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SMK SEREMBAN 2 NAME : _________________________________________ FORM : ___________________ UJIAN INTRA 1 SCIENCE FORM 1 1 HOUR 30 MINUTES SECTION A ( 30 MARKS) Answer

all questions.

1. What is the meaning of science? A. Research and compilation of knowledge connected with nature. B. Invention of instruments for human needs. C. Method to solve problems daily life. D. Type of instrument to facilitate work. 2. Which of the following is a natural phenomenon? A. Forestry. B. Burning of rubbish. C. Flower blossoming. D. Production of table salt from sea water. A. I and II only B. I nd III only C. II and III only D. I,II and III

3. What are the contribution of science and technology to mankind? I. Work can be done faster and easier with the invention of machines, electronic and electrical equipment.

II. The quality of health is improved with the discovery of medicines and vaccines. III.Communication becomes easier with the invention of vehicles and satellites.

4. What is the first thing a scientist should do before starting on scientific investigation? A. Identify the problem. B. Suggesting a hyphothesis C. Controlling the variables D. Planning the investigation 5. P, Q, R and S are steps in scientific method
P Recording the data Q Making observations R Making conclusion


Measuring tape

A. II only B. I and II only C. I and III only D. II and II only 8. Why must a reading in any experiment must be taken at least three times? I. II. III. To get an accurate reading To reduce the error of measurement It is style of the modern scientist

Which of the following shows the correct sequence? A. Q B. P C. Q D. P P Q P Q R S S R S R R S

S Analysing data

A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II and III

6. Which apparatus is most suitable to be used for measuring 12.70 cm of liquid accurately? A. 25 cm pipette B. 50 cm burette C. 50 cm beaker D. 100 cm measuring cylinder 7. The area of your palm can be estimated using I. II. Internal calipers Graph paper

9. Which of following pairs are correctly matched? Physical quantities I. Temperature II. Length III. Electricity SI units Kelvin (K) Meter (m) ohm ()

A. I and II only B. I and III only

C. II and II only D. I, II and III 10. Salmah wants to label a bottle containing hydrogen sulphide with a hazard symbol. Which of the following is the correct symbol used? A. B. C. D.

12. Figure 2 shows a measuring tool used in a laboratory. P Coarse focus knob Fine focus knob Objective lens Objective lens Q Objective lens Coarse focus knob Fine focus knob Coarse focus knob R Fine focus knob Objective lens Coarse focus knob Fine focus knob




Figure 2 The tool to measuring can be used measure


11. Figure 1 shows the position of the eye while reading the volume of water in the measuring cylinder.

A. Time B. Volume of a liquid C. Weight of an object D. Mass an object 13. Figure 3 shows a microscope.

Figure 1 Which is the correct eye position? A. B. C. D. K L M N

Figure 3 Which of the following are correctly matched 14. The basic unit of living things is___________ A. The cell

B. The nucleus C. The cell wall D. The cytoplasm 15. Plant cells have green colour substance known as_________ A. Chloroplast B. Chlorophyll C. Protoplasm D. Cell membrane 16. Which of the following shows the similarity between a Paramecium and cheeck cell? A. Contains a cell wall B. Has big vacoule C. Cannot move around D. Contains cell membrane

B. Euglena C. Mucor D. Hydra 19. A part of a cell is made up of cellulose. Which of the following is the function of that part of cell? A. Controlling activities of cell B. Maintaining the shape of the cell C. Making food D. Controlling the entry of substances into the cell 20. Figure 4 shows a plant cell.

Figure 4 Which of the following structures A,B,C, and D plays apart in the photosynthesis process. 17. Animal cells do not have a fixed shape because they do not have a _____________ A. Cell membrane B. Cytoplasm C. Cell wall D. Nucleus 18. Which of the following is a unicellular organism? A. Spigogyra

21. Figure 5 shows two organsms that can be found in pond water.

Figure 5 The both organism are examples of

A. B. C. D.

Multicellular plants Multicellular animals Unicellular plants Unicellular animals

C. II and III only D. I,II and III 25. The system which involves detection of stimulus in human body is the ________ A. B. C. D. Nervous system Muscular system Skeletal system Blood cicurlatory system

22. What is the function of a nucleus? A. Protects the cell B. Mantain the shape of the cell C. Control the movement of substances in and out of the cell D. Controls all the activities in the cell. 23. What is the similarity between a cheek cell and a onion cell? A. B. C. D. Both have vacoule Both have cell walls Both have chloroplasts Both have cell membranes

26. Which organism reproduces by budding? A. B. C. D.

24. Figure 6 shows an organism

X A B C D cells cells organs organs

Y organs systems cells systems

Z systems organs systems cells

27. The following shows the cell organisation in the human body. X tissues Y


What do X,Y and Z represent? Figure 6 Which of the following are the habitats where the organism can be found? I. Pond II. River III. Dry soil A. I and II only B. I and III only

28. The following shows the organisation of cell in organism.

Cell Organism

tissue System


What is the examples of M? A. B. C. D. Nose Ovum Sperm Frog A. B. C. D. I and II only I and III only II and III only I,II and III

29. Which of the following are reproductive cell?

30. Mankind is the most special of all beings. This is because mankind endowed with ____________ A. B. C. D. A brain A mind Senses feelings




[ 20 MARKS ] Answer all questions

figure 1 shows the apparatus set up used by student in his experiment.

Figure 1 a) Name the balance shown in Figure 1. _____________________________________________________________________


( 1 mark ) b) What is the used of the balance? _____________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark ) c) What is the reading of the balance? _____________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark ) d) Name the SI unit for weight. _____________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark ) e) Predict what will happen to the mass if the object of 3 kg is measured on moon. _____________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark ) 2 Figure 2 shows the method that is used to measure volume of a cork and a stone.

Figure 2 a) Name the method used to measure the volume of the objects. __________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark) b) i. Name the apparatus used in the experiment. __________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark)

ii. State the function of the apparatus named in (b) i. __________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark) c) Based on the Diagram 2, calculate the volume of the stone and the cork. i. Volume of the stone

( 1 mark) ii. Volume of the cork.

( 1 mark)

3. figure 3 shows a plant cell.

Figure 3 a) Name the structures P,Q and R P:___________________________________________________________________ Q:___________________________________________________________________ R:___________________________________________________________________


(3 marks) b) State the function of structures P,Q and R P:___________________________________________________________________ Q:___________________________________________________________________ R:___________________________________________________________________ (3 marks) c) Name two structure and its function that can be found in a plant cell but not in an animal cell 1. __________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________ (4 marks)


Prepared by : ______________________ (Salwa bt Abdullah) Science Teacher Checked by : ______________________ (Pn. Esah bt Manap) Head of Science and Mathematics Department

Checked by : ______________________ (Pn. Nurul Niza bt Sidik ) Ketua Panitia Sains Verified by : ______________________ (Pn. Hjh Nurul Azmi bt Zaini ) GPK 1 SMK Seremban 2

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