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MAY 11 2012


Hello, In this post, I will share my Oracle Upgrade experience from 10g to 11g release 2 version on Sap Systems. My reference guide is available at : > Release & Upgrade Info > Installation and Upgrade Guides > Database Upgrades > Oracle > Upgrade to Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2): UNIX This documentation explains how to upgrade the Oracle database for the SAP system on the UNIX. operating system: From Oracle, Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( or, Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, or higher To Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) ( or higher) You have to use this guide or related guides suitable for your system landscape if you intend to upgrade your oracle db which running under a Sap system. The oracle upgrade guides available on

metalink will not cover all the aspects releated to sap application. Therefore you have take referance only documents available on Note that Oracle 11g is released only with SAP products based on kernel 640 (640_EX2) or higher. For OS version and compatabilty, check the note 169706.1 from Download the Oracle Db software from

Now I downloaded and extracted the software to the under $ORACLE_STAGE/11202/ directory with the ora<dbsid>:dba user and 755 permission. Create 11202 directory under $ORACLE_STAGE if you havent yet. Before the extraction remove any files from stage directory for fresh instalation. $ORACLE_STAGE : This is an Oracle user environment variable but I used in this post with root user cause it differs to the cases. So please replace $ORACLE_STAGE with your stage directory. Normaly it is /oracle/stage. I used vnc server program to connect to my aix server. First I checked my db server, if vnc rpm packages is installed or not; root@dbhost:/> which vncserver which: 0652-141 There is no vncserver in /home. I must install the vnc packages first; root@dbhost:/ >rpm -Uvh vnc-3.3.3r2-6.aix5.1.ppc.rpm root@dbhost:/> which vncserver /usr/bin/X11/vncserver Yes. the vncserver is installed. Now I make a connection to the dbserver console :

root@dbhost:/> vncserver You will require a password to access your desktops. Password: Verify: New X desktop is dbhost:1 Creating default startup script //.vnc/xstartup Starting applications specified in //.vnc/xstartup Log file is //.vnc/dbhost:1.log Using the VNC Viewer program, I connect to the console.

vncserver is really big advantage because even your client (the server or pc where you run vnc) rebooted , the vnc prosess will remain and you can easily connect again without loosing any work. root@dbhost:/ > xhost + root@dbhost:/ > cd $ORACLE_STAGE/11202/database root@dbhost:/ > ./ root@dbhost:/> su -ora<dbsid> I am checking the authorization of user ora<dbsid> to $ORACLE_BASE directory echo $ORACLE_BASE

cd $ORACLE_BASE touch $ORACLE_BASE/write_test rm $ORACLE_BASE/write_test the test must be successful. if not, do the following with root user; chgrp dba $ORACLE_BASE chmod 775 $ORACLE_BASE Now, with ora<dbsid> user; umask 022 setenv DISPLAY dbhost:1 setenv ORACLE_STAGE /oracle/stage (this depends on your case) cd $ORACLE_HOME mkdir 11202 mkdir 112_64 cd $ORACLE_STAGE/11202/database/SAP ./ RUNINSTALLER_CHECK

There is two missing rmp package in my dbserver but when I checked the oracle note 169706.1 Operating Systems Installation and Configuration Requirements Quick Reference (8.0.5 to 11.2) these two rpm packages is required when upgrading on RAC system. I ignore this step, since I work on single instance oracle db. Updating the Installation Scripts 1. Download the file 11ginstall_<release>_<rev>.zip, which is attached to SAP Note 1524205. The zip file contains the current version of the installation scripts. 2. Copy the file to the database directory in the Oracle software stage directory. 3. Rename the existing SAP directory as follows so that you have a saved copy of the previous version: mv SAP SAP.SAVE

4. Extract the zip file: unzip 11ginstall_<release>_<rev>.zip ORACLE INVENTORY There is an inventory directory oraInventory usually located under /oracle. oracle inventory directory is used to keep information about installation prosess. This directory should be empty for fresh installation or upgrade. this directory is pointed in Orainst.loc file which located under /etc. Check it if it points to the correct orainventory location. create it under /etc, if it is not exist. Permission is root:system and 666 root@dbhost:/> more oraInst.loc inventory_loc=/oracle/oraInventory inst_group=dba SETTING ENVIRONMET VARIABLES Setenv ORACLE_HOME_SRC /oracle/<DBSID>/102_64 Setenv ORACLE_HOME_TGT /oracle/<DBSID>/11202 Setenv LIBPATH $ORACLE_HOME/lib:$LIBPATH check the results with command env Install the current patch set, as described in SAP Note 1431799. In my case my db version is , so I will not apply any patchset. Installing Software Before working with dbua (database upgrade assistant), the new software ( must be installed to new ORACLE_HOME. My new ORACLE_HOME is /oracle/<DBSID>/11202 cd $ORACLE_STAGE/11202/database/SAP ./RUNINSTALLER

Now, the installation finished successfuly.

Copying and Adapting the SQL*Net Files If you use the wrapper to perform the database upgrade with DBUA, the SQL*Net files are automatically copied from the source Oracle Home to the target Oracle Home. Running the Pre-Upgrade Scripts if you cant find scripts under your oracle home, download it from SAP Note 1431793 and copy under the oracle home. cd /oracle/<DBSID>/112_64/sap/ora_upgrade/pre_upgrade sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> spool pre_upgrade_tasks.log SQL> @pre_upgrade_tasks.sql SQL> spool off Now, check the results; SQL> @pre_upgrade_status.sql there should not be any invalid db objects. Run the pre_upgrade_tasks.sql scripts again and again untill all the invalid object compiled. CAUTION Make the changes listed in the log file, otherwise you might have problems during the upgrade. However, you must ignore the warning regarding the database parameter remote_os_authent, which is reported as DEPRECATED. Do not touch this parameter. The post-upgrade script sets it to TRUE again after the database upgrade. This parameter must be set to TRUE for the SAP logon mechanism to work correctly after the database upgrade. Checking the Sap System Prerequities

3. If your SAP system uses SAP Kernel 711, you need to use DBSL ( patch level 81 or higher. For more information, see SAP Note 1456323. Now, stop listener and SAP Instance. DB must be open. add the line below to the /etc/oratab <DBSID>:<old_ORACLE_HOME>:N DFS:/oracle/DFS/102_64:N DB UPGRADE ASSISTANT cd $ORACLE_HOME_TGT/sap/ora_upgrade/post_upgrade 3. Run this script in query mode initially to verify that the environment is correct: ./ q ./


su oradfs cd /oracle/DFS 102_64 >> 112_64 102_64 >> 112_64 .cshrc .dbenv_unibwdv.csh .dbenv.csh Update ORACLE_HOME in this profile files. Old : /oracle/DFS/102_64 New : /oracle/DFS/112_64 brconnect -u / -c -f stats -t system_stats noworkload option brconnect -u / -c -f stats -t oradict_stats Check the Oracle database parameters against SAP Note 1431798 and adjust them if necessary. You can find an automated script in SAP Note 1171650 to help you check whether your SAP system complies with the database parameter recommendations at any given point in time. You need to create this link so that BR*Tools (which is linked to the Oracle 10.2 client) can use the newer Oracle 11.2 clients. cd $ORACLE_HOME/lib ln -s mv <old_oracle_home>/bin <old_oracle_home>/bin-old update environments of dfsadm (sidadm user) cd /home/dfsadm update profile files. check ORACLE_HOME value. Updating the Oracle Instant Client

You need to ensure that the SAP system runs with at least Instant Client release Version 5 (V5) or Oracle NOTE This step also applies to SAP systems running the 640_REL kernel with the Oracle database. The Instant Client or is used immediately after the kernel switch to 640_EX2 or higher (including SAP 7.XX kernels). Procedure Update the Oracle Database Instant Client for UNIX as described in SAP Note 1431794. Note :Add the following entry to the tnsnames.ora file that is used by the <sapsid>adm user: LISTENER_<DBSSID>.WORLD = (ADDRESS = (COMMUNITY = SAP.WORLD)(PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <hostname>)(PORT = <listener_port>)) The upgrade is completely and successfuly finished. Thank you for reading this post. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to contact me. Volkan elik Sap Basis Specialist Oracle Certified Associate
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One thought on Upgrade to Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2): UNIX for SAP


Basis newbie says:

May 30, 2013 at 9:14 am

my company will upgrade from oracle 10 g to 11 g soon. Thank you for share this post.

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Change SAP System Time Zone Upgrade to Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2): UNIX for SAP Sap System Architecture Activation of Table Logging

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