Dear Fellow Alumni

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An Open Letter to MIT Alumni C. Y. Lo c_y_lo@yahoo.

com Dear Fellow Alumni: I appeal to MITs 127,000 alumni to support a new endeavor a basic research on the unification of gravitation and electromagnetism, a dream that Einstein first envisioned more than a hundred years ago. I believe MIT should grasp the new opportunity of research and lead the science world to an area of new physics. However, the MIT Physics Department failed to act promptly even at the urge of President Reif to study the new physics. After Prof. P. Morrison passed away, the knowledge on gravitation of this department is out-dated and under the influence of wrong theories advocated by the Wheeler School as shown by the open courses phys 8.033 and phys 8.962. Although Einstein failed to prove unification and many theorists considered it as not true, I was lucky enough to show that this unification is true. This is so, because a new chargemass interaction has been found after the rectification, and is verified experimentally. This rectification is based on 23 years of investigation of Prof. P. Morrison and me. This conclusion takes a very unusual path. First, it was discovered that the Einstein equation does not have a bounded dynamic solution, just as Gullstrand, the Chairman (1922-1929) of the Nobel Committee for Physics suspected. His criticism turns out to be very constructive because subsequently a number of errors and bias in physics were found. For instance, in contrast of the claim of Hawking and Penrose, general relativity is actually applicable in the micro-world. The so-called positive mass theorem of Yau is proven to be incorrect and misleading although it was a reason that Yau got his Fields Medal in 1982. Moreover, the increase of energy does not necessarily lead to the increment of attractiveness. This is experimentally proved because a piece heated up metal would decrease its weight, instead of increasing. Thus, there are plenty of opportunities for new experimental physics. Needless to say the unification of gravitation and electromagnetism requires and leads to new research on fundamental problems in physics. However, the MIT Physics Department, being outdated on gravitation, was unable to see the significance of the new developments. Therefore, it is necessary to help them to update their knowledge such that their attitude would change, and thus MIT can be number one in this new endeavor in physics. As MIT President Reif states: If a society gives up on basic research, it is giving up on its future. So it will be my job and our shared responsibility to argue forcefully, effectively and publicly for retaining robust investment in fundamental research, and to remind ourselves, and our nation, of its importance and value. I understand that people would believe what they are familiar with because they did not see the errors there. Especially, if their heroes and known authorities are also wrong, they would act against the claims without thinking thoroughly. In general relativity, there are subtle errors, and it takes an outstanding physicist-mathematician such a Gullstrand to identify such problems. People usually regard unfamiliar ideas as radical and open mindedness is a rare commodity. Please note also that my work also has the contribution

of Prof. P. Morrison. For such a situation, it is best to have an open debate. I, therefore, propose for the advancement of sciences that MIT should hold a well-published open debate, perhaps in form of a conference to discuss the problems of unification between gravitation and electromagnetism and related issues. Concurrently, it is also the time to resolve the errors of the Wheeler School and the errors of Prof. Yau that form the obstacles for progress. I am sure that such a conference would be fruitful because most of such errors can be resolved with mathematics at the undergraduate level. For instance, Misner, Thorne & Wheeler claimed that their equation (35.31) in the book Gravitation has a bounded wave solution. However, one can show this is not true with mathematics at the undergraduate level. Similar issues were not resolved because the Wheeler School stonewalls them. Also, there are explicit examples that show Yaus conclusion of his positive mass theorem is misleading in physics. Since the errors are resulted from invalid mathematics, the conclusion should be clear cut. Moreover, I recall that in 2007 MIT had planned a meeting on gravitation with the Chinese in Beijing. However, such a meeting was postponed indefinitely because of some issues were not yet clear. In view of the present situation, it would be meaningful to continue such a meeting with the Chinese in the form of a joint conference. I humbly ask your support for such an important conference in science and MIT. If you have comments and suggestions, please email me at Thank you very much for your kind attention. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, Chung-Yin Lo D. Sc. 77 Judith M. Cole Executive vice president Chief executive officer MIT Alumni Association Dear President Cole: How are you? As you know that I am very concern with whether MIT would take up to work on the new physics, an opportunity that opens once in a hundred years. I would like to send an open letter to MIT Alumni to assist the call of President Reif on basic research. The letter is attached herewith. I shall appreciate very much if you would assist me to forward it to the MIT Alumni. Thank you in anticipation for your kind assistance. Sincerely yours, C. Y. Lo

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