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SAIMEDHA COACHING CENTRE ( GATE IES PSUS) Topic: Microprocessors Date: 31-05-31 Max.

Marks: 25

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

8085 microprocessor is invented in the year 1) 1971 2) 1972

3) 1976

4) 1973

The crystal frequency is 4 MHz, what is the microprocessor clock period 1) 0.25 sec 2) 0.5 sec 3) 0.062 sec 4) none The mnemonics used in writing a program is called 1) object program 2) fetch cycle 3) assembly language How many 16-bit registers contains 8085 p 1) 1 2) 4 3) 2 4) micro instruction 4) 6 4) 4 4) Intel 8086

How many interrupt control lines are there in 8085 p 1) 6 2) 8 3) 5 The most powerful and faster 8-bit microprocessor is ______ 1) Intel 8085 2) Intel 8080 3) Intel 8008 In 8085 PSW consists of 1) accumulator contents 2) flags 3) both 1 and 2 4) status bits

The RST4 interrupt have vector location 1) 002C 2) 0028 3) 0020 4) 002D The following flag is only affected during BCD operations 1) sign 2) carry 3) AC 4) parity 8085 has _____________ hardware restarts 1) 5 2) 12 3) 6 4) 4 Which of the data transfer is not possible in a p 1) memory to accumulator 2) accumulator to memory 3) memory to memory 4) I/O device to accumulator The direction of control bus is 1) unidirectional 2) bidirectional 3) neither unidirectional nor bidirectional 4) none Address in which the location of the data containing with in the mnemonics is known as 1) immediate addressing 2) implied addressing 3) register addressing 4) direct addressing If Interrupt service request have been received from all of the following interrupts, then which one will be serviced last 1) RST 5.5 2) RST 6.5 3) RST 7.5 The multiplexing of address and data buses is employed in ps to 1) save time 2) reduce cost 3) reduce no. of pins on IC chip 4) improve its reliability Flags in 8085 p has critical importance in 1) transfer of data 2) decision making 3) block transfer The sp always holds the address 1) Of the stack top 2) Of the stack bottom 3) Of some other specified location 4) None 4) TRAP


15. 16.

4) interrupts


18. 19.

Which of the following is a 16-bit p 1) Intel 8085 2) Intel 8086

3) Zilog 80

4) Motorola 6800 4) 1, 1, 1

For I/O write operation IO/M, S1, S0 should be 1) 1, 1, 0 2) 1, 0, 1 3) 0, 1, 1 The instructions LDA & STA is case of 8085 are 1) 1 byte 2) 2 Byte 3) 3 Byte 4) None Number of bits needed to address 64 k memory location is 1) 4 2) 8 3) 16 What is the length of IR 1) 8 bits 2) 16 bits



4) 24

22. 23. 24. 25.

3) 32 bits

4) 64 bits

A microprocessor is 1) a SSI device 2) a MSI device 3) a LSI device 4) none The power supply of 8085 microprocessor chip is 1) +12 V 2) +30 V 3) 12 V What is purpose of using ALE signal high 1) to latch low order address from bus to separate A 0 A7 lines 2) to latch data D0 D7 from bus to separate data bus 3) to disable data bus latch 4) none Intensive - Batch Topic: p Date: 18-08-02 Max. Marks: 35 6M 6M 4M 4M 15 1 = 15 2) Unidirectional out p 4) +5 V

1. Draw block diagram of computer and explain about each block ? 2. Draw the pin diagram of 8085 p ? 3. (a) Explain about interrupts of 8085 p (b) Explain about the addressing modes of 8085 p 4. Objective Questions 26. What is the direction of data bus 1) Unidirectional into p 27. What is the length of pc of 8085 p 1) 8 bits 1) Direct 2) 4 bits 2) Indirect 3) 16 bits 3) Indexed

3) Bi-directional 4) Mixed direction i.e, some lines into and some others out of p 4) 32 bits 4) Immediate

28. What is the addressing mode used in instruction LDA 0345 H 29. If Interrupt service request have been received from all of the following interrupts, then which one will be serviced last 1) RST 5.5 1) RST 5.5 1) Intel 8085 2) RST 6.5 2) RST 7.5 2) Intel 8086 3) RST 7.5 3) TRAP 3) Ziloy 80 4) TRAP 4) INTR 4) Motorola 6800 30. Which of the following interrupts is unmaskable interrupts 31. Which of the following is a 16-bit p 32. How many interrupt control lines are there in 8085 p

1) 6 1) A memory read cycle 3) A I/O read cycle

2) 8

3) 5 2) A Fetch cycle

4) 4

33. The first machine cycle of an instruction is always 4) A memory write cycle 2) 2 3) 3 2) Of the stack bottom 4) None 2) Accumulator 4) Temporary register 2) 2 Byte 2) Z80 2) CMOS 2) 1,0,1 3) 3 Byte 3) 6800 3) NOS 3) 0,1,1 4) None 4) None 4) POS 4) 1,1,1 4) 5

34. No of machine cycles required for LDAX rp 1) 1 1) Of the stack top 3) Of some other specified location 1) General purpose registers 3) Instruction 1) 1 byte 1) 8085 1) TTL 1) 1,1,0 35. The sp always holds the address

36. Opcode of an instruction is stored in which of the following registers

37. The instructions LDA & STA is case of 8085 are 38. The most powerful p of the following is 39. The technology used for the fabrication of the 8085 p is 40. For I/O write operation I0 / M , S1, S0 should be

TTA Date: 24-08-02 Topic: Microprocessors

Max. Marks: 25

1. Which of the following is not 8085 flag 1) Sign 2) Zero 3) Parity 4) Overflow 2. Which of the following P has 16 bit data bus 1) Z8000 2) 68000 3)8086 4) all the above 3. Flags in 8085 microprocessor has critical importance in 1) Transfer of data 2) Decision making 3) Block transfer 4) Interrupts 4. Which of the following is not correct 1) Stack pointer is memory pointer 2) stack pointer is 16 bit register 3) Stack pointer points to stack top 4) Stack pointer keeps track of program 5. The program counter of 8085 P 1) is a 16 bit register 2) Sequences the execution of instructions 3) points to the address of the next instruction to be fetched 4) all the above 6. Which of the following is input signal of 8085 1) INTA 2) HLDA 3) READY 4) IO/M 7. Which of the following set of signals is control signals 1) S0,S1 2) IO/M 3) RD, WR 4) none 8. The interrupt which has highest priority 1) TRAP 2) INTR 3) RST 7.5 4) RST 6.5 9. Which of the following is non maskable interrupt 1) INTR 2) RST 7.5 3) TRAP 4) RST 10. Which of the following temporary Registers of 8085 is under accessible 1) instruction reg 2) W,Z registers 3) Program counter 4) none 11. The following flag is only affected during BCD operations 1) sign 2) carry 3) AC 4) Parity 12. Which of the following is not a 16 bit Register of 8085

1) Program counter 2) Stack pointer 3) Accumulator 4) none of the above 13. What are the contents of accumulator after the execution of the following two instructions, MVI A, FF; ADI,01 1) 00 2) 10 3) FF 4) 01 14. Which of the following instruction complements the carry status 1) CMA 2) CPI, 08 3) CMPA 4) CMC 15. Which of the following is not an immediate instruction 1) MVIA, F0 2) LXI H, F0F0 3) LDA F0F0 4) ANI F0 16. The number of machine cycles required for execution of IN instruction is 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 17. Which of the following is data transfer instruction 1) IN 2) CMA 3) NOP 4) HLT 18. Which of the following instruction is used to find the pending interrupts 1) RIM 2)SIM 3)CMC 4)CMA 19. Which of the following is correct for RIM 1) Sense the pending interrupts 2) Finds the masking in formations 3) Find the serial data 4) all the above 20. Which of the following is vectored location of TRAP 1) 0024 H 2) 002C H 3) 0034 H 4) 003C H 21. Accumulator and flag register together is called 1) Stack 2) PC 3) PSW 4) RST 22. A stack is 1) An 8 bit reg in P 2) A 16 bit reg in P 3) A set of memory locations in R /W reversed for storing information temporarily during execution of program 4) A 16 bit memory address 23. The stack operates as 1) FIFO 2) LIFO 3) LILO 4) None 24. When the status signal IO/ M is high, _____ operation is performed by the 8085 Microprocessor. 1) Memory 2) Input/output 3) Halt 4) Reset 25. During OPCODE fetch the state of S0 and S1 is 1) 00 TTA 2) 01 3) 10 4) 11

Date: 18-10-02 Topic: P, English & G.K.

Max. Marks: 100

1. 2. 3. 4.

Microprocessor were introduced in the year 1) 1951 A microprocessor is 1) a SSI device 1) micro computer 1) an 8-bit address bus 3) 8-interrupt lines 2) a MSI device 2) mini computer 3) a LSI device 4) none of these 3) central processing unit 4) none The combination of ALU, CU and register is known An 8-bit microprocessor signifies that it has 2) an 8-bit controller 4) an 8-bit data bus 2) band 2) a data bus 3) byte 4) nibble 2) 1961 3) 1971 4) 1981

5. 6.

A 4-bit data word is called _______ 1) data bus 1) a control bus Every processor must necessarily have 3) a data bus and an address bus 4) a data bus, a control bus and an address bus


A microcomputer has a 64 k memory. What is the hexadecimal notation for the first memory location ? 1) 0000 2) FFFF 3) 0FFF 4) 3FFF

8. 9.

What is the memory word addressing capability of 8085 microprocessor 1) 32 k 1) assembly language 3) micro programming 2) 64 k 3) 255 k 4) 512 k If mnemonics are used in writing a program then is called 2) low-level programming 4) object programming 2) assembly 3) machine level 2) assembly language 4) low-level language 2) 40 2) 3 MHz 2) 3 MHz 3) 64 3) 4 MHz 3) 4 MHz 4) none of these 4) 6 MHz 4) 6 MHz 4) all of the above

10. 11.

A source program is written in 1) high level 1) high-level language 3) machine language The only language which a microprocessor can understand is

12. 13. 14. 15.

the 8085 microprocessor is a single chip having ________ number of pins 1) 28 1) 2 MHz 1) 2 MHz 1) low-order address bus 3) status line The clock frequency of 8085 microprocessor is The crystal frequency of 8085 microprocessor is In 8085 the data bus is multiplexed with 2) high-order address bus 4) control lines


What is purpose of using ALE signal high ? 1) to latch low order address from bus to separate A 0 A7 lines 2) to latch data D0 D7 from bus to separate data bus 3) to disable data bus latch 4) none of the above 3) ports 4) none of these

17. 18.

A group of lines carrying digital signals are known as 1) interfaces 1) bidirectional 3) unidirectional out of microprocessor 2) bus What is the direction of data bus ? 2) unidirectional into microprocessor 4) none of the above 2) unidirectional into microprocessor 4) none of the above 3) 2 2) mnemonics 4) none of the above 3) low, high 4) low, low 4) none of the above 4) D-latch 4) 16


What is the direction of control bus ? 1) bidirectional 3) unidirectional out of microprocessor

20. 21.

How many 8-bit general purpose registers are present in the 8085 microprocessor ? 1) 8 2) 6 Operation opcode comprises of 1) combination of 0 and 1s 3) program in high-level language

22. 23. 24.

The read and write control signals in 8085 are active _______ and active ______ respectively 1) high, high 1) fixed 2) high, low 2) not fixed The instruction cycle for 8085 is ______ for all instructions 3) independent of clock 2) decoder ______ is used to demultiplex the low-order address bus AD7 AD0 1) edge triggered D flip-flop 3) JK flip-flop

25. 26. 27.

If the result obtained after ALU operation is zero. Then the zero flag is 1) set 1) LDA frequency if 1) 3.14 MHz 2) 6.14 MHz 2) Intel 4004 2) calculator 3) 3 MHz 3) Intel 8008 3) ALU 2) assembly language 4) any of the above which occupies less memory space 2) data bus 3) control bus 4) system bus 4) 9 MHz 4) Intel 8088 4) all of these 2) rest 2) STA 3) independent of data in accumulator 4) none 3) MOV 4) SIM The instruction useful in serial input/output operation is The crystal connected between 1 and 2 pins of 8085 processor should not have an operating

28. 29. 30.

The first microprocessor which came into existence 1) Intel 2002 1) CPU 1) machine language 3) high-level language The microprocessor unit functions same as In case of real time applications which of the following languages is preferable

31. 32.

Which of the following determines the word length of processor 1) address bus Which of the following task is performed by an assembler 1) providing storage allocation 2) performing ALU functions 3) doing assembly time arithmetic 4) translate a program written in high level language to machine code program

33. 34. 35.

The register in a microprocessor is used to store 1) instruction 1) direct 1) 1, Fetch 3) 2, Fetch and memory write 2) results 2) indirect 3) operand 3) induced 2) 2, Fetch and Memory Read 4) 2, fetch and Bus Idle 2) implied addressing 4) direct addressing 4) both 2 and 3 4) immediate What is the addressing mode used in instruction MOV M, C? How many and what are the machine cycles needed for execution of MOV A, M?


Addressing in which location of the data is contained within the mnemonic is known as 1) immediate addressing 3) register addressing


Repeated addition is one way to do multiplication. Programmed multiplication is used in most microprocessors because 1) their ALUs can only add and subtract 2) this saves on memory 3) a separate set of instruction is needed for the two 4) none of the above


A RIM instruction is used to 1) disable the interrupts 7.5, 6.5, 5.5 3) send the serial output data 2) enable the interrupts 7.5, 6.5, 5.5 4) read in status of pending interrupts, if any 3) 10 2) flag contents 4) password 4) 11

39. 40.

During OPCODE fetch the state of S0 and S1 is 1) 00 PSW stand for 1) accumulator contents 3) accumulator and flag contents 2) 01

41. 42. 43.

Which of the following instruction will never effect the zero flag ? 1) DCR reg. 1) RLC 2) PRA reg. 2) RAL 3) RRC 3) DCX rp 4) RAR 2) programming the microprocessors 4) XRA reg. The instruction used to shift right the accumulator contents by 1-bit through the carry flag bit is Microprogramming is a technique for 1) writing small programs efficiently 3) programming output/input 4) programming the control steps of a computer 3) both 1 and 2 4) IN and OUT 3) 11 3) HL 4) 18 4) PSW

44. 45. 46. 47.

In I/O mapped I/O, instructions used are 1) LDA, STA 1) 9 1) BC 2) LHLD, SHLD 2) 17 2) DE The number of T-states required for the execution of CALL instruction is The ________ register pair acts like a data pointer with some instructions The clock frequency of 8085 is 3 MHz and the time taken to execute the instruction MVI is _______ if it takes 7 T-states for its execution 1) 3.5 s 2) 2.33 s 2) IN 3) 2.8 s 3) MOV 4) 3 s 4) STA

48. 49.

Which of the following instruction is direct input/output instruction ? 1) LDA LSB bits. 1) 1111 1100 2) 0000 0011 3) 1010 1100 4) 1001 0011 3) loop 4) none 10 Marks ________ us the mask which when ANDed to an 8-bit data byte will clear all is except the first 2

50. I. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. II. 61. 62. 63.

When program branches backward and repeats a group of instructions, it is called 1) unconditional branching Fill in the blanks (with, for, with, from, in, between, for, in of, to) The police prevented him ________ approaching the Minister There is no harm ___________ doing this This is a comfortable house to live ____________ Burma is ___________ the east of India. The two brothers shared it ____________ themselves Your fault admits _________ no excuse He does not care ___________ others Everyone sympathized _____________ him He died _________ his country Man is endowed ___________ faculty of speech Complete the following sentences choosing the correct words I ________ just ___________ my teeth 1) have brushed 2) brushed She doesnt know __________ a computer 1) to operate 1) had done 2) operate 2) have done 3) how to operate 3) will do I am thankful for what you _______________ 3) had brushed 10 Marks 2) conditional branching

64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. III. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. IV. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95.

0 that I _________ young once again He did _________ he was told It _________ for the last two hours 1) has been raining 1) was typing 2) is raining 2) had been typing

1) am 1) if

2) will be 2) as

3) were 3) why

3) was raining 3) will type 2) had visited 2) will be 3) have visited 3) was

While I ___________ the letter, my sister dictated it I ______________ Tirupathi last month The manager ___________ yet to arrive It is high time the C.M. ____________ 1) resign 2) resigned 3) will resign 10 Marks 3) group 2) hill 2) worker 2) turn on 2) stationery 2) pretty 1) rain 2) reign 2) have done 3) herd 3) employee 3) turn off 3) 3) beautiful 3) rein 3) did 10 Marks i) polygamy ii) malevolent iii) humility iv) advance v) obscure vi) objective vii) spend thrift viii) foolish ix) x) 2) Phu Dorje blame eternal 3) Nwaing Combu 3) Lily 4) both 1 and 2 3) Maharstra 4) Rajastan 4) Ravindranath Tagore 2) mob 3) swarm 1) fleet 2) flock 1) crowd 1) workman 1) turn up Fill in the blanks with appropriate word/phrase A ____________ of birds gathered there The children are playing on __________ of sand 1) heap There are a __________ of flies on the sweets A bad ___________ quarrels with his tools Many students did not __________ Yesterday The student ought to be _________ My uncle uses costly _____________ statutory The child is very ____________ 1) hand some These events happened during Akbars _________ Match the opposites Wise Subjective Temporal Monogamy Niggard Pride Recede Famous Benevolent Praise Who first to climb Mount Everest 1) Tenzing Norgay Largest state in India is 1) Gova 1) Nephrology 2) Madya Pradesh 2) Cardiology A branch of medicine dealing with heart 3) Gerontology 4) Hydrology Who is first Central Minister National Flower 1) Rose 2) Lotus 1) visited 1) is

1) jealous 1) stationary

2) Zealous

3) conscious

and play after you ____________ your homework 1) will do

1) Mrs. Shanno Devi 96. 97. 98. 99. 1) Mihir Sen 1) Syed Mehmood 1) 120 hours 1) 1837 1) Pachmarhi TTA

2) Mrs. Sarojini Naidu 3) Rajkumari amrit Kaur 2) Kadambini Ganguli 3) Dicky Dolma 4) none 2) Khudada Khan 2) 124 hours 2) 1854 2) Bareilly 3) V. Ramaswami 3) 122 hours 4) 1850 4) Jabalpur

4) None

Youngest to Climb Mount Everest First Indian High Court Judge 4) H.L. Kania 4) 123 hours 4) 1880 4) Deoali Shambhoo Govind Anbhawane holds the world record for marathon typing ________ Establishment of Postal Department ______

100. The Army Education corps and Training Centre

Date: 19-10-02 Topic: P, English & G.K.

Max. Marks: 100

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A microprocessor is

7. 8. 9. 10.





1) an analog electronic device 2) a digital electronic device 3) a hybrid electronic device 4) none of the above A microcomputer consists of 1) a microprocessor 2) memory 3) I/O devices 4) all of the above A microprocessor with 12-bit address bus will be able to access _______ kilobytes of memory 1) 0.4 2) 2 3) 4 4) 10 A microprocessor is capable of addressing 1 M bytes of memory. Its data bus width is 1) 16 2) 8 3) 20 4) cannot be predicted A medium of communication that is machine-dependent or specific to a given computer is 1) low-level language 2) high-level language 3) PASCAL language 4) none In an assembly language program assembly directives 1) are allowed only at the beginning of the program 2) are allowed only at the end of the program 3) are allowed only at the end of the program 4) are never used _______ language use mnemonics operation codes and symbolic addressing 1) high level 2) assembly 3) machine level 4) all of the above The addressing capability of 8085 is 1) 4 k bytes 2) 16 k bytes 3) 32 k bytes 4) 64 k bytes The power supply of 8085 microprocessor chip is 1) + 12 V 2) + 30 V 3) 12 V 4) + 5 V Time division multiplexing of address and data buses is employed in microprocessor to 1) save time 2) reduce time 3) reduce the number of pins in IC chip 4) improve its reliability A group of lines that are used to send a memory address or a device address from microprocessor to memory or device are called 1) address bus 2) data bus 3) control bus 4) none of these What is the direction of address bus ? 1) bidirectional 2) unidirectional into microprocessor 3) unidirectional out of microprocessor 4) none of the above The function of control bus is to 1) carry memory or device addresses 2) provide data 3) provide timing and synchronizing signals 4) all of the above The word-length of the 8085 microprocessor is

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.


24. 25.


27. 28.

29. 30.

31. 32. 33. 34.


1) 4-bit 2) 8-bit 3) 16-bit 4) 12-bit The 8085 employs an address bus comprising of _______ number of lines 1) 8 2) 16 3) 12 4) 4 The flag that cannot be used to change the sequence of a program with a jump instruction is 1) parity flag 2) auxiliary carry flag 3) carry flag 4) zero flag The sign flag is set, when the bit, D7 of the result of arithmetic or logic operation is 1) 1 2) 0 3) undefined 4) none of these After the execution of the instruction XRA A the status of Z and CY flags are 1) 0, 1 2) 0, 0 3) 1, 0 4) 1, 1 The Zilog Z80 is 1) an 8-bit processor 2) a 16-bit processor 3) a 4-bit processor 4) a 32-bit processor Which of the following is a bi-directional bus 1) address bus 2) data bus 3) control bus 4) system bus What is the addressing mode used in instruction LDA 0345? 1) direct 2) indirect 3) induced 4) immediate Addressing in which the instruction contains the address of the data to be operated on, is known as 1) immediate addressing 2) implied addressing 3) register addressing 4) direct addressing In 8085, to disable the whole interrupt system (except TRAP) 1) the DI instruction may be used 2) the DO instruction may be used 3) the INTERRUPT instruction may be used 4) the EI instruction may be used A state during which nothing happens is known as 1) LDA 2) NOP 3) MAR 4) OP code The content of the A15 A8 (higher order address lines) while executing IN addr. Instruction are 1) same as the contents of A7 A0 2) irrelevant 3) all bits reset (i.e., 00H) 4) all bits set (i.e., FFH) In a digital computer, if it is required to multiply two binary numbers, in the computer 1) a hardware divider is essential 2) it is adequate to have adder subtractor unit and shift register 3) both a hardware multiplier and an adder subtractor unit are essential 4) any of the above can be used For the conditional call instructions, the T-states required are fewer if the condition is 1) false 2) true 3) depends upon the previous instruction 4) none The CMP instruction compares the contents of the designated register with the contents of accumulator. If the two are equal ________ flag is set 1) sign 2) parity 3) carry 4) zero The source register in the instruction MOV H, L is 1) L 2) H 3) A 4) none of these A ________ allows us to change some bits in a certain way while allowing others to pass through unchanged 1) rotate instruction 2) mask 3) logical shift 4) arithmetic shift If you want to clear accumulator, which of the following instruction, is preferred 1) MVI A, 00H 2) ANI 00H 3) XRA A 4) ANA A Which of the following register pairs can be directly stored in memory ? 1) BC 2) DE 3) HL 4) none of these Flag bits arithmetic unit provide 1) status type information 2) repeatability 3) facilities for rechecks 4) all A fetch cycle is the 1) first part of the instruction cycle 2) last part of instruction cycle 3) intermediate part of the instruction cycle 4) auxiliary part of the instruction cycle The number of status flags present in 8085 microprocessor are

1) 8 2) 16 3) 5 4) 10 The general purpose registers in microprocessor are 1) accessible to the user physically 2) accessible to the user through instructions 3) not accessible to the user 4) not always accessible 37. At the time of developing new microprocessor based system, it is preferred to store programs in 1) RAM 2) ROM 3) EPROM 4) CCD 38. Which of the following flag conditions are not available in 8085 processor 1) zero flag 2) parity flag 3) reset flag 4) auxiliary flag 39. Which byte of an instruction is loaded into IR register 1) last 2) first 3) either of the above 4) none 40. MDR stands for 1) main divided register 2) master delay register 3) main demodulating register 4) memory data register 41. Which of the following statements regarding a microprocessor is incorrect 1) it is a single chip 2) it is a solid state device 3) it consists of a block of memory 4) it can perform logical and arithmetic operations 42. The status signal S1 and S0 at 1 and 0 respectively indicate that the microprocessor is performing _________ operations 1) fetch 2) read 3) write 4) halt 43. The signal which is used to latch the low order address bus from the multiplexed address/data bus is 1) IO / M 2) RD 3) BHE 4) ALE 44. The microprocessor can be reset by using the signal 1) RESET IN 2) READY 3) RESET OUT 4) RESET IN 45. The 16-bit register is 8085 which sequence the execution of instructions is 1) program counter 2) stack pointer 3) instruction register 4) status word register 46. The number of clock periods for which the low-order address appears on the lines AD7 AD0 is 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 47. Which of the following registers in 8085 are not programmable ? 1) program counter 2) stack pointer 3) W and Z 4) H and L 48. After an arithmetic operation, if the result has an even number of 1s _______ flag is set 1) carry flag 2) sign flag 3) parity flag 4) auxiliary carry flag 49. The ________ flag also serves as borrow flag for subtraction 1) auxiliary carry 2) parity 3) sign 4) carry 50. The ALU operation produced a result of 0000 0000. Then the _______ flags are reset 1) zero, carry 2) carry, sign 3) auxiliary carry, zero 4) zero, sign I. Fill in the blanks { to , against, upon, on of, by, into, at, with, in } 51. I have no prejudice ______________ You. 52) Our examinations begin _________ Monday. 53. I caught him ________________ the arm. 54) He rejoiced ______________ his success 55. She takes pride ___________ her beauty 56) He is popular _______________ his students 57. The boys jumped ___________ the river 58) They are in search ___________ a house 59. The doctor operated _____________ my leg. 60) Your hat is similar ___________ nine II. Complete the following sentences choosing the correct words. 61. Sunil is _______________ than any other boy in the class a) tall b) taller c) more taller 62. They asked me ______________ my name was a) that b) that what c) what 63. One should know _______________ limitations a) his b) once c) ones 64. The ____________ women in the word is aged 120. a) eldest b) older c) oldest 65. The ___________ people earn money, the ___________ they want a) more b) less c) most 66. Let us discuss it tomorrow ___________ a) shant we b) shall we c) wont we 67. The rover has ______________ its banks a) overflow b) over flown c) overflowed 68. The manuscript has _____________ on his shelf for the last two decades a) lied b) lain c) laid 69. Clothes are ______________ outside a) hanged b) hung c) hang 70. The body was cremated after it had ____________ in that state for three days 36.

a) laid b) lied c) lain III. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word / phrase 71. An waiting of people are a) assembly b) flock c) mob 72. A ___________ of lectures are to given a) group b) course c) bundle 73. A _________________ of rain has cheered the people a) shower b) band c) leap 74. ______________ of all trades but master of none a) Tom b) Jackc) Robert 75. Man proposes, God ____________- a) refuses b) denies c) disposes 76. All that ___________- is not gold a) reflects b) glitters c) appears 77. Do not _____________ your temper a) loose b) lose c) lost 78. He is the __________ proprietor of the firm a) soul b) sole c) sol 79. your words are not __________ a) credible b) creditable c) credulous 80. Owing to the _________________, there are no crops a) draft b) draught c) drought IV. Match the Opposites 10 Marks 81. a. Accept 1. Barren [ ] 82. b. Base 2. Borrow [ ] 83. c. Fertile 3. Lose [ ] 84. d. Happiness 4. Noble [ ] 85. e. Lend 5. Sorrow [ ] 86. f. Mortal 6. Polite [ ] 87. g. Pleasure 7. Refuse [ ] 88. h.Win 8. Pain [ ] 89. i. Rude 9. Varnish [ ] 90. j. Appear 10. Immortal [ ] 91. According to who, the disease causing the death of the largest number of people today is 1) AIDS 2) tuberculosis 3) malaria 4) cholera 92. The human cell contains 1) 44 chromosomes 2) 48 chromosomes 3) 46 chromosomes 4) 23 chromosomes 93. A person of which of the following blood groups can receive blood of any group ? 1) A 2) AB 3) B 4) O 94. Largest museum in India 1) Bombay 2) Delhi 3) Calcutta 4) Chennai 95. Percentage of earths surface covered by India 1) 2.4% 2) 4.2% 3) 2.2% 4) 4.4% 96. Who is known as the Father of Geometry ? 1) Kepler 2) Euclied 3) Pythagoras 4) Newton 97. Who is the editor of Down to Earth Magazine? 1) Anil chopra 2) Anil chowdary 3) Anil kumble 4) Anil Agarwal 98. 2001 Miss world 1) Dayana Heden 2) Leanare Abergil 3) Agbani Darego 4) Priyanka chopra 99. 2004 Olympic game are going to be held in the following country 1) Paris 2) Sydney 3) Beizing 4) Athens 100. Turkey currency 1) Lira 2) Rial 3) France 4) Krona

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