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MBANews Capsule

Vol.- 1 No.- 4

September 2013

A Newsletter Of Department Of Commerce And Business Administration , Bhagalpur. T.M. Bhagalpur University (NAAC Accredited).
Our Vice Chancellor

I wish all the student of MBA bright & successful future and would like to advise them to set a benchmark, as a professional wherever they go .Making positive and progressive difference only can keep them ahead and through innovative ideas and approaches only they can take edge over their competitors. My dear students MBA is not only a certification but it is a transformation of a person from an individual to professional it is a training which add value to your personality and knowledge so this is an opportunity for you to take advantage of this, tighten your belt and pull up your socks to excel in your profession.
(Honble Vice Chancellor TMBU) Directors Message

I am immensely pleased to congratulate all the students of II and IV semesters on their success in their respective exam of I and II semester list of few top positioned students is given in this newsletter. I am proud to declare that MBA as team is constantly growing up and , within a very short span of time we have conducted numerous activities leading to nurturing of the students as competitive professionals during these years, department has attained the unique milestones and putting its endeavor for setting a benchmark in this territory on the cultural front, the department witnessed mixed feelings on the farewell party 'Subhvida', organized to bid good bye to the passing out batches of the session 2011-2013. To complement it further a good number of our eligible students has been placed in various leading companies in the Corporate Sector during the campus recruitments. Besides many things are in pipe line like Alumni Reunion Commission very soon WILL come in existence. I am extremely glad to announce that intra collegiate management fest 'Explosion' is going to be held in the month of August in campus. The achievements and events recorded here are only the tip of the iceberg an unseen power behind this growing institution. Dr. Pawan Kr. Poddar
(Director Of MBA Department)

From Faculty

There's no shortage of leadership quotes from well-known people. Not surprisingly, most of the quotes center on the obvious role of leadership, the ability to lead, the act of standing apart from the rest and convincing the masses to follow. But there's one quote that stands out in my mind: "The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers." The quote is from Ralph Nader. There's no denying that the quote is spot on. What good is great leadership, after all, if it can't create more leaders? Once the best leaders have moved on, who wants to be left with a bunch of followers trying to figure out just what it is they're supposed to do next? Leadership is not about dictating, it's about empowering others so that they recognize their ability to take action. That's what leaders do; and that's how leaders build leaders. New session is about to begin, a big task is in hands but who can create better leaders than us, I believe none!

Premjeet Shekhar
(Faculty Of MBA TMBU)

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