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Tourism and Catering Workshop

Teachers notes
The series
The Workshop series of workbooks prepares students studying vocational topics for the English they will need for their jobs in the real world. The books contain 2530 single or double-page lessons which can be used in class as a supplement to the main coursebook and/or at home. Each lesson includes authentic texts, skills practice, functional language, and vocabulary tailored to a vocational syllabus.

The Vocabulary sections contain exercises looking at groups of words from the reading texts and related to the topic of the lesson. For example, in Lesson 3 Hotel facilities, students are asked to match adjectives with what they usually describe, a hotel, the room, or the service. Vocabulary exercises include matching words and pictures, dictionary/glossary work, completing definitions, finding specific phrases or words in a dialogue, and grouping words. All the words from the Vocabulary sections (as well as any other words that appear in the lesson and are relevant to the topic) are included in the glossary at the back.

Each lesson contains some or all of these features: Before you read Reading Vocabulary Speaking Writing Get real Each workbook has a glossary, which contains the words from each lesson with definitions. The glossary defines the main words of the lesson and is particularly useful for defining the technically specific or unusual words not always found in a dictionary.

The Speaking sections involve students taking part in a conversation or role play related to the topic of the lesson using some sort of stimulus. For example, in Lesson 11 Package holidays, students are asked to do a role play between a customer and a travel agent about the details of a package holiday they are given. In Lesson 25 Describing a festival students discuss festivals they have seen, taken part in, or heard about.

Before you read

Students can do this task alone or in pairs. It is designed to get students thinking about the topic of the lesson, or to start thinking about some of the vocabulary they already know in that area. For example, in Lesson 14 Giving tourist information, students have to think of as many famous places in London as they can and decide which is the most popular with tourists. In Lesson 10 At the airport students have to match pictures (in this case airport signs) to words.

In the Writing sections students are asked to write short texts or dialogues based on the model of the reading text in the lesson. For example, in Lesson 23 Tips for travellers, students read a website with advice for travellers in the Reading section, and then they go on to write their own website for visitors travelling to their country.

Get real
The Get real task at the end of each lesson is a link between the content of the lesson and the real world. Students are encouraged to use reference materials, magazines, newspapers, or the Internet to investigate ideas related to the topic of the lesson. These tasks are also designed to be the basis of possible project work. Teachers could expand the task so that students do a more lengthy piece of work. For example, in Lesson 1 Tourism today, students are asked to find out about an unusual or strange destination, then choose the top three unusual destinations for a class tourist information board. This could be an ongoing project in which students collect, write about, or create posters for destinations they find.

Workshop contains a variety of authentic texts related to the vocational topic. For example, Tourism and Catering includes the texts from holiday brochures, travel websites, newspapers, and leaflets. It also includes a variety of typical functional dialogues which contain useful language which the students will need in the real world (and which they go on to practise in the Speaking section). Reading tasks include identifying where a text comes from (for example, a magazine, newspaper, or website), identifying the topic of a text, reading the text to find specific information, ordering texts, comprehension questions, gap filling with functional language, and matching headings with paragraphs.
Oxford University Press

Teachers notes

Tourism and Catering Workshop

Answer key
1 Tourism today
2 1 c 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 a 3 b customers guests passengers tour leaders visitors tourists b 6 c 1 d 5 e 2 f 4 3 restaurant swimming pool bar childcare fitness room/gym room service Internet access TV minibar laundry service baggage lockers disabled access 1 2 3

4 a 3

2 Whats your job?

2 Kukrit d Monika c Ramn a Alex b 3 Notes may vary Kukrit tourist information officer: advises travellers about accommodation, etc. Monika restaurant manager: plans menus, handles day-to-day running, does accounts, manages team of ten Ramn hotel receptionist: checks guests in/out, makes reservations, sorts out problems Alex tour leader: checks transport, organizes accommodation, tells people whats happening, sorts out problems 4 a b c d 5 1 2 3 4 Monika Kukrit Alex Ramn patient, friendly well-organized, efficient sociable, diplomatic calm, resourceful

4 1 a luxurious, modern, traditional, basic, comfortable, friendly, centrally-located, quiet, noisy b luxurious, cramped, basic, comfortable, spacious c friendly, professional 2 spectacular

4 Reserving accommodation
1 a 4 4 name b 2 c 6 d 1 e 5 f 3 confirmed 2 4 e, a, d, c credit card expiry date

5 Writing a CV
2 1 d 2 f 3 h 4 a 5 e 6 g 7 b 8 c 4 trainee 5 enthusiastic

3 1 qualifications 2 experience 3 graduate

6 Refer students to the glossary. A travel agent makes travel arrangements, reserves tickets, etc. A resort manager looks after a tour companys business in the resort An interpreter translates what somebody says into another language Check-in staff make sure that everything is in order when people arrive for a flight or at a hotel, etc. A courier looks after groups of tourists on holiday

5 Probably Marketing Information Manager

6 IT and the travel industry

2 1 T 3 a 1 2 F b 4 3 T c 3 4 T d 2 5 F

7 Whos who in hotels and restaurants

2 1 general manager 3 event organizers 3 1 a b 2 a 3 a 4 a b 5 a b 2 head housekeeper

3 Hotel facilities
2 1 Switzerland, France, USA 2 a 3 b 1 c 2

responsible for/in charge of reports to report to b look after/deal with look after b report to looks after/deals with manages responsible for/in charge of report to

Oxford University Press

Answer key

Tourism and Catering Workshop

Answer key
4 Food and beverages manager head waiter wine waiter bar manager bar staff head chef assistant (sous) chef chefs kitchen porters 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 bar manager kitchen porters bar staff specialist wine waiter head chef waiters assistant/sous chef head waiter

10 At the airport
1 a 4 g 6 2 1 c 7 b b 1 h 7 2 g 8 d c 3 i 8 d 5 j 9 e 2 f 10 6 h


3 e 4 f 5 a Check-in clerk

11 Package holidays
3 accommodation meals drinks flights transfers excursions resort facilities 4 1 T 2 F 3 F 5 1 discount 2 self-catering inc. some inc. 4 T 5 T 3 brochure 4 optional not inc.

8 Welcoming customers to a restaurant

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 1 2 3 4 5 Can I help you wed like a Do you have Im sorry, were fully booked what name is it Would you like can I have So thats your table is ready Heres the menu while youre waiting Do you have a reservation? This way please we have a cancellation the specials 2 C 3 W 4 W 5 C 6 W

12 Facilities at a resort
1 a 9 g 2 b 8 h 7 c 3 i 4 d 6 j 1 e 10 f 5

2 Answers may vary hairdryer, satellite TV, radio, direct-dial phone, electronic security box, minibar, balcony, sun terraces and tropical gardens, private beach with beach club and lifeguard, childrens club with qualified staff, tennis club, childrens pool, massage service, shopping centre, quiet lounge for reading 3 1 2 3 4 5 childrens club with qualified staff electronic security box in room quiet lounge for reading temperature-controlled rooms fitness centre with gym

4 1 W

9 Explaining the menu

2 1 2 3 4 5 Starters Main course Vegetables/salads Desserts Drinks

13 Respecting cultural traditions

2 1 c 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 d 4 disrespectful impolite inappropriate hospitable modest discourteous acceptable

3 Notes may vary 1xS 1 x BSR 2 x GS 1 x BOTT HWW 1 x BOTT SMW 4 a Ill start with Ill have the Id like a b Its a kind of Its a bit like It tastes made with Its like c Its delicious The is very good.
Oxford University Press

14 Giving tourist information

2 Probably a tourist brochure 3 1 London Eye 2 Walking tour 3 Harrods 4 Answers may vary First stop should be , are a good way of , Visit , You can , Dont forget to
Answer key

Tourism and Catering Workshop

Answer key
15 Booking a ticket
1 1 fare 2 voyage 2 1 2 3 4 3 gate, platform 4 return 2 a the Taj Mahal b the Statue of Liberty 3 1 This is one of the most famous 2 This is a superb example of 3 It was built in and it stands The structure was designed by 4 Please notice As you can see 5 Do you have any questions 6 OK, if you are ready, lets go inside.

the cheapest 5 more expensive the longest 6 quicker quicker 7 more interesting the most expensive

3 Waterstone (/ Morris) A (/J) 25 Tadema Road London SW10 4RJ 020 74651003 London 10th 19.45 Edinburgh 13th 10.00 119 Edinburgh 20.40 London 10.55

19 Tour itineraries
2 a They take a boat on four days. b They take a bus on two days. c They fly on four days (including the flights from Heathrow Bangkok and Bangkok Heathrow). d They take the train on two days. 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Angkor Huay Xai Bangkok Vang Vieng, Pak Ou Mount Phousi Phnom Penh Battambang First The next day then On the way While we were in On the following day After that On our last day en route

16 Dealing with money

1 1 2 3 4 two percent two hundred dollars, twenty-seven euros fifty one thousand, five hundred euros.

2 cash, cheque, credit card, direct debit, standing order, money order, etc. 3 a b c d 4 1 2 3 4 5 3 A currency exchange 4 A hotel 2 A bar 1 A travel agents commission bill deposit cash insurance 6 7 8 9 10 receipt travellers cheques credit card change exchange rate 4 C 10 P 5 P 6 P 11 P 12 C

20 Alternative holidays
2 meditation music water-skiing guided walks excursions creative writing woodcarving yoga pottery/ceramics swimming Skyros Peligoni Club

5 1 C 7 C 13 C

2 P 3 C 8 P 9 C 14 C or P

17 Checking in to a hotel
1 a 3 b 1 c 5 d 4 e 6 f 2 4 basement, ground, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth

18 Tour guide commentaries

1 1 2 3 4 Ayers Rock, Australia The Taj Mahal, India The Statue of Liberty, USA The Pyramids, Eygpt

3 Answers may vary 1 pottery, wood carving, (music) 2 guided walks, excursions, (yoga) 3 creative writing, meditation, (music) (yoga) 4 water-skiing, swimming
Answer key

Oxford University Press

Tourism and Catering Workshop

Answer key
21 Dealing with complaints
2 a 2 b 3 c 1 3 Answers may vary a So, whats the problem exactly?, What seems to be the problem?, Can you tell me whats wrong, exactly? b I quite understand, Right, I see, Yes, I see the problem. c Im very sorry about this, I must apologize for the inconvenience. Its our mistake. d Ill speak to them today and them to be quieter, Ill send someone to clean it right away, Ill get you a new bill right away. 4 Answers may vary 1b only eat freshly cooked food 2a drink bottled water 2b boil your water 3a wear a seatbelt 3b wear a helmet 4a wear a hat and sunglasses 4b use sun cream 5a dont go swimming alone 5b check with locals about dangers in the sea 6a cover your arms and legs 6b use an insect repellent 7a dont carry a large amount of money 7b keep money in inside pockets

22 Tips for travellers

2 An information website for British travellers. 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 driving conditions penalties valid off the beaten track drug offences speed limit repatriation out-of-date medical treatment customs

25 Adventure holidays
1 a 4 g 10 b 5 h 3 c 7 i 1 d 9 j 8 e 2 f 6

2 A holiday brochure 3 Mountain-biking, white-water rafting 4 a The people 3, 4 b The sports 10 c The places 5 8 9 d The holiday 1 2 6 7

26 Ecotourism
3 Notes may vary Negative effects of tourism environment: trees cut down, rubbish, noise local people: low wages, money goes to companies outside the area Positive effects of ecotourism environment: protects areas where animals/plants in danger, pays for conservation, local people: economic development of local communities 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 natural habitat traditions nature reserves community projects local inhabitants endangered species

5 1 Dress modestly 2 Never take photos of, or near, military bases, airports, or official buildings 3 Respect peoples privacy 4 Make sure you have a valid visa ... / local insurance 5 Avoid drinking local tap water.

23 Describing a festival
2 A guidebook 3 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 F 4 1a they are assumed to become 1b It is said that 5 1 2 3 4 5 celebrate parade festivities atmosphere tradition

27 Marketing and promotion in tourism

2 1 e 2 b 3 d 4 a 5 c 3 Answers may vary Market Older people who have lived or stayed in Cyprus before (the Cyprus of you childhood), and who like quiet holidays and historical sites. Objectives Attract people who think Cyprus is all discos and tourists, but who want history and local people.
Answer key

24 Health and safety abroad

2 1 g 8 b 2 f 9 c 3 a 4 h 5 i 6 d 7 e

3 Answers may vary a a, b, d, g b c, e, f, h, i

Oxford University Press

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