process and the optimal injection rate were studied by measuring the acid volume needed to propagate wormholes through the cores and by making castings of the wormhole structures after acidizing. The experimental results from this study confirmed that the optimal injection rate of acetic acid is lower than the optimal rate for hydrochloric acid. It also showed from the castings that the radius of wormholes created by acetic acid at the optimal rate is larger than that created by hydrochloric acid at the optimal rate. We then demonstrate how these results can be used to determine the optimal acid system and injection schedule for field application. Introduction The success of conventional matrix acidizing in carbonate reservoirs with hydrochloric acid is often limited due to rapid acid spending at low injection rates to prevent fracturing the formation rock. Previous studies1-4 in carbonate acidizing have demonstrated the existence of an optimal acid injection rate at which major wormholes are formed, and the benefit from stimulation is maximized.

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The injection of hydrochloric acid into carbonate formations at low rates results in compact dissolution, or face dissolution of the carbonate matrix near wellbore, which consumes large volume of acid and stimulates a short distance. These studies have also shown that the acidizing process is most efficient ( defined as the process that will enhance near-wellbore permeability to the greatest depth with the smallest volume of acid) when major wormholes develop. Different fluid systems such as chelating agents5 (EDTA), emulsified acids6 and foamed acids7 have been shown to stimulate carbonate formations at lower injection rates. The dissolution mechanism of chelating agents is different from that of conventional acid. Their surface reaction rates depend on appropriate pH value. The chelating agents, in general, are more expensive than conventional acids. Emulsified acids and foamed acids require appropriate surfactants to maintain their stability. Compatibility with formation fluids is another concern of their application. Materials and techniques for acid reaction-rate control Reducing the reaction rate of acid to achieve increased etched fracture penetration is an important consideration. In low- to moderate-temperature wells, retardation is not critical. However, in applications greater than about 250F [120C] retardation can be critical to the success of the treatment (Nierode and Kruk, 1973). One of the most common methods of extending live acid penetration involves the injection of a viscous nonreactive pad preceding the acid. The pad reduces the acid reaction rate by increasing the fracture width and by cooling the fracture surfaces. Weak organic acids (acetic or formic acid) are used as retarded acids. These weakly ionized acids react at a much slower rate than HCl, even at very high temperatures. Additives, such as retarders, reduce the reaction rate by forming a protective hydrophobic film on carbonate surfaces that acts as a barrier to slow acid attack or by blanketing carbonate surfaces with a thin layer of carbon dioxide foam. Oil-outside emulsions are the most effective retarders because the external oil phase physically separates the acid from the reactive carbonate surface. Gelled acids are usually considered retarded. However, the amount of retardation provided by the increased acid viscosity is generally small and can actually accelerate the acid reaction rate under flowing conditions, as shown by examining the data presented by Gdanski and Norman (1986) and Crowe et al. (1990).

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