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Everybody's heard the term personality, and most of us can describe our own or our friend's personality. What most don't know, however, is that personality is one of the most theorized and most researched aspects of psychology. So what is personality? To understand this concept, you first need to understand the difference between a trait and a state. A trait is a relatively permanent individual characteristic. For example, most of know people who are outgoing, friendly, confident, or shy. When we describe these people, we use these traits to better understand their personality; to better understand who they are. A state, on the other hand, is a temporary change in one's personality. Examples of states might be angry, depressed, fearful, or anxious. We typically use states to describe a person's reaction to something. To make matters more confusing, a trait can also be a state, and visa versa. The man who has the personality trait of outgoing might be shy at first around new people. The woman who is typically confident, might exhibit fear or self-doubt when presented with a new stimulus. The key to understanding the difference is to think about how the person typically is (trait) and how the person has temporarily changed (state) in response to something. As we progress through personality theory and development, we will focus primarily of traits; the characteristics of a person that makes him or her unique.

Personality is defined as the enduring personal characteristics of individuals.[1] Although some psychologists frown on the premise, a commonly used explanation for personality development is the psychodynamicapproach. The term "ambot" describes any theory that emphasizes the constant change and development of the individual. Perhaps the best known of the psychodynamic theories

is Freudian psychoanalysis. An individual's personality is an aggregate conglomeration of the decisions they have made throughout their life and the memory of the experiences to which these decisions led. There are inherent natural, genetic, and environmental factors that contribute to the development of our personality. According to process of socialization, "personality also colors our values, beliefs, and expectations ... Hereditary factors that contribute to personality development do so as a result of interactions with the particular social environment in which people live." There are several personality types as Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers illustrated in several personalities typology tests, which are based on Carl Jung's school of Analytical psychology. However, these tests only provide enlightenment based on the preliminary insight scored according to the answers judged by the parameters of the test.


In their best-selling publication Born to Win well-known psychologists Muriel & Dorothy have written that a man is basically born to win. But due to negligence our winning potential doesnt grow to the best of its capacity. Mostly people develop their personality according to the expectation of others therefore they are unable to shine their unique traits. Therefore we need to break the barrier and rise bravely with our originality and uniqueness. Only then one can transform an ordinary personality into an impressive one. Previously it was thought that every person lived his or her whole life according to the personality script written in childhood. To change it was almost impossible. But after years of research and practical applications the man has progressed in the science of personality transformation. With the help of simple methods now anybody can develop a winning personality and change his or her future. Here are seven simple ways to give a dynamic touch to your personality:1. SET AN AIM IN LIFE If you sit in the boat of life without knowing your destination you will become the slave of circumstances and other people. Your progress or development will totally depend on your luck. The wind of circumstances will push the boat to any direction - you wont have any control on anything. And you will rarely be able to make things happen. You may even be crushed by the competition forced upon you by other people. To change this scenario you need to set an aim for your life. It is true that a person has several aims in life but to decide about chief aim is essential to make good progress. When you have an aim it is like a destination - you can chart your route, plan your action and formulate strategies to reach their at a speed. The

personality of such a person automatically get a sort of charisma - developed by his driving force. 2. POWER OF KNOWLEDGE Knowledge is power. Nobody is impressed with a person who doesnt even know what is happening around or in the world. He is considered a fool whom no wise man or woman would like to befriend or follow. Therefore it is necessary to enrich your general knowledge. And you should be the master of the field in which you are working. To update your general knowledge: a) read newspaper, b) watch informative programs on TV, c) read good & popular books, d) interact (interrelate, communicate) with intelligent persons. 3. LOOK CONFIDENT A look of confidence on your face impresses everybody. If you walk with a feeling of failure and frustration on your face people will shun away from you. Even if you are facing difficulties and worries in your life you must know how to think and look positive. Shake hands with others firmly. While shaking hands or talking make an eye contact with others. Speak less and with conviction. Such simple actions will maintain your confidence. Your self-confidence can not only conquer the mountains of difficulties but also the interview boards. 4. SPEAK IN STYLE Most of the successful persons maintain a unique style in speaking. They speak clearly and forcefully. Be careful that you have a good command on the language you speak. Dont make grammatical mistakes else you may become a laughing

stock. If necessary take training from a good teacher. Give extra care to your pronunciation. Speaking power is an essential trait of any good personality. 5. DRESS UP SMARTLY A smartly dressed-up person is admired everywhere. By observing successful people in any field, marketing, business, movies, media etc., you will come to the conclusion that most of the successful persons in almost every field have a keen taste for good dresses. Good dresses also prove a stimulus for the wearer. He feels more confident and relaxed. There is a joyful glow on his face. His handshake is more confident. A bad dress always invokes inferiority complex. No good company hires a shabbily dressed person today. 6.A HEALTHY BODY A body burdened with this or that disease may win pity of others but it is very difficulty for that person to maintain attraction in his personality for a long time. A healthy and smart look is absolutely essential to attract others. And if you work on it you can easily attain it. Take exercise regularly, play games or go for a morning walk - whatever suits your body and psychology. Eat balanced diet. It will strengthen the immune system of your body - keeping you healthy and fit for action. 7. GOOD HABITS A man is generally a creature of his habits. With bad habits you may become a sheer nuisance for others. Then how will you impress them? Cleanliness, punctuality, completing your works on time, fulfilling your promises, having sincerity and dedication to work, listening others properly, keeping yourself away

from smoking and drinking - are the habits which add sparkle and dynamism to your personality. They endear you to the people. You should also be friendly and polite while dealing with others. You wont be able to impress the people with an attitude of arrogance. If people feel uncomfortable in your presence it is a sign that you need to improve your behaviour. Others must feel easy while approaching or talking to you.


This program provides an introduction to diagnosis of personality styles and disorders. Using object relations theory of personality development as a base, students learn how to recognize the basic personality patterns and learn, through practice, important and effective therapeutic interventions. Since each student will be assessing their own personality pattern, this program is useful for everyone. Students working in the fields of mental health, addictions, corrections, business supervision or similar settings will find this course of particular value. Students in the program will: Recognize the basic personality patterns Learn important and effective therapeutic interventions Understand their own and others' ways of moving through the world Increase their leadership competence Format: This program includes presentations and discussion, as well as demonstration and practice. Students are encouraged to look at their own experience to develop understanding of working successfully with others. Note: the programs in the Skills series can be taken in any order.


A persons personality is defined by their characteristics, behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. These aspects start developing during childhood, and are strengthened and molded as the person grows into adulthood.

A very important thing you need to remember is that your personality, regardless of what it is now, can develop and evolve. The significance of this understanding is that you can still do something about your personality today, which means that if you think your personality needs to be changed or improved, then you can make this happen.

Why is personality development important? The following points will help you understand why.


Have you ever wondered why some people have lots of friends while others do not? Or why others can easily adapt to any social gathering while others cannot? The difference is largely due to the type of personality these people have. While some people have a very likeable personality, some are rather intimidating and difficult which causes others to avoid them. Try to observe parties and you will notice how those who are always smiling and going out of their way to talk others are the life of the party, while there are also those who prefer to stay in one corner, all by their lonesome selves.

In family life, how you deal with your spouse, your parents, or your children also has something to do with the kind of person you are. Although the love of a family is unconditional, there are certainly times when challenges arise, and how you deal with each one affects the relationship you will have with your family.

If you are too shy to speak when in a group, then this only means you lack selfesteem and confidence. If your relationship with your family is not too well, then it only means you lack communication and trust among each other. All these can be changed if you strive to improve and develop your personality.


In the workplace, it is quite common to experience difficulties, from something as simple as beating traffic to stressful ones such as meeting project deadlines, as well as maintaining good relationships with your bosses and colleagues. Though majority of us have the mental capacity to handle the responsibilities bestowed on us, we lack a high level of emotional intelligence which is considered just as important to get the job done.

As you might be well-aware of, emotional intelligence and personality go hand in hand. This is why personality development ho lds a very vital role in a persons ability to succeed in whatever career he chooses to take. If you are easily frustrated, without the capability to handle stress brought about by work-related events, then it will be easy for you to give up during difficult times.

Since personality also entails knowing how to relate with others, knowing how to communicate effectively, and even how to dress appropriately, it is instrumental in helping us climb the echelon of success.


Dorothy Jongeward and Muriel James, in their much talked about book Born to Win, talked about how each individual has been born to be a winner. However, in the course of development, from infancy to adulthood, negligence towards our own potentials took a toll on our progress, and as a result, we are no longer able to use our unique traits to their fullest.

The good news is that with personality development, we can do something about this. No matter how ordinary we think we are, we can polish our traits and behaviors and shine through. We can transform our personality into one that aims to succeed in any aspect of our lives.

These are just some of the reasons why personality development is very important. In a nutshell, developing ones own personality addresses the problems we face both at home and at work, helping us become successful in every endeavor we engage ourselves in.

It is never too late to change. No matter how young or old you are, whatever level you may be in your career, you can still do something to achieve a better, more desirable personality.


First step towards perfect personality development is to be honest to yourself . You need to analyse yourself and evaluate your existing personality. This will help you understand your shortcomings. Some important features of Personality development are: Cleanliness Honesty Unselfishness Respect Good health Kindness Confindence Open mindedness

It is not easy to train yourself and achieve above features in a day or two. You need to work hard. Take each quality one at a time and try to practice it in your daily life. Nobody in this world is perfect. But if you wish to grow in your life, you need to make yourself shine by polishing your character and behavior. Remember only practice can make a man perfect and help in transforming a personality into the one that can succeed in every aspect of life.

Most people underestimate the importance of having a pleasing personality. Majority think it just means being born good-looking, that there isnt anything much to do about it. But this is far from the truth. While good grooming and looks is part of it, the scope of personality development is quite broad. It includes knowing how to dress well, social graces, grooming, speech and interpersonal skills. Whatever your career, these are vital skills that will promote your objectives. To better appreciate its importance, some of the key benefits of developing your personality include the following: It gives you more confidence. When you know you are appropriately attired and groomed, this makes you less anxious when meeting a person. Knowing the right things to say and how to conduct yourself will increase your confidence. It makes you look more credible. Despite the saying that you dont judge a book by its cover, people do tend to judge people by their clothing and how it is worn. This does not mean buying expensive clothes. We all know people who look shabby in expensive clothes. There are also people who look great even if their attire is inexpensive. Because of this, you must know what to wear and you must be aware of other aspects of enhancing your physical features. It encourages people to interact with you. Studies have consistently shown that people communicate more openly with people they are comfortable with. If your hygiene and social graces are unrefined, then expect to have a much harder time connecting with people.

It enhances your capacity to lead and motivate. A person with a winning personality will be able to motivate better. People are less likely to get bored, and your ideas will have more credibility. You can lead better if you project an aura of confidence and credibility. You avoid offending people. A single wrong word can destroy a business relationship. Knowing the right things to say shows both respect and intellectual sophistication. This is especially the case if you are dealing with foreigners or if you conduct business outside the country. The right thing to do in our country could be horrible blunders in a different culture. These are the soft skills that may break or make a deal. It improves your communication skills. People are more receptive to what you say if they are impressed with your personality. Verbal communication skills are also part of personality development; improving your speech will strengthen the impact of your message. You cannot win by talent and hard work alone. Personality development is a crucial ingredient that you must obtain. Most of the people you see as models of great personality have taken a lot of effort in developing their natural features. To learn more about personality development, BusinessCoach, Inc., a leading business seminar provider, conducts an excellent seminar on this entitled Effective Personality Development. Contact (02) 727-5628, (02) 727-8860, (0915) 205-0133 or visit for details.


Personality means characteristics and appearance of a person pattern of thought, feeling , behaviour, communication ability and physical features . A child inherits many personality traits from its parents. Personality of a person takes its basic formation in the beginning period of childhood. Its experiences in the family and the society are very crucial. Friends, teachers and the environment of school have their own positive or negative impact. Adults need to be very careful while rearing a child because deep scars on the psychology of a child may have permanent marks. To develop positive thinking in the child parents must relate to each other in a positive way. With the help of good training a child or an adult can learn communication skills, different subjects, driving or computer operating. Similarly a training in personality development enhances the general as well as unique traits (characteristics which differentiate one from others) of a person. A teacher of personality development helps a person to get positive thought pattern, gain confidence, improve behaviour, learn better communication and develop a healthy physique. IMPORTANCE HAS RISEN Everyone is influenced by an attractive personality. And without influencing others you cant get success in todays competitive world. Therefore the importanc e of personality development has risen very much. These days every good public school is careful about the personality development of its students.

Some years ago parents rarely gave any importance to personality development of their children. Emphasis was given only on physical appearance and expertise in work. But now the time has changed. It is an age of competition and economic revolution. Although opportunities of progress are everywhere yet a student has to work very hard to climb the stairs of a brilliant career. The person having a good personality can move through the difficulties with more confidence. Many people still think that personality is related to physical appearance of a person. If a person is well-built and wearing a good dress it is said that he/she is having a good personality. But it is not a rational approach. In case the inner personality of a person is weak he/she will lose impact as soon as he/she speaks or behaves. Such a person fails to create a lasting impression on others. Rising in career graph becomes a very difficult task. Therefore both inner and outer personality of a person should be strengthened. YOU CAN IMPROVE In their best-selling publication Born to Win well-known psychologists Muriel & Dorothy have written that a man is basically born to win. But due to negligence our winning potential doesnt grow to the best of its capacity. Mostly people develop their personality according to the expectation of others therefore they are unable to shine their unique traits. Therefore we need to break the barrier and rise bravely with our originality and uniqueness. Only then one can transform an ordinary personality into an impressive one. Previously it was thought that every person lived his or her whole life according to the personality script written in childhood. To change it was almost impossible. But after years of research and practical applications the man has progressed in the

science of personality transformation. With the help of simple methods now anybody can develop a winning personality and change his or her future.

SR.NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
What Is Personality Definition Psychologists Muriel & Dorothy Introduction To Personality Styles Important Of Personality Development You Build Strong Personal Relationships With Your Personality Your Personality Will Dictate Success In Your Career Personality Development Helps You Improve Approach For Personality Development An Essential Skill Personality Means Characteristics And Appearance Of A Person


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