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Cobb Workforce Investment Board

Local Area Plan Update

Program Years 2007-2008

Comprehensive Local WIA Plan
PY 2005 - 2006

Area Contacts

1. Name of Area: Cobb County (Region 3, Area 4)

2. Name, address, and phone number for Chief Local Elected Official

Honorable Samuel S. Olens, Chairman

Cobb County Board of Commissioners
100 Cherokee Street
Marietta, Georgia 30090-9612

3. Name of organization administering the grant: CobbWorks, Inc.

Name, address, and phone number for Local Area Director

John Helton, Executive Director

463 Commerce Park Drive, Suite 100
Marietta, GA 30060

Fax Number: 770-528-8078

Email Address:

4. Name, address, and organization of the Workforce Investment Board (WIB)


Pamela Teague, Senior Project Manager

IBM Global Technology Services
3100 Windy Hill Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30339
(770) 835-3311 (w)
(770) 835-3915 (f)

5. Name, address, and organization of the Youth Council Chairperson

Mark Justice, Director of Education and Community Relations

Cobb EMC
1000 EMC Parkway
Marietta, GA 30060
678-355-3124 (w)

6. Name, address, and phone number of the area's One-Stop operator(s). List all
the sites the organization manages and indicate with an asterisk sites that are
WIA comprehensive service sites

CobbWorks Operator Consortium

463 Commerce Park Drive, Suite 100
Marietta, Georgia 30060
CobbWorks Workforce Development Center*

Ms. Alisa Jackson, Center Coordinator (Staff support for Consortium Operator)
770-528-8066 (O)
770-528-8078 (F)

7. Web site address for the area (if any)

8. Name and phone number of the individual(s) with primary responsibility for plan

Mr. John Helton, Executive Director

CobbWorks Workforce Investment Board
Plan Signatures

Name of Area:

Chief Local Elected Official: Samuel S. Olens

_______________________________ ____________________
Name Date

Local Area Director: John Helton

_______________________________ ____________________
Name Date

Local Workforce Investment Board Chairperson: Pamela Teague

_______________________________ ___________________
Name Date
Comprehensive Local WIA Plan
PY 2005 - 2006

I. Vision and Goals

Provide the vision for the area's workforce development system and list the goals that
have been established to achieve the vision. Attachment A lists the state's Workforce
Vision and Guiding Principles; the local vision and goals should be consistent with the
state's while addressing local priorities.


The mission of Cobb Workforce Investment Board (WIB) is to strengthen the

competitiveness of jobseekers and businesses by promoting and providing workforce
development resources, tools, and opportunities.


We envision a dynamic, integrated, and responsive workforce system in which

businesses are connected with skilled workers and individuals have ready access to
career development information, opportunities, and supportive services.

Value Propositions

We value collaboration and community involvement:

Building relationships, developing partnerships, and leveraging resources are vital to
our effectiveness and

We value customer Satisfaction and Providing Valued, Accessible Services:

Proactively addressing customers’ needs within policy and resource parameters
establishes our value as a community resource.

We value relationships with the Business Community:

Supporting businesses strengthens our economy and our labor market.

We value life-long learning:

Promoting the continuous skill and educational development of our customers, staff,
and community is paramount to strengthening our workforce at large.

We value excellence:
Continuous improvement validated by meaningful metrics and customer feedback is
our measurement of success.

We value board, staff, and partner agency team members:

Recruiting, retaining and developing team members is crucial to achieving our mission.


Seeking and leveraging opportunities to coordinate and collaborate on a regional level,

CobbWorks will:
1. Focus on business customers with enhanced services and outreach campaign.

2. Further integrate WIA service delivery across program lines.

3. Effectively market system services to business and individual customers in a

regional context.

4. Provide regular, meaningful opportunities for board development.

5. Increase the availability and quality of workforce development opportunities for


6. Identify and implement metrics to measure effectiveness and efficiencies of

operations, customer satisfaction, and board activities.

7. Develop and execute a marketing and communications plan.

8. Provide quality, courteous and professional career advisement, training, and

placement services.
II. Local Governance

1. Describe how the local workforce development system will be governed to

ensure that it is comprehensive, integrated, effective, responsive, and
customer-focused. Examples of items you may wish to describe include the
local board committee structure and the board's oversight activities. Describe
how GDOL career centers and other WIA partners have worked together
to promote service integration.

Cobb Workforce Investment Board will continue to be governed in a manner

that ensures it is comprehensive, integrated, responsive, and customer-

Since its creation in July 2000, CobbWorks has continued its efforts to ensure
that a wide range of agencies, organizations, businesses, and community
groups are involved in planning and delivering services through the workforce
development system. A “continuum of services” is envisioned to provide
opportunities for all customers regardless of background, skills, or abilities. This
conceptualization makes many options available to residents. For example,
residents entering the system through CobbWorks will have access to work
readiness training through existing programs operated by organizations such
as Center for Family Resources and other human services agencies. Similarly,
they will have access to literacy classes through the Cobb Adult Education
Center and the Cobb Literacy Council, which became a Council within the
CobbWorks Workforce Development System in 2005. They can also access
literacy training for their lower functioning employees through the Adult
Education Center as well as non-WIA funded GED and literacy classes at the
CobbWorks Workforce Development Center.

Cobb has drawn on its history of strong interorganization relationships to
ensure that its Workforce Development System is integrated. CobbWorks
enjoys positive relationships with the Georgia Department of Labor’s
Cobb/Cherokee Career Center, the Cobb Community Collaborative, the Cobb
Chamber of Commerce, and the Cobb Educational Consortium. All are linked
through the Workforce Development System. This structure connects the
resources of each of these segments of the community, as well as increasing
the access of residents and businesses to the varied services of the system.

Effectiveness is based on maximizing Cobb’s ability to identify the best job
opportunities for each individual, offer a full range of job readiness and training
services, and facilitate referrals to appropriate employers. For businesses, the
System will provide access to the broadest number of potential employees and
information about their skills and potential, as well as access to supportive
training services. Further, CobbWorks will continue to develop methods of
tracking and capturing service data to non-WIA registrants served through the
local workforce system. The Georgia Workforce System only captures
performance data for those customers who are registered; it does not account
for the larger number of customers served through the resource area at the
one-stop, special initiatives, or services by partners that comprise the system.
Manual systems must be utilized to gather information on such customers.

The System will ensure responsiveness by regularly measuring the satisfaction
of its customers, both individuals and businesses. Through surveys, analysis
of performance data and discussions with customers and community groups,
Cobb will determine if components of the system are working properly, and
where the need for improvement exists. The system will be monitored by the
One-Stop Operator Consortium and community-based groups representing
residents and special populations.

Customer focused
From its inception in 2000, the Cobb Workforce Investment Board has placed a
priority upon customer satisfaction. System operator and contractor staff are
advised to demonstrate flexibility in meeting the needs of customers while
maintaining compliance with WIA regulations and local area policies.

Notably, GDOL and CobbWorks staff have examined several opportunities for
further service integration with the Cobb/Cherokee career center. Co-location
of WIA staff at the Cobb Cherokee Career Center is imminent. Further, state
DOL representatives have been advised of Cobb’s willingness to pilot any
initiatives that systemically and institutionally integrate services through
innovative staffing and/or shared program responsibilities.
2. Describe how the local area's staffing is organized with regard to local
Workforce Investment Board support and WIA administrative functions. Provide
the titles and major activities/roles of the area's key staff.

Position Person Currently General Duties/Roles

Executive John Helton -Overall responsibility for WIA
Director/CEO of management and oversight
CobbWorks -Lead Procurement and Contracting
Provides staff -Media Relations
support to the -Contract Monitoring
Cobb WIB -Partner Development
-Resource Development/Grant
-Primary Staff for WIB, Executive
Committee, Finance and Admin
-Grants Management
-Financial Administration
Interim Youth Michelle Baker -Primary staff for Youth Council
Services -Contract Monitoring
Coordinator -Youth System Development
-Partner Development
-Community Liaison
-Contractor Support and Training
Communications Nicole Carsten -Provides support Executive Director
Coordinator with all identified functions
-Responsible for board and
community communications.
Administrative David Cormier Manages financial and administrative
and Financial functions of the organization
Center Alisa Jackson Manages facilities and general
Coordinator operations of the workforce
development center.
Interim Adult Gloria Joseph Supervises adult and dislocated
Program worker service delivery staff.
Literacy Council Paige Pushkin Provides support to the Cobb Literacy
Coordinator Council, a division of CobbWorks

CobbWorks, Inc. administers the WIA grant on behalf of Cobb County

Government and the Cobb Workforce Investment Board. Although CobbWorks
is not a Cobb County department, it receives administrative and physical
support from various local government divisions including Finance, Property
Management, Economic Development, and Purchasing. This cooperative
relationship between CobbWorks and Cobb County Government maximizes
the available WIA resources to serve the largest number of individuals possible
in the most efficient manner.
Staff are employees of CobbWorks, Inc. and provide staff support to the Cobb
Workforce Investment Board.

3. Describe the connection and cross-membership between the Youth Council

and the local Workforce Investment Board. List the responsibilities the local
Board has vested in the Youth Council.

Cross-membership between the full WIB and Youth Council is encouraged and
prevalent. Often, full board members serve in an advisory or supportive
capacity to the Youth Council although they are not designated members. The
Youth Council chair is also a business sector representative of the full WIB.

The WIB has vested primary responsibility for the development of Cobb’s youth
workforce system to the Youth Council. The Youth Council is responsible for
convening relevant youth service agencies, needs assessment and gap
analysis, service strategy development, and implementation of WIA and non-
WIA funded activities and events. The Youth Council also oversees
procurement of WIA youth services, selection of providers, monitoring of
contractors and services, and youth performance measures as defined by the

4. Describe any linkages the area has established with other local boards in the
region (workforce boards and related boards).

The “Greater Atlanta Workforce Boards”, the unifying name adopted by the
Atlanta Regional Commission, City of Atlanta, Cobb County, DeKalb County,
and Fulton County Workforce Investment Boards, consistently and effectively
collaborate on initiatives and coordinate regional activities. Notably:

1) In February 2007, the Greater Atlanta Workforce Boards jointly sponsored

the Southern Growth Policies Board’s “Building the Next Workforce” event
yielding in excess of 160 attendees, the largest such forum in the state.
2) Directors of the comprising boards meet regularly to share information and
resources and strategize joint initiatives.
3) The Greater Atlanta Workforce Boards coordinate Rapid Response
activities that have regional impact. For example, all boards were involved
or availed themselves for the recent Ford and GM plant lay-offs. Local
areas regularly work together on such activities.
4) CobbWorks has coordinated with the Atlanta Workforce Development
Agency regarding its involvement in the “Atlanta’s Promise” initiative
spearheaded by Mayor Shirley Franklin. Inspired by Mayor Franklin’s
program that assists Atlanta’s graduating seniors with post secondary
education planning and financing, Cobb Board of Commission Chairman
Sam Olens has charged his Economic Development Department and
CobbWorks in assessing the viability of duplicating these efforts locally.
III. Plan Development and Implementation

1. Describe the process used by the area staff and board to update this
comprehensive service plan. Describe your strategic planning efforts and
explain how the results of these efforts have been incorporated into the
WIA Plan update.

Local area staff have utilized the planning directions and instructions provided
by GDOL for the specific plan update. In 2006, the Cobb WIB engaged in a
strategic planning process from which content for this update was derived.
IV. Needs Assessment

1. Using the CD containing the most recent labor market information for your area
and the results of your strategic planning activities, please describe the demand
(current and projected employment and skill needs of businesses) and supply
(availability of skilled workers) aspects of your local labor market. List data sources
used in your analysis.

NOTE: The customized CDs, which are being distributed to local areas by
GDOL Workforce Information and Analysis under separate cover, will
probably already have been received by local areas prior to the receipt of this

Referenced data sources include Labor Market Information and Local Area
Labor Profiles produced by the Georgia Department of Labor, Labor Market
Information and Analysis Division. These documents are included as
Attachments F-1 and F-2.

Several notable facts and statistics which affect planning and service delivery
are derived from those reports: (All data is derived from the GDOL “Data Tools
2, Second Edition”).

• Cobb County had an estimated 2005 population of 663,818 residents

(source: US Census Bureau) with a projected 2010 population of
• Cobb’s 2005 labor force numbers 379,353 individuals (source: Georgia
Department of Labor);
• In 2005, Cobb experienced an average unemployment rate of 4.7%
compared to 5.3% experienced by the state of Georgia and 5.1%
• Cobb’s Industry Mix is overwhelmingly Service Producing related
(source: Georgia Department of Labor);
• Cobb’s five largest private employers include: Home Depot USA, IBM
Corporation, Lockheed Martin, Publix Supermarkets, and Wellstar
Health System, Inc.
• Cobb County is home to a major aircraft manufacturer (Lockheed), a
military base (Dobbins Air Reserve), two amusement parks, and several
colleges and universities.
• Key industries include transportation equipment manufacturing,
amusement and recreation services, health services, higher education,
and to a lesser extent, trucking and warehousing.
• The occupations with the largest job growth (in excess of 40%) 2004 to
2014 include:
o Customer Service Representatives
o Janitors and Cleaners
o Construction Laborers
o Registered Nurses
o Carpenters
o First-Line Supervisors/Managers
o Landscaping and Grounds Workers
o Accountants and Auditors
• The percent of persons age 25 and over in the Cobb area with
bachelors degrees or higher is 39.8% compared with 24.3% for the
state of Georgia (source: 2000)

V. Workforce Delivery System

1. Using the matrix in Attachment B, outline the structure of the area's One-Stop
system, identifying partners at each comprehensive site and the major services
provided at those locations. Provide the same basic information about
additional workforce service locations in the local are, i.e., locations that
are not considered comprehensive One-Stops.

Please reference Attachment B.

2. Describe methods of coordinating with partners and services not available at

the comprehensive sites.

For programs and services not available at the comprehensive site, significant
information about those programs is available in hard copy and electronic
format. Customers inquiring about those services are preferably directed to the
web-sites of the relevant organizations for complete information and often, to
complete on-line inquiries or applications. For example, unemployment
insurance representatives are not available at the comprehensive one-stop and
therefore, customers are unable to apply for unemployment benefits. In cases
where a customer needs to complete an application, they are given information
on the application process with the Georgia Department of Labor and directed
to the Cobb/Cherokee Career Center. The same example applies to
individuals identified as veterans with potential services available due to their
veteran status.

In other instances, organizations without a regular presence at the One-Stop

provide a part-time representative to provide services in this venue on
specified, scheduled days during the week. Group information sessions and
orientations are also utilized to provide access to information and services
without a full-time One-Stop presence.

3. If your comprehensive sites are not GDOL career centers, describe how
services at the area's site(s) and GDOL services are integrated to provide
seamless customer service.

The GDOL Career Center and Workforce Development Center work diligently
to address the complicated issue of providing WIA and GDOL services to
customers in a seamless manner. Two GDOL Career Center staff are
assigned to the Workforce Development Center. One provides services
exclusively to TANF applicants and recipients referred to the One-Stop by the
Cobb Department of Family and Children Services. The other staff assists
performs similar functions, but also provides labor exchange services to
customers at the One-Stop on an “as available” basis. This staff also provides
assistance to customers requiring other GDOL-related services such as
veterans, migrant and seasonal farm workers, etc.

Staff at each center are assigned the responsibility of advising customers of the
most efficient and expeditious ways to receive services provided by the other
partner agency, but not available at the customer’s current location.

4. Summarize the functions performed by the area's One-Stop operator(s).

The CobbWorks One-Stop Operator Consortium serves as the Center’s
operator. Staffed by a Center Coordinator, the Consortium has responsibility
for day-to-day operations of the facility, partner scheduling, maintenance of
Resource Sharing Agreements (RSA’s) and Memoranda of Understanding
(MOU’s), ensuring quality customer service by partner and contractor staff, and
community outreach regarding the services available at the One-Stop. The
Center Coordinator also serves as the Equal Opportunity Officer for the Center.

5. Indicate which partners are providing core and intensive services for adults and
dislocated workers in your area.

A variety of WIA funded and non-WIA funded organizations provide the array of
services defined as core and intensive by the WIA. They include:
• CobbWorks Workforce Development Center (WIA)
• GDOL Cobb/Cherokee Career Center (non-WIA)
• The Center for Family Resources, Inc. (non-WIA)
• Ministries United in Service and Training (non-WIA)
• North Metro Technical College (non-WIA)
• Chattahoochee Technical College (non-WIA)
• Southern Polytechnic State University (non-WIA)
• Kennesaw State University (non-WIA)
• Cobb County Extension Service (non-WIA)
• Cobb MicroEnterprise Center (non-WIA)
• Cobb Douglas Community Services Board (non-WIA)

6. Provide a copy of all current Memoranda of Understanding, Local Chief

Elected Official Agreements, and Resource Sharing Agreements accurately
reflecting local area arrangements as Attachment C.

Please see Attachment C.

7. List the board-established policies regarding:

a. priority of service for intensive and training services, where adult funds
are determined to be limited
b. service to individuals who do not reside in the area
c. target groups served in the area
d. supportive service policies for adults, dislocated workers and youth
e. demand occupations (please list)

Please reference Attachment G for information on items 7a-7e.

8. Describe the local Individual Training Account (ITA) system, including:

a. public notification to prospective providers

b. how the board evaluates providers and proposed training programs for
initial eligibility, based on (at a minimum) criteria of proven
effectiveness, local employer/industry demand, accreditation, and
customer accessibility
c. formal appeals process for aggrieved ITA customers and providers of
unapproved training programs
d. ongoing process used to update the data on the eligible provider list
(exclusive of the state-conducted annual subsequent eligibility process)
e. any regional policies or agreements for ITA’s or training providers
f. access of customers to the eligible provider list and process for
determining which customers receive ITA’s
g. process to track and manage all ITA activity
h. board policy on use of statewide eligible provider list (including financial
and duration limits, demand occupations, out-of-area training, service to
out-of-area customers, restrictions on use of statewide list, etc.)

CobbWorks coordinates with the Atlanta Regional Workforce Board and Fulton
County Workforce Board to publicize and manage the Eligible Provider List and
applications process to prospective training providers. Since 2004, CobbWorks
has assumed responsibility for its application process for prospective training
providers. Each of the three aforementioned workforce areas has responsibility
for processing applications of training providers residing within their geographic
service areas. ARWB also manages the application process for the City of
Atlanta and DeKalb County.

The local One Stop Operator Consortium has responsibility for reviewing
applications and considering staff recommendations to approve or deny
applications. If approved, the training provider information is added to the state
Eligible Provider List. CobbWorks utilizes an system of Excel spreadsheets to
manage the financial aspects of ITA’s. CobbWorks remains interested in and
encourages the development of a GWS integrated financial tracking and ITA
management system.

Decisions regarding the issuance of ITA’s to customers are based upon local
area policy. Please see Attachment G for relevant excerpts addressing the
above questions.

9. Describe local policies that ensure that other financial resources for training
(e.g., Pell, HOPE Grant or Scholarship, TANF, etc.) are considered before
expending WIA funds. Describe any coordinated efforts regarding training
across areas within the region.

It is the policy of CobbWorks to pursue all relevant financial resources and

programs for which customers may be eligible prior to obligation of WIA funds.

10. Discuss the role of faith- and community-based providers within the local
system. Discuss board policies regarding training contracts with community-
based organizations or other training providers with proven expertise in serving
special populations with multiple barriers to employment. If the board has
established any such contracts, list which populations are served through these
contracts and list the criteria by which the area determines the proven
effectiveness of such programs.

CobbWorks has developed significant relationships with faith-based

organizations. The WIB values the formal and informal efforts of faith-based
organizations in providing job search assistance, supportive services, and even
job training to their community members. In 2002, CobbWorks executive
director John Helton served as the principal grant writer and primary partner for
an intermediary grant issued by the United States Department of Labor Center
for Faith Based Initiatives. This allowed faith-based organizations in Cobb,
Douglas, and Cherokee Counties to receive sub-grants to deliver a variety of
workforce development services. This grant allowed for a strong foundation
and partnership between CobbWorks and the local faith-based community.
CobbWorks currently has a youth service contract with Mt. Bethel United
Methodist Church.

11. Describe the area's process and procedures for contracting with intensive
service providers, support service providers, and other contractors for adults
and dislocated worker services. If the area has no such contracts, simply write
in "N/A."


12. Describe the area’s process and procedures for contracting with youth
service providers. Describe the area's youth strategies. Discuss how the
area's workforce system is addressing the ten local youth program elements
described in the Workforce Investment Act, as well as the integration of other
initiatives such as School-to-Work, Jobs for Georgia Graduates, Job Corps,
and High School/High Tech. Describe the specific strategies the area is
using with out-of-school youth.

CobbWorks competitively procures youth services through issuance of annual

or biannual Requests for Proposals (RFP’s). The Cobb Workforce Investment
Board Youth Council is addressing the ten local youth program elements by:

1. Soliciting for expertise in youth services providers through the

Request for Proposal procurement process.
2. CobbWorks, through the referral process, refers participants to
other community programs for program element activities.
3. Establishing and maintaining a provider listing of agencies,
community groups, sororities and fraternities as well as
consultants (paid and unpaid) offering academic, work-related,
supportive services.

The Cobb Workforce Investment Board Youth Council has instituted

subcommittees which receive their directives from the Council, youth
participants, and community partners. The subcommittees’ main objectives are
to address the needs and concerns of youth ages 14-21 by communicating with
other community partners and/or youth services agencies.

Consistent with the USDOL ETA’s vision for the delivery of youth services,
CobbWorks will expand and concentrate its focus on serving out-of-school
youth by partnering with the Cobb Adult Education Center, the primary provider
of GED services for high school dropouts. CobbWorks intends to dedicate a
staff person to co-enrolling and serving eligible youth pursuing their GED’s.

13. If the area has chosen to use ITA’s for older youth [per the state waiver under
WIA Section 189(i)(4)(B)], please describe the criteria that will be used for
determining appropriateness and how youth will be assisted in choosing
appropriate service providers/programs. If the area does not plan to use the
ITA option for older youth, simply write in "N/A."

Once an Older Youth, ages 19-21, has been determined eligible for the
Workforce Investment Act (WIA) program training services, they may select a
provider and/or training facility from the State approved Eligible Provider

The participant meets with a WIA career advisor to determine labor market
demands, one’s experience, education, work history and skills set. The
approved ITA’s will only be issued for training in growth occupations identified
by the area.

Approval or issuance of an ITA will be based on several factors evaluated by

the Career Advisors. Those factors include:

• The possible increase of wages toward participant self-sufficiency,

• Facility location
• The acceptance into a certificate or diploma program or into occupational-
specific training.
• Length of training. The total course study will not take longer than 104
weeks to complete. If training is longer than the specified weeks, then the
participants must demonstrate financial capability.
• Participants who have been accepted on a “provisional” basis into a training
• Any expenses related to approved training. Expenses may include but are
limited to books, tuition, supplies, tools, uniforms, testing fees, and any
other required expenses indicated prior training.
• Application for Pell and HOPE funds. All participants interested in college
or a vocational technical school must apply for Pell and HOPE unless a
valid reason is given.
• Programs that do not exceed 2 years or 104 weeks. Funds are limited up
to $5,000 for training cost for the first year and for training extending for
more than a year, may not exceed $8,000.

14. Describe dislocated worker service strategies, including coordination with state-
level Rapid Response, GDOL career centers, and state/local Trade Act

CobbWorks closely coordinates with both the local career center and the
GDOL Rapid Response Unit in responding to large lay-offs and dislocations.
Staff from CobbWorks participate in all employer and employee meetings when
advised by the Rapid Response Unit. Tasks and areas of expertise are defined
and assigned based on the unique circumstances of each situation.

15. Describe how WIA and other funds available in the area are used to conduct
outreach and recruitment for individuals in special populations, including
veterans, migrant and seasonal farm workers, individuals with disabilities,
public assistance recipients, offenders, customers with limited English
proficiency, and other groups. Discuss the local area’s services to older

CobbWorks is involved in targeted outreach to a variety of special population

groups. Through the Customized Employment Grant received from the Office
of Disability Employment Policy, CobbWorks and its partners provide
specialized services to people with disabilities who would like or require
specialized services such as job carving, job coaching, and micro-enterprise

Additionally, CobbWorks partners with the Cobb Literacy Council and Cobb
Adult Education to provide GED classes at the Workforce Development Center.
Historically, Jewish Family and Career Services has placed Title V Older
Workers at the One-Stop for work experience and to also represent the
program to other potential older workers utilizing the facility.
16. Discuss the area’s workforce services to businesses, and how business
and organized labor representatives on the local Workforce Investment Board
contributed to the development of these strategies. Provide a listing of
business services available through the area’s One-Stop(s), such as
planned employer workshops, tax credit assistance, and assessment and
screening of potential employees. Additionally, describe the involvement of
your economic development community in developing these strategies.

CobbWorks operates under the concept that workforce development is a

function of the community’s overall economic development and embraces the
USDOL’s recent introduction of “Demand-Driven Workforce Systems”. To that
end, CobbWorks is highly involved with the Cobb Chamber of Commerce as
well as the Cobb County Government Economic Development Division.
Business representatives on the board have expressed their desire that
CobbWorks be the first place employers think of in terms of recruitment when
they need new employees. To date, CobbWorks has focused primarily on
being a referral source for employee/employer matching. Recently, business
services have expanded to include business utilization of the facilities at the
One-Stop Center for private businesses’ use in their internal workforce
development strategies. Planned activities include technical assistance and
training sessions on the public resources available to businesses. Specific
services either currently offered or to be offered in the upcoming program year

• Posting of job vacancies

• Assistance with recruitment
• Information on employer incentives for hiring special populations
• Labor market and comparative wage information
• Meeting and training room space for workforce development activities

CobbWorks also regularly hosts business services workshops targeted towards

entrepreneurs who may lack human resource expertise or infrastructure.
Recent workshop titles have included: “Writing Job Descriptions”, “Effective
Criticism-Employee Discipline”, “Interviewing and Hiring Legalities”,
“Overcoming Negativity in The Workplace”, and “Starting a Small Business”.

17. The Local Government Services Delivery Act of 1997 defines ways in which
jurisdictions will work together to reduce duplication by promoting coordinated
service delivery. Discuss any regional service delivery strategies planned within
your region. Examples of relevant strategies are: uniformity in eligible training
providers, or uniformity in maximum allowable training and supportive service

Please reference the response to question II.4 for a representative list of

coordinated efforts in the region.

18. Discuss how the local area is using various fund sources to develop integrated
service strategies for adult customers, especially for TANF and other low-
income individuals, including the GoodWorks service strategy.

Of particular interest in this regard is the collaborative relationship between

CobbWorks, GDOL, and the Cobb County Department of Family and Children
Services. CobbWorks provides significant space in the One-Stop free of
charge to the GDOL Cobb Career Center to provide GoodWorks Services to
recipients of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). Each Monday,
a new class begins for TANF applicants from the previous week. The GDOL
staff provides fast-paced, intensive instruction on job search skills. Customers
attending this class are supervised during their job searches with the goal of
assisting the customer in becoming employed before the first “welfare” check is
received. Customers are able to access the wide range of other resources at
the One-Stop during this period.

CobbWorks continues to identify and pursue other non-WIA funding sources

which complement the organizational mission.

19. An important feature of the customer-focused system under WIA is increased

options for accessing workforce services. Discuss steps your area is taking to
address increased options, such as: alternative access points, self-directed and
electronic services, development of resource areas, orientation to services,
enhanced reception/greeter functions, or service referral mechanisms for
various customer groups at various sites within your system.

A primary feature of the CobbWorks service delivery strategy is the provision of

comprehensive self-service resources to customers. Customers may utilize the
resource area at the CobbWorks Workforce Development Center and the
GDOL Career Center much like they use a public library. Whereas, a customer
may visit a library and use an array of computers, programs, and resource
materials, they use the workforce centers for job search, skill development, and
career development functions. Through the Faith-Based Initiative, several
other sites were established across the workforce area. Similarly, CobbWorks
coordinates with many other local community-based organizations that have
similar resources in their facilities. CobbWorks is considering the use of “mini-
grants” to create affiliate one-stop sites that capitalize upon the resources of
such community organizations.

CobbWorks utilizes a comprehensive orientation as an intake point for

customers seeking WIA-funded training. Rather than simply describing the ITA
award process, other local resources are emphasized and several alternate
funding sources are explained.

VI. Performance Accountability

1. Pending additional instructions.

2. Describe local strategies for obtaining and using customer feedback.

CobbWorks, has begun using a web-based survey instrument called “Survey

Monkey” to measure customer service and satisfaction on a quarterly basis.

Additionally, CobbWorks utilizes a customer feedback card in the resource

area of the facility. Questions include the three American Customer Service
Index (ACSI) utilized by the GDOL in determining customer satisfaction.
Additionally, several other questions regarding the customer’s experience are
posed. Staff actively distribute these cards to customers and encourage
completion. All participants of the myriad of workshops conducted at the
resource center also complete standardized evaluations. Customer responses
are tabulated on a monthly basis and are used to direct staff training and
service delivery.

3. Describe the board's strategies and process for evaluating the system's
progress in meeting the needs of employers and individuals in the community,
including how the board is promoting continuous improvement of the local

Primarily, the board utilizes the above-referenced evaluations of customer

experiences to evaluate whether or not needs are being met. The WIB is
currently working on the development of real-time metrics that will allow for
better management and evaluation of operations and services.
VII. Equal Access and Opportunity

1. In 1-2 paragraphs, briefly describe local procedures and staffing to address

grievances and complaint resolution.

General Service Complaints

General complaints are defined as customer service issues, service provider

issues, and inappropriate treatment of customers. General complaints are
submitted to the Center Coordinator. A customer complaint poster is located in
the lobby of the Resource Center to provide customers with contact information
if they are dissatisfied with services for any reason while utilizing the Resource
Center. Customers applying for the WIA training programs receive a
grievance/complaint form as a part of the application packet. The
grievance/complaint process is outlined in the form, and customers receive a
copy of the form upon completion of the application process. Any customer
wishing to file a complaint must complete a customer complaint form or submit a
written complaint. The Center Coordinator investigates the complaint and
makes a determination. A determination letter is issued within 30 days. If a
customer is not satisfied with the determination, an appeal can be filed with the
Executive Director of CobbWorks Workforce Investment Board. Upon
completion of the investigation of the appeal, a determination letter will be issued
within 30 days. If a customer is not satisfied with the determination made by the
Director, an appeal can be filed with the Chairperson of CobbWorks Workforce
Investment Board. Upon completion of the investigation of the appeal, a
determination letter will be issued within 30 days. The determination made by
the Chairperson is final.

Discrimination Complaints

Discrimination complaints must be submitted in writing to the Equal Opportunity

Officer who serves as the One-Stop Coordinator. Only complaints submitted in
writing will be investigated. Customers have 180 days from the date of the
incident to file a complaint. A determination letter is issued within 90 days of the
date of the complaint. If the customer is dissatisfied with the determination, a
complaint may be filed within 30 days of the determination to the Georgia
Department of Labor, Equal Opportunity Officer, Suite 230 Sussex Place, 148
International Blvd, NE, Atlanta, GA 30303.

2. Describe how the local area is ensuring full accessibility of sites and services.
Examples include an accessibility checklist on which staff have been trained,
assistive technology in resource rooms, and ongoing coordination, training and
mutual referrals with community rehabilitation providers.

The LWIB staff and all service providers are required to attend training on
accommodating customers with disabilities via a web course provided by the
ADA Technical Assistance Center. Staff and service providers are trained at
the onset of their contract on equal opportunity laws and regulations. The
Equal Opportunity Officer provides the training. The Equal Opportunity Officer
maintains a schedule to track those attending training.

The One-Stop provides push-button door access into the facility, its restrooms,
and ADA accessible workstations. We have a partner organization on site,
Project Exceed that provides employment services to disabled individuals.
The GDOL Cobb Career Center is out-fitted with a comprehensive array of
accessibility technology that may be utilized by customers. CobbWorks was
successful in securing the previously discussed Workforce Incentive Grant
(WIG) that assisted not only the Cobb Workforce Area, but areas across the
state in increasing accessibility to persons with disabilities.

3. Describe the local area’s policy for ensuring priority of service for
veterans, and how GDOL employment services to veterans are integrated into
the local workforce system.

Consistent with the Jobs for Veterans Act, CobbWorks will ensure that eligible
veteran workers are given priority over non-veterans for all available services.
Currently, service applications ask whether a customer is a veteran or not. If
so, staff are directed to evaluate whether the customer should be given priority
based on limited funding. To date, CobbWorks has not invoked limited funding
priority for service provision and therefore no priority action for otherwise
eligible veterans has been enacted.

The GDOL Cobb Career Center maintains designated staff to address the
needs of customers with veteran status. CobbWorks staff are made aware of
the available services and contact information for the staff person. This
information is posted in the comprehensive One-Stop and referrals are made
as appropriate.

4. Describe the area's efforts to address the needs of customers with limited
English proficiency (LEP). Key elements include staff, technology and
availability of materials in languages prevalent in the area.

Cobb County has experienced tremendous growth in its Spanish-speaking

population over the past five years. In response, CobbWorks has forged a
relationship with the Cobb Latin American Association (LAA). The LAA
provides CobbWorks with a variety of resource materials. CobbWorks strives
to provide comparable foreign language materials in its resource area and uses
internet-based translation web-sites to assist with accessibility issues. Through
its newly formalized relationship with the Cobb Literacy Council, CobbWorks is
actively involved in the development of adult literacy and English as a Second
Language (ESL) classes across the county.

5. Where applicable, describe how services to Migrant and Seasonal Farm

workers (MSFWs) are integrated into the local workforce system. Describe any
specific local or regional service strategies for migrant workers.

The MSFW population is not prevalent in the Cobb County workforce area;
therefore, integration for this population has not been identified as a service

VIII. Plan Attachments

Attachment A: Area Sites and Services

Please complete and submit the matrix.

Attachment B: Memoranda of Understanding, Local Chief Elected Official

Agreements, and Resource Sharing Agreements

Attachment C: Performance Worksheets

Please complete your area worksheet.
NOTE: Instructions for estimating performance levels for PY2007 and
PY2008 will be transmitted to local areas separately.

Attachment D: Local Area Assurances

The attached local assurances were developed to address
provisions of the Workforce Investment Act and the Final Rule.
By virtue of original signatures with submission of the plan, the
local area agrees to abide by these provisions.

Attachment A

Area Sites and Services

List the name, address, and phone number of each comprehensive WIA service site. For each
comprehensive One-Stop site, specify the lead partner or One-Stop operator in bold type,
followed by the other partners that provide services at that site. In the third column, indicate
the major services (e.g., career counseling, assistance with training, vocational rehabilitation,
UI, employment services, etc.) provided at the site by the partners specified in the second
column. Add rows for additional sites as needed.

Comprehensive Service Lead Partner/One-Stop Major Services Provided by

Sites Operator Each Partner
Other Partners
Comprehensive Service Sites Lead Partner/One-Stop Operator Major Services Provided by
Other Partners Each Partner
CobbWorks Workforce -CobbWorks One-Stop Partners provide core,
Development Center Operator Consortium intensive, and training
463 Commerce Park Drive -Georgia Department of Labor services to individuals eligible
Suite 100 -Project Exceed (Vocational under the following
Marietta, Georgia 30060 Rehabilitation, Customized populations:
770-528-4300 Employment for People with
770-528-8078 (F) Disabilities) Programs authorized under -Job Corp title I of WIA including
-Title V (Jewish Family and services to:
Career Services -adults
-Cobb Adult Education -dislocated workers
-Cobb Literacy Council -youth
-Job Corps

Wagner Peyser Services

(labor exchange)

Adult Education and Literacy

Services to individuals with

disabilities through Project
Exceed and Department of
Rehabilitative Services

Title V

Trade Adjustment Assistance

Attachment A (Continued)

Area Sites and Services

List the name, address, and phone number of each additional WIA service site. (Some
local areas refer to these sites that are not comprehensive One-Stops as satellites,
specialized sites, or simply workforce service access points.) For each site, specify the
lead partner in bold type, followed by the other partners that provide services at that
site. In the second column, indicate the partners that provide services at that site. In
the third column, indicate the major services (e.g., career counseling, assistance with
training, vocational rehabilitation, UI, employment services, etc.) provided at the site by
the partners specified in the second column. Add rows for additional sites as needed.

Additional Service Sites Lead Partner/One-Stop Major Services Provided by

Operator Each Partner
Other Partners
Georgia Department of Georgia Department of Labor Wagner Peyser Services (labor
Labor Career Center exchange)
Career counseling

Assistance with training

Vocational rehabilitation

Unemployment Insurance

Employment services

Trade Adjustment Assistance

Attachment B

Memoranda of Understanding
Resource Sharing Agreements
Chief Local elected Official Agreement

PY 2007-PY 2008 Performance Targets

Local Area Name: Cobb County (Local Area 04)

Performance PY2007 PY2008

Measures Target Target

Customer Satisfaction Index

Participants – ACSI Score
Employers – ACSI Score

Entered Employment Rate

Dislocated Workers
Older Youth

Retention Rate
Dislocated Workers
Older Youth
Younger Youth

Earnings Gain/Replacement Rate

Dislocated Workers
Older Youth

Credentials Rate
Dislocated Workers
Older Youth

Younger Youth Diploma/GED Rate

Younger Youth Skills Attainment Rate

Attachment D

Local Administrative Assurances

PY 2007 - 2008

Local workforce areas must ensure that area staff, contractors, and partners are accountable
to all state and federal laws, regulations and policies. By signatures on the local Workforce
Plan, the area assures the state that the following provisions will be met for PY 2007 - 2008:

1. Policies and procedures will be developed for soliciting and contracting with training
providers for adult and dislocated worker training services that are not part of the
Individual Training Account (ITA) system. [WIA Sec. 118 (b)(9)]
2. Policies and procedures will be developed for identifying and competitively procuring
youth activity providers. Policies will include evaluation criteria used and desired
program elements, as required by WIA. [WIA Sec. 118 (b)(9)]

3. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU’s) have been established between the local

Workforce Investment Board and: a) all required WIA partners; and b) other partners
participating in the local One-Stop system. [WIA Sec. 118 (b)(2)(B)] The MOUs will be
considered part of the area's comprehensive WIA plan and will be available locally for
review upon request.

4. Area staff, partners and subcontractors will comply fully with the nondiscrimination and
equal opportunity provisions of the following laws:

• Section 188 of the WIA, which prohibits discrimination against all individuals in the
United States on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age,
disability, political affiliation or belief, and against beneficiaries on the basis of
either citizenship/status as a lawfully admitted immigrant authorized to work in the
United States or participation in any WIA Title I-financially assisted program or

• Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, which prohibits discrimination
on the bases of race, color, and national origin;

• Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, which prohibits

discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities;

• The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on

the basis of age; and

• Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, which prohibits

discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs.

5. No funds received under the WIA will be used to assist, promote, or deter union
organizing. [WIA Sec.181 (b)(7)]

6. The local Workforce Investment Board assures that all awards of federal and state
funds shall be accounted for using generally accepted accounting principles, and
treated in accordance with federal cost principles that apply to the type of entity
receiving funds, including OMB Circular A-87 for units of state or local government; A-
21 for institutions of higher learning; A-122 for private, non-profit organizations; and 48
CFR, Part 31 for private, for-profit organizations.

7. The local Workforce Investment Board assures that audits of covered organizations
shall conform to the federal Single Audit Act and OMB Circular A-133.

8. The area's financial management system will satisfactorily account for and document
the receipt and disbursement of all WIA funds. Further, effective internal controls in
place will safeguard assets and ensure their proper usage (including property location
and usage). [WIA Sec. 184 (a)(1)]

9. The local area's financial system will permit the tracking of program income and
potential stand-in costs. [WIA Sec. 185 (f)(1)&(2)]

10. The local area will prepare and submit required financial reports in a timely manner,
and WIA operations funded wholly or in part with state and/or federal funds will
maintain financial and program records with all supporting documents for at least three
years from the date of submission of the closeout reports for each program. [WIA Sec.
185 (e)(1)]

11. Any information or records concerning an individual or employing unit obtained by the
Georgia Department of Labor in the administration of the Employment Security Law or
other federally funded programs for which the department has responsibility are, by
law, private and confidential [O.C.G.A. 34-8-120 et seq.]. The area agrees to abide by
all state and federal laws, rules, and regulations regarding the confidentiality of such
records. There are criminal sanctions for unauthorized release of such information.
The area further agrees not to divulge any private or confidential information
concerning any individual or employing unit to any unauthorized person without the
informed consent of both the individual employee and the related employing unit, or,
when applicable, of a particular customer. The Georgia Open Records Act requires
government agencies and their private contractors to allow inspection of "public
records" by citizens who request such inspection [O.C.G.A. 50-18-70 et seq.]. Georgia
Department of Labor information and records on individuals and employing units
described above are exempt from the disclosure requirements of the Georgia Open
Records Act. The area agrees to fully comply with the Georgia Open Records Act,
which may require a timely written response (within three days of the inspection
request) denying inspection of such records and stating the applicable statutory
authority for denying the request.

12. Local areas will comply with the security and privacy standards of Public Law 104-191
- the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.

13. Veterans and other qualified persons will be provided priority in all USDOL-funded
workforce services in accordance with the Jobs for Veterans Act (P.L. 107-288),
(38 USC 4215).

14. Migrant and seasonal farm workers will be provided the same range and quality of
services as non-migrants, and equity of service will be afforded to migrant and
seasonal farm workers in all labor exchange services provided in the area. [20 C.F.R.,
Part 653]

15. Local areas will comply with section 101 of Public Law 109-149 which limits the salary
and bonus compensation for individuals who are paid by funds appropriated to the
Employment and Training Administration and provided to recipients and sub-recipients
Attachment E

CobbWorks! Policy Excerpts

And Demand Occupation List

On July 1, 2000, the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) replaced the Job Training Partnership
Act (JTPA) and the purpose of the Cobb County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) is to
create and support effective local systems while maintaining statewide quality. The WIA
system was designed to provide the framework for a unique workforce preparation and
employment system to meet the needs of both program participants and potential employers.
The new system is based on the “One-Stop” concept where information concerning job
training, education and employment services are available to customers at a single location.

Due to the limited funding, services to eligible adults, youth and dislocated workers in need of
services to enter or re-enter the labor market. This WIA services guidance will be utilized by
staff, partner agencies and providers to identify potential customers and to determine eligibility
for core, intensive and training services.

The minimum core service to be provided as an initial service or informational session to both
the client and career advisor concerning an individuals work history. If work history
information has been completed by a partner agency, a copy of that information, either paper
of computer printout will initiate the service request. If work history information is not
available, Part I of the Employment Development Plan must be completed.

Intensive services provide WIA training and/or supportive services is as followed:

1. Completion of Employment Development Plan, Part 1& 2

2. Completion of appropriate assessment for the training school and program

desired. This may include one or more of the following dependent on the client’s
skills and entry level requirements for training desired:

A. Entrance and placement exams for technical schools and institutions of

higher learning.
B. Basic Skills Testing
C. Comprehensive assessment of abilities, aptitudes and interests
D. Transferability of Skills of Analysis based on client’s previous work
history and education level.
E. Professional Review
F. Other industry/occupational specific related criteria such as physical
requirements, drug testing, etc.
Eligible adults, older youth and dislocated workers who have been determined eligible for WIA
and have completed the required intensive services are considered for training if the following
criteria have been met.

1. The participant must apply and receive a letter of acceptance into a training
institution program of study. Generally, acceptance must be without conditions and
not require remedial courses.

2. The training institution and course of study must be listed on the Georgia
Eligible Provider List (EPL) and in accordance with the Demand Occupation
Listing. The EPL was designed to help customers make informed training choices
by providing detailed information on public colleges, universities technical schools
and other training provider organizations. Also included is information describing
labor market demands and past performance data for each listed program.

3. The participant must apply for HOPE and PELL grant assistance or
demonstrate that they would not qualify for assistance.

4. Participants must reside in Cobb County to be eligible for services. If the

participant is a dislocated worker and resides outside of the service area, he/she
may receive training if dislocation employment is located within the county.

Priority of training services for adults may be implemented by Cobb WIB during periods of
limited funding for training services. Level I priority will be given to individuals who have met
the minimum eligibility requirements and have one or more characteristics that indicate they
have low income and/or receive public assistance. These include:

¾ An individual who has a personal or family income that is at or below

100% of the poverty level (Lower Living Standard Income Level) for the
¾ An individual who is employed, but in a job earning $8.50 an hour or
less, or
¾ An individual who is employed, but in a job earning $12.00 an hour with
no medical benefits, or
¾ Food stamps or TANF recipient (current or within last six months), or
¾ Supplemental Social Security recipient, or
¾ Is incarcerated in a prison, correctional setting, and/or other court-
ordered 24-hour residential facility.

Further priority (Level II) for services may be implemented when funding for training is
extremely limited. Individuals must meet the above low-income criteria and have one or
more of the following characteristics that act as barriers to employment or other factors
that may limit one’s ability to seek and maintain employment. The include:

Unemployed, Underemployed Discouraged Worker

Food stamp or TANF recipient
Older Worker
Dislocated Workers
Lack a high school diploma or GED
Poor employability skills
Poor work history
Poor basic skills
Limited English proficiency
Lack self-sufficiency

5. Applicants must be determined “in-need of training” prior to evaluation.

“In-need of training” will be decided through assessment information, labor market
analysis and a review of the desired training course to establish that the
participant’s likelihood of securing and/or maintaining regular full-time employment.

Listed below is a brief description of the Cobb WIB forms that have been designed to walk
clients and staff through the intake and eligibility process.

Form Name Who Completes Purpose

Training Interest ¾ Client initiates ¾ Used to gauge
Questionnaire and completes client interest in training
¾ Used by staff for ¾ Initial service
notes and possible WIA request by client
funding ¾ Used to direct
clients to other funding
sources and training
Supplemental Training ¾ Clients completes ¾ Used as gauge
Interest Questionnaire ¾ Staff makes notes client interest and training
concerning direction of path
services ¾ Used to move client
from core to intensive
training, if necessary
Career Advisor’s Staff ¾ Records
Summary assessment information
and recommends or
justifies training and
supportive needs
WIA Eligibility Checklist Staff ¾ Indicates title of
¾ Completed during
assessment and intensive
period, but before the EDP
is completed obligating
funds and voucher for
training is authorized
WIA Registration Form Staff completes upon ¾ Registers clients for
registration for intensive or services and records
training services eligibility for WIA

WIA Employment Plan Staff with input from client ¾ Completes clients
training plan
¾ Establishes
financial obligation of
training and support dollars
¾ Establishes goals
and objectives for training

Eligibility determination, MIS Verification Procedures: Collection of information to

determination eligibility for WIA will begin at the point an individual request intensive and/or
training services. As a customer request services, an Interest Questionnaire should be
completed to record work history. When Intensive and Training services are provided, the
appropriate customer information must be input into the statewide WIA tracking system.

Career Resource Center staff will implement the following eligibility documentation procedures
for individuals requesting intensive and training services:

Citizenship/Authorization to Work: Obtain a copy of a birth certificate or social

security card, and/or other appropriate documentation to complete a I-9 Form.

Social Security Number: Obtain a copy of the Social Security Card or obtain
verification through employer records and/or governmental sources.

Selective Service Registration: Obtain verification from Selective Services via

internet ( or phone verification at 1-847-688-6888. In the event that
individuals have not registered, but are younger than age 26, CRC staff should assist
customers in registering with the post office or online. In circumstances where
individuals are not registered and are age 26 or older and cannot register, CRC staff
may request that WIB make an exemption for those individuals. Rationale for granting
exceptions may include: customer was incarcerated and not able to register, customer
is an immigrant and was not residing in the U.S. before turning age 26, customer is
disabled (must document), etc.

Verification of Income: The WIB will accept customers attestation of income

(supported by customer documentation of income) and/or consistent information
recorded in the UI wage file. If the UI wage file indicates no wages and/or if the
information is consistent with the income reported by the customer, no
additional documentation will be required. In circumstances where the wage file
indicates additional employers and/or significant increases in the amount of wages
reported, more precise documentation of earning will be required. This may include
written employer verification and/or written attempts to verify income.

Verification of Dislocated Worker Status (Notice of Layoff): Obtain documentation

of layoff status (separation notice) or verification of UI status through the WIA tracking

Unlikely to Return and Need for WIA Training Services: Appropriate rationale for
justification for training should be recorded in page 9 of the customer ISS, Part II
Career Advisor’s Summary of Skills and Abilities and the “Unlikely to Return, page 9a
of the ISS.

Grievance/Complaint Procedures: All one-stop system staff must be familiar with

the Grievance/Compliant Procedures and Equal Opportunity Policy. There are two
Grievance/Compliant Procedures and Equal Opportunity Policy Pages: (1) One for the
Applicants and Participants and (2) for WIA and WtW program staff. All one-stop
system operators must implement procedures to advise all individuals requesting
assistance of the policies and procedures. At a minimum, all individuals requesting
intensive and training services must be maintained in the participant file. I will not be
necessary to distribute copies of the revised policy and procedures to all applicants
and participants who receive service prior to this issuance. The Grievance/Compliant
Policy Page with WIB contact information and telephone numbers must be posted in
every one-stop center. It is also recommended that a copy of the Grievance/Compliant
Policy and Procedures for Program Staff be distributed to all staff and signed copies
are maintained by the employer. Anyone with a grievance/compliant must have the
Grievance/Compliant Procedures and Equal Opportunity Policy for Applicants and
Participants made available to them.

Lack self-sufficiency: is defined as an individual who has one or more of the

following characteristics:

1. An individual who has a personal or family income that is at or below

100% of the Lower Living Standard Income Level for Cobb County, or
2. Food stamps or TANF recipient (current or within last six months), or
3. Supplemental Social Security Income recipient, or
4. An individual who is employed, but in a job earning$8.50 an hour or
less, or
5. An individual who is employed, but in a job earning $12.00 an hour less
with no medical benefits, or
6. Dislocated workers may be considered to lack self-sufficiency if they are
employed, but in a job/occupation that is at a wage or skill level that is
significantly less than the job of dislocation.


Adults and Youth: An individual who is currently employed, meets the definition of “lack self-
sufficiency” and whose employment has one or more of the following characteristics:

Is temporary, seasonal or interim in nature

Is in an occupation/industry that is subject to or has a history of repeat layoffs
Is in an industry/occupation that is listed as declining
Is with a company that offers no health insurance benefits
Is with a company that offers little or no career advancement opportunities
Is working part-time, but desires full-time employment
Is working in employment not commensurate with the individual’s demonstrated level of

Dislocated Worker: An individual who is employed in a position that is interim or for the
purpose of income maintenance, but is at a wage or skill that is significantly less than the job

Is working part-time, but desires full-time employment;

Is working in employment not commensurate with individual’s demonstrated level of education

Demonstrate ability to successfully participate in training: An individual may

demonstrate ability to successfully participate in training by meeting all entry-level criteria for
specified employees of companies whose place of employment is/was within the Cobb County
service area. Informational and core services will be available to all eligible applicants.
Residents of other services areas will be referred to apply for training services areas will be
referred to apply for training services with other service delivery areas.

Unlikely to Return to Previous Occupation/Industry and/or limited opportunities for

reemployment in the area in which he/she resides will be document on page 9a of the ISS
for all dislocated workers requesting training services. Completion of this document will
record rationale of one-stop staff for this eligibility item. Listed below are examples of
¾ Insufficient job opening in the customer’s occupation or industry within the
customer’s commuting distance.
¾ Insufficient job opening on work shifts appropriate for the customer.
¾ Customer lacks personal transportation or access to public transportation and
there are insufficient job opening within walking distance of the customer’s residence.
¾ The customer’s occupation is listed as one of the area’s declining industries or
¾ The customer’s occupation ahs changed such that the customers no longer
has the skills needed for that occupation.
¾ The customer’s industry or occupation has been subject too, or is expected to
be subject to, repeated layoff or frequent business closings.
¾ Recent layoffs have occurred or been announced during the last six months
with the customer’s industry/occupation and commuting area that significantly reduce
reemployment opportunities,
¾ The customer’s age and/or medical condition is such that the customer can no
longer perform his/her previous occupation.
¾ The customer lacks skills currently in demand in the local labor market.
¾ The customer lacks appropriate industry and/or national certification or
accreditation for re-hire or reemployment in the industry/occupation of lay off.
¾ The customer is experiencing difficulty in obtaining suitable comparable re-
employment. Indicators may include: being unemployed for 13 or more weeks,
completed or exhausted a long-term job search with no appropriate job offers, etc.
¾ Customer lacks strong basic skill or English speaking/writing skills for

Lower Living Standard Index Level (LLSIL) for the

Cobb County Workforce Service Area

Level I priority for services will be based on family income as indicated on the chart below.
Income for the last six months will be used to calculate an annualized income for eligibility

Adult Low-Income WIA Guidelines

Family Size Annual Income Six Month Eligibility

Period Income


Eligibility for youth services will be based on poverty guidelines, 70% of the Lower Living
Standard Index Level (LLSIL) as noted in the chart below:

Youth Low-Income WIA Guidelines

Family Size Annual Income Six Month Eligibility

Period Income


Case Management, Client Tracking and Termination of Services

Case management is provided through the sharing of general information of services and
training options, the presentation of eligibility requirements, the connection of program and/or
available services, and follow-up on services outcomes. All customers are entered into the
Georgia Workforce System and are track through the WIA Individual Training Account (ITA)

Verification of employment must be gathered at the time of initial placement. Verification may
include written and/or phone response from employer, a copy of check stub and self-
attestation from client. Termination of services should occur for all participants after the
second quarter of employment earnings have been reported to the Department of Labor and
there is evidence that the client is stable in his/her position of employment.

Terminating customers from WIA services should occur after careful consideration of several
factors. Some possible factors for appropriate termination may include:

A. Completion of probationary period. A probationary period is defined as that

time period established by the employer and the time period in which the client has
exhibited skills and performed the necessary duties to maintain that employment.

B. Earning a raise or job promotion.

C. Becoming eligible for other employer benefits

D. Resolving all work-related issues.

E. Never exit anyone until you are sure they will be working a year later!

Remember to establish customer expectations for life-long job placement assistance. Holding
terminations until the end of the quarter will probably not give increased performance, but may
counter negatively against retention measures. Exit clients when staff seems to think they are
stable. Operators may want to look at some joint file review and decision making before
exiting a client. Be careful of seasonal trends for existing clients, ie, retail workers at

The training plan must also address other occupational or industry related criteria that may
preclude an individual from securing gainful employment. Some examples may include:
driving records for individuals interested in commercial truck driver training, felony conviction
and/or arrest relating to positions in childcare settings, or clean criminal background checks
for positions with the aviation industry.

In instances where training schools and/or training programs do not indicated specific entry-
level requirement for applicants, Career Advisors will establish a minimum guidelines for
educational levels, reading and math skills and basic computer skills based on industry and/or
occupational skill level.
Documentation of efforts to obtain other financial assistance: Individuals must
demonstrate that they have applied for federal and state financial aid with schools or
organizations that receive that assistance. A copy of the application for notification of financial
aid must be presented or verified electronically. Individuals who have recently applied for
assistance, but have not received an award notice, may be approved for training with WIA
fund. Applicants are required to provide a copy of the award letter within 45 days of the
start of training or before the next registration to be considered for additional funding.

Occupational demand for training: Training will be offered in demand occupational areas
that offer living wages leading to self-sufficiency or movement from poverty. (See Attachment
A - List of Demand Occupations)

Services to individuals who do not reside in the Cobb County area: Priority of intensive,
training and supportive services for adult, youth and dislocated workers will be given to
residents of Cobb County. Priority of services for dislocated workers will also be given to
employees of companies whose place of employment is/was within the Cobb County area.
Informational and core services will be available to all eligible applicants. Residents of other
service delivery area will be referred to that specific county for additional service.

Job readiness: Staff, along with partner agencies, works with clients that have been
evaluated and assessed to determine their “readiness” for employment. Services include job
survival skills, job search

Assessment Methods and Guided Customer Choice

CobbWorks will deliver a variety of services, including training and supportive services
through a process titled “guided choice”. With customer choice and customer satisfaction
being major components of WIA, eligible customers are still in need of program guidance and
assistance in making training decisions.

Career advisors will work individuals seeking services by providing them with information to
make informed decisions about training and employment opportunities. Customers are
introduced to a variety of approved programs based on client’s interests, skills and aptitudes.
This enables customers to choose and successfully complete training and find gainful
employment in a training related field.

While customer satisfaction is a top priority, the customer must meet all entry-level criteria for
intake and eligibility, program choice and in of training according to the local labor market
data. Individuals seeking training assistance will be encouraged to become “well-informed”
before selecting a school. This may include visits and interviews with potential schools and
instructors, job availability and the program’s past performance.

Adult and older youth are also encouraged to build on existing skills determined through the
assessment period when choosing a training program. Assessments are used to determine
one’s skill and ability levels. Information gathered is generally recorded on the Applicant
Questionnaire which is completed by the applicant before, during and after orientation.
Factors to consider include work history and training goals. Service provider staff should
schedule individuals for assessment testing.

Dislocated workers may be assessed at different levels based on fore mentioned factors.
Depending on the level of education and work history, dislocated workers may be given the
opportunity to decline the assessment testing unless a request is made for a more extensive
view of their strengths and needs.

Customers wanting to enhance existing skills are not required to be assessed, but based on
previous skills and work history, the client may be instructed to complete a partial assessment.
If assessment results do not support the customer’s training interest, then the customers with
guided support from staff will identify alternative training programs in similar occupations or
industries. In the event that training options and/or services are not available under WIA, staff
must maintain a list of resources to assist the customer with other financial and educational

Other Assessment Options:

Other sources of assessment and/or evaluation may be used whenever appropriate in

conjunction with one’s skills and abilities. For example, a customer’s completion of college or
technical school entrance exam, along with full acceptance into a specific course of study may
be a sufficient assessment on a case-by-case basis.

Support Policy

CobbWorks does not provide meals, transportation, or childcare assistance. Emergency

payments for rent, utilities, or other living expenses may be authorized by the Executive
Director on an as needed basis not to exceed $750.00.

Demand Occupations List

Revised 12/01/06

Occupations in Administrative Specialization

Accounting Occupations in Education
Bookkeeping Child Development Specialist
Paralegal Teachers:
Administrative Assisting – MOUS Certification Preschool/Elementary/Secondary/
Special Education

Computer Related Occupations Occupations in Machine Trade

Software Engineers Automotive Specialist Technician
Computer Programmers Industrial Maintenance
Computer Security Analysts Machinist
Computer Systems Analysts
Network Specialists Occupations in Medicine and
Computer Support Specialists Health
Multi-media & Graphic Design Dental Assistants
Electrical & Electronics Technicians Pharmacy Technician
Emergency Medical Technicians
Personal Care Aides
Medical & Clinical Laboratory Technicians
Medical Assistants Job opportunities may be limited in
Medical Billing/Coding some areas of construction
Respiratory Therapist although projections are for higher
Radiology Technician than average growth in 2007.
Physical Therapists Assistants

Service Related Occupations

Culinary Arts

Occupations Structural Work

Brick Masons
Construction (building)
Certified HWY Work
Drywall Installers/ Acoustical Drywall Installation
HVAC Technician
Sheet Metal Workers
Welders & Cutters

Occupations in Transportation
Truck Drivers/ Delivery & Route – CDL A/B

Occupations in Management
Human Resources Management – PHR Certification
Project Management
Six Sigma Training
The CobbWorks Workforce Investment Board provides occupational skills training in Demand
Occupations for industries that are stable or growing. Skills training will not be provided in
declining industries. At present, skills training is only provided for jobs and careers where hourly
rates and salaries are paid. Training is not provided for careers or jobs with commissions and fees
(this includes real estate, cosmetology, massage therapy and nail technician). Lists of additional
sources of financial aid are available for clients who wish to pursue these careers.
This listing serves as a guide, and is not meant to be all-inclusive. There may be additional
occupations in which demand occurs based on the job market or specific opportunities within the
broad spectrum of occupations. CobbWorks may provide training for a job where demand is
limited, but current openings exist. Bona fide job offers may be required for training in limited
demand areas.

Cobb Workforce Investment Board

Local Area Plan Update: PY 2007 and PY 2008
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