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Total Cost of Mechanical Sub.

's Contract: Cost per day of Delaying Grand Opening: Procurement times for Items Large A/C Small A/C Fire Damper Smoke Damper 50 30 20 15 days days days days

$450,000 $60,000 Maximum Time of Cycle Before Grand Opening is Delayed Large A/C 79 Small A/C 59 Fire Damper 55 Smoke Damper 45

If Subcontractor Performs HVAC Work

Large A/C Units

Task Time Procurement 50 Delivery 1 0 Revision 1 0 Delivery 2 0 Revision 2 0 Delivery 3 0 Revision 3 0 Total Time (plus your delivery times): Task Review 1 Return 1 Review 2 Return 2 Review 3 Return 3

Time Status 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 days 0 0 1

Small A/C Units

Task Time Procurement 30 Delivery 1 0 Revision 1 0 Delivery 2 0 Revision 2 0 Delivery 3 0 Revision 3 0 Total Time (plus your delivery times): Fire Dampers Task Review 1 Return 1 Review 2 Return 2 Review 3 Return 3

Time Status 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 days 1 1 1

Task Time Procurement 20 Delivery 1 0 Revision 1 0 Delivery 2 0 Revision 2 0 Delivery 3 0 Revision 3 0 Total Time (plus your delivery times): Task Review 1 Return 1 Review 2 Return 2 Review 3 Return 3

Time Status 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 days 0 1 1

Smoke Dampers

Task Time Procurement 15 Delivery 1 0 Revision 1 0 Delivery 2 0 Revision 2 0 Delivery 3 0 Revision 3 0 Total Time (plus your delivery times): Task Review 1 Return 1 Review 2 Return 2 Review 3 Return 3

Time Status 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 days 0 1 1

days days days days

Randon Numbers 0.486119134 0.66045475 0.867134023 0.51195927 0.77921443 0.57766039 0.010949898 0.46245064 0.692651949 0.42415462 0.642390306 0.93259286

0.80021176 0.65858624 0.20688888 0.24347871 0.91154618 0.26335214

Total cost due to subcontractor Original Contract Largest Cost of Delay Total Cost $450,000 $0 $450,000

erforms HVAC Work

Large A/C Units

If You (the


Gen. Contractor
Task Time Procurement 55 Assembly 1 0 no data 0 Assembly 2 0 no data 0 Assembly 3 0 no data 0 Total Time (plus your delivery times): Small A/C Units

Time Alotted For this Cycle: Delay Due to this Cycle: Cost of Delay Due to this Cycle:

79 days -29 days $0

Gen. Contractor
Task Time Procurement 35 Assembly 1 0 no data 0 Assembly 2 0 no data 0 Assembly 3 0 no data 0 Total Time (plus your delivery times): Fire Dampers

Time Alotted For this Cycle: Delay Due to this Cycle: Cost of Delay Due to this Cycle:

59 days -29 days $0

Gen. Contractor
Task Time Procurement 25 Assembly 1 0 no data 0 Assembly 2 0 no data 0 Assembly 3 0 no data 0 Total Time (plus your delivery times): Smoke Dampers

Time Alotted For this Cycle: Delay Due to this Cycle: Cost of Delay Due to this Cycle:

55 days -35 days $0

Gen. Contractor
Task Time Procurement 20 Assembly 1 0 no data 0 Assembly 2 0 no data 0 Assembly 3 0 no data 0 Total Time (plus your delivery times):

Time Alotted For this Cycle: Delay Due to this Cycle: Cost of Delay Due to this Cycle:

45 days -30 days $0

Total Cost for You to Do HVAC 2x Sub.'s Contract Largest Cost of Delay Total Cost $900,000 $0 $900,000

Cost-effective? 0

If You (the General Contractor) Performs HVAC Work Engineers

Task Review 1 Return 1 Review 2 Return 2 Review 3 Return 3 Time Status 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 days 1 1 1 Time Alotted For this Cycle: Delay Due to this Cycle: Cost of Delay Due to this Cycle: 79 days -24 days $0

ge A/C Units


all A/C Units

Task Review 1 Return 1 Review 2 Return 2 Review 3 Return 3 Time Status 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 days 1 1 1 Time Alotted For this Cycle: Delay Due to this Cycle: Cost of Delay Due to this Cycle: 59 days -24 days $0

e Dampers

Task Review 1 Return 1 Review 2 Return 2 Review 3 Return 3 Time Status 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 days 1 1 1 Time Alotted For this Cycle: Delay Due to this Cycle: Cost of Delay Due to this Cycle: 55 days -30 days $0

ke Dampers

Task Review 1 Return 1 Review 2 Return 2 Review 3 Return 3 Time Status 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 days 1 1 1 Time Alotted For this Cycle: Delay Due to this Cycle: Cost of Delay Due to this Cycle: 45 days -25 days $0

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