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GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

Student Exercise Guide - Generic

Educational Services
Release 6.5 P/N 990-34040 Rev 1.4 August 15, 2008

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GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

Exercise Preparation
Before You Begin
The exercises for this course require access to a Sonus Insight EMS server and the use of the GSX Navigator, Task Configurator and the PSX Manager. The following information describes how to log into the Insight EMS server for each exercise. 1. Open a Web browser on your computer, either Internet Explorer 6.0 or later, type the IP address for the EMS server provided by your instructor, and press Enter. Record the IP address here: _____ . _____ . _____ . _____ 2. When the Insight login window appears, type the user name and password provided by your instructor. User name: _____________________ Password: _____________________ 3. Once you are logged in, click on the GSX Navigator icon on the Shortcuts bar. Choose the designated GSX9000 from the Node drop-down list. Record the GSX9000 name here: _________________________ * If you have difficulty accessing the system, inform your instructor now. 4. During these exercises you will provision objects on the GSX9000. To distinguish your work from other students and avoid naming conflicts, you will often be asked to add a terminal number to the objects name. Your instructor will assign your terminal number to you. Write this number on your name card for the instructors reference. Substitute this number during these exercises when you see the letter nn in the instructions (note that if you have a single digit terminal number, add a leading 0 to your number, such as 01, 02, 03, and so forth). Your terminal number is: __________ Your exercises will refer to a fictitious company called NextStar Communications. The company was created solely for Sonus training purposes and any similarity to actual companies is purely coincidental.

Module 2 Exercise 1

GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

GSX Task Configurator

A note to the Instructor: Delete any E1 trunk groups on Slots 9 and 10 before this exercise begins. As you perform the exercises in this course, you will be a part of the provisioning group at NextStar. NextStar is in the process of deploying a nation-wide Voice over IP (VoIP) network and uses Sonus Networks as the provider of their next generation switches. The first applications they will deploy is for a long distance voice network. NextStar has placed Sonus equipment in the several cities. Using the GSX Navigator tool in the Sonus Insight EMS take a look at the GSX configuration and answer the following questions. 1. Log into Sonus Insight using the IP address and login account provided in the Exercise Preparation section. 2. From the GSX Navigator select the GSX assigned by your instructor.

GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

Module 2 Exercise 1

GSX Task Configurator

3. What is the node name? ________________________. 4. What is the current chassis configuration?


Card Type

5. Select a slot with a CNS25 card in it. How many E1s have been configured for this server? ______________ 6. Is the first E1 inservice and enabled? _______________ 7. What is the software version the GSX is running? ________ 8. Open the Task Configurator and select the task called IsdnPriExample.tcl from the task list. Make sure you have selected the correct Task Configurator version. Which version did you choose? _______________ 9. Save that task list as a template and call it n_NewTaskList, where n is your terminal number. 10. Perform the following steps: Hide the empty categories.

Module 2 Exercise 1

GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

GSX Task Configurator

Delete a task in the list. Disable a task in the list. Copy a task in the list. View the code behind a task. Validate the script. Save your task. Delete your task from the task list.

End of Exercise

GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

Module 3 Exercise 1

PRI Exercise
NextStar has signed up a new enterprise customer, AMF Corporation. AMF Corporation has a PBX on the premises and will be connected to a NextStar GSX9000 by 12 PRI trunks (standard 30B+D). In this exercise you will build one PRI based on the first number in the table below. In a later exercise you will add a second PRI based on the number in the parentheses. GSX9000: GSXEAST or GSXWEST
Slot 9 Terminal 1 2 3 4 5 6 Slot 10 Terminal 7 8 9 10 11 12

Spans 1 (2) 3 (4) 5 (6) 7 (8) 9 (10) 11(12)

Spans 1 (2) 3 (4) 5 (6) 7 (8) 9 (10) 11(12)

1. Log into Sonus Insight using the IP address and login account provided in the Exercise Preparation section. 2. Open the Task Configurator application using the icon on the Shortcuts bar. 3. From the Task Lists menu, choose the IsdnPriExample.tcl task list, and save it as a template list named n_EGRESSPRI 4. Modify the Create Carrier task to create a carrier named NEXTSTARn, with a carrier code of 090n (for terminals 1-9) and 09n (for terminals 10-12) . The carrier should be defined as a national network with a network plan of N-4 Digit_CarrierCode. 5. Modify the task list to build an ISDN PRI trunk group named n_PRI_E1. For example: 1_PRI_E1. This trunk group will contain a single PRI span. The table below contains additional information needed to create your trunk group. USE THE INFORMATION IN THIS TABLE TO POPULATE THE FIELDS; DO NOT USE THE DEFAULT VALUES!

Module 3 Exercise 2

GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

PRI Exercise
Trunk Group Information Trunk Group Name Trunk Group Profile Hunt Method Inbound Reserved (%) Carrier Name Circuit Reservation State Leave all other fields as they are ISDN Service Information Service Name Prefix:
Port Name Prefix: Trunk Group: Service Group Profile: Switch Profile Primary DChannel Timeslot: Shelf: Slot (3 to16): Ds3 Port (0 to 3):

n_PRI_E1 (n is your terminal number) * leave blank Configured 0 NEXTSTARn Disabled

PRI E1 n_PRI_E1 (n is your terminal number) * leave blank * leave blank 16 1 Slot 9 or Slot 10 Depends upon the server type in the designated slot: 0 for a CNS20/CNS25; 1 for a CNS30; 1, 2, or 3 for CNS60 See table See table 1 31 * leave blank Network I Circularforward 0 OneWayOut

Span Start (1 to 84): Span End (1 to 84): BChannel Start (1 to 31): BChannel End (1 to 31): Trunk Member Start (0 to 65536): Switch Side Behavior: Switch Type: Hunt Algorithm: Routing Cost (%): BChannel Direction:

GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

Module 3 Exercise 1

PRI Exercise
BChannel Avail Signaling: Directory Number: Calling Party Number Provision: Leave all other fields as they are

No None Not Necessary

6. After modifying the task list, save the list and then validate it. Correct any errors you may have. 7. Notify your instructor when you are ready to run your task list. After being instructed to do so, run your task list and check for errors. You may be required to disable portions of the trunk group to make corrections. Re-run your task list when you are ready.

End of Exercise

Module 3 Exercise 2

GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

Change & View Exercise

In this exercise you will correct any errors in your task list, view your trunk group and change a trunk group parameter. 1. Use the GSX Navigator and SHOW commands to answer the following questions. a. Find your trunk group and highlight it. What is the default command associated with the trunk group? _________________________ b. What is the administrative state of your trunk group? __________________________ c. The SHOW Status command shows if the trunk group is in service or out of service. What is the operational mode of your trunk group?

__________________________________ d. Expand your trunk group to display all levels of the hierarchy. Highlight the B Channels on your E1. The Show ISDN B Channel Service Admin command shows how the B channels were configured. It displays the call direction, associated E1 channels and if each channel is enabled or disabled. What similar command would you issue to show that the B-channels are idle, in busy or out busy? _________________________________ 2. Select your trunk group and issue the Disable ISDN PRI Trunk Group Hierarchy command. Examine each level to see the administrative state and operational mode. 3. Select your trunk group and issue the Enable ISDN PRI Trunk Group Hierarchy command.


GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

Module 3 Exercise 2

Change & View Exercise

4. Select your trunk group and issue the Delete ISDN PRI Hierarchy command. Select the red and blue arrows to force the GSX Navigator to re-discover its configuration. Then return to the Task Configurator window and run your task list. 5. Return to the GSX Navigator window and what command would you issue to find the call direction supported by the B-channels? Issue that command and write down the direction. ___________________________________ 6. If the B-channel direction is not twoway, there has been a provisioning mistake and it must be corrected. In order for you to change a parameter at any level of the PRI hierarchy, the operational mode must be out of service and the administrative state must be disabled. One way is to use the Disable Hierarchy command and the other way is to use the GSX Navigator commands. We will use the second method. 7. Follow the steps to change the direction of the B channels using the GSX Navigator. a. Highlight the B Channel level of your PRI b. Select the Configure Mode Action command to force the 30 (1-15, 1730) B channels out of service. c. Select the Configure State command to disable the 30 B (1-15, 17-30) channels. d. Next you must take the D channel out of service. To do this you must highlight the service level of your trunk group. e. Select the Configure... command and take the Primary D Channel Mode out of service. f. Next you must change the interface state to disabled on your PRI. g. Now the direction parameter of the 30 B channels can be changed to twoway. Highlight the B Channels level and select the Configure command. Change the direction to twoway but do not change anything else.


Module 3 Exercise 2

GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

Change & View Exercise

h. Now enable the entire ISDN PRI Hierarchy. 8. Highlight the PSTN Trunk Group object and select Report Used Ports review the ports used for your trunk group. What are they? _________________ 9. Select the Report Used Channels Detail, and locate your trunk group. Find the column ISDN Channel Type. What do you think the value 1 means? ____________________ Scroll down until the value 1 changes to 2. What do you think the value 2 means? _____________________

End of Exercise


GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

Module 3 Exercise 3

Turn Up Exercise
1. What is the administrative state, loopback configuration, and operational mode of Port 1 (E1) in slot _______? State: __________ LoopBack: ________ Mode: _______________ 2. What commands would you use to change E1 Span 1 from disabled to enabled and out of service to in service? ________________________________________________________________ 3. What command would you use to change the Port from INWARDLOOP to NOLOOP? _________________________________________________________________ 4. Verify the state of the ISDN trunk group you created early. If the trunk groups are not enabled and in service at all levels, use the Enable Hierarchy command to turn them up.

End of Exercise


Module 3 Exercise 4

GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

Augment Exercise
1. Using the GSX Navigator add the other PRI in parenthesis to your PRI Trunk Group GSX9000: GSXEAST or GSXWEST
Slot 9 Terminal 1 2 3 4 5 6 Spans 1 (2) 3 (4) 5 (6) 7 (8) 9 (10) 11(12) Slot 10 Terminal 7 8 9 10 11 12 Spans 1 (2) 3 (4) 5 (6) 7 (8) 9 (10) 11(12)

2. After reviewing your trunk group delete the trunk group using the Delete ISDN PRI Trunk Group Hierarchy command.

End of Exercise


GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

Module 4 Exercise 1

ISUP Exercise
NextStar is now ready to provision long-distance termination service using ISUP trunk Group. To support this effort, you have been asked to provision an ISUP trunk between an end office switch and a GSX9000. To allow you to run your task list, you will actually build your ISUP trunk group on a GSX9000 in a lab. Your instructor will tell you what GSX and slot to use.

1. Log into Sonus Insight using the IP address and login account provided in the Exercise Preparation section. 2. Open the GSX Navigator application using the icon on the Shortcuts bar. 3. Open the GSX Navigator application and look at the list of carriers defined on the GSX9000 specified by your instructor. Does carrier NEXTSTAR exist? Yes or No 4. Next take a look at the SS7 Gateway object on the GSX9000 specified by your instructor and write down the node name, for example c7n1. __________________________________ 5. Validate that the trunk group resource data is up to date (data collection). What are the numbers associated with the GSX ___________ and the database? ______________ 6. Highlight the Trunk Group object and view the Used Channel report to see what spans and circuits are available on the GSX9000 slot selected by your instructor.


Module 4 Exercise 1

GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

ISUP Exercise
7. Your instructor will assign you an E1 span and range of 31 CICs. Write these values in the table below next to your terminal number. Use SLOT 9.
Terminal Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 E1 Span 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CIC Range 3100-3114 3200-3214 3300-3314 3400-3414 3500-3514 3600-3614 3700-3714 3800-3814 3900-3914 4000-4014 4100-4114 4200-4214

8. Open up the Task Configurtor and select the IsupExample.tcl task list. Save it to new name called: n_ISUP_TL 9. Disable or delete the SS7 Gateway task if the object already exists. 10. Disable or delete the SS7 Node task if the object already exists. 11. Disable or delete the Carrier task if the object already exists.


GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

Module 4 Exercise 1

ISUP Exercise
12. Using the information below create your ISUP trunk group.
Create ISUP Trunk Group Profile Profile Name Carrier SS7 Node Inbound Reserve Hunt Method Create ISUP Trunk Group Using Profile Trunk Group Name Profile Name Create ISUP Signaling Profile Profile Name Copy from Profile Name Create ISUP Service Service Name Trunk Group Name Destination Point Code Switch type Proto Revision Hunt Direction Relative Cost CIC Control Signaling Profile n_E1_ISUP_SG(where n is your terminal number) n_ E1_ISUP_TG(where n is your terminal number) 2-2-n Dms500 itu1997 Top2Bottom 0 EvenCICS n_itu_1997 n_ITU_1997 (where n is your terminal number) default_ ITU_1997 n_E1_ISUP_TG(where n is your terminal number) n_E1_TG_Profile (where n is your terminal number) n_E1_TG_Profile (where n is your terminal number) See step 3 See step 4 0 Leastcost


Module 4 Exercise 1

GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

ISUP Exercise
In your task list you will see that the last task is Creating ISUP Circuits on T1 on T3. Since you are using the Generic variant you must delete this task and add Creating ISUP Circuits on 8 Span E1 or Creating ISUP Circuits on 12/36 Span E1 depending on the card you are provisioning.

ISUP circuits on E1 - Slot CIC Details Channels per span Mode Direction

Slot 9 or Slot 10 See step 7 and your terminal number 15 You will add the other 16 later Blocked Two way

Save the task list. When you are ready to run the task list check with the instructor. Make sure to select the correct GSX9000 and check to see that Stop on Error is selected.

End of Exercise


GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

Module 4 Exercise 2

View & Change

In this exercise you will correct any problems with your task list, view and change the CIC control parameter of the ISUP trunk group. 1. If you get errors, try and trouble shoot the problem. Review the trunk group that was created by using the GSX Navigator. You may have to delete the objects and rerun your task. If you have to delete any of the objects remember to start at the bottom of the hierarchy. Issue a Configure Mode Action (timeout) first followed by Configure State. If you get stuck, check with your instructor. 2. Now that your trunk group is created answer the following questions. a. What command would you issue to view whether or not the ISUP circuits on your trunk group are blocked or unblocked? ______________________________ Issue that command. b. What is the default command at the ISUP Service Group level? __________________________ 3. Issue the Disable ISUP Hierarchy command on your trunk group, and then enable the entire trunk group. 4. Highlight the PSTN Trunk Group level. a. Issue the command Show Summary: How many trunk groups are provisioned? __________ b. Issue the command Show All Status: Are any trunk groups out of service? How many? ____


Module 4 Exercise 2

GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

View & Change

5. What command shows all the Service Group configurations for all the ISUP trunk groups? ___________________________________ 6. What command shows the status of all the ISUP Service Groups? ___________________________________ 7. Now that you have created an ISUP trunk group using the ISUP Wizard. You just realized that you have made a mistake. In the task list you specified CIC Control as EVENCICs when they should be set to ODDCICs. In order to change a configuration, the level above the change must be enabled and all other levels below this level must be disabled and out of service. a) Check to see that the CICs for your trunk group are blocked. Use the command Show CIC ALL Status to verify. b) If they are unblocked issue the command Configure All CICS Mode Block. c) Change the state to disabled for all the CICs associated with your trunk group. d) Next you need to take the ISUP service out of service as well as disable it. This is so you can change the configuration of the service. e) Change the CIC control configuration of your ISUP Service from EVENCICS to ODDCICIS. f) Enable the ISUP trunk group hierarchy. g) Finally, return to your task list and make the change there as well.

End of Exercise


GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

Module 4 Exercise 3

State, Mode & Augment

1. What is the administrative state, loopback configuration, and operational mode of the E1 in slot _____. State: __________ LoopBack: ________ Mode: _______________ 2. What command would you use to change the E1 port from disabled to enabled? ________________________________________________________________ 3. What command would you use to change the Port from INWARDLOOP to NOLOOP? ________________________________________________________________ 4. Now use the GSX Navigator to add 16 additional CICs to the ISUP trunk group you created earlier. What CIC range will you be adding? _________________ 5. Using the GSX Navigator, write down the state and mode of each level of the ISUP trunk group you created.
Trunk Group Service Circuits Mode Mode Mode State State State

If the trunk group is not enabled and in service at all levels, use the Enable ISUP Trunk Group Hierarchy command to turn them up.

End of Exercise


Module 5 Exercise 1

GSX Basics - Trunk Group Provisioning

Active Calls
1. Highlight the Shelf object and determine how many active calls are up and running. 2. Which slots have active calls and how many? _________________________ 3. Select a CGID number and issue the Show Call Detail GCID command. 4. What is the call duration? _______________________________________ 5. What is the calling number? _____________________________________
6. What is the called number? ______________________________________ 7. Highlight your trunk group and issue the rename command. Verify that the trunk group was renamed on both the GSX9000 and the PSX.

End of Exercise


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