MPAS Survey

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Priority Survey


Eachyear,MichiganProtectionandAdvocacyService(MPAS)seeksinputregardingissuesthataffectthelivesof peoplewithdisabilitiesinMichigan.Thisyearwewillalsobereevaluatingourprioritiesandadjustingthemasnecessary toachievedesiredoutcomes.Thankyouforyourassistanceinoureffortstodesignadvocacyservicesthatwillenable peoplewithdisabilitiestoliveindependent,productivelivesasfullyincludedmembersofthecommunity.Pleasefaxto (517)4870827ormailtoMichiganProtection&AdvocacyService4095LegacyPkwy,Ste.500Lansing,MI48911.

1. Priority #1 Eliminate Abuse and Neglect In your opinion, which topics need the most urgent attention? Please number your answers with 1 being most important and 6 being least important. NOTE: The questions will automatically reorder themselves when you click on your number choice.
6 6 6 6 6
Advocatetheprohibitionofrestraint/seclusioninschoolsexceptinemergencysituations Advocatetheprohibitionofrestraint/seclusionofpeoplewithdisabilitiesingeneralexceptinemergencysituations Advocateexpandedbackgroundchecksonindividualswhoprovidesupportsandservicestopeoplewithdisabilities Investigateandfileactionsagainstindividualsallegedtohaveabusedapersonwithadisability Advocateforimprovedmentalhealthscreeningandservicesinjails/prisonsforpeoplewithdisabilities

2. Priority #2: Improve Rights Protection System In your opinion, which topics need the most urgent attention? Please number your answers with 1 being most important and 8 being least important. NOTE: The questions will automatically reorder themselves when you click on your number choice.
6 6 6 6 6 6
Protectindividualswithdisabilitiesfromguardianabuse,neglect,financialexploitation,orforcedtreatment Trainingpeoplewithdisabilitiesandtheirfamiliesonviablealternativestoguardianship Advocateinsupportofrequiringannualfinancialreportingbyallguardians Advocateinsupportofaccesstoanindependentandeffectiverightsprotectionsystem Investigationofsuspectedorreportedrightsviolations AdvocatethecreationofaRecipientRightsOfficesthatisindependentoftheserviceprovidingsystem(s) AdvocateinsupportofrequiringCommunityHealthServiceProviders(CHSPs)todevelopandimplementPersonCentered Planninginthedeliveryofmentalhealthservices

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Priority Survey
3. Priority #3: Eliminate Employment Barriers and Protect Rights In your opinion, which topics need the most urgent attention? Please number your answers with 1 being most important and 11 being least important. NOTE: The questions will automatically reorder themselves when you click on your number choice.
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
AdvocateforimprovedaccesstoserviceswithinMichiganVocationalRehabilitationServicesandCentersforIndependentLiving Advocateinsupportoftrainingforemploymentcounselorswhoworkwithpeoplewithdisabilities Advocateinsupportofpeoplewithdisabilitiestoobtaintheskilltrainingneededforemploymentinthecommunity Addressissuesrelatedtosubminimumwagesforpeoplewithdisabilities Legaladvice/representationregardingemploymentlaws UnderstandingrightsregardingSocialSecurityandMedicaidbenefits Advocateinsupportofintegratedemploymentopportunitiesforpeoplewithdisabilities Advocateinsupportofassistivetechnologytoenableemploymentandincreaseproductivityforpeoplewithdisabilities Protectagainstdisabilitydiscriminationintheworkplace AdvocateinsupportofeffectiveTransitioningfromschooltoworkforstudentswithdisabilities

4. Priority #4: Improve Access to Necessary Services In your opinion, which topics need the most urgent attention? Please number your answers with 1 being most important and 6 being least important. NOTE: The questions will automatically reorder themselves when you click on your number choice.
6 6 6 6 6
Advocateinsupportofsecuringservicesthatkeeppeoplewithdisabilitiesintheircommunities Takeactionstoassurecompliancewithfederalandstatelawsthatassureaccessibilityofgenericcommunityservices Takeactionstoassurepollingplaceaccessibility Advocateforthenecessarysupportsandservicesthatallowpeoplewithdisabilitiestoreturntoorremainintheircommunity Protectchildrenwithdisabilitiesfrominstitutionalization

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Priority Survey
5. Priority #5 Ensure Rights to a High Quality Education In your opinion, which topics need the most urgent attention? Please number your answers with 1 being most important and 6 being least important. NOTE: The questions will automatically reorder themselves when you click on your number choice.
Advocateinsupportofimproveaccesstoanaccommodatedgeneraleducationclassroomandcurriculumforstudentswith disabilities Advocatetheeliminationofoutofschoolplacementfordisabilityrelatedbehaviors Advocateforimprovedidentificationofstudentseligibleforspecialeducationservices Educateparentsandserviceprovidersonspecialeducationlawsandrights Advocateforimprovedoutcomesforstudentstransitioningfromschooltocommunityliving

6 6 6 6

6. Was there an area which you felt was not represented in this survey? If so, please provide. For more space feel free to use the area on the last page.
5 6

7. To assure that we are reaching a wide cross section of the community, please answer the following. This section is strictly voluntary. There is NO requirement to complete this section. PLEASE DO NOT SIGN YOUR NAME TO THIS SURVEY. I am a: (please check one)
c Personwithadisability d e f g c Professional d e f g

c Parentofsomeonewithadisability d e f g c Nonprofitorganizationemployee d e f g

c Electedofficial d e f g

c Other:__________________________ d e f g

8. Type of Disability: (please check all that apply)

c Developmentaldisability d e f g c Deaf/hearingimpaired d e f g c MentalIllness d e f g c Braininjury d e f g c None d e f g

c Physicaldisability d e f g

c Learningdisability d e f g

c Blind/visualimpairment d e f g c Other d e f g

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Priority Survey
9. Living Arrangements: (Check all that apply)
c Own/renthome d e f g c GroupHome d e f g

c Apartment d e f g

c Statefacility d e f g c Prison/jail d e f g

c Longtermcarefacility d e f g c Homeless d e f g c Other d e f g

c Transitionalhousing d e f g

10. What is your county of residence?

11. What is your ethnicity/race?

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