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Nihal Farhan Arnab Dash A.Vinod Kumar P.Upendra 1041110454 ECE- H(3RD YR)

1041110403 ECE- G(3RD YR)

1041110385 ECE- G(3RD YR)



ABSTRACT This research paper will analyze the emerging technological energy system known as the Smart Grid from the perspectives of business and the urban environment. Through researching and analyzing scholarly work of both academic and industry professionals, this paper shall explore the relationship between Smart Grid technologies and business, economic, environmental, governmental, community and educational sectors in order to address the question as to whether investing Smart Grid technologies is beneficial for Indian citizens. The inquisition and analysis of newer, smarter technologies is one that is complex, yet has global ties, and fuels the concept of investing in a sustainable future. Through the scopes of business, economic, environmental, government and community research, the question as to whether investing in new technologies is beneficial to Indian citizens on a fiscal and ethical level is fully analyzed. Introduction The impact of technology on society is one that has exceeded the dreams of those who have lived in decades past, and continues to marvel those who have grown up with such systems as the integral backbone of most every day functions. Within the realm of

societal development, the systematic processes of technology and industrial development have coincided and evolved on a steady scale. As time has progressed, it has become apparent that such resources are not guaranteed to last forever, especially when one considers the current environmental catastrophes humanity is certain to encounter. The basis of technology and technological functions can certainly be attributed to electricity and electrical production. Without this basic resource, it would be nearly impossible to create technological innovations, attributing greatly to the advancement of society. The current world and all its functions is a direct outcome of electrical innovations. Now more than ever, the preservation of electrical systems and the production of electricity is of great importance for the basic foundations of societal preservation. The need for economic growth has relied heavily on this resource, and continues to thrive on a system based off of electrical consumption and production. The idea of the Smart Grid consists of a collective database of systems and technologies, which aid in efficiently producing and delivering energy through a collection of networks. One cannot define the Smart Grid as being just one entity, but rather a collection of technologies, working together to mitigate the problems associated with traditional electric grid

systems. Production, delivery and storage are all various points to address when researching and testing new Smart Grid technologies. Understanding how these functions work on a plethora of levels creates an interconnected awareness of electric grid systems and how they influence a wide variety of sectors. How does the "Smart Grid" impact the Indian business sector The Indian business sector shares a collective goal to maintain and expand upon private and public corporations. The need to sustain such entities relies heavily on the notion of consumption; operating on the production needed to satisfy the demand. Within this concept lies the idea of producing and utilizing Smart Grid technologies. The question of exploring Smart Grid technologies in the Indian business market can be seen through the application of renewable energy systems. Not only are these systems a benefit to the business itself, but also influence the amount and quality of service delivered to the consumers. Through smart and efficient energy systems, businesses can not only save money for shareholders, but also reduce prices for consumers. Not only is it important to focus on growing trends among corporate entities, but also to look closely at the newest technological innovations and forecasted trends within the business environment. Because the foundations of economic prosperity are found within the companies who are engrained in the Indian market, it's important to understand the principles such companies choose to follow in regards to Smart Grid systems. Popular technological innovations the private sector utilizes to fully employ the concept of Smart Grid Working in conjunction with the corporate world, comes the idea of technological research and development. Technology development is a key component in the success of the Smart Grid, and continues to evolve. Traditional technological systems

are improved upon by strategic development and innovation. The creation of such a system transforms the way in which energy is produced, delivered and stored. Most importantly Smart Grid technology systems are designed with efficiency and sustainability in mind. The innovation behind the Smart Grid concept is the driving force behind all energy markets and an absolute vital component for the future of energy production. To ensure the success of the Smart Grid system, constant development must be established along with research into such technologies.

Forecasted business trends/technologies in relation to the Smart Grid concept While there are many examples of Smart Grid technology currently used in Indian markets, there is much research being done on forecasted and upcoming technologies. A large basis of the Smart Grid system focuses on the realm of technological research and innovation. Just as important as current systems, is the strategies and ideas currently being formed and tested for future use. An example of such processes can be seen through the proposal from researchers on a global scale. Understanding the proposed ideas of Smart Grid technologies gives one a deeper understanding and insight into the evolution of such technologies. Such research is absolutely vital for the Indian business sector in that the newest innovations in the market creates a new level of demand from consumers as well as strengthens the bond between the private and public realms. Like many Smart Grid technologies, the idea of designing super conducting coils is used to regulate disruptions in electric flow, thus saving valuable resource. According to research gathered by, Smart Grid power flow controlling can also be managed through systems such as flexible AC transmission systems, phase regulating transformers

and series capacitors. The research and understanding of Smart Grid technologies is one that is complex and intricate. The majority of technological development requires extensive research and testing to be able to implement such systems in the traditional grid system. A collective strategy among all new technologies is essentially to enhance the delivery and production of electricity, creating in itself the idea of Smart Grid systems. The Smart Grid is defined by these technologies and is compromised of many different facets and levels of technological innovation. Economy A large part of the execution and involvement of Smart Grid technologies in the Indian population is the economic transactions that take place as a result. Much of the development associated with renewable technologies relies on the notions of fiscal responsibility and economic productivity. Employing resources that benefit the Indian population is absolutely vital within any governmental legislation or business practices. Convincing the populous as a whole that investing in Smart Grid technologies is indeed a way to stimulate the current economy is often a challenge. However, the cooperation from the private realm paired with governmental institutions sets an example for the whole as to how they resources can be adequately deployed in a way that ensures positive economic growth. Wasteful investment is a concern in the realm of Smart Grid development and is often times the center of debate among critics. Understanding the processes associated with Smart Grid development is vital in the success and acceptance of the Smart Grid on an economic level. Environment One important factor to consider in regards to the Smart Grid is the impact on the natural environment. With increasing research and study, it is undeniable the

planet is experiencing a surge in climate change. As forecasts continue to project an increasingly dismal future for environmental and resource processes, scientists and innovators are under new pressures to create systems, which mitigate and aid ongoing natural processes. The philosophy of Smart Grid technologies operates on the idea of promoting sustainability and efficiency. Utilizing technology to aid in environmental issues is a key component within the sustainable realm. Such systems are employed to build up a foundation for future generations. The notion is no longer extraction, but renews the focus on generating resources. The physical health of the planet and those who inhabit it is at risk. Smart Grid technologies are used to help reduce the impacts that people feel, and more importantly is a step forward to ensure the planet will sustain itself for the demand projected for future generations. By analyzing and researching environmental processes, one can conclude the immediate impacts Smart Grid technologies has, as well as the future trends associated with renewable energy production. How does the Smart Grid system influence the natural environment The natural environment is by far the most important resource mankind relies on. Society is intricately built about the foundations of bountiful resource and operates on the belief these resources are endless. As climate change continues to take effect and resources are contributing to dwindle, the guarantee of endless possibilities is running out. Without the resource of the natural environment, there would be no way to sustain human life and societal development. Because these resources are facing an increasing demand and record climate change, the human population is required to adapt and respond to the increasing challenges the planet faces. Smart Grid technologies operate closely

with this understanding and the need to aid the natural environment. In order to influence the natural environment in a positive way, renewable energies operate on many systems and are tightly integrated within in small processes, which occur every day in the general public. Accessing "greener" technologies begins with understanding resource consumption. Because electrical vehicles have become so popular within the past decade, the need for electricity has increased as a result. Electricity generated by nonrenewable sources that pollute the environment with carbon emissions does little to reduce the problems society currently faces. Because the resource of electricity is projected to increase in demand as more technologies rely on it, clean generation is needed. All of these processes rely heavily on Smart Grid generation systems and storage. Without the use of Smart Grid technologies, the production of the energy needed will simply fail. Supporting systems, which rely heavily on extraction further damages the natural environment. The fiscal, environmental and health costs are far greater as the demand for electricity increases. Lasting environmental impacts of switching to a "Smart Grid" system While much focus is on what can Smart Grid technologies do for the common Indian consumer in the present, there is vast promise for the future on many levels. Researchers make it clear that one aspect of the Smart Grid alone will not provide sufficient results. Instead, forecasts are generated on a collective level, outlining the major components that would be projected to generate the highest results. Utilizing all these systems efficiently, it is projected 3 percent will be saved annual with a total of 90 million metric tons saved. A third mechanism is the Smart Grids ability to optimize voltage distribution to reduce losses and enduse consumption. Monitoring power surges and

delivering real time information to electric distribution centers is a way the Smart Grid utilizes technology to provide instant feedback. This feedback results in increased regulation, and provides information on problems commonly associated with high peak electrical delivery to further establish an increasingly efficient system. This mechanism is projected to reduce emissions by 2 percent annually with a savings of 59 million metric tons. Conclusion From looking at multiple studies and economic trends, one would make the assumption that electricity is a vital part in sustaining the human race. Because society has become so intricately wrapped in the operation of electric technologies, the basis of society and cultural progression relies on the resource of electricity. From this understanding, it's apparent that such a resource must be protected and given the opportunity to evolve as surely as the world does. Electricity is one of the most valuable assets on the planet, and it is in the best interest of the human population to continue investing in the extraction and production of such a vital resource. Understanding that traditional grid systems no longer support the demand of the population, Smart Grid technologies are vital for the growing demand of electricity. Continuing to implement out dated systems will not only cost more money to maintain, but will eventually become overloaded all together. "Today's electrical system is 99.97% reliable, yet still allows for power outages and interruptions that cost Indians at least $150 billion each yearabout $500 for every man, woman and child"(U.S. Department of Energy 9). No longer will production of the current electrical system be as efficient nor will the health and safety of citizens be guaranteed. Understanding that electrical production is a grave concern should be a priority for any citizen interested in the survival of future generations. The simple idea exists that as long as

society and industries continue to thrive and grow, so must the resources, which sustain them. As seen within the research presented, large corporations and government institutions are not necessarily the biggest catalyst behind Smart Grid technologies. While government policies such as the Energy Independence and Security Act are certainly a step forward in the promotion of more efficient electric production, the most influential sector responsible is the Indian public. Understanding how to shift the perspective on investing in new technologies begins on a community level with an emphasis in education, and utilization of community based electric grid technologies. An example of this is found through the exploration of "Microgrid" systems and the positive impact that producing enough energy to sustain smaller communities has on overall grid patterns and electrical conservation. Smart Grid initiatives, as seen in studies conducted by various national universities, play an intricate role in the lives of young professionals. From the research to the application, the shift in energy education is a fundamental component, which has changed greatly. From an urban planning perspective, a heavy emphasis on renewable energy technology and its use is stressed in the classroom. Students are expected to apply such technologies and concepts in the public realm, and understand the philosophy behind them. Smart Grid emphasized curriculum focuses on the importance of renewable energies and gives insight to the careers around these ideas. Renewable energies are not only seen as a means to mitigate growing climate problems, but are offering fast growing careers as well as continuing to provide jobs for citizens. A prime example would be the study of large-scale energy storage for power plants at the University of New York. Students and researchers work on the storage of unused energy and the development of high performance systems to dispense energy in large

volume power plants (Catell 3). Through this education, a new generation is created. The new realm of focus is on the idea that sustainable energy production and storage is a necessary part of society. Evolving trends morph from the idea of extracting nonrenewable resources, to creating resources and storing them for future use. One may argue the mindset has changed from "What can my planet give me " to "What can I give my planet " The problem of climate change is undeniable, and civilization is realizing that adapting to these changes is going to be an issue that impacts every person on the planet in the near future. While some do not feel the direct impacts of the problem yet, it is inevitable that these changes will impact the planet as a whole. With this in mind, Smart Grid technologies aim to sustain the resources that are left on the planet with the hope that it is indeed possible to produce enough resources to sustain the population for as long as possible. As the economic downturn continues to grip India, it's necessary to remember that during times of financial hardship, investing in industries which fuel not only the economy but also provide for basic human needs is one that gives nearly an immediate rate of return for citizens. Under the implementation of Smart Grid systems, it is quoted "U.S. generating plants can make up 16% more electricity than they expect to need even on the hottest summer day" (Levinson 2). Through the utilization of Smart Grid technologies, citizens now have the power to produce and even sell energy to larger corporations. While the initial investment does require a substantial amount of funding, it has been argued the profits associated with such technology surpass any initial cost. Understanding that electricity is a core foundation for the function of Indian society is one that is necessary to remember during challenging economic times. While many have made the decision to cut out excess resources from their lives, one of the few basic requirements for life and continued health is

electricity. It is unlikely a citizen would cut out electricity from their life as means to save money, given the dependence of this resource. The reality is, there is no sure way to function without the use of electricity in the modern world. Granted there is always the notion of reducing the use of consumption, which is an admirable feat to accomplish; however, acknowledging that electricity is just as vital as most any other basic resource is one that is commonly understood in developed societies. The amount of money and resource that is lost due to black outs and power outages has an immense impact on the economy. Not only does investing in smarter, more efficient technologies sustain the human population, it's much better for the health of the planet. Because climate change is such a dominant issue, people are reevaluating the ways in which they consume nonrenewable resources on the planet. Understanding that the planet is in danger from rising temperatures and increased pollution is the first step in mitigating this ongoing problem. Newer technologies are a key strategy in delaying or possibly solving the problems associated with climate change. While the change of the earths' climate is inevitable, there are many proven ways to delay this change and perhaps repair some of the damage that has been done. The planet contains all of our most valuable resources and it is impossible to extract such resources without technology. The next step in understanding this is to research and create technologies that will work for the human population, but most importantly for the planet. Smart Grid technologies operate under the basis of creating renewable energies and using minimal resource to accomplish this. Utilizing natural, bountiful resources such as wind and solar rays are ways to solve some of the problems with the traditional grid system. Investing in technologies, which utilize every available resource is absolutely vital for the protecting the planet, as well

as generating additional resource for the growing population. The planet is by far the most valuable asset human beings have. Understanding that the population will continue to increase, and resources will be stressed to meet that demand is a fact, which becomes a foundation for the Smart Grid philosophy. Whether mitigation occurs in the public realm or the private realm, the significance of such processes still exists. Perhaps the key in the investment of renewable technologies is to understand the importance of education. By making people aware that these resource problems do exist and are a growing threat against society, the acceptance of Smart Grid technologies may increase significantly. If there is an opportunity, backed up with knowledge to aid these projected forecasts, it is in the best interest for any society to embrace such processes. Through researching local processes of the Smart Grid system, the conclusion of such research is incredibly evident. It's safe to predict that traditional grid systems will falter, likely in the near future. Understanding that this forecast is heavily researched and widely believed on a scientific basis, it is extremely important to look for energy alternatives to sustain the planet. The benefits of investing in such technologies far outweigh the risk of fiscal challenges. Smart Grid technologies make sense on an economic level, but most importantly make sense on a collective social level. Bibliography Ahn, M., & Ko, T. (2011). Proof-of-Concept of a Smart Fault Current Controller With a Superconducting Coil for the Smart Grid. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 21(3), 2201-2204. doi:10.1109/TASC.2010.2091386 Ames, M. (2010). ASHRAE Connecting NZEB, Smart Grid. ASHRAE Journal, 52(12), 144-145

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