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[SAMPLE LESSON] September 28, 2013

Greetings And Polite Expressions

Hello !


Good morning! ()

Good afternoon!

[SAMPLE LESSON] September 28, 2013

Good Night!

Nice to meet you



[SAMPLE LESSON] September 28, 2013

Im sorry


Excuse me

Thank you!

[SAMPLE LESSON] September 28, 2013

Reading: The Eiffel Tower

The most famous and visited monument in Paris, the famed Tour Eiffel, was designed by Sauvestre, a talented architect, and engineering genius Gustave Eiffel. It was completed in 1889 for the World Fair, or Universal Expo. It is interesting to note that, before being accepted by the Parisiens for its modernity, the project was met with vitriolic criticism and even downright contempt by some of the city's top patrons. Much has changed and today the "Iron Lady" is a member of the family of monuments.
Word meaning: modernity- the quality of being modern vitriolic- very cruel and angry and intended to hurt someones feelings downright- to emphasize that something is completely bad contempt- feeling that something is not important Source: http://int.rendezvousenfrance.com/en/discover/eiffel-tower 4

The "Iron Lady" of Paris

[SAMPLE LESSON] September 28, 2013

The Cherry Blossom Trees

Japans National Flower

In much of Japan, the flowering cherry trees (which the Japanese call sakura) come into full bloom around the beginning of April. April is the month when the new school year starts for Japanese children; it's also the month when companies start their new business years and when many new graduates start to work. So the cherry blossoms make people think of new beginnings. When they are in bloom, people make special visits to parks and other spots with many cherry trees; often they have picnics under the branches with family and friends. Japan has more types of cherry trees than any other country, over 200 in all. The blossoms are pickled and used to make a hot drink served on special occasions, and the leaves are pickled and used as the wrapping for sweets. The sakura start blooming in the south at the end of March and work their way north to Hokkaido in May. This helps people plan their flower-viewing outings. Festivals are also held every year to mark the cherry blossom season in many famous viewing spots. Word meaning:
pickled- preserved with vinegar famous- known about many people Source: http://web-japan.org/kidsweb/explore/nature/q7.html 5

[SAMPLE LESSON] September 28, 2013


Punctuality means time-sense. To fulfill your assignments on time is punctuality. It is the ornament of a gentleman and a weapon in the hands of a boss. Those who are punctual are loved and liked by all. They finish their job in time and are able to give finishing touches needed for the job. They never miss golden chances and are always successful in life.
Word meaning:
ornament- to add honor , importance, or beauty to something finishing touches- a final detail or action completing and enhancing a piece of work.

Source: http://www.preservearticles.com/2012041930718/33-very-short-paragraphs-forkids.html

[SAMPLE LESSON] September 28, 2013

Value of Trees

Trees are very valuable. They give us shade for the rest. They give shelter to birds and animals. They give us wood to burn. They supply us many necessary things of everyday life. They take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and fill it with oxygen. They cause rains. They check soil erosion. They also check floods. In short the trees are the best friends of man.
Word meaning:
valuable- important necessary- needed in order for you to do something or have something erosion- the process of being gradually destroyed by rain, wind,etc.

Source: http://www.preservearticles.com/2012041930718/33-very-short-paragraphs-forkids.html

[SAMPLE LESSON] September 28, 2013

Davao City

Fruit Basket of the Philippines

Hailed as the Fruit Basket of the Philippines, Davao is one of the world's leading producers and exporters of banana, papaya, mangosteen, and even flowers. Davao's rich fertile volcanic soil makes it most suitable for sustained production of the freshest and tastiest tropical fruits in the Philippines. Since the fruits are locally produced, the prices are comparably much cheaper than anywhere in the country. Orchards, groves, and fruit plantations that extend to unimaginable horizons continually produce the freshest fruits that contribute more income to the city and entice the visitors with mouth-watering treats from Mother Earth. Of course, a trip to Davao would never be complete without tasting the Fruit of the Gods or the King of Fruits- the exotic Durian. Word meaning:
hailed- to describe somebody/something as being very good or special comparably- in a similar way or to a similar degree unimaginable- not possible to imagine entice- attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage

Source: http://www.davaotourism.com/home/thedavaolife/viewAll/0&subPage=davaoFacts

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