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OF DIAMMANTOPOULOS & SCHLEGELMILCH (D&S) especially pp 73-77 and p 82
51.1% of the 94 resp
joblevel: What is the best description of your level within the company?
management of their
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
approximately the sa
Valid 1 Top management 48 51.1 51.1 51.1
middle managers in t
2 Middle management 46 48.9 48.9 100.0
Total 94 100.0 100.0

industry: How would you describe the predominant industry of your company?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Eiselrj:
Valid 1 Services 45 47.9 47.9 47.9 Now interpr
2 Manufacturing 49 52.1 52.1 100.0 rest...
Total 94 100.0 100.0

structure: What is the current structure of your electricity tariff?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 Time of use based 20 21.3 21.3 21.3
2 Demand based 51 54.3 54.3 75.5
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23 24.5 24.5 100.0
Total 94 100.0 100.0


pricing: In your opinion, are the tariffs at which you purchase electricity, fairly priced?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 2 Priced high 64 68.1 68.1 68.1
3 Priced fairly 30 31.9 31.9 100.0
Total 94 100.0 100.0

accuracy: In your opinion, does your electricity supply meter accurately register your company's electricity consumption?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 1 Yes 64 68.1 68.1 68.1
2 No 30 31.9 31.9 100.0

Total 94 100.0 100.0

communication: How would you rate communication in general with your electricity service provider?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent NOTE:
Valid 2 Good to excellent 26 27.7 27.7 27.7 These are cross-
3 Acceptable 30 31.9 31.9 59.6 background vari
4 Poor 38 40.4 40.4 100.0 related question
Total 94 100.0 100.0 (a background a
wish to ascertain
association (dep
and the backgro
hypoithesis tests
i.e. Fisher's Exac
test of independ
categories per v
believe that the meter
PLEASE READ CHAPTER 12, ESPECIALLY pp 175 - 179 OF D&S accurately registers th
company's electricity
Crosstab comsumption. In comp
71.7% of middle mana
believe the meter regi
Overall 68.1% of all
accuracy: In your opinion, does your respondents believe th
electricity supply meter accurately register reading is accurate.
your company's electricity consumption?
1 Yes 2 No Total
joblevel: What is the best 1 Top management Count 31 17 48
description of your level % within joblevel What
within the company? is the best description
of your level within the 64.6% 35.4% 100.0%

2 Middle management Count 33 13 46

joblevel: What is the best
description of your level
within the company?

2 Middle management
% within joblevel What
is the best description
of your level within the 71.7% 28.3% 100.0% NOTE:
company? This is referred to as th
significance or p-value
Total Count 64 30 94
% within joblevel What
is the best description
of your level within the 68.1% 31.9% 100.0% NOTE and EXAMPLE:
company? This is the p-value (or s
hypothesis test. If the p
Chi-Square Tests no difference) is rejecte
Exact Sig. (2- difference between mid
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided) terms of their answers.
Pearson Chi-Square .554(b) 1 0.457 middle managers do NO
Continuity Correction(a) 0.273 1 0.601 opinion. In this case, the
Likelihood Ratio 0.555 1 0.456 a significant difference
Fisher's Exact Test 0.511 0.301
terms of their opinion o
Association 0.548 1 0.459
N of Valid Cases 94 Eiselrj:
a. Computed only for a 2x2 table Now interpret the
b. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 14.68. after having read
the relevant
chapter of D&S

joblevel: What is the best description of your level within the company? * pricing: In your
opinion, are the tariffs at which you purchase electricity, fairly priced?
pricing In your opinion, are the tariffs at
which you purchase electricity, fairly
2 Priced high 3 Priced fairly Total
joblevel What is the best 1 Top management Count 36 12 48
description of your level
within the company?
joblevel What is the best 1 Top management
description of your level % within joblevel What
within the company? is the best description
of your level within the 75.0% 25.0% 100.0%

2 Middle management Count 28 18 46

% within joblevel What
is the best description
of your level within the 60.9% 39.1% 100.0%

Total Count 64 30 94
% within joblevel What
is the best description
of your level within the 68.1% 31.9% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Exact Sig. (2-
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 2.158(b) 1 0.142
Continuity Correction(a) 1.557 1 0.212
Likelihood Ratio 2.168 1 0.141
Fisher's Exact Test 0.185 0.106
2.135 1 0.144
N of Valid Cases 94
a. Computed only for a 2x2 table
b. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 14.68.

joblevel: What is the best description of your level within the company? * communication: How
would you rate communication in general with your electricity service provider?
communication How would you rate communication in general with
your electricity service provider?
2 Good to excellent 3 Acceptable 4 Poor
joblevel What is the best 1 Top management Count 13 15 20
description of your level % within joblevel What
within the company? is the best description
of your level within the 27.1% 31.3% 41.7%

2 Middle management Count 13 15 18

% within joblevel What
is the best description
of your level within the 28.3% 32.6% 39.1%

Total Count 26 30 38
% within joblevel What
is the best description
of your level within the 27.7% 31.9% 40.4%

Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Eiselrj:

Pearson Chi-Square .063(a) 2 0.969 This is the p-value or
Likelihood Ratio 0.063 2 0.969 significance value
0.048 1 0.826
N of Valid Cases 94
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 12.72.
industry: How would you describe the predominant industry of your company? * accuracy: In your opinion,
does your electricity supply meter accurately register your company's electricity consumption?

accuracy In your opinion, does your

electricity supply meter accurately register
your company's electricity consumption?
1 Yes 2 No Total
industry How would you 1 Services Count 30 15 45
describe the predominant % within industry How
industry of your company? would you describe the
predominant industry of 66.7% 33.3% 100.0%
your company?

2 Manufacturing Count 34 15 49
% within industry How
would you describe the
predominant industry of 69.4% 30.6% 100.0%
your company?

Total Count 64 30 94
% within industry How
would you describe the
predominant industry of 68.1% 31.9% 100.0%
your company?

Chi-Square Tests
Exact Sig. (2-
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .080(b) 1 0.777
Continuity Correction(a) 0.004 1 0.951
Likelihood Ratio 0.080 1 0.777
Fisher's Exact Test 0.827 0.475
0.079 1 0.779
N of Valid Cases 94
a. Computed only for a 2x2 table
b. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 14.36.

industry How would you describe the predominant industry of your company? * pricing In your
opinion, are the tariffs at which you purchase electricity, fairly priced?
pricing In your opinion, are the tariffs at
which you purchase electricity, fairly
2 Priced high 3 Priced fairly Total
industry How would you 1 Services Count 29 16 45
describe the predominant % within industry How
industry of your company? would you describe the
predominant industry of 64.4% 35.6% 100.0%
your company?

2 Manufacturing Count 35 14 49
% within industry How
would you describe the
predominant industry of 71.4% 28.6% 100.0%
your company?

Total Count 64 30 94
% within industry How
would you describe the
predominant industry of 68.1% 31.9% 100.0%
your company?
Chi-Square Tests
Exact Sig. (2-
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .527(b) 1 0.468
Continuity Correction(a) 0.254 1 0.614
Likelihood Ratio 0.526 1 0.468
Fisher's Exact Test 0.512 0.307
0.521 1 0.470
N of Valid Cases 94
a. Computed only for a 2x2 table
b. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 14.36.

industry How would you describe the predominant industry of your company? * communication How would
you rate communication in general with your electricity service provider?
communication How would you rate communication in general with
your electricity service provider?
2 Good to excellent 3 Acceptable 4 Poor
industry How would you 1 Services Count 12 14 19
describe the predominant % within industry How
industry of your company? would you describe the
predominant industry of 26.7% 31.1% 42.2%
your company?

2 Manufacturing Count 14 16 19
industry How would you
describe the predominant
industry of your company?

2 Manufacturing
% within industry How
would you describe the
predominant industry of 28.6% 32.7% 38.8%
your company?

Total Count 26 30 38
% within industry How
would you describe the
predominant industry of 27.7% 31.9% 40.4%
your company?

Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square .117(a) 2 0.943
Likelihood Ratio 0.117 2 0.943
Association 0.100 1 0.752
N of Valid Cases 94
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 12.45.

structure What is the current structure of your electricity tariff? * accuracy In your opinion, does
your electricity supply meter accurately register your company's electricity consumption?

accuracy In your opinion, does your

electricity supply meter accurately register
your company's electricity consumption?
1 Yes 2 No Total
structure What is the 1 Time of Use based Count 17 3 20
current structure of your
electricity tariff?
structure What is the 1 Time of Use based
current structure of your % within structure
electricity tariff? What is the current
structure of your 85.0% 15.0% 100.0%
electricity tariff?
2 Demand based Count 32 19 51
% within structure
What is the current
structure of your 62.7% 37.3% 100.0%
electricity tariff?
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement Count 15 8 23
% within structure
What is the current
structure of your 65.2% 34.8% 100.0%
electricity tariff?
Total Count 64 30 94
% within structure
What is the current
structure of your 68.1% 31.9% 100.0%
electricity tariff?

Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 3.390(a) 2 0.184
Likelihood Ratio 3.752 2 0.153
1.734 1 0.188
N of Valid Cases 94
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 6.38.

structure What is the current structure of your electricity tariff? * pricing In your opinion, are the
tariffs at which you purchase electricity, fairly priced?
pricing In your opinion, are the tariffs at
which you purchase electricity, fairly
2 Priced high 3 Priced fairly Total
structure What is the 1 Time of Use based Count 12 8 20
current structure of your % within structure
electricity tariff? What is the current
structure of your 60.0% 40.0% 100.0%
electricity tariff?
2 Demand based Count 38 13 51
% within structure
What is the current
structure of your 74.5% 25.5% 100.0%
electricity tariff?
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement Count 14 9 23
% within structure
What is the current
structure of your 60.9% 39.1% 100.0%
electricity tariff?
Total Count 64 30 94
% within structure
What is the current
structure of your 68.1% 31.9% 100.0%
electricity tariff?

Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 2.122(a) 2 0.346
Likelihood Ratio 2.120 2 0.346
0.000 1 0.989
N of Valid Cases 94
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 6.38.
structure What is the current structure of your electricity tariff? * communication How would you rate
communication in general with your electricity service provider?
communication How would you rate communication in general with
your electricity service provider?
2 Good to excellent 3 Acceptable 4 Poor
structure What is the 1 Time of Use based Count 10 6 4
current structure of your % within structure
electricity tariff? What is the current
structure of your 50.0% 30.0% 20.0%
electricity tariff?
2 Demand based Count 10 18 23
% within structure
What is the current
structure of your 19.6% 35.3% 45.1%
electricity tariff?
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement Count 6 6 11
% within structure
What is the current
structure of your 26.1% 26.1% 47.8%
electricity tariff?
Total Count 26 30 38
% within structure
What is the current
structure of your 27.7% 31.9% 40.4%
electricity tariff?

Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 7.926(a) 4 0.094
Likelihood Ratio 7.819 4 0.098
3.911 1 0.048
N of Valid Cases 94
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5.53.
51.1% of the 94 respondents are in the top
management of their company. Hence there is
approximately the same percentage of top and
middle managers in the sample

Now interpret the
These are cross-tabulations of a
background variable with an opinion
related question. For each pair of variables
(a background and opinion variable), we
wish to ascertain whether there is an
association (dependency) between opinion
and the background variable. Two
hypoithesis tests can be used (see D&S),
i.e. Fisher's Exact test or the Chi-squared
test of independence depending on the
siuze of the sample and the number of
categories per variable
64.6% of top management
believe that the meter
accurately registers their
company's electricity
comsumption. In comparison
71.7% of middle managers
believe the meter registers it
Overall 68.1% of all
respondents believe the mere
reading is accurate.
This is referred to as the
significance or p-value


This is the p-value (or significance value) related to the
hypothesis test. If the p-value < 0.05, then it implies that there
IS A DEPENDENCY (i.e. the null-hypothsis of independence (or
no difference) is rejected). In other words there is a significant
difference between middle managers and top managers in
terms of their answers. If the p-value > 0.05, then top and
middle managers do NOT differ significantly in terms of their
opinion. In this case, the p-value>0.05 and hence there is not
a significant difference between middle and top managers in
terms of their opinion of billing accuracy

Now interpret these
after having read
the relevant
chapter of D&S






cy: In your opinion,
nication How would






w would you rate









Descriptive Statistics
N = sample size
reliability_desired 94
reliability_adequate 94
reliability_current 94
responsiveness_desired 94
responsiveness_adequate 94
responsiveness_current 94
assurance_desired 94
assurance_adequate 94
assurance_current 94
empathy_desired 94
empathy_adequate 94
empathy_current 94
tangibles_desired 94
tangibles_adequate 94
tangibles_current 94
availability_desired 94
availability_adequate 94
availability_current 94




reliability_adequate EXAMPLE Pearson Correlation

The correlation between p-value.
reliability_current current and desired levels Pearson Correlation
of reliability is -0.116. The p-value.
responsiveness_desired p-value (or significance Pearson Correlation
value) is 0.266. Since this p-value.
responsiveness_adequate value > 0.05, there is NOT Pearson Correlation
responsiveness_current SIGNIFICANT LINEAR Pearson Correlation
CORRELATION between the p-value.
assurance_desired two variables Pearson Correlation
assurance_adequate Pearson Correlation
assurance_current Pearson Correlation
The correlation
between the desired
levels of assurance
and the desired levels
of reliability is 0.681.
The p-value is 0.000<
empathy_desired EXAMPLE: Pearson Correlation
The correlation p-value.
empathy_adequate between the desired Pearson Correlation
levels of assurance p-value.
empathy_current and the desired levels Pearson Correlation
of reliability is 0.681. p-value.
tangibles_desired The p-value is 0.000< Pearson Correlation
0.05. Hence there is a p-value.
tangibles_adequate STATISTICALLY Pearson Correlation
tangibles_current RELATIONSHIP Pearson Correlation
between them. The p-value.
relationship is Pearson Correlation
POSITIVE, i.e. as the
one variable
availability_adequate Pearson Correlation
increases, the other
also tends to increase.
availability_current Pearson Correlation
e Statistics
These are the
Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
desciptive statistics
3.00 6.00 5.31 0.63 for each of the
3.00 6.00 4.80 0.70 dimensions of the
1.00 6.00 3.79 0.95 SERVQUAL
3.60 6.00 5.36 0.55
2.80 6.00 4.86 0.72
1.00 6.00 3.87 1.06
3.25 6.00 5.07 0.68
2.75 6.00 4.64 0.77
1.00 6.00 3.71 1.10
3.25 6.00 4.77 0.82
2.25 6.00 4.34 0.86
1.00 6.00 3.73 0.89
1.67 6.00 4.25 1.08
1.67 6.00 3.77 1.02
1.33 6.00 3.61 0.89
2.33 6.00 5.26 0.76
3.00 6.00 4.86 0.84
1.00 6.00 3.27 1.21


4) PLEASE READ CHAPTER 13 OF D&S especially pp203-207 These are the correlations between
each of the pairs of dimensions of


reliability_desired reliability_adequate reliability_current responsiveness_desired

0.382 1
-0.116 0.170 1
0.266 0.102
0.635 0 -0.151 1
0.000 0.011 0.146 1
0.342 1 0 0
0.001 0.000 0.037 0.000 0
-0.051 0 1 -0.037 0.002
0.625 0.023 0.000 0.725 0
0.681 0 -0.163 1 0.001
0.000 0.007 0.116 0.000 1
0.275 1 0.102 0 0.000
0.007 0.000 0.328 0.000 0.125
-0.179 0.059 1 -0.027 0.228
0.084 0.571 0.000 0.798 0
0.475 0.197 -0.056 1 0.025
0.000 0.057 0.590 0.000 1
0.305 1 0.029 0 0.000
0.003 0.000 0.782 0.000 0.103
-0.172 0.101 1 -0.012 0.321
0.097 0.332 0.000 0.906 0.162
0.377 0.124 -0.008 1 0.120
0.000 0.235 0.940 0.000 0
0.294 0 0.048 0 0.000
0.004 0.000 0.645 0.000 0.158
-0.073 0.133 0 0 0.129
0.487 0.201 0.000 0.049 0.190
0.440 0.129 -0.099 1 0.067
0.000 0.215 0.342 0.000 1
0.151 1 0.014 0 0.000
0.147 0.000 0.892 0.002 0.118
-0.159 0.079 1 -0.079 0.259
0.126 0.452 0.000 0.450
e the
e statistics
of the
ns of the

e the correlations between

he pairs of dimensions of
responsiveness_cu assurance_d assurance_a assurance_c empathy_d empathy_a empathy_c tangibles_d tangibles_a
rrent esired dequate urrent esired dequate urrent esired dequate

-0.050 1 1
0.634 0.000
0.177 1 1
0.088 0.000
1 -0.085 0.091 1
0.000 0.416 0.383
0.001 1 0 -0.023 1
0.993 0.000 0.000 0.824
0.098 1 1 0.023 1 1
0.345 0.000 0.000 0.826 0.000
1 -0.032 0.173 1 0.065 0.118 1
0.000 0.762 0.095 0.000 0.536 0.256
0.037 1 0 0.048 1 1 0.049 1
0.721 0.000 0.032 0.645 0.000 0.000 0.637
0.071 0 0 0.027 1 1 0.089 1 1
0.494 0.000 0.000 0.798 0.000 0.000 0.395 0.000
0 0.113 0.166 0 0 0 1 0 0
0.000 0.278 0.109 0.000 0.015 0.011 0.000 0.001 0.000
-0.117 1 0 -0.008 1 0 0.061 0 0
0.260 0.000 0.004 0.942 0.000 0.000 0.560 0.000 0.000
0.050 0 1 0.039 0 1 0.141 0.145 0
0.631 0.000 0.000 0.706 0.001 0.000 0.175 0.163 0.000
1 -0.090 0.106 1 -0.009 0.055 1 -0.029 0.005
0.000 0.391 0.311 0.000 0.934 0.599 0.000 0.784 0.958
tangibles_c availability_ availability_
urrent desired adequate

0 1
0 1 1
0.001 0.000
0 -0.092 0.115
0.000 0.378 0.270
10 AND 12 (especially pp
184 - 190) of D&S

Group Statistics
joblevel What is the best
description of your level within the
company? N
reliability_desired 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
reliability_adequate 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
reliability_current 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
responsiveness_desired 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
responsiveness_adequate 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
responsiveness_current 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
assurance_desired 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
assurance_adequate 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
assurance_current 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
empathy_desired 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
empathy_adequate 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
empathy_current 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
tangibles_desired 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
tangibles_adequate 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
tangibles_current 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
availability_desired 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
availability_adequate 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46
availability_current 1 Top management 48
2 Middle management 46

Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of

F Sig.
reliability_desired 0.126 0.724
reliability_adequate 0.127 0.722
reliability_current 1.265 0.264
responsiveness_desired 0.273 0.602
responsiveness_adequate 1.193 0.278
responsiveness_current 0.240 0.625
assurance_desired 1.293 0.259
assurance_adequate 2.105 0.150
assurance_current 1.354 0.248
empathy_desired 1.605 0.208
empathy_adequate 4.853 0.030
empathy_current 0.005 0.942
tangibles_desired 1.633 0.205
tangibles_adequate 4.474 0.037
tangibles_current 2.510 0.117
availability_desired 0.460 0.499
availability_adequate 1.429 0.235
availability_current 0.706 0.403

Group Statistics
industry How would you describe
the predominant industry of your
company? N
reliability_desired 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
reliability_adequate 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
reliability_current 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
responsiveness_desired 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
responsiveness_adequate 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
responsiveness_current 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
assurance_desired 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
assurance_adequate 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
assurance_current 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
empathy_desired 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
empathy_adequate 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
empathy_current 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
tangibles_desired 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
tangibles_adequate 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
tangibles_current 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
availability_desired 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
availability_adequate 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49
availability_current 1 Services 45
2 Manufacturing 49

Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of

F Sig.

reliability_desired 0.265 0.608

reliability_adequate 0.131 0.718
reliability_current 1.067 0.304
responsiveness_desired 0.015 0.904
responsiveness_adequate 0.419 0.519
responsiveness_current 1.992 0.161
assurance_desired 0.056 0.813
assurance_adequate 2.368 0.127
assurance_current 0.030 0.863
empathy_desired 0.063 0.802
empathy_adequate 1.656 0.201
empathy_current 0.001 0.972
tangibles_desired 0.567 0.453
tangibles_adequate 0.515 0.475
tangibles_current 0.076 0.784
availability_desired 0.429 0.514
availability_adequate 0.117 0.733
availability_current 0.167 0.684

NG STRUCTURE: REFER TO pp 187-190 of D&S


reliability_desired 1 Time of Use based 20

2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
reliability_adequate 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
reliability_current 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
responsiveness_desired 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
responsiveness_adequate 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
responsiveness_current 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
assurance_desired 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
assurance_adequate 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
assurance_current 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
empathy_desired 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
empathy_adequate 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
empathy_current 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
tangibles_desired 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
tangibles_adequate 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
tangibles_current 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
availability_desired 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
availability_adequate 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94
availability_current 1 Time of Use based 20
2 Demand based 51
3 Negotiated Pricing Agreement 23
Total 94

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1
reliability_desired 2.938 2
reliability_adequate 0.910 2
reliability_current 1.499 2
responsiveness_desired 0.660 2
responsiveness_adequate 1.624 2
responsiveness_current 1.055 2
assurance_desired 0.472 2
assurance_adequate 0.333 2
assurance_current 4.020 2
empathy_desired 0.143 2
empathy_adequate 0.557 2
empathy_current 1.552 2
tangibles_desired 0.476 2
tangibles_adequate 0.806 2
tangibles_current 1.563 2
availability_desired 1.181 2
availability_adequate 1.496 2
availability_current 2.565 2


Sum of Squares
reliability_desired Between Groups 0.736
Within Groups 35.679
Total 36.415
reliability_adequate Between Groups 0.587
Within Groups 45.295
Total 45.882
reliability_current Between Groups 5.955
Within Groups 77.626
Total 83.581
responsiveness_desired Between Groups 0.269
Within Groups 27.538
Total 27.806
responsiveness_adequate Between Groups 1.011
Within Groups 47.791
Total 48.802
responsiveness_current Between Groups 11.698
Within Groups 92.929
Total 104.626
assurance_desired Between Groups 0.320
Within Groups 43.284
Total 43.604
assurance_adequate Between Groups 0.447
Within Groups 55.364
Total 55.811
assurance_current Between Groups 13.467
Within Groups 98.402
Total 111.870
empathy_desired Between Groups 0.207
Within Groups 61.824
Total 62.031
empathy_adequate Between Groups 0.608
Within Groups 68.910
Total 69.517
empathy_current Between Groups 5.482
Within Groups 67.764
Total 73.246
tangibles_desired Between Groups 1.724
Within Groups 106.928
Total 108.652
tangibles_adequate Between Groups 0.376
Within Groups 96.623
Total 96.999
tangibles_current Between Groups 3.370
Within Groups 70.818
Total 74.188
availability_desired Between Groups 0.616
Within Groups 52.522
Total 53.138
availability_adequate Between Groups 0.312
Within Groups 65.760
Total 66.072
availability_current Between Groups 19.316
Within Groups 116.301
Total 135.617

Post Hoc Tests

Multiple Comparisons
(I) structure What is
the current structure
of your electricity
Dependent Variable tariff?

reliability_desired Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

reliability_adequate Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

reliability_current Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

responsiveness_desired Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

responsiveness_adequate Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

responsiveness_current Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

assurance_desired Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing
assurance_adequate Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

assurance_current Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

empathy_desired Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing
empathy_adequate Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

empathy_current Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

tangibles_desired Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based
3 Negotiated Pricing

tangibles_adequate Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

tangibles_current Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

availability_desired Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based
3 Negotiated Pricing

availability_adequate Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

availability_current Scheffe 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

Dunnett T3 1 Time of Use based

2 Demand based

3 Negotiated Pricing

*. The mean difference is significant at the

.05 level.
Std. Std. Error
Mean Deviation Mean
5.3681 0.65944 0.09518
5.2593 0.59064 0.08709
4.9077 0.71001 0.10248
4.6925 0.68477 0.10096
3.8512 0.91685 0.13234
3.7236 0.98534 0.14528
5.4208 0.50569 0.07299
5.2957 0.58536 0.08631
4.9958 0.70075 0.10114
4.7217 0.72966 0.10758
3.8656 1.00166 0.14458
3.8739 1.13008 0.16662
5.1250 0.72567 0.10474
5.0217 0.64297 0.09480
4.7552 0.85907 0.12400
4.5272 0.66506 0.09806
3.7344 1.20439 0.17384
3.6902 0.98486 0.14521
4.8683 0.87113 0.12574
4.6665 0.75142 0.11079
4.4648 0.98044 0.14151
4.2016 0.71043 0.10475
3.7232 0.91004 0.13135
3.7446 0.87320 0.12875
4.3264 1.18997 0.17176
4.1775 0.96122 0.14172
3.8611 1.12742 0.16273
3.6775 0.90021 0.13273
3.5625 0.98729 0.14250
3.6630 0.79076 0.11659
5.3646 0.69756 0.10068
5.1558 0.80615 0.11886
4.9410 0.77298 0.11157
4.7754 0.91099 0.13432
3.2847 1.29372 0.18673
3.2536 1.12477 0.16584

t-test for Equality of

Means Mean
t df p-value Difference
0.841 92 0.403 0.10874
1.495 92 0.138 0.21519
0.650 92 0.517 0.12759
1.111 92 0.269 0.12518
1.858 92 0.066 0.27409
-0.038 92 0.970 -0.00829
0.729 92 0.468 0.10326
1.435 92 0.155 0.22803
0.194 92 0.847 0.04416
1.200 92 0.233 0.20177
1.495 85.731 0.139 0.26315
-0.116 92 0.908 -0.02135
0.665 92 0.507 0.14885
0.874 89.134 0.384 0.18357
-0.544 92 0.588 -0.10054
1.344 92 0.182 0.20879
0.952 92 0.344 0.16561
0.124 92 0.901 0.03110

Std. Std. Error

Mean Deviation Mean
5.4471 0.59720 0.08903
5.1934 0.63267 0.09038
4.9206 0.68752 0.10249
4.6939 0.70530 0.10076
3.6349 0.99328 0.14807
3.9300 0.89125 0.12732
5.5022 0.54875 0.08180
5.2286 0.51640 0.07377
4.9867 0.68278 0.10178
4.7469 0.74919 0.10703
3.7022 1.18982 0.17737
4.0235 0.91191 0.13027
5.2889 0.63950 0.09533
4.8776 0.67145 0.09592
4.8556 0.67523 0.10066
4.4490 0.81487 0.11641
3.6000 1.09155 0.16272
3.8163 1.10252 0.15750
4.9937 0.76084 0.11342
4.5638 0.81937 0.11705
4.6013 0.73992 0.11030
4.0923 0.90544 0.12935
3.7099 0.91980 0.13712
3.7555 0.86569 0.12367
4.3519 1.16354 0.17345
4.1633 1.00259 0.14323
3.8852 1.05757 0.15765
3.6667 0.98601 0.14086
3.6667 0.88478 0.13189
3.5612 0.90695 0.12956
5.3704 0.74695 0.11135
5.1633 0.75805 0.10829
5.0704 0.84424 0.12585
4.6667 0.80220 0.11460
3.1852 1.19459 0.17808
3.3469 1.22656 0.17522

t-test for Equality of

Means Mean
t df p-value Difference

1.995 92 0.049 0.25370

1.576 92 0.118 0.22676
-1.518 92 0.132 -0.29511
2.491 92 0.015 0.27365
1.617 92 0.109 0.23973
-1.476 92 0.143 -0.32125
3.035 92 0.003 0.41134
2.621 92 0.010 0.40658
-0.955 92 0.342 -0.21633
2.629 92 0.010 0.42988
2.969 92 0.004 0.50898
-0.247 92 0.805 -0.04555
0.844 92 0.401 0.18859
1.037 92 0.303 0.21852
0.570 92 0.570 0.10544
1.333 92 0.186 0.20711
2.377 92 0.020 0.40370
-0.647 92 0.519 -0.16175

Mean Deviation Minimum Maximum

5.3607 0.68613 3.67 6.00

5.3669 0.49591 4.14 6.00
5.1594 0.81011 3.00 6.00
5.3148 0.62575 3.00 6.00
4.8643 0.64967 3.71 6.00
4.8403 0.68669 3.00 6.00
4.6646 0.78908 3.14 6.00
4.8024 0.70239 3.00 6.00
4.2071 0.75660 2.71 5.71
3.5798 1.00383 1.00 6.00
3.8882 0.86249 2.43 6.00
3.7888 0.94801 1.00 6.00
5.4600 0.56233 4.00 6.00
5.3412 0.56751 3.60 6.00
5.3130 0.49663 4.20 6.00
5.3596 0.54680 3.60 6.00
5.0200 0.57271 4.00 6.00
4.8667 0.70162 3.20 6.00
4.7130 0.87765 2.80 6.00
4.8617 0.72440 2.80 6.00
4.4300 0.77126 2.80 6.00
3.5676 1.11076 1.00 6.00
4.0522 0.95197 2.20 6.00
3.8697 1.06067 1.00 6.00
5.0250 0.78598 3.25 6.00
5.1275 0.66778 3.75 6.00
5.0000 0.64842 3.50 6.00
5.0745 0.68473 3.25 6.00
4.5500 0.69111 3.00 5.75
4.7059 0.76764 3.00 6.00
4.5870 0.87454 2.75 6.00
4.6436 0.77467 2.75 6.00
4.3500 0.60372 3.50 6.00
3.4020 1.14026 1.00 6.00
3.8478 1.09684 1.25 6.00
3.7128 1.09677 1.00 6.00
4.7964 0.86785 3.25 6.00
4.7962 0.79394 3.43 6.00
4.6871 0.85272 3.38 6.00
4.7696 0.81670 3.25 6.00
4.2013 0.73973 3.13 5.25
4.4023 0.89373 2.50 6.00
4.3062 0.91887 2.25 5.75
4.3360 0.86458 2.25 6.00
4.1063 0.60735 2.75 5.50
3.5238 0.94643 1.00 6.00
3.8750 0.85197 2.38 5.50
3.7337 0.88746 1.00 6.00
4.5083 1.02237 2.33 6.00
4.1634 1.06118 2.00 6.00
4.2319 1.18251 1.67 6.00
4.2535 1.08088 1.67 6.00
3.8917 0.96469 2.00 5.50
3.7320 1.01109 1.67 6.00
3.7536 1.12464 1.67 5.67
3.7713 1.02127 1.67 6.00
3.9750 0.79154 2.00 5.00
3.5033 0.83897 1.33 6.00
3.5362 1.03835 1.67 5.67
3.6117 0.89315 1.33 6.00
5.2167 0.92575 2.33 6.00
5.3333 0.64722 3.67 6.00
5.1449 0.83379 3.67 6.00
5.2624 0.75590 2.33 6.00
4.8167 0.67082 3.33 6.00
4.9118 0.87137 3.00 6.00
4.7826 0.93533 3.00 6.00
4.8599 0.84289 3.00 6.00
4.0667 0.83491 2.67 6.00
2.9150 1.22355 1.00 6.00
3.3623 1.13223 1.00 5.00
3.2695 1.20758 1.00 6.00

df2 Sig.
91 0.058
91 0.406
91 0.229
91 0.519
91 0.203
91 0.352
91 0.625
91 0.717
91 0.021
91 0.867
91 0.575
91 0.217
91 0.623
91 0.450
91 0.215
91 0.312
91 0.229
91 0.082

Mean Sig. or p-
df Square F value
2 0.368 0.939 0.395
91 0.392
2 0.293 0.589 0.557
91 0.498
2 2.977 3.490 0.035
91 0.853
2 0.134 0.444 0.643
91 0.303
2 0.505 0.962 0.386
91 0.525
2 5.849 5.727 0.005
91 1.021
2 0.160 0.336 0.715
91 0.476
2 0.223 0.367 0.694
91 0.608
2 6.734 6.227 0.003
91 1.081
2 0.104 0.152 0.859
91 0.679
2 0.304 0.401 0.671
91 0.757
2 2.741 3.681 0.029
91 0.745
2 0.862 0.733 0.483
91 1.175
2 0.188 0.177 0.838
91 1.062
2 1.685 2.165 0.121
91 0.778
2 0.308 0.533 0.588
91 0.577
2 0.156 0.216 0.806
91 0.723
2 9.658 7.557 0.001
91 1.278

(J) structure What is the Mean 95%

current structure of your Difference Sig. or p- Confidence
electricity tariff? (I-J) Std. Error value Interval

Lower Upper
Bound Bound
2 Demand based
-0.00623 0.16520 0.999 -0.4174 0.4049
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.20129 0.19144 0.577 -0.2751 0.6777
1 Time of Use based 0.00623 0.16520 0.999 -0.4049 0.4174
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.20753 0.15727 0.422 -0.1839 0.5989
1 Time of Use based
-0.20129 0.19144 0.577 -0.6777 0.2751
2 Demand based -0.20753 0.15727 0.422 -0.5989 0.1839
2 Demand based
-0.00623 0.16841 1.000 -0.4335 0.4210
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.20129 0.22819 0.760 -0.3658 0.7684
1 Time of Use based 0.00623 0.16841 1.000 -0.4210 0.4335
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.20753 0.18264 0.594 -0.2534 0.6685
1 Time of Use based
-0.20129 0.22819 0.760 -0.7684 0.3658
2 Demand based -0.20753 0.18264 0.594 -0.6685 0.2534
2 Demand based
0.02395 0.18614 0.992 -0.4393 0.4872
3 Negotiated Pricing
Agreement 0.19969 0.21571 0.653 -0.3371 0.7365
1 Time of Use based -0.02395 0.18614 0.992 -0.4872 0.4393
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.17574 0.17720 0.613 -0.2652 0.6167
1 Time of Use based
-0.19969 0.21571 0.653 -0.7365 0.3371
2 Demand based -0.17574 0.17720 0.613 -0.6167 0.2652
2 Demand based
0.02395 0.17421 0.999 -0.4111 0.4590
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.19969 0.21949 0.743 -0.3458 0.7452
1 Time of Use based -0.02395 0.17421 0.999 -0.4590 0.4111
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.17574 0.19057 0.735 -0.2996 0.6510
1 Time of Use based
-0.19969 0.21949 0.743 -0.7452 0.3458
2 Demand based -0.17574 0.19057 0.735 -0.6510 0.2996
2 Demand based
.62731(*) 0.24368 0.041 0.0209 1.2337
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.31894 0.28238 0.531 -0.3838 1.0217
1 Time of Use based -.62731(*) 0.24368 0.041 -1.2337 -0.0209
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.30837 0.23198 0.417 -0.8857 0.2689
1 Time of Use based
-0.31894 0.28238 0.531 -1.0217 0.3838
2 Demand based 0.30837 0.23198 0.417 -0.2689 0.8857
2 Demand based
.62731(*) 0.21996 0.019 0.0831 1.1715
3 Negotiated Pricing
Agreement 0.31894 0.24691 0.489 -0.2947 0.9325
1 Time of Use based -.62731(*) 0.21996 0.019 -1.1715 -0.0831
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.30837 0.22826 0.450 -0.8719 0.2551
1 Time of Use based
-0.31894 0.24691 0.489 -0.9325 0.2947
2 Demand based 0.30837 0.22826 0.450 -0.2551 0.8719
2 Demand based
0.11882 0.14513 0.716 -0.2424 0.4800
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.14696 0.16819 0.684 -0.2716 0.5655
1 Time of Use based -0.11882 0.14513 0.716 -0.4800 0.2424
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.02813 0.13817 0.979 -0.3157 0.3720
1 Time of Use based
-0.14696 0.16819 0.684 -0.5655 0.2716
2 Demand based -0.02813 0.13817 0.979 -0.3720 0.3157
2 Demand based
0.11882 0.14875 0.809 -0.2534 0.4910
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.14696 0.16289 0.747 -0.2590 0.5529
1 Time of Use based -0.11882 0.14875 0.809 -0.4910 0.2534
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.02813 0.13053 0.995 -0.2943 0.3506
1 Time of Use based
-0.14696 0.16289 0.747 -0.5529 0.2590
2 Demand based -0.02813 0.13053 0.995 -0.3506 0.2943
2 Demand based
0.15333 0.19120 0.726 -0.3225 0.6291
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.30696 0.22157 0.387 -0.2444 0.8584
1 Time of Use based -0.15333 0.19120 0.726 -0.6291 0.3225
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.15362 0.18202 0.701 -0.2994 0.6066
1 Time of Use based
-0.30696 0.22157 0.387 -0.8584 0.2444
2 Demand based -0.15362 0.18202 0.701 -0.6066 0.2994
2 Demand based
0.15333 0.16141 0.717 -0.2473 0.5539
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.30696 0.22336 0.437 -0.2498 0.8637
1 Time of Use based -0.15333 0.16141 0.717 -0.5539 0.2473
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.15362 0.20771 0.842 -0.3660 0.6732
1 Time of Use based
-0.30696 0.22336 0.437 -0.8637 0.2498
2 Demand based -0.15362 0.20771 0.842 -0.6732 0.3660
2 Demand based
.86235(*) 0.26661 0.007 0.1989 1.5258
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.37783 0.30896 0.476 -0.3911 1.1467
1 Time of Use based -.86235(*) 0.26661 0.007 -1.5258 -0.1989
3 Negotiated Pricing
Agreement -0.48453 0.25382 0.168 -1.1162 0.1471
1 Time of Use based
-0.37783 0.30896 0.476 -1.1467 0.3911
2 Demand based 0.48453 0.25382 0.168 -0.1471 1.1162
2 Demand based
.86235(*) 0.23224 0.002 0.2894 1.4353
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.37783 0.26295 0.399 -0.2758 1.0314
1 Time of Use based -.86235(*) 0.23224 0.002 -1.4353 -0.2894
3 Negotiated Pricing
Agreement -0.48453 0.25218 0.169 -1.1070 0.1380
1 Time of Use based
-0.37783 0.26295 0.399 -1.0314 0.2758
2 Demand based 0.48453 0.25218 0.169 -0.1380 1.1070
2 Demand based
-0.10245 0.18196 0.854 -0.5553 0.3504
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.02500 0.21086 0.993 -0.4998 0.5498
1 Time of Use based 0.10245 0.18196 0.854 -0.3504 0.5553
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.12745 0.17322 0.763 -0.3036 0.5585
1 Time of Use based
-0.02500 0.21086 0.993 -0.5498 0.4998
2 Demand based -0.12745 0.17322 0.763 -0.5585 0.3036
2 Demand based
-0.10245 0.19908 0.938 -0.6043 0.3994
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.02500 0.22174 0.999 -0.5285 0.5785
1 Time of Use based 0.10245 0.19908 0.938 -0.3994 0.6043
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.12745 0.16439 0.823 -0.2801 0.5350
1 Time of Use based
-0.02500 0.22174 0.999 -0.5785 0.5285
2 Demand based -0.12745 0.16439 0.823 -0.5350 0.2801
2 Demand based
-0.15588 0.20579 0.751 -0.6680 0.3562
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.03696 0.23848 0.988 -0.6304 0.5565
1 Time of Use based 0.15588 0.20579 0.751 -0.3562 0.6680
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.11893 0.19591 0.832 -0.3686 0.6065
1 Time of Use based
0.03696 0.23848 0.988 -0.5565 0.6304
2 Demand based -0.11893 0.19591 0.832 -0.6065 0.3686
2 Demand based
-0.15588 0.18824 0.792 -0.6250 0.3132
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.03696 0.23903 0.998 -0.6312 0.5573
1 Time of Use based 0.15588 0.18824 0.792 -0.3132 0.6250
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.11893 0.21168 0.922 -0.4088 0.6467
1 Time of Use based
0.03696 0.23903 0.998 -0.5573 0.6312
2 Demand based -0.11893 0.21168 0.922 -0.6467 0.4088
2 Demand based
.94804(*) 0.27435 0.004 0.2653 1.6308
3 Negotiated Pricing
Agreement 0.50217 0.31793 0.292 -0.2890 1.2934
1 Time of Use based -.94804(*) 0.27435 0.004 -1.6308 -0.2653
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.44587 0.26119 0.238 -1.0958 0.2041
1 Time of Use based
-0.50217 0.31793 0.292 -1.2934 0.2890
2 Demand based 0.44587 0.26119 0.238 -0.2041 1.0958
2 Demand based
.94804(*) 0.20909 0.000 0.4356 1.4604
3 Negotiated Pricing
Agreement 0.50217 0.26558 0.185 -0.1623 1.1667
1 Time of Use based -.94804(*) 0.20909 0.000 -1.4604 -0.4356
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.44587 0.27893 0.308 -1.1371 0.2454
1 Time of Use based
-0.50217 0.26558 0.185 -1.1667 0.1623
2 Demand based 0.44587 0.27893 0.308 -0.2454 1.1371
2 Demand based
0.00021 0.21746 1.000 -0.5410 0.5414
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.10932 0.25201 0.910 -0.5178 0.7365
1 Time of Use based -0.00021 0.21746 1.000 -0.5414 0.5410
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.10911 0.20703 0.871 -0.4061 0.6243
1 Time of Use based
-0.10932 0.25201 0.910 -0.7365 0.5178
2 Demand based -0.10911 0.20703 0.871 -0.6243 0.4061
2 Demand based
0.00021 0.22365 1.000 -0.5618 0.5622
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.10932 0.26320 0.966 -0.5454 0.7641
1 Time of Use based -0.00021 0.22365 1.000 -0.5622 0.5618
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.10911 0.20970 0.937 -0.4126 0.6308
1 Time of Use based
-0.10932 0.26320 0.966 -0.7641 0.5454
2 Demand based -0.10911 0.20970 0.937 -0.6308 0.4126
2 Demand based
-0.20106 0.22959 0.683 -0.7724 0.3703
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.10491 0.26606 0.925 -0.7670 0.5572
1 Time of Use based 0.20106 0.22959 0.683 -0.3703 0.7724
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.09615 0.21857 0.908 -0.4478 0.6401
1 Time of Use based
0.10491 0.26606 0.925 -0.5572 0.7670
2 Demand based -0.09615 0.21857 0.908 -0.6401 0.4478
2 Demand based
-0.20106 0.20742 0.704 -0.7161 0.3140
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.10491 0.25312 0.966 -0.7341 0.5243
1 Time of Use based 0.20106 0.20742 0.704 -0.3140 0.7161
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.09615 0.22885 0.965 -0.4723 0.6646
1 Time of Use based
0.10491 0.25312 0.966 -0.5243 0.7341
2 Demand based -0.09615 0.22885 0.965 -0.6646 0.4723
2 Demand based
.58244(*) 0.22767 0.042 0.0159 1.1490
3 Negotiated Pricing
Agreement 0.23125 0.26384 0.682 -0.4253 0.8878
1 Time of Use based -.58244(*) 0.22767 0.042 -1.1490 -0.0159
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.35119 0.21674 0.274 -0.8906 0.1882
1 Time of Use based
-0.23125 0.26384 0.682 -0.8878 0.4253
2 Demand based 0.35119 0.21674 0.274 -0.1882 0.8906
2 Demand based
.58244(*) 0.18976 0.010 0.1154 1.0495
3 Negotiated Pricing
Agreement 0.23125 0.22361 0.662 -0.3253 0.7878
1 Time of Use based -.58244(*) 0.18976 0.010 -1.0495 -0.1154
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.35119 0.22164 0.314 -0.8992 0.1968
1 Time of Use based
-0.23125 0.22361 0.662 -0.7878 0.3253
2 Demand based 0.35119 0.22164 0.314 -0.1968 0.8992
2 Demand based
0.34493 0.28599 0.486 -0.3668 1.0567
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.27645 0.33142 0.707 -0.5483 1.1012
1 Time of Use based -0.34493 0.28599 0.486 -1.0567 0.3668
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.06849 0.27227 0.969 -0.7460 0.6091
1 Time of Use based
-0.27645 0.33142 0.707 -1.1012 0.5483
2 Demand based 0.06849 0.27227 0.969 -0.6091 0.7460
2 Demand based
0.34493 0.27266 0.508 -0.3365 1.0263
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.27645 0.33624 0.796 -0.5591 1.1120
1 Time of Use based -0.34493 0.27266 0.508 -1.0263 0.3365
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.06849 0.28788 0.993 -0.7857 0.6487
1 Time of Use based
-0.27645 0.33624 0.796 -1.1120 0.5591
2 Demand based 0.06849 0.28788 0.993 -0.6487 0.7857
2 Demand based
0.15964 0.27186 0.842 -0.5169 0.8362
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.13804 0.31505 0.909 -0.6460 0.9221
1 Time of Use based -0.15964 0.27186 0.842 -0.8362 0.5169
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.02160 0.25881 0.997 -0.6657 0.6225
1 Time of Use based
-0.13804 0.31505 0.909 -0.9221 0.6460
2 Demand based 0.02160 0.25881 0.997 -0.6225 0.6657
2 Demand based
0.15964 0.25802 0.900 -0.4849 0.8042
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.13804 0.31863 0.962 -0.6538 0.9299
1 Time of Use based -0.15964 0.25802 0.900 -0.8042 0.4849
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.02160 0.27393 1.000 -0.7040 0.6608
1 Time of Use based
-0.13804 0.31863 0.962 -0.9299 0.6538
2 Demand based 0.02160 0.27393 1.000 -0.6608 0.7040
2 Demand based
0.47173 0.23274 0.134 -0.1075 1.0509
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.43877 0.26972 0.271 -0.2324 1.1100
1 Time of Use based -0.47173 0.23274 0.134 -1.0509 0.1075
3 Negotiated Pricing
Agreement -0.03296 0.22157 0.989 -0.5844 0.5184
1 Time of Use based
-0.43877 0.26972 0.271 -1.1100 0.2324
2 Demand based 0.03296 0.22157 0.989 -0.5184 0.5844
2 Demand based
0.47173 0.21243 0.093 -0.0587 1.0021
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.43877 0.27965 0.324 -0.2566 1.1342
1 Time of Use based -0.47173 0.21243 0.093 -1.0021 0.0587
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.03296 0.24633 0.999 -0.6490 0.5830
1 Time of Use based
-0.43877 0.27965 0.324 -1.1342 0.2566
2 Demand based 0.03296 0.24633 0.999 -0.5830 0.6490
2 Demand based
-0.11667 0.20044 0.844 -0.6155 0.3821
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.07174 0.23228 0.953 -0.5063 0.6498
1 Time of Use based 0.11667 0.20044 0.844 -0.3821 0.6155
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.18841 0.19082 0.616 -0.2865 0.6633
1 Time of Use based
-0.07174 0.23228 0.953 -0.6498 0.5063
2 Demand based -0.18841 0.19082 0.616 -0.6633 0.2865
2 Demand based
-0.11667 0.22597 0.938 -0.6907 0.4574
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.07174 0.27033 0.991 -0.6017 0.7452
1 Time of Use based 0.11667 0.22597 0.938 -0.4574 0.6907
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.18841 0.19606 0.710 -0.3026 0.6794
1 Time of Use based
-0.07174 0.27033 0.991 -0.7452 0.6017
2 Demand based -0.18841 0.19606 0.710 -0.6794 0.3026
2 Demand based
-0.09510 0.22428 0.914 -0.6532 0.4630
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.03406 0.25991 0.991 -0.6127 0.6809
1 Time of Use based 0.09510 0.22428 0.914 -0.4630 0.6532
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.12916 0.21352 0.833 -0.4022 0.6605
1 Time of Use based
-0.03406 0.25991 0.991 -0.6809 0.6127
2 Demand based -0.12916 0.21352 0.833 -0.6605 0.4022
2 Demand based
-0.09510 0.19336 0.946 -0.5739 0.3837
3 Negotiated Pricing
Agreement 0.03406 0.24604 0.999 -0.5782 0.6463
1 Time of Use based 0.09510 0.19336 0.946 -0.3837 0.5739
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.12916 0.23005 0.922 -0.4432 0.7015
1 Time of Use based
-0.03406 0.24604 0.999 -0.6463 0.5782
2 Demand based -0.12916 0.23005 0.922 -0.7015 0.4432
2 Demand based
1.15163(*) 0.29826 0.001 0.4094 1.8939
3 Negotiated Pricing
Agreement 0.70435 0.34564 0.131 -0.1558 1.5645
1 Time of Use based -1.15163(*) 0.29826 0.001 -1.8939 -0.4094
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.44729 0.28395 0.294 -1.1539 0.2593
1 Time of Use based
-0.70435 0.34564 0.131 -1.5645 0.1558
2 Demand based 0.44729 0.28395 0.294 -0.2593 1.1539
2 Demand based
1.15163(*) 0.25339 0.000 0.5268 1.7765
3 Negotiated Pricing
0.70435 0.30098 0.070 -0.0444 1.4531
1 Time of Use based -1.15163(*) 0.25339 0.000 -1.7765 -0.5268
3 Negotiated Pricing
-0.44729 0.29170 0.342 -1.1692 0.2746
1 Time of Use based
-0.70435 0.30098 0.070 -1.4531 0.0444
2 Demand based 0.44729 0.29170 0.342 -0.2746 1.1692

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