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27th September

Prayer of the Week

Birthday Wishes
Bethany Oudemans 10th October Jacob Suddaby 17 October

Jesus You do not fail those who love you. You do not change nor vary. Teach us Your own constancy in love. Your humility, selflessness and generosity. Look in pity on our small and tarnished loving, protect, foster and strengthen it, that it may be less unworthy to be offered to You and to Your children. O Light of the world, teach us how to love. Amen.

Gospel Values for Term Three: Honesty and Pride

Sally Xie 23rd October

Quote of the Week

Dear Lord Please put your arm around me today,...... and your hand over my mouth! Amen

School News
Subway Tuesday 22nd October. office classrooms Summer Uniform Forms and are the available from the school

Students and parents helping out at the working bee held last Sunday. A big thank you to all those who turned up.

Be safe and happy over the holidays. Have plenty of rest and relaxation. There is a big term ahead even though its only a short one. Some advice for the break

Next term the students will be required to wear their summer school uniform. If you have any questions regarding this please ask at the school office. School Holidays We hope great you 2 all week have a holiday

Mitchell with his Mary Toast he made during a Religious Education lesson

Message from the Board Chairperson - Gareth Oudemans

The Board of Trustees have spent time looking at the survey replys from the parents regarding the continuation of developing the swimming pool. After a meeting was held with parents the consensus was, the school and students would benefit more from developing the school in other areas. It could take another 10 years to raise enough money to have the pool in use. The decision was made at the recent Board of Trustees meeting to stop all fundraising towards the pool and to approach the Diocese to have the existing building removed.

and we look forward to seeing you all looking and feeling refreshed in the new term.

Farewell to the Suddaby Family

With the end of term 3 we are all sad to say farewell to the Suddaby Family. Mitchell and Jacob started with us in 2011. Colleen has been a teacher at the school since 2010 and has been an important part of the team here at St Pats. Her role here has seen her mentor two beginning teachers and even helped us on our way to 1 performing arts and 2 visual arts titles at the Ka Toi Festival. She has also encouraged to give students

Principals Commentary:
Sunhats in term 4 St Patricks School is a Sunsmart school, and as such during the summer terms ALL students are required to wear wide brimmed hats whilst outside. It really is this simple: no hat- then students will have to stay in the shade. We always get older students pushing the envelope on this one. They lose their hats, they bring caps, they forget etc. I am fairly uncompromising on this. - The responsibility is yours as parents to make sure that your child has a (preferable navy blue) wide brimmed hat at the beginning of next term. Name it on the inside. - The students are responsible for wearing the hats - The teachers are responsible for ensuring that all students follow the Boards policies and procedures, including the Sunsmart policy. In answer to the question that I get asked each year (more than once): NO, caps are not acceptable. No, I do not subscribe to the concept that a cap is better than nothing. Its wide-brimmed hats or stay in the shade. The novelty of staying in the shade wears off real quick!

everything a go in the sports on sports days and will even join in the fun herself. Tim has been a member of the Board of Trustees since .. He has helped in keeping the school grounds tidy and also been a handy man to have on a BBQ. The Suddabys are moving to Fairlie for Colleen to take up a position at Fairlie Primary School where the boys, joined by Liam will also attend. We wish you all the best for your future and hope you wont be stranged and call in to see us if you are ever passing through.

Team New Zealand I am so glad that all of that yacht racing is over. I dont even really mind that we didnt win the cup. I am just relieved that I dont have to put up with the increase in stress levels each race day morning. And as for Lean with Dean, I also wont have to listen to that advert for much longer. The racing though: what a spectacle. I personally found the racing to be amazing. I think I would pay money to go and see that stuff in person, and I am notoriously tight when it comes to paying money to see things that I could watch on Freeview. Those boats and those that sail on them are superb. Say what you like about it being a rich mans sport, or whatever, but I can bet you that most of New Zealand would have been overjoyed if we had won. With a personal fortune of $41billion US dollars (Thats nearly $50 billion NZD) Larry Ellison spared no expense in retaining the cup in an exciting regatta that entertained millions of people across the globe. His company is worth NZD$216 Billion. Thats more money than many small countries make in a year. To even get to race for the Americas cup is an honour in itself, as the Louis Vitton Series, where the winner establishes their right to challenge by winning against all the other teams, is in itself a formidable regatta, where money oozes from the hulls of the contenders. New Zealands budget for the whole event: Louis Vitton Series and the Americas Cup Regatta was around NZD$100 million. At the start of the Americas cup races, the corporate pocket was presumably nearly empty. Team Oracle on the other hand , simply dialled up

a few more million and revamped their second boat (the first wasnt fast enough) and imported some more technology and talent. For a team from our small country to be competitive in that environment is even more amazing than the success that our rugby teams enjoy, or our netball teams, baseball teams, hockey, etc, etc. These guys are world class athletes and they are sought after by yachting syndicates globally. Our boat builders and designers are exported, poached, enticed and revered across the globe. No wonder that 4 of the 11 crew on board Team Oracle were Kiwis. Surprising that there were only four, but then again the 2.5 Australians are probably almost as good as at least one more Kiwi (stop it Mr Kemp). What would be a real shame now would be if New Zealand does its usual and turns its back on the team that came second. Sadly, our competitive wee nation has a habit of arrogantly assuming we will win, and then if we dont, the knives come out and everybody is an expert and knows exactly why we lost. We should never have had..! That b@#$*!y Dean Barker! Seriously, is there one sane person in this country that doesnt understand that they never went out there with the intention of losing. You can rest assured, that the team, its sponsors, Grant Dalton, Dean Barker and everyone else involved did everything in their power to win that race. They never left anything behind (apart from the cup) on the water. For the rest of the 4.6 million highly qualified yachting experts among you, (as my wife told me after about race 12) I am sure that Emirates and Toyota will be calling you up after the mourning period is over. Stay by your phone. No! Dont call

us: well call you. There is a wonderfully written letter to team New Zealand at this website address that we should all read. It is written to the team before the last race and it really encapsulates what many of us were thinking, doing and saying before that race, and in light of the result, is worth reading. (Thanks Gareth) 09/24/an-open-letter-toemirates-team-new-zealandfrom-team-new-zealand/
Come on guys lets celebrate what we did do and what we achieved, not what we didnt do. And as Sandysview says Welcome them home now.

Lets give Team New Zealands crew the heroes welcome they deserve. Remember, we are Team New Zealand and our name is on that boat. Working Bee Thank you so much to all of those people that chipped in (no pun intended) on last Sunday for our working Bee. Thanks to your kindness and service and time, the playground is much safer. To Donna (and those with her), Jeremy, Anna, Mike, Penny, Gareth, Toni, Tania, Gary, Todd, Jess, Lyndon and Colleen. I am sure that your kindnesses will be rewarded somewhere

else as we all know that what goes around, comes around. Good on you. A special thanks to Adrianne and David for just sneaking in the weekend before and getting it done. Fancy trying to do a good deed like that without us knowing. It was just fortunate that I called in and caught you. Thank you both so much. Just my views folks. Dont be offended. Naku noa na Darcy Kemp Principal St Patricks School

Community Notices
Athletics Starting Club Tuesday 8th

October at the Waimate High School field from 5.30pm. information 4020. Waimate Touch Rugby 11th Registration October week. and with This grading night on Friday competition starting the following year we have a primary school grade. Get your forms from the El Paso Dairy or the Waimate High School office. More information contact Jess Bailey on 021 501 837. Junior Golf Junior For more contact

Peter Trainor 022 391

Message from the FASP Chairperson - Toni Oudemans

School Fair has now been changed to the 16th November, please note this date on you calendar now! The level of success from this event is all dependent on the help and support of the school community. The more stalls and variety of stalls we have the more profitable the event will be. If you have any ideas that you would like to run or you think will be thriving, please let us know. We will also be hiring stalls for $20 to outside vendors, so if you know anyone that would be interested get them to contact the school or Toni. We are also taking donations for the white elephant stall, so if you have any unwanted treasures lying around thee house please feel free to drop them off at the school next term. There will be a Fair meeting 2 weeks back at school next term, feel free to come along and share your ideas or alternately you can email us at with them.. Have a great school holidays and see you next term.

challenge series held in the school holidays for golfers under 19. Played over 4 days at 4 different courses around South Canterbury. Entry fee is $10 per player for 18 holes for supper or 9 $5 per

Duffy Books
Our students are among the lucky ones that attend a Duffy School. All students in Duffy Schools receive several free brand new books each year, provided by a sponsor and usually presented by a celebrity. This week, we had the pleasure of Mr Gavin Hill as our Duffy Hero and he talked to the students about his role as a mentor and about why reading is so important, even for someone that wants a sporting career. Gavin was a great speaker and the kids all thought that he was awesome. Some even took the opportunity to get his autograph. Gavin played for the Auckland Warriors, Canterbury Rugby, the Kiwis and for the Canterbury Bulldogs .

player and

holes. will be More contact

Everybody wins a prize provided. information 004.

Graham Keen 021 326

The Beatitudes Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the meek; for they shall possess the land. Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice; for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the clean of heart; for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice sake; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. May the Year of Faith be a time for all Catholics to renew their desire and zeal for the Eucharist and to avail themselves regularly of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Penance. During this Year of Faith, may all Catholics publically proclaim their love for Christ and his Church. May this Year of Faith remind us of ways to serve those in our midst who are overlooked, ignored or rejected, so that all may experience the peace and healing of Christs love. May the Holy Spirit guide the Church during the Year of Faith so that all Catholics may experience a deepened renewal of faith, hope Caf and Wine Bar and love.

St Patrick School would like to thank the following sponsors

Caf on Queen

Open 7 days May young people be 25 Queen Street inspired by this Year of Ph: (03) 689 6010
Faith to listen attentively and respond to Gods Breakfasts call to priesthood and religious life. Lunches

Evening Meals

Consult us for all your special occasion catering

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