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com/ Math 222 - Second semester calculus - Fall 201323 Lectures 2 and 4 Instructor: Daniel Erman Office Hours: Monday 1:00--2:00; Wednesday 9:30-10:30 and 1:00-2:00. All in 323 Van Vleck. E-mail: derman at math dot wisc dot edu Lectures: Lec 002 MWF 2:25--3:15pm in B130 Van Vleck. Lec 004 MWF 12:05--12:55pm in B130 Van Vleck. The lecture schedule is posted below. Course Webpage: Course Description: This course will cover second semester calculus, including: techniques of integration; improper integrals; Taylor expansions; elementary differential equations; sequences and series; and an introduction to vectors. Head TAs: The head TA for lecture 002 is Chris Janjigian. The head TA for lecture 004 is Edward Dewey. Text: There is a required course pack based on departmental notes. Instructions for purchasing your course packet with the Math Department can be found at this URL: They will take cash (exact change appreciated), WisCard, or online payment. Users who do the online Cashnet purchase MUST bring a copy of their email receipt and a photo ID with them to pick up their course packet. If you have questions concerning your course packet sale, do not email me, but instead contact Quick links Grade Exams Other important things Lectures Homework Resources for extra help Sections and TA office hours Grade Breakdown: Section: 10%. Exam 1: 25%. Exam 2: 25%. Final Exam: 40%. Section grades consist of homework and quizzes and anything else relevant to your section. They will be adjusted at the end of the semester so that, even if your TA is a tough grader, your course grade will not suffer. You should expect to have a quiz in discussion section essentially ever week.

Quizzes: Your TA will schedule weekly quizzes, which contribute to your section grade. There are no makeup quizzes, however, we will automatically drop your two lowest quiz scores. Homework problems: There will be weekly homework assignments posted on this website, and due at the beginning of section each Thursday. Late homework will not be accepted. If you need to miss a class on Thursday, you are expected to make arrangements with the TA to turn in your homework ahead of time. You are encouraged to discuss questions with each other or to come to office hours for help. After discussion with others, write-ups must be done separately. In practice, this means that you should not be looking at other students' solutions as you write your own. Use examples in the book as a model for the level of detail expected. Reading homework: You are also responsible for reading the textbook on your own. The lecture schedule below shows which sections of the book will be covered in this course, and when we will cover those sections. If a section is included on that list, then every part of that section is a part of the course and may be relevant to the exams. Show your work! Unless otherwise stated, you are always expected to justify your answer (i.e. show your work). This holds for homework, quizzes, and exams. Help is available! If you are concerned about your performance in the course, it is best to get extra help as soon as possible. There are lots of available resources for extra help . See below. Exams There will be two midterm exams. Let me know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you have a conflict with one of these exams. Exam 1: Tuesday, October 8, 7:30-8:30pm. (covering chapters I and II) Exam 2: Tuesday, November 12, 7:30-8:30pm. covering chapters III and IV and IV.1-2) Final Exam: Monday, December 16, 2:45-4:45pm (covering the entire course) Books, ipods, cellphones, computers, headphones, and calculators will not be permitted for exams. You will be allowed one 3x5 index card (writing on both sides is okay). Bring ONLY your student ID, and pencils or pens to all exams. Past exams Here is a link to some past exams for Math 222: These are a good source for preparing for our exams. As the exam dates approach, we may post some additional study materials. Academic Dishonesty: Students in this class have the right to expect that their fellow students are upholding the academic integrity of this University. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense at the University because it undermines the bonds of trust and honesty between members of the community. On homework assignments, academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to: copying other students' homework or copying homework answers from the internet. On quizzes and exams, academic dishonestly includes but is not limited to: looking at another students' work, making use

of a disallowed reference during an exam, or looking at a cellphone for any reason (even if it's just to check the time) during an exam. We treat all incidents of academic dishonesty very seriously. For instance, the consequences for cheating on an exam may range from automatically failing the course to suspension or expulsion. We will not hesitate to initiate disciplinary procedures should such a case arise. ````````````````````````````````````````````````11111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1 ``````````1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq`

Other important things: Accommodations: In general, it is your responsibility to inform me and your TA as far in advance as possible in case of an unavoidable conflict with an exam, in case of an extended absence, or in case you find yourself struggling with the course for any other reason. In addition, please note: I wish to fully include persons with disabilities in this course. It is in your best interest if you inform me as soon as possible regarding any special accommodations in the curriculum, instruction, or assessments of this course that may be necessary to enable you to fully participate in this course. Special accommodations for individuals with obvious or documented disabilities require 2 weeks advance notice. I will try to maintain confidentiality of the information you share with me. Background If you are concerned about your background for this course, you may want to review some of the material from Math 221. You can obtain a Math 221 textbook in the same manner that you obtained your Math 222 textbook. In addition, you can look at old Math 221 exams here: Note that the differentiation formulas and the rules of integration, in particular the method of "usubstitution", will be essential to our course.

Expectations: We expect each student and each instructor to be respect of all of the students and instructors involved in this course. For instance, we expect students to refrain from behaviors that are disruptive to your instructors and your fellow students, including: showing up late to lecture or section on time, playing with electronic devices during lecture or section, or leaving early. Lecture schedule: The following lecture schedule may be updated during the semester. Sept 4: Background and I.1: Definite and Indefinite Integrals Sept 6: I.3: Double angle formulas Sept 9: I.5: Integration by parts Sept 11: I.6: Reduction formulas Sept 13: I.8: Partial fractions 1 Sept 16: I.8 Partial fractions 2 Sept 18: I.10: Trig substitution 1 Sept 20: I.11: Trig substitution 2 Sept 23: I.12: Trig substitution 3 Sept 25: Review of integration methods Sept 27: II.1-2: Improper integrals 1 Sept 30: II.2-3: Improper integrals 2 Oct 2: II.5: Estimating improper integrals 1 Oct 4: II.5: Estimating improper integrals 2 Oct 7: Review Tuesday, Oct 8: Exam 1 Oct 9: Reserved for makeup exams Oct 11: III.1-2: What is a differential equation? Oct 14: III.3: First order separable equations Oct 16: III.5: First order linear equations, 1 Oct 18: III.5: First order linear equations, 2 Oct 21: III.7-8: Direction fields Oct 23: III.10: Applications of differential equations Oct 25: IV.1-2: Taylor polynomials, 1 Oct 28: IV.3: Taylor polynomials, 2 Oct 30: IV.5: Remainder term Nov 1: IV.8: Convergence, 1 Nov 4: IV.8: Convergence, 2 Nov 6: V.1-2: Sequences, 1 Nov 8: V.2: Sequences, 2

Nov 11: Review Tuesday, Nov 12: Exam 2 Nov 13: Reserved for makeup exams. Nov 15: V.4: Series Nov 18: V.5: Convergence of Taylor series, 1 Nov 20: V.5: Convergence of Taylor series, 2 Nov 22: VI.1-2: Intro to vectors Nov 25: VI.3: Lines and planes Nov 27: VI.4: Vector bases Nov 29: No class for Thanksgiving break. Dec 2: VI.5: Dot product Dec 4: VI.6: Cross product Dec 6: VI.7-8: Applications or cross product Dec 9: Vector review Dec 11: Final exam review. Dec 13: Last day of classes. Final exam review. Homework assignments: Homework assignments will be due on Thursday in your section. The assignments may be adjusted during the semester. An asterisk denotes a problem that is unusual or more involved. Week 1 (due Sept 5): Homework 1, Review sheet. Week 2 (due Sept 12): I.4: 1,2,4,5,6,8,10,12. I.7: 1,2,3,4,6,7(a)-7(d),9,10,13,15,16,19,21*. Week 3 (due Sept 19): I.9: 1(a)-1(d),2(a)-2(c), 3, 4, 5,7,8,11,12,16,17,19,21,23,24. I.13: 1,2,3,4. Week 4 (due Sept 26): I.13: 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16. I.15: TBD. Week 5 (due Oct 3): II.4: 1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,12,13,15*, 16*. II.6: 1,2,3,4,5,12,13. Week 6 (HW will not be collected during exam week): II.6: 6,7,8,9,10,14,15. I.15: TBD Week 7 (due Oct 17): III.4: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. III.6: 1,2,3,4,12,13. Week 8 (due Oct 24): III.6: 5,6,9,10,11,15,16. III.9: 1,2,3. III.11: 1,2,3,9. Week 9 (due Oct 31): IV.4: 1,2,4,7,8,9,12,13,14,16 (this one is long),17,19,24,27,32,35.

IV.7: 1,3,4. Week 10 (due Nov 7): IV.9: 1,2,3,4,8,9,10,14,17,18,20,22,24,26,27,28. V.3: 2,4,6,8,10*. Week 11 (HW will not be collected during exam week): IV.9: 5,6,7,11,12,15*,17*. V.3:1,3,5,7,9. Week 12 (due Nov 21): V.6: 1,2,4,7,8,11,13,15,16. V.8: 2*. Extra practice worksheet (TBD). Week 13 (due Nov 28): VI.9: 1,2,4(a)-4(c),6(a)-6(c),10(a)-10(b). VI.10: 1,2,3,4,5. Week 14 (due Dec 5): VI.11:1,2,3. VI.12: 1,2,3,5,6,8. VI.13: 1(a)-1(d),2(a)-2(d),4,5*,6,8(a)-8(d). Week 15: study for the exam! Resources for extra help: Don't stay confused. There are several resources available when you want some help outside of lecture and discussion: Your TA's office hours. See the table below. You may also attend the office of another TA, so long as you clear it with that TA first. My office hours: 323 Van Vleck, MWF 1:002:00PM. You are encouraged to attend! Email your TA: Email is a good way to communicate logistics about the course, but it is not a great medium for explaining class material or helping with homework problems. In nearly all cases, you are better off asking your question in person in office hours or in the Math Lab. If you are asking for help with homework, you must precisely explain what you have tried already. When possible, your TA may offer a 1-2 sentence hint about how to proceed, and most emails will get a response within 48 hours. Any question requiring more than 1-2 sentence response should instead be addressed in person. Note that a lack of response is not a reason for an extension on a homework assignment. Mathematics Tutorial Program: Free small group tutoring is offered to students who are in danger of getting a D or F, for students who have not had a math course in several years, or for students who are retaking the course. A significant time commitment is required. Any student can apply to the program, but after the first two weeks of the semester, a referral from an instructor is required. Students may apply in room 321 Van Vleck. Math Lab: a free, drop-in tutorial program (starting September 13) in B227 Van Vleck. Tutoring is available Monday through Thursday from 3:308:30PM and Sunday 3:306:50PM. Tutoring in University Residence Halls: free, drop-in math tutoring is available every evening SundayThursday at various residence halls. This table has more information.

GUTS: Greater University Tutoring Service offers free small group, individual, and drop-in tutoring at various locations around campus. It is staffed mostly by student volunteers. Stop by their office (333 East Campus Mall, Rm. 4413) to sign up for a tutor or try drop-in tutoring. Private Tutors: A list of tutors is available at the link or from the receptionist on the second floor of Van Vleck. (Most of this information was taken from the Getting help in your math class page.) Sections and TA office hours. This section will be updated after each TA has fixed his/her office hours. All email addresses are Lecture 002 Name Email Office Hours Discussion Sections Alexander Troesch atroesch Tues 3-5p; Wed 4-5pm. 818 Van Vleck 321 and 322 Alisha Zachariah rzachariah Tues 2-3; Thurs 3-4; Fri 4-5. 618 Van Vleck 323 and 324 Jeremy Schwend jschwend Tues 3:30-3:30 and Wed 3:30-4:30 316 Van Vleck 325 and 328 Chris Janjigian janjigia Mon and Wed 1:00-2:30 822 Van Vleck 326 and 327 Reese Johnston rwjohnston Mon and Wed 12:00-1:30 B127 Van Vleck 330 and 332 Lecture 004 Name Email Office Hours Discussion Sections Sharath Prased sharath Tues and Thurs 11:30-1:00. 101 Van Vleck, desk 14 361 and 362 Stephen Neal sneal Tues 3:30-5 and Wed 2:20-3:50 324 Bradley Memorial 363 and 367 Edward Dewey dewey Tue and Wed 3:30-4:30 420 Van Vleck Hall 364 and 365 Animesh Anand animesh Wed 11:00-12:00 and 3:00-5:00. 101 Van Vleck 369 and 371 Dae Han Kang kang Mon 2:30-3:30 and Wed 11:00-12:00 420 Van Vleck Hall

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