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Welcome to our first ever St Teilos Yearbook ! We hope that this guide to the year now past (From late October 2011 to early October 2012) will serve as a fitting celebration of all that goes on in the life of our parish. Many of the highlights of the Church calendar are the same from one year to the next Christmas, Easter, Harvest and these are reflected in many of our photographs. But each year also has its distinctive features. Unusual (and unique) celebrations of the past year that our commemorated in the Yearbook include the centenary celebrations for our Church Hall; our service of thanksgiving for Her Majestys Diamond Jubilee; and the colour and exuberance of the inter-faith Peace Mala pilgrimage. Of course, every year brings times of loss as well as occasions for joy. Amongst those from our church family to whom we have said farewell over the past year, we remember Ethel Rees, Denzil Jones, Mabel Matthews, Bryan Taylor, Mary Lloyd, John Sorton Davies and, of course, our much-esteemed Director of Music, Christopher Waring Davies. We cherish their memory: and pray that one day we will be reunited with them in our Fathers house. Any selection, inevitably, will be selective: this is, quite literally, a snapshot. But we hope that this collection of photographs and the accompanying text will bring a few smiles, and summon forth many happy memories. Thanks be to God for all his blessings in 2012! Fr Andrew Pearce, Stuart Phillips & Sue Waite

With thanks to Mike Whiffin, Helen Jones & others for photographs.

400 Years of the King James Bible (October 2011)

special exhibition was held at St Teilos on the weekend of October 22nd and 23rd 2011 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible. Almost a hundred items were loaned by parishioners, including bibles of all shapes and sizes unusual versions on display included a Lego version of the Nativity Story, the Psalms in Haiku form, and the Book of Genesis as a Graphic Novel. Displays around the church, organised by Fr Andrew, told the story of the Bible from its Hebrew and Greek origins right up to the present day.

(Right) Just a few of a number of exquisitely-illustrated editions of Holy Scripture loaned for the exhibition.

(Left) As well as copies of both Testaments in their original Hebrew and Greek, many foreignlanguage bibles were on display at the exhibition. They included bibles in French, German, Italian, Urdu, Arabic (pictured), and Cornish. A number of Welsh language bibles were also on view. (Left) This plate is written in the Coptic script (based on Greek, but with some additional letters) used by the Christian churches of Egypt since antiquity. The text is one of most familiar passages of the New Testament: the Lords Prayer.

In Vino Veritas (October 2011)

here else, for a modest 5, could one enjoy a pleasant evening with half a dozen different wines to sample, listening to the preposterous, amusing and frequently misleading claims of our selfdeclared wine connoisseurs as they invited us to Call their Bluff? Where indeed but at the Church Hall, when, on October 29th 2011, Triple F challenged us to prove whether we really could distinguish our Merlots from our Cabernets, our Chardonnays from our Pinot Grigios The Winning Team! Fr Andrew and Fi Pearce, Stuart and Jen Phillips, Mike Thomas, Simon Cooper, & Elizabeth and Alun Edwards toasting their good fortune (and superior palates) after their success.

The Wooden spoon was awarded to Megan Rosser, Sue Waite, Suzie Danino, Charlie Danino, Chris Waring Davies, & Alun Tregelles Williams, but they were clearly at home with a bottle or three: Who cares what were drinkingit goes down very well!

Its All in the Nose Gwynn Roberts looks as if hes taking it all very seriously as he takes an appreciative sniff. Joining him are Ann Roberts, Jane Worton & Cliff and Kay Jenkins.

Just a Little Tipple, you know! Betty Frowen, Mavis Dalton, Iona Jones and Rhoma Rich may eschew the dubious delights of Wind Street, but heres the proof that they can still be good time girls in their own way!

And lets not forget Our fiendishly clever Call my Bluff team Richard Walters, Norman Barnes and Mike Whiffin with their spouses Gill Walters, Jen Barnes and Chris Whiffin. Who needed Frank Muir or Robert Robinson when we had these guys? They did, after all, succeed in bamboozling most of those who were there that night (Stop-press: the Rectors team failed to successfully defend their title a year later!).

Well Always Have Paris (November 2011)

Part of the St Teilos family went continental from November 25th to 28th 2011. (Left) Ann and Gwynn Roberts, pondering the delights of all things French

(Below) Well, I think everyones having a good timenotice that Gwynn is very firmly holding the bottle!

John Moses is clearly not worrying about whos going to be ringing the Church Bells on Advent Sunday

They dont do it like this in The Valley


Well, at least il nest pleut pas

And just to prove that we were there


Bishopston Church Hall Centenary (December 2011)

n December 11th 2011, the Church Hall was packed as members of the parish and community gathered together to celebrate one hundred years of the Church Hall. Ken Davies, Chairman of the Church Hall Committee, acted as Master of Ceremonies, and told us something of the Halls history. Our Guest of Honour was Mrs Rhona Morgan, whose family donated the land upon which the Hall was built in 1910. The Rector highlighted some of the other events of 1911, and offered prayers of thanksgiving and blessing upon the Hall for its continuing role within the community of Bishopston. Alun Williams contributed a witty rendition from the works of Dylan Thomas appropriate as we know that Dylan frequently visited Bishopston and Pwlldu. An excellent champagne buffet lunch followed. Thanks to everyone on the Hall Committee for making it such a memorable occasion.

(Above) What celebration could be complete without a cake? (Left) Three proud members of the Church Hall Committee: Ken Davies (Chairman), Tony Hall (Treasurer) and Ted Coode.

Mothers Union members: Cynthia Colderick, Daphne Morris, Dorothy Ayres and Pat Quick enjoying their Bucks Fizz.

Members of Bishopstons Men Society: One of the long-time patrons of the Church Hall, and amongst the Halls firmest supporters over the years.

The Hall Committee: (Left to right) Sue Waite, Ken Davies (Chairman), Chris Whiffin, Fr Andrew Pearce, Tony Hall, Barbara Rees, Edwina Jackson, Ted Coode and Barbara Jenkins.

(Below left) Let them eat cake: Some of the one hundred (at least) celebratory cakes

(Above right) A little literary Welsh wizardry: Alun Williams entrances us with his poignant and amusing reading from Dylan Thomas. Celebrating 100 Years: And we had (more or less) 100 guests in a packed Hall, from both the parish and the wider community. The Hall serves as a regular venue today for Bishopston Mens Society, Mothers Union, Community Cinema, the Helen OGrady Drama Academy, Welsh Classes and the Bishopston Amateur Dramatics Society (BATS).

Members of Triple F: Fun, Friendship and Fellowship in all its abundance! (Left to right) Gwynn Roberts, Sue Waite, Ann Roberts, Brenda Moses, Richard Walters, Chris Whiffin, Gill Walters, Jen Barnes, Megan Rosser, Mike Whiffin (Chairman). (Left) Our Guest of Honour (Rhona Morgan) cuts the cake. (Below) Mavis Dalton and Daphne Morris reminisce as they look at photographs of the Hall from yesteryear.


Christmas at St Teilos (December 2011)

Everyone would agree that Christmas is, above all, for children: and in December 2011 we held not one but two special Christmas celebrations at St Teilos with children at their heart. The first of these, on December 18th 2011, was The Bridge Nativity, which included some special musical performances (left) from some very talented youngsters. (Below) In the retelling of the Christmas story, Mary and Joseph almost had their thunder stolen by the donkey! Can you work out which ones which?


The Bridge Nativity: The full cast. Dont forget the sheep!


On Christmas Eve, our second special service for children in celebration of our Saviours birth was our long-standing DIY Nativity. As always with this service, we hosted a packed church, and had a stellar cast of young actors. (Left) The arrival of Mary and Joseph. (Below) The full cast of Mary, Joseph, shepherds, angels and magi.


Parish Away Day (February 2012)

n February 11th 2012, at St Teilos-tide, a group of parishioners went on an away day to St Barnabas Church, Swansea, led by Canon Janet Russell, our Diocesan Director of Mission. The theme for the day was Welcome, Worship, Witness. Canon Janet had some excellent things to say to us, and it was a good opportunity for us to get away from the parish and to think about ways in which we can further the mission of God within our community. Particular thanks were due to Sue Raad, who furnished us with a truly splendid lunch.

(Left to right) Anne Tovey, Sue Raad, Bill Mort, Fr Andrew, Canon Janet Russell, Simon Cooper, Cynthia Colderick, Jen Phillips, Nick Hughes, Betty Hughes, Stuart Phillips, Gwynn Roberts and Mike Whiffin.

A Tangled Web (February 2012)

n February 25th, the thespians members and associates of Triple F presented A Tangled Web, their latest dramatic Murder Mystery (so many murders have been committed in the Church Hall over the past few years that we might have to rename our village Midsomer St Teilo).

(Left) Meet Simon Cooper. Suave. Sophisticated. Sinister. Could he be the murderer? (Below) Megan Rosser with a glass of wine: not much acting required.

(Left) Is this our lecherous lothario (as played by Dewar Neil) looking on while Jen Barnes and John Moses check their scripts? Of course not!


Elegance, style and panachebrought to our stage by Chris Whiffin and Gill Walters.

The full cast (from left): Anne Toy, Chris Whiffin, Simon Cooper, Gill Walters, Sue Sudbury, Megan Rosser, Dewar Neil, Jen Barnes, Ruth Joslin and John Moses (with the director, Gwynn Roberts, centre)

Parish Confirmation (March 2012)

n March 11th 2012, we were delighted to welcome Bishop John Davies to St Teilos once again for the annual Parish Confirmation service.

This year there were five candidates from St Teilos: Morgan Bowden (grandson of our former Rector, Fr Chris Lee); Susannah Pearce (younger daughter of our current Rector); and three members of the same family Rebecca Lloyd, Imogen Lloyd-James and Nancy Lloyd-James. They were joined by Lynne Rees, of the parish of Llanrhidian. There was an excellent turnout for the Confirmation Service, and, as has become customary, Sue Raad made a wonderful confirmation cake bearing the candidates names.

Bishop John with Fr Andrew, Fr Tim Ardouin (Priest-in-Charge of Llanrhidian) and the six candidates.

Holy Week and Easter (April 2012)

This year, Holy Week and Easter coincided with the one hundredth anniversary of the sinking of RMS Titanic undoubtedly the most famous maritime disaster in human history. Fr Andrew gave a series of Holy Week addresses entitled Titanic Undertakings, reflecting on various aspects of the Titanic disaster and relating them to the Holy Week and Easter message of suffering, loss and redemption. As usual, our celebration of the Queen of Festivals at St Teilos began with the Easter Eve Vigil. We gathered in the churchyard for the lighting of the Easter fire.

The Easter Vigil: the Blessing of the Paschal Candle.


arly the next morning, forty-one hardy souls (plus two dogs!) assembled on Cefn Bryn to greet the Easter Dawn, which in 2012 fell on April 8th. The sun was not greatly in evidence this year but at least it was dry!

The Gathering

Keeping warm while waiting for dawn

Revd Andy Walker reads of the discovery of the empty tomb


Andy and Andrew, sharing Easter together.

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!


As if the excellent Mothers Union Breakfast wasnt enoughan Easter cake stall (womanned by Jen Barnes, Ann Roberts, Kay Jenkins and Chris Whiffin).

Why seek ye the living amongst the dead? He is not here, he is risen as he promised.

A Trip to St Davids, and a very special award (May 2012)

n May 12th, a coach-load of parishioners and friends (as well as others travelling by car) journeyed to St Davids Cathedral to witness our Director of Music, Chris Waring Davies, receiving the Archbishop of Wales Award for Church Music (AWACM).

This highly prestigious award is given to encourage and recognise the work of those achieving exceptional standards in church music. The award was given to Chris at a special Service of Evensong at St Davids Cathedral. It was a beautiful and moving choral service with an excellent address on the virtues of church music from the Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan and it was greatly enjoyed by everyone from St Teilos who attended. The beautiful weather (never had the sky seemed so blue above St Davids) helped to enhance what was already a joyous occasion. What a perfect day.

(Above) A lovely photograph of Chris and Alun before the service began (even if Chris is wearing his hood in rather a rakish fashion!)

Chris with Archbishop Barry Morgan

Outside St Davids Cathedral with friends from St Teilos and elsewhere.


(Left) With Alun at the shrine of St David. (Below) Also receiving the award was William Reynolds, director of music at St Marys, Swansea, who actually went to same school as Chris!

Feeding body as well as soulAnn Robert organised an excellent pub lunch and Pembrokeshire cream tea for us. Here you can see several of us enjoying our scones and bara brith.

Jubilee Thanksgiving Service (May 2012)

ts not every year that the reigning monarch celebrates sixty years on the throne. On May 27th 2012, St Teilos Church hosted a Service of Thanksgiving for the Diamond Jubilee of HM the Queen.

(Left) Getting the bunting out for a glorious day (Below) Sue Raad excels herself with a pair of celebratory cakes fit for a Queen.

(Below) The Choir under the direction of Chris Waring Davies.


(Above) A packed church, with many representatives from the community of Bishopston: including the former Lord-lieutenant, Sir Robert Hastie; Councillor Keith Marsh; the clerk and members of Bishopston Community Council; representatives of Bishopston Primary School and Craig y Nos School; Bishopston Guides and Bishopston Brownies; and the Royal British Legion. Symbols of the coronation service the gospel book, holy oil, towel and bowl, and the bell, the towel and bowl were carried in procession by representatives of the Community Council, Murton Methodist Church, St Teilos Church and the young people of our community. The musical highlight of the service was a performance of Handels Zadok the Priest composed for the coronation ceremony of George II in 1727. (Left) The timpani and trumpet section in the gallery: Andy George, Scott Pickerel and Phil Orin.

(Above) Enjoying the post-service celebrations in the churchyard. (Left) Im not quite sure what Sue Waite is demonstrating but I dont think its a royal salute!

(Right) The Order of Service. The logo for the Diamond Jubilee (shown on the cover) was selected through a Blue Peter contest: the winner was 10 year old Katherine Dewar.

Peace Mala Pilgrimage (June 2012)

eace Mala is a charitable organisation set up in 2002 in the aftermath of the Twin Towers atrocities. It is an organisation committed to promoting tolerance and understanding between different faiths. As part of their 10th anniversary celebrations, a member of Peace Mala, Ruth Davies, came up with the idea of walking the In the Steps of the Saints Gower pilgrim trail, over the course of five days (July 18th to 22nd 2012). An eclectic mix of faith representatives, representing many different traditions and spiritualities, gathered on July 18th at the Lamplighter for the beginning of the Peace Mala Pilgrimage, before journeying on to St Teilos for a service of blessing. Despite the rain, it was a wonderful start to a memorable pilgrimage. Buddhists, a Tibetan Lama, an Orthodox Jew, Moslems, an Irish Druid, a Greek Orthodox priest, Roman Catholic nuns, Anglicans and Methodists: all had gathered to celebrate this shared notion of pilgrimage that is so important within our respective faith communities. For more information on Peace Mala, look at their website you may also want to purchase the commemorative book Sharing the Light, which is available from the Lamplighter. (Left) Representatives of different spiritualities and faiths, gathering around Peace Malas pilgrimage Mandela; and with the three sacred lamps on the table before them (the Light of St Brighid, the World Peace Flame and the Light from the Shrine of St David). These lamps were later carried in procession to St Teilos to mark the start of the Peace Mala Pilgrimage.

(Left) Lama Khemsar Rinponche of Yundrung Bon giving the Tibetan blessing, with Revd Alan Baynes (Our Diocesan Interfaith Officer) and Sheikh Hassan (Swansea University Muslim Chaplaincy) on either side. (Below) The procession, undaunted by the rain, makes its way down Bishopston Road, led by Fr Tim Ardouin, carrying the processional cross of St Teilos.

(Above left) Fr Luke Holden (priest of the Greek Orthodox Church) proclaims the Epistle from 1 Corinthians 13. (Above right) Members of St Teilos High School, Cardiff, share words of peace and wisdom drawn from the Bahi Faith.

(Above) A probable first: a passage from the Holy Quran is read by a Muslim Sheikh from the chancel steps of St Teilos Church. (Below left) The procession leaves the church. (Below right) The Pilgrimage closing service at Llanrhidian church on Sunday July 22nd was just as colourful, as we were joyfully greeted on our arrival by Hare Krishna monks and devotees.


Gala Concert: Morriston Orpheus Choir (July 2012)

(Above left and right) Morriston Orpheus choir, conducted by their Musical Director, Joy Amman Davies, at this years St Teilos Gala Concert, held at Bishopston Comprehensive School on July 28th 2012.

(Left) Alongside the dazzling voices of this most famous of all Welsh Choirs, we were delighted by a virtuoso performance from our guest soloist, Ros Evans, who was both witty and engaging.

(Left) As always, proceeds from our Gala Concert were divided between St Teilos and a chosen charity, which this year was T Olwen. We were delighted to present a cheque for 875.00 to the Chairman of T Olwen, Mrs Helen Murray, on October 14th 2012.

Christopher Waring Davies: An Appreciation

August was a terrible month for us at St Teilos, in the face of the sudden death of our Director of Music, Christopher Waring Davies. Chris was taken gravely ill on Friday August 3rd, and passed away peacefully on Sunday August 12th. His funeral service was held on Wednesday August 22nd in a packed-tooverflowing St Teilos Church, followed by the committal at an equally-crowded Margam Crematorium. His ashes have been laid to rest in the churchyard of St Teilos: our parish church to which he gave so much in his time amongst us. The following is a part of the tribute that was given in memory of Chris by Fr Andrew at Margam Crematorium: Chris had served as our Director of Music at St Teilos for the past decade: for six and a half years alongside myself as Rector. During that time, under his guidance, the Choir of St Teilos achieved great things, and our worship was transformed. He wrote music for the Mass which I hope we will long use and long treasure and he enjoyed each and every fresh challenge, such as leading the Choir in the performance of Zadok the Priest at our Jubilee Thanksgiving in May this year. However, Chris involvement in the life of St Teilos wasnt confined to music. You could guarantee that at each flower festival, Chris arrangement would be bigger and bolder than anyone elses! His love of drama was expressed in numerous appearances on stage with our Triple F group, in pantomime and murder mysteries, where his tendency to ad lib might sometimes frustrate the director and confuse his fellow thespians, but would always be guaranteed to raise a laugh. And as for his costumes Chris deep spirituality was formed in his youth, and nurtured and sustained, alongside a great musical and liturgical sensitivity, in all the parishes in which he served. His contribution to worship wasnt

restricted to the organ: serving at the altar was something that was very precious to him, whilst the prayers he prepared on a regular basis were always considered, sincere and relevant they were ones to which we could all readily assent Amen. He offered all his prodigious gifts and talents musical, dramatic, artistic, and spiritual to the service of God and His Church. Throughout his life and his ministry, Chris strove to live up to his name Christopher, meaning the Christ-Bearer. He may not have been a physical giant (like the St Christopher of legend), but in so many other ways he was a colossus in our midst.

May they Rest in Peace

Other parishioners who passed away from this life over the past twelve months included: Ethel Rees; Peter Clark; Averil Lindley; Hazel Cramp; Fay Cater; Georgina Evans; Liz Park; Ted Carr; Bill Gough; Denzil Jones; Mabel (Mabs) Matthews; Heath Watkin Rees; Norman Balkwill; Gillian Williams; John Weeks; Bryan Taylor; Betty Kiley; Michael Fenwick; Barbara Gilbert; Beryl Jones; Lilian Crane; Mary Lloyd; Norma Stevenson; Bobbie Gibb; John Sorton Davies.

and rise in glory!

In BriefSome Other Events of 2012

January: Betti Williams was awarded the MBE in the New Years Honours List For Services to Women in Science, Engineering & Technology. February: Fr Andrews first article appeared in The Bay. April: Caroline Buckler joined the Lamplighter team as our first salaried Co-ordinator. June: The Mothers Union travelled to Llyswen for their Flower Festival on the theme Kings and Queens. July: Bishopston Choir sang at a service of Evensong & Benediction at St Gabriels Church, Swansea. August: After three months in Reynoldston, the Rectory family returned to Bishopston following the completion of building works.

Harvest Thanksgiving (October 2012)

(Above) Members of the 8.30 Congregation at our 2012 Harvest Thsanksgiving Service, on October 7th 2012.

(Above) Members of the 10.00am Congregation later that same morning.


(Above) The Choir of St Teilos Church, with Fr Andrew and (front centre) Heath our server. (Left) This year at our Harvest Thanksgiving, we had a harvest loaf baked by Ellie, and the young people performed a Harvest Play, The Corn that Flew Away, written by Susie. (Below) Bread, grapes and water before the East Window.


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