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INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES Performance Evaluation Tool SKILLS (NCM 106) NAME : BSN : __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Date:_____________________ Score:____________________

Foreign Body Airway Obstruction Management Infant

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6 7 8 9

PROCEDURE Check for the area safety (CI: Scene is safe) Ask the mother if the infant is choking Student: Is the baby choking? (CI will confirm that the baby is choking) Student will introduce himself Student: I am (state name), I can help! Check the baby for breathing (CI will confirm that the baby has difficulty of breathing due to airway obstruction) Infant is placed on prone position and the student will assume proper position, support the infant using the knee or lap While on prone, give 5 back slaps then transfer to another arm, assume proper position and give 5 chest thrust using 2-finger method Repeat procedure 5 and 6 for not more than 2 minutes, until the obstruction dislodges Check and swipe for the babys mouth for the foreign object If the baby is already stable, place him in recovery position, and call the physician/EMS


Students conforme:


________________________________________ Instructor

Mrs. Henrietta DG. Torralba, RN, MAN Chair, Clinical Instruction

INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES Performance Evaluation Tool SKILLS (NCM 106) NAME : BSN : __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Date:_____________________ Score:____________________

Foreign Body Airway Obstruction Management Adult/Child

1 2 3 4 5 6


11 12

PROCEDURE Check for the area safety (CI: Scene is safe) Ask if he/she is choking Student: Is the baby choking? The victim nods to confirm that he is choking Student will introduce himself Student: I am (state name), I can help! Quickly assess the patient for breathing (CI will confirm that the baby has difficulty of breathing due to airway obstruction) Assume straddle position behind the patient Properly position balled fist on the patient and properly perform abdominal thrust. Repeat procedure 6 for not more than 2 minutes, until the obstruction dislodges (CI will determine whether the obstruction has dislodged or the patient loss his consciousness) If patient loss his consciousness, carefully lay down the patient and activate EMS Student: activate EMS/call the physician Check oral cavity for presence of obstruction. If foreign body is visible perform finger sweep, if not visible properly administer first two Rescue Breaths If air bounce back, re-position patients head and properly administer second Rescue Breath (CI will confirm that the patient is still unconscious and the air still bounces back due to obstruction) If still unconscious, perform CPR and apply AED if available. Complete the cycle until the EMS arrives, if patient becomes conscious, properly place patient in recovery position.


Students conforme:


________________________________________ Instructor

Mrs. Henrietta DG. Torralba, RN, MAN Chair, Clinical Instruction

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