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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

Course Plan Semester: VII Course Title: Power Electronics Total Contact Hours: 52 hrs SEE Marks: 100 Lesson Plan Author: Swetha K T Checked By: D J Ravi Prerequisites Basic electronics, Electronic circuits. Year: 2011-12 Course Code: 06EC73 Duration of SEE: 3 hrs IA Marks:25 Date: Date:

Course Learning Objectives-CLO At the end of the course student will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Study the types of power devices. Know the characteristics of thyristors. Understand the operation of rectifiers. Analyze the types of commutation. Understand the principle of operation of AC voltage controllers. Define choppers and inverters and know its applications.

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

Course Content Course Code: 06EC73 Course Title: Power Electronics Teaching Hours: 52 L-T- P: 4-0-0 IA: 25 SEE: 100

Unit 1: Introduction: Introduction, Applications of power electronics, power semiconductor devices, control characteristics, types of power electronics circuits, peripheral effects. Unit 2: Power Transistor: Power BJTs, switching characteristics, switching limits, base derive control, power MOSFETs, switching characteristics, gate drives, IGBTs, isolation of gate and base drives. Unit 3: Introduction to Thyristors: Principle of operation states, anode-cathode characteristics, two transistor model, turn on methods, dynamic turn on and turn off characteristics, gate characteristics, gate trigger circuits, di/dt and dv/dt protection, thyristor firing circuits Unit 4: Controlled Rectifiers: Introduction, principles of phase controlled converter operation, 1 fully controlled converters, dual converters, 1 semi converters(all converters with R and RL load) Unit 5: Commutation: Thyristor turn off methods, natural and forced commutation, self commutation, class A and class B types, complementary commutation, auxiliary commutation, external pulse commutation, AC line commutation, numerical problems

5 hours

6 hours

7 hours

6 hours

7 hours

Unit 6: AC Voltage Controllers: Introduction, principles of on and off control, principles of phase control, single 7 hours phase controllers with resistive loads and inductive loads, numerical problems Unit 7: DC Choppers: Introduction, principles of step down and step up choppers, step down chopper with 7 hours RL loads, chopper classification, Analysis of impulse commutated thyristor chopper. Unit 8: Invertors: Introduction, principles of operation, performance parameters, 1 bridge inverter, voltage control of 1 invertors, current source invertors, variable DC link 7 hours inverter.

Text Books 1. Power Electronics, M.H.Rashid 3rd edition, PHI/Pearson publisher 2004. 2. Power Electroncis , M.D.Singh and Kanchandani K.B.TMH Publisher, 2nd Ed. 2007.

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

References 1. Thyristorized Power Controllers,G.K.Dubey S. R>Doradla, A.Joshi and Rmk Sinha New age international(P) ltd reprint 1999. 2. Power Electronics, Cynil W. Lander 3rd edition, MGH 2003. Evaluation Scheme IA Scheme Assessment TEST 1 TEST 2 TEST 3 Final IA Marks 25 25 25 Average of Best Two

Course Unitization for Minor Exams and Semester End Examination Units 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Introduction Power Transistor Introduction to Thyristors Controlled Rectifiers Commutation AC Voltage Controllers DC Choppers Invertors Teachi ng Hours 05 06 07 06 07 07 07 07 Answer any two questions Note Answer any two questions No of questions Test I 0.75 1.75 0.5 ----Test II ---1.5 1.5 --1 1 1 Answer any two questions Test III No. of Questions in SEE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Answer any five full questions

Each Question carries 20 marks and may consist of sub-questions. Mixing of sub-questions from different chapters within a unit is allowed in Test I, II, III and SEE. Answer 5 full questions of 20 marks each (two full questions from Part A and three full questions from Part B or Vice Versa) out of 8 in SEE


Head of Department

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

Chapter wise Plan Unit-1 Course Code and Title: 06EC73, Power Electronics Chapter Number and Title: 1. Introduction Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter student should be able to: 1. Identify the types of semiconductor devices.(L1,L2) 2. Know the applications of power electronic circuits.(L3,L4) 3. Analyze the peripheral effects.(L5) Lesson Schedule: Class No. Portion covered per hour 1. Introduction to power electronics. 2. Types of power semiconductor devices. 3. Control characteristics of power devices. 4. Types of power electronic circuits. 5. Peripheral effects. Review Questions: 1. What is a power converter? List the different types of power converters and mention their conversion functions. 2. What are the peripheral effects of power electronic circuits? What are the remedies for them? 3. Write the VI characteristics of SCR, TRIAC, GTO and DIAC. 4. Write the control characteristics of BJT, MOSFET, IGBT, SCR, and TRIAC. Planned Hours: 5 hrs

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

Chapter wise Plan Unit-2 Course Code and Title: 06EC73, Power Electronics Chapter Number and Title: 2.Power Transistor Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Understand the operation of BJT(L1,L2,L3) Know the operation of MOSFET(L4,L5) Know the characteristics of IGBT(L6) Understand the importance of isolation (L6). Planned Hours: 6 hrs

Lesson Schedule: Class No. Portion covered per hour 1. Power BJTs. 2. Switching characteristics 3. Switching limits, base derive control 4. Power MOSFETs 5. Switching characteristics, Gate drive 6. IGBTs , Isolation of gate and base drives

Review Questions: 1. With model and waveforms, explain how the internal capacitances of the transistor influence the switching characteristics of the transistor. 2. Explain the anti saturation control technique used to improve the switching speed of a power BJT. 3. What is the need of a base drive control in a power transistor? Explain proportional and anti saturation control. 4. With the necessary sketches, explain the switching characteristics of an IGBT. 5. Draw the switching model and switching waveforms of a power MOSFET. Define different switching times. 6. Compare BJT, MOSFET and SCR with reference to power switching applications.

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

Chapter wise Plan Unit-3 Course Code and Title: 06EC73, Power Electronics Chapter Number and Title: 3. Introduction to Thyristors Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter student should be able to: 1. Study the characteristics of SCR.(L1) 2. Know the working of transistor model (L2) 3. Understand different methods to turn on and turn off SCR. (L3,L4) 4. Study the effect of series and parallel operation of Thyristors. (L5) 5. Know the different types of firing circuits.(L6,L7) Lesson Schedule: Class No. Portion covered per hour 1. Characteristics of a thyristor. 2. Two transistor model of a thyristor. 3. Turn on methods. switching characteristics during turn on and turn off 4. Thyristor protection. Design of snubber circuit. 5. Series and parallel operation of thyristors. 6. Firing circuits. 7. UJT triggering circuit. Planned Hours: 7 hrs

Review Questions: 1. Sketch the V-I characteristics of an SCR and then explain reverse blocking mode, forward blocking mode and forward conduction mode 2. Define i) latching current ii) holding current iii) break over voltage. 3. Using two transistor models, explain the turn on mechanism of a SCR. Derive an expression for anode current in terms of transistor parameters. 4. Explain the various methods to turn on SCR and mention the advantages of gate triggering. 5. What is the need for protection of Thyristors. Explain how thyristors are protected against high di/dt and high dv/dt. 6. A string of series connected thyristors is to with stand a dc voltage of 16KV. The maximum leakage current and recovery charge differences of the thyristors are 10mA and 100microC respectively. The derating factor for steady state and transient voltage sharings are 20%. For a maximum steady state voltage sharing of 1KV. Determine i) The steady state voltage sharing resistance R for each thyristor and ii) The transient voltage capacitance C1 for each thyristor.

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

7. A SCR circuit has the following data: supply voltage=200V, dv/dt rating =100V/microsec, di/dt=50A/microcsec. Calculate the snubber circuit elements using approximate expressions. 8. With a circuit diagram and waveforms explain RC triggering circuit (half wave and full wave). 9. With a circuit diagram and waveforms explain R triggering circuit. 10. With a circuit diagram and waveforms explain UJT triggering circuit.

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

Chapter wise Plan Unit-4 Course Code and Title: 06EC73, Power Electronics Chapter Number and Title: 4. Controlled Rectifiers Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter student should be able to: 1. Differentiate between half wave and full wave.(L1) 2. Know the effects of R load and RL load.(L2,L3,L4,L5) 3. Know the application of half wave and Full wave rectifier.(L1) Lesson Schedule: Class No. Portion covered per hour 1. Introduction. Half wave controlled rectifier with R and RL load. 2. Half wave controlled rectifier with freewheeling diode, HWCR with EMF load 3. 1 phase semi converter with R and RL load. 4. 1 phase semi converter with RL load (highly inductive) 5. Fully controlled bridge rectifier with R load and RL load. 6. Problems Review Questions: 1. Explain the operation of 1 phase half wave controlled rectifier with R load. Derive the expressions for rms output voltage and average output voltage. 2. Explain the operation of 1 phase half wave controlled rectifier with RL load. Derive the expressions for rms output voltage and average output voltage. 3. Explain the operation of 1 phase half wave controlled rectifier with freewheeling diode. Derive the expressions for rms output voltage and average output voltage. 4. Explain the operation of 1 phase half wave controlled rectifier with EMF load. Derive the expressions for rms output voltage and average output voltage. 5. Explain the operation of 1 phase fully controlled rectifier with RL load(highly inductive). 6. Explain the operation of 1 phase semi controlled rectifier with R load. 7. Explain the operation of 1 phase semi controlled rectifier with RL load (continuous and discontinuous). 8. Explain the operation of 1 phase semi controlled rectifier with RL load (highly inductive). Derive the expression for supply current. 9. Explain the operation of 1 phase fully controlled rectifier with R load. Derive the expressions for rms output voltage and average output voltage. 10. For the 1 phase full converter with highly inductive load derive the expressions for rms value of supply current, rms value of supply current, fundamental component of supply current, displacement factor, supply power factor and harmonic factor. 11. What are the advantages of freewheeling diode? 12. With necessary waveforms, explain the operation of a 1phase full wave controller with inductive load. Derive expressions for rms output voltage and rms output current.\ Planned Hours: 5 hrs

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

13. A 1 phase full wave ac voltage controller supplies a resistive load of R=10 from an input voltage Vs=200V, 60Hz. The delay angles of the thyristors are equal, =pie/2. determine i) the rms output voltage ii) the input P.F iii) average current of thyristors iv) rms current of thyristors. 14. Draw the circuit diagram of a single phase dual converter with RL load. Sketch the waveforms of input voltage, output voltage of converter 1, output voltage of converter 2 and voltage across the circulating inductor. Assume alpa=60. Mention any two advantages of circulating mode of operation of dual converters. 15. A 1 phase rectifier for 10KW rating is required. Thyristor of current rating 50 A are to be used. Find the rated voltage of thyristor using a safety factor of 2, if the rectifier is i)full wave using centre tapped transformer ii)full wave bridge rectifier. Assume RL load.

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

Chapter wise Plan Unit-5 Course Code and Title: 06EC73, Power Electronics Chapter Number and Title: 5.Commutation Planned Hours: 7 hrs

Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter student should be able to: 1. Define Commutation.(L1) 2. Differentiate between natural and forced commutation. (L1) 3. Know the different types of commutation.(L2 to L7) 4. Understand where to use the different types of commutation.(L2 to L7) Lesson Schedule: Class No. Portion covered per hour 1. Introduction. Natural commutation. 2. Self commutation. 3. Impulse commutation. 4. resonant pulse commutation 5. Complementary commutation. 6. External pulse commutation and line side commutation. 7. Line side commutation. Review Questions: 1. What do you mean by commutation? What are the conditions to be satisfied for commutation of a thyristor? 2. With the help of a neat circuit diagram and relevant waveforms explain the operation of a complementary commutation circuit. 3. The resonant pulse commutation circuit has a capacitance C=30microF and L=4microH. The initial capacitor voltage is Vo=200V. Determine the circuit turn off time for the load current Im=250A. 4. With the help of a circuit diagram and waveforms explain the operation of resonant pulse commutation. 5. What is forced commutation? Discuss the following forced commutation techniques. i) self commutation ii) Impulse commutation. 6. With the help of a circuit diagram and waveforms explain the operation of external pulse commutation. 7. For the complementary circuit shown in fig. calculate the values of C to provide circuit turn off time of 20 micro sec.

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

8. In fig the initial capacitor voltage Vo=500V, capacitance C=25microF and inductance L=10micro H. determine the peak value of resonant current and the conduction time of thyristor T1. derive the expressions used

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

Chapter wise Plan Unit-6 Course Code and Title: 06EC73, Power Electronics Chapter Number and Title: 6. AC Voltage Controller Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter student should be able to: 1. Know the working of on-off control.(L1) 2. Know the working of phase control. (L2) 3. Understand the working of different types of phase controller (L4). 4. Know the effect of R load and RL load. (L3, L5, L6) Lesson Schedule: Class No. Portion covered per hour 1. Principle of on-off control. 2. Principle of phase control. 3. 1 phase controller with R load. 4. 1 phase controller with common cathode. 5. 1 phase controller with inductive load(discontinuous mode) 6. 1 phase controller with inductive load(continuous mode and highly inductive load) 7. Problems. Review Questions: 1. Explain with a circuit diagram and waveforms the working of a single phase AC voltage controller connected to resistive load. Derive the relationship between rms output voltage and rms input voltage. 2. Explain why short duration gate pulses are not suitable for bidirectional ac voltage controllers with inductive load. 3. A 1 phase full wave a.c voltage controller shown in fig has a resistive load of 5 ohm with input voltage of 120V, 50Hz. The delay angles 1=2 =2 /3. determine i) rms output voltage ii) average current through the thyristors iii) rms current through the Thyristors iv) input P.F Planned Hours: 7 hrs

july 2006 4. Differentiate between ON OFF control and phase control

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

Chapter wise Plan Unit-7 Course Code and Title: 06EC73, Power Electronics Chapter Number and Title:7.DC Choppers Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter student should be able to: 1. Define chopper and know the types of choppers (L1) 2. Study the effect of different types of load. (L2, L3) 3. Know the working of Impulse commutated chopper. (L5) 4. Classify the choppers. (L6) 5. Know the applications of choppers. (L7) Lesson Schedule: Class No. Portion covered per hour 1. Definition. Principle of step down chopper with R load. 2. Step down chopper with RL load continuous. 3. Step down chopper with RL load discontinuous. 4. Principle of step up chopper. 5. Impulse commutated chopper. 6. Chopper classification 7. problems on the above topics Review Questions: 1. With the help of a neat circuit diagram explain the principle of working of a step down chopper. 2. In a step down chopper the source voltage is 220V dc. The load circuit parameters are R=10 and L=5mH. If the chopper is operating at a frequency of 200Hz and the On/OFF ratio of the chopper is 2:1 calculate i) The average load current. ii) The maximum and minimum values of instantaneous load current under steady state conditions. 3. Explain how the principle of step up chopper can be used to transfer energy from a low voltage dc source to a high voltage dc source. 4. With the help of necessary equivalent circuits and waveforms, explain the operation of an impulse commutated chopper. 5. Obtain an expression for the output voltage for a step up chopper. Explain how duty cycle is controlled. 6. A dc chopper has an input voltage of 200V and a load of 8 ohm resistance. The voltage drop across thyristor is 2V and the chopper frequency is 800Hz. The duty cycle is 0.4. find i) Average output voltage. ii) Rms output voltage iii) Chopper efficiency. 7. Explain how DC choppers are classified with reference to load voltage and load current.
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Planned Hours: 7 hrs

Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

Chapter wise Plan Unit-8 Course Code and Title: 06EC73, Power Electronics Chapter Number and Title: 8. Inverter Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter student should be able to: 1. Define Inverter.(L1,L2,L3) 2. Know the classification of Inverters.(L4,L5,L6) 3. Know the applications of inverters.(L7) Lesson Schedule: Class No. Portion covered per hour 1. Principle of half bridge inverter. 2. Performance parameters. 3. Single phase bridge inverter. 4. Voltage control of single phase inverters. 5. Current source inverters. 6. Variable DC link inverter. 7. Problems on the above topic. Review Questions: 1. With circuit diagram of a half bridge transistor inverter, explain the operation. Sketch waveforms of output voltage and current in devices, for a resistive load. Derive an expression for output r.m.s voltage. If your circuit uses additional diodes, what is their function? 2. Explain single phase bridge inverter with relevant circuit diagram and waveforms. Assume an R-L load. 3. Obtain Fourier series for the output voltage waveform of half bridge inverter. Determine the rms value of the fundamental component of output voltage. 4. The single phase full bridge inverter has a resistive load of R=2.4 ohms and the DC input voltage is Vs=48 volts. Determine i) Rms output voltage at the fundamental frequency. ii) The output power. iii) The peak and average currents of each transistor. 5. Derive the following for the single phase bridge inverter having square wave output: i) RMS value of output ii) Fourier series for output voltage iii) RMS value of fundamental component of voltage. 6. Explain the output voltage of inverter by pulse width modulation. 7. What is PWM? What are the various PWM techniques? How do they differ from each other? Planned Hours: 7 hrs

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

8. Considering a single phase bridge inverter, explain the phase displacement method of output voltage control. If the d.c input voltage is 200 volts and the required r.m.s fundamental output voltage is 90 volts, determine the delay angle beta. 9. Write a short note on current source inverter. 10. What are the differences between VSI and CSI? Explain the working of 1 phase capacitor commutated CSI with R load. 11. Draw the circuit of a single phase, current source inverter employing power switching transistors. Sketch the gating waveforms and the load current waveform. Explain the operation of the circuit.

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

Question Bank
1. What is a power converter? List the different types of power converters and mention their conversion functions. 2. What are the peripheral effects of power electronic circuits? What are the remedies for them? 3. Write the VI characteristics of SCR, TRIAC, GTO and DIAC. 4. Write the control characteristics of BJT, MOSFET, IGBT, SCR, TRIAC. 5. With model and waveforms, explain how the internal capacitances of the transistor influence the switching characteristics of the transistor. 6. Explain the anti saturation control technique used to improve the switching speed of a power BJT. 7. What is the need of a base drive control in a power transistor? Explain proportional and anti saturation control. 8. With the necessary sketches, explain the switching characteristics of an IGBT. 9. Draw the switching model and switching waveforms of a power MOSFET. Define different switching times. 10. Compare BJT, MOSFET and SCR with reference to power switching applications. 11. Sketch the V-I characteristics of an SCR and then explain reverse blocking mode, forward blocking mode and forward conduction mode 12. Define i) latching current ii) holding current iii) break over voltage. 13. Using two transistor models, explain the turn on mechanism of a SCR. Derive an expression for anode current in terms of transistor parameters. 14. Explain the various methods to turn on SCR and mention the advantages of gate triggering. 15. What is the need for protection of Thyristors. Explain how thyristors are protected against high di/dt and high dv/dt. 16. A string of series connected thyristors is to with stand a dc voltage of 16KV. The maximum leakage current and recovery charge differences of the thyristors are 10mA and 100microC respectively. The derating factor for steady state and transient voltage sharings are 20%. For a maximum steady state voltage sharing of 1KV. Determine i) The steady state voltage sharing resistance R for each thyristor and ii) The transient voltage capacitance C1 for each thyristor. 17. A SCR circuit has the following data: supply voltage=200V, dv/dt rating =100V/microsec, di/dt=50A/microcsec. Calculate the snubber circuit elements using approximate expressions. 18. With a circuit diagram and waveforms explain RC triggering circuit (half wave and full wave). 19. With a circuit diagram and waveforms explain R triggering circuit. 20. With a circuit diagram and waveforms explain UJT triggering circuit. 21. Explain the operation of 1 phase half wave controlled rectifier with R load. Derive the expressions for rms output voltage and average output voltage.

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

22. Explain the operation of 1 phase half wave controlled rectifier with RL load. Derive the expressions for rms output voltage and average output voltage. 23. Explain the operation of 1 phase half wave controlled rectifier with freewheeling diode. Derive the expressions for rms output voltage and average output voltage. 24. Explain the operation of 1 phase half wave controlled rectifier with EMF load. Derive the expressions for rms output voltage and average output voltage. 25. Explain the operation of 1 phase fully controlled rectifier with RL load(highly inductive). 26. Explain the operation of 1 phase semi controlled rectifier with R load. 27. Explain the operation of 1 phase semi controlled rectifier with RL load (continuous and discontinuous). 28. Explain the operation of 1 phase semi controlled rectifier with RL load (highly inductive). Derive the expression for supply current. 29. Explain the operation of 1 phase fully controlled rectifier with R load. Derive the expressions for rms output voltage and average output voltage. 30. For the 1 phase full converter with highly inductive load derive the expressions for rms value of supply current, rms value of supply current, fundamental component of supply current, displacement factor, supply power factor and harmonic factor. 31. What are the advantages of freewheeling diode? 32. With necessary waveforms, explain the operation of a 1phase full wave controller with inductive load. Derive expressions for rms output voltage and rms output current.\ 33. A 1 phase full wave ac voltage controller supplies a resistive load of R=10 from an input voltage Vs=200V, 60Hz. The delay angles of the thyristors are equal, =pie/2. determine i) the rms output voltage ii) the input P.F iii) average current of thyristors iv) rms current of thyristors. 34. Draw the circuit diagram of a single phase dual converter with RL load. Sketch the waveforms of input voltage, output voltage of converter 1, output voltage of converter 2 and voltage across the circulating inductor. Assume alpa=60. Mention any two advantages of circulating mode of operation of dual converters. 35. A 1 phase rectifier for 10KW rating is required. Thyristor of current rating 50 A are to be used. Find the rated voltage of thyristor using a safety factor of 2, if the rectifier is i)full wave using centre tapped transformer ii)full wave bridge rectifier. Assume RL load. 36. What do you mean by commutation? What are the conditions to be satisfied for commutation of a thyristor? 37. With the help of a neat circuit diagram and relevant waveforms explain the operation of a complementary commutation circuit. 38. The resonant pulse commutation circuit has a capacitance C=30microF and L=4microH. The initial capacitor voltage is Vo=200V. Determine the circuit turn off time for the load current Im=250A. 39. With the help of a circuit diagram and waveforms explain the operation of resonant pulse commutation. 40. What is forced commutation? Discuss the following forced commutation techniques. i)self commutation ii)Impulse commutation. 41. With the help of a circuit diagram and waveforms explain the operation of external pulse commutation.

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

42. For the complementary circuit shown in fig. calculate the values of C to provide circuit turn off time of 20 micro sec.

july 2006 43. In fig the initial capacitor voltage Vo=500V, capacitance C=25microF and inductance L=10micro H. determine the peak value of resonant current and the conduction time of thyristor T1. derive the expressions used

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44. Explain with a circuit diagram and waveforms the working of a single phase AC voltage controller connected to resistive load. Derive the relationship between rms output voltage and rms input voltage. 45. Explain why short duration gate pulses are not suitable for bidirectional ac voltage controllers with inductive load. 46. A 1 phase full wave a.c voltage controller shown in fig has a resistive load of 5 ohm with input voltage of 120V, 50Hz. The delay angles 1=2 =2 /3. determine v) rms output voltage vi) average current through the thyristors vii) rms current through the Thyristors viii) input P.F

july 2006 47. Differentiate between ON OFF control and phase control.

48. With the help of a neat circuit diagram explain the principle of working of a step down chopper. 49. In a step down chopper the source voltage is 220V dc. The load circuit parameters are R=10 and L=5mH. If the chopper is operating at a frequency of 200Hz and the On/OFF ratio of the chopper is 2:1 calculate

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The average load current. The maximum and minimum values of instantaneous load current under steady state conditions. 50. Explain how the principle of step up chopper can be used to transfer energy from a low voltage dc source to a high voltage dc source. 51. With the help of necessary equivalent circuits and waveforms, explain the operation of an impulse commutated chopper. 52. Obtain an expression for the output voltage for a step up chopper. Explain how duty cycle is controlled. 53. A dc chopper has an input voltage of 200V and a load of 8 ohm resistance. The voltage drop across thyristor is 2V and the chopper frequency is 800Hz. The duty cycle is 0.4. Find i)Average output voltage. ii)Rms output voltage iii)Chopper efficiency. 54. Explain how DC choppers are classified with reference to load voltage and load current 55. With circuit diagram of a half bridge transistor inverter, explain the operation. Sketch waveforms of output voltage and current in devices, for a resistive load. Derive an expression for output r.m.s voltage. If your circuit uses additional diodes, what is their function? 56. Explain single phase bridge inverter with relevant circuit diagram and waveforms. Assume an R-L load. 57. Obtain Fourier series for the output voltage waveform of half bridge inverter. Determine the rms value of the fundamental component of output voltage. 58. The single phase full bridge inverter has a resistive load of R=2.4 ohms and the DC input voltage is Vs=48 volts. Determine i) Rms output voltage at the fundamental frequency. Ii) The output power. iii) The peak and average currents of each transistor. 59. Derive the following for the single phase bridge inverter having square wave output: i) RMS value of output ii) Fourier series for output voltage iii) RMS value of fundamental component of voltage. 60. Explain the output voltage of inverter by pulse width modulation. 61. What is PWM? What are the various PWM techniques? How do they differ from each other? 62. Considering a single phase bridge inverter, explain the phase displacement method of output voltage control. If the d.c input voltage is 200 volts and the required r.m.s fundamental output voltage is 90 volts, determine the delay angle beta. 63. Write a short note on current source inverter. 64. What are the differences between VSI and CSI? Explain the working of 1 phase capacitor commutated CSI with R load. 65. Draw the circuit of a single phase, current source inverter employing power switching transistors. Sketch the gating waveforms and the load current waveform. Explain the operation of the circuit.

iii) iv)

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Vidyavardhaka Sangha Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING

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