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Robert Quinn
18 Lakeview Drive South
Haines City, Fla. 33844

Kurt Browning
Fla. Sec. Of State
R.A. Gray Bldg.
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-6217

Dear Secretary Browning;

Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution states;

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the
Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person
be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been
fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

For the first time in the history of this country we have an individual who has succeeded in
becoming President and Commander in Chief of our military forces who has something so
devastating to presidential eligibility in his authentic life records he deemed it necessary to
totally seal his original vault copy birth, passport, foreign citizenship and educational records
from public scrutiny and especially the military personnel who have good reason to question his
loyalty and allegiance to this country alone. Much evidence exists, due to this secrecy, that very
likely he may not have factually been born in the USA and very likely carries citizenship and
passport from a foreign country since he traveled to Pakistan and Indonesia before ever obtaining
a US passport and at a time when US citizens were not allowed into their countries. Obama and
his campaign have deemed the information these documents contain to be so devastating to his
constitutional eligibility they have acknowledged spending $1,000,000 of campaign money for
legal fees fighting the public in order to keep the devastating authentic information contained in
these documents held in secret and hidden from the voters. Obama, his party, his campaign and
their lawyers know this devastating eligibility information exists. This, in its totality, constitutes
election fraud and denial of due process to the voters. Legal actions brought forward thus far by
individual citizens for access to these files have been denied for LACK OF STANDING.

On 2/3/09 I requested that you investigate this matter and advise me who, in the State of Florida,
is legally responsible to assure that all presidential candidates meet the above-described Article II
eligibility requirements prior to their names being placed upon our NEXT official Florida ballot.
(Copy Attached) Your response of 2/24/09 stated that eligibility verification is the sole
responsibility of the political parties and is of no concern to your office and further advised that,
“If anyone desires to challenge the qualifications of a U.S. presidential candidate, that person
must bring an action in a court of competent jurisdiction,” while knowing full well that we, as
individual citizens, have no standing to do so. You further state that your office can do nothing
without further federal or state legislation. (Copy Attached) This is not true and I suggest you
have been guilty of Nonfeasance, “The omission of some act that ought to have been

Chapter 97.012, Paragraph (3) directs that it is your responsibility to, actively seek out and collect
the data and statistics necessary to knowledgeably scrutinize the effectiveness of election laws
and Paragraph (15) makes it your responsibility to conduct preliminary investigations into any
irregularities or fraud involving voter registration, voting, candidate petition, or issue petition
activities and report his or her findings to the statewide prosecutor or the state attorney for the
judicial circuit in which the alleged violation occurred for prosecution, if warranted.

Chapter 103.101, The Presidential Preference Primary, the last sentence of paragraph (5)
states, “The Department of State may promulgate rules for the orderly conduct of the
presidential preference primary ballot.” This could not be expressed more clearly and it
has been my position from the very beginning that the logical and proper place for this to
be accomplished is in preparation of the presidential primary election ballot. In addition
to the authority and responsibility granted you by the above statutes, and just as
important, you took and oath of office to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution.

Until Obama’s candidacy in 2008, no presidential candidate had the testicular fortitude to attempt
a run for President of the United States while deeming it necessary to totally seal the vital
authentic historical records of his birth, foreign citizenship, passport and educational records from
the voters. Unfortunately, due to political correctness, willful ignorance and DNC collusion, the
need for you to promulgate a new primary election rule is now evident and mandatory. Article II
sets the constitutional eligibility requirements. All you need do is promulgate a presidential
primary rule whereby the political parties are required to submit certified copies of the documents
they used to verify the eligibility of each of their primary candidates specifically including
authentic original birth records. I am not suggesting you must verify the authenticity of these
documents, merely the administrative filing of them for public access and scrutiny. If a party or
candidate refuses to provide the verifying documents you will now have U.S. Constitutional
backing to advise them, as you erroneously advised me, a citizen with no standing, to bring forth
an action in a court of competent jurisdiction if they disagree. This will do much to put an end to
the future use of this secrecy loophole. You and the governor already have complete authority to
promulgate this new rule and the justifying need is clearly evident and mandatory.

Following your direction, I contacted DNC Chairman Tim Kaine and Florida Democratic Party
Chairwoman Karen Thurman via certified mail requesting a copy of the documents they used to
verify constitutional eligibility of candidate Obama. (Copies Attached) Chairman Kaine and
Chairwoman Thurman have refused to even respond to the request.

I am preparing to file an election fraud and denial of due process complaint against the DNC and
the Florida Democratic Party. Before I do I want to give you and the governor one last
opportunity to reconsider your position that you can do nothing to counter this blatant fraud in
future elections without further legislative authority as stated in your letter of 2/24/09. You have
all the authority you need and if you continue to refuse to exercise that authority you will be
equally guilty, not only of nonfeasance but collusion as well, in this voter fraud and denial of due
process being perpetrated by the DNC and the Florida Democratic Party.

This is a non-partisan issue, not an effort to overturn the 08 election. My goal is to simply see
that this fraud-promoting loophole no longer exists. I request your immediate attention to this
matter and I await a rapid response. 2010, as you know, is an election year.


Robert Quinn

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