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February 4, 2013


Character Profiles
David Hayden David Hayden was 12 years old when he grew up, he is very shy and
serious. He is always trying to figure out what is going on even if it doesnt concern him. He always wanted to escape from his disfunctional family. His fathers name is Wes, and his mother is Gail. Frank Hayden is his uncle, and Marie Little soldier is his baby sitter, who he ends up developing a crush for. Larry Watson has included David in the story because he is the narrator of the story and the whole novel is a flashback of a life changing event in his life that made him grow up. David. Quite a commotion over at your place. (page 92)

Frank Hayden Frank Hayden is a very witty and fun charming character. He was also a
war hero which has made his father proud. He is Davids uncle, and as the novel goes on we soon find out, he is a two-faced rapist. He takes advantage of Indian girls. He is the doctor of Montana. Larry Watson has included him in the novel, because he is the reason as to why this is such a tragic story and why it has become a dark past for Wes. Uncle Frank was my fathers brother, and my father knew him as well as any man or woman. And my father knew he was guilty (page 54)

Wes Hayden Wes Hayden is a down to earth guy and is non religious. He also has a
permanent limp due to an incident that occurred when he was younger. He is the town Sheriff, so he makes all the rules that everyone has to live by. He is upholding the Haydens name. His wife is Gail and his son is David. Larry Watson has included him in the novel because he is Davids father and because he is the Sheriff so it is ironic that he has a brother who is actually on the wrong side of the law. When he was sixteen a horse kicked him, breaking his leg so severely that he walked with a permanent limp, and eventually a cane, his right leg V-ed in, his right knee perpetually pointing to the left. (page 16)

Marie Little Soldier Marie Little Soldier is an easy going kind hearted Indian girl. She
loved to laugh and talk. She had a wide face, high cheek bones and long straight black hair. Marie is a house keeper for the Hayden residence and she also baby sits David. Larry Watson has included her in the novel because she shows the diversity in culture in the household and shows how Frank only sexually assaulted Indian women. It also brings a perspective of racism to the story. Marie said she didnt want a doctor (page 34)

By Michael Cristiano 11 Purple

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February 4, 2013


Chapter Summaries
Part 1 We learn about David and his family in this opening chapter, as well as Marie Little
Soldier who is their housekeeper and Davids babysitter. Gail (Davids mother) sees that Marie seems to becoming sick and tries to look after her herself. David is there trying to help his mother take care of Marie but she asks him to stay away so he doesnt get sick as well. Gail insists that Marie needs to see a doctor but Marie is very reluctant and says no doctors. Gail doesnt exactly understand why, but eventually lets her be. David also tries to convince her to see a doctor but he ends up just comforting her. Sometime later Gail finds Marie getting worse and tells Wes to cal his brother Frank who is a doctor. When Frank comes over to check on her he says he must be in there alone with Marie. There is lots of screaming from the room and everyone is confused thinking it is just her Indian superstitions that doctors arent helpful. Frank finally comes out and says Gail may come in because Marie is asking for her to be there for the rest of the examination. While Gail is there and Frank has finally finished she finds out from Marie that Frank has touched her inappropriately and put things inside of her. When Frank finally leaves she immediately tells Wes but he says that Frank would never do something like that. David over hears the whole conversation but doesnt say anything hoping that they might tell him themselves, but they never did. While Gail and Wes are trying to figure out what to do, deep down Wes knows that Frank is in fact guilty.

Part 2 In this chapter of the story, Wes tries to find evidence that proves his brother
guilty, but as the same time he is still wondering why he would do such a thing. During this chapter David goes out hunting when he is told to get out of the house so the adults can talk about the issue. They still have no idea that David knows everything that has been going on. During Davids hunt he has to go back home for something and sees his uncle at their house, but thinks nothing of it and goes back out. When he gets back home he sees his parents are sad. This is where we David finds out that Marie has died. David eventually tells his parents that he saw uncle Frank leaving the house early that day. This cause a stir of dynamics in the household because his father, Wes, is slowly beginning to fully understand that it is not only a rape case now, his brother also murdered Marie. This is only a small accusation that has come to his mind, but it means a lot more to David because he left out that he actually saw his uncle inside the house as well. This is followed by a sleepless night.

By Michael Cristiano 11 Purple

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February 4, 2013


Part 3 David had decided that he would attend Maries funeral but Maries mother said
she wasnt going to be buried in Montana for her own reasons. Slowly, slowly Wes begins to realise that it is a fact that his brother had done these horrible things to Marie. Later that day when David and Gail got home, Wes told them that he had arrested Frank and he was in the basement. Wes explained how Frank admitted to the things he had done and was willing to come quietly as long as minimal people knew about what he had done. Frank was kept in the basement for a while and one day Davids grandfather, Frank and Wes father, found out that Wes had arrested him and got some of his people to try and break him out. Gail was worried and got out a shot gun, called the neighbours over and sent David out to find Wes. Gail shot the gun and sent the men running away just as Len arrived to help protect her from those men trying to help Frank escape. Soon after Wes comes home reassuring Gail that everything will be alright they hear glass jars breaking from the basement, which is obviously being caused by Frank. The family leaves him alone and Wes can see how stressed and emotional Gail is and agrees that first thing tomorrow morning, Frank goes to jail. In the morning we see Wes going to collect Frank from the basement but to his surprise finds him dead on the floor. Everyone is shocked and slightly sad, but deep down David is in fact happy and relieved because he knew that what his uncle has done, was the best way to solve this whole matter. Wes didnt have to convict his only brother, and no one else had to find out what he did to Indian girls. In a way David was proud of his uncle once again.

By Michael Cristiano 11 Purple

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February 4, 2013


Practice Draft Essay

Montana 1948 is about racism and power. Discuss
The novel Montana 1948 written by Larry Watson, is all about racism and power. This can be clearly seen by the way Frank abuses his power as a doctor, Marie Little Soldiers representation of the Indian girls who were sexually assaulted , and Wes power as the Sheriff. All three of these factors will help understand why this novel is about racism and power. Franks misuse of his power as a doctor is a major reason as to why thi s novel is not only about power but also of racism. As a doctor Frank is allowed one on one time with his patients when he comes to visit them at home. In this case Marie. Marie has always gone to doctor Snow (p. 31) and for a very good reason. The only other doctor is Frank and Marie knows what he does to Indian girls such as her. Frank takes advantage of his power to fulfil his own sexual pleasures, by sexually assaulting his female Indian patients. He must do this for a reason and it must be because he still believes that the Indians are an in superior race compared to his own. This leads into racism and proves that power is also a major subject within this novel. Marie Little Soldier was of Indian heritage and was a housekeeper/babysitter for the Haydens residence. In the novel Marie represents racism due to her being of different skin colour and having Indian superstitions.(p. 34). We learn later in the novel that Marie was not the only girl who had been taken advantage of by Frank, there had been quite a few girls and sadly they were all Indians. This proves to the reader that racism is, again, a major part of this novel. Finally, Wes power as the Sheriff is a major reason as to why the novel as about power. Wes is the head of the Haydens residence and was also serving his second term as sheriff of Mercy County, Montana. (p. 15). As sheriff he creates laws for everyone to follow, and his duty as sheriff, is to make sure everyone is in fact following the rules. However, when it is his brother, Frank, on the other side of the law, we really see the power in which Wes holds. He holds the power of his brothers future or even his life. This is what majority of the story revolves around and therefore proves that this novel is about power. The story of Montana 1948 is without a doubt about racism and power. This can be easily proven by Franks sad misuse of his power as a doctor, Marie Little Soldier being taken advantage of due to her Indian heritage, and finally, Wes power that he holds over his brother as Sheriff. These factors are why Davids tragic story of growing up in Montana 1948 is about racism and power.

By Michael Cristiano 11 Purple

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