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Kamyavana (Town of Kaman) Kama means desires.

The Adi Varaha Purana states that this is the forest where all the desires of the demigods and devotees are fulfilled. In this Kamyavana, Krishna performed enchanting pastimes. Here you will be able to take darshana of many ponds and other transcendental spots. I cannot even describe in writing all the sacred tirthas found at Kamyavana. (Bhakti-ratnakara, Fifth Wave) This forest has a parikrama of 22 km (13 miles). The town here is called Kaman and it is a fairly good-sized town. When the three original Deities of Vrindavana, Radha Madana-Mohana, Radha Govinda and Radha Gopinatha were taken from Vrindavana to Jaipur to avoid being destroyed by Aurangzeb, they stayed in Kamyavana for three nights. Since these Deities stayed here, three temples have been established here dedicated to Radha Govinda, Radha MadanaMohana and Radha Gopinatha. Radha Gopinatha is worshiped in a house of a grihasta, north of the mound on which Chaurasi Khambha is on. There are 84 kunds here where Krishna would have pastimes with the cowherd boys. How To Get Here The town of Kaman is 55km (33 miles) from Vrindavan. Kamyavana is on the western edge of Braja, 10km southwest of Nandagram and 23km from Dig. The town of Kaman is in Rajasthan. The best way to come here is by taxi, which takes about two hours from Vrindavana. The road is very bumpy the last 10km before the town of Kaman. As many of the places are far apart from each other (2 to 5km from each other), a taxi makes it possible to see the maximum amount of places. Getting Around There are several temples in the town of Kaman. One of the most important temples is the Govindaji Temple, which has the deity of Vrinda Devi in it. To the east of town is

Vimala Kunda. About half a km north of Vimala Kunda are Dharma Kunda and the important Kameswara Mahadeva Siva Temple. A little west of town is Chaurasi Khamba. About 2km southwest of town is Charan Pahari, where the footprints of Lord Krishna are enshrined. Northwest of the town of Kaman are Vyomasuras cave and Bhojan Sthali. All these places can be visited in about five hours, if you move fast. Much of your time is spent driving to the next place. Govinda Temple This temple is in the center of the town of Kaman. On the center altar of this temple are the Deities of Radha Govinda. On the right altar is Lord Jagannatha and on the left altar is the important deity of Vrinda Devi. Vrinda Devi is a red deity with big black eyes. This deity of Vrinda Devi has ten arms, which are always covered by her dress. The deity of Vrinda Devi was originally installed by Vajranabha 4,900 years ago. This deity was rediscovered by Rupa Gosvami on the bank of Brahma Kunda, in Vrindavana. He installed the deity in a small temple next to the Radha Govinda Temple. Later, due to fear of an attack on the temples in Vrindavana by the Muslims, the king of Jaipur decided to take Vrinda Devi, Radha Gopinatha, Radha Madana-Mohan, and Radha Govinda to Jaipur. But when they reached Kamyavana, Vrinda Devi refused to go any further. Vrinda Devi is an expansion of Srimati Radharani and her partial expansion is Tulasi Devi in Vaikuntha. Vrinda Devi is an intimate associate and girlfriend of Srimati Radharani. She arranges the meetings of Radha and Krishna. She is the queen and proprietor of Vrindavana. How To Get Here This temple is located in the south-central section of the village of Kaman in a residential area. From the main road that runs south of the village of Kaman there is a road that leads to the front entrance of the wall around the temple. This entrance gate has large old wooden doors about 5m (15 ft) high. There is a small road that leads to the backside of this temple, which begins, between the Madana Mohan temple and the

Bank of Baroda. You walk down this road until the road bears to the right. When the road bears to the right you turn left down a dirt alley and there is a door after about 16m (50 ft) on your right in the wall around the temple. The entrance to the temple has well-designed white tiles around it. Chaurasi Khamba Chaurasi Khamba has eighty-four ancient beautifully carved pillars that resemble the ones at Gokula. This place is said to have been the palace of Nanda Maharaja. It is also said that the five Pandava brothers stayed here during part of their 14-year exile. This is an architecturally interesting building. How To Get Here Chaurasi Khamba is about a ten-minute walk west of the main shopping area, in the village of Kaman. It is on a hill in the middle of nowhere. You can drive right up next to it. The dirt road that leads to it begins at the northern side of the hill. Gaya Kunda It is said that at this place Nanda Maharaja offered oblations to his forefathers. This kunda is about a half km southwest of the town of Kaman. Setubandhu Rameswara Setu means bridge and at this place Krishna reenacted the pastime of Lord Rama building a bridge to Lanka. Krishna had the monkeys build a rock bridge for the gopis to go over at this place. The story about this place is that once Krishna and the gopis were here, and the area was filled with water up to a village on a hill, where the gopis wanted to go. Not wanting to walk around the water, the gopis said to Krishna that you have said that you are Lord Rama. Lord Rama had the monkeys build a stone bridge across the ocean to Lanka. Here there is water, many stones and many monkeys. Show us that you are actually Rama and have the monkeys build a bridge across this water. Krishna then played His flute and the monkeys gathered around Him. Krishna then ordered the monkeys to build a bridge .

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