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2004; 19: 491498 Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/ffj.1470

Odour and avour thresholds for key aroma components in an orange juice matrix: terpenes and aldehydes
Anne Plotto,1* Carlos A. Margara,2 Kevin L. Goodner,1 Rene Goodrich3 and Elizabeth A. Baldwin1
1 2 3

USDAARS, Citrus and Subtropical Products Laboratory, 600 Avenue S, NW, Winter Haven, FL 33881, USA United States Distilled Products, 1607 S 12th St., Princeton, MN 55371, USA University of Florida, Citrus Research and Education Center, 700 Experiment Station Road, Lake Alfred, FL 33850, USA

Received 2 September 2003; Revised 13 February 2004; Accepted 16 February 2004

ABSTRACT: Thresholds for avour volatiles have been traditionally calculated in water or air, but they may vary widely in more complex matrices. Thresholds of key aroma compounds of orange juice (OJ) were determined in a deodorized OJ matrix. The three-alternative-forced-choice (3-AFC) method was used (ASTM: E-679). Untrained panelists, 3358 in number, were presented with deodorized orange juice samples arranged in ve rows of three samples, corresponding to ve spiking levels, each separated by a factor of 3, with a 3-AFC presentation at each level. The test was repeated at least three times for experienced panelists. Odour thresholds in the orange juice matrix were 15 times (citral, hexanal) to over 200 times ( -pinene, limonene) higher than published values in water. Retronasal odour thresholds were more consistent with published values, being higher only by 260-fold, except for octanal which was higher by 187-fold. These results will provide the industry with more realistic threshold guidelines for use in avouring citrus juices. Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY WORDS: sensory; orange juice; aroma; avour; thresholds; aldehydes; terpenes

Food avours are commonly analysed by isolation, qualication and quantication of volatile compounds. The contribution of chemical compounds to food avour is best understood when their perception threshold is known: compounds in food products present in concentrations higher than their threshold are assumed to contribute to the avour of the food.14 The major limitation in this approach is that it requires use of published threshold values, mostly established in water or in air.5,6 Some threshold values are calculated in oil or milk but few, if any, are calculated in other complex matrices. However, there is increasing evidence that volatile molecules interact with the food matrix.79 Lipids, proteins and carbohydrates result in different degrees of volatile compound interaction, depending on the hydrophobicity of the volatile compound, diffusion and partition coefcient, and rheological properties of the aqueous phase.10,11 Smaller molecules, such as simple sugars and acids, either adsorb or have a salting out effect on some volatile compounds.12,13 Phenolic compounds present in wine and some fruit juices undergo chemical complexes with avour volatiles.14,15 Additionally, to make up the avoured solutions for threshold determination in water, one
* Correspondence to: A. Plotto, USDAARS, Citrus and Subtropical Products Laboratory, 600 Avenue S, NW, Winter Haven, FL 33881, USA. E-mail:

encounters the problem of solubility of pure compounds in water. Thresholds of volatile compounds characteristic of tomato aroma were different by as much as 40-fold (2-pentenal) between a deodorized tomato homogenate medium, an ethanol/methanol/water solution, and water.16 Thresholds were usually higher in the tomato matrix. There is an inherent variability in the quality of orange juice due to cultivars, cultural practices, season, and juice extraction processes.17 Blending juices or concentrates from different lots and origins lessens the juice variability. Standardization is also achieved by adding avour blends, mostly oils from citrus extracts.18 This is common practice for orange juice from concentrate and not from concentrate.19 Volatile compounds in orange juice and their individual contributions to aroma and avour are now well known.4,2024 Odour and avour thresholds of most of those compounds were determined in water by Ahmed and co-workers,25 and further by Buettner and Schieberle.20 The combination of compounds added to a model solution that best matched a reference sample, whether a frozen orange juice concentrate26 or a freshly squeezed orange juice,20 has also been studied. The goal of the present study was to establish a database of odour and retronasal odour thresholds for compounds signicant to orange juice avour for use by orange juice manufacturers and avour companies. Because published threshold values can vary by severalfold due to different methodologies and panel make-up,27 we chose to use the method approved by the American

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Flavour Fragr. J. 2004; 19: 491498



Society for Testing and Materials.28 Results are presented for selected terpenes and aldehydes.

Materials and Methods

Materials Deodorized orange juice concentrate (termed pumpout by the industry) from Valencia oranges was provided by a Florida juice manufacturer. The pumpout was reconstituted to single-strength orange juice with puried drinking water (Deer Park, Greenwich, CT) to 11.8 0.1Brix. Specications of the concentrate were the following: 65.7Brix, 3.007 g/100 g acid, 0.001% oil. After reconstitution, one batch of juice was analysed for sugars, using a Perkin-Elmer Series 410 HPLC system equipped with a Perkin-Elmer LC-25 refractive index detector (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT). The sample was prepared as in Baldwin et al.;29 sugars were analysed on a Waters Sugar-Pak column (Waters/Millipore, Milford, MA) with a mobile phase of 100 M ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium calcium salt (CaEDTA). Titratable acidity was determined by titration with 0.1 N NaOH to a pH = 8.1 endpoint. Pectin content was determined by analysing the total galacturonic acid content, using the Scott assay.30 Volatiles from 20 ml reconstituted juice were liquid liquid extracted with 10 ml pentane or diethyl ether, using two 50 ml syringes connected with a Luer-lock connector, and concentrated to 500 l. Extracts were analysed for volatile and odour-active compounds on an Agilent 6890N (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA) gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a 5973N mass selective detector and coupled with a Gerstel ODP2 olfactory detection port (Gerstel, Baltimore, MD). The analytical column was HP-5MS, 30 m 0.25 mm i.d.,

0.25 m lm thickness. Headspace of the reconstituted juice was also analysed by direct injection using a Perkin-Elmer 8500 GC equipped with a Model HS-6 headspace sampler and a ame ionization detector.29 The analytical column was a polar Stabilwax column (Restek, Bellefonte, PA), dimensions 30 m 0.53 mm i.d., 1.0 m lm thickness. The sensory quality of reconstituted pumpout was assessed by a group of four experienced panellists and was described as bland, sweet, slightly tangy. The gas chromatographyolfactometry (GCO) of the reconstituted pumpout solvent extract was assessed twice by the experimenter. All the aroma standards used for spiking were food grade (Sigma-Aldrich, Flavors and Fragrances, Milwaukee, WI), and tested for purity by GCMS and GCO (Table 1). When odour impurities were found by smelling the pure compound using GCO, the compound was diluted by 10-fold until no impurity was detected (Table 1). The highest dilution used was 1000-fold for myrcene. As myrcene was further diluted over 1000 times to determine its threshold, the experimenters estimated that the impurities would be negligible. Additionally, the odour of the impurities were generally perceived with a much lower intensity than the compound of interest. Therefore, it was deemed that the impurities would not affect the threshold signicantly at the level used in the test (see Table 1). Compounds that could not be tested due to signicant impurities were sinensal, -phellandrene and -terpinene. Sample Preparation Fresh reconstituted juice was prepared weekly from frozen pumpout and stored at 4 C for 5 days maximum. Juice (1 l) was spiked with an aroma compound at the

Table 1. Aroma compounds tested, their chemical purity determined by GCMS, olfactory purity determined by GCO, and concentration range used for threshold determination in the 3-AFC test Compound
-Pinene -Pinene Myrcene -Terpinene Limonene -Terpineol Linalool Vanillin Citral (a and b) Hexanal Octanal Nonanal Decanal trans-2-Pentenal

Chemical purity (%)

99+ 99+ 89+ 95+ 98+ 98+ 97+ 99+ 97+ 89+ 85+ 99+ 98+ 98+

Olfactory purity (%)a

99+ 99+ (106 ppb)a 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ (108 ppb)a (107 ppb)a 99+ 99+ 99+ (107 ppb)a

Concentration range /99 ( g/l)

947640 4758385 413 262112 3528 602 4072329 836 101382 026 9753 131053 352871 181451 11921 322589 171347 947585

a Compounds were evaluated pure by GCO. When impurities were present in pure compounds, the concentration at which the impurity was no longer present is indicated.

Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Flavour Fragr. J. 2004; 19: 491498


highest concentration used in the taste panel (9), and refrigerated overnight at 4 C to allow the compound to equilibrate with the juice (Shaw, unpublished data). Four successive three-fold dilutions (3, , /3, /9) were then prepared immediately before tasting. The amount of aroma compound , which represents the putative threshold concentration for most panellists, was predetermined by using published thresholds in water 5 and screened by four panellists, including the experimenter (Table 1). Orange juice (control and spiked, 15 ml aliquots) was poured into 29.5 ml plastic (polystyrene) souf cups and capped (Solo Cup Company, Urbana, IL). Control samples were prepared on the day before the panel and maintained at 4 C overnight, and spiked samples were prepared immediately before the panel, and placed on the serving trays with the blanks in a cooler at 1012 C to equilibrate temperature with the control until served.

Threshold Determination The best-estimate criterion was used to calculate individual thresholds: the threshold for each individual at each panel was an interpolated value calculated by taking the geometric mean between the last concentration missed and the rst concentration detected. The panellists individual best estimate of each threshold was the geometric mean of all the sessions thresholds, and the group (population) threshold was obtained by a geometric mean of the individual best estimates for each compound.28

Results and Discussion

Thresholds measured in reconstituted deodorized orange juice were at least 10 times higher than published threshold values in water for ortho- and retronasal odour, except for a few compounds (Tables 2 and 3, respectively). Compounds whose odour thresholds were within the same order of magnitude as those in published studies were vanillin31 and trans-2-pentenal.32 Odour threshold for hexanal was between the values found by Larsen and Poll33 and Tandon et al.16 In general, population thresholds were higher than experienced panel threshold, and orthonasal were higher than retronasal odour thresholds. Results will be discussed in terms of panel make-up, methodology and matrix effect.

Taste Panels Volunteers (n = 3358) from the University of Florida Citrus Research and Education Center at Lake Alfred, FL, and the USDA Citrus and Subtropical Products Laboratory, Winter Haven, FL, participated in the sensory panels. The panels took place in individual booths, usually from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (noon), with occasional afternoon sessions. Panelists ages and genders were recorded. The three-alternative forced choice (3-AFC) test was used for threshold determination28 (ASTM Designation: E-679, 1997). In this method, the 3-AFC consists in three samples: two are controls, and one is the spiked sample. Panelists were presented with a tray of 15 cups, corresponding to ve 3-AFCs with ve spiking levels; each level differed from the preceding one by a factor of 3 (/9; /3; ; 3 and 9) and were tested in ascending order (most diluted rst) and from left to right. All cups were labelled with a randomized three-digit number and the order in which the spiked sample appeared for each level was also random. Panellists were rst instructed to uncap the cups near their nose, smell, and choose the sample that had the added compound in each set of three cups. If they could not perceive a difference, they were instructed to guess (forced choice). Panellists then tasted the samples, choosing the odd sample. The probability of choosing the correct sample was one to three. When they could perceive the presence of the added compound, panellists were asked to write an additional comment on the quality of the odour or taste. Sample temperature at serving was 1012 C. Each panel was repeated three to ve times, but not all panellists could participate in each session. Therefore, data were analysed for all panellists (population threshold), and for panellists who tasted three times or more (experienced panel).

Panel Make-up The goal of our study was to obtain threshold values that would better reect the perception of orange juice by consumers than by a trained panel. Therefore, the panels were designed to be similar to consumer panels. Panellists consisted of staff and visitors of two experiment centres: the University of Florida Citrus Research and Experiment Center, and the US Department of Agriculture Citrus and Subtropical Products Laboratory. The proportion of male and female panellists was in the range 3360% and 4067%, respectively. The majority of panellists were in the 3655 year-old age group, with an average 13% below 26, 9% 2635, 26% 3645, 30% 4655, 17% 5665 and 5% over 65. Panellists were not selected for acuity or reproducibility. Among the experienced panellists (about one-third of all the panellists) who were used to participating in sensory panels, the non-perceivers (people who could not perceive the spiked sample at any concentration) and the overperceivers (people who could perceive the spiked sample at the most diluted concentrations during the three replicate runs) were also represented. Linalool and citral orthonasal odour thresholds were almost twice for the population than for the experienced panel (Table 2), and

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Table 2. Population and experienced panel orthonasal odour thresholds of orange juice compounds in a deodorized orange juice matrix (OJ), and published orthonasal odour thresholds of the same compounds in water Compound Population odour threshold in OJ (g/L) (standard deviation, log ppb)
1650 37 200 773 3260 13 700 25 900 113 764 1230 (0.72) (0.61) (0.66) (0.68) (0.59) (0.52) (0.72) (0.48) (0.47)

Number of panelists in population

Experienced panel odour threshold in OJ (g/L) (standard deviation, log ppb)

2120 38 700 532 2390 8500 16 600 67 740 656 (0.57) (0.64) (0.59) (0.64) (0.50) (0.51) (0.78) (0.49) (0.42)

Number of experienced panelists

Published threshold in water (g/l)

-Pinene -Pinene Myrcene -Terpinene Limonene -Terpineol Linalool Vanillin Citral (a and b)
Hexanal Octanal Nonanal Decanal trans-2-Pentenal

39 38 46 51 40 33 39 58 50 42 45 38 42 33

17 21 18 15 16 18 20 16 15 22 12 21 17 22

5;20 6;49 9.525 14049 13;49 3625 10;36 60;25 2005 280;25 330;37 35036 5;42 5.3;25 649 20;5 25;50 68031 3236(ger.)3032(ner.); 85.325 4.5;35 5.8;5 10.5;51 9.2;25 50;33 47916 0.7;35 1.41;25 85 1;35 2.53;25 55 0.1;35 1.97;25 2;37 55 1500;32 5516

151 (0.67) 233 312 204 2770 (0.72) (0.59) (0.60) (0.46)

135 (0.63) 474 232 197 2330 (0.43) (0.52) (0.64) (0.47)

Table 3. Population and experienced panel retronasal odour thresholds of orange juice compounds in a deodorized orange juice matrix (OJ), and published retronasal odour thresholds of the same compounds in water Compound Population retronasal odour threshold in OJ (g/l) (standard deviation, log ppb) Number of panelists in population Experienced panel retronasal odour threshold in OJ (g/L) (standard deviation, log ppb)
2120 38 700 399 2650 8470 9020 66 224 580 79 153 130 70 1650 (0.55) (0.66) (0.61) (0.45) (0.46) (0.47) (0.84) (0.60) (0.45) (0.50) (0.60) (0.51) (0.45) (0.52)

Number of experienced panelists

Published avour threshold in water (g/L)

-Pinene -Pinene Myrcene -Terpinene Limonene -Terpineol Linalool Vanillin Citral (a and b) Hexanal Octanal Nonanal Decanal trans-2-Pentenal

2010 36 100 500 2140 13 330 9060 105 161 714 88 97 165 97 1970

(0.66) (0.65) (0.70) (0.56) (0.62) (0.50) (0.81) (0.72) (0.53) (0.67) (0.72) (0.54) (0.51) (0.50)

39 38 46 51 40 33 39 58 50 42 45 38 42 33

17 21 18 15 16 18 20 16 15 22 12 21 17 22

33;20 101425 16.6;5 4225 34;20 21025 30025 1.5;52 3.825 305 41.425 3.66;25 10.5;53 16;34 30;54 7655 0.52;25 5;54 4555 3.5;20 4.25;25 1255 3.02;25 754,55

the retronasal odour thresholds were also higher for linalool and limonene (Table 3). Conversely, decanal odour thresholds (orthonasal and retronasal) were higher for the experienced panel (Tables 2 and 3). Such levels of differences were reported between panels made of the same laboratory members.28 Most studies reporting odour or avour thresholds use 1020 panel members. Some panels are selected for their reproducibility,31,34 others for their sensitivity and reproducibility.32,3537 Guadagni and Buttery38 found that odour threshold for 2,3,6trichloroanisole was three times higher for untrained than for trained panelists. Thresholds that are determined with panels of less than 10 trained members are most likely to result in very precise values, and are usually used in avour research.20,39 However, they do not represent the

population average perception, and with a small number of panellists, one cannot determine whether a population is normal, skewed or bi-modal.27,40 To model consumer taste, a population threshold is preferable to determine the level of a pollutant or contaminant in air or in food, or to be used in product development for the food and beverage industry.27,28

Methodology The high level of odour threshold values determined in this experiment, as compared to published values, is in part due to the presentation method: chilled samples were presented in 30 ml capped plastic souf cups, with

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15 ml headspace. This is comparable to consumers tasting refrigerated orange juice from a glass. In the initial work performed by the Flavor Research Group at the US Department of Agriculture Western Regional Research Center in Albany, CA, Guadagni, Buttery and co-workers found better reproducibility and lower thresholds when odorants were presented directly to the nostril with a squeeze sniff bottle, as compared to the standard snifng technique of a glass vial headspace.35 Thresholds were 1.2 (propanal) to 98 (nonanal) times lower with the sniff bottle as compared to the vial headspace. It is interesting to note that for decanal, the threshold value from the same laboratory, but using different panelists and Teon bottles instead of polyethylene bottles, resulted in a threshold 20 times higher, 2 ppb vs. 0.1 ppb, respectively.35,41 In this study, the ASTM E-679 rapid method was used over other methods because it provides a practical value for a group threshold with a minimum of tests (20 40 3-AFC presentations to 515 panellists, with a total of 100600 presentations)28,40. We used a minimum of 33 panellists, with up to ve replications, for a total of 400 presentations or more, depending on the compound. The ASTM E-1432 method,40 in which the threshold is the stimulus level detectable by 50% of the population with a 0.5 probability, would be more accurate and biasfree, because it determines individual thresholds by tting a response curve to the panellists response to a range of concentrations.27 But the test requires ve times more samples than the rapid method, and it must be repeated by adjusting stimulus levels until the threshold is determined for all panellists. A dilution factor of 3 was used as the dilution step.28 While it would be more accurate to adjust this factor for each compound, because the response power function is different for each compound and subject, this was found to be the best compromise to cover the range of concentrations that might be perceived by all panellists. Grosch and co-workers used 50% dilutions,20,39 Larsen and Poll presented compounds at 1:10 dilutions.33,42 Finally, different levels of error are accounted for in threshold studies. With one spiked and two reference samples,31,34,39 there is 33% chance of guessing which is the spiked sample, while with a paired comparison test,35,36 there is a 50% chance of guessing correctly. Larsen and Poll used a modied duo-trio test, with a 1/6 chance of correct guess.42 Vanillin odour threshold was similar in the present study to that published by Keith and Powers.31 These authors presented samples in a decreasing order of concentration, which is known to induce a fatigue or habituation effect in perception. Therefore, this explains why the threshold value found for vanillin in water in that study is higher than other studies (Table 2). There is a great variation between published odour thresholds for hexanal, one of the most referenced com-

pounds (Table 2). The difference can be accounted for by the panel make-up and size: Guadagni and co-workers35 selected sensitive panellists, and used 1520 panellists; Guth and Grosch39 typically used three to seven trained panellists. The use of the sniff bottles may also explain why the thresholds from Guadagni and Butterys group were usually lower. The high value published by Tandon et al.16 can be explained by the panel make-up, which was untrained and unexperienced.

Matrix Effect The thresholds of orange juice aroma-active compounds were previously determined in water in this laboratory, by using a large untrained panel of 5573 panellists.25 The study lasted over a period of 2 years, with as many replicates as necessary to obtain a minimum of 100 responses for each concentration. It is interesting to note that 20% of the panellists were smokers in the earlier study, whereas only one regular panellist was a smoker in the present study. Since this is, to our knowledge, the only study that determined both odour and avour thresholds for many orange juice volatile compounds, the comparison between threshold values in water and in an orange juice matrix will be discussed with these data, unless otherwise specied (Table 4). Additionally, values found by Ahmed and co-workers were generally within a similar range to those previously published from other laboratories.25 Orthonasal odour thresholds were 14 and up to 266 times higher in reconstituted orange juice than in water (Table 4). The differences between published thresholds in water and the present thresholds in reconstituted orange juice were not as high for retronasal thresholds. Orange juice samples were presented at 1012 C, the temperature at which a consumer would drink juice. This lower temperature would decrease the amount of volatiles in the headspace, and thus increase orthonasal odour thresholds. The temperature difference is decreased once the sample is warmed up in the mouth, theoretically releasing more volatiles into the headspace. This might explain why there is less difference between thresholds in water and reconstituted juice for retronasal than for orthonasal odour thresholds (Table 4). It also explains the lower thresholds retronasally than orthonasally (Table 4), although thresholds lower orthonasally than retronasally were reported with samples (oil, milk or butter) served at 42 C.34 In earlier studies, sample preparation included dissolving the compounds in ethanol to make a stock solution of 100 ppm to increase compound solubility in water.25,35 As a result, samples spiked with 1 ppb or 10 ppb of compound under testing would contain 10 000 ppb or 100 000 ppb ethanol, respectively. The assumption was that ethanol would not be perceived, because the

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Table 4. Comparison between population orthonasal and retronasal odour thresholds of orange juice compounds in a deodorized orange juice matrix (OJ), and published odour thresholds of the same compounds in water Compound
-Pinene -Pinene Myrcene -Terpinene Limonene -Terpineol Linalool Vanillin Citral (a and b) Hexanal Octanal Nonanal Decanal trans-2-Pentenal

Orthonasal odour thresholds in OJ

1650 37 200 773 3260 13 700 25 900 113 764 1230 151 233 312 204 2770

Published thresholds in watera

10 14048 36 60 280 5.3 2049 85.3 9.2 1.4 2.5 2 150


Retronasal odour thresholds in OJ

2010 36 100 500 2140 13 330 9060 105 161 714 88 97 165 97 1970

Published thresholds in watera

1014 42 210 300 3.8 305 41 3.66 0.52 4.24 3.02


174 266 21 228 93 21 38 14 16 166 125 102 18

2 12 63 30 28 5 17 24 187 39 32

From ref. 25, unless otherwise specied.

ethanol threshold in water is 100 000 ppb.5,42 However, Lopetcharat43 observed suppression effects on the intensities of odorants at supra-thresholds when an odorant was present at sub-threshold. Specically, ethanol at sub-threshold (different for each panellist, therefore solutions made accordingly) suppressed the perceived intensity of acetaldehyde at supra-threshold; but when ethanol and acetic acid were presented together at sub-threshold concentrations, they enhanced the perception of overall intensity, sweetness and sourness of acetaldehyde.43 By using the deodorized orange juice as the matrix, the aroma compounds were rst dispersed in the juice to make a stock solution and immediately diluted to the appropriate concentration to prepare samples. Therefore, no solvent carrier was introduced that might interfere with the aroma perception. In our study, there were no volatiles extracted by diethyl ether or pentane from reconstituted juice. Likewise, there were no perceived odours in the pumpout by GCO. The direct headspace GC analysis revealed traces of limonene, valencene and decanal. Those results suggest that interactions that would occur between orange juice compounds and the compound under study would be mostly with the juice solutes. The sugar and acids analysis results were 1.42% sucrose, 1.52% glucose, 1.82% fructose and 0.61% citric acid equivalents for the reconstituted juice. Pectin content was 0.215%, as galacturonic acid (GA) units. Ahmed and co-workers showed that sugars and acids (1% malic and 7% citric), alone or in combination with each other or with pectin, increased the retronasal odour threshold perception of D-limonene in water, while pectin did not have any effect.44 While the research approach in the latter study is interesting, it only evaluated the effect of soluble solids on the threshold of the compound present in the largest amount in orange juice, i.e. limonene.4,23,24

However, other compounds with a lower threshold may be as important as limonene.20 Studies with model solutions also do not reproduce exactly all the compounds that are present in the pumpout. For instance, Buettner and Schieberle20 showed that the addition of 0.1% fat to the model solution decreased the terpene-like perception and increased the fruity perception retronasally. This result seems logical, due to the fact that terpene compounds are very lipophilic. But the same authors did not include pectin or phenolic compounds in the model solution, despite their presence in orange juice. By using threshold values determined in the orange juice matrix, the odour units3 or odour activity values (OAVs),2 which are the ratios of compound concentration to their thresholds, will be different than when calculated from threshold values obtained in water. OAVs are widely used to determine which compounds in a product are important for its aroma.20,4547 For example, Moshonas and Shaw4 infer that limonene, myrcene, -pinene, decanal, octanal, linalool, and ethyl butanoate (not presented here) are often the most important contributors to orange juice avour. Likewise, Buettner and Shieberle20 found 19 compounds out of 25 with an OAV above 1 for fresh squeezed orange juice. However, by using the present threshold values, limonene, myrcene, linalool and hexanal would be the only terpenes and saturated aliphatic aldehyde with an OAV above 1 in the latter study (Table 5). Table 5 presents the concentrations of the compounds under study found in the headspace (Juice A4), or extracted with diethyl ether (Juice B20) from fresh squeezed Valencia orange juice. OAVs are calculated by using published threshold values in water (column 3), or the present thresholds in orange juice (column 4). Similar to odour activity values, we present retronasal odour activity values (r-OAV) by using published retronasal odour thresholds obtained in water and the

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Flavour Fragr. J. 2004; 19: 491498


Table 5. Orthonasal and retronasal odour activity values for selected terpenes and aldehydes in Valencia handsqueezed orange juice, using published threshold values in water or threshold values from deodorized orange juice (OJ) Compound Conc. in Conc. in Odour Odour OAV in OAV in Retronasal Retronasal r-OAV r-OAV OJ threshold threshold in water in OJ juice A4 juice B20 threshold threshold water in watera in OJa in watera in OJa
100 340 10 18 000 tr 130 tr 4 1 16 308 594 85 598 81 67 197 25 13 45 10 140 36 60 93 5.3 20 14 9.2 1.4 2.5 2 150 1650 37 200 773 3260 13 700 25 900 113 764 1230 151 233 312 204 2770 1031 <1 916 301426 <1 1525 3.3 <1 21 318 <15.2 822 <1 1 <1 1.36 <1 1 <1 <1 1.3 <1 <1 <1 1014 42 210 300 3.8 30 41 3.66 0.52 4.24 3.02 2010 36 100 500 2140 13 330 9060 105 161 714 88 97 165 97 1970 <1 8.114.1 85407 <1 3421 2.2 <1 53.8 7.748 <13.0 5.315 <1 0.71.2 <1 1.46.4 <1 1.20.8 <1 <1 2.2 <1 <1 <1

-Pinene -Pinene Myrcene -Terpinene Limonene -Terpineol Linalool Vanillin Citral Hexanal Octanal Nonanal Decanal trans-2-Pentenal
tr, trace. a From Table 4.

present retronasal odour thresholds in orange juice. Only four compounds have a r-OAV above 1; myrcene, limonene, linalool and hexanal. It is clear that the use of orthonasal or retronasal odour activity values only gives an indication of the ranking of the importance of a compound in a food, and not its perception among the mixture of all the other compounds. Also, because perceived intensity increases at different rates for different compounds, the OAVs cannot be used to indicate potency of a compound when it is present at a level resulting in high OAV in a mixture.48 Finally, compounds that are below threshold concentration are as important to the overall aroma and avour perception, acting by enhancing or suppressing each other.43 Because of the reduction of compound concentration in the headspace of complex food matrices, Bezman et al.9 suggested that odour thresholds be determined in air, such as by GCO, and headspace concentration of aroma volatiles measured to deduce OAV values in the food product. Similarly, because of complex interactions between volatile and non-volatile compounds resulting in high threshold values, we suggest that avour determination be done by using the deodorized food as the complex matrix whenever possible, especially when product development is the objective.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

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