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Class: 3 Inspirasi Date: 5 September 2013 Time: 8.15 9.

.15 am Level: Low - Intermediate Enrolment: 30 Students Theme: World of Knowledge Topic: A Ride in the Safari Park Content Standard: 4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and song 4.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling will be able to plan, organize and produce creative works for enjoyment. Learning Standard: 4.1.1 Able to enjoy action songs, jazz chants and poems through nonverbal response. 4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on: (c) Action songs Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1. Sing the song correctly with proper action. (Practice Stage) 2. Create and produce a nice and simple book marks. (Production stage) Prior Knowledge: Students already learn vocabulary on pets/animals Language Focus: Vocabulary & Language arts Cross curricular Elements (EMK): Musical Teaching Learning Resources (TM): Slides show & Song title: the animal song Moral values: Love animals Thinking Skills: Generating ideas & Expressing feelings STAGE/TIME CONTENT TEACHING & RATIONALE REMARKS

LEARNING ACTIVITIES SET INDUCTION (5MIN) Riddles on pet e.g. I am big I have trunks I love to eat What am I? Answer: elephant 1. Teacher asks question to students. 2. Students respond to the questions. 3. Teacher reads riddles on pets to students. 4. Students listen to teacher and guess the pets. 5. Teacher reveals the answers. 6. Teacher reads again and calls upon students randomly. 7. Students answer the riddles. Learn new 1. Teacher 1. To ensure 1. TM: 1. To draw students attention and interest to 1. TM: Riddles on slides 2. MV: Love animals

the lesson. 3. CCTS: 2. To activate and tap the students current knowledge of the vocabulary they have learnt. Predictin g


vocabulary e.g. Fly Swing Jump Shake Sleep

shows the slides contain the vocabulary to students. 2. Teacher reads the words and asks students to repeat after her. 3. Students read the words after the teacher. 4. Teacher does the actions and asks students to follow her. 5. Students follow teachers actions.

the students understan d the meaning of the vocabulary .

slides show 2. CCTS: Imaginati ve & Creating mental pictures


Sing along song title: The Animals song

1. Teacher distributes the lyrics to students.

1. To have a fun learning 2. Actions are

1. TM: Song: The animal song

2. Teacher reads the lyrics first and asks students to follow. 3. Teacher shows the video song. 4. Students sing the song together with teacher. 5. Teacher does the action. 6. Students do the actions together with teacher. 7. Teacher calls out students randomly to do the actions. PRODUCTION Creating and decorating 1. Teacher explains to

included in singing to enhance their understan ding on the lyrics.

2. EE: Multiple Intelligen ces.

1. To promote 1. TM: creativity in template

(20 MIN)

animals book marks.

pupils that they will produce the animals bookmarks. 2. Teacher distributes the templates of book masks to each pupil. 3. Teacher explains the tasks to pupils briefly. 5. Teacher asks pupils to decorate their book marks based on their creativity. 6. Teacher facilitates students. 7. Teacher calls students randomly and him to show his book mark to the class.

decorating the bookmark. 2. To boost students confidence to face the public.

2. CCTS: Generati ng Ideas 3. EE: Multiple Intelligen ces


Moral value Sing the song again

1. Teacher shows the slides and asks

1. To close the lesson in relax and fun

1. TM: the animal song 2. MV:

students to guess the scramble moral value. 2. Students guess the moral value. 3. Teacher plays the song again and asks students to sing together. 4. Students sing the song.

way. 2. To instil moral values in pupils.

Courage & Love animals


: Practice

Language Focus : Vocabulary and Language Arts

Lets sing a song about animals.

Jump, jump like a kangaroo (3x) Lets sing the animal song Lets swing the noses like the elephant Swing, swing like an elephant (3x) Lets sing the animal song Lets count to ten 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (2x) Shake, shake like a rattlesnake (3x) Lets sing the animal song Lets fly like a pelican Fly, fly like a pelican (3x) Lets sing the animal song Lets count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (2x) Sleep, sleep like a koala (3x) Lets sing the animal song

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