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Credits Instructor : : : : : : : BBA 2013-15 I BBA101 Principles of Management 3 Prof. Fehmina Khalique

1. Course Description The course emphasizes the functions of management i.e. planning, organizing, leading, staffing and controlling to attain well defined objectives. It develops a practical approach to management by studying the strategies used in the local business environment through assignments and case study. 2. Course Objectives 2.1 To acquaint students with the basic essence of management. 2.2 To accustom students with an overview of the functioning of organizations. 3. Course Pre-requisite None 4. Course Outcome On completion of this module the student should be able to understand: 4.1 The various theories and processes of management including its functions; identify roles of leadership in business. 4.2 To recognize elements of the communication process and the guidelines for organizational design. 4.3 The interpersonal roles related to work groups and demonstrate knowledge of the basic language of management. 4.4 To prepare the students for further study in the area of Management.

5. Prescribed Text: 5.1 Tripathy, P.C. and P.N. Reddy, Management, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co., Ltd.

6. Additional References: 6.1 B.P Singh, T N Chabra, Principles and Practices of Management, Dhanpat Rai Publication, Delhi 6.2 Koontz, ODonnell, Principles of Management, McGraw Hill, Tokyo 6.3 Jain Vandana, Management Theory and practice with case studies, international book house Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi. 7. Pedagogy 7.1 Class room Discussion 7.2 Assignments: 7.3 Quiz 7.4 Class Presentation 7.5 Case study Discussion 7.6 Articles 8. Evaluation Scheme 8.1 Continuous Evaluation (20 Marks) 8.1.1. Group Presentation 10 Marks 8.1.2. Case Study(1) 5 Marks 8.1.3. Quiz (1) 5 Marks 8.2 Centralized Evaluation (80 Marks) 8.2.1 CAT-1 15 Marks 8.2.2 CAT-2 15 Marks 8.2.3 SEE 50 Marks Total 100 Marks 9. Session wise instruction plan Session no: 1-8 Module Topics Core Reading Reference

Introduction and Management Concepts, definition, nature, Handouts Evolution of importance; Management as Art, Science and Management Profession; Principles and Functions; Evolution of Management thought: Classical Theories, Behavioral Theories and Modern management theories.

P C Tripathi, Chapter 1 & 2






Mintzbergs Managerial Roles; Management Levels and Skills; Challenges of management; Era of dynamic engagement; Globalisation and Management. Management Quiz Management Process; Management Process & Planning Concept, Objectives, Types and Steps In Planning; Planning Strategic Planning ; Management by objectives (MBO); Decision Making and Steps in Decision Making. Forecasting meaning. Organizing-definition and characteristics; Organizing and Principles of Organization; Organisational Structure-Peter Drucker; Staffing Types of organisational structure-formal and informal; Authority, responsibility and accountability, span of control; Delegation, centralization and decentralization; Departmentalization; Staffing Function- meaning, process and importance. Case Study: Simplex Mill Directing and Directing-Definition and Nature; Leadership- definition, styles Controlling Motivation-definition, theories-Maslows, Herzbergs and McGregors Theories. Communication- definition, process, types and barriers. Controlling-Meaning and Significance; Process of Control, types of control; Contemporary issues in controlling. CSR- meaning, definition and importance; Ethics & Corporate Social Areas of corporate social responsibility; Ethics-definition, meaning and importance; Responsibility Basic approaches to Ethics; Ethical and Unethical Behaviour Codes of Ethics; Whistle Blowing; Tools of Ethics: Values, rights, duties & moral rules; Encouraging ethical Behaviour and Creating an ethical workplace; Managerial roles

P C Tripathi, Chapter 1, Handouts

Koontz O Donnel, Chapter 1

P C Tripathi, Chapter 4, 5, Handouts

P C Tripathi, Chapter 11, 7

P C Tripathi, Chapter 15, 18

P C Tripathi, Chapter 3, Handouts

Koontz Donnel, Chapter 2

Current corporate social responsibility and ethics issues. Article discussion

10. Faculty Contact Hours To be announced in the class

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