Simmond's Disease MS

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Devilles, Rocel V. Felipe, Jam Marie S.

Also known as the Anterior Pituitary Hypofunction

It refers to a term panhypopituitarism

Destruction of a pituitary gland; avascular necrosis of the anterior pituitary Tumors or Trauma

Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Pituitary resection

Autoimmune hypophysitis Severe hemorrhage; hypovolemic shock


of gonadotropin (LH & FSH)

Before puberty : signs of delayed puberty Female Amenorrhea, Anovulation, Breast atrophy Male Small & soft testes; Lack of beard After puberty : secondary gonadal dysfunction : Decreased axillary & pubic hair, Decreased libido, Infertility, Fine facial wrinkles Female Menopause Male Testicular atrophy, Oligospermia, Azoospermia


of growth hormone (GH) Bone retardation of prolactin (PRL) Breast atrophy



of thyroxin stimulating hormone (TSH) Thyroid gland hypofunction

T3 & T4 - Weight gain, Intolerance to cold; Scalp alopecia; Slowed cognition Thyrocalcitonin Hypocalcemia - Orthosthatic hypotension, Anorexia, Nausea & Vomiting


of Adrenocorticotropic hormone ( ACTH)

Glucocorticoids Hypoglycemia, Lethargic, Generalized body malaise, headache Mineralocorticoids Hyponatremia - orthostatic Hypotension, Anorexia, Nausea & Vomiting Sex hormones (Androgens) Decreased axillary and pubic hair


crisis - Coma

Hx taking Hemianopsia / Headache

Varying signs of hormonal disturbances:

Menstrual dysfunction Hypometabolism Adrenal insufficiency Growth retardation

Blood tests
Basal test: T3 & T4, testosterone & estradiol, LH/ FHS, TSH Stimulation test: GH, ACTH, TSH, LH / FSH, PRL

Skull Xrays
CT scan/ MRI Cerebral angiography

Disturbed body image r/t illness Sexual dysfunction r/t illness

Goals: removing the underlying cause treating the hormone deficiencies addressing any other repercussions that arise from the hormone deficiencies

Hormone replacement therapy

Hydrocortisone (cortisol) for adrenal insufficiency Levothyroxine for hypothyroidism Testosterone for male hypogonadism Estradiol for female hypogonadism Growth hormone is available in synthetic form

Cortrophin & Ambinon

Prolactinomas: Dopamine agonist treatment Tumors: Super voltage or proton beam irradiation Diet: high calorie, high CHON If untreated = fatal

Monitor vital signs Monitor I & O Monitor weight daily Assess mental status, emotional state, energy level, and appetite Administer hormone replacements as prescribed Advise patient for a long-term follow up by specialists in Endocrinology

Explain to the patient: The need to take medication for the rest of the patients life The need for frequent laboratory tests Provide emotional support If the patient experiences fatigue: Instruct in methods to conserve energy

Observe emotional changes Assist in correcting underlying problems Assume all individuals are sensitive to changes in appearance but avoid stereotyping Set limits on maladaptive behavior and assist client to identify positive behaviors

Establish therapeutic nurse-client relationship Assist with treatment of underlying problems Provide factual information about individual conditions involved Provide information about availability of corrective measures such as medications Encourage client to engage in regular selfexamination, as indicated

Surgical removal of tumors

Transsphenoidal surgery Craniotomy

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