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Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM Reseach, studies, culture

Vytautas Magnus University 27-28 September, 2013 Kaunas(Lithuania)

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM

Tao for creative teachers or teaching languages with a green hat an a clown nose
by Miquel Puertas,Lecturer

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM

Pablo Picasso said that all children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once they grow up. According to the genial painter the formal education kills the creativity of children. Then the less creative people should be probably the teachers and educators. In fact this amusing and somehow provocative idea of Picasso has been studied from various scientific theories and philosophical doctrines.

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM

Picture taken from a wall in Kaunas... maybe it's true!

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM

Do not exist stupid ideas only narrowminded people!!

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM

What is creativity? How to measure it?

-Lateral thinking and creativity (Edward De Bono) -The Memphis manifesto -The bohemian-gay index (Richard Florida)

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM The lateral thinking

Edward de Bono model on creativity

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM The Memphis manifesto

1) Cultivate and reward creativity. Everyone is part of the value chain of creativity. Creativity can happen at any time, anywhere and its happening in your community right now. Pay attention 2) Invest in the creative ecosystem. The creative ecosystem can include arts and culture, nightlife, the music scene, restaurants, artists and designers, innovators, entrepeneurs, affordable spaces, lively neighborhoods, spirituality, education, density, public spaces and third places. 3) Embrance diversity. It gives birth to creativity, innovation and positive economic impact. People of different backgrounds and experiences contribute a diversity of ideas expressions, talents and perspectives that enrich communities. This is how ideas flourish and build vital communities. 4) Nurture the creatives. Support the connectors. Collaborate to compete in new way and get everyone in the game. 5) Value risk-taking. Convert a no climate into yes climate. Invest in opportunity-making not just problem-solving. Tap into the creative talent, technology and energy for your community. Challenge conventional wisdom.

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM The Memphis manifesto

6) Be authentic. Identify the value you add and focus on those assets where you can be unique. Dare to be different, not simply the look-alike of another community. Resist monoculture and homogeneity. Every community can be the right community. 7) Invest in and build of quality of place. While inherited features such as climate, natural resources and population are important, other critical features such as arts and culture, open and green spaces, vibrant downtowns and centers of learning can be built and strenghened. This will make communities more competitive than ever because it will create more opportunities than ever for ideas to have and impact. 8) Remove barriers to creativity, such mediocrity, intolerance, disconnectedness, sprawl, poverty, bad schools, exclusivity and social and enviromental degradation. 9) Take responsability for change in your community. Improvise. Make things happen. Development is a do it yourself enterprise. 10) Ensure that every person, especially children, has the right to creativity. The highest quality lifelong education is critical to developing and retaining creative individuals as a resource for communities

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM

Creative class and bohemian-gay index by Richard Florida

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM

Innovation= 1+ 2density + 3 creativity + 4 creativity * density + 5 R&D+ 6 Sciencists + 7 bohemians + 8 gays (Florida, Knudsen, Gates & Stolarick, 2007)

The linear equation of innovation

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM The bohemian-gay index

Boheminan Gay Index and housing values by Richard Florida

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM The bohemian-gay index

Distribution of creative people among 8 European countries. (study by Fritsch and Boschma, 2007)

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM

All my students are artists!

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM

"He who learns teaches, he who teaches learn" African proverb

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM

Reflection about a horizontal axis. TEACH reflects to become LEARN

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM Tao for creative teachers by Lao-Tzu

A man is born gentle and weak; at his death he is hard and stiff. All things, including the grass and trees, are soft and pliable in life; dry and brittle in death. Stiffness is thus a companion of death; flexibility a companion of life. An army that cannot yield will be defeated. A tree that cannot bend will crack in the wind. The hard and stiff will be broken; the soft and supple will prevail. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM Tao for creative teachers by Lao-Tzu

When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you. I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Anticipate the difficult by managing the easy.

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM Tao for creative teachers by Lao-Tzu
To realize that you do not understand is a virtue; Not to realize that you do not understand is a defect. Be the chief but never the lord. The wicked leader is he who the people despise. The good leader is he who the people revere. The great leader is he who the people say, 'We did it ourselves.'

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM

Some tips:
Teaching is like riding a bicycle. You learn by doing. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you (Saint Mathew 7:7) Good writer writes. Mediocre writer teaches literature. Good teachers learn from their students. Bad teachers indoctrinate.

Second International Conference SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM

Thank you! Gracias! Aciu!

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