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Parish Office: 5562 223 1 Fax: 5562 223 0 E-mail: Diocesan website: PARISH STAFF: Fr John Fitzgerald (Parish Priest) Barry Wolff (Business Manager) Leanne McElgunn (Secretary) Brian Shanahan (Gardening/Maintenance) Michael Gray (St Josephs School) Peter Morgan (Emmanuel College) 6.30pm (Vigil); 8.30am - 10.30am - 6.00pm Purnim: 11.00am (Eucharist on 2nd and 4th Sundays) (Assembly of Word with Communion on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays)

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today is Social Justice Sunday. The Australian Catholic Bishops have published a Justice Statement titled: Lazarus At Our Gate: A Critical Moment in the Fight Against World Poverty. The Statement urges all Australians to focus on our obligation to help the worlds poorest and to work to combat poverty wherever it is found. Let us Pray God of all creation Give us clear eyes to see the whole world So that we may never take for granted the gifts you have given Or think they belong to us alone. Give us open hearts to reach out from our comfort and open our gates To walk in new solidarity with our neighbours For en electronic version see or leave your name on the list provided in the Gathering Space if you would like a copy. National Econference: Wednesday 16th October. Theme: Gospel of St John - The Love of God Made Visible. Keynote Speakers: Fr Francis Moloney sdb & Dr Dorothy Lee. Contact Parish Office if interested. St Lukes Day Ecumenical Service: To pray for the medical/caring progessionals in hospitals & nursing homes. October 18th, Warrnambool Uniting Church at 11.00am Organ & Choral Recital: Dominic Perissonotto, well known Pipe Organist from St Patricks Basilica in Fremantle W.A., will be playing at Thomson Memorial Presbyterian Church in Terang on Friday 11th October at 7.30pm. Tickets available from Parish Office. See Gathering Space for more information. All welcome Cancer Council WBool Unit: Fashion Parade, Sunday 6th October 2.00pm at Hammond Fellowship Centre, Henna St. Tickets $15. Bookings 5562 5446 Wangoom Craft Group: Meet 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at Wangoom Hall from 1.00 to 4.00pm. All proceeds to Peters Project. Enquiries 0467 053 915 Inter-Church Dinner & Dance: October 12th Enquiries Gayle (0418 316 547) Powerpoint presentation: Another week of the Camino Ignaciano Time for a smile: Paddy says to Mick I found this pen, is it yours? Mick replies Dont know, give it here. He tries it and says, Yes it is. Paddy asks How do you know? Mick replies, Thats my handwriting.

Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9.00am - 12.30pm; 1.30pm - 4.00pm SCHOOL PRINCIPALS: WEEK-END LITURGIES:

WEEK-DAY LITURGIES: Monday: 1.00pm (Requiem Mass Doreen ODonnell RIP) Wednesday: 10.00am (Assembly of Word with Communion) Friday: 10.00am (Assembly of Word with Communion)

Deaths: Angela Watt, Doreen ODonnell, Jim Fitzgerald Anniversaries: We remember in Prayer: Edward Connelly (Adelaide), Ivan Ramirez, Harriet Conheady, Bert Mugavin (Purnim), Pte Graham Warburton (KIA), Joe Morgan Welcome: This weekend we welcome Fr Mark OBrien OP, who is here to celebrate Mass with us while Fr John is on his pilgrimage. Bereavement Support Group: Monday October 7th at 4.30pm (Gathering Space) Baptism Preparation: Next Meeting is October 9th at 7.30pm Communion to the Sick: If you have a family member or a friend who would like to receive Communion when they are in South West Healthcare please contact Parish Office (5562 2231) Marriage Encounter Reunion: Mass will be held at OLHC Wednesday 9th October, 10.30am to be celebrated by Fr Terry Herbert MSC. Cuppa to follow, please bring a plate to share. Enquiries Lenore 5561 4968 Collections: Presbytery: $1,092.00 Parish: $1,315.90 Thank you for your support Counters: This week: Team 4: Gerald Shanley (5562 5992) Next week: Team 5: Peter Stacey (5562 1469)

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