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S3 Level 2 Assessment 1 Term 2 2009

Total: /40

Section A: MCQ [1 mark each]

1. Which path does a molecule of oxygen take as it enters the body?

A. alveolus → bronchioles → bronchus → trachea

B. alveolus → bronchioles → trachea → bronchus

C. trachea → bronchus → bronchioles → alveolus

D. trachea → alveolus → bronchus → bronchioles

For questions 2 and 3 refer to the diagram below which shows a section through an alveolus and a blood

2. What are the oxygen concentrations in X, Y and Z?


A. low high low

B. low low high

C. low high high

D. high low high

amount of rate of
of 3. Which conditions would result in the
oxygen in blood
oxygen in maximum rate of diffusion of oxygen from the
alveolar air flow
blood alveolus into the blood capillary?
A. small large fast

B. small large slow

C. large small fast

D. large large slow

4. The diagram shows organs associated with breathing in humans.

What are the numbered structures?

1 2 3 4

A. bronchus bronchiole larynx trachea

B. bronchiole bronchus larynx trachea

C. larynx trachea bronchus bronchiole

D. trachea bronchus bronchiole larynx

5.5.When a mammal inhales, what happens to the diaphragm

and the rib cage?

diaphragm rib cage

A. becomes flatter downwards and inwards

B. becomes flatter outwards and upwards

C. becomes more domed downwards and inwards

D. becomes more domed outwards and upwards

Section B: Structured Questions

1. Jo and Tim set up this experiment:
a) Draw a labeled circuit diagram of their apparatus using the words given;
Electrolyte, anode, cathode, cell, lamp. (5)

2. Fig. 2.0 is an experiment demonstrating the process of diffusion.
In the experiment a white smoky ring is formed in the glass tube.

a) (i) On the diagram put an X where you think the

white smoky ring will be formed. (1)
(ii) Give a reason for answer a) (i).

3. These two chips were cut from a potato. Each
was 50mm long. One was put into water and the
other was put into strong sugar solution. Use your ruler to measure each chip in cm.

Length: _______________ (1)

Length: _______________ (1)

a) Which chip was put in water? Explain your answer. (2)

b) Which chip was put into strong sugar solution? Explain your answer. (2)
c) In the boxes below, draw a plant cell when it has been placed
(i) in water for a long time
(ii) in a strong sugar solution
Plant cell in water Plant cell in strong sugar
d) What term is given to a plant cell that has been placed:
(i) In water for a long time __________________________
(ii) In a strong sugar solution for a long time ____________________ (2)

4. a) Explain why red

blood cells burst if they are
put into water.

b) Some plant cells are put

into a solution. They
neither take up water
nor lose water. What can
you say about the
concentration of the
cell sap and the external

5. Batches of 10 potato discs were weighed and then placed into one of 10 different concentrations
of sugar solution. After 30 minutes the potato discs were removed and re-weighed. Their
percentage change in mass was worked out. The results are shown in the graph below.

a) What process caused the change in mass of the potato discs? (1)

b) What would the potato discs be like at X? (1)

c) Use the graph to find the concentration of sugar solution that would cause no change in the
weight of the potato discs.


6. Write whether the following statements are demonstrating (a) diffusion, (b) osmosis or (c) neither.
Give an explanation in for each statement.

a) Water moves from a dilute solution in the soil into the cells in a plant’s roots. (2)

b) A spot of blue ink dropped into a glass of still water quickly colours all the water blue. (2)

7. An experiment is set up as shown in Fig. 3.0. Starch molecules are too big to go through visking
tubing. Water molecules and iodine molecules can go through. Iodine solution is brown in colour.

a) (i) In which direction will the iodine solution

move? Explain your answer.(2)

(ii) Which process is this demonstrating?

Iodine solution (1)

b) After an hour, what colour would you observe


(i) Beaker (1)

Starch solution
(ii) Visking tubing (1)

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