Performance Appraisal

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Running head: PERFORMANCE

Performance Appraisal Margie Fowler BUS 303 Human Resources Management Kevin Righter September 14, 2013

Running head: PERFORMANCE

An organization has many ways to rate an employees performance. Through out the world performance appraisals are being used more in different organizations. Performance appraisals are periodic examinations of employee performance to ascertain how well the employee is performing relative to what is expected. (McConnell, 2007) The University of California Davis staff is currently using the performance appraisal in an essay form. Using this method the manager describes whatever method is necessary for the performance appraisal to be completed unbiased. Then the employer discusses the contents of the evaluation with the employee and provides a copy to the employee and one is placed in the employees personnel file. Performance appraisals, not matter which ones are used, are used to facilitate improvement in employee performance, provide formal, official feedback to employees concerning performance, provide information for decisions concerning compensation and other personnel transactions for example promotions and transfers to other departments or facilities (McConnell, 2007). Advantages and Disadvantages There are advantages and disadvantages with different types of performance appraisals. The use of this form allows the employer the information as they wish to us the advantage of knowing about the employee. It will also allow the employee the change to provide the employer with their side of the review in dept. This allows the employer the chance to complete a view of how their supervisors and management staff view of them and the performance appraisal would need to be signed by upper management at the end of the review.

Running head: PERFORMANCE

The real meaning of a numerical scale is for the employer not really the employee and as an employee it tends to let the use of favoritism show up in the work place. The use of an essay for of being evaluated gives the employee time to explain their self allow with any situation that may have risen during the review period. As this also give the employee the same opportunity to explain to the employee things that could have came up during this period too. This also tends to give the employee a view of what management thinks of their performance overall and a change for the employee to be motivated by their performance review. As the employee will step up their performance in the work place to either maintain their position or look for advancement with this company. The use of providing the information to upper management lets the company know who they can look to for future advancement and good work skills. On the negative side of this issue it also allows management to see who is not completing their job and the way they should handle write ups and even dismissals. One other disadvantage of this essay type appraisal is that it tends to leave the management only remember what has happen recently not looking at the past to get an overall picture of a persons work ethics. To keep this from happen managers should have regular discussions with their employees letting them know what is going on and what they are seeing in their work procedures and what they can work on to improve.

Running head: PERFORMANCE Impact on Employees

A carefully designed and administered performance appraisal system, which stresses the coaching aspect of evaluations, will improve performance more rapidly and represents one of the keys to increase the audit staff's productivity (Schweiger, I., & Sumners, G. E. (1994).). When a performance appraisal is done correctly this a very powerful tool for any company as with performance appraisals the employee knows where they stand in the company and what goals have been set for them to complete. As these appraisals let employee know what they need to do to advance with the company and how the employee should prepare for a bigger responsibility. With the notification the employee know early enough to know what to do to change with work habits to make sure they can continue their job with the company. This is one way that the employer can let the employee know that they really care that they are their and completing the jobs that they are assigned to do as an employee. Departmental Performance The use of performance appraisals can have a positive effect on the department that uses them in a correct way. It tends to show that the staff is properly trained and that their ratings are done on an unbiased or unfair way. The human inclination to judge can create serious motivational, ethical and legal problems in the workplace. Without a structured appraisal system, there is little chance of ensuring that the judgments made will be lawful, fair, defensible and accurate. (Archer North, 2006) The use of the method leave no questions that in order for this type of performance appraisal to work there is going to have to be serious training taken place by the management to avoid any issue in the future.

Running head: PERFORMANCE

Conclusion Although performance appraisals are used in different workforce, they have made a valuable difference in the work output of the general workforce. The performance appraisal is important to staff and departmental development, and allows the executive level to know how their employees feel about their current position and managers gauge when to promote or demote employees. Performance appraisals also give the manager the chance to explain any expectations that they have set forth for the employee. The essay form that was in use for this report offers a fair chance for the manager to express their opinion of the employee and for the employee to argue why they are an integral part of the organization and deserves that raise. When bias and judgmental opinions are left out it provides the type of constructive criticism that is needed for any employee to move up within the organization. We know that it has it disadvantages, however, the advantages outweigh them, and the performance appraisals do have a positive impact on its employees and on the department.

Running head: PERFORMANCE

References Archer North. (2006). Performance Appraisal. Retrieved 09 08, 2008, from Introduction to Performance Appraisal:

Schweiger, I., & Sumners, G. E. (1994). Optimizing the Value of Performance Appraisals. Managerial Auditing Journal, 9(8), 3. doi:10.1108/02686909410071124.

McConnell, C. R. (2007). The Healthcare managers human resource handbook. Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett

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