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Dedicated to our peple ... our homeland

Commitment to the Community. Four words that entail lives and define futures. As a responsible corporate
citizen ICI Pakistan Limited is deeply committed to the development of its homeland and its people.
Redefining social values for business, we support a distinct CSR policy, one that touches lives.

Since our inception, we have supported and encouraged social development initiatives and enhanced
infrastructure facilities in the health and education sectors of our country. As a leading multinational we
have a proud history of sustained investments in the Pakistan economy; in basic manufacture and as a
conscientious corporate citizen, aim to create superior value for our customers and shareholders, without
compromising our commitment to safety, health and the environment in which we operate.

Our unique CSR policy has not only touched the lives of those in need but has also had a deep and
resounding effect on the ICI Family; our employees. Each member of this family in their resolve and
commitment to their community have dedicated a small yet significant part of their lives, their souls,
their aspirations; all for the love of their homeland.

‘NURTURE’ is an overview of our humble efforts and our commitment to our community over the last
decade. As responsible corporate citizens we hope to nurture, to vitalize…to give an enriched sense
of life.
Corporate Initiatives
The ICI Pakistan corporate CSR initiatives are governed by the ICI Pakistan
Foundation, which provides support to bonafide and established health care,
education and social welfare organizations of the Country, along with projects
serving the under privileged members of society. The Foundation, created as a
trust in 1991 for this purpose, is allocated a percentage of the profit every year
to carry out its philanthropic activities. Grants are intended to complement rather
than substitute government or other private funding. Highlighted ahead are some of
the CSR activities undertaken by the ICI Pakistan Foundation.
L to R: Earthquake Relief Donation to the Government, Earthquake Relief Donation to ICI Employees, Reconstruction of a Girls Middle School in Balakot

Earthquake Relief and Rehabilitation efforts

ICI Pakistan Limited and Pakistan PTA Limited, the subsidiaries of ICI Group in Pakistan, chalked out an extensive aid
plan and pledged a support of over Rs. 32 million to the Government and the people of Pakistan for the rehabilitation
work after the tragic earthquake that struck the North Western part of Pakistan including Azad Kashmir. The Group itself
contributed Rs. 20 million for earthquake relief, whereas an additional Rs. 12 million were contributed to relief efforts by
one of ICI Pakistan's overseas principals. The donation includes Rs. 4.5 million contributed by the employees of ICI
Pakistan Limited and Pakistan PTA Limited, through the contribution of one and two days gross salaries, respectively.

Additionally, the Company has also donated Rs. 1 million to the Pharma Bureau of Information & Statistics Pakistan for
medicines and medical supplies and other relief efforts in the earthquake affected areas, whereas the ICI Pakistan
Foundation has also made a contribution through the Overseas Investors’ Chamber of Commerce & Industries.
Part of the funds collected for the relief efforts have been earmarked for direct support to the reconstruction of a girl’s
middle school near Balakot. The project to construct the school is in underway and the expected completion date is
the 15th of July 2007. The estimated cost of this project is almost Rs. 13 million.
L to R: WWF Pakistan Nature Carnival, Save the Marine Marine Turle Program, Jinnah Fountain

Support to Wildlife and Nature Conservation Programs with WWF

The WWF Pakistan Nature Carnival is a festival that serves as a common platform for educational institutions, corporate
concerns and the public in general. Not only does the event enable WWF to communicate with all age groups, it also
provides an excellent opportunity to learn and discuss the significance of the measures being taken to protect the
environment and the endangered species.

The Company, as part of its continuous efforts to support the nature conservation programs, sponsored the WWF Pakistan
Nature Carnival 2006 for the seventh consecutive year. Stalls were set up offering a wide range of information and exciting
activities such as spellathon competitions on the environment, along with information about the endangered green turtles
in Karachi. ICI in collaboration with WWF Pakistan and City District Government Karachi also organizes beach cleaning
activities at Sandspit. Students, teachers, Sandspit community members and representatives of ICI, Sindh Wildlife Department
and WWF Pakistan are involved in the cleaning activity on the 5 km stretch of the Sandspit turtle beach.

Jinnah Fountain
As part of the Company’s contribution to the 50th anniversary of the Founding of Pakistan, and to gift a landmark that pays
homage to the birth city of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, ICI Pakistan Foundation constructed a fountain and a
roundabout near the Governor House in Karachi. The Jinnah Fountain, in addition to being a commemorative to the Golden
Jubilee, also highlights ICI Pakistan’s contribution to the urban enhancement of its Country.

Corporate Initiatives SOCIAL WELFARE

L to R: LRBT Eye Clinic Program at the Soda Ash Plant in Khewra

LRBT Eye Clinic Program

ICI Pakistan Foundation, with the assistance of the Layton Rehmatulla Benevolent Trust (LRBT) doctors, has been
conducting Eye Clinic programs since 1991, at the Company’s Winnington Hospital located at the Soda Ash plant at
Khewra. The two day monthly clinics, open to the public include OPD consultation as well as major and minor surgeries
and refractions, performed free of cost for all patients. Over the years, the program has been strengthened and expanded
to appropriately respond to increasing community needs for eye care services. A total of 9,258 major and minor surgeries
have been carried out to date and 97,697 out patients have been treated till December 2006.
L to R: LRBT Eye Clinic Program at the Soda Ash Plant in Khewra, Drinking water for the Khewra community

Drinking Water for Khewra Community

Recognizing the situation of an acute shortage of drinking water in Khewra, ICI Pakistan Foundation has provided nine
Community Water Taps in the area around the Soda Ash plant. These Water Taps are operative round the clock providing
approximately 23,000 gallons of drinking water daily to the residents of Khewra.

Corporate Initiatives SOCIAL WELFARE

L to R: KVTC Internship Program for ‘Young Persons with Learning Difficulties’

Scholarship Program
Since its inception in 1991, the ICI Pakistan Foundation has been actively involved in providing support and adding
value to the education sector of our Country. In the last decade over twenty-five students were financially supported to
study in the United Kingdom under the British Council Scholarship Scheme. In 2006, the Company initiated ‘ICI Pakistan
Scholarships Program’ to support the higher education needs of the meritorious students of the leading institutions in the
Country. ICI Pakistan Foundation will award scholarships to deserving students in the professional areas of business,
engineering, medicine and art.

KVTC Internship Program

In 2006 ICI Pakistan Foundation launched an Internship Program for young persons with learning difficulties in collaboration
with Karachi Vocational Training Centre (KVTC) and with the support of the British Council. This program provides an
opportunity for young individuals to experience the corporate environment at ICI Pakistan Limited, which in effect will boost
their confidence and improve their interactive skills, allowing them to seek a meaningful role in society.
British Council Management Centre
The British Council Management Centre set up in 2001, provides training opportunities and facilities in the field of
management education. Relocated with the British Council at the British Consulate premises in Karachi, the Centre
has fulfilled an important professional training need of the corporate sector in Karachi as well as the rest of the country.

Along with these key initiatives, ICI Pakistan Foundation also provides support to the following institutions in the healthcare,
education and social welfare sectors:

Anjuman e Bahbud e Samat e Atfal ABSA (School for hearing impaired children)
Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre MALC
The Kidney Centre
Institute of Behavioral Psychology IBP (Institute for Special children)
Lady Dufferin Hospital Foundation (Maternity Hospital)
Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre
Raast Welfare Society & School
CARE – Cooperation for Advancement Rehabilitation and Education
Al-Mustafa Trust Hospital
AURA (Cerebral Palsy Association)
Teachers Resource Centre

Corporate Initiatives EDUCATION

Following is an overview of the individual initiatives driven by our various businesses in their

Business Initiatives

ICI Pakistan Limited manufacturers and markets a range of industrial

and consumer products including Polyester Staple Fibers, POY Chips,
Light and Dense Soda Ash, Sodium Bicarbonate, Paints for the
Decorative, Automutive, Refinish segments, for industrial use and Projects,
Specially Chemicals for the Textile industry and market hybrid seeds.

ICI Pakistan comprises of five businesses:

ICI Polyester
ICI Paints
ICI Soda Ash
ICI Life Sciences
ICI Chemicals
In addition to the Corporate Social Responcibility initiatives of ICI Pakistan Foundation,
the five businesses throuth their Business CSR initiatives also support to the education,
health & envoirment and social welfare sectors in and around the communitieswhere
the manufacturing sites are located.
Following is an overview of the individual initiatives driven by our various businesses in their
L to R: Students of the Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aghai, Facade of the school, Polyester fibres

Polyester Fibres Business

The Polyester Fibres Business of ICI Pakistan actively supports the Sheikhupura Community with particular focus on a
small village of Tibbi Harya situated adjacent to the Plant. The Business along with an NGO, Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aghai,
have improved the condition of the community school. The school is now able to provide transport to the teachers,
cold drinking water from a chiller and a clean environment with newly painted school premises. The depth of the water
source in the village has also been improved to provide better quality water to the students and the residents of the
village. The support to the school was initiated by the Business in 2002. Due to the extension of the school building and
induction of qualified teachers the number of students has increased from 42 to 109. The personal contributions made
by the management staff under the ‘adopt a school’ scheme in 2003 also supports in providing school fees and
uniforms to the deserving students.

Business Initiatives POLYESTER

L to R: SOS Children at a carnival at the Paints office in Lahore, Ali Zafar performing for the children, Children enjoying the event, Paint cans

Paints Business
ICI Pakistan Paints Business, as a part of its community relation, supports the SOS Children’s Village, Lahore.
The children of the SOS village are victims of various injustices and misfortunes. Many of these children are
orphans, more are those who were abandoned at birth by their parents. These young members of our
community are provided surrogate families and education at the SOS village premises.

Special events such as carnivals have been arranged to add some fun and enjoyment into their lives, since living outside
of the norms of society, they miss out on many things that most other children take for granted. In addition to its support to
the institution’s fund raising activities the Business arranges excursion trips for the children to various locations in and around
Lahore for sight seeing and to create awareness.

Business Initiatives PAINTS

L to R: Free OPD facility at the Winnington Hospital, Students engaged in their studies at the Winnington school

The Winnington Hospital & School

The Winnington Hospital established in the ICI Estate at the Soda Ash plant Khewra serves the community by providing
free weekly OPD facility. On an average 300 patients are examined and treated every month, with poor patients being
provided free medication. The hospital is also equipped with a well-established Operation Theatre. Apart from this it
patronizes the TB Association of Tehsil Pind Dadan Khan and actively participates in all the immunization campaigns.
Regular medical camps are also put up by the hospital in the vicinity of Khewra and Pind Dadan Khan with the help of
local NGOs. The hospital conducts frequent immunization for children of the community for all infectious diseases and
plans to establish a well-equipped snake and dog bite centre in the future.

The Winnington School located inside ICI Pakistan’s Soda Ash Khewra estate caters to the educational needs of the staff
children and the community in and around Khewra, up to the secondary level. At present 73% of the students are from
the community and 27% of the students are children of the employees. The school is run with the support of competent
and dedicated staff members, with a Board of Governors, which includes senior management staff of ICI Soda Ash
L to R: Ladies Welfare Centre, tree plantation drive at the Soda Ash Plant site

Ladies Welfare Centre

Established in 1973, the Ladies Welfare Centre at ICI Pakistan’s Soda Ash Plant in Khewra serves the local community by
imparting skill development training to female students under the supervision of a team of trained lady instructors. Skills
taught at the centre include Cutting & Stitching, Knitting, Embroidery, Cooking and teaching of the Holy Qur’an. Since its
establishment, the Centre has trained 1153 students of the Khewra community. Currently 33 students are enrolled in the

Project Green
Initiated in 1992, Project Green is a tree plantation drive launched by the Soda Ash Business on its dried-up limebeds. The
objective of the project is to beautify the limebeds’ barren appearance, making it a more hospitable and naturally green
area. Since 1992 over 320,000 saplings have been planted and to date over 269,000 trees are thriving on an approximate
area of 41.3 acres. Plant survival rate is 84 %. Out of the 8 filled limebeds, 7 have been transformed into ‘Project Green’.
The dried-up limebeds comprise of rock hard, solidified lime waste. The area was transformed into green land by digging
trenches, filling with good quality soil and laying a water circuit for irrigation. Through the project, the bio-diversity of the area
has been improved, demonstrating the eco-friendly nature of the company. Additionally, the use of recycled water has been
established along with a sanctuary of birds and mammals and a recreational area for the local people.

Business Initiatives SODA ASH

L to R: Relief efforts undertaken in the form of camps

Life Sciences Business

On September 08, 2006, torrential rains hit Sindh killing hundreds of people as flood water inundated their homes.
Realizing the gravity of the situation, the Life Sciences Business of ICI Pakistan Limited took the lead and joined in
the relief efforts, especially focusing in and around its customers in Hyderabad district. An Operational Team was
formed, which aimed to set up a series of medical and food camps in rain-affected areas. Employees of all three
Divisions of the Business, Pharmaceuticals, Animal Health and Life Sciences, joined hands in the effort and worked
tirelessly alongside the local administration.

From 27th September to 1st October 2006, medical, food and veterinary camps were set up in 5 towns, for a duration
of 1-2 days each. Doctors treated a total of over 2500 patients in these towns. ICI representatives were present at all the
locations and coordinated the efforts with the doctors and the administration.

In addition to medical facilities the poor people of the area especially the daily wagers were facing acute food shortage.
Many businesses were closed and the life came to a grinding halt. To address this problem, food camps were arranged
that supported around 500 families for 15 days and provided them with adequate food supplies.

During the torrential rains much of the livestock had drowned or went missing. Many injured ones were suffering from
water borne diseases. In this regard, a veterinary camp was set up in Nawabshah. Different medicines ranging from
anti-bacterial, multivitamins, analgesics to anti-endoparasite were distributed.

Business Initiatives LIFE SCIENCES

L to R: The Child Development Centre

Chemicals Business
The Chemicals Business Community Relations Committee, as part of their commitment to furthering education for children,
offers their support to the Child Development Center (CDC) at Sher Shah, Karachi. Recently, the Business provided funding
for much needed repairs and supplies for the Center.

To extend help in the future, the Chemicals Business is considering participation in CDC’s annual health screening for the
students, as well as, organizing informational session on health topics through the company doctor.

Business Initiatives CHEMICALS

Continuous Commitment
ICI Pakistan continues to focus on its core value of maintaining excellent standards in Environmental protection,
Safety and Health of its employees and the community it operates in. The company, through the very committed
application of the ICI Group, Safety, Security, Health & Environment, SSH&E Responsible Care Management System,
has achieved targets, amply demonstrated through its performance over the years.

The Company continues to ensure that all effluent generated at its sites is treated to the best technical standards
through efficiently operated and maintained Effluent Treatment Plants and that the outfall meets the compliance
requirements of the applicable National Environmental Quality Standards. In addition, linked to ICI’s global ‘Challenge
2005’ environmental objectives, consistent with the Kyoto Protocol and the Global Reporting Initiative, the Company
has achieved significant reduction in energy usages, decrease in carbon dioxide, greenhouse gas emission, minimization
of waste, and the improvement of biodiversity at its manufacturing locations.
ICI Pakistan Limited
Corporate Communication & Public Affairs
ICI House, P.O Box 4731, 5 West Wharf, Karachi 74000.
Tel: PABX (021) 2313717, UAN (021) 111-100-200
Telex: 20770 ICIP PK, 29583 ICI PK
Fax: (021) 2311739
Human Resource:

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