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Beta Blockers in Heart Failure

Norman Sharpe
Department of Medicine, University of Auckland School of Medicine, Auckland, New Zealand

Abstract. The rationale for beta blockade in heart failure is now well established. Heart failure mortality, which is predicted by neurohormonal activation, remains high despite modern treatment, including angiotensin-convertingenzyme (ACE) inhibition, and additional neurohormonal blockade has further therapeutic potential. Previous clinical trial experience in heart failure, most of which has been in patients with idiopathic cardiomyopathy, indicates consistent improvement in ventricular function, although variable changes in symptoms and exercise performance. However, the major burden of heart failure occurs in patients with ischemic heart disease, and in this respect it is notable that beta blockade following myocardial infarction confers a significant mortality benefit in subgroups with heart failure. An overview of all currently available randomized clinical trials of beta blockade in heart failure, which includes more than 1600 patients, indicates a mortality risk reduction of approximately 20%, but with wide confidence intervals. A large scale trial with several thousand patients is required to confirm reliably a plausible 20% mortality reduction with beta blockade in heart failure. The dissociation of clinical and mortality effects demonstrated with other heart failure treatments indicates the necessity for an appropriately powered mortality study that could define a major improvement in heart failure therapy for the future. The response to beta blockade will vary according to heart failure severity. A cautious dosetitration approach is required in all cases. In severe heart failure, symptomatic improvement may result, but for the large group of patients with moderate and stable heart failure, the principal aim of treatment is improved longevity. Key Words. beta blockers, heart failure

various aims of treatment for heart failure are met through a number of different mechanisms that are not necessarily associated. For example, congestive symptoms and signs are relieved through reduction of elevated ventricular filling pressures and diuresis. Exercise performance may improve through relief of congestion, but more significantly through peripheral circulatory changes and muscular conditioning. Ventricular function is altered through changes in myocardial contractility or loading conditions. Finally, survival benefit may be mediated through functional improvement, but also importantly through neurohormonal blockade.

Neurohormonal Alterations in Heart Failure

Activation of neurohormonal systems causes excessive vasoconstriction and volume expansion, and worsening symptoms and signs of congestive heart failure. The benefit of blockade of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system with ACE inhibition is well established. There may also be benefits from blockade of the sympathetic nervous system with beta blockade that are complementary to those provided by ACE inhibitors.

Neurohormonal activation and survival

Data from the Studies of Left Ventricular Dysfunction (SOLVD) registry [1] have shown that elevated plasma levels of norepinephrine, renin, arginine vasopressin, and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) are associated with a poor prognosis. However, only ANP and renin were independent predictors of mortality by multivariate analysis. The Veterans Administration Cooperative Vasodilator Heart Failure Trial [2] has shown that elevated plasma levels of norepinephrine and renin are independently related to mortality and that the most beneficial response to ACE inhibition occurred in those with the most neurohormonal acti-

The rationale for the use of beta blockers in heart failure relates to several factors. Firstly, a poor prognosis for heart failure patients remains despite modern treatment, including angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition. Secondly, there have been good studies of neurohormonal alterations and their prognostic importance in heart failure. Thirdly, clinical trials of the effects of beta blockers on left ventricular function and exercise capacity in patients with heart failure are promising. Finally, larger clinical trials of the effects of beta blockers on mortality in patients with myocardial infarction and evidence of heart failure offer hope. In considering the possible application of beta blockers in heart failure as part of a combined treatment regimen, it is important to emphasize that the

Address for correspondence: Norman Sharpe, Department of Medicine, University of Auckland School of Medicine, Auckland, New Zealand.
Received 18 August 1995; accepted 18 September 1995.


vation. These findings emphasize the importance of the relationship between neurohormonal activity and mortality, and the relevance of neurohormonal blockade to improved survival.

Plasma norepinephrine levels

The plasma concentration of norepinephrine provides an index of sympathetic activity. Several studies have shown that plasma norepinephrine levels are increased in heart failure [3-5]. As well as being a predictor of survival [2,5], the level of circulating norepinephrine is directly proportional to the degree of left ventricular dysfunction [3]. Measurements of norepinephrine may provide a better prognostic guide than do hemodynamic measurements, such as cardiac index, stroke work index, or pulmonary capillary wedge pressure [5]. Substudy data from the SOLVD trial [6] have demonstrated that sympathetic activation occurs prior to the development of clinical heart failure and is present in patients with asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction. Sympathetic activation is therefore not solely a consequence of clinical heart failure. Overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system may result from chronic changes in stroke volume, cardiac output, and mean arterial pressure that result in deactivation of arterial baroreceptors, which play an important role in negative feedback control of the sympathetic nervous system [7,8]. Prolonged excessive activation of the sympathetic nervous system has many potential adverse effects, including direct toxic effects on the myocardium [9], arrhythmogenesis [10], decreased coronary blood flow, and tissue anoxia from vasoconstriction [7].

studies [19,20] suggest that beta blockade may reduce circulating norepinephrine levels both by reducing spillover to the plasma from the synaptic cleft and by increasing the clearance of norepinephrine. Beta blockers are also able to block directly the toxic effects of catecholamines, as demonstrated in vitro by the prevention of norepinephrine-induced myocyte necrosis by 1-propranolol [21] and in vivo by reversal of the cardiomyopathy associated with pheochromocytoma [22]. In addition to the increase in plasma norepinephrine, other alterations occur in the adrenergic pathway, including changes in beta-receptor density and function, guanine nucleotide regulatory proteins (or G-proteins), and cyclic AMP levels.

Beta-adrenergic receptors
In the normal myocardium there is a predominance of the betal-subgroup of receptors. In heart failure there is a decrease in the total beta-receptor density, which is related to the degree of heart failure [23]; this is due to a selective reduction, or downregulation, in the betal-receptor density of about 60-70% [24]. In a study of papillary muscle extracts obtained from patients with severe heart failure undergoing transplantation [25], it was shown that downregulation of betal-receptors is accompanied by a reduction in the corresponding messenger RNA (mRNA) for the betal-receptor. No such changes were seen in betaereceptor density or in betae-receptor mRNA. These findings suggest that betal-receptor downregulation is, at least partly, the consequence of a reduction in the synthesis of the betal-receptors. However, it is also possible that the betal-receptor downregulation reflects an increase in receptor degradation [26], although this remains to be proven in failing human hearts. The absolute density of the betae-receptor is unchanged in heart failure, although the ratio of beta2to betal-receptors is increased and their functional activity is reduced [27]. Several different mechanisms are involved in this receptor uncoupling [28]. One important pathway involves initial phosphorylation of the agonist-occupied active receptors by betaadrenergic receptor kinase [29]. Subsequently, an inhibitory protein, beta-arrestin [30], binds to the phosphorylated receptor, resulting in uncoupling of the beta-receptor and the G-proteins, and a reduction in their function. Alterations in the beta-receptors may be a response to increased sympathetic activity and/or a result of progressive heart muscle damage [31]. Thus, it is uncertain whether these alterations in betareceptors are specific to heart failure or whether they merely reflect the marked sympathetic activation that occurs in this condition [28]. Downregulation of the beta-receptors does not occur uniformly throughout the myocardium and is more marked in the subendo-

Cardiac norepinephrine stores

Despite increased plasma concentrations of norepinephrine, the myocardium is depleted of norepinephrine [11,12] due, at least partly, to a profound decrease in reuptake [13,14]. The reuptake mechanism is a major determinant of both the concentration of norepinephrine within the synaptic cleft and the stores of norepinephrine in the neurone. In addition to abnormal reuptake of norepinephrine, it has been suggested that abnormalities occur in the synthesis of norepinephrine within the neurone [15,16], although this has not been a consistent finding [17]. The exact mechanism of the depleted norepinephrine stores is still uncertain and may depend on the underlying cause of the heart failure. Effect of beta blockade on plasma norepinephrine levels A randomized trial of the effects of bucindolol in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy [18] has demonstrated a 50% reduction in plasma norepinephrine levels in bucindolol-treated patients after 3 months. These findings and those from uncontrolled

Beta Blockers in Heart Failure

cardial myocytes, suggesting that it is not simply related to the increase in sympathetic activity [32].

Clinical Trials of Beta Blockers in Heart Failure

Traditionally beta blockers have been considered contraindicated in heart failure because of their acute negative inotropic effect. The first report of their application in heart failure described seven patients with severe idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy who appeared to have a favorable clinical response to beta blockade with metoprolol [62]. The same workers later reported a further 24 patients (with 13 control subjects) who showed clinical improvement during beta blockade [63]. It was suggested that, in comparison with historical controls, survival was prolonged with the beta blocker treatment. A further report of patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy indicated improvement in hemodynamics and symptoms with beta blockade [64], and significant hemodynamic deterioration on withdrawal [65]. The initial observations suggestive of benefit were all derived from nonrandomized studies, but this has since been followed by a number of randomized, placebo-controlled trials of beta blockers in patients with heart failure of different types. Table 1 outlines the randomized controlled trials of beta blockade in patients with heart failure that have been reported to date [18,38-56]. Earlier trials predominantly included patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, although more recently more patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy have been studied. Most, but not all, have reported an improvement in symptoms and a reduction in NYHA functional class with longer term treatment. Studies that did not report improvement generally had a short treatment period and relatively small numbers of patients. Hemodynamic effects of beta blockade in heart failure In patients with heart failure principally due to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, long-term beta blockade has been shown to result in significant hemodynamic improvement with increased left ventricular stroke work index, left ventricular ejection fraction, and decreased pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. In those studies that measured ejection fraction, the mean increase in the beta blocker group relative to the control was 5.7% (Table 1). (This increase is derived from the mean ejection fraction data from the published studies in which this was assessed). The mechanisms of hemodynamic improvement with long-term beta blockade in heart failure are unclear. Acute intravenous beta blockade has been demonstrated to adversely affect left ventricular systolic function [66]. However, long-term oral therapy is well tolerated and can result in significant improvement. Most studies investigating the possible mechanisms of improvement have been uncontrolled and have in-

Effect of beta blockade on beta.receptor

density Uncontrolled studies of metoprolol in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy have suggested that chronic treatment with this agent increases betareceptor density [33,34]. The patients in these series also showed significant hemodynamic improvement. A recent randomized trial with metoprolol has also demonstrated a significant increase in beta-receptor density after 6 months of treatment compared with placebo [35]. However, there were no significant changes in ejection fraction between the two groups [36]. While the increase in betal-receptor density seen after treatment with beta blockers appears to occur within days [37], the clinical benefits of beta blockade occur after several months' therapy [18,38-56], and thus it is unlikely that this improvement is explained simply by beta-receptor upregulation alone. The underlying cause of the heart failure may influence the changes seen in the beta-receptor complex. Bristow and colleagues [57] have shown that, compared with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, ischemic cardiomyopathy has less total beta-receptor downregulation and greater uncoupling of left ventricular betae-receptors and right ventricular betalreceptors. These differences may explain why beta blockade appears to produce greater effects on left ventricular function in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy than in ischemic cardiomyopathy [45]. However, this apparent difference in response might also be attributable to a greater degree of spontaneous improvement in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. G.proteins The guanine nucleotide regulatory proteins, or Gproteins, exist on the inner surface of the cell membrane and provide the link between the beta-receptor and adenylate cyclase. Some G-proteins stimulate adenylate cyclase (Gs-proteins) and others are inhibitory (Gi-proteins). They share a common structure, each being composed of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits, with the alpha subunit thought to be responsible for regulating the effector systems [58]. There are alterations in these proteins in the failing human myocardium, including an increase of as much as a third in the Gi-protein [59,60] and a reduction in the Gsprotein [61]. These alterations in the G-proteins, as well as the receptor modifications mentioned earlier, probably account for the "uncoupling" of the beta2receptors seen in heart failure [31]. The Gs-proteins interact directly with the catalytic unit of adenylate cyclase, and it appears that this subunit is not altered in heart failure [31].


Table 1. Randomized, controlled trials of beta blockers in congestive heart failure

Trial Ikram Currie Anderson Engelmeier Sano Leung Pollock Gilbert Woodley Paolisso MDC trial Krum Olsen Wisenbaugh Fisher Bristow Eichhorn CIBIS Metra ANZ Trial Totals

Year 1981 1984 1985 1985 1989 1990 1990 1990 1991 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1995

N 17 10 50 25 22 12 20 23 50 10 383 49 60 29 50 139 25 641 40 415 2047

Beta blocker Acebutolol Metoprolol Metoprolol Metoprolol Metoprolol Labetolol Bucindolol Bucindolol Bucindolol Metoprolol Metoprolol Carvedilol Carvedilol Nebivolol Metoprolol Bucindolol Metoprolol Bisoprolol Carvedilol Carvedilol

FU (mo.) 1 1 19 12 12 2 3 3 3 3 12-18 3.5 4 3 6 3 3 23 6 18-24

DEF (%) NA + 3.0% NA + 2.0% NA NA 0.0% + 8.0% + 0.5% NA + 6.0% + 5.5% + 10.0% + 8.0% + 5.0% + 4.1% + 8% NA + 11% 5.2% + 5.7%

Exercise Decrease No change No change Increase NA Increase Increase No change No change Increase No change NA NA No change NA Decrease NA NA No change No change

Def = mean difference in ejection fraction % (calculated as mean change during active treatment - mean change during control, and adjusted for number of patients); NA = data not available.

volved small numbers of patients, and the data are conflicting. Eichhorn and colleagues [67], in an uncontrolled study of the effects of 3 months of treatment with bucindolol in patients with heart failure, demonstrated an increase in left ventricular ejection fraction that was related to reductions in both end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes. The decrease in end-systolic volume and the increase in ejection fraction occurred despite a decrease in preload and an increase in afterload, suggesting improvement in myocardial contractility. This was confirmed by improvements in the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship and the peak dP/dt end-diastolic volume relation, both relatively load-independent measures of contractility. Despite these improvements in contractility and mechanical work, there was no increase in myocardial oxygen consumption. The finding of improved contractility following long-term beta blockade has also been demonstrated in a placebo-controlled study of nebivolol, a beta 1selective antagonist with vasodilating properties, in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy [52]. This study demonstrated no significant change in wall stress, suggesting that the significant increase in ejection fraction observed was due to improved contractility rather than ventricular unloading. In addition to improvements in resting hemodynamics following beta blockade, improvements have also been demonstrated in cardiac index, stroke volume index, stroke work index, and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure with

exercise [17,19]. In association with these improvements, there was no increase in myocardial oxygen consumption, suggesting increased myocardial work load without higher metabolic costs. Little data are available regarding the effects of beta blockade on diastolic function in heart failure. I m p r o v e m e n t s have been demonstrated in isovolumic relaxation, with no change in chamber stiffness, following t r e a t m e n t with bucindolol [67]. Improved diastolic function may be an important component of the response to beta blockade and requires further investigation.
Effects of beta blockade on exercise tolerance in heart failure The findings related to exercise capacity in these studies have been conflicting. While some studies have reported statistically significant improvements in total exercise duration with beta blockade, others have not (Table 1). Long-term beta blockade can attenuate maximum oxygen consumption [68], and, consequently, maximal exercise tolerance testing may not be the appropriate method for assessing an improvement in functional capacity. In a randomized trial of the effects of the vasodilating beta blocker carvedilol [69], submaximal exercise time (determined by stressing patients at a workload fixed at 85% of their baseline maximal oxygen consumption) was significantly increased in the beta blocker group compared with placebo, while maximal exercise time was not changed. A similar study [52] has recently shown a

Beta Blockers in Heart Failure


% Events Study Control

Odds Ratio &95% CL

17 Smaller Trials 608 Larger Trials MDC CIBIS 383 641



11.9% 16.6%

10.1% 20.9%

9 5 % C I 0.61-1.12 m

Subtotal 1024 TOTAL 1632



Treatment effect 2p=0.22

for heterogeneity: subgroups = 0.02, ldf, p=0.9 X z for heterogeneity: overall = 5.63, 10dr, p=0.85
Fig. 1. Beta blockers in heart failure: mortality data.





Beta-Blocker Favourable

Beta-Blocker Worse

significant increase in the distance traversed during a 6-minute walk test in the beta blocker treated group compared with the placebo group. This method of assessing submaximal performance is often preferred by patients and may reflect an improvement in their regular daily physical activity that is better than maximal exercise testing might show.
E f f e c t s o f b e t a b l o c k a d e on s u r v i v a l in heart failure

In the Metoprolol in Dilated Cardiomyopathy (MDC) study [47], 383 patients with heart failure on standard treatment were randomized to receive either metoprolol or placebo, and were followed for 12-18 months. There were significant improvements in hemodynamics and symptoms, as well as fewer hospital readmissions, in the beta blocker treated group. There was no statistically significant effect on total mortality, but fewer metoprolol treated patients were placed on the transplant list. In the Cardiac Insufficiency Bisoprolol Study (CIBIS) [54], 641 patients with heart failure of various etiologies on standard treatment were randomized to bisoprolol or placebo for a mean period of 1.9 years. Significantly fewer patients in the beta blocker group required hospitalization, and significantly more showed improvement in functional class. There was no significant difference between the groups in mortality. Definitive larger scale mortality studies currently in progress should reliably assess the plausible survival benefit of beta blocker treatment.

An overview of the likely survival benefit from beta blockade in heart failure can be obtained from a rectaanalysis of all randomized controlled trials. Data from 19 trials with a total of 1632 patients have been included in the analysis [18,38-55]. In these trials, 74% of the patients had idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, the median ejection fraction was 23%, the median NYHA class was 2.7, and theaverage duration of follow-up was 15 months. There were 17 smaller trials, and the majority of the patients were from the MDC or CIBIS studies. None of the trials individually was large enough to detect reliably an effect of beta blocker treatment on mortality. Mortality in patients assigned beta blocker treatment was 10.7%, versus 13.2% in controls (odds ratio 0.83, 95% CI 0.6-1.1; Figure 1). When the meta-analysis was repeated using the MDC study combined endpoint of mortality and transplant listing, the mortality in treated patients was 10.8% versus 15.3% in controls (odds ratio 0.69, 95% CI 0.51-0.92). A large scale trial with longer follow-up is required for reliable determination of a plausible effect of beta blocker treatment on mortality in heart failure. Currently available data indicating improvements in hemodynamics, clinical symptoms, and exercise performance are not yet sufficient to justify the widespread use of beta blockers in all patients with heart failure. The experience with other agents in heart failure, such as milrinone [70], which produce favorable acute hemodynamic and clinical effects but actually increase mortality long term, indicates the importance



of mortality data in the consideration of general treatment recommendations.

New Generation Beta Blockers

In the context of heart failure treatment, most clinical interest is now focused on agents such as bucindolol and carvedilol that provide an atypical beta blocking (modulation) effect and some vasodilator effect without intrinsic sympathomimetic action. Bucindolol is a nonselective beta blocker with weak vasodilator action, whereas carvedilol has weak betarselectivity and significant vasodilator action due to alphalblockade [71]. These complementary actions of carvedilol provide a most favorable profile, which may be further enhanced by antioxidant and antiproliferative effects demonstrated in vitro [72,73]. Carvedilol is well tolerated and improves ventricular function in stable heart failure of ischemic etiology, with no significant change in symptoms or exercise performance [56]. The mortality benefit with such treatment may be greater than that estimated from the overview of experience with other beta blockers. Further clinical studies with carvedilol are coming to completion in the United States, and definitive mortality studies with both bucindolol are carvedilol are being initiated.

Beta Blockers Following Myocardial Infarction

Observations from the placebo group of the Multicentre Diltiazem Post-infarction Research Group [74] suggested that beta blocker use was less frequent in patients with ejection fraction <30%, rales, a third heart sound, and radiologic pulmonary congestion. However, for each level of left ventricular function, the chance of developing heart failure requiring treatment was actually less if the patient was on a beta blocker. Mortality was less if the patient was on a beta blocker for every correlate of left ventricular function, except a third heart sound. Further evidence that beta blockers may confer survival benefit in patients with heart failure has accrued from the Beta-Blocker Heart Attack Trial (BHAT) [75]. In this trial, of the 3837 patients randomized, 710 had a history of heart failure. Among this heart failure group there were about a quarter fewer deaths in those assigned propranolol than in the placebo group. This difference, while of borderline statistical significance (p = 0.07), appeared to be of similar magnitude to the highly significant difference in mortality observed in the much larger group of patients without a history of heart failure. The lower mortality among patients with heart failure assigned propranolol primarily resulted from a reduction in sudden death of about a half (p = 0.02). In the Betablocker Pooling Project [76], results

from nine trials involving a total of 13,679 patients were combined in order to allow greater power for the detection of treatment effects among subgroups of randomized patients. Although the subgroup with chronic heart failure was made up almost entirely of BHAT patients, there was additional information provided on the effects of treatment in a total of 3519 patients with prior heart failure (as indicated by pulmonary edema, cardiogenic shock, persistent hypotension, basilar rales, or other symptoms or signs of heart failure at the time of the acute infarction). Among these patients there was a significant reduction in total mortality of about one quarter in those assigned treatment with a beta blocker (p = 0.004). Similarly, among the 2625 patients with systolic blood pressure below 110 mmHg, there was a significant reduction in total mortality of about a half (p = 0.0002) in those treated with a beta blocker (a similar result was observed in those with diastolic blood pressure less than 70 mmHg). Finally, among the 957 patients receiving digitalis prior to randomization, mortality was reduced by about a third (p = 0.01) in those assigned a beta blocker. Thus it is apparent that some patients with heart failure or left ventricular dysfunction following acute myocardial infarction may benefit from beta blocker therapy. However, the general relevance of these results from the postinfarction trials is uncertain given that the populations chosen for study were highly selected.

Potential Benefits of Beta Blockers in the Context of Current Management

Studies with ACE inhibitors [77,78] have clearly demonstrated that these agents can reduce deaths due to progressive heart failure, with the effects on sudden death being uncertain. The possibility that beta blockade may provide further benefit through reducing the risk of sudden death is relevant since sudden death still accounts for a third to a half of all deaths in patients with heart failure. The exact mechanism of action of beta blockers in the prevention of sudden death following myocardial infarction is uncertain. A reduction in ventricular arrhythmias has been postulated from a retrospective analysis of subgroups of patients in BHAT [79]. Those with arrhythmias had the most pronounced effect from beta blockade, with mortality being halved in the treatment group. Following myocardial infarction, metoprolol has been reported to have a pronounced effect on prevention of ventricular fibrillation [80]. Beta blockers have an effect on the fibrillation threshold rather than on ventricular ectopics, and this effect may confer protection from sudden death [81]. Several other cardioprotective actions of beta blockers have been proposed apart from antiarrhythmic effects [82], including decreased myocardial oxy-

Beta Blockers in Heart Failure


gen demand [65], an antithrombotic effect [83], and prevention of plaque rupture [84]. Beta blockers are able to decrease myocardial oxygen demand by decreasing heart rate, blood pressure, and myocardial contractility and thus may prevent ischemia. In keeping with this, a fourfold reduction in the incidence of nonfatal reinfarction was observed in an overview of the long-term treatment trials [85]. A reduction in the rate of recurrent myocardial infarction has also been demonstrated with ACE inhibition [86,87], although the mechanisms of benefit are probably different. ACE inhibitors may have useful vascular protective and possible antiatherosclerotic effects [88], thus extending the rationale for complementary benefits from beta blockade following myocardial infarction and in heart failure with combination treatment. Overall, it appears that the most significant benefit of beta blocker treatment in heart failure is improved longevity. While symptoms may be improved in patients with severe heart failure, symptoms may not change in those with more stable heart failure. A cautious, closely monitored dose-titration approach is required to achieve optimal outcomes and to minimize possible adverse effects.

Congestive heart failure is a common problem and, despite recent improvements in treatment, mortality remains high. Complex neurohormonal alterations occur in heart failure that are deleterious long-term and adversely affect survival. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition has been shown to have beneficial effects on hemodynamics, symptoms, and survival. Beta-adrenergic antagonists are also able to modulate the neurohormonal activation of heart failure. Clinical trials of beta blockers in ischemic and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy have shown good tolerability and improved hemodynamics and symptoms. Following myocardial infarction, beta blockers reduce mortality, particularly in patients with heart failure. Further studies are required to determine whether beta blockade can further reduce mortality in heart failure and provide a useful addition to existing therapy. This treatment will need to be carefully applied for optimal outcomes.

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