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Epideictic: Create a 5:01 to 5:59 minute epideictic speech. You may choose any type of epideictic.

(Award, Roast, toast, eulogy, etc.) Visual aids are not required and if used must be used well. Epideictic speeches have less specific format requirements so this speech with have more points weighted towards delivery and movement. Citations are not required, but if you use quotes or stats you must still cite them. The four goals set by the book are: 1. Attempt to commemorate an occasion person idea or object 2. Establish a connection between the object being honored. The people gathered and the event that brought them together 3. Construct a narrative about the commemorated object that presents it in a positive light 4. Convey the importance of the act of paying tribute. In addition, on the day you are speaking you MUST (or you won't speak) turn in a typed paper that explains: Who is the audience you are speaking to, Why are you speaking to them, and what is important for us to know about them. Here is the rubric used for the INFORMATIVE speech. It will not be the same rubric but you may see many of the same things required. Format: Intro The student had an attention getter that was effective and engaged the audience (2) The Student had an opening statement but it failed to engage the audience (1) The student did not have an attention getter (0) (2 Possible) The student had a clear and understandable topic setup (4) The student had a topic sentence (2) The student had no topic sentence (0) (4 possible) Body The student stayed on topic. Every sentence was clearly related to the topic. (22) The student has some tangential sentences/paragraphs but brought them back to the topic in the end (11) The student did not support their topic sentence. (0) (22 Possible) The student provided good support for each idea in their speech (15) The student had some support for their ideas (7) Student had no support for their ideas (0) (15 possible) Conclusion

The student used a direct sign post, [in conclusion...] (-5) The student did not use a sign post (0) (0 Possible) The student provied a useful wrap up that restated their topic and the main ideas of the speech in a useful and understandable way. (5) The student restated the topic and main ideas verbatim or only a few ideas. (2) There was no wrap up (0) (5 possible) The student provided a useful and memorable final note (2) The student had a final note (1) There was no final note (0) (2 Possible) End Format (50) Delivery: The student used a visual aid to improve their speech (5) The student had a visual aid that hindered their speech (-5) (0 possible points) The student had useful accent movements and very few distracting movements. (10) The student had some distracting movements or did not move at all (5) The student had many distracting movements such as fidgeting, extranious walking around, extraneous arm or hand movements (0) (10 Possible) The student used a strong, clear, understandable, voice. The student's voice was interesting to listen to. There were few verbal fillers or pauses. (20) The student had a voice that could be understood. The student may have lost the attention of some of the class. Students used verbal fillers. (10) The student had an unintelligable voice. The student used a monotonous voice. The student was uninteresting to listen to and lost the attention of the audience. (0) (20 possible) The student had perfect flow in their speech (13) The student stopped and started a few times. (5) The student stopped and started too many times. (0) (13 possible) The student finishes their speech within the time frame (10)

The student finishes within 15 seconds of the frame (7) Student Finishes in 30 seconds of time frame (5) One Minute (2) Outside One minute (0) (10 possible) The student demonstrates an ability to properly format written citations and properly deliver spoken citations (5) The student demonstrates an ability to format written citation OR an ability to deliver spoken citations not both (2) Thes tudent demonstrates no understanding of citations (0) (5 possible) End Delivery: (60 possible) Total 110 Possible /110 Notes:

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