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Faculty of Life and Earth Science


Syllabus for the M. Sc. Final Examination, 2009

Session 2008-2009
There shall be three Groups in the M. Sc. Final Examination in Zoology. The Department offers M. Sc. in six
special branches, viz. Crop Protection & Toxicology, Ecology, Entomology & Insect Biotechnology, Fisheries,
Genetics & Molecular Biology, and Sericulture & Seribiotechnology. Group A and Group B constitute the
General (non-thesis) Groups while Group C comprises the Thesis Group. A student may choose any one of the
Groups subject to the approval of the Academic Committee of the Department. Both non-thesis students (Groups
A and B) and thesis students (Group C) shall choose courses from any one of the following special branches:
Special Branches for Group A Special Branches for Group B
Ecology Crop Protection & Toxicology
Fisheries Entomology & Insect Biotechnology
Genetics & Molecular Biology Sericulture & Seribiotechnology
There shall be of 800 marks for each Group. Each theoretical course shall be of 100 marks and the examination
shall be of 4 hours duration. For Groups A and B each, there shall be a Practical Examination of 150 marks (6
hours x 4 days = 24 hours duration) at the end of the academic year and a Research Project of 50 marks. There
shall be another 100 marks for viva-voce (50 marks), tutorial (25 marks) and class records and collections (25
marks). For Group C, in lieu of Practical Examination and Research Project, 200 marks will be allotted for a
dissertation (thesis by research) and 100 marks for: (i) viva-voce (50 marks), (ii) tutorial (25 marks), (iii)
laboratory/field preparations and collections (10 marks), and (iv) seminar presentation on dissertation (15 marks).
Groups A & C
Courses Course titles
Zool. M. 611 : Ecological Concept
Zool. M. 612 : Ecological Energetics & Ecosystem Ecology
Zool. M. 613 : Environmental Biology
Zool. M. 614 : Population Ecology & Vermitechnology
Zool. M. 615 : Conservation Biology in a Changing Climate
Zool. M. 616 : Ecology Practical (Group A only)

Zool. M. 621 : Fisheries Biology, Fish Genetics & Biological Limnology

Zool. M. 622 : Capture Fisheries, Culture Fisheries & Fisheries Management
Zool. M. 623 : Fish Pathology, Immunology, Fish Parasitology
Zool. M. 624 : Fisheries Technology & Hatchery Management
Zool. M. 625 : Fisheries Extension, Economics & Socio-Economics
Zool. M. 626 : Fisheries Practical (Group A only)

Zool. M. 631 : Chromosomal & Extra-chromosomal Inheritance

Zool. M. 632 : Quantitative, Population and Human Genetics & Animal
Zool. M. 633 : Nucleic acids & Regulation of gene expression
Zool. M. 634 : Immunogenetics & Genetic Engineering
Zool. M. 635 : Microbial Genetics & Applications of Biotechnology
Zool. M. 636 : Genetics & Molecular Biology Practical (Group A only)
Groups B & C
Zool. M. 651 : Insect Pest Biology
Zool. M. 652 : Pest Biology & Weeds
Zool. M. 653 : Pest & Weed Control
Zool. M. 654 : Crop Loss & Toxicology
Zool. M. 655 : Pest Sampling, Crop-pest Interactions & Pest Ecology
Zool. M. 656 : Crop Protection & Toxicology Practical (Group-B only)

Zool. M. 661 : Insect morphology & Taxonomy

Zool. M. 662 : Insect anatomy, Physiology, Embryology & Ecology
Zool. M. 663 : Medical & Veterinary Entomology
Zool. M. 664 : Pest Biology & Management
Zool. M. 665 : Insect Biotechnology
Zool. M. 666 : Entomology & Insect Biotechnology Practical (Group B only)

Zool. M. 671 : Food plants of Silkworm

Zool. M. 672 : Silkworm Biology
Zool. M. 673 : Silkworm rearing & Diseases
Zool. M. 674 : Silkworm Genetics & Breeding
Zool. M. 675 : Silkworm Biotechnology
Zool. M. 676 : Sericulture & Seribiotechnology Practical (Group B only)

Zool. M. RP. 691 : Research Project (Groups A and B)

Zool. M. V-A&B. 692 : Viva-voce (Groups A and B)
Zool. M. V-C. 693 : Viva-voce (Group C only)
Zool. M. Thesis. 699 : Thesis by research (Group C only)
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Special Branch: Ecology

Courses for Groups A & C
Course: Zool. M. 611
Ecological Concept
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
History and scope of ecology: Definitions and preview, historical development of ecology; great personalities and
their contributions for the development of ecology; relation to other sciences and human civilization; subdivisions
of ecology, modern trends in ecology.
Ecology of human population: Demography, history of human population growth (primitive man, industrial man),
factors regulating human population.
Influence of weather on the organisms: Temperature, moisture, photoperiod.
Population dynamics: Definition and concepts; significance of population study; important theories in population
ecology; intrinsic rate of natural increase of population; concepts and significance of models in population study
with examples; classification and mechanism of outbreaks.
Ecological tools and techniques: Theoretical concepts of animal population sampling; estimation of number of
animals, mapping of study area.
Influence of biotic factors on the organisms: Predators, parasitoids and pathogens.

Course: Zool. M. 612

Ecological Energetics & Ecosystem Ecology
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Ecological energetics: Concept of ecosystem; energy flow in ecosystem; laws governing energy flow in the
ecosystem, concept of productivity and measuring method.
Trophic levels: Concept; autotrophs, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores; food chains, food webs and pyramids of
number and pyramid of biomass.
Habitats and niche: Definitions and concepts; Gause’s competitive exclusion principle; species coexistence;
fundamental and raised niches.
Fresh water ecology: Limiting factor in fresh water environment; ecological classification of fresh water
organisms; zonation of fresh water habitat; adaptation of lotic animals, classification of lakes.
Marine ecology: Importance of marine habitat; zonation of sea, communities of the continental shelf region,
communities of the oceanic region.
Estuarine ecology: Definition and types, biota and productivity; food production potential.
Terrestrial ecology: The terrestrial biota; general structure of terrestrial communities; distribution of major
terrestrial communities - the biomes.

Course: Zool. M. 613

Environmental Biology
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Microbial ecology: Viable counts, biomass measurement and microscopy; the question of recognition and
performance; importance of microorganisms in environment.
Radiation biology: Basic concept, kinds of radiations and their properties; source of radiation; units and
measurements of radiation; radio-isotopes and their use in biological and agricultural researches; use of radiation;
comparative radio sensitivity; radiation effects at ecosystem level; contamination of radio-isotopes, waste
management, fall out problem and fate of radio-nucleotides in the environment.
Pollution: The cost of pollution; the kind of pollution; the phases of waste treatment; the strategy of waste
management and control; monitoring pollution.
Environmental health: Principles and methods of epidemiology; detection of outbreaks; environmental
mutagenesis and carcinogenesis.
Ecology of space travel: Types of space support system in long space flight; physiological effects of space flight.
Ecology and man: International biological programme (IBP), man and biosphere programme (MAB), IUCN.

Course: Zool. M. 614

Pest Ecology & Vermitechnology
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Pest concept: Definition, salient features of different groups of pests; ecology and pest control; agro-ecosystems
affect pest population.
Pest economics: Pest damage – direct and indirect effects; economics of pest attack and control; forecasting of pest
Ecology of cereal pests: Important pests of rice and wheat and their bio-ecology; pest damage and their control.
Ecology of vegetable pest: Important pests of eggplant, tomato and bean and their bioecology with special
emphasis on aphids, mites and borers.
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Stored product pest ecology: Important stored pests of rice, wheat and cereals; life history, damage and control
of stored product pest.
Integrated pest management (IPM): Definition; problems and hazards of chemical control; advantages of IPM
over chemical control; importance of biological control and its role in friendly environment.
Organic farming and sustainable management: Vermicomposting and vermiculture; use of vermicomposting in
agriculture; management of biological resources.

Course: Zool. M. 615

Conservation Biology in a Changing Climate
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Climate change and the environment: Global warming and evidences of climate change; causes of climate
change; impacts of climate change on ecosystem and conservation.
Introduction to conservation: Concepts, definition and history of conservation biology; conservation values and
Biodiversity: Definition, components and importance of biodiversity; global patterns and processes of biodiversity;
major threats to biodiversity and their interaction.
Habitat degradation and fragmentation: Patterns and causes of habitat transformation; fragmentation process;
biological consequences of fragmentation; approaches to habitat conservation.
Priority setting and reserve design: History and types of protected areas; aims in reserve design; setting
conservation priorities; gap analysis.
Overexploitation: Concept, examples of extinction due to overexploitation; biological theory of sustainable
harvesting; methods of exploitation monitoring; factors affect overexploitation; reducing risk of over exploitation.
Invasive species: Definition and concept; problems by invasive species; paths of invasions; solution of invasions,
effect of climatic change on invasions.
Ex situ conservation: Definitions and purpose including case studies.
Local people and conservation: The myth of the noble savage, reasons to include local people in conservation,
ways of including local people.
Case study: Sundarbans - Overview, main threats, conservation constraints and possible solutions.

Course: Zool. M. 616

Ecology Practical (Group A only)
Full marks: 150 Time: 24 hours
(6 x 4 days)
a. Comparison of the relative densities of two populations.
b. Estimation of sex ratio of different samples of animals by applying Chi-square test.
c. Comparison of the animal population in different localities by randomized block design.
d. Ecological survey of different groups of animals in different habitat with behaviour in relation to moisture,
vegetation, food and other animals.
e. Detection of the effect of mutagens and carcinogens.
f. Detection of arsenic and formaldehyde in different samples.
g. Model test of prey - predator relationship.
h. Collection and identification of crop and vegetable pests.
i. Physico-chemical analysis of water- conductivity, total alkalinity, acidity, CO2, disolved O2 ammonia, N2,
j. Analysis of soil and aquatic sediments- sampling, handling, transport and storage.
k. Species diversity indices.
l. Visit, survey and collection of natural resources in Sundarbans and submission of report.
l. Collection and survey report should be submitted along with practical note book at the time of

Books Recommended
Allee, W C et al. : Animal Ecology.
Andrewartha, H G and Birch, L C. : The Distribution and Abundance of Animals.
Andrewartha, H G : The Study of Animal Population.
Begon, M Z and Mortimer, M : Population Ecology.
Brock, T : Principles of Microbial Ecology.
Browing, T O : Animal Population.
Brown A W A : Ecology of Pesticides.
Chhatwal, G. R. : Encyclopedia of Environmental Biology vol. I &II
Clapha, W B : Human Ecosystem
Clarke et al. : The Study of Animal Population in Theory and Practice.
Elton, C. : Animal Ecology.
Hill, D. S. 1987 : Agriculture insect pests of the tropics and their control.
Hutchinson, G E : An Introduction to Population Ecology.
Kormondy, E J : Concepts of Ecology.
Kormondy, E.I : Readings in Ecology.
Leith, H and Whittaker, R H : The Primary Productivity of the Biosphere.
Margalef, R : Perspective in Ecological Theory.
Michael, P. : Ecological Methods for Field and Laboratory Investigations
Nebel, B J : Environmental Science.
Odum, E P : Fundamentals of Ecology.
Philliopson, J : Ecological Energetics.
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Quick, H.F :

Population Ecology.
Robert, E. R : Ecology
Rutna, F : Fundamentals in Limnology.
Southwood, T. R. E. : Ecological Methods
Whitton, D A : River Ecology

Special Branch: Fisheries

Courses for Groups A & C
Course: Zool. M. 621
Fisheries Biology, Fish Genetics & Biological Limnology
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
General concept: Concepts of fishery, fisheries, , fisheries items, fisheries biology and biological limnology;
classification of fishes; origin and evolution of fishes.
External morphology & integument of fishes: Scales: origin, types, structure, modification and functions; Fins:
origin, types, structure, modification and functions.
Respiration: Respiratory organs (gills, air bladder, lungs); mechanism of respiration; physiology of respiration and
transportation of gasses; accessory respiration.
Circulatory system in fishes: Heart, blood, blood circulation; arterial system: afferent branchial and efferent
branchial systems; venous system; lymphatic system.
Excretion & osmoregulation: Osmoregulatory organs; role of kidneys and gills; salt water balance, homeostasis;
osmoregulation in freshwater, saline water and diadromous fishes.
Food & feeding habit of fishes: Food, ingestion, digestion and assimilation; feeding adaptation.
Growth of fishes: Food conversion efficiency and food conversion factor; factor effecting growth; growth curve.
Reproduction: Definition and types of reproduction; spermatogenesis, oogenesis, ovulation; sexual dimorphism;
breeding cycle and breeding periodicity; fertilization and development; fecundity and fecundity estimation.
cryopreservation technique.
Behaviour of fishes: Breeding behaviour with particular reference to Labeo, Channa, Sticklebacks, Petromyzon
and eels; migratory, schooling and communication behaviour; parental care of fishes.
Fish genetics: Breeding and hybridization. sex determination, sex-linked and sex-limited inheritances in fishes,
induced breeding of fish; inbreeding, inbreeding problem; induced spawning of Indian and common carps,
catfishes and other commercially important fishes of Bangladesh.
Biological Limnology: Planktonology: definition, types, distribution and migration; factors effecting growth of
plankton; plankton as fish food.

Course: Zool. M. 622

Capture Fisheries, Culture Fisheries & Fisheries Management
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Capture Fisheries: Inland, estuarine and marine capture fisheries. Ecology of freshwater, estuary and sea in
relation to fisheries; mangrove fisheries and effect of deforestation. Commercially important fisheries species of the
inland open water, estuary and the Bay of Bengal. distribution of fishes in different zones of the sea. Fishing
equipments: crafts and gears, their operation and preservation. Principles of fishing: under fishing, optimum
fishing and over fishing.
Culture Fisheries: Criteria for culturable species (fin fish and non-fin fish). Freshwater and coastal aquaculture in
Bangladesh, its scope and importance. Freshwater culture: site selection, soil and water condition, preparation of
culturable water body, selection of species and control of aquatic weeds, stocking density, supplemental feeding,
culture management. Fish culture methods: extensive, semi-intensive, intensive, mono-poly-mixed and composite
fish cultures; integrated fish farming: paddy-cum-fish culture, poultry-cum-fish culture, livestock-cum-fish culture,
fish-cum-sericulture, prawn-cum-fish culture, swamp culture, sewage water fish culture, aquarium culture,
Community Based Fisheries Management (CBFM). Coastal aquaculture: culturable water, various farming
techniques (inter-tidal, sub-tidal, pens, floating cages, bericulture). Culture techniques: marine fishes, shrimps,
prawns, crabs, mussels, clams and oysters, brine shrimp, pearl culture.
Fisheries Management: Open water fisheries management: riverine, estuarine, marine and flood plains. Fishery
reconnaissance: location and detection of fin and non-fin fishes, plankton monitoring, eco-sounding, infra-red
photography, fish finder, low-light television, laser ray application, satellite investigation. Fish population
dynamics: definition of stock and population, stock abundance, indicators of fluctuating populations, population
structure (age, sex, size), theory of fishing, recruitment parameters (reproduction, stocking, immigration),
mortality and causes of mortality (fishing and natural), fecundity, rates of survival and mortality, estimation of
population size, prey-predator relationships, forage and carnivore fish (F/C) ratio, length-weight relationship and
condition factor, software packages for analysis of population dynamics and stock assessment.
Landing and post-harvest management: Handling of fresh fish and other fisheries species on board and on shore;
characteristics of freshness of fishes: Physical test (appearance, eyes, colour, odour, flesh, skin, gills) and
organoleptic test. Fisheries regulations and conservations, protection against hazards and habitat improvement,
effective minimum legal size, regulation of fishing effort, protection of broods and spawns, survival of various age
groups (up to first maturity and first spawning), Wild Life Ordinance of Bangladesh and regulatory authority, open
water fisheries policy of Bangladesh (Jalmohal policy, exclusive economic zone-EEZ of the Bay of Bengal,
International Convention on Sea).

Course: Zool. M. 623

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Fish Pathology, Immunology & Parasitology
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Fish pathology
Introduction to fish diseases: Symptoms, isolation and diagnosis of fish diseases; factors affecting fish diseases:
water quality, aquatic vegetation, environmental factors (pollution, contamination, aquatic insects, fertilizers and
pesticides used in agriculture, stress, handling, malnutrition and animal association)
Virulence and infection mechanism of fish diseases: Different types of diseases of fish (infectious and non-
infectious diseases.
Pathogens and diseases: (i) Fungal diseases (saprolegniosis, brachimycosis, ichthyoptheriasis). (ii) Viral diseases
(iridovirus, nodevirus, baculovirus, hypodermal necrosisvirus, DNA virus). (iii) Bacterial diseases (motile
aeromonad septicaemia/EUS, columnaris diseases, furunculosis, Pseudomonadaceae, Vibrionaceae, Cytophagaceae
(bacterial cold water/gill disease), Edwardsiella septicaemia, Pasteurellaceae, mycobacteriosis (gram positive),
bacterial kidney diseases, streptococcal infection). Disease for stress, handling and malnutrition; diseases in
important commercial species: prawns and shrimps ; Shellfish and aquarium fish diseases.
Treatment of fish diseases: Disinfection method and chemotherapy.
Mechanism of immune system: Principles of immunology in fish; Non-specific immune response; specific
immune response; preparation and application of vaccine; methods for assessing and optimizing factors for fish
vaccines; methods for vaccination in fishes; rules and regulations for use of vaccines and licensing.
Major groups of fish parasites and their characteristics: Parasitic fauna of freshwater and marine fishes
(Chilodonella, Trichodina, Costia, Myxobolus, Dactylogyrus) and shellfishes; classification of parasites.
Symbiosis and parasitism: Types of symbiosis, types of parasitism, morphological adaptation of parasites to their
mode of life; host-parasite relationship.
Host’s reaction to parasites: Cell and tissue reactions, hosts’ specificity; ecology of fish parasites; host-parasite-
environment relationship; distribution of parasites in aquatic habitats; dynamic changes in parasitic fauna of
ponds, lakes and reservoirs.
Public health and fish consumption: Parasitic zoonosis and their control.
Fish quarantine: Principles and code of practice.

Course: Zool. M. 624

Fisheries Technology & Hatchery Management
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Fish feed technology
1. Artificial feeds, importance, advantage in semi-intensive and intensive aquaculture.
2. Feedstuffs: Sources of ingredients for fish feeds, plant and animal origin; survey of commercially available feed
ingredients in Bangladesh and their nutritional value; non-conventional fish protein sources-fish silage, single-cell
protein, use of micro-encapsulated diets in larval rearing.
3. Toxic constituents of feedstuffs: antinutritional factors present in plant feedstuffs; adventitous toxic factors in
4. Formulation of feeds based on nutritional requirements of various culturable fish species by the use of square
method, spreadsheet method and linear programming method.
5. Feed processing and manufacture: feed mills and their design, component part of a feed mill and pellet mill;
compounded feed: hand pellets, expanded pellets, extruded pellets, crumbles; moist and semi-moist pellet; milling,
grinding, mixing and preparation; factors affecting pelleting rate and quality; packaging and storage.
6. Feeding regime, intensity, frequency, particle size and types of feed pellets.
7. Effects of environmental factors (temperature, water quality, crowding, etc.) on feeding.
8. Use of binders and antitoxicants in fish feeds.
Fish processing technology
Characteristics of fresh condition: Organoleptic, bacteriological and chemical test, prevention of mechanical
damage in fishes.
General principles of fish and shellfish preservation; proximate composition of fish and its application in fish
preservation; nutritive value of fish and their changes under preservation treatments; biochemical properties of
white and dark muscles of fish.
Post-mortem changes: Biochemical changes in fishes and shellfishes during rigor mortis period, rigor mortis and
keeping quality of fish; role of protease and bacteria on the spoilage of fishes and shellfishes during post-rigor
Chilling of fish: Preservative effect and changes in fishes and shellfishes during chilling, chilling with ice, ice as
preservative, other methods of chilling; factors effecting the quality of fishes and fin fishes during chilling.
Freezing: Characteristics of refrigerated media and basic process of cold preservation, methods of freezing
(shrimp, shellfishes and fin fishes); factors effecting quality during processing and subsequent freezing.
Drying and dehydration: Basic mechanism of fish drying, physical properties of fishes in relation to drying,
methods and processing technology, drying of salt treated fish; quality aspects of dried fish.
Smoking: Preservative effect and changes in fish during smoking, factors effecting smoking, quality aspects of
smoked fish.
Salting: Types of salting, technological aspects of salting, salting process and characteristic features of salting,
effect of salt quality on shelf life of salted fish.
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Canning: Principles of canning, preparation of raw material, canning operation, types and availability of can
materials, tests of canned products.
Preservation of fishes and fishery products by irradiation: Effect of irradiation on the keeping quality of fishes,
effect of multiple doses of irradiation on bacterial flora, status of radiated fish and fishery products.
By-products of fishes: Fish protein concentrate (FPC), fish meal, fish oils, fish roe, shark fin, ising glass.
Quality control to fisheries products: HACCP, HACCP-based freezing factory (sanitation, inspection and quality
Packaging: Function of packaging, package selection, packaging materials, packaging regulations, future of
Design of a cold storage and fish processing plant.
Hatchery Management
Introduction: Definition, scope and importance of fish hatcheries.
Hatcheries: Type and essential components; fry production methods; water quality monitoring, water supply and
treatment, water pollutants.
Induced Breeding: Hormone injection: Fish pituitary gland (PG) and hypophysation, human chorionic
gonadotropins (HCG), other ovulating agents, role of induced breeding on fish and hatchery techniques, artificial
propagation of carps, catfishes and prawns, induced breeding of major carps and catfishes.
Egg handling and egg incubation: Identification of ripe fish, natural and artificial spawning methods, control of
spawning time, egg incubation, factors effecting egg development, hatching trays, catfish troughs, hatching
baskets, hatching jars, circular incubators, montona hatching box, vertical tray incubator etc.
Fry rearing: Time of initial feeding, feeding frequency, feed particle size and feeding methods, rearing of fry and
pond management.
Transportation of live fry and fingerlings and brood fishes: Equipment, water quality, handling, loading and
stocking, shipping, use of anesthetics and antiseptics during transportation.

Course: Zool. M. 625

Fisheries Extension, Fisheries Economics and Socio-economy
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours

Fisheries Extension: Objectives and principles, extension methods: mass-media, printed media (news papers, wall
news papers and posters, blackboard news and notice board, books, magazines, news letters, folders and
pamphlets), audio-visual media (radio, television, theatre), individual extension methods (informal contacts,
formal visits of the client), group extension methods (PAL-participatory appraisal learning, PRA-participatory
rural appraisal, RRA-rapid rural appraisal, demonstrations, excursions) and other extension methods; use SWOT-
(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) methods for planning extension programmes.
Fisheries Economics (Farm and Marketing Economics): Cost involved in fish farming, land/water areas and its
rent or lease value, investment for machines, fertilizers (bio-and chemicals) feeds, seed-fishes and fish seeds, crafts
and gears, their preservation and repairing, expenditure for persons involved (officers, clerk, guards, labourers
etc.), bank interest for the total invested money etc; income from total production of fish, other incomes from farm
yard horticulture and animal husbandry if available in the farming area; evaluation of net gross investment and
return, then net balance; comparative study on the private and public farms and their importance in supplying fish
in the markets.
Fish marketing: Types of fish landing centres according to physical structures (DFDC-wholesale market Khulna,
Chittagong, Barisal, Pagla, capital city retailing wholesale markets, divisional, district, municipal town, village
markets, door to door hawker markets); demand and supply of fishes according to consumer’s choice. Marketing
channel (grower to consumers), price analysis at different levels, cost for transportation and packaging etc;
marketing margin, marketing margin ratios during in season and off-season; price index, index number, moving
average, price estimation etc.
Socio-economy: Family type, family size, age and sex pyramid, source of income, land holding, household status,
education, earner dependency ratio, health (hygiene and sanitation), living standard etc.

Course: Zool. M. 626

Fisheries Practical (Group A only)
Full marks: 150 Time: 24 hours
(6 x 4 days)
Taxonomy, morphometrics and biology: (40 marks)
a. Taxonomic study: Species identification
b. Morphometric and meristic analysis: Mean, Co-variance and Variance, Standard deviation, Coefficient of
correlation, Regression analysis (Y= a+bx), Length-weight relationship (W= aLn/ Y=aXn), Condition factors
(K, Kn), Application of t-test etc.
c. Age determination
d. Accessory respiratory organs
e. Reproductive system (male and female)
f. Fecundity estimation, Sex ratios and application of Chi-square test, GLI and GSI.
g. Feeding adaptations, modification of mouth parts and alimentary canals
Capture, culture and management: (35 marks)
a. Identification of culturable fisheries species and brood fish selection.
b. Identification of developmental stages of fin and non-fin fish.
a. Identification of different types of gears.
b. Determination of productivity of a pond from physical parameters.
c. Determination of breeding period of a given species from a 12 month data on condition factor (supplied
d. Determination of freshness of fish using visual parameters.
Collection: Freshwater fisheries species, crafts and gears.
Class record:
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Field visit and report: Local fish farm, fish seed multiplication farm, prawn seed farm.
Fish pathology and immunology: (40 marks)
a. Water management for disease control
b. Ecology of waters of ponds, swamps and paddy field
c. Isolation and identification of pathogen from diseased fish
d. Culture and stock preservation of pathogen
e. Determination of virulence of pathogen
f. Preparation of vaccine and mode of vaccination
g. Detection of antibody
h. Potency test of fish vaccines
i. Water quality test
Fisheries extension, economics and socio-economy: (35 marks)
a. Field visit and working with the fisher groups, marginal fish farmers, working principles of CBFM
program study, working principle of PRA.
b. Evaluation system of investment and return ratio of some farms or fish cultivators.
c. Preparation of budget for fish farming and hatchery.
d. Practical work for private and public farms and problem and prospect.
e. Calculation of price index number of fisheries community, moving average, price estimation, intra- and
extra- polation.

Books Recommended
Adiyodi and Adiyodi : Fertilization, Development and Parental Care (Vol. IV)
BOBP – Fisheries Development – 1990. : Country papers from the consultationon fisheries
extension, January 18-20, 1990. Medan, Indonesia.
Bradfield, D.J. 1966. : Guide to Extension Training. FAO Economic and Social
Development Series No. 6. FAO – UN, Rome, Italy.
CBFM Project report, 1996. : DOF – Bangladesh, ICLARM, CARITAS, PROSHIKA –
Funded by The Ford Foundation.
Directorate of Agriculture. Agriculture Extension Manual (in Bengali).Ian Chaston, 1991. : Marketing in
Fisheries and Aquaculture, Blackwell Science.
IFREMER : Advances in Tropical Aquaculture.
J.J. Connel and the staff of the Torry Research Stations. Advances in Fish Science and Technology, Pub. Fishing
News Books Ltd. England, Farnham, Surrey.
Jiggins, J. and Rolling, N. 1982. : The Role of Extension in People’s Participation in Rural
Development, A Technical Report of Human Resources,
Institutions, and Agrarian Reform Division. FAO – UN,
Rome, Italy.
John Kurien : Development of Small-scale Fisheries. Fisheries Co-
operatives in Kerala. A critique. BOBP/MIS/I.
Jungeling, Inge. 1993 : Guidelines on Fisheries extension. BOBP – For Fisheries
Development. Madras, India. P. 1–10.
Lagler et al. : Icthyology
Lagler : Freshwater Fishery Biology
Love : The Chemical Biology of Fishes
Malcolm Beveridge : Cage Aquaculture, Fishing News Books.
Marshal : The Life of Fishes
Moyle and Cech : Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology
Nelson : Fishes of the World
Proceeding of a workshop on Farming System Development. NRDP/DANIDA, Noakhali, 1985. 1 – 89.
Robert R. Stickney (Editor), 2000 : Encyclopedia of Aquaculture, John Wiley and Sons.
Stephen Spotte : Fish and Invertebrate Culture, Pub. – A Wiley Interscience
Townsley, Philip. 1996 : Rapid rural appraisal, participatory rural appraisal and
aquaculture, FAO – UN. (358). Rome, Italy.
Tsai, Chu-fa. 1990. : The Five year research master plan for the Bangladesh
Inland and open water capture Fisheries Management.

Special Branch: Genetics & Molecular Biology

Courses for Groups A & C
Course: Zool. M. 631
Chromosomal & Extra-Chromosomal Inheritance
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Chromosomal basis of heredity: Inheritance of XY-linked genes, inheritance of X-linked genes, inheritance of Y-
linked genes, inheritance of Z-linked genes, inheritance of automosomal genes in Drosophila and Man, sex-
influenced and sex-limited characters.
Multiple alleles: Characters of multiple allele, Multiple allelism in Drosophila, rabbits and mice; Blood group
alleles in man. Pseudoalleles.
Mutation: Classification of mutation, molecular mechanism of mutation, kinds of mutagens, detection of sex-
linked recessive and dominant mutations, sex-linked recessive lethal mutation, autosomal recessive and dominant
mutations, and autosomal recessive lethal mutations, practical application of mutations.
Extra-Chromosomal inheritance: Cytoplasmic inheritance in Paramacium, extra-chromosomal inheritance in
Drosophila and milk factor in mice.
Determination of sex: Mechanism of sex-determination, Chromosomal theory of sex determination, balance
concept of sex determination, Y-chromosome in sex determination, hormonal theory of sex determination, external
environment and sex-determination, Gynandromorph, sex-differentiation, dosage compensation.
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Course: Zool. M. 632
Quantitative, Population & Human Genetics and Animal Breeding
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Quantitative Genetics: Polygenes and their inheritance, estimation of the number of polygenes, transgressive
variations; Biological variations, their sources of origin and significance.
Chromosome mapping: Principles underlying chromosome map construction, determination of gene sequence,
map distance and compilation of chromosome map, interference and co-efficient of coincidence.
Population and Ecological genetics: Hardy-Weinberg law of genetic equilibrium; Changes in allelic frequencies
due to (a) selection against recessives, (b) dominants, (c) selection favouring heterozygotes, (d) mutations, (e)
migration and (f) genetic drift; Estimation of genetic variation in natural populations using electrophoresis and
PCR; Genetic differentiation during speciation; Polymorphism in Drosophila and snail.
Human Genetics: Human chromosome complements; human disorders associated with autosomal and sex-
chromosomal abnormalities and polygenes; some common metabolic diseases; genetics of haemoglobin; human
twins and their significance in genetic studies; Human Genome Project (HGP) and its relevance to human welfare;
eugenics, euphenics and euthenics; Genomics and proteomics.
Animal Breeding: Genetic effects of inbreeding, out breeding and cross breeding; Breeding plans for farm animals
like chicken, cattle, sheep, pig and goat; Artificial selection (directional, disruptive and stabilizing) and their
responses; Genetic control of insect pests.

Course: Zool. M. 633

Nucleic acids & Regulation of gene expression
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Nucleic acids: DNA: Physical and chemical structure of DNA, requirements and mechanism of renaturation and
denaturation of DNA; mechanism of DNA damage and repair.
DNA replication: The basic rule of DNA replication, Semiconservative replication double stranded DNA.
Mechanism of action of DNA gyrase and enzymology of DNA replication, DNA purification by buyant density
centrifugation. RNA: Classes of RNA molecules, Structure of RNA molecules, Basic features of RNA synthesis,
RNA polymerase.
RNA processing and transport: Molecular basis of post transcriptional modifications of mRNA, rRNA, removal
of intron sequence by RNA splicing processes.
Gene: Fine structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genes; recombination test, cis- and trans- tests,
complementation test, intragenic complementation, the changing concept of gene, the T4II locus, transposons or
movable genes.
Genetic Code: Basis of cryptoanalysis, Involvement of amino acids in protein synthesis, the genetic code is a
triplet code, the code is non-overlapping, and commaless, the code has polarity, codons and anticodons, initiation
codons and termination codons, the code is degenerative, the Wobble hypothesis, the code is universal.
Biosynthesis of protein: Central dogma and central dogma reverse, Components of protein synthetic machinery,
Mechanism of protein synthesis (Initiation, elongation, and termination).
Regulation of gene expression: Regulation of gene action in prokaryotes, enzyme regulation of gene action, gene
regulation of gene action, operon hypothesis, induction and repression in prokaryotes, regulation of gene
expression of eukaryotes, regulation of transcription by translation, regulation of transcription by site specific

Course: Zool. M. 634

Immunogenetics & Genetic Engineering
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Immunogenetics: Introduction of immune system, Regulation of the immune response, Genetic control of immune
response, Evolution of immunity, Invertebrate immunity, Vertebrate immunity, Lymph myeloid tissues in lower
vertebrates, Immunity to viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Protozoa.
Vaccnation: Immune to response to vaccination. Live and killed conventional vaccination, efficiency and safety of
vaccination, Biotechnology designs vaccination, modern diagnostic methods.
Bacterial Genetics: Recombination; transformation; conjugation and transduction in bacteria.
Monoclonal Antibody: Mechanisms and uses; consideration and obstacles.
Genetic Engineering: Historical perspective; synthetic DNA; polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Preparation of
recombinant-DNA. Plasmids: Characteristics, types and isolation of plasmid DNA; Curing of plasmid DNA by
physical and chemical methods; plasmid replication; Physical methods of identifying a plasmid containing foreign
DNA and role of plasmid in molecular biology. Characteristics of cosmids. Restriction enzymes: Types,
nomenclature, functions and importance.
Gene Cloning: Historical perspective; types of cloning (DNA, reproductive and therapeutic cloning); Uses of
cloning technologies; Cloned animals; Risks and benefit of cloning.

Course: Zool. M. 635

Microbial Genetics & Applications of Biotechnology
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours

Microbiology and Public Health: Basic concepts of microbiology. Microbiology of Food: Food spoilage: The
condition of spoilage; meats and fish; poultry and eggs; breads and bakery products; milk and dairy products. Food
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Preservation: Heat; low temperature; drying; chemical; radiation; preventing food borne diseases.
Epidemiology of infectious diseases: Diseases of man; principles and control of infectious diseases; bacterial
diseases (air-borne, food-borne and sexually-transmitted diseases), viral diseases, fungul diseases, rickettsial
diseases; pathological aspect of cells.
Transgenic Animals: Technique of gene placement into the cells of the transgenic animal; Transgenic animal
products; Risks and benefit of transgenic animal.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): Production of GMOs; Why are GMOs controversial?; Where and why
are GMOs used?; Advantages and disadvantages of GMOs.
Application of biotechnology: Pharmaceuticals: Production of insulin, vaccine and growth hormone; interferon.
Agriculture: Transgenic plants; herbicide, virus and insect resistant plants. Industry: Production of alcohol and
alcoholic beverages; vinegar; lactic acid; wine and enzymes.
Environmental applications of biotechnology: Concept; Biotechnological approach of environmental pollution
abatement; Biodegradation of pollutants; Toxic site reclamation; Role of enzymes and plasmid in the degradation
of pollutants.
Microbial biotechnology: Traditional uses of microorganisms; Microbes as insecticides and chemical factories.

Course: Zool. M. 636

Genetics & Molecular Biology Practical (Group A only)
Full marks: 150 Time: 24 hours
(6 x 4 days)
Chromosomes & chromosomal inheritance: Preparation and study of giant chromosomes from the salivary
glands of Drosophila; Preparation and identification of different stages of meiosis from grasshopper testes; Study
of the simple Mendelian and sex-linked inheritance in Drosophila; Study of Drosophila mutants; Construction of
chromosome maps in Drosophila.
Quantitative genetics: Identification of autosomal and sex-chromosomal mutants in Drosophila; Studies and
identification of human karyotypes; Studies and estimation of such quantitative traits as sternopleural bristles in
Drosophila, and heterosis and correlation for cocoons in Bombyx mori; Studies on the effects of mutagens and
aging on Drosophila and methods of estimating such effects.
Recombinant DNA technology & genetic engineering: Extraction of plasmid DNA from E. coli and its
demonstration by gel electrophoresis; Separation and identification of amino acids by paper chromatography.
Immunogenetics & microbiology: Studies on culturing, isolation and purification of bacteria; Procedures of
antibiotic sensitivity test for bacteria.
Books recommended
Adams, R.L. et al. : The biochemistry of nuclic acids.
Ahlusalia, K.B. : Genetics
Alberts et al. : Molecular biology of the cell.
Alcamo, I.E. : Fundamentals of Microbiology
Altenberg, E. : Genetics
Ananthanarayan, R. & Paniker, J.C.K. : Text book of Microbiology
Auerbach, C. : Mutation Research
Ayala, F.J & Kiger, Jr. : Modern Genetics
Benjamin, H. : Gene VI
Benstey, R.R. : Hand book of histological and cytological techniques.
Biswas, S.B. & Biswas, A : An introduction to virus.
Boyed, W. : A Text book of Pathology
Brown, T.A. : Gene Cloning
Burns, G.W. : The Science of Genetics
Carpenter, P.Z. : Microbiology
Chowdhury, M.R. : Modern Medical Microbiology
Crick, F.H.C. : Nucleic Acid
Darke, J.W. : The molecular basis of mutation
Darlington, C.D. & Lacour, L.F. : The handling of chromosomes
Davidson, J.F. : The biochemistry of the nucleic acid.
Desmond, S.T.N. : An Introduction to genetic Engineering
Dupraw, T.E.J. : DNA and chromosome
Eckles, H.C. & Combs, B.W. : Milk and Milk products
Falconer, D.S. : Introduction of quantitative Genetics
Freifelder, D. : Molecular Biology
Frobisher, M. : Fundamentals of Microbiology
Geise, A.C. : Cell Physiology
Gloner, D.M. : Principles of gene cloning
Jay, J.M. : Modern Food Microbiology
Kingsman, S.M. & Kingsman, A.J. : Genetic Engineering.
Klung, S.W. & Cummings, R.M. : Essentials of Genetics
Kumar, S.D. : Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Lowey, A.C. & Siekevitz, P. : Cell Structure and Function.
Meynell, G.E. : Bacterial plasmid.
Novitski, E. : Human genetics
Prave, P. et al. : Basic Biotechnology.
Primrose, S.B. : Modern Biochemistry.
Primrose, S.B. : Principles of gene manipulation.
Rashid, K. M. et al. : Text book of community medicine and public health.
Scaife, J. et al. : Genetics of bacteria
Schiegel, H.G. : General Microbiology.
Singleton, W.R. : Elementary Genetics
Sinnott, et al. : Principles of Genetics
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Smith, J.B. :

Biotechnology Principles.
Snyder, A.L. et al. : General Genetics
Stern, E. : Principles of human Genetics
Strickberger, M.W. : Genetics
Sutton, H.E. : An introduction to human Genetics
Suzuki, D.T. & Griffiths, A.J.F. : An introduction to Genetic analysis
Swanson, C.P. : The cell Structure.
Szkeley, M. : From DNA to protein
Verma, P.S. & Agarwala, V.K. : Genetics / Cytology
Walker, J.M. & Gingold, E.B. : Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Watson, et al. : Recombinant of gene cloning
Watson, J. et al. : Modern biology of the gene
Watson, J.D. et al. : Molecular Biology of the Gene.
Watson, J.D. : The molecular biology of the gene
Winchester, A.M. : Genetics.

Special Branch: Crop Protection & Toxicology

Courses for Groups B & C

Course: Zool. M. 651

Insect Pest Biology
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours

Insect structure and life process: General organization: The head (mouth parts and antennae), The thorax (wings
and legs), The abdomen, Circulation of blood, Respiration, Nervous system, Sense organs, Reproduction and
embryonic development.
Insect taxonomy: Classification of insects with special reference to pest and entomophagous insects; insect
preservation; shipment and identification.
Major tropical crop pests: Description, biology, extent of damage and control of the important tropical crop and
storage pests of the following groups of insects: Orthroptera, Isoptera, Homoptera, Heteroptera, Thysanoptera,
Lepidoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Coleoptera.

Course: Zool. M. 652

Pest Biology & Weeds
Full marks: 100 Time: 4 hours
i) Structure and organization of nematodes: Body wall, nervous system, alimentary system, secretory and excretory
system, reproductive system; Modes of reproduction, sex determination, and embryogenesis.
ii) Phytonematology: Morphology and systemetics of Tylenchida, Dorylaimia, Trichodoridae.
iii) Plant parasitic nematodes: Sedentary endoparasites, migratory endoparasites and ectoparasites.
iv) Survival through arrested development in plant parasitic nematodes:
v) Disease complexes and economics: Evolution of parasitism, plant reactions, Ecological association of
vi) Entomopathogenic nematodes:
vi) Agricultural importance and control strategies: The bases for nematode control; prevention, crop rotation,
cultural practices, physical methods, resistance, biological control, chemical control.
vii) Laboratory and field techniques related to Nematology.
Mites: Tetranychids and Eriophyids
Mollusca: Snails and slugs
Vertebrate Pests: Birds and mammals;
Major weeds of tropical Crops: Grass weeds, sedges and broad leaf weeds.

Course: Zool. M. 653

Pest & Weed Control
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours

Principles of pest control: Definition of the term pest; History of pest control; Pest management practice
(preventive practice, Therapeutic practice, selection of tactics, integration of tactics); agroecosystem pollination;
insect pheromones and hormones in relation to pest control; development of pest status, pest damage, economics of
the pest attack and control.
Methods of pest control: Natural Control (Climatic factors, Natural barriers, Natural enemies, Diseases); Applied
Control (Legislative methods; physical methods; cultural methods; Plant Resistance; Biological control; Genetic
control; Chemical control; Integrated Pest management; Radioactive isotopes and ionising radiations in pest
Weed control: Short comings of mechanical control; weedicides; biological control of weeds.
Pesticides: Chemistry and toxicology of inorganic and organic (natural and synthetic) pesticides; Mode of action
of pesticides Classification of pesticides according to mode of action, insecticide-induced symptoms, mode of
action of neuroactive and respiratory poisons; Pesticide formulations; Chemicals used with pesticides: synergists,
solvents, diluents, surfactants, stickers and deodorants; Pesticides in current use, IGR; Repellants; Attractants;
Antifeedants; Chemosterilants.
Crop protection equipments: Necessity of appliances, Types and description of appliances; Spray lance rig and
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boom, agricultural aircrafts, Maintenance of appliances.
Course: Zool. M. 654
Crop Loss & Toxicology
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Pest damage to crop plants: Pest damage assessment and crop yields; types of pest damage to crop plants.
Crop loss: Economic threshold, Assessment of levels of infestation, Reasons and methods of assessing crop losses,
Use of cost/potential benefit ratio, Relation between pest intensity and crop loss.
Environmental toxicology: Principles of ecotoxicology; chemical ecology; tropical environmental aspects of
formulation and application; Pesticide movement in water, air and soil; pathway of pesticide degradation,
activation and biomagnification in the environment.
Pesticide residue analysis: Residual action and residues; Techniques of pesticide residue analysis in plants, soils
and animal tissues, Pesticide residues monitoring.
Safety and precautions: Hazards of insecticides; Precautions to reduce hazards, Safety and precautions of
application of insecticides and weedicides; Clinical symptoms and treatment of pesticide poisoning; Antidotes for
organic, botanical, pentachlorophenol and inorganic pesticides.
Resistance and metabolism: Resistance to Pesticides (Definition, history, mechanism of resistance, difference
between R strain and S strains, genetics of resistance); Metabolism of insecticides (reactions involved,
detoxification enzymes and metabolism of organochlorine, organophosphates and botanical insecticides).
Toxicological statistics: Bioassay experiments and Probit analysis of correlated data: Topical application (choice of
solvent, droplet size and insecticide concentration, size of application), Residual exposure methods (dipping and
spraying, painting, application in volatile solvents, exposure to treated grains), Direct Spraying on test insects,
Evaluation methods, The median effective dose, Median residual life, Fiducial limits, heterogeneity, Pesticide
dilution Stoke’s law, Importance of quantal response assessment, Obtaining date for quantal response, Statistical
procedures, correction for control mortality.

Course: Zool. M. 655

Pest sampling, Crop-pest interactions & Pest ecology
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Surveillance and sampling: Common sampling techniques in insect pest management (In Situ counts,
Knockdown, Netting, Trapping, Extraction from soil, Indirect techniques, Auxiliary Survey equipments); The
sampling programmes( Kinds of estimates, Descriptive Statistics, Criteria of estimates, Programmes dimensions,
Pest management scouts and scouting records, sequential sampling); Forecasting and Protective Monitoring
(Necessity of forecasting and monitoring pest attack, Practice of forecasting and monitoring of pest attack,
Examples of pest forecasts for soil and air-borne pests).
Ecological management of crop environment: Ecological role of insect pests; Dynamics of insect life systems,
Effects of environment on insect development; regulation of insect population; Reducing average favorability of
the ecosystem; disrupting continuity of pest requites; diverting pest populations away from crop; Reducing the
impact of insect injury.
Crop-pest interaction: Insects, weeds and crop interactions; Tritrophic interactions among plants herbivores and
their natural enemies, Gall, rust and malformation of leaves, roots and fruits due to pest attack.
Economic decision levels for pest populations: Concept of economic levels; Dynamics of economic Injury levels,
calculation of economic decision levels using economic levels.
Insecticide law and regulations: International and national Laws of insecticide regulation, pesticide Label
regulation Applicator certification, Regulating pesticides.

Course: Zool. M. 656

Crop Protection & Toxicology Practical (for Group B only)
Full marks: 150 Time: 24 hours
(6 x 4 days)
a. Identification of major crop pests and weed.
b. Pinning, setting, preservation, shipment and duration of insect pests.
c. Preparation of permanent slides of insect pest; measurement and drawings.
d. Handling of manually operated, pre-pressurized and motorized sprayers and selection nozzles; determination
of sprayers parameters and calibration of sprayers.
e. Determination of LD50 and LD90 in bioassay experiments.
f. Sampling of insect and weed pests in different crop fields

Books Recommended

Ananthakrishnan, T. N. 1992 : Dimensions of Insect-Plant Interactions

Attwood, P. J. 1975 : Crop Protection
Atwal, A. S. 1993 : Agricultural Pests of India and South-East Asia
Boardman, R., 1986 : Pesticides in World Agriculture
Brent, K. J. and Athi, R. K. 1987 : Rational Pesticide use
Coats, J. R. 1982 : Insecticide mode of action
Coulson, R. N and Witter J. A. 1984 : Forest Entomology
Ghosh, M. R. 1989 : Concepts of Insect Control
Green, M. B., Hartley, G. S. and West, T. T. 1987. : Chemical for crop improvement & Pest Management.
Hill, D. S. 1987 : Agriculture insect pests of the tropics and their control.
Kumar, R. 1986 : Insect Pest Control
Martin, H. and Woodcock. D. 1987 : The Scientific Principles of Crop Protection.
Matthews, G. A. 1984. : Pest Management.
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Olive, J. A. 1979. : Forensic
Oudejaus, J. H. 1982. : Agro-pesticides their Management and application.
Pedigo, L.P. 1996 : Entomology and Pest Management
Saha, L.R., 1992 : Handbook of Plant Protection
Sanders, C. L. 1986. : Toxicological aspects of Energy Production.
Smith, F. H. and Pimental, D. 1975 : Pest Control Strategies
Srivastava, K. P.1993 : A Text Book of Applied Entomology
Waage, J. and Greathead, D. 1986 : Insect Parasitiods
Worthius, C R. 1987. : The pesticide Manual.
Youdeowei, A. and Service, M.W. 1983 : Pest and vector management in the tropics.

Special Branch: Entomology & Insect Biotechnology

Courses for Groups B & C

Course: Zool. M. 661
Insect morphology & Taxonomy
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Head: Mouthparts - types and their adaptation to various modes of feeding.
Thorax: Wing-venation with modifications, movement, flight muscles, wing articulation.
Legs: Attachment, structure, musculature and adaptations in different habitats, mode of locomotion.
Abdomen and Genitalia: Endoskeleton and musculature.
Integument: Structure, chemistry and function.
Introduction to Insect Taxonomy: Alpha (α)-taxonomy, Ootaxonomy, Chaetotaxonomy, Cytotaxonomy,
Chemotaxonomy. Classification up to families with particular reference to those having biological and economic
importance (15important orders).

Course: Zool. M. 662

Insect anatomy, Physiology, Embryology & Ecology
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Anatomy & physiology of digestive, circulatory, reproductive, nervous and sense organs; excretory and respiratory
systems; light and sound producing organs; endocrine organs (hormone and hormonal control); pheromones; insect
Embryonic & Postembryonic Development
Water & Temperature Relations
Insect Distribution & Population Dynamics, Phase Variation, Migration & Dispersal, Mimicry
Plant-Insect Interaction

Course: Zool. M. 663

Medical & Veterinary Entomology
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Medical Entomology
(i) Introduction, history and scope, classification and identification of medically important arthropods.
(ii) Zoogeography, biology, pathogenicity (diseases) and control of the following major insect vectors of public
health importance: Mosquitoes, sand flies (leishmaniasis), houseflies and horseflies, bedbugs, fleas, lice and biting
midges; mites (scabies mites, scrub typhus mites) and ticks (soft ticks and hard ticks).
(iii) Distribution, biology, symptoms and control of the following major vector-borne diseases prevalent in Oriental
Region: (i) Malaria, (ii) Kala Azar, (iii) Dengue, (iv) Filariasis, (v) Encephalitis, (vi) Leishmaniasis, (vii) Plague,
(viii) Loa loa, (ix) Dermatitis, (x) Louse and flea-borne typhus.
(iv) Zoonosis.
(v) Forensic Entomology: History and Scope, Origin and Applications. Forensically Important Insects.
(vi) Venomous Insects.
Veterinary Entomology
History and scope; biology and disease relations of the major insects, and acarine pests of important livestocks
(cattle, goats, horses and poultry).
Maggot therapy

Course: Zool. M. 664

Pest Biology & Management
Full marks: 100 Time: 4 hours
Pest Biology, Nature of Damage and Their Control
(i) Agricultural pests: Pests of paddy, wheat, maize, sugarcane, mustard, major vegetables, cotton, fruits (mango,
banana, litchi, guava and pineapple) and tea.
(ii) Stored grain pests: Paddy and rice pests, flour beetles, cigeratte beetles, lesser mealworm, Indian meal moth,
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almond moth, dryfish beetles, khapra beetles and pulse beetles.
(iii) Forest Pests: Insect pests of forests.
Methods of Pest Control
(i) Cultural control; Physical and Mechanical control; Genetic control and Sterile Insect Technique;
Legislative control, quarantine.
(ii) Biological control: Manipulation and exploitation.
(iii) Chemical control: Classification of pesticides; pesticide formulation; toxicity, Probit Analysis; symptoms and
treatment of pesticide poisoning; pesticide safety, transport, spills, disposal, storage and display of pesticides;
tolerance, detoxification and resistance mechanisms; laws of pesticide regulations; spray equipment and
maintenance of spraying tools.
(iv) Pest ecology and environmental management of pests.
(v) Semiochemicals: Pheromones and hormones in pest control; Insect growth regulators (IGRs).
(vi) Integrated Pest Management (IPM): History, scope and present status; role of IPM in pest management.

Course: Zool. M. 665

Insect Biotechnology
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
A. Mass rearing of insects: (a) Economically important insects (b) Pollinating Insects: Biology of pollinating
insects and their role in pollination, and propagation.
B. Gene and Genome Organization in Insects
a. Nuclear and Extra-nuclear DNA in insects.
(i) Introduction, (ii) Repetitive DNA in insects, (iii) Composition of insect DNA, (iv) Structure of the nucleus, (v)
Euchromatin and Heterochromatin, (vi) Centromeres, (vii) Telomeres, (viii) Extranuclear inheritance in
mitochondrial genes, (ix) Transposable elements for genome alteration.
b. Genetic Systems, Genome Evolution, and Genetic Control of Embryonic Development in Insects
(i) Introduction, (ii) Genetic Systems in Insects, (iii) Endopolyploidy in somatic tissues of arthropods, (iv) Dynamic
insect genomes, (v) Middle repetitive DNA in the nucleus, (vi) Highly repetitive DNA, (vii) Production of proteins,
(viii) Multiple genomes in insects, (ix) Insect development.
C. Molecular Genetic Techniques
a. Recombinant DNA technology: Basic steps and their applications.
b. DNA sequencing and the evolution of the Omics.
c. DNA techniques: Electrophoresis and polymerase chain reactions (PCR) and their applications.
d. Molecular Genetics of insect behaviour
(i) Inroduction, (ii) The insect nervous system, (iii) Traditional and Molecular genetic analyses of behaviour.
e. Transgenic Pest and Beneficial Insects for Pest Management Programs
(i) Introduction, (ii) Genetically modified insects and use of transgenic methods, (iii) Germ line transformation
methods, (iv) Deployment of transgenic pest and beneficial arthropods, (v) Release of transgenic arthropods and
their risks.
D. Tissue Culture
(i) Basic concept of tissue culture, equipments, preparation of media, cell culture methods. (ii) Culture of insect
and tick cells.

Course: Zool. M. 666

Entomology & Insect Biotechnology Practical (Group B only)
Full marks: 150 Time: 24 hours (6 x
4 days)
a. Study of insects in their environments: collection, preservation and identification of insects of different
b. Study of the life cycle/history of different groups.
c. Dissection of different organ/system of representatives from different orders of insect
d. Preparation of histological slides and whole mounts of insects.
e. Making of Nakka and Longs troth hive, identification of different parts of the hive.
f. Inspecting of the bees, spotting the queen, identification of different cells of the comb.
g. Identification of different stages of honey bee larvae, dissection of morphological and anatomical structures of
adult and larval bees.
h. Identification and dissection of varroa mite.
i. Identification, collection and preservation of pollen.
j. Detection of moisture content of honey.
Books Recommended
Akratanakul, P. : Honey bee diseases and enemies in Asia: A Practical Guide
Albrechst : Anatomy of Migratory Locusts
Brent and Atkin : Rational Pesticide Use
Carter : Insect in Relation to Plant Diseases
Chapman : Insect structure and function
Coats, J R : Insecticide Mode of Action
Coulson, R N and Witter, J A : Forest Entomology: Ecology and Management
Clauson : Entomophagous Insects
DeBach, P : Biological Control of Weed and Insect Pests
Detheir : Insect Sense
Davidson, R H & Lyon W E : Insect Pest of Farm, Garden and Orchard
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Beekeeping in Asia: Bulletin

FAO : Beekeeping in Africa: Bulletin
Finney : Probit Analysis
Green, M N at al. : Chemicals for Crop Improvements and Pest Management
Hoque, M. : Pashu-pakhir Kittatta
Imms, A D : Text Book of Entomology
Kevan, P. : The Asiatic hive bee
Lane, R.W. & Crosskey, R.W. : Medical Insects and Arachnids
Metcalf and Flint : Destructive and useful insects
Megheran : Hand Book of Toxicology
Michner, C.D. : The Bees of the World
Painter : Insect Resistance in Crop Plant
Prost, P.J. & Medori, P. : Apiculture: Know the bees, Manage the apiary 6th Edi.
Punthiata, R.W.K. : Beekeeping for Honey Production in SriLanka
Roeder : Insect Physiology
Ross : Text Book of Entomology
Service, M.W. : Medical Entomology for Students
Snodgrass, R E : The Principles of Insect Morphology
Steinhaus : Insect Pathology
Swanson : Beneficial Insects
Sweetman : The Principles of Biological Control
West and Hardy : Chemical Control of Insect
Wigglesworth, V V : Insect Physiology

Special Branch: Sericulture & Seribiotechnology

Courses for Groups B & C
Course: Zool. M. 671
Food plants of Silkworms
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
History and scope: History of sericulture; nature and importance of sericulture industry; scope, limitations and
economic importance of sericulture in Bangladesh.
Food plants of mulberry silkworm: Origin, distribution and varieties of mulberry plants cultivated in
Brief Botanical description of mulberry: Types of leaves, chemical composition of leaves.
Climatic and other conditions required for the growth of mulberry, soils suitable for mulberry; Types of soil found
in Bangladesh.
Propagation of mulberry: Seedling, cutting, grafting and layering.
Cultivation of mulberry: Different systems of cultivation – tree, lowcut, high bush and bush; selection and
preparation of land; selection of varieties of mulberry plant; manuring; irrigation; pruning and harvesting of
Diseases and pests of mulberry: Fungal, bacterial, viral diseases and mineral deficiencies disorders and their
control measures; weed and insect pests and their control measures (cultural operations, chemical: weedicides,
fungicides, insecticides and biological control).
Food plants of non-mulberry silkworm: food plants of eri, muga and tasar silkworms.

Course: Zool. M. 672

Silkworm Biology
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Classification: Classification of the class Insecta with special reference to Isoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera,
Diptera, Hymenoptera and Coleoptera; kinds of silkworms; Systematic position of mulberry and non-mulberry
silkworms in animal kingdom with their salient features.
Morphology of larva, pupa and moth of Bombyx mori L.
Life cycle: Life cycles of mulberry and non-mulberry silkworms.
Anatomy: Different types of glands, structure of silk glands and their secretions; digestive, circulatory, respiratory,
excretory, nervous and reproductive systems of Bombyx mori L.
Physiology of mulberry silkworm: Ingestion of mulberry leaves, digestion, absorption and assimilation of
nutrient materials; what is silk? biochemistry of silk and biosynthesis of silk protein during larval growth;
secretion and formation of silk; physiology and functions of circulation, respiration and excretion; reproduction
and development- oogenesis, spermatogenesis, fertilization of egg and its development up to hatching.
Growth and metamorphosis: Growth and developmental curve of larva; metamorphosis of mulberry silkworm.

Course: Zool. M. 673

Silkworm Rearing & Diseases
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
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Silkworm rearing: Rearing houses and appliances; disinfection of the rearing room; hatching and brushing;
chawki rearing; late age rearing, spinning and mounting, gradation of cocoons.
Function and importance of grainage in sericulture development; multivoltine and bivoltine hybrid preparation.
Preparation of layings; moth examination; preservation and incubation of eggs before and after treatment;
photoperiod and natural hibernation, artificial hatching of hibernated eggs.
Role of silkworm seed organization in Bangladesh.
Crop schedule for silkworm rearing with special reference to the environmental conditions of Bangladesh.
Diseases of silkworm: Causal agents; infection; life cycle of causal agents; symptoms, prevention and control of
pebrine, polyhedrosis – glassareie and flachereie and muscardine diseases of silkworm.
Parasites and predators of silkworm larvae, pupae and adults; pests of stored cocoons and their products; control
parasitoid of silkworm larvae; life cycle of uzi fly; physical, chemical, male sterile technique and biological control
of uzi fly.

Course: Zool. M. 674

Silkworm Genetics & Breeding
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Varietal materials of mulberry silkworm: Varietal materials of silkworm, chromosome number, genetic basis of
variation in silkworms; collection and preservation of varietal materials.
Mendel’s law of inheritance; interaction of genes with special reference to phenotypic expression in silkworm.
Population genetics: Hardy Weinburg law and gene frequency.
Silkworm breeding: Objectives of silkworm breeding; methods of silkworm breeding; hybridization- selection of
parents for hybridization, selection – pedegree and mass selection, methods of hybridization; back cross method of
hybridization-merits and demerits.
Breeding for resistance/tolerance to disease and adverse physical conditions: Sources of disease resistance,
selection of parental materials; hybridization for disease resistance; back cross method for dominant resistant
character; back cross method for recessive resistant character
Mutation and mutation breeding: Definition, kinds of mutation; mutations in silkworm; induction of useful
mutation in silkworm; mutagenic agents; radiation sensibility in silkworm; measurement of mutation frequency in
silkworm; methods of mutation breeding.
Genetics of cocoon colour: Colour variation in different cocoon layers; genetic analysis of cocoon colour produced
by carotenoid and flavonoid pigments; relationship between blood colour and cocoon colour; pigment content and
geographical distribution of silkworm races.
Sex determination: Theories of sex determination; sex determination in silkworm; chromosome, polyploidy and
parthenogenesis in Bombyx mori L.
Heterosis: Definition and causes of heterosis; estimation of heterosis and combining ability- its practical
application in silkworm breeding; polyhibrids and current tendency of silkworm breeding.

Course: Zool. M. 675

Silkworm Biotechnology
Full marks: 100
Time: 4 hours
Genes and genome regulation in eukaryotes: DNA, Gene and DNA replication; Transcription, translation and
regulation of eukaryotic DNA; Nuclear and extra nuclear DNA in insects; Genetic system and genetic control of
embryonic development in insects.
Molecular genetic techniques: Some basic tools: how to cut, paste, copy, measure and visualize DNA; Cloning
and expression vectors, libraries and their screening; DNA sequencing; DNA amplification by the Polymerase
Chain Reaction (PCR): basic principles, modification and research application; Transposable-element vectors to
transform silkworm; sequencing data analysis.
Molecular systematics: Overview; Molecular genetics of silkworm; Molecular methods of molecular systematics;
Targets of DNA analysis; Transgenic pest and pest management programs.
Tissue culture: General Methods: Basic concepts, equipments, preparation of media, cell culture methods;
Methods for setting up primary cultures specific to silkworms; organ cultures in silkworms: imaginal disc,
integument, brains, prothoracic glands, silkglansds, Dechorionated egg culture and further development up to
imaginal stage; Cell cloning, identification of cell lines, large-scale cell culture.
Transgenic and cloned silkworm: Prospects and problems (an overview).

Course: Zool. M. 676

Sericulture Practical (Group B only)
Full marks: 150 Time: 24 hours
(6 x 4 days)
1. Collection, preservation, identification and submission of the following:
(a) Insect pests of food plants of silkworm
(b) Disease infected leaves of food plants of silkworm
(c) Pests of silkworm
(d) Diseased larvae, pupae and adult of silkworm.
2. Identification and uses of garden equipments required for mulberry cultivation and rearing appliances.
3. Demonstration: Propagation of mulberry-preparation of cuttings and saplings and plantation in the field.
4. Different methods of pruning of mulberry followed in Bangladesh.
5. External morphology of silkworm larvae, pupae and moths.
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6. Dissection of larva, pupa, moth and studies of silk glands, digestive, respiratory, excretory, nervous and
reproductive systems of silkworm.
7. Individual rearing: cellular and mass rearing of silkworm.
8. Measurement of quantities of formalin and water for disinfection of rearing room and appliances.
9. Selection of seed cocoons.
10. Observation of heterosis on different economic traits in silkworm.
11. Studies on the combining ability for cocoon characters in silkworm.
12. Studies on the relationship among larval, cocoon and egg characters of silkworm.
13. Studies on spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
14. Artificial hatching of hibernated eggs.
15. Identification of male and female larva, pupa and adult of silkworm.
16. Mother moth examination for the production of disease free laying.
17. Identification of pebrine spores, muscardine spores, bacteria and polyhedral bodies of silkworm.

Books Recommended
Alberts et al. 2002 : Molecular Biology of the Cell (4th edn.). Garland Science.
Arora and Gupta : Taxonomic studies on some of the Indian non-mulberry
Brown, T.A. 2002 : Genomes (2nd edn.). Garland Science.
Chowdhury, S N : Muge Culture
Chowdhury, S N : Sericulture
Copper, B A : Silkworm Rearing Handbook
Griffiths et al. 1999 : Introduction to Genetic Analysis (7th edn.). W. H. Freeman &
Hutchinson, C M : Pebrine in India.
Jolly, M S et al. : Tasar Culture
Jolly, M S : Industrial Bivoltine Grainage
Jolly, M.S. : Industrial Bivoltine Grainage
Katsumata, F : Text Book of Tropical Sericulture
Kovalov, I A : Silkworm Breeding Stocks
Krishnaswami et al. : Manual of Sericulture (Vol.1)
Krishnaswami et al. : Manual of Sericulture (Vol.2)
Rergusen, D C : The moths of America, North of Mexico (Bombycedae,
Sarkar, D C : Sericulture in India
Tanaka Y : Genetics of the Silkworm
Tanaka Y : Sericology
Tazima, Y : Silkworm Eggs
Tazima, Y : The Genetics of the Silkworm
Tazima, Y : The Silkworm: an important laboratory tool
Ullal & Narsimhanna : Handbook of Practical Sericulture
Yokiyama, T : Synthesized Science of Sericulture
Yokoyama, T : Silkworm selection and hybridization

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