Digest 09-23-13

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Denbigh Presbyt erian Church

September 23, 2013

The Denbigh Digest is published monthly on the third or fourth Monday The deadline for items to be included is 9:00 AM on that Monday Comments or Questions? Contact the church office at 877-2048 or e-mail us at session@denbighpres.org

V olume 41 Issue 10

Next Issue for November is

October 21, 2013
Our Church Staff Pastor The Reverend Deborah Dail Ministerial Assistant Rusty Norton Director of Childrens/Youth Ministries Liz Marshall Director of Music Ministries Dr. Kelly Montgomery Administrative Assistant Wanda Hale Sexton Team Mark, June, Lauren and Nick Tessarolo Pre-Kindergarten Director Maggie Vincelette Nursery Coordinator Alicia Lewis Treasurer Lorena Riely

Denbigh and Second Presbyterian Churches Vote Overwhelmingly to Unite

On Sunday, September 8, both the Denbigh and Second Presbyterian congregations voted for the Plan of Union. We rejoice in this decision and look forward to uniting in mission and service to our community and world and growing in our Christian faith. The Sessions of DPC and SPC have appointed members to a Transition Team. The purpose of the Transition Team is to: Facilitate the union of Second Presbyterian and Denbigh Presbyterian Churches into the Denbigh United Presbyterian Church effective January 1, 2014. The team is to ensure that the transition goes smoothly as the congregations become one. The team is to help with the grieving and healing process of Second PC members and help with any issues related to change for the SPC and DPC members. The team is to help the leaders and others transition from a small church culture to a mid-size church culture. The team is to carry out any requirements of the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia, legal matters of the state and local government and other matters related to the Plan of Union. In short, the Transition Team is to guide the implementation of the Plan of Union. (Continued on page 2)

Inside this issue:

United Worship and Finance Adult Education Session News Outreach Fellowship Childrens and Youth Ministry Congregational Care Birthdays Pre-K Stewardship October Calendars 1-2 3 4 5 6-8 8-9 10 11 12 13 14 15-16

The Transition Team has created task forces to work on the following areas: Prayer Prays daily for union and special requests related to union Real Estate Markets and sells SPC campus Historical Artifacts/Memorabilia Preserves and displays history of both churches at DPC Aesthetics Determines furnishings, equipment, etc. to move from SPC to DPC; arranges for sale, donation, storage of unneeded items from SPC and DPC Pre-K Provides for unification of SPC and DPC pre-kindergartens Legal Manages legal matters related to union Publicity Provides for internal and external publication of union Financial Integration Integrates the finances of DPC and SPC Assimilation Works in an intentional manner to help our congregations become one Music Inventories all music, instruments, musical equipment to determine use within united church; arranges for sale, donation, storage of unneeded items; facilitates combining churchs music programs If you are interested in serving on a task force, please contact Deborah.

COTTAGE STYLE GATHERINGS BETWEEN SECOND PRESBYTERIAN AND DENBIGH PRESBYTERIAN Mary Lee and Jay Dunn welcome members of both DPC and SPC congregations to their home for small, casual get-to-know-you gatherings. Please sign up on Sundays or call 874-1258 (Dunn's) for one or all of the gatherings (space is limited). Thursdays, 1-2:30 PM, October 17, November 14 and December 12. Thursday evening, November 14, 7-8:30 PM. You will be contacted with further details after you sign up.

Church Record
Attendance Worship Nurseries Sunday School

Active Membership (405) Worship on the Lawn 8/25 100 9 9/1 118 7 13 9/8 177 11 14 9/15 118 10 n/a 9/22 114 9 23

Celebration of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper

Please join us in celebrating the Lords Supper on Sunday, October 6 which is World Communion Sunday. Please prayerfully prepare for the celebration of the Lords Supper.

Joint Worship Services with Second Presbyterian

We will be worshiping with our brothers and sisters from Second Presbyterian over the coming months on the following Sundays. Please make special note of the location and time of the services. Sunday, September 29, 10:30 a.m. at DENBIGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, October 13, 11 a.m. at SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, November 10, 10:30 a.m. at DENBIGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, December 1, 11 a.m. at SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH

Actual Year to Date August 31, 2013 Total Income $ 180,966.09 Total Expenses $ 201,587.46 Net Difference $ (20,621.37)

As with most churches, the summer months result in lower attendance and lower numbers of pledges contributed. While DPC is on solid ground financially, our cash flow did not meet our expenses. As we approach the close of September (our third financial quarter), we would ask that any consideration you can give to bringing pledges current would be greatly appreciated. We have been able to maintain our mission programs and projects but could use some catch up time! The expenses through August (eight months) were $201,587. Our income during the same time frame was $180,966, leaving us with an operating deficit of $20,621. Our reserve funds are designated for emergency repairs (think air conditioning!) and we hope not to utilize the account for continuing the operating funds. Again, if you feel so led, we ask your assistance in keeping our pledges current.

Building Fund for Major Improvements to the Pre-K Wing

With the help of $22,392.51 from savings we have paid for the foundation repair and guttering. We have also replaced the lighting and updated outdated wiring in the Pre-K wing. As you are able and feel led, please make contributions to the Building Fund. Contributions to the Building Fund will help repay our savings account.

The Session has approved raising funds to purchase a van or bus. This vehicle will allow us to more efficiently transport children and adults to all Church events and provide a way for youth, seniors and others to travel to activities and service opportunities. If you would like to contribute, designate your check Church Vehicle Fund. If you would like to help with fund-raising, contact Verni Saunders at 874-3923 or veryverni@verizon.net.

The Small Groups Team is moving forward on implementing Small Groups for the fall. With the potential union with Second Presbyterian Church as well as the number of new members and those who have been with the church for some time, we believe Small Groups will help us get to know one another on a more spiritual and personal level. Small Groups: The purpose of a small group is to make disciples. Before we can grow as disciples, we must be a healthy, loving community. The apostle Paul used the term koinonia (Greek for community) 13 times. Each time he spoke of a Christian relationship that is ours through the Holy Spirit, imitating Christ by producing the kind of love that acts for the good of others. It creates bonds that cannot be destroyed. Small Groups will be starting at Denbigh Presbyterian Church this fall and are a great way to make friends, grow as disciples and experience koinonia. Groups will meet on a regular basis for Bible study, fellowship and prayer. Want in-depth study? Desire a day or night group? Available on a specific day or night? Prefer a group of men, women, or couples? Need childcare? Interested in a topical Bible study? Sign-up forms are on the visitor table in the narthex.

Adult I Sunday School will be studying selections from the Old Testament books of Genesis and Exodus, the beginnings and in some ways the foundation to understanding the entire Bible. The fall quarter began September 1 and continues through November 24 in the Conference Room at 9:15 Sunday mornings. All adults are welcome.

Reviewed more of the "25 Factors That May Impact Your Survivability, Vitality and Vibrancy" from George Bullard Seminar. Approved treasurers' reports for DPC and Denbigh Presbyterian Pre-Kindergarten. Approved the 2013-2014 Pre-K operating budget. Heard report from Pyramid Roofing representatives on their bid to either repair or replace the church roof. The Session tasked the Facilities Committee to pursue two other comparable estimates and present at October Session Meeting. Received report on bid from Professional Heating and Cooling, Inc. to replace one Sanctuary air conditioner compressor. The Session tasked the Facilities Committee to pursue further information on warranty and to assess pros and cons of replacing entire unit versus just replacing the compressor and to report back at the October Session Meeting. Received and approved report of ruling elder commissioner Dale Pennell from the July Presbytery of Eastern Virginia stated meeting. Appointed Carolyn Woodard to serve on the Transition Team. Approved designating 25 percent of the Peacemaking Offering for 2013 to LINK of Hampton Roads for the PORT Homeless Ministry. Ruling Elder Gerry Ellis indicated her interest in being nominated to PEVA as a ruling elder commissioner to the 2014 General Assembly of the PCUSA. Empowered the Transition Team to make decisions in line with general authority provided other sessional committees and requested a monthly informational report from Transition Team to be included in the Session Agenda. Tasked the Finance Committee chair with writing an announcement for the bulletin concerning the status of the operating budget and encouraging contributors to catch up on their pledges.

Mark your calendar for Saturday, October 12. The Haiti Mission Team will be having a garage sale as well as a small pumpkin patch. You may also enjoy some Ben & Jerrys ice cream! All proceeds go to the Haiti Mission Team. We will be open from 8:00 AM1:00 PM! If you have items to donate (no clothes please), will you price them and bring them to the church by Wednesday, October 9? Please put all items in classroom 3. Thanks in advance.

D.U.C.O. (Denbigh United Christian Outreach) is in critical need of food supplies. D.U.C.O needs the following food items: tuna fish, rice, peas, corn, green beans, canned potatoes, canned fruit, instant potatoes, canned chicken and beef stew, crackers, hamburger helper, boxed salad, Vienna sausages, pasta, oatmeal and any other cereal, jelly, dry milk, canned milk, salad dressing, peanut butter, peanuts, applesauce, mustard, ketchup, mayo, nabs, jell-o, pudding, cake/brownie mix and or other snack items. You may bring your donations to church and place them on the kitchen counter. Your help is greatly appreciated. DPC will work at the Food Bank on Saturday, October 26. For more information contact Terry Hall.

S.H.A.R.E. Dates for September

October 2013 S.H.A.R.E. orders can be placed the week of October 711. The orders will be placed on Monday, October 14 by 10:00 AM. These orders will be distributed in the Narthex area of Denbigh Presbyterian Church on Saturday, October 26 from 7:00-7:30 AM. All orders must be picked up by 7:30 AM on each distribution date. Volunteers cannot be held responsible for orders which are not picked up.

Help Build a Stronger Denbigh

For years Denbigh Presbyterian has had a member serving on the Denbigh Community Action Team. That organization no longer meets but is supportive of the work and goals of the PIER Intervention Committee in Newport News. The PIER Intervention Committee is committed to organizing and utilizing resources for supporting the transition of youth and young adults from gang involvement to law-abiding lifestyles. PIER stands for Prevention, Intervention, Enforcement, and Re-entry, the four committees within the Mayor's Task Force. The Intervention Committee is sponsoring training in the Asset-Based Community Development approach on November 9. Asset-Based Community Development is a large and growing movement that considers local assets as the primary building blocks of sustainable community development. Building on the skills of local residents, the power of local associations, and the supportive functions of local institutions, asset-based community development draws upon existing community strengths to build stronger, more sustainable communities for the future. (Asset Based Community Development Institute) Please contact Gerry Ellis if you are interested in attending the November 9, 2013 workshop.

Provide the simple gift of a shoebox filled with small gifts and change lives. Every shoebox gift is an opportunity to touch a childs heart and share the love of Jesus Christ. Look for the Samaritans Purse shoebox brochures, which provide suggested gift ideas, in the narthex. You can fill your own shoebox, use one of the boxes provided in the narthex or use one of the Samaritans Purse Shoeboxes located on the kitchen counter. Please include $7.00 in your box to help with shipping costs. The deadline to turn in shoeboxes is Sunday, November 10. We will dedicate the boxes November 10 during the worship service. If you have any questions please contact Liz Marshall.

The Gardens at Warwick Forest

On a regular schedule, Denbigh Presbyterian Church conducts a service at The Gardens at Warwick Forest. The next service is Monday, September 30 at 10:00 AM. This is a multi-center facility for those who are in nursing care, rehabilitation, and hospice. The worship service lasts for approximately thirty minutes and includes all the elements enjoyed during our Sunday Services. We need volunteers to sing, read, or just visit with those who attend. It is a blessing to all and a great opportunity to reach out to those who cannot normally attend Christian services. For more information or if you would like to help, please contact Rusty Norton (cell 757-814-1091 or email rustynorton@denbighpres.org). Blessings to all, Rusty

Crafter's day out--a regular fellowship opportunity for crafters of all kinds. Whether you paper craft, quilt, do yarn work or something else, please plan to gather with other crafters. Please bring your project, materials and appetizers and/or snacks to share. (Extension cords would be a good idea for those using sewing machines.) When: Saturday, October 5 from 2:30 until 6:00pm. Where: Fellowship Room of DPC Point of Contact: Beth Wong, sebeth.wong@gmail.com.

Sign-ups have begun for our annual Trunk-or-Treat which will take place in the church parking lot on Wednesday, October 30, 2013, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Last year, more than 20 trunks were decorated for the event. We hope to have even more vehicles this year. Please see the bulletin board near the nursery for more details and to add your name to the list. If you are unable to participate in Trunk-or-Treat but would still like to help us out youre in luck! We will be glad to accept donations of individually-wrapped candy that can be passed out to the children. Please bring your donations to the kitchen counter by Sunday, October 27. Thank you.

Prime Timers
September 28, Saturday, 5:30 AM Volunteer at the Peninsula Foodbank. October 5, Saturday, 5:00 PM Annual picnic at the home of Jay and Mary Lee Dunn. Final reservations will be taken on September 29. Cost is $3.00 each for the meat and everyone is invited to bring a side dish. If any Prime Timer has an idea for the group to participate in and would like to take charge of it, please contact Elaine Minch. We are always looking for new, interesting and fun things to do!

Prime Timers tour of Colonial Williamsburg with Mrs. Powell, our own Kristi Spivey. We had a great day ending with a delicious lunch at National Pancake and Waffle House. Thank you Kristi!

Patriotic Festival at Second Presbyterian Church

Make plans to attend the Patriotic Festival on Saturday, September 28 at 4:00 PM at Second Presbyterian Church. Enjoy patriotic music provided by the James River Pops Band. The concert will be followed by a dinner in the fellowship hall. Barbecue, cole slaw and beverages will be provided. Everyone is asked to bring a salad or dessert to share.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013 For kids in Pre-K through 5th grade

What is trunk-or-treating? The church parking lot with the back ends of cars, vans, and trucks decorated in a variety of fun themes. Free hot dogs Treats! Treats! Treats! Kids dressed up in costumesnothing scary or gory, please.

We invite you to join us for this safe, fun activity that is suitable for all ages to enjoy. Be sure to bring your friends and neighbors, too.

Faith Weaver Friends

Attendance at Faith Weaver Friends 9/18 Children 29 Adults 25 Total 54

9/25 32 20 52

Faith Weaver Friends Started September 18 Faith Weaver Friends is a midweek program for children in Kindergarten through High school. The program consists of dinner, Bible study, and recreation/crafts. Faith Weaver Friends starts at 5:45 p.m. and concludes at 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday from September 18 through November 20, 2013. We are looking for some cooks for our Faith Weaver Friends program. If you are interested in cooking please contact Elaine Minch at 877-8322 for all the details. If you have any questions about the FWF program and would like to help teach, be a table parent, set up tables or see how you can volunteer please contact Liz Marshall 874-3672.


Our Military
Joan Kiser Rhett Hickman Conner, grand nephew of Darlene Mays-Tittman Myrna Bickhart Amelia Britts daughter-in-law Kathy Baldwins father Leslie Maloney Jamie Eason Pete Buchanan Anne Averys sister-in-law Chip Shefeltons father Morris Kincaid Phil Gruber Johnny Ames LuAnn Jusino Betty and Lynnwood Roach Alistair Paton, brother of Rita Stevens and Lillie Gagliardi Paul Reynolds father Hiromi OKeeffe Beth Coulson Stephen McLeod Scott, nephew of Rita Stevens and Lillie Gagliardi Madyson VanCleave-Hooks family-Skeeter, DJ and Haidyn Ham and Nancy Fairfield Alice McHenry Dan Dail Beau Riely Josh Seburn Ruth McCullough
Tom Joyce Robert Depp Pete Marshall Jennifer Lambert David Powers Fred Wong Bruce Baffer Caroline Joyce Lee Holfert Daniel Troyer Jacob Mayes Dan Barnhart Chris Rupp Michael Shea Daniel Jones Joel Silva Ryan Jones James OSuma Rob Phelps Jessica Horine
Jennifer Hale Williams

Terri Minch Osner Lazaro Durruty Mark Manoso

Our Deployed Military

Ricardo Marquez Jonathan Graebener (Nephew of Joanna and Bev Daniels)

Our Missionaries in Haiti

Bruce and Deb Robinson

Thank you to everyone who has supported our family through Dans recent bilateral knee replacement surgery. We are grateful for the cards, meals, visits, prayers and acts of kindness. Dan is doing very well and we credit his rapid recovery to Gods grace shown to us through all of you. In Christ, Dan and Deborah Dail


1 Dave Green 1 Brian Steelman 1 Deborah Dail 1 Steve Ruggles A2 Matthew and Wylie Crane 2 Delores Fleming 2 Verni Saunders 3 Alexis Singletary 3 Ellen Percival 4 John Ames 4 Kay Atkinson 5 Cheryl Barnhart 6 Al Ragsdale A6 Franz & Helen Thiessen 7 Terry Dudash 7 Don Bickhart 8 Eleanor Robinson 8 Brennon Andrews 8 Trace Hall 8 Chance Turner 9 Grey Davenport 9 John McLeod 12 John "Pax" Renner 13 Antonio Coll 13 Liz Burroughs 15 Preston Duhamel 15 Casey Nance 15 Gerry Ellis 18 Charlotte Eason 21 Gary Bill 21 Marcia Bowers 22 Juanita Singletary 22 Betty Mayes 23 Katelyn Canaday 23 Mary Blake Avery 24 Lillie Gagliardi 24 Stephanie Jusino 24 June Tessarolo 25 Debbie Richardson 25 Leslie Maloney 25 Bill McCullough 26 Lloyd Martin, Jr. A26 Ben and Gerry Ellis A27 Robert & Jonelle Depp

Mark Your Calendars Now October 6, 10:30 a.m. World Communion Sunday/Peacemaking Offering October 12, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Yard Sale, Pumpkins, Ben and Jerrys Ice Cream Fundraiser October 13, 11:00 a.m. Joint Worship Service at Second PC October 20, 10:30 a.m. Pre-K Sunday with reception November 3, 10:30 a.m. Stewardship Commitment Sunday November 10, 10:30 a.m. Joint Worship Service at Denbigh PC; Shoebox Dedication November 27, 7:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Service December 1, 11 a.m. Joint Worship Service at Second PC (1st Sunday of Advent) December 24, 6:30 and 9:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Services


Denbigh Presbyterian Pre-Kindergarten

September has flown by, and our students are really starting to get into the school routine. Were ready to have some new experiences in October-chapel and music class, a visit from the police department and the fire truck, and our Halloween parade. There are lots of exciting things going on at DPPK! If you are looking for ways that you can help support the Pre-K ministry, please remember that we collect Campbells Labels for Education. There is a collection box located on the kitchen counter. We are no longer allowed to collect Box Tops. However, if you do not have another school to support you can drop those off in the box as well, and we will donate them to a local elementary school. Church members are also welcome to serve as Hall Mom. I am looking forward to another wonderful and fun school year! Thank you for your support and prayers for success. Maggie Vincelette DPPK Director Pre-K Sunday October 20 We are excited for our annual Pre-K Sunday on October 20. This is a great opportunity to meet and welcome our Pre-K families during worship and at a reception following. The Pre-K of Denbigh Presbyterian is one of our most vital ministries which reaches children and their families with the love of Christ and prepares children for a successful education. Join us on October 20 as we also recognize our teachers and pray for this important ministry.

On Pre-k Sunday, October 20 a reception will follow the worship service. If you can provide a portion of the refreshments, please contact Beck Skaar.


Time and Talent Surveys are Due Completed Time and Talent Surveys are due Sunday, September 29. Please place your completed survey in the designated box in the narthex. We are eager for everyone to be involved in the churchs ministries.

Commitment Sunday
Commitment Sunday will be held on Sunday, November 3. Please turn in your giving commitment card at that time or before. Pledge cards will be given out on Sunday, October 20, 27 and 29. Pledging means spiritual growth. Please pray about your commitment and be a part of this meaningful commitment to Christ.

A Season of Peace
In an introduction to the 2013 Peacemaking Offering, Carl Horton of the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program writes, Without a doubt, our world is in need of peace. On our streets and in our communities, within our households and in our relationships, within groups and between factions, among nations and within the whole global community, we need peace. Stark reminders of our need for peace confront us every day, calling us to act and inviting us to engage in the work and witness of peacemaking. The Presbyterian Church (USA) invites congregations and individuals to participate in A Season of Peace from September 8 until October 6. We will see how Christians are working for peace in our country and across the world. The season will culminate with the Peacemaking Offering collection to coincide with World Communion Sunday. We are also encouraged to pray for peace during A Season of Peace. You are invited to use a daily Path of Peace reflection and prayer devotional. You can either subscribe to the daily reminder or print the Path of Peace PDF. Visit presbyterianmission.org/seasonofpeace. Carl Horton believes that, One heart at a time, we can change cultures of violence into communities of peace. How can we be a part of that change? The season will culminate with the Peacemaking Offering collection to coincide with World Communion Sunday on October 6. Twenty-five percent of what we give will be contributed to LINK of Hampton Roads for the PORT ministry.


6 Greeters (front/rear entrances) Ushers * Denotes team captain Worship Leader Norton, Rusty Ames, Debbie Youth Reader Childrens Moment Blinco, Lisa Hall, Patti Hall, Terry Miller, Martha Mansell, Megan Dunn, Jay McLeod, Gail Miller, Charles Hall, Terry Harris, Brian Harris, Stephanie Harvey, Don Harvey, Peggy Jones, Bill Jones, Dee Lassiter, Earl Mayes, Betty McLeod, John Pauley, Rick Richardson, Debbie Crib/Toddler Nursery Pre-school Nursery Welcome Table Counters Preparation of Elements Skaar, Becky Burns, Dreama Dunn, Mary Lee Norton, Penny Shefelton, Kinsey Gamble, Vanessa Ames, Debbie Pennell, Dale *REYNOLDS, PAUL Mansell, Suzanna Marchese, Andrea Reynolds, Janeane *DANIELS, BEV Daniels, Joanna DuHamel, Preston Duhamel, Rebecca King, Maria Minch, Ray Miller, Martha Marchese, Andrea Burns, Suzanne Pauley, Rick *LASSITER, EARL Gamble, Vanessa Goble, Grace Eason, Don Canaday, David Marshall, Justin Murawski, Sandi Ames, Debbie Marchese, Andrea Smith, Pat Melvin, Stacy Coll, Stacey McLeod, John Williams, Phil




Silva, Christy Silva, Joel

*SPRUILL, DOUG Hiltabidle, Jim Skaar, Becky King, Maria

Hall, Patti

Marshall, Sara

Collins, Anneliese

Hoopes, Irene Rogers, Sarah

Lamb, Brenda Sweiggert, Crystal

Ellis, Gerry

Bill, Janet Eason, Charlotte









5:45 Faith Weaver Friends

7:00 Transition Team (Rm 9) 8:00 AA (FR,CR)

7:00 WOC Council (CR) 7:30 OA (Rm 9) 8:10 Bells 7:00 Choir

10:00 AA (FR,CR)

2:30-6:00 Crafters Day (FR)

5:00 PTs Picnic @ the Dunns

9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship/Communion/Peacemaking Offering 11:45 Small Group Leader Training 7:30 OA (Rm 9) 7:00 Session (FR) 10:00 PG (P) Fellowship Floors Cleaned (All Day) Pre-K Chapel and Music 11:00EASE (FR,CR) Pre-K Chapel and Music





5:45 Faith Weaver Friends 7:00 Choir 8:10 Bells 7:00 Pre-K Board Meeting (L) 8:00 AA (FR,CR)

8:00-1:00 Yard Sale for Haiti Team/Pumpkin Sales and Ben & Jerrys Ice Cream

10:00 AA (FR,CR)

DPC at Second Presbyterian Church for Joint Worship 10:00 PG (P) 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship 7:00 Worship Vision & Planning Team Meeting (CR) 10:00 Esther Circle (L) 10:00 Lydia Circle


6:30-9:00 Pre-K Family Night (FR, Pre-K wing) 7:00 Priscilla Circle @ Pennells 7:30 OA (Rm 9)





10:00 AA (FR,CR)

5:45 Faith Weaver Friends 7:00 Choir

8:00 AA (FR,CR)

9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship/Pre-K Sunday 11:45 Reception to honor Pre-K families 10:00 PG (P)

21 Digest

Pre-K Chapel and Music 1:00 PEVA Meeting at Royster PC 7:30 OA(Rm 9)

Pre-K Chapel and Music 5:45 Faith Weaver Friends 7:00 Choir 8:10 Bells




5:30 Food Bank

7:00 SHARE

10:00 AA (FR,CR)

8:00 AA (FR,CR)

9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship

10:00 PG (P)


6:00-7:30 Trunk or Treat 7:00 Choir 7:30 OA (Rm 9) 8:10 Bells


8:00 AA (FR,CR)


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