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Event 1) Volume Chug

Each team will receive a beerlympics jug where they must pour beer up to the allocated level (marked by a line or mark on the jug). The aim of the game is to finish all the beer in the jug before all other teams finish theirs. Both team members must consume a portion of the beer (it may be as little as one mouthful for one player and the remaining contents for the other). Once the team has finished the beer, they must tip the jug upside down to show there is no beer left in the container. This will symbolise completion of the event. Excess beer spillage will result in a points penalty.

Event 2) Cup flip

Each team will start with 2 cups filled with beer (1 cup per player). The cups are placed on the table in front of each player. Once the game begins, one player from each team must skull their beer (the other player must wait for his turn to start drinking). Once player 1 has finished their drink, they must place their cup upside down, sitting halfway off the table (this will allow them to flip their cup). Player 1 must then attempt to flip their cup so it stands up (upside down or right way up, it doesnt matter). They continue flipping until they successfully flip their cup. Once player 1 has successfully flipped their cup, player 2 will begin drinking their beer. Player 2 repeats the process and once player 2 has successfully flipped their cup, the game is over. First team to flip both cups successfully wins!

Event 3) Egg toss

Each team receives one egg. Players must start facing their teammate (approx metre away from one another) Both team members must hold their drinks for the entire duration of the game. One player throws the egg to their partner, their partner must catch it using only one hand (not the one holding the beer obviously). If the teammate catches it without the egg breaking, both teammates must have a skull of their beer. The player who receives the egg must also take one step backwards. Teams will continue to repeat this process until they break the egg. If the egg breaks, the player who received the egg on the final throw must skull the rest of his/her drink. Both players must also remain standing in their final positions to identify the winners. Team with the largest distance between them at their last throw is declared the winners. Teams must wash the egg off the road using the water bucket provided.

Event 4) Beer pong

Beer pong is pretty self-explanatory, although there are a few changes. Teams start on either end of the table. Cups are set up at each end using a diamond formation. The diamond will consist of 6 cups (3-2-1 formation). This amount is only used during the heats. Teams will half fill each of their cups with their selected alcohol. First shot is decided by rock-paper-scissors (best out of 1). Using a Ping-Pong ball, one player from the team must throw or bounce the ball into the oppositions cups. If the ball successfully lands in the opponents cup, they must drink that cup and pass the ball back to the throwing team. If a team successfully

gets the ball into the opponents cup they receive another turn, this continues until they miss. Once a ball has landed in a cup it must be removed from the diamond. Once the player misses a shot, the ball is turned over to the opposing team. Players must alternate drinking and throwing (no exceptions). When throwing the ball, both the players feet must remain on the ground and behind the table. Also, a player must release the ball no closer than the front cup of their diamond. A team wins when they have removed all the oppositions cups. The losing team must drink all the opponents remaining cups.

Scoring This will depend on the amount of teams playing on the day. On the chance of a tie between overall points, a single cup beer-pong game will be played to decide a winner.

Event 5) How much is left?

Each player receives a glass, they must fill their glass will their selected alcohol. In teams, players must attempt to drink from their glass and leave a combined amount of liquid that equates to 100mls. Both team members must have some liquid remaining in their glass. The total amount left in both glasses must equate to 100mls or closest too. The team that gets closest to 100mls is declared the winner. This will be measured using scales 1ml = 1gm. The team that finishes drinking first is rewarded with a 5ml advantage (up to 5mls higher or lower). Once you have finished drinking you must call finished. After you have called finished you may not remove any more of the liquid from your glass.

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