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Name: Experience: Current Mission:

Class: Level:



Item 1

Item 2

Item 3











Alchemy Alertness Athletics Diplomacy Disable device (thief only) Intimidate Larceny (thief only) Lore (Animals) Lore (Arcane) Lore (Devine) Lore (Humanoids) Lore (Monsters) Profession ___________ Search Sense motive Spot (thief only) Stealth ABILITIES:


Defining stats: (4 points to allocate at
level 1. 1 each following level) to the time it takes to make the result. A recipe will half that time (round up) and may add to the Alchemy roll.

-Health (HP) 5 -Alertness passive, alertness works by -Close combat Attack (ATK) 0 -Ranged attack (RNG) 0 -Power (POW) 0 Passive Defining stats: (cannot be
advanced, equipment or magic must be used) alerting you to dangers IF said danger makes an offensive action. Such as an opponent moving closer or someone trying to steal your purse.

-Athletics is used to climb, jump, swim

and other athletic proves. Is combined with ATK to make strength checks.

-Defense (DEF) 4 (4 is for humans and other medium sized creatures) -Aura (AURA) 4 (4 is for most non magical beings) Skills: 8 points at level 1. 2 points each
level after that. Players must also choose a main skill at level 1. When using that skill, they add their level to the skill check Players must place no more than 3+level in any one skill Base.

-Diplomacy used to convince others of

your opinion or ideas. In some cases other skills may be added to the roll. Opposed by a Sense motive roll.

-Disable device (only thief classes)

Used to open locks and disable traps and the like.

-Intimidate used to scare another into

letting you have your will. In some cases ATT or POW may be added to this roll. Opposed by a Sense motive roll.

-Larceny(only thief classes) used to

take things out of others possession, without being noted, a Stealth roll might be required alongside it.

-Alchemy can be used to mix ingredients

and in some cases gain a potion or paste of said mixing. Alchemy is a prolonged Full round action, requiring at least 2 ingredients and a way of mixing them. Each ingredient adds 1 full round action

-Lore (Animals) Any successful lore

check can reveal one statistic information on a fitting target.

-Lore (Arcane) Any successful lore check

can reveal one statistic information on a fitting target.

items or other hidden things. Light and other conditions might affect the outcome.

-Lore (Devine) Any successful lore check

can reveal one statistic information on a fitting target.

-Sense motive. Opposite of Diplomacy

and Intimidate, used to see through lies or to keep once cool when threatened. In some cases ATT, POW or other skills may be added to the roll.

-Lore (Humanoids) Any successful lore

check can reveal one statistic information on a fitting target.

-Spot (only thief classes) Passive, as

Search but automatic, Spot can alert a character to traps, hidden items or other hidden things. Light and other conditions might affect the outcome.

-Lore (Monsters) Any successful lore

check can reveal one statistic information on a fitting target.

-Profession (describe) Professions can

be used in many cases. Giving lesser bonuses to other skills or work as a standalone skill in fitting situations.

-Stealth opposite of Search and Spot,

used to hide oneself or once actions and items. Light and other conditions might affect the outcome.

-Search allows a character to search a

room or smaller area for traps, hidden

Actions: There are 5 different types of actions: -Full round action: full round actions -Free actions: things that does not
hinder you in any way, such as speaking and dropping a held item. Each round a character can perform any reasonable amount of free actions. are special cases, such as rituals many full round actions are prolonged over multiple turns, no other action can be performed in a round where a full round action is used, including free actions. be traded in for a extra move or minor action.

-Move actions: moving between rooms,

In combat characters can move the between 2 rooms using 1 move action. Out of combat a move action is only used when opening a door, climbing up or down a ladder or the like. (combat is whenever someone is in a hostile situation, no matter the distance between the players) performing a move action after an attack provokes an attack of opportunity. Each round, a character can perform up to 2 move actions before a Major action, or 1 after. Move actions and Minor actions share time.

Attacking: -Roll 1d6 + 1d(ATK or RNG) -add/remove any relevant modifiers (such as -2 for wielding 2 light weapons, or -3 for wielding a light and medium weapon) compare to opponent DEF, if its above, you hit. -Roll damage according to the used weapon, Lower by damage reduction if any. Remove this number from target HP. Casting spells or using spells from scrolls: -Roll 1d6 + 1d(POW) -add/remove any relevant modifiers, such as those from amulets or armor. -Compare this number with the spells difficulty. If the roll result is higher

-Minor actions: drinking potions,

changing weapon, loading a cross bow. Such tasks are considere.d Each round, a character can perform up to 2 minor actions before a Major action, or 1 after. Move actions and Minor actions share time.

-Major actions: attacking, casting spells

from scrolls and looting corpses are all major actions; only 1 major action can be performed per round. A major action can

than the difficulty, the spell is a success. Some spells uses stats from the target, often their AURA as difficulty. Using skills: -Roll 1d6+1d(Skill) -add/remove any relevant modifiers, such as armor penalty or blessings. -compare to a preset DC. Result on success varies for each skill.

-Attacking with 2 light weapons at a time gives a -2 to ATK with each weapon.. -Attacking with a medium and a light weapon gives .-3 to ATK with each weapon. -You cannot wield 2 medium weapons at a time. -You cannot perform a ranged attack the same round as a close combat attack, not even when dual wielding 2 small weapons. -when combat is over, initiative is rolled for loot dips, only one item (or group of items in the case of gold) can be taken per minor action.

Limitations: -Only one defensive or passive magic item can be worn at a time.

To create a Character!
To create a character, first add the abilities and bonuses all classes gets. (see next chapter, Classes) Then choose a class type: Warrior, Thief or Caster, and add all the abilities and bonuses that class type gains, and last, chose a subclass and add its abilities and bonuses. After that, divide 4 points among your Main Stats. As described above. And then divide 8 points among your skill points (Max 3+lvl) As described above.

Sample: Add and select common abilities: - Regain vitality 1/day: out of combat the character regain 1d4 health. Major action. - Skilled: The character receives 3 more skill points at the level this skill is gained and 1 more each level after that. Then add the class type, its abilities and bonuses: Warrior: +2 Health each level. Warrior classes may exchange ATK for Damage. Warrior classes penalty for using 2 weapons or two-handed weapons is -1 - Die hearth: When the character has less than 5 health his DEF and ATK raises by 1. Passive ability. Then add the subclass type, its abilities and bonuses: Fighter: +2 ATK. +1 RNG. +2 Health. Fighters may reroll damage 1 per day /level

And last, divide the 4 main stat points and 8 skill points (+any gained from abilities)

Players start at level 1. to go up a level a character need to pay total XP equal to 5 + 5*Current level. All player characters gain: - Regain vitality 1/day: out of combat the character regain 3+Lvl health. Major action. At level 1, 2, 4 and 7 and 10 , all classes much chose an ability from the list below or improve on an ability they already got(including Regain vitality). - Capable: The character gains +1 to any one Defining stat, can be taken multiple times.
Each time giving 1 new point to a Defining stat.

- Cross class ability: Grants the character one ability that another Class group could have
taken. May only be taken at level 1, 4 and 10

- Skilled: The character receives 3 more skill points at the level this skill is gained and 1
more each level after that.

- Tough: The player gains +1 Health each level.

Need more abilities that will first be available on level 2, 4, 7 and 10.

Warrior Classes:
Warrior classes includes The barbarian, the fighter and the Holy warrior. All warriors gain: +2 Health each level. Warrior classes may exchange ATK for Damage. (ATK exchanged for damage will become a new die. So if you trade 3 ATK you get +1d3 damage. Can only be done in attacks that uses ATK to hit) Warrior classes penalty for using 2 weapons or two-handed weapons is -1 At level 1, 3, 6 and 10 , all warriors much chose an ability from the list below or improve on an ability they already got(only level 1 is described): - Battle health: once per day, regain 2d4 health. Free action. - Die hearth: When the character has less than 5 health his DEF and ATK raises by 1.
Passive ability.

-Thick skin: When the character has less than 5 health, he gain Damage reduction 1.
Passive ability.

Need more abilities that will first be available on level 3, 6 and 10.

Barbarian: + 2 ATK. + 4 Health.

Barbarians can dual wield medium weapons. -2 to attack with each weapon.

Fighter: +2 ATK. +1 RNG. +2 Health. Fighters may reroll damage 1 per day /level

Holy Warrior: +2 ATK, +2 Health +2 lore(devine) Holy warriors can channel healing energies, healing living creatures up to 4 + 2/Level per day as a minor action (This healing may be divided over as many times and targets as the warrior wants)

Thief Classes:
Thieve classes includes The Burglar, the Hunter and the Scout. All Thieves gains access to the skills: Disable device, Larceny and spot. Thieves gains +1 skill point each level. At level 1, 3, 6 and 10 , all thieves much chose an ability from the list below or improve on an ability they already got(only level 1 is described): - Aimed Strike: 1/day the character may add POW to their ranged damage. - Back stab: once per day: deal 1d6 extra damage on an attack in close combat. Free

- Ghost: allows the character to try and use stealth after an attack, to avoid the auto
detection normally comes with attacking.

Need more abilities that will first be available on level 3, 6 and 10.

Burglar: +2 ATK.. +2 Stealth . +2 Spot.

Burglars who dual wield light weapons can throw one weapon (RNG) while stabbing with another (ATT) as a full round action, effectively making two attacks on two targets.

Hunter: +2 RNG + 2 Spot + 2 Search Hunters may exchange RNG for damage (RNG exchanged for damage will become a new die. So if you trade 3 RNG you get +1d3 damage. Can only be done in attacks that uses RNG to hit)

Scout: +1 ATK +1RNG, +2 Spot +2 Search

Scouts may use Sense danger 1/Day, this ability reveals the number of enemies behind a barricade, door, wall or the like. This is a major action.

Caster classes:
Caster classes includes The Cleric, the War mage and the Wizard All Casters gains the following ability: Mage touch: deals 1 damage/level, ignoring all resistance, damage reduction and armor. Full round action. If a caster have a scroll, he can pay a number of XP equal to Spell level * Spell level. In doing so, the caster will learn the spell, and do no longer need a scroll to cast the spell. At level 1, 3, 6 and 10 , all casters much chose an ability from the list below or improve on an ability they already got(only level 1 is described): - Arcane shield: Add 2 to targets DEF for the current round, full round action. DC 5. - Fire spell: deal 1d2 damage on up to 1d4 targets. Major action. DC 4+1 per target. - Ice magic: slows down up to 1 target/Level, the targets can only take one major action or
a move action the current round. DC = target AURA+1 per target.

Need more abilities that will first be available on level 3, 6 and 10.

Cleric: +1 ATK. +1 POW,

+2 HEALTH +2 lore (Devine) Clerics can channel positive energy. Either healing living targets or hurting undead targets an amount = POW, but not above the Cleric level. no saving throws or damage reduction. This is a minor action. Once after each encounter, a cleric can heal Level + POW amount of health points, divided as he sees fit. This is a major action. Clerics may add their level Lore(Devine) rolls.

War mage: +2 POW +2 Health +2 Knowlede(Arcane) War mages may trade POW for damage when casting spells, in the case of multiple targets, the extra damage only applies once. (POW exchanged for damage will become a new die. So if you trade 3 POW you get +1d3 damage. Can only be done in spells that uses POW to overcome a DC)

Wizard: +2 POW + 2 Lore(Arcane) +2 Profession(Chose 1) Wizards may add their level to any Lore roll with exception of Lore(Devine).

Players starts with 150 Gold coins worth of equipment: Currency Gold Coins (GC) are the standard currency in which all prices are listed. Gold coins are worth 10 silver coins. Armor Helmet Padded cloth Leather armor Chain mail Light plate Weapons Weapon 10 Arrows Axe Bow Dagger Double Axe Falchion Knife Spear Sword, Long Sword, Short Sword Two handed
Price (GC) Price (GC)

+ 1 to intimidation +1 DEF

10 25 50 120 250

+2 DEF -1 POW +3 DEF - 1 RNG, POW and Athletics +4 DEF +1 Damage reduction -1 RNG and ATK -2 POW and Athletics +6 DEF +2 Damage reduction -2 ATK -3 RNG -5 POW and Athletics +1 DEF * Requires 1 hand. +1 DEF +1 Damage reduction -1 RNG and ATK -2 POW and * Requires 1 hand. +2 DEF +1 Damage reduction -2 RNG and ATK -2 POW and * Requires 1 hand.

Arrows for bows Medium weapon 1d5+1 Damage Ranged weapon 1d6 Damage medium range Small weapon 1d2+1 Damage Short range Large weapon 2d4 Damage *-2 ATK Large weapon 1d6 damage *2d6 Damage on a 6. Small weapon 1d3 Damage short range Large weapon 1d5 Damage Short range Medium weapon 1d6+2 Damage Medium weapon 1d6 Damage Large weapon 2d3+2 Damage *-1 ATK *needs 2 hands.

1 15 70 5 40 40 3 5 25 15 40

Heavy plate


Small Shield Medium shield Heavy shield

40 80


Gear: and price (GC) Adventurers kit 20 Backpack 12 Cask of beer 25 Donkey or mule 40 Lantern 20 Lockpick 15 Pole (3m) 2 Rations (1 day) 2

*All armor bonus to DEF is at the same time a penalty to stealth.

Rope (per meter) 1 Torch 4 Adventurers Kit Contains flint and tinder, water flask, sack and a blanket. Scrolls Scrolls are divided into levels. Each level of scrolls have a given average value. Spell casters can learn spells. By paying a number of XP equal to Spell level * Spell level. The caster must be of equal or higher level than the spell.

current round. Major action DC = target AURA+1 per target.

-Identify: gives insight into the

properties of magical objects. DC varies. -Orb of light: Creates a small glowing orb that illuminates its surroundings and follows the mage around. Last 1 day or till dispelled. Full round action, Lowers POW by 1 as long as active.

-Sense magic: Detects the presence of

magic. Minor action. DC individual.

Level 1 Scrolls. Cost 30 Gold Coins. - Arcane shield: Add 2 to targets DEF for
the current round, full round action. DC 5.

-Devine healing: Heals 1d3+1d(Lore

Devine) from a target, minor action, DC 7.

- Fire spell: deal 1d2 damage on up to

1d4 targets. Major action. DC 4+1 per target.

-Healing hands: Heals 1d6 Damage

from a target. Major action, DC 5.

- Ice magic: slows down up to 1

target/Level, the targets can only take one major action or a move action the

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