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Margaret P.

Abella Society and Culture

Sir. Carlos Borja Jr. MWF: 7:00-8:00am

1. ________ is any behavior that the members of a social group define as violating the established social norms. A. Deviance C. Ritualists B. Innovators D. Retreatists 2. These are those accept the culturally approved but disregard the institutional means to achieve them. A. Deviance C. Ritualists B. Innovators D. Retreatists 3. These are those who give up the cultural goals but follow the prescribed norms. A. Deviance C. Ritualists B. Innovators D. Retreatists 4. These are those who abandon both the cultural goals and the prescribed means to achieve them. A. Deviance C. Ritualists B. Innovators D. Retreatists 5. These are those who reject both the societal goals and the prescribed means to achieve them but try to set up new norms or goals. A. Sanctions C. Formal Sanctions B. Informal Sanctions D. Rebels 6. These refer to systems of reward and punishment in order to ensure that norms are followed and expectations met. A. Sanctions C. Formal Sanctions B. Informal Sanctions D. Rebels 7. These are used for violations of formalized norms in organizations or associations and carried out by people with legal and moral authority to enforce them. A. Sanctions C. Formal Sanctions B. Informal Sanctions D. Rebels 8. These are gossip, unfavorable and favorable public opinion, giving or withdrawing of affection, love or friendship; verbal admiration or criticism, reprimands or verbal commendations. A. Sanctions C. Formal Sanctions B. Informal Sanctions D. Rebels 9. In the forms of promises of salvation or a future state of euphoria, penance, withholding of religious services at death, or excommunication. A. Church or religious sanctions C. Collective Behavior B. Clubs and civic organizations sanctions D. Ignorant Mass Theory 10. In the forms of awards and citations for achievement and meritorious service, or fines, temporary suspension of membership, or expulsion from the organization. A. Church or religious sanctions C. Collective Behavior B. Clubs and civic organizations sanctions D. Ignorant Mass Theory

Margaret P. Abella Society and Culture

Sir. Carlos Borja Jr. MWF: 7:00-8:00am

11. This refers to relatively nonroutine actions that engage large, often anonymous, groups of people. A. Church or religious sanctions C. Collective Behavior B. Clubs and civic organizations sanctions D. Ignorant Mass Theory 12. The belief that collective behavior is the result of uneducated, thoughtless, and impulsive behavior. A. Church or religious sanctions C. Collective Behavior B. Clubs and civic organizations sanctions D. Ignorant Mass Theory 13. This theory presents an opposite view of the Ignorant Mass Theory. A. Emergent Norm Perspective C. Convergence Perpective B. Value-Added Approach D. Rational Decision Making Approach 14. This holds that collective behavior is not characterized by unanimity but by differences in expressions and emotions. A. Emergent Norm Perspective C. Convergence Perpective B. Value-Added Approach D. Rational Decision Making Approach 15. This approach holds the participants in a collective behavior are motivated by common forces within them, such as similarity or commonality of aspirations. A. Emergent Norm Perspective C. Convergence Perpective B. Value-Added Approach D. Rational Decision Making Approach 16. According to Smelser(1982), there exist certain conditions which may bring about collective behavior. A. Emergent Norm Perspective C. Convergence Perpective B. Value-Added Approach D. Rational Decision Making Approach 17. Social conditions must favor collective action. A. Structural conduciveness C. Generalized belief B. Social and structural strains D. Precipitating events 18. Social strain can spring from a sudden distruption of the existing social order, from long-term social change, values between different segments of the society. A. Structural conduciveness C. Generalized belief B. Social and structural strains D. Precipitating events 19. The participants develop vague perceptions of the event or situation, thereby making it more difficult to define and analyze. A. Structural conduciveness C. Generalized belief B. Social and structural strains D. Precipitating events 20. This refers to a dramatic episode that happens to confirm peoples generalized belief. A. Structural conduciveness C. Generalized belief B. Social and structural strains D. Precipitating events

Margaret P. Abella Society and Culture Answer: 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. D 14. A 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. D

Sir. Carlos Borja Jr. MWF: 7:00-8:00am

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