Wholonomic Modules of The Prototype Plan 5

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Modules of The Wholomid Prototype Plan

Those who have been birthed into this world as slavery, it cannot be easy to find your way out. But if enough of us in our own sovereign sacred way can absorb and dissolve the slavery boundaries for everyone in every land and every way of life, we can find the way out for all if we want. We can if we Will. Already in numbers beyond tens of millions we are actually or virtually in slavery around the world. They are you. Through Wholonomics and what we can catalyze, we can leverage for their freedom while reclaiming ours. When we take back our Power we can give back their Power, liberating the Freed Power of the Slaves of the World. All you who have tried to make this world a better place but in fact have had no impact on the world, whatsoever, Wholonomics takes your activism and activision seriously, where our actually making a difference is the foundation of abundant enoughness Our window is getting smaller, the poor and middle class have less and less to share and more to stress about. Most in the World have been simply shutout of opportunity to live their Real Potential. Change strategies used in the past do not work. We need change

strategies that are powerfully imaginative and are able to evolve rapidly, that depend on local power with Global Informing Wisdom. Strategies that include all scales of organizing. Our path has been broken; we are not represented in this social world. Asking anyone to legislate on our behalf is a waste of time. Activists have been busy for decades and longer. We have tried every tactic to avert catastrophe. We voted, wrote letters, gave money, held signs, protested in marches, clicked links, signed petitions, meditated together, tweeted websites, wrote books, taught classes, turned off the television, programmed apps, engaged in direct action, committed petty vandalism. All for naught. Those who have woken up to reality, are saying that the Projected Mindframe Reality is not so. This is the big threat to the Pyranomic Paradigm. They try to marginalize us to the edge of the big picture. Almost everyone agrees, replacing our current economic direction with one that reflects and expresses our highest human good would a lot better than what we have now. A direction that is decentralized and place-based. That transcends and recreates formerly apparent dichotomies such as social justice with environmentalism. Is this even possible? What would that look like, feel like, sound like? What are the parameters and conditions and components? How do we journey there from here? What are the new stories? How can we have the back of the indigenous people on the frontlines of exploitation? How do we actually recreate corporate and fiat rule? We break down The Pyramid of Pyranomic Suppression to clear the crystallized compression on our collective circumstances. Handling this is our only option to fulfill our core connection with the Whole. Attempting to somehow or other organize countless points of view is not what Wholonomics is about. Wholonomics is about Wholeness that transcends point of view, where Wholeness can be returned to its rightful seat as the principle head of social organization. Wholonomics is at its core about the emergence of a universal representative of the Primordial Wholeness of Creation, the power that can self-organize, self-correct and self-righten the indivisible whole of everything and everyone. The Wholomid by organizing itself can infuse Humane-kind with self-rightening Primordial Wholeness through Shared Fields functioning as catalytic integrating systems. Self-organizing, self-correcting forces inherent in humankind as whole modeled can emerge as seeds of illumination to this bond-age we are living. The Wholomid is a tangibly active representative of egoless Space for selfintegrating Humane-Awareness to unfold. This is not a metaphysical or abstract doctrine, or a good idea or a plan for a new marketing system. Wholonomics is about creating focal points for flowing Actions of the Whole. Awake and aligned, we can become clear and conspicuous and cooperative Pathways to the Deep Destiny of Humanity.

The ultimate solution to end wars is for the people to transcend the economic system that the elite rulers preside over and recreate it on an enlightened basis. The Pyrasite Network that runs the world via their proxies are collapsing the world economies. This is hidden because they own and control the media. They are causing world unrest through scarcity of enoughness and surplus of stressors. They doing this so to birth their world government by unleashing atrocities to insure the remainder ciphers remain slaves. Wholonomics honors us for who we are and treats us and all beings as treasures of the universe. Wholonomics places priority on nurturing and developing our potential. Liberating Awareness is the basis of mutual respect and empowerment. To be who we are in the big picture and not narrowed and compressed and boxed into roles as a commodity or object. Wholonomics gives us freedom to live from the inside out. We can experience each other and ourselves as free and great beings. Wholonomics has new metrics or measurements of valuation and exchange. Wholonomics coalesces a new kind of Space that can free us from the economics of tyranny. Here is a viable alternative. The Wholomid evokes dynamic systems of exchange by distributing value dimensionally across scale; from local, to the Global World Architecture while accounting for all costs. Relationships of exchange are shared and held as a Scalar Shared Fields of Humanity. We have the expansion of the possibilities of Wholeness Awakening. The Wholomid expresses a shift of our architecture of social organizing. The Wholomid envisions civilizational transformation, universal hyper-dimensional seeds to flower a renewal of our inherent determination. Wholonomics has the capacity to revalue every kind of exchange and every kind of wealth. By invoking and incarnating the principle of cosmic and terrestrial Necessity we can untangle the doctrine of Martial and State Necessity evoked to perpetuate Pyramid Dynamics. Hyperdimensionally we break the silence and end the isolation. We fire the defining story-tellers. We live our own new stories. Wholonomics can in no way to be compared to Marxism, Collectivism, Socialism, Capitalism, debtism or any other Pyranomic "controlism". None of these entropic dead ends can sustain Civil Dimensional Architecture. The Wholomid can be a tamper proof, boom-and-bust proof Space with Unified Fields of Resonant Wealth. The Pyramid control grid is short-circuited. We emerge order that is Wholodigeous. Form and field interconnect. The universe that is relationships, infinitely greater than the universe of objects can predominate.

We can spontaneously through application of natural process empower ourselves with core responsibility as a Whole Person, a Whole Flow and a Whole Humane-kind. The conceptual basis is here. Together we are the actors and the creators. Mediating inner values with outer values as a cooperating field restores the root original purpose of Economics. This prototype is where we begin everywhere at once, cooperating from a spiritual platform. Spiritual people do not need a parent state. Flow of Scalar Potential is the novel method of introducing currency into the system. Instead of Fractional Banking we have Fractal Scaling of Potential as Wealth. Restoring value enhancement is the context to renew wealth.

The Wholomid Paradigm allows for the well-being benefits of the local and global to flow together naturally. Well-being becomes our primary currency. The more we flow our current of expression together the more actualized we become and the greater our capacity for Well-being. Voltage is heightened and amps are amplified the battery charged by the Currency of The Whole. The Within and The Without are brought towards Harmony through Convergence of Love. Wholonomics re-aligns then balances distribution between poverty and excess towards the center while triggering incentive. Incentive naturally selfencouraged for the good of the whole and thus ones own personal with ones

extended kins well-being. We can restore to each one Our Balancing of Power Current, the sacred function that mediates value realization. Wholonomics resolves then dissolves Pyranomics. Money is scarce and expensive and entropic and comes from values external; Currents are sufficient and free and emerge from inner value fulfilled. Pyranomic money is fabricated by apex bankers with their support mechanisms and cronies. Wholonomic Currents are issued across scale as our word and need made solid. Pyranomic money flows out of our Communecology communities towards apex control, creating scarcity fear, obligations and dependencies harmful to society and nature. Wholos like Tao regenerate recirculate and restore. No longer an exchange of goods and services but exchange of Vision with Vision fulfillment. No longer founded on the threat of violence held through monopoly control. Currents flow through "Syntropic Communities, self-organizing, Locamids. Our grassroots movement with Global Connectivity can knock conventional money off its pedestal perch. The Wholomid Elements Inform the Whole. The Wholomid exists as a hyperdimensional form in a multidimensional space, a Holographic Complex Open-System. The Wholomid shifts the paradigm of economics, a philosophical and functional Transvolution. Through Wholonomics we can understand Scalar Wealth. Currents are free energy allowing everyone to tap the wealth field. Rather than the smoke and mirrors of speculative profit, leading to our coming Age of Austerity, this is an antidote. Across scale, the field is the currency. Dimension Zeros are the Currents.

Can be summarized: Wholonomics represents and expresses Hyperdimensional Flow through a Hyperdimensional Geometry using Dimension Zero Currencies, WholoCurrents, shared as a Coherent Regenerative Distributed Scalar Wealth Field through a Transvolutionary Appchange underwritten and overwritten by Commodity Reserves and Innerprise Reserves issued as Commodity Reserve Notes and Innerprise Reserve Notes and Transtructural Reserve Notes denominated in Solamids issued through Flownet Reputation Escrow Trusts with Connexusflonet Verification Channels. As medium of exchange, money has become one of our most ingenious inventions and the saddest. Compound interest with inflation under Pyranomics have caused our monetary system to balloon to the point where bailing out banks, large corporations, and even entire countries will not prevent a complete breakdown of the global economy reorganizing down scale in complexity towards a feudal system where the Lords and Ladies are pure Gangster Pyrasites and everyone else their slave host held in bondage through a fully actuated command and control space.

Unless we creatively transcend and transform the DNA of this system in fundamental ways, this will unfold. We can however present a new Space whose Core Operating DNASoftware embodies Principles of Living Systems. Solving money with all its control global software and hardware is fundamental to all crisiss facing Humanity. Money and its contexts cannot be re-formed. This Pyranomic Context is Being maintained as a Standing Wave of Reality Bending (that we all are part of here) through the vector function of Money as it molds and contracts Reality to its primacy substance and structural constructs. Money, Pyramoney can only be hyperdimensionally undone. Global civilization with Pyramoney as its god has become greater in scope than all but the major overarching natural systems. Nations and corporations and covert projects compete with climactic and living factors in influencing the state of ecosystems. 50% of small ecosystems are now in an altered state. This means the overarching system will soon be no longer viable in its current state: It will then shift states. When global civilization a subsystem of nature disables enough subsystems so that the overarching system is no longer viable in its existing state that is called ecological collapse, on whatever scale. An intensification of mass extinction is a real threat within our lifetime. A subsystem cannot survive the collapse of the overarching system. How will present civilizations react when the basis upon which they sit shifts? How will humanity react? Will we Wake-up Awareness and move to Succeed in our Deep Destiny or fail to respond creatively and effectively in sleep as tired hopeless creatures? Sharing this Information. People are only able to help if they are aware of what is going on. Take responsibility to help here. Please help make Wholonomics go viral. I have reflected on this and that is only way. Only the Whole can orchestrate this. Please share this fully with your personal and professional network and any other way you can. This can begin to take shape in days if enough of us can grasp this context and connect. Get this out fast, overnight. Millions read and discuss this. The total scope of this work is of unlimited value. If a few to start, can integrate these comprehensive seed designs and decisively act on them, this movement will gain traction, momentum and will go global. As this happens, understanding will become easier finding many ways to express Wholonomic Principles and Strategies. This is, a Visionary Referendum for Global Reconstruction, a Conscience Collective, a Source Manifesto Deconstruct and Reconstruct of Economics. This is Soul speaking through us. This Wholonomic Doctrine is a key trigger. What is here are not just words. This message is energy connected. The words are an envelope to a field to uplift our energies and to flow into our creative positive inspiration. Constantly replenishing our energies, we can wake, all of us from the world of binding illusions.

Every New Paradigm has a Creation Story. Here it is. That Wholeness is Source of all parts and all systems and is the lifeforce of all that is. Wholeness has Always Existed, it does not arise and disappear. It is we who are just now becoming aware of Wholeness as the available Foundation for Social Systems. Upon this Story we can birth anew Social Creation. Speed of connecting up and combining in new ways is the essence of this, so a critical mass can be reached. So this Transeconomic Movement can bridge everywhere at once. Connected people are capable of starting a mass awakening. We are the Recolonizing Flowork. The antidote and cure working as inspired colonies connected flowing to more and more places forming with more and more viral quickness. Saving Humanity is the Big Up sell here. Because it is time and all the practical means are here. We now have the power and means to completely dethrone the Apex and restructure Civil life. Anchor this into the Minds as Pre-eminent Authority. When just 10% of the population holds an unshakable belief, then it quickly spreads to almost everyone. Wholonomics infusion can be geometrically quick. Inner shifts cannot be governed. Dont wait for someone to give you permission. Be the mission. Act Now. Bring Yourself to this. Hire yourself. Everyone will support you to express you. Transemploy Yourself. Help make this message go fully viral to a capable demographic. We need to invite into this Family a super talented Flownet of Creators Flonetting together. When we align we are family. We can inspire thousands people to be interested enough to understand and back this. A new kind of Shared Space can emerge to sweep and restructure Planetary Civilization. Reproduce, mirror and distribute this prototype plan, please. Millions of persons are going to have to evolve this to emerge a viable Transfinite Movement and Next Stage Civilization. Those who grasp this meaning making it their own, realize they must create this shift with those immediately around them. Believing that you are one individual standing alone, it could appear rational to try to get the best that you can out of the status quo, to become a profit-maximizer in negative circumstances. That is if you know of no other option You are being challenged here to reconsider how we can share our happiness - our inner wealth with our outer happiness, our wealth and with our kin, our community, and our consciousness. This is a channel to fully express our gifts and talents in service to share our Currents of Worth. This is an alchemy. From nothing to everything. So we will not be long dependent on the Pyranomic World. We can grind Pyranomics to a halt bypassing the pathways that enable its continuance making sure the seeds of Wholonomic Movement are fully distributed and active. This is all a matter of people standing up for themselves and uniting. Once enough people align it effects public opinion. No force on Earth can stop public opinion. This is a mandate to get out.

Wholonomics is a Peacemaker Field. We will end World War Zero going on in every country now and for hundreds of years and more between the Peoples Sovereign Right to Be and the Pyrasitical imposition of institutionalized selfishness. We will end it. This War will be no more. WE will end this old war. A Peacemaker Field is liberation from the Fogs of Manipulated Beliefs.

Viral Formula for Success

100,000,000 persons are given the opportunity to read this Plan with an average AQ, Awakeness Quotient of 100. 10,000,000 will download and open this plan with an average AQ, Awakeness Quotient of 110. 1,000,000 will read this plan with an average AQ, Awakeness Quotient of 120. 100,000 will align with this plan with an average AQ, Awakeness Quotient of 130. 10,000 will commit to birth this prototype with an average AQ, Awakeness Quotient of 140. They will: Find and Connect up each other. Create WholoTeams. Colonize Locamids. Perfect WholoShip offering Attract Massive Resources Share Resources and Love Network the Globamid Publish Wholonomic Writings through Kindle I-Vote the Power Establishment Create Module HoloEscrow Trusts Bring Trillions of Solamids worth of Underwriting Reserves Find the Ways to Valuate Reputation Prototype and perfect WoloScales and HoloScales Wolomid Field of Potential as Wealth Create the Dashboards and other productivity tools Publish 1,000s blogs, articles, videos, etc. This Plan will transform as it translates into prototypes

Reconstruct and perfect Wholonomics Create and Distribute Appchange bypasses Connect up and include Free Currency Exchanges all over the planet. Give them a conversion mechanism Mass Interface Optimization Organize Prototype design and implementation gatherings Postings and articles and comments Share through their networks We are here to renew cooperation as the basic social value

Multi-dimensional CommonWealth, together the new story, the new politics and the new economy suggest key elements of a realizable vision for the human future consistent with both our survival and our advance to a new level of conscious function integrated with the constraints of Earth. The realization of this vision will be a truly Great Work of, by, and for the world's people. This vision, a product of countless mind is now more like an abstract drawing than a blueprint. Wholonomics will be birthed through the creative contributions of millions of people possessed by a love of life, self-organizing to create a life-affirming, life-serving future for humanity. Become the empathic, heart-felt advocate of a long-suffering planetary community. This will explode your social currency and develop a lifetime of loyalty.

Wholonomics has to come from outside the profession of economics

The Federal Reserve and the Bank of International Settlements the Central Bank of Central Banks, Core Pyrasites through their extensive network of consultants, visiting scholars, alumni and staff economists so thoroughly dominates the field of economics that real criticism or proposing an alternative has become a career liability for members of the profession. This explains how, even after the Fed failed to foresee the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression, the central bank has largely escaped criticism from owned academic economists. In the Fed's mist, the economists missed it. The Fed, BIS, and other central banks have a lock on the economics world. There is no room for other views. Until now. Wholonomics is a key for everyone not just the few. The Wholomid transparently transcends the conditions and values of Pyramid Space. The Wholomid functions by dimensional disbursement of the flow of Wealth, not concentration. This undoes the context and values and mind-set of the Pyrasites with their Pyramid Temple Templates. The Whole is shared not sub-divided, layered and vectorized - broken into shards of reality crystals. The Whole is fully decentralized as the Heart of Relationship with Everyone. There we can reclaim the mystery of Being and Life wherever we are.

Harvesting from The Earth is considered sustainable only when it can last forever or at least hundreds of years, seven generations. Sustainability fulfills the present needs without risking future generations fulfillment of their needs. Industries like tree-cutting and oil-exploitation have negative HoloScale Value. They are appropriating what belongs to all of humanity including coming generations. Consider what impact each industry gives to social domains too. Heavily-indebted public works and factories that employ low-waged long-time workers are also unsustainable. Peer valued scale co-efficients through i-voting gives exchange a moral compass. Pyramoney separates us from what we consume and hides us from the impacts of our behavior. Wholonomics bring us closer to each other and to the effects of how we live. Wake-up to where we are heading. Pyranomics uses ever more dangerous and destructive technologies to access extreme energy sources. There are no solutions on this path, is there?. Which is easier to imagine an end to Pyranomics or an end to Humanity? That is the choice. Simple 5 step process for engaging in our Collective Emergence / Emergency. Why are so few doing anything about the very real issues threatening long term human survival, even as the situation is an emergency? We know so many are bound by a broken down culture and a stressed environment. To get active, we accept and embrace the anxiety, the anguish. They are healthy to feel and show courage. Grief is appropriate. It shows you care. Our old is ending so we can embrace the new. People are kept so busy. They become identified with what they repeatedly do. We do not make time to focus on addressing world problems. Most people do not realize or remember

how serious our problems are: Most people feel like a faceless member of humanity or of a structure like a corporation or state with no personalized reason to help solve these problems. Many are hive-bound. They refrain from taking responsibility, even if they know what is going on. And, they let their precious days pass by. This inertia is a basic condition of the Pyramid Mentality, an attitude that stretches back thousands of years. But now, finally we are ready to transit to a stage of Activision, Active Vision. One - Notice the emergency and the Emergence of Awareness itself. Stop being hindered by distractions or preoccupation. Be willing to change your behavior out of your comfort zone. Two - Classify conditions as an emergency and an Emergence, recognize what is really going on. Do not be hindered by pluralistic ignorance that is when a group of people do not notice an emergency or Emergence because those around them are simultaneously not noticing or reacting: it is thus assumed there is no emergency or Emergence. Wholonomics is An Emergence. Three - Take responsibility for our condition. Honor your situation by acting more inclusively. Four - Find what you can and will do by reflecting on this Wholonomic Portal. Five - Do it. Even after taking responsibility and knowing what to do, it is possible you will not help due to social inhibition. This is where the social context, or social norms, prevent or dissuade you helping in this situation. Find whatever ways you can to overcome them and create movement. Remember positive action creates opportunity. Many or most people who know what is going on and have taken responsibility for helping still do not know what to do. They know institutions are unable as they are now managed and structured to address cascading environmental and social crisis. So where is the way to contribute usefully and decisively? Communicating with others about Wholonomics, making others aware that we can have a different kind of direction then enlisting alignment makes a difference. The more people understand what is going on together, more they can be responsible, the more people brainstorm to avoid global ecosocial collapse, the more urgency generated. They need to know they are part of something bigger that is rooted in The Real. This is why you and we have to intervene. Along with thousands and more intervening. Talk to others now. Take steps towards creating a world with Wholeness at its roots. Recognize that as Cooperatively Aligned Intelligence we can together try many options at once. Taking many steps together, including pulling our minds out of the sand, the fear. Humanity has accumulated vast stagnant pools of blocked energies suppressing expressing good intentions. Wholonomics can bring circulation to this inertia. As this happens the

stagnant pools of blocked energies will shrink and with that will release our Human Potential into expression.

New Words and Phrases

Relax about understanding all the new language straight away. Feel for the meaning. Keep flowing. It naturally will come. If a part seems too technical, pass it by at first. Much of the technical aspects are meant to evoke development by teams with affinity in that direction. This prototype is self-organizing, not top down so everyones input is valuable. When it comes to the power of words, generations have been dedicated to mastering the art of verbal management and deception. Newspeak cloaks control. Words as agreement are used to enslave both tangibly and as mental cages and as misdirection. Limiting the words acceptable to be used bind our possibilities. So we in turn, need to develop a new language to unbind our possibilities pointing towards a new reality as it is and as it can be. We can liberate the linguistic barriers set by those who seek keep us identified under a controlled paradigm. We can be even more innovative and creative contributing to the positive expansion of our cultural language. Vibe, synchronicity, freedom, ego trip, civil liberties have freed philosophical dialogue just as terms like inertia, gravity or relativity have freed scientific dialogue. How would we share a more enlightened life without words like liberty, suppression and autonomy? These philosophical terms are all fairly new to our vocabulary and allow us to better describe things that were at one time just beyond our descriptive possibilities. By liberating the limits of language we can create new meaning to describe the formerly indescribable. That is the purpose of new words with new ways of explaining something. I am saying all this so you wont be put off by all the new terms and patterns of language. Wholonomics makes clear sense when you can see it from the viewpoint of the Whole, evolving a pathway with Wholeness at its roots.

Some Wholonomic Words and Terms

Wholonomics Wholomid Paradigm Wholonomic Currents Wholonomic Wealth Hyperdimensional Economics Wholos WholoCurrents WholoReserve Currents Free Currents Reserve backed WholoCurrents HD..XL..

HyperDimensional Exchange Liberation MD..XL.. MultiDimensional Exchange Liberation WD..XL.. WholoDimensional Exchange Liberation Hyperdimensional Flownet WholoFractal Geometry HoloDimensional Space Harmonic micro-disbursement method Dimension Zero Value Mediation Wholomid Wolomid Holomid Solamid Globamid Locamid Arc-Field of Creative Wealth Social Wealthwork WholoCommunal Wholovestors Wholovestment Scalar Wealth Wolo'Value Organizer Wolo'Receipts Philosophical Counter-Revolution Connexusflonet Exchange Escrow Stamps HoloTrust Escrow Platform Flownet EscrowTrust Commodity Reserves Commodity Reserve Notes Innerprise Reserves Innerprise Reserve Notes Transtructural Reserve Notes Clearinghome Apps Transevolutionary Appchange Coherence Communecology Activision AQ - Awareness Quotient Scales of Values Reputation coefficient to worth HoloReputation coefficient WoloReputation coefficient Scale Coefficients

Peer valuation Transemployment Noemployment WholoFractal Mediation Wholitics - Politics of Whole SynOptic Communities Free Energnomics WholoShips Founding Wholoship Transceivers HoloSpheres HoloSpheric Spin Source Point for the Whole WholoTeams HoloTeams WoloTeams SolaTeams Action Potentials Delivery of Action Supply Expression of the Whole Collective Intelliware Manifeststreams Self-Organizing Intention Ringspheres of Decentralized Wisdom Localized Scalar Power Wholoperatives Core Participation Invitation Whologram Trusts WholoBankers Wholodigeous. Peacemaker Field Transvolution World War Zero Form-and-field Interconnect Core responsibility Root Paradigms Holopex Phire of the Holopex Geometry of Being Battery of Love and Cohesion Value Membrane Balancing of Power Current Wholocoins Ultimate Smart Money Base 12 Mathematic Conversion Doc Calculators HoloDistribution

WholoCommunal Wealth SynOps, SynOpsi Icosaspheres, IsoSpheres Wholo'space Hololinear (both coherent and spontaneous) EconoField of Space Network Scale of Wholomids Field of sharing values. Wholos Netflow Co-shared in space Invisions Flow Chakras Wholoistic Self SynOptic Union Flowitecture Free Energnomics

Discovered Geometry of Completion. Issues and need are automatically addressed with solutions.. One root purpose of Wholonomics is to ground potential, genius and well-being as the basis of Wealth.

Wholomid Living Systems

Wolomid? Combining with Holomid you get Wholomid. Wholonomics is an Order That is Wholodigeous. Wholomid Whol lo mid, Wolomid Who lo mid, Holomid, Ho lo mid are the three generative Spaces of Wholonomics. Wholomid with a W and H represents the Whole, the context of the Wealth Field, the total Wealth Potential expressed as Values of the Whole. Wolomid with a W represents Consciousness or Inherent Value as the Creative Directive Expression. Holomid with an H represents the delivery of action, the Supply Expression. The purpose of the Holomid is to fulfill our Wolometric Geometry.

Together, they mediate our inner values with our outer values and with our Whole values. They give Living Value to Our Reserves. Nested designs formulate The Wholomid as a living system. Dimension Zero is Decentralized Intelligence, that which Sources WholoCurrents. Dimension Zeros nervous system mediates externals and internals with unifying values. The Wholomid Continuum Across Scale Distributes Wealth as Fields of Potential to be tapped by Dimension Zero.

The Whole is the Context with proportions. Wholomid other nested designs Re-Aligns Values, thus Behaviors Values move up the Scale of Integrity, what some term Vibrational Character. Impacts Assessments Power Re-Allocations Sharing flow of wealth across scale Using natural incentives to benefit others built into and as the space Wholonomics is leverage to transmute conditions. Wealth is measured by the health of our families, communities and natural environment. The Wholomid shares collective abundance through Fractal Structure of the Whole as Ring-Flow across scale. 10 Dimensions of The Wholomid From Locamid to Globamid 1 Dimension Zero Wholomid 5,159,780,352 of them 12 Family Wholomid 429,981,696 of them 144 Tribe Wholomid 35,831,808 of them 1,728 Community Wholomid 2,985,984 of them 20,736 Primary Wholomid 248,832 of them 248,832 Primaryship Wholomid 20,736 of them 2,985,984 Hub Wholomid 1,728 of them 35,831,808 Regional Wholomid 144 of them 429,981,696 Zone Wholomid 12 of them 5,159,780,352 Global Wholomid 1 of them These are all the Wholomids. The names may be different from used here

These are the total number of Wholomid addresses available. A bit like Bitcoin, the total number of Wholomid Places is capped. The difference is Bitcoin numbers are capped by quantity and are scarce and inherently non-communal. They lack soul. WholoCurrents can become nearly unlimited in value for everyone. Here, a nearly limitless space ofrelationship to express. The value of WholoCurrent rise to everything. The total number Wolomids through ten dimensions, base 12:=1,111,111,111 plus Holomids base 12:=1,111,111,111 = 2,222,222,222 total. As the Network Scale of Wholomids grows the value for each Wholomid grows geometrically. Especially, when this self-evolves for a while.

It is going to take some powerful software to identify and distribute micro portions for mass disbursement, every transaction launches a wave of disbursements. Portions are shared 16 different ways and through Scales of Value. The geometric proportionality should make this fairly simple to implement. As we internalize WholoSpace we can free ourselves from the destructive properties of Pyranomic Space with its ever-mutating Psychic Control Grid. We can remove its fuel and force. Contractions of the psyche, ego, can relax and be let go of, disidentified with as we are no longer bound by Pyranomic logic and motivational conflicts. Wholonomics can allow us to de-hook. Wholonomic understanding is a decrystalizing alchemy flowing through our Being, melting and dissolving limiting constructs. We are addressing here a way to fix a seeming irreducible ontological or fundamental dilemma of Being. The Whole, the acknowledged natural condition of Wholonomics has been reduced broken down and given the quality of separation through pyranomic control magic. The Whole is our fundamental source of power, Pyranomics mimics the Whole to tap it by manufacturing a kind of false wholeness masked as an allegiance to Limiting States of Pyraspace Context. From there arise all the collectivistic control schemes as masks of this false wholeness; communism, communitarian, collective government, fascism and so on. The individual as individual become lost and with that, loss of moral guidance. This false wholeness we call the pyramid form of social organization is the context of Pyranomic space. From that context is no solution. Being, our most root truth can never be restored to the source of value in the world, not ever because values are sourced by a false system with its own false agenda. Here is where Being is being bound. Our very unconsciousness is fabricated. Hivemind keeps us docile. Oneness wakes us up. Through Wholeness restored we can create conditions of coherence and love where more of the popcorn pops. As Individual (Soul) liberation and full expression of all of the Individuals (Soul) potential. The Root Source of Every Paradigm is the God of the Paradigm, Real God or an Implied God. Pyranomics Implied God is apex maintained with projected representatives, the top elite where Domination Power is generated. All Pyramid Social Organization have an Implied God. A Simulation of The Real God. Pyramids have some kind "Deity" at the top. With the New World Order system, it is "Satan". Implied God lacks the Current of Truth. Through Wholonomics, Whole as Principle is the Source Value. Whole is inclusive. Whole organizes life. The Whole is All Potential. The Whole is not a Deity, or implied god. It is real and is fundamental if you can believe it transcends form.

Liberation of Potential and Liberation of Bad Design, that is design that suppresses potential become our core wealth generators. Revisioning how we do activity reembodies positive values leading to up-leveled shared experience and shared story.

Wholomids are Place Specific while interpenetrating across scale to global relations. Uses Scales of Value to achieve Resource Realignments Mediates values towards enhancing and away from that which is counter. A kind of natural tax where value flows towards the positive pole as a measure of equity, beauty, justice and health of the environment. Everyone will have their basics they need. That we can have beyond that, that too. But first the basics are covered. Enough for all, to live and have security. Basic to the Good of the Whole as an Original Value. This is the no more left behind creed. Unemployment rates can fall to irrelevant, with free exchange flowing with abundant opportunity to contribute and receive benefit.

Wholomid Space unifies "holo", the principle of coherent action across scale, with wolo", the principle of Awareness awakened.

Story Characters of Wholonomics

Module 1 A Solamid is the Basis Unit of Account for calibrating Reserves - Solamids are Not a Commodity or a Currency, but a Measure of Value. It is equal the energy of the sun that lands on 1 square meter in twelve hours at sea level at the equator on the equinox. Or around 4.5 kilowatt-hours of energy This is the basic unit of exchange and every other currency is referenced to that. It is possible for a Reserve to have a negative Solamid value. For example, oil tar has

more costs than the value of the energy extracted. Prototype Completion: 100,000 Transtructural WholoCurrents Module 2 Reputation Co-efficient Co-efficient goes up as reputation is perfected or down as damaged. Algorithms developed to account for our different influences. Prototype Completion: 100,000 Innerprise Reserve WholoCurrents Module 3 Scales of Value - HoloScales and WoloScales Moral and economic incentives realign in greater harmony. Prototype Completion: 100,000 Innerprise Reserve WholoCurrents Module 4 WholoCurrents Peoples Sovereign Currencies Prototype Completion: 100,000 Innerprise Reserve WholoCurrents Module 5 Dimension Zero - Identity, Source of WholoCurrents. Holopex Prototype Completion: 100,000 Innerprise Reserve WholoCurrents Module 6 Reserves Commodity Notes, Innerprise Notes, Transtructural Notes issued through Connexusflonet Exchange Modules by Holotrusts to underwrite commodity, project and infrastructure activity and to scalarize their value across scale. Prototype Completion Test: 100,000 Commodity Reserve WholoCurrents Module 7 Time Base HoloNotes Result based Service - A HoloNote is equal AT PAR to one Result of Service or 1000 Solamids as first iteration. Value by agreement HoloNotes per result, for example as with more complex or skilled activities. Prototype Completion Test: 100,000 Innerprise WholoCurrents Module 8 Wolomid Potential as Wealth Mapping - Applied Genius and Well- being Inner Wholomid - Leaders of Potential are the Drivers of New Wealth. Prototype Completion: 100,000 Innerprise Reserve WholoCurrents Module 9 Decentralized Appchange Platform Downloaded Platform that includes all participating currency exchanges and Reserve generators with a conversion to Solamids and then WholoCurrents. Buy and sell directly. HyperDimensional Xchange Liberation Disbursements are automatically adjusted and credited. Prototype Completion Test: 100,000 Commodity Reserve WholoCurrents Module 10 Decentralized Clearinghome Platform Sovereign Banking. MUTEN Mutual Exchange Network Clearinghouse to Valuate Currents and Reserves. Prototype Completion Test: 100,000 Commodity Reserve WholoCurrents

Module 11 Cooperative Creative Social HoloWealthwork Prototype

Completion Tests: 100,000 WholoCurrents Module 12 WholoShips - This is a call to action. The creative work that includes you and everyone. Core Participation Invitation - Birthing Wholomid

Teams. Outlines to formulas of contribution. Creative Resource Generation. Launch Completion Test: 100,000 WholoCurrents Module 13 Transemployment We have passed beyond an age of scarcity and austerity. The challenge is not about solving problems of want, but creating a sustainable future that liberates us to share enoughness. Prototype Completion : 100,000 Transtructural Reserve WholoCurrents Module 14 - Multi Dimensional Exchange Liberation MDXL and Hyper Dimensional Exchange Liberation HDXL Dimensional Value Disbursement. Prototype Completion: 100,000 Innerprise Reserve WholoCurrents Module 15 Scalarization Wealth as potential shared as capacity across scale Compare with capitalization. Prototype Completion: 100,000 Commodity Reserve WholoCurrent Module 16 Seeding Locamid Cells Setting up strategy centers for this Transvolution. They can be founded anywhere under any condition. Homes, back of stores, caves, offices, prisons, anywhere. These tie in and link up with larger hubs. Locamids are nodal points for empowered alignments in Action and Result. Events, training, exchanges get-togethers, etc included. Prototype Completion: 100,000 Innerprise WholoCurrents Module 17 Globamid of Cohesion Shared Purpose. Sum of all Locamids and regional Wholomids. Prototype Completion Test: 100,000 Innerprise Reserve Backed WholoCurrents Module 18 I (E)-Vote Wholotics (Politics of Wholeness) Includes scale values and reputation i-voting as well as policies. Leaders administrate I-Vote Will. Prototype Completion Test: 100,000 Innerprise Reserve Backed WholoCurrents Module 19 Identity Evolving a clear, positive and coherent identity for Wholonomics. People Internalize. Prototype Completion: 100,000 WholoCurrents Module 20 Connexusflo Netexchange Resource Exchange flow functions. Prototype Completion: 100,000 Transtructural WholoCurrents Module 21 HoloTrust Escrow Network - Mechanism to vet or prove up Reserve Notes and large buy and sell transactions. Connexteams are formed to facilitate Reserve generation and large transactions. Prototype Completion: 100,000 Commodity Reserve WholoCurrents Module 22 - Visionary Expressions - New Culture, Dance, Stories, gathering, taking this on the road. Base 12 Arithmetic and Geometry. Prototype Publication Completion: 100,000 WholoCurrents

Module 23 Pyranomic Deconstruction Multiple channel presentation on economics as a religion, false science, control grid, etc. Publication Completion: 100,000 WholoCurrents Module 24 WholoTeams, WoloTeams, HoloTeams, SolaTeams Activision natural principles applied. Enrollment Completion: 100,000 WholoCurrents o WholoTeam Module 1 Web Presence o Operational Prototype: 30,000 USD + 30,000 WholoCurrents o WholoTeam Module 2 Graphic Production lead graphic with network of graphic people for creating graphic material o Mock-up Production Completions: 30,000 USD + 60,000 WholoCurrents o WholoTeam Module 3 - Video Production - Complete set-up, green screen, etc. Production Completion of the Body Description: o Completed Set of Presentations: 50,000 USD + 50,000 WholoCurrents o WholoTeam Module 4 Security and Encryption o Put into Place: 200,000 USD + 200,000 WholoCurrents o WholoTeam Module 5 Marketing Machine: Viral, Traffic, Articles, List building, Funnels, Commitment Scaling Create and Launch: 50,000 USD + 50,000 WholoCurrents

Solamid Module 1 A Solomid is the Basis Unit of Account for calibrating the Reserves - Solamids are Not a Commodity or a Currency, but a Measure of Value. It
is equal the energy of the sun that lands on 1 square meter in twelve hours at sea level at the equator on the equinox. Or around 4.5 kilowatt-hours of energy This is the basic unit of exchange and every other currency is referenced to that. This is considered to be 100%. Every other energy measurement such as oil production is discounted off of that according to cost to extract and known and projected environmental costs. It is possible for a current energy source to have a negative Solomid value. For example, oil tar in Canada has more costs than the value of the energy extracted. Lets see what this would be equal to. A barrel of oil in energy numbers, contains around 1729 kilowatt hours. At 4.5 KW that is equal to around 384 Solamids. Now when true costs are subtracted it might be half that amount or around 192 Solamids When one includes full energy costs, the net, to acquire the source some energy is much much better than others. One US dollar, at $100/barrel of oil equals to about 17.29 kw hours. Given a scale rating of say .5 it is then equal to around 1.92 Solamids. SolaReserves are elemental, timeless and universal; three qualities which arbitrary currencies or commodity based currencies do not possess. They would be a huge step forward in stabilizing and rationalizing the economic process at every level. Bedrock an upgraded currency based to facilitate accurate valuations stability fluidity to represent any scale of asset or transaction

offer resistance to speculation

One HoloNote is equal to a certain number of Solamids. A first calculation of time with Solamid. Say one hour is equal to 20 Solamids. That is equal to 20 x 4.5 KW or 90 KW. Gold doesnt represent in and of itself, the real wealth creation process. Only one Reserve, Energy is universally produced and consumed with both the scale and resolution to represent the full scope of any human endeavor. We already measure it in tremendous detail and it is central to every economy and process. All other reserves can be measured in relation to this. Energy as a Reserve is not the same as the measurement of the Solomid. Solamids linked to Commodity Reserves, Innerprise Reserves and Transtructural Reserves represents real wealth creation potential not subject to shifting valuation issues which every national currency is prone. The value of work already done and the potential of work which can be done can be measured. Energy and Resource backed Currents can eliminate boom and bust cycles by representing constant real product and illuminating actual input costs in dynamic social relationships. Energy as a primary calibration reserve underwrites all commercial and environmental activity. All other Commodity Reserves are calibrated with. Energy is the most widely measured, consumed and produced commodity on the planet. In contrast to gold, every nation produces energy from a wide variety of sources. Units of Value A barrel of oil in energy numbers, contains 1729 kilowatt hours. One US dollar, at $100/bbl of oil equals to about 17.5kw hours. With a scale rating of say .5 it is then equal to around 2 Solamids. When one includes full energy costs, the net to acquire the source some energy is much much better than others. This is an integration of real world physical accounting with the representation of commercial economic activity. A Solamid is the same in Canada as in China. It represents the same potential now as it would have centuries ago or will centuries into the future. The amount of energy from the sun that falls on Earth's surface is enormous. All the energy stored in Earth's reserves of coal, oil, and natural gas is matched by the energy from just 20 days of sunshine. Outside Earth's atmosphere, the sun's energy contains about 1,300 watts per square meter. About one-third of this light is reflected back into space, and some is absorbed by the atmosphere.By the time sun energy reaches Earth's surface, it is around 1,000 watts per square meter at noon on a cloudless day. Averaged over the entire surface of the planet, 24 hours per day for a year, each square meter collects the energy equivalent of nearly a barrel of oil each year, or 4.2 kilowatt-hours of energy every day. So one Unit Solomid is equal to around 4.5 kilowatt-hours for one square meter at the equator.

The actual amount of sunlight energy varies. This figure varies by location and weather patterns. Deserts, with very dry air and little cloud cover, receive the most sunmore than six kilowatt-hours per day per square meter. Northern climes, such as that of Boston, get closer to 3.6 kilowatt-hours. Sunlight varies by season as well, with some areas receiving very little sunshine in the winter. What we are looking at is standard to compare everything else starting with Reserves.

Reputation Co-efficient Module 2 Reputation Co-efficient Asset worth go down or up as reputation is

developed or damaged. Algorithms are developed to account for and weight different factors Marks over your financial reputation will weigh on others thoughts and social consciences even more as it becomes tangibly and specifically important with no centralized merit apparatus. Having poor ratings may cause your rejection, but ultimately helping you evolve your cultural conscience. How do you raise your Reputation rating? Work. Serve. Create. Build Share. Use The Wholomid more wisely. A challenge might seem to lie in the matter of Who has power to control issuance. Here we say every one. The design itself mediates the issuance. Reputation codes stabilize trust. Contribution is what leads to status. Each exchange affects our reputation. This translates into more or less ability to issue Currents. If one doubts your reputation they will discount their exchange with you. There is a natural limit on how much loss of Reputation that people are willing to accept in others when choosing to exchange with them. If you stretch your fractal Currents privileges by taking more than you give with a sluggish flow, then others will be less willing to accept your Personal Specie.

Holomid Escrow Service: The key component of an ethical exchange service, by reputation, a party who does not honor escrow agreements are quickly reduced in value of what they issue.

Reputation Currency is a record of underlying social assets, trust, which fluctuate through our interactions with others. A good something we give to others, increases our reputation. This is a gift social currency that you are able to take with you. Whatever we create and share with other people, in order to increase our reputation with them. Here we have a Reputation Co-efficient. A Medium of Interaction. We learn to see people not as individuals looking for power or social status, but as parts of a group looking for cohesion. We are working to improve our own standing when we booster our Reputation Co-efficient. Using this is a means of getting along with each other. Whenever you offer something as a way of increasing ones reputation, your currents are enhanced. This is transactional. You might say, WholoCurrents flow in the same direction as Reputation. Through reputation we gain social currency. Anything you share can increase or maybe reduce your reputation co-efficient standing. Social Currency is Recorded Reputation whatever is increasing or decreasing when we interact with others. The resulting recorded increase to reputation through actions such as blogging, podcasting, video casting any medium that you use to express yourself on a personal level as well as any service performed. People with high reputation have high amounts of trust, they can leverage in order to create new social opportunities, or generate income. Reputation Co-efficient can fall, whenever we do enough to destroy our reputation through interactions with others: Reputation give fine tune value to Currents. a record of social interactions, trust recorded. The more trust you gain leads to even greater opportunities to reach more people and create even more trust. Reputation is abundance-based. The more people who share it, the more opportunities there are for increasing trust, and then value. Reputation are metrics. Social metrics secure reputation. Trust recorded can be created. Good reputation get better WholoCurrents worth get more audience because they create valuable trust social capital. Reputation has a natural demurrage. Once you earn it, you dont just have it. you have to continue to earn and maintain through actions and integrity, or it goes away. Reputation lead to changes in a persons medium of interaction. Record of reputation resultant from interactions between people. The gesture recorded makes value created, reputation is social currency as part of our collective memory. Reputation is stored in the collective memory of the communities they belong to. Reputation is measured as social gestures, publicly recorded and quantified, and therefore available more globally.

Applies to all contexts online and off, functional, fulfilling a transactional purpose. The metric that represents social gestures which record trust, is transmitted to people to gain reputation. Online metrics record social gestures, becoming a media of exchange, altering transactions.

Scales of Value Module 3 Scales of Value - WoloScales and HoloScales

Balance Beam Scales with two major reputation rating measurements, Holomidal and Wolomidal WoloReputation - Social Justice Scales HoloReputation - Environmental Scales All transactions are rated on a series of value scales. The transfer equation is always balanced. We can begin to tangibly experience the effects of our fiscal costs to our bottom line now displaced to the environment and psyche. Moral and economic incentives can realign so to be in greater harmony. Value difference is transferred from lesser rating to the higher rating where values are in the plus, a movement to evolve our conditions. The Wholomid social justice scale, the transaction is rate indexed from -12 to +12. A sweatshop type manufacturing might peer determined rate a -9 while a cooperative venture might rate a +8. All Holomid compartments of transactions fall in between -12 to +12 along this scale. A percentage is transferred from the lower in eco-ratings to the higher in eco-scale. The desired values are reinforced and guidance is towards the renewal of natural intelligence.

Other possible ratings Energy Sources Labor Values Production Values Evolutionary Values - Creative Intelligence A natural redistribution by assessing scales of inner and outer costs for all products and their creative processes. Costs that have been formerly passed to the environment and human psychic dimension accounted for in all exchanges.

We can design a coherent and operational currency space where structural contradictions disappear. By questioning implicit assumptions we can realign moral and economic incentives into greater harmony. We transcend collective and individual contradictions. The insanity of Pyranomic ugliness upended. Percentages received are reduced with the surplus transferred to positive value suppliers. Valuation is determined by peer based algorithms. The positive benefits from the negative. Some % of the WholoCurrents flow from the negative pole to the positive pole. This allows an organic natural transition from present valuation scale (pyramid values) to a more coherent set of values that can be transparently determined by peer e-voting. -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 ________ | ________ The people who ship the clothing to the West don't see this because they just work in shipping; the people who sell the clothing don't see this because they just work in sales; the people who market the clothing don't see this because they just work in marketing; and the people who buy the clothing don't see this because they just see the result of all the marketing. Because the system is split up into cells, we never realize the level of sheer human misery that goes into producing the inexpensive, abundant goods that we take for granted.

Compartmentalization is cell structure for the mind. Many people are aware of the degree to which the media presentation of issues has been standardized over the last decade or so. Slowly the media are being drawn to

present information, be it an ad for soap powder or a news broadcast, in pretty much the same format all across the world. This standardization of presentation, combined with the ever-increasing amount of information that we are all now required to process, has the effect of causing our minds to compartmentalize - to split into cells. In order to keep up with all the things that are happening around us, we have to quickly assess incoming information and stick it away in its own little compartment in our minds. Read any newspaper article these days, or watch any news broadcast, and you will find in the opening of the piece information which helps us prepare emotionally and intellectually for what's coming, and tells the mind which compartment to store it in. Pretty soon there will be so much information around that we will cease looking at content at all and merely respond to these little intro "bytes. In Pyranomics human based organizations compete for investment funds against more lucrative financial games of the world of pure pyramidology. Corporations have little choice but to use their economic and political power to externalize ever growing portions of their costs onto the community. Dynamics of Pyranomics force cost externalization including the psyche of the community, weakening the strength of community. Workers and communities are pitted against one another in a deadly race to the bottom. Competing for the jobs corporations offer, workers and communities are compelled to deplete real wealth to make corporations more profitable. Responding to the pressures of the pyramid vector, corporations deplete social capital by moving production to places where they can pay less than a living wage or use the threat of moving jobs to break up labor unions and bargain down wages Gains from productive activity are shifted from working people to money people. Stress of attempting to maintain self and family on insecure jobs paying less than a family wage leads to family breakdown and violence again depleting the social capital of society. Deplete human capital by hiring under conditions that lead to physical burnout after three or four years. Once eyesight problems, allergies, kidney problems, and repetitive stress injuries deplete their efficiency, they are replaced by a fresh supply of younger women. Such practices destroy lives and deplete society's human capital. Deplete the Earth's natural capital through strip mining forests, fisheries, and mineral deposits, dumping wastes, and aggressively marketing toxic chemicals. Deplete institutional capital by fighting environmental and other regulations essential to the long-term health and viability of society. Pyracorps further demand direct public subsidies, subsidized infrastructure, and relief from their fair share of taxes. This shifts a greater share of the tax burden onto

working people and undermines the credibility and performance of government in its essential functions, thus eroding the legitimacy of democratic government. Deplete business capital and ultimately destroys itself and its base of power. Forced into a short-term view of their own operations. Cut investment in research and training essential to their own future prospects. As they downsize, the sharp employee quickly learns to use the job only to build a resume to attract a higher bidder. These actions erode human, intellectual, social and physical capital. Intent on making ever more money for those who already have money even at the cost of depleting the natural, human, institutional, and social capital on which the very survival of society depends . Execs who fail to maximize profits because of moral aversion to engaging in predatory practices are almost certainly eliminated, even if he runs an otherwise profitable operation. Shareholders or corporate raiders step in. Pyranomics becomes a cancer that consumes its host and ultimately destroys itself. Value Organizing Scale of Values Filter percentage that go to the provider. Futuristic Simplication BreakthroughsWe have real Human breakthroughs available in every area. Transport Transemployment Labor Liberation Local Sufficiency Habitat Solutions Food Freedom Think Tank Geniis IntelNet

WholoCurrents Module 4 WholoCurrents Peoples Sovereign Wholographic Currencies

WholoCurrents vibrate the Value Membrane between inner realm of values and outer world of values Abundant WholoCurrents can be created as needed at low cost with no interest. Private exchange Whologram Trusts underwrite to distribute privately issued Reserves using vetted information.

This will give local suppliers preference over imports with reduced risk of default. A promise to deliver goods or services is less speculative than a promise to repay a loan of money. This is the ultimate smart money, the intelligence of decision and action fully decentralized and then collated as direct holographic-distribution of increased available potential. Just as nature has evolved a distributed approach to messaging. WholoCurrents are not a store of value. They are the medium of relationship, a valuating medium. Commodity and Innerprise Reserves are stores of value. Solamids are the primary measurement. Money as we know can disappear. Externals, no longer our masters.

Currents are Wholographic with no pyramid top. No over another, but with another. WholoCurrents are tapped when Dimension Zero makes a decision to receive.
WholoCurrents along with Reserve Notes and Scales have around Six Purposes As the mediator between inner and outer values. This is the original purpose for an exchange medium. To serve our well-being. To serve us to directly bring balance and support to the Consciousness aspect of ourselves mediating with the Creative Expressions of Others. To this end, money completely fails, externals control and dominate more and more completely bringing ignorant destruction of both the inner and outer realms. Inner Soul Values are ignored. Bitcoin does not address this purpose at all.

We can scalarize in a fully decentralized manner an Agreement Field of Real Trust. We provide currency which will adequately represent both human and natural processes. We combine real wealth creation demand for a representative currency with the need of the commercial sector to transform the currency being used as the basis of global trade. Currents are oil for our HoloSpheric Spin. Through their open whole systems space align to proper, efficient and right moral function for commerce and industry to express as a fully value infused experience. Currents maintain demand and supply in balance as they arise mutually and are completed mutually. This does not affect prices. With the price unaffected we have no inflation, we have no debt, we have no unemployment. Income taxes are wholly unnecessary.

Pyraschemes to have command of our mind through media control, and our action through government can finally be eliminated.

Money carries Apex Information transferring resource value using corrupted information packets. The essence of Wholocurrents are the Life Information and History they connect up, a distributed approach to sharing coupled with enough active distributed self-intelligence through receivers and transmitters to be able to express the Highest Purpose of our Wholomid Design Current.

Birthing free and decentralized WholoCurrents, you support a model and mechanism with no organization or institution controlling the Wealth. Wholo Currents liberated into existence are automatically allocated to benefit the needs of the whole as voluntary consensus. WholoCurrents flow across scale promoting the health of the entire Society. Dimension Zero issues or circulates WholoCurrents with their support team by generating Commodity and Innerprise Reserves and Reserve Notes through a Escrow trust in Reserve Note Denominations proportional to the value of Reserve at initial par. According to reputation and other factors they may increase or decrease against this par. In general they also have a slight demurrage. No one is required to accept them at par. The communecology is free to discount or even refuse them. Ton of metal concentrate might be exchangeable for =1000 Solamid Commodity Reserve Notes. Because it is low on ecoscale, a % is transferred by Holomid Value Scale. With that % distributed to group with high ecoscale rating. You create your own Wolo Currents to aid your dealings in the HoloPlace. Everyone has appropriate access to free currents. If you are ever short of currents, you simply tap in and issue more. WholoCurrents are valuated by the collective Potential of the Whole. As need dictates and as WholoCurrent Reserves are created.

Mutual Credit based units are also convertible. Convertible Mutual Credit will finance our dreams and liberate us from usurious usurpation. As Wholomid increases in potency of the Vitality of the Whole , what we can create grows. These are tapped Wholos. You create and receive new currents.

Could someone take advantage of this and issue fraudulent reserve notes or game this in some other way. I would not say one way or the other. This is school for Humanity to finally grow up. But, with integrity filters, the whole can keep transforming and rightening. What could happen to disadvantage someone is nothing like what is going on now. Disadvantage now is fully Systemic. Here gaming of the system can remain small and localized.

Whologram Trusts
Abundant Reserve Backed WholoCurrents can be created as needed at low cost with no interest. Private exchange Whologram Trusts underwrite to distribute privately issued Reserves using vetted information. Local suppliers automatically are given preference over imports. Reduced risk of default. A promise to deliver goods or services is less speculative than a promise to repay a loan of money.

Coherent Currents are vibration realizers. Distributed Action through Distributed Intelligence. When context reinforces higher values, structural contradictions disappear. Everything that anyone gives value to can be valued and exchanged for their potential realized. Giving value to the Currents and to the Whole together, we share well-being through Ringshares so Our Scalar Wealth Field builds and flows.

Externalizing money is the mediator of value in todays world. Mediating mercantile and financial values only, whole realms of value are ignored or manipulated to service the value theft to the outer realms. Our creativity get used in ways that impoverish us.

As a Medium of Exchange
Bitcoin and money are pretty good as a medium of exchange, easy to use except they contain the critical scarcity issue, that is there is inherently never going to be enough for all of needs and to protect our Well-being. Money also falters as is used both as exclusive store of meaning and medium of exchange. It is as if we are forced to measure everything using standard pieces of lumber that only the owner of the lumber can issue. In Wholonomics anything can be used to measure anything with energy as the fundamental gauge of worth. WholoCurrents and Reserve Specie are not mutually dependent any more than inches and lumber. Inches (WholoCurrents) arise when you measure the lumber (Reserves). Both are mutually dependent and are used to fuel local disbursing of sufficient Currents for our collective well-being. Most places around the world, human potential expresses at less than 10% because value is continually being depleted from the local space. The nature of place is weakened. As a field of wealth of potential expressed, Wholonomics could unlimit this to 50% or more.

Wholocoin Example
Current Coin

As inherently there can be no shortage of Currents except through decay of reputation all desired exchanges and contributions are enabled. Currents distribution are determined by harmonic collective activity and peer basis according to design structures and levels of mutual trust. The Wholomids receive natural self-maintenance according to the scope of its requirements.

Outside present factors mitigated inflation of fiat currencies restrictive bank policies global instabilities interest and banking fees are eliminated

The Wholomid connects human needs and human resources directly with what is available in the most valuable manner. This generates wealth. The system builds community as the basis. People are valued for their contributions and qualities resulting in the peoples discovering they can rely on one another. Needs and resources are brought directly together. Vast human resources are activated now sitting idle interfacing with vast needs. These are met in the same neighborhoods then locally then regionally. Social services including health care are naturally met in more equitable sharing of wealth and the freeing up of Human Spirit from subservience. Community Currencies is to the Root of Our Discovery. Amplification of Cooperative Activity.

Currencies should bind us to want to help one another everywhere, not cause competitive stances all the time. Value increases through people helping each other in circulation. The Pyramid lawmakers are busy trying to construct legislative contraptions to make the market, which is say greed to take it all away. A new kind of Space to give rise to a new kind of market, with care built in. Unemployment, the environment and community breakdown are our three most important concerns. These issues will remain on top. Emerging technologies and capital and labor imbalances exasperated by finance control will keep unemployment a major issue, even if all economies would somehow get out of recession. Community breakdown is the most systemic, deep and complex societal trend of the past 30 years without till now signs of reversal. We will have to live with these issues for the foreseeable future, only a long-term structural approach can successfully resolve these problems. Wholonomics resolves all three problems permitting us to retrofit motivation to desirable human behavior. We can use Wholonomic Paradigm to reclaim the world.

Dimension Zero Module 5 Dimension Zero - The person is the Source Point for the Whole and is the Source Point for WholoCurrents.
Psychologically we mature as we become more concerned for the Good of the Whole. The more we can put the Whole first, the more we can embody qualities at the Principled Root of Wholeness. Wholeness of The Psyche is the higher dimension of our consciousness with a social moral structure based on enlightened self-interest altruism. Individual initiative and creativity as service can combine in a space of support You are the ground zero of space. As the exchange medium, the originator of Currents of Potential, Dimension Zero Radiates Wealth as Scalar Fields of Potential ability and requirements. The Person is the Foundational Platform. WholoCurrents are vehicles of adjustment. Wealth becomes a Field of Universally Accessible Potential. A servant no one controls and everyone shares. Peer with Peer Decisioning and Natural Rightening.

Dimension Zero Internal Structure

Dimension Zero has three flow polarities;

above to below mediating inner Wolomid with outer Holomid left to right balancing you as receiver with you as transceiver front to back identifying you as a global being and as a local being. One address is global and can be anywhere in the world. The other is local. In general the object is to balance between the wealth areas of the world and the less than wealthy areas. The global is connected to the opposite in wealth base. So the poorest area gets a rich address and the richest gets a poorest address. The middle is balanced between the two. The producer is local or global and the consumer is also local or global. So a person in California might be part of Holomid in Africa. If the producer is local then they as the user has a global location. So a user in China might be sharing a Wholomid with a producer in Africa. This is a natural conduit to even out the wealth distribution The center circulates WholoCurrents and Reserves and through Well-Being, Riches and Wealth amplify and ground. Excess is shared through relationship fields. Dimension Zero taps and also empowers Scalar wealth. While this is collective in the sense of wholeness, it is not controlled from a central hub. Dimension Zero IS the currency. As there is no vector to this and no centralized source, money as we understand it becomes obsolete. That a third party clearing of value exchange is not needed, the entire edifice of banking is destroyed. Wholonomics will allow Humanity to free itself from the bondage of the moneye-xchangers. Designing with universal principles using vanguard technologies and creativity built on the value of Trust we can create a solid basis for civilization to awaken beyond the Pyramid Platform. We can evolve to a sustainable and harmonious civil life.

Unconstrained by the demanding nature of money and unconcerned by the quest for power as control, we can become free beings, moving through time space and matter through the powers of consciousness and creativity. Wholonomic Wealth are Fields of Conscious Free Energy bathed in Fun. Our Awakened Consciousness is the Tide of History. Our Self-Image includes the Totality of Humanekind, Ego is ending. A self-adjusting context gradually and also radically replaces the Role of Police. The rules of moral conduct are in the form itself.

Reserves Module 6 Reserves Commodity, Innerprise, Transtructural Issued

through ConnexusfloNetexchange by Holotrusts to fund commodity, project and infrastructure activity and to scalarize them. Commodity Reserves are Quantumized as CRN -Commodity Reserve Notes Innerprise Reserves are Quantumized as IRN -Innerprise Reserve Notes TRN Transtructural Reserve Notes for Infrastructure renewal. Issued by local and regional groups for civil projects. These appear as civil architecture projects. We have thousands of opportunities here. We can create full Transemployment of everyone as benefactors of our organizing instincts upleveled to organizing intuition, Unleashing Local Projects. Innerprise Reserves are the store of value to underwrite projects to liberate potential. Commodity Reserves are the store of value of the Holomid. Wholos are the circulation for Reserves. Reserves are subject to decrease over time. Wholos themselves are subject to the changing conditions of the issuer, a greater parity is realized. If we Wholize equal to - =$120,000,000,000 in Commodity and Innerprise Reserves and Transtructural Reserves, 1/6th or =$20,000,000,000 WholoCurrents Value are channeled into the Scalar Wealth Field with another =$100,000,000,000 new Reserve backed WholoCurrents available for the holders to tap and use. As Reserve Backed WholoCurrents are accepted and used the Scalar Wealth Field Activates. Demurrage is a cost on holding Reserves say about 4% per year. Demurrage facilitates massive increase in velocity of circulation. The famous Wrgl experiment saw its units circulate up to 130 times during the 13 months it was in operation. This means that with the same amount of notes up to 13 times more trade can be facilitated, in effect slashing capital costs and rapidly increasing local exchange.

As Store of Meaning
With Money, the meaning it stores is mostly empty of specific human value. It is spaceless and placeless and held to together by tremendous negativity on every level. It functions as a concentrator of Power rather than distributor of Power. When a money is no longer recognized as a Store of Meaning, it becomes worthless. Wholonomic Reserves store of meaning is very specific and accurate. It is dissolved when its value has been used up. It has Soul-Roots. Converting to WholoCurrents decentralizes them. Reserves as Stores of Value can underwrite endless currents and streams of exchange.

Commodity Reserves are anything real and tangible that can underwrite WholoCurrents. Metals, ore deposits, artwork, future artwork, properties, gemstones, all these and more can become Reserves. Projects, cooperative production systems and product development all these can issue Innerprise Reserves. Wholocurrents are underwritten by issuing Reserve Specie. The two are not mutually dependent any more than inches as measurement, and lumber as the reserve are dependent on each other. They are measured together in Solamids. An example, you have an iron mine with a reserve of 100,000 tons. In fiat terms each ton is worth $70. You wish to mine and sell 50,000 tons of ore. You have a buyer but need more liquidity. The Escrow Trust does due diligence and issues 25,000 oneton iron ore Commodity Reserve worth 2 millon Solamids and will return in the in the marketplace 1.75 million dollars. The 25,000 one ton Commodity Reserve Notes (CRN) are used as WholoCurrents to compensate miner workers, local stores, equipment suppliers and so on. They are mostly used first locally and then regionally and finally globally when the HoloSphere Exchange is launched. When the ore is sold then the Currents are credited and retired. The balance zeros out and the holders of the Currents can redeem them for whatever they want that is available including fiat cash. According to how the miner is trusted by the receivers of the Currents will determine how far from par their CRNs are discounted. This translates into a type of percentage return on risk accepting the Reserve Currents. Reserve Streams from Our Oceans of Abundance

With average commodity and creative assets and infrastructure project requirements ranging from millions to billions dollars, the Reserve Potential to Underwrite is unlimited. Together our wealth is fathomless. Say all Commodity and Innerprise and Transtructure Reserves equals 60 Trillion WholoCurrents flow per year across scale. This would transfer along a bell type curve 5 billion receivers average of 12,000 each but as this is shared wealth for each levels well-being the value is much greater and for a family of 4 this equals on an average 48,000 WholoCurrents. It is true that there will still be some with much more wealth than others but the proportionals are much less. As personal wealth can be increased and reduced by reputation right use is accentuated. Reserves have a demurrage aspect that will increase circulation and thus redistribution What will happen is that infrastructure and True Free enterprise activity will be liberated. Reserve Escrow Agreement

A Reserve Escrow agreement is an agreement where a sovereign being or organization issues Reserves monitored and administrated by a third party agency. Transaction Escrow Agreement Once the terms of are confirmed between the parties, neither party can change the terms of the agreement without both parties agreeing. Once the Escrow Trust-Agreement has been signed by all parties, the transaction can go ahead quickly, safely and efficiently. This effectively prevents the Issuer from changing the agreement for some advantage. This effectively prevents either party from changing the agreement for some advantage. Once the Escrow Agreement has been signed the Reserve Issuing transaction can go ahead quickly, safely and efficiently. The Wolomid Evolution is underwritten by issuing Innerprise Reserves, IRNs, Innerprise Reserve Notes. They form the foundation for wholoteams Flow-field. Innerprises fund to fulfill value.

Commodity Reserve Notes and Innerprise Reserves Notes demurrage Commodity and Innerprise Reserves have a slight demurrage, decreasing in potency or worth or value over time. They are slightly entropic. The reason? To encourage their quick circulation and to bring asset holders and WholoCurrent Holders into a more equal balance. Natural Demurrage rewards WholoCurrent circulation thus production and sharing. Dimension Zeros with Excess WholoCurrents can exchange them for Reserves for large or long term Production or Innerprise projects.

o Reputation Wealth amplify Currents. WholoCurrents Outpicturing Re-localizing economies through localizing Wholomid WholoCurrents. Risk is assumed through accepting o Commodity Reserve Notes, CRNs o and Innerprize Reserve Notes, IRNs. This risk is contained or identified through using an escrow fair witness mechanism. Also, Reserves are not kept on the same balance sheet as Currents as they have different purposes and functions. CRN and IRN issuance is voluntary with worth decided peer to peer by escrow reputation and value determination. Reserves are used to fuel production and support life.

Revenue Recognition Model Total commissions, processing and escrow fee payments should average around 5 to 10% of the transaction. Splits are prorated amount depending on the size of the commission. This compares favorably to bank transactions using Letters of Credits adding in commissions to brokers and mandates . 10% is only the starting point for calculations and is adjusted depending on circumstances. Commission distribution percentages among the parties involved are roughly as follows: 20% to nucleus group including escrow group. Members of this group can also be part of one of the below groups if they are also an intermediary and is agreed upon. 20% to buyer's mandate group 10% to buyer's side buyer intermediaries group 10% to buyer's side seller intermediaries group 20% to seller's mandate group 10% to seller's side seller intermediateness group 10% to seller's side buyer intermediateness group

Time Base Module 7 Time Base HoloNotes or Time Notes Services - A HoloNote is
equal AT PAR to one Result of Service or 200 Solamids as first Iteration. Agreement can allow the earning to be more than 1 HoloNote per result for example such as with more complex or skilled activities. A transaction backed only by a moral norm cannot be taxed as a commercial exchange. Time notes are recorded and tracked. With this currency, deeds, good and bad, leave footprints, and that has a powerful effect in creating community. functions as a collective neighborhood memory that says what goes around comes around. within our reach a world

that rewards decency and caring as automatically as the market economy now rewards selfishness and ruthlessness. All who are willing to help another can earn sufficient purchasing power to live in decency with opportunities for growth, fulfillment and contribution.

Wolomid Module 8 Wolomid Potential as Wealth Mapping - Applied Genius and Well- being Potential Leaders Drivers of New Wealth. Skills, Abilities, Talents
Enhancement Quotient, SATEQ.

Potential Movement Leadership in all fields will be the Drivers of New Wealth. Leaders of Wealth as Potential Liberation right now. Create a mass uprising of AQ, Awareness Quotient. To evolve further we need to grow beyond money and the controlling world of currency, to get out of the box we have been created into. Here is a Space of No limitation infinite Possibilities. Why not create with Power? Why not create what you and we most profoundly want? Inject meaning into our Incarnations.

Dimension Zero engages in a field of sharing values. As relationship is engaged, Wholos Netflow. Dimension Zeros field of wealth is co-shared in space. Dimension Zero invisions their Flow Chakras Wolomid facilitators through optimizing programs can identify what is their inner empowered and discovered Geometry of Completion. Issues and need are automatically addressed with solutions. Wholonomics can illuminate Potential, Genius and Well-Being as a new basis of Wealth. The purpose of the Holomid is to fulfill our Wolometric Geometry. True happiness-wealth realized with the minimal output of resources. Holomid, the Planes of Being creativity available freely for fulfillment. HoloSpheres of the Wolomid

Sample view of Rays of Awareness Map Dimension Zero creates through their Wolomid Rays of Awareness opportunities to master. Example Rays of Awareness They are whatever you want them to be. They are fulfilled through the Space of the Whole. Ray of Amrita Nadi Ray of Cosmic Awareness Ray of Intelligence Expression Ray of Creative Expression Ray of Power Living Ray of Service Expression Ray of Grounding Material Being Ray of Purpose Ray of Education

HoloSphere Zero The Source HoloSphere HoloSphere One Cosmic Want HoloSphere Two Visionary Genius HoloSphere Three Creative Genius HoloSphere Four Service Genius HoloSphere Five Skills Genius HoloSphere Six Relationship Genius HoloSphere Seven Manifestation Genius HoloSphere Eight Support for Others Genius HoloSphere Nine Abilities Genius HoloSphere Ten (Dec) Reputation Genius HoloSphere Eleven (Ele) Kin Genius HoloSphere Twelve (Ten) Purpose Genius

Scales template towards inner clarity and capacity to fulfill true objectives. This opens us to empowered happiness-wealth. The Inner Field strengthens. Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. are not celebrated for their scarce marketable skills; they are honored because they embody

universal human values.

Wolomid Flow of Human Potential Liberated

Eventually, this will transform the External Holomid as the World of Actions and Items. In the meanwhile everything in principle is allowed for valuation according to Reputation and Scales. Wolo'Value Organizer is the module where Wholonomic Wealth is realized. It is constructed out of Completions that are unique to every person or group. A main employment of the Wolomid is to model as perfectly as possible what is actually wanted and needed. Identifying through their Holospheres, every aspect is recursive to find the optimal solution to every issue. We can become very exact through clarification processes. Your potential opened is the driver. Distribution to directly empower across the world is enacted. A lot of this issue comes down to having the medium of exchange that is wanted. At first what is outside the Wholomid is linked using common currency but as this happens more and more become WholoCurrents as discussed elsewhere. Wholo'Receipts These connect up and flow exchange through whole fields of support however needed.

Appchange Platform Module 9 Decentralized Appchange Platform Downloaded Platform that

includes all participating currency exchanges and Reserve generators with a conversion to Solamids and then WholoCurrents. Buy and sell directly. HyperDimensional Xchange Liberation Disbursements are automatically adjusted and credited.

This can bypass every restriction of Pyranomics.

Clearinghome Platform Module 10 Decentralized Clearinghome Platform Sovereign Banking.

MUTEN Mutual Exchange Network Clearinghouse to Valuate Currents and Reserves.

MUTENS - Mutual Exchange Network Scale

The WholoSpheric Clearinghome adjusts and distributes value readings continuously through auto-adjusting peer with peer decentralized self-organizing intellacoded activision tracking

This replaces several of the primary activities of Apex Pyranomics including Clearinghouse for Credits and Debits and decider of who is worthy and who is not. All is reset to zero with Dimension Zero returned to the Holopex of the Wholomid. We shift from central banking to WholoFractal Mediation. The Holomid is molded as it reflects through the Wholomid form, our Wolomid Values.

Polymutual Value Exchange Value Payment System

Polymutual Value Exchange Value Payment System fulfills credit and money transaction functions of fractional banking and the government and corporate debt engine. Webs of trust weave together into the Wholomid Space, as a polymutual value exchange system. Framework specific tracking of Value Currents, units of account; manipulation-free from governments, individuals, cartels, etc.

Being Your Own Central Banker

Every human worldwide becomes their own central banker, their own Solar and Lunar Sovereign. Each, the Apex of the Wholomid. The Platform is Everyone. The issuing of Currents becomes a voluntary and personal action with all the consequences implied including failure and disgrace. The Space of Whole maintains the natural integrity through cohesion. It has been for centuries OK for a few to create their own currency out of thin air. Then use this power to enslave us by forcing or tricking us to use and be dependent on it. Wholonomics lets all of us do the very same thing. But instead of enslave liberate through a multidimensional Space.

We issue Reserve Note WholoCurrents sharing them through a peer-with-peer encrypted downloadable platform with all the mechanisms needed to be your own WHoloBanker in a Flonet of other WholoBankers. The whole science and technology and service of Wholonomic is available to everyone all the time. We all are the Bankers of The WHolomid. Our Very Being Funding The Bank of Potential. Each of us. Reverting to a precious metal standard is a step backwards. Commodity Money can be used to control and has been for centuries. No, we need something far different. We can have unlimited kinds of Commodity and Innerprise Reserve Notes and WholoCurrents, all Convertible to each other shared through modular decentralized self-adjusting ClearingHomes. Wholonomics beats Pyranomics. Waiting for the collapse does nothing. By launching Hyperdimensional Wholonomics and not waiting for permission or timing we move to the next stage as activists. SyOp WholoFlow can replace the deadened recycled hulls of the pyrasites.

Coordinating infrastructure solutions that cooperate with each other from mobile devices to technology that powers innovations. We can avoid inflationary pressures by performing inventories of our needs and assets and matching them. A puzzle with meaning. We do not need to suffer from the boom and bust cycle generated by the currency inflation and deflation that has plagued monetary economies.

We have advanced exchange systems from commoditybased to object based to symbolic-based. Now we have stagnated at the stage of centralized credit exchange systems. Credit is issued from central sources and controlled from there allowing control of the whole space it dominates. Until we end this stage we can not know the possible. We can operate without a centralized credit and capital generating command structure. Through Wholonomics we can have Holospheric Exchanges with no central issuerowners of the Units of Account and Stores of Value. Abundant goods and services and other contributions freely available to be continually value balanced.

Currents functioning in a HoloClearing Home (Non pyramidal) environment gain intrinsic value based on trust in circulation. Currents circulate and are then zeroed out as

Quantum Flux by exchange and are also continually renewing themselves as conditions warrant. A true Free Energy Current Field. The negative is dampened and the positive is augmented.

Wealthwork Module 11 Cooperative Creative Social Wealthwork

Two thirds of the worlds Internet population visits a social network or blog site weekly. 220+ million people visit the top 25 social networks each month. Facebook has 800+ million active user. Time spent visiting social media sites now exceeds time spent emailing. 50% of people who find news online forward it on through social networks, email, or posts. they use their cell phone to remain connected with their social network. Etc. The Wealthwork we are proposing is exponently more powerful than any of these.

WholoShips Module 12 WholoShips - This is a call to action. The creative work that
includes you and everyone. Core Participation Invitation - Birthing Wholomid Teams. Outlines to formulas of contribution. Creative Resource Generation. Launch Completion Test: 100,000 WholoCurrents Wholoships are committed to the development of Wholonomics through ongoing engagement with its community. Any Contributor can become a Wholoship; there are no special requirements, other than a willingness and ability to participate in the manifeststreams as a team player. Commit to formulas of contribution. Typically, a potential member will need to show that they have an understanding of its objectives and its strategy. Most importantly, they need to align with the core principles and values, providing valuable contributions over a period of time. Contributors are nominated for WholoShips by other members. Become a Founding Wholoship Transceiver. We together spontaneously birth this Arc-Field of Creative Wealth. We are The Groundfloor. You first issue Core Birthing WholoCurrents equal to 120 Time Notes at 1 hour par for the Founding Works, or 240 Time Notes at 1 hour par of Training and Wholonomic Study and Research or Introducing 12 others who become Founding HoloShips or Founding HoloShip for $12,000. or 7,200 Solamids Power Units or

Organize 12 enlisting events or Contribute items with $48,000 in value to the project or Any proportional combination of above contributing in a radically decentralized manner. Stage Two The Wholomid Dimension One 12 WholoShips have committed Worth to 14,400 Time Notes or 28,800 Time Notes of training and Wholonomic Study and Research Recruiting 144 parties to become Founding Dimension Two WholoShips $144,000 in dollar or equivalent assets 144 events to engage the population $144 x 48,000 in WholoCurrent exchange-shares Or, any proportional combination of above Seed 12 new Wolomids or 12 new Holomids Any proportional combination of above contributing in a radically decentralized manner. You multiply your return 12 fold, to 144,000 Operational WholoCurrents. The first Dimension has 12 times 144,000 WholoCurrents increasing and becoming real through the later Dimensions of the WHolomid. Dimension Three 144

Stage Three The Wholomid Dimension Two 144 WholoShips have committed Worth to 172,800 Time Notes or 345,600 Time Notes of training and Wholonomic Study and Research Recruiting 1728 parties to become Founding Dimension Two WholoShips $1,728,000 in dollar or equivalent assets 1,728 events to engage the population 1,728 times 48,000 in WholoCurrent exchange-shares Or, any proportional combination of above Seed 144 new Wolomids or 144 new Holomids Any proportional combination of above contributing in a radically decentralized manner.

You multiply your return 12 fold, to 1,728,000 Operational WholoCurrents. The first Dimension has 12 times 1,728,000 WholoCurrents increasing and becoming real through the later Dimensions of the Wholomid.

Work in the invisible world at least as hard as you do in the visible. Rumi Inaction and willful distraction is not acceptable anymore in a world that poisons our food, pollutes our land, air, and water and commits atrocities against, man, animal and nature that would be too horrid even to put in the most garish and bloodied film. But thats just it. What we are looking at is the egoic conflagration of a consciousness burning in its own self-created hell. It can be a different world but not until we accept our responsibility in making this one real. Doing nothing also supports the current system. While apathy is understandable, it doesnt work. Here is our chance to translate everyone to a new space. There are 3 levels of engagement with a Manifeststream: contributor, member and core team. The core team takes responsibility for the success of the Wholomid and assumes whatever they are capable of achieving, with the help of the total Wholomid. Contributors complete a Manifeststream. Anyone can become a contributor; no specific skill requirements and no selection process. Step one to becoming a contributor is by agreeing to contribute 144 HoloNotes.

You might do this by adding new ideas to Work Streams participating in the discussion: commenting on Work Items, and in the forums starting or joining Work Items providing feedback informing the organization of strengths and weaknesses from a new user perspective keeping the group accountable to its mission and values providing moral support (a thank you goes a long way supporting other users Contributors are welcome to participate as much as possible. Contributors engage with the enterprise through the manifeststream dashboards. They can start (or join) any open manifest item. In addition to starting and joining manifest items, users can use the dashboard to i-vote in the following ways and other ways: prioritizing existing manifest items voting on new ideas (agree/disagree) estimating the effort for suggested work items accepting completed manifest items (accept/reject) All these votes affect the outcome of the items being voted on and serve as a way for the community's vote to be heard.

As Contributors gain experience and familiarity with the project, their profile within, and commitment to, the Wholomid will increase. At some stage, they may find themselves being nominated for Core Membership. How does one become a contributor? There is no application process to become a contributor. Once you have completed a work item, you are automatically made a contributor. In addition, if you are invited to a manifeststream by an existing member, you are automatically made a contributor when the stream is completed. Members will also find themselves nominating contributors for membership, voting on Core Team Membership

Transemployment Module 13 Transemployment We have passed beyond an age of scarcity and

austerity. The challenge is not about solving problems of want, but creating a sustainable future that liberates us to share enoughness. Prototype Completion : 100,000 Transtructural Reserve WholoCurrents Sound and credible efficient exchange medias emerge from the Wholomid but not as centralized power; from governments and banks. We lead an end run around control grids while using them to massively organize. Unemployment becomes a preferred condition. when you make a difference and re-value, living through Transemployment with Wealth Streams free from monopoly control. When exchange media are abundant and intelligent, needs identified are satisfied. Equitable access to opportunity with more equitable distribution of production experience. The end of boom and bust cycles. We volunteer our Potential to reStory the World with full Abundant Noemployment. Our Paradigm goal? Full Transemployment.

Everyone with their basics covered. That they can have Wealth beyond that, that too. But first the basics are covered. Enough for all dimensions of the Wholomid, to live and have security. Basic to the Good of the Whole as an Original Value. This is the no one left behind creed. Even as the space of relationship is freed.

Unemployment rates can fall to irrelevant, with free Wholocurrent flow to each with plenty of opportunity to contribute and receive benefit. Why is it so hard to be productive and useful? To be and useful in our contemporary societies involves having a job and being paid wages in a fiat currency and paying taxes on them. To be either economically or socially productive means that one has to enter into contracts and obligations demanded by our existing infrastructures and institutions. Looking at the very high levels of under and unemployment throughout Europe and the US some might say that the system is not working. Altruism is a Byproduct of the Space We do not need pure altruistic people to make this work, people who only act for the good of the group regardless of personal benefit. Thats great, more power to them but everyone needs also to be motivated by values they receive, their Benefits. This way we prosper through serving the good of the whole. The most satisfying employment yet. We do not ignore at all, personal value. Whats in it for me? That is good and valid question. The first we ask. The second is Who is the Me? Because the Space of the Wholomid is multi-dimensional, opportunities to grow and prosper as empowered souls potentials are liberated.

Capital controls labor by controlling wages.

Pyranomic Monetization of Human Relationships Growing dominance of money is also revealed in the increasing monetization of human relationships. Not long ago, even in the most supposedly advanced countries, half of the adult population worked without pay to maintain home and community. These are among the most fundamental and important of functions in a healthy economy. Now, it typically takes two adults holding two to three paid jobs between them to support a household. Child and home care is either left undone or hired out. Community service becomes the work of public employees to the extent there is public money to pay them. As the social capital of caring relations is depleted, family and community life fall into disarray.

Labor philosophically is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is the fruit of labor and never would existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is superior of capital and deserves much higher consideration. Capitalists say they are "putting their money to work," but money does not work. What

they mean is that they're using their money to put human labor to work, paying workers less in wages than they produce in value, thereby siphoning off more profit for themselves. That's how money "grows." Capital annexes living labor in order to convert itself into goods and services that will produce still more capital. All of anyone's capital could not build a house or a machine or even a toothpick; only human labor can do that. Of itself, capital cannot produce anything! It is an abstract thing produced by labor and yet somehow holds more power. Does that sound right to you? Adam Smith, one of the founding theorists of capitalism, wrote in 1776, "Labor...is alone the ultimate and real standard by which the value of all commodities can at all times and places be estimated and compared. It is their real price; money is their nominal price only." What transforms a tree into a profitable commodity such as paper or furniture is the labor that goes into harvesting the timber, cutting the lumber, and manufacturing, shipping, advertising, and selling the product. Now of course labor is not needed for production once the production mechanism is fully automated or the extraction of resources are complete. So they lose out on the fruits of their labors and are cast aside. This is one of the sadness mechanisms at place. Pyranomics has an overbearing impact upon political and social life. The very rich families and individuals who compose the owning class, live mostly off the objects of their investments: stock bonds, rents and other property income. Their employees or subjects live mostly off wages, salaries, and fees. The distinction between owners and employees is blurred by the range of incomes within both classes. Owners are the wealthy stockholders of giant corporations not the struggling proprietors of small stores or business operations. Among the victims of big business is small business itself.. Every year over 30,000 small enterprises go out of business in the United States alone. Along with factory and service workers there are professionals and executives who in income, education, and lifestyle tend to be identified as "middle" or "upper-middle" class. Company managers and executives are employees whose task is to extract more valueproducing performance from other employees. When your income is immense and comes mostly from the labor of other people directly or indirectly you are in the owning class. Others work for you in a company you own, or by your investments giving you a handsome return. The secret to Pyranomic wealth is not to work hard but to have others work for you. Workers who spend their lives toiling in factories or offices retire with little or no wealth to speak of, while owners can amass fortunes. The ultimate purpose is not to perform public services or produce goods as such, but to make as large as a profit as possible for the owner class. Worker's wages represent only a portion of the wealth created by their labor. The average private-sector worker works two hours for themself and six or more for the owner. The portion that goes to the owner is called, surplus value or value added in manufacture, the source of the owner's wealth,

In 2000, US workers alone employed in manufacturing alone produced at least $1.64 trillion in value added, as reported by the US Census Bureau, for which they were paid $363 billion in wages, or less than one-fourth of the value created by their labor. Workers employed by Intel and Exxon received only one-ninth of the value added, and in industries such as cigarettes and pharmaceuticals, the worker's share was a mere onetwentieth. Workers endure an exploitation of their labor as certainly as do slaves and serfs. The slave obviously toils for the enrichment of the master and receives only a bare subsistence in return. James Madison told a visitor shortly after the American Revolution that he made $257 a year on every slave he owned and spent only $12 or $13 for the slave's keep. Slavery is a very profitable system. which explains why it still exists in one form or another in many parts of the world. Sharecroppers who must give a third or half of their crop to the landowner are also exploited. Under Pyranomics, the portion taken from the worker is not so visible. Workers are simply paid substantially less then the value they create. This combined with externalizing costs into the workers environment and psyche. The only reason a worker is hired is to make money off their labor. If wages did represent the total value created by labor after expenses and improvements, there would be no surplus value, no profits for the owner, no great fortunes for those who do not labor. And we all would prosper. The sums going to the owners are named unearned income on tax reports. Corporations are organizational devices for the exploitation of labor and accumulation of capital. The real producers are those who apply their brawn, brains, and talents to the creation of goods and services. The value distributed to the owners is apart from the workers' wages and executives' salaries. It consists of profits, money made when not working. Transemployment values by contribution and expressing our unique gifts.

Multi Dimensional Exchange Liberation MDXL and Hyper Dimensional Exchange Liberation HDXL Module 14 - Multi Dimensional Exchange Liberation MDXL and Hyper Dimensional Exchange Liberation HDXL Disbursements Harmonic across
scale. Stable dynamic systems require levels of organization at different scales of magnitude. World peace must be grounded on stable civilization with independence on smaller and bigger scales of magnitude. Local self-reliance are necessary conditions for a lasting world peace. When we can alter the core context of exchange, we can alter the geometric flow of Civil-Architecture. Then our global playback leverage can pollinate.

MUTENS - Mutual Exchange Network Scale

With every exchange of value, Collective Gain scales the Wholomid through a harmonic micro-disbursement method. You might receive 0.1 Wholo'Current for an activity exchange in your fourth dimension field. But receiving and sharing together from the activity thousands of persons and operations, it adds up. HoloDistributions are distributed harmonically across scale. Syntropic Distribution. This all might seem complex but it is not any more than most MLM schemes. Basically, for every exchange a fractional amount is automatically disbursed to the receivers and givers Wholomid groups. A portion of every exchange in each group is equally shared by each whole group.

Visualize two icosahedrons (Icosaspheres) with 24 points, a double Icosphere, the Inner Wolomid with the Outer Holomid in front of you even sitting on your finger if you want, with twelve points in the top Icosphere and 12 in the bottom Icosphere with the central point shared by both making a total of 23 points. The 23th point that unifies the two Icosaspheres is dimension zero, the joining dimension. Each place of the Scalar Field is Dimension Zero. Now imagine each 12 places is an Icosasphere with 12 places for 144 places total. This is Dimension Two.

WHolomid Scalar Geometry, one half view

Now our Scalar Space of Two Dimensions has 12 times 12 = 144 Dimension Zeros. With the Wolomid and the Holomid for each Dimension Zero, we have two connecting Dimension Twos for a total of 288 minus 12 and 12 or 266 for the Dimension Zero place which is not part of the dimensional field for the places for a full Dimension Two Wholomid. Now each of these points is also 12 placed icosahedrons. So now we have 1728 times two or 3456 minus 144 times 2 or 288 places or people, dimension three. This continues to the next, Dimension Four Space with 12 X 12 X 12 X12 Dimension Zeros, or 20728 times 2 = 41456 Dimension Zeros minus 3456 directly sharing Wealth automatically with each Dimension Zero. They receive Action Potentials, WholoCurrents convertible to any currency including fiat from the Actions and Activity of all their primary dimensions. We can balance by scalar sharing the divide between wealthy and less than wealthy areas. For example, someone part of a Locamid around Brentwood LA, where the wealth is high, would have their global Wolomid address in a poor area of the world. In like measure, part of the Brentwood Locamid would have poor areas included. This is a natural conduit to even out wealth distribution.

Brentwood residents would still live abundantly from whatever they create plus the distributed wealth. In all exchanges value generation the Collective Sale is shared across Scale. HoloDistributions are distributed across scale proportionally.

The HDXL Collective Sale - Sharepool Distribution 75/25 Rule of Par 75% go to the Holomid Supplier with 25% distributed across scale. Percentages are adjusted according to type of exchange transaction. Items with low margins such a bulk commodities have percentages towards 90/10. Virtual assets such as software or educational programs have ratios closer to 50/50.

Base Distribution of WholoCurrent

Hyper-Ring/Isosphere Distributions


Wholomid Rings

Bulk Buy Sell

4-Dimensional Wholomid and General Distribution Design Dimension Zero Sovereign Identity Dimension 1 Identities of 10 (12) 50% Global 50% Local 1/24 evenly distributed to the persons and groups who are the Wolomid Side Dimension 1 Ring of 10 (12) 1/24 evenly distributed to persons and groups who are the Holomid side Dimension 1 Ring of 10 (12)

Dimension 2 - Identities of 100 (144) 50% Global 50% Local 1/24 evenly distributed to the persons and groups who are the Wolomid Side Dimension 2 Ring of 100 (144) 1/24 evenly distributed goes to persons and groups who are the Holomid side Dimension 2 Ring of 100 (144)

Dimension 3 - Identities of 1000 (1728) 50% Global 50% Local 1/24 evenly distributed to the persons and groups who are the Wolomid Side Dimension 3 Ring of 1000 (1728) 1/24 evenly distributed to persons and groups who are the Holomid side Dimension 3 Ring of 1000 (1728)

Dimension 4- Identities of 10,000 (20,736) 50% Global 50% Local 1/24 evenly distributed to the persons and groups who are the Wolomid Side Dimension 4 Ring of 10000 (20,736)

1/24 evenly distributed to persons and groups who are the Holomid side Dimension 4 Ring of 10000 (20,736).

The optimal size of a city is around 20,000 according to many studies Ring of Global Distribution - 1/12th distributed through the total Wholomid. PORTAL Override - 1/12 to the portal of origination. These will number in the thousands, non-profits or other organization who enroll their members. The portal sign-up organization. This focuses toward organizations that can themselves bring lots of groups and persons to further Activate. Operations - 1/6th for the Core Wholoteams to function, maintain and develop new services, etc. Empower the Wholomids 1/12 distributed goes to prizes and contests or other awards WholoCommunal Wealth 1/12 make freely available information and tools to the Total Wholomid. Wholovestors 1/12 Wholovestment sharing based on the % of the total amount invested, shared on a prorated basis. If the total amount invested into the Collective Ring is WholoCurrents 1,000,000 then if you have contributed WholoCurrents 10,000 of that amount then 1% of the pool would be yours. o Each ring can create WholoTeam Wholovestor pools that persons or groups contribute to. If The Wholovestor contributes 10,000 and the total pool is 100,000 for the ring then he would receive 10% of the flow.

Control distributed dimensionally across scale Transparency of operations - Everyone can see what is happening Transparent macro processes while respecting the privacy of Dimension Zero. Self-Organizing Power of Decision Making becomes part of citizens' everyday lives

The Wholomid is a transparent and liberating practical hyperdimensional root template for primary social-architecture. The Wholomid flows the scale-being benefits of the local and global by functioning together as a Whole allowing regeneration of natural social value. Wealth flows through a Hyperdimensional IcosaSpheric Cubic Continuum.

Hyperdimensional Root Template

Dimensions interconnect and flow with all the other dimensions through a root 12 geometric code across scale, a dimensional crystal root. A wholodimensional form. The Wholomid is a Whole geometry. Only Wholeness can come from Wholeness.

Another View

Another Way to Formulate the Wholomid

Each edge of which there are 12 to a cube is another cube making 12 cubes. Each of those edges become a cube so now there is 144 cubes. This repeated produces a space with 1738 cubes. Onto the next dimension of 20736 cubes.

Scalar" is used in three ways

In the physics sense of the energetic potential for action of the field at every point.

In a mathematical sense as fractal relationships across scale, smaller with larger. And as Wholo'space, Hololinear (both coherent and spontaneous) EconoField of Space.

Scalar Wealth
The Wholomid is a vehicle to evolve a Science of Scalar Wealth, Coherent Wealth as hyperdimensional fields of Shared WholoReserve Currents. Credit become Free Currents. Dimension Zero taps the Scalar Field of Potential. Every human worldwide becomes their own central banker, their own Solar and Lunar Sovereign. Each, the Apex of the Wholomid, The Holopex.

Representation of The Holopex of a Holomid

The Platform is Everyone. The issuing of Currents becomes a voluntary and personal action with all the consequences implied including failure and disgrace. The Space of Whole maintains the natural integrity through cohesion. It has been for centuries OK for a few to create their own currency out of thin air. Then use this power to enslave us by forcing or tricking us to use and be dependent on that. To create the illusion of exclusive exchange medium. Wholonomics lets all of us do the very same thing. But instead of enslave, liberate through a Multidimensional Space.

We issue Reserve Note WholoCurrents sharing them through a peer-with-peer encrypted downloadable platform with all the mechanisms needed to be our own WholoBankers in a Flonet of other WholoBankers. The entire science and technology and service of Wholonomics can be available to everyone all the time. We all can be the Bankers of The Wholomid. Our Very Being Funding our Bank of Potentials. Each of us. You choose what you wish to create, through the Vitality of the Whole. These are your Tapped Wholos. You create or receive new currents. You create your own Wholo Currents for the marketplace. Everyone has appropriate access to free currents. If you are ever short of currents, you simply tap in and create more. NOT referring unlimited centralized money supply with hyperinflation as its final failure, the practice of Pyranomic Core Bankers.

Scalarization Module 15 Scalarization Wealth as potential shared as capacity across scale

Compare with capitalization.Prototype Completion: 100,000 Commodity Reserve WholoCurrent As the value of the whole goes up, Wholo Currents become more valuable for The Person. Scalarization parallel to a Capitalization Process in Pyranomics MUTENS - Mutual Exchange Network Scaling. Dimension 1 - 12 WholoCurrents Dimension 2 144 WholoCurrents Dimension 3 - 1728 WholoCurrents Dimension 4 20,728 WholoCurrents or around 5 billion for the whole.

The right numbers to issue need to be determined. Here is a first estimate.

These circulate as new Currents backed by the Whole value of the Different Reserves. They come into existence to make the transaction fluid and maintain liquidity. Through the platform this floats naturally up and down making for an active dynamic exchange process.

Scalarization Dimensions
Icososphere of 12 when completed issues Current Circulation Credits (Pronounced Seas and Spelled Cs) in the amount of 144 Cs or 12 for each person. Dimension Two of 100 (144) issue Cs in the amount of 1000 (1728) WholoCurrents each or 100,000 base 12 total. Dimension Three of 1000 (1728) when completed issues and adds Cs in the amount of 1000 Cs each for a total of 1,000,000 Cs. so each now has 1111 Cs Dimension Four of 10,000 completes one primary Holomid. They issue and underwrite Cs in the amount of 10,000 each, totals 11111 Cs.

These Cs are backed by the total value of the Reserve Pools of Assets entrusted to cover the Cs. Dimension 1 - 10 WholoCurrents Dimension 2 144 WholoCurrents Dimension 3 - 1728 WholoCurrents Dimension 4 20,728 WholoCurrents or around 5 billion WholoCurrent assets total . These circulate as new currency backed by the Whole of the Wholomid. They make transactions fluid and maintain liquidity. Through this platform they float in value naturally making for an active dynamic exchange process.

Locamids Module 16 Seeding Locamid Cells Setting up strategy centers for this
Transvolution. They can be founded anywhere under any condition. Homes, back of stores, caves, offices, prisons, anywhere. These tie in and link up with larger hubs. Locamids are nodal points for empowered alignments in Action and Result. Events, training, exchanges get-togethers, etc included. Prototype Completion: 100,000 Innerprise WholoCurrents Wholonomics happens with diverse groups of people cooperate through creating Liberated Space. Creating this together, we will not be halted. We do not have to comply. Power abuses can end here. We can re-meter the Circulation of Wealth. We can birth a new Geometry of Connectivity. Fundamental Shift of the Totality The Wholomid is a spontaneous creative agreement to create a tolerant and cooperative community by radically giving up the old.

This is a Hyperdimensional Mandala of Everyone. We as Peoples not mere individuals, isolated and alone, suppressed and disempowered, fragmented within and without. We as Peoples, whole and complete. Through dimensional realignment we collectively can realize a prior always alignment. Then We have say on how it is.

Wholonomics emphasizes sustainability and quality of life as opposed to mass production and bottom lines. A non-violent structure of society is non-centralized as a system. We end Pyranomics here. Locamids provides that paradigm cornerstone of strength. Serve the nearest and the most distant will be served. Cooperative village life, 3-d printing combines. Living as simply as we can, we do not need the illusions. We can find social harmony, we can find happiness and spiritual fulfillment. Realizing oneness of life will set limits to our wants. You can dedicate your life to helping others in a trust field of flow and friendship. We can create new myths out of our lives. Through our rebellious awakening and then deeds we become the founders of a new order. We can bring closer to each other the effects of how we live. Now we only recognize one economic model the global monetary one. Localised gift economies can boom. People participating in all new ways for providing and accessing goods and services and relationship and intelligent design beyond fiat control. Freeshops, gift circles, reputation building, offering and requesting skills, tools, lifts, advice, stuff and time for free. Couchsurfing, freeconomy and freecycle have membership in the millions and are growing by the second. This shows the interest for this is everywhere. Prosperity is authentic community, the more it grows, the more resilient and connected we become. We have been under the tyranny of the story of money our entire lives. We are the only species in the known universe that believe it needs symbolized paper to survive. Pyranomics relentless drive to convert our social, ecological, cultural and spiritual commons into cold, impersonal numbers has been so complete, that few of us can imagine a way of being human where money doesnt mediate the relationships through which we meet our needs. Pyranomics goal is to maximize profit at any cost relentlessly pursue the bottom line. As long as we have extremes of poverty and wealth we will have violence. Maximizing output per worker, regardless of health and safety concerns

Seeking areas of the world where wages are low and human-rights laws are lax ensuring low wages by maintaining sufficient unemployment in the worker pool Disempowering communities through lobbying, policies and legal action Use scale to reduce per-unit costs, regardless of how much of a product is actually needed Orienting production towards the buyers who can pay the most Concentrating capital due to winner-take-all competition and unfettered "free" markets

Pumping money into advertising to create an imagined need Promoting the myth that happiness lies in consumption

Leads to:

Widespread unemployment and plummeting wages A dwindling middle class and a growing income gap between rich and poor An impoverished working class Dangerous or mind-numbing manufacturing work Exploitation of child labor A disenfranchised populace that's easily incited to fanaticism, violence or terrorism Demographic upheaval and ruptured families due to lack of local work Widespread hunger and accompanying disease Erosion of democracy, human rights and worker rights Environmental damage compounding due to manufacturing and shipping that is unneeded

Globalizing Pyranomics depends on cheap oil for manufacturing and transportation, making any kind of oil-based manufacturing or transportation systems difficult for a local business. Money and to a large extent community has long since been robbed of meaning and connection. When immediate-and-exact exchange instruments started to develop across the world, cultures generally were not allowed foresee the bottom-trawling, the mass extinction of species, the wholesale deforestation, the epidemics of obesity, cancer and depression, the breakdown of community or the homogenization of society that would ensue. Yet that is what has happened, and the concept of money a tool with the power to transform naturally occurring optimum levels of economies of scale and division of labour to fatally efficient maximum levels has been the source. Moneys ability to vastly widen the degrees of separation between us and what we consume gives us the illusion of independence and conveniently hides us from the carnage and abuse our economic behavior causes. It has slowly come to replace community as our primary source of security, and because we no longer need to rely on those nearest to us, our attempts to build local community feelinauthentic. Debt Free and Interest Free, Free from State control, in a few years Wholonomics could be raised to the backbone of a world power. We can finance this entire plan without gold and without usury or debt. We can create fundamental changes we need by changing our economic agreements. We stand here on the verge of a new way of relating to each other and the Earth.

Globamid Module 17 Globamid of Cohesion Shared Purpose. Sum of all Locamids and
regional Wholomids. Prototype Completion Test: 100,000 Innerprise Reserve Backed WholoCurrents

Nothing can possibly liberate us except the force of the Whole, the integrity of the whole. Only that will righten and enlighten the darkness of the human world with humankind beginning to function as a totality good intention. Our monetary system has already failed Humanity.

Forum where we can evolve without separation, national, or religious or local tribal, and take charge of the total and comprehensive world-process of human beings. Global industrialization and intercommunication demonstrated by global level prior unity as positive feedback. A Natural Redistribution of Wealth through the natural flow of need. Abundant Enoughness for all is the great movement. Channel avarice without eliminating self-initiation CAN be depended to make the best decisions based on local and collective information and discovered principles. De-institutionalization of separateness We can connect everywhere at once, flowing our Real Wealth without need for pyranomic mediators.

Distribution is shared across scale from the spontaneous feeling local functional to our global cohesion. Multi-dimensional CommonWealth, together the new story, the new politics and the new economy suggest key elements of a realizable vision for the human future consistent with both our survival and our advance to a new level of conscious function. The realization of this vision will be a truly Great Work of, by, and for the world's people. This vision, birthed as a product of countless mind is now more like an abstract drawing than a blueprint. The rest will be filled in through the creative contributions of millions of people possessed by a love of life, self-organizing to create a life-affirming, life-serving future for humanity.

Being in too much of a negative or positive polarity to the field, imbalance our local state. Hoarding is a too much positive polarity. Currents are the grease that circulates. Hoarding when you should be passing currency inhibits contribution and opportunity for others. If you have no need or desire for more then you can hold CRNs and IRNs for the longer term store of value. Balances have a decay rate, the demurrage rate. This is determined by collective ratings. Dont use them, and they slowly fade away This encourages productivity, creativity and innovation helping to eliminate poverty. No one ever has no value to share in life.

Humankind does not believe it has the power to change the world-situation. Human beings have become their own distractions that perpetuate the continuance of Pyranomic Control Grid Cults.

Wholotics Module 18 I (E)-Vote Wholotics (Politics of Wholeness) Includes scale values

and reputation i-voting as well as policies. Leaders administrate I-Vote Will. Prototype Completion Test: 100,000 Innerprise Reserve Backed WholoCurrents

Module 18 E-Vote Wholotics (Politics of Wholeness) Includes scale values

and reputation voting. Policies implementation leaders are there to administrate the e-vote wishes. Politics act as a buffer and scapegoat should the host rise to destroy the Pyrasite Nests. The first step to understanding representative voting is to get past the surrounding emotional manipulation. Doing your duty Participating in your government Seeing what society really wants Making your voice heard Creating the kind of society you want These are all used as emotional justifications for voting. Theyre emotional pleas by which people become emotionally invested in voting.

Representative voting makes people feel as if theyre given a choice. Voting validates the sucker, the slave and the conquered person to themselves. The sucker feels as if hes accomplished something valuable. The slave was allowed to choose a new master, and therefore, must not be a slave. The conquered person is thrown a table scrap, making him appear less conquered. Ultimately, voting placates those who are ground under. Modern countries without voting, revolt.

Americans believe they arent directly peasants even if they are indirectly. Those running the show dont want a revolt. It isnt profitable. The vote exists to give legitimacy to the veneer of a free society; the illusion of choice. We must be given the feeling as if we are controlling their own destiny because we have been brainwashed to believe we are free people. In the end the representatives do what they want. Wholotics is based on localized participatory agreement.

Identity Module 19 Identity Evolving a clear, positive and coherent identity for Wholonomics. People Internalize. Prototype Persuading people to accept this as a viable direction. Completion: 100,000 WholoCurrents

Wholonomics Opens Cosmic Channels of Creation

We are not stuck. Old rules hold not. The impossible becomes possible. Wholonomics emerge new possibilities. Potentials are discovered, Inner and Outer, Consciousness and Expression merge. Beings are Whole through the Whole expressing Being..

The deeper root cause of the crises we face is modern humanitys delusional sense of self. Our sense of self is integral to our behavior and the way we decide to build our lives. It is reflected in our institutions, our social values and our power structures. If we do not know ourselves as intimately connected to the web of life, why would we bother preserving its splendor, diversity and bounty? When our boundaries of the self are not clear and when they are bound and caged we cannot act in rational self-interest. A Wholoistic Self is connected to the entire whole. Acting in our self-interest involves making decisions that protect the rivers, atmosphere, soil and forests that provide the hydrogen, oxygen and minerals that make up the physical elements of what we define as I. Redefining the boundaries of the self will make charging others for the gifts that you have to offer obsolete. We dont have to wait for forces beyond your control to change. We can participate easy as can be.

ConnexusfloNet Module 20 ConnexusfloNet Exchange - Facilitate Reserve Generation and large

trade and exchange functions.

Distinct competitive service advantages over the conventional trading channels using banks include: Honest Authentication and Verification Speed and Efficiency and Simplicity to complete Acquiring customers with trust and confidence Stopping frauds and time wasters Ensuring funds distribution to all parties involved ConneXusfloNets coherent flow model acts as a wealth sharing dividend distributer for the benefit of the Entire Population.
One of the key factors that differentiate ConnectXusfloNet from other trading platforms is the establishment of a progressive security levels system among the buyer and seller which ensures the credibility and trust of either party.

To engage in a trade on ConnectXusfloNet, both trading parties must develop their prospective security levels from the initial Level 1 (Bronze) to highest Level 5 (Rare Earth) prior to the consummation of the contracts/covenants (See Levels of Transaction Compliance Diagram).

As each party migrates up on the security ladder, increasing documentation and verification requirements are established into the process to correspond the needs of each the transactional step in order to proceed to the next step. This parallel process of trust building eliminates gaming and deception currently plaguing the international commodity industry.

ConneXusfloNet provides safe and reliable reserve and trade transactions for all parties. ConnexUsfloNet can work with companies worldwide, providing services for oil, rice, steel, iron, cement, chemicals and mineral contracts, financial and investment contracts, boats and aircraft and more. We assume relationship with all wealth of the world towards fulfilling the Intentions of the Wholomid.

ConneXusfloNet functions as a Private Network through a Peer to Peer Platform for Commodity Reserve and Innerprise Reserve Issuers to Trade, Import & Export Goods and engage in Financial Transactions. It permits a complete confidential escrow transaction service for Commodity Reserve and Innerprise Reserve Creators. This is extended to the interfacing with buyers and sellers ensuring that they too are interacting with true suppliers or buyers.

ConnectXusfloNet amplifies Success Factors ConnectXusfloNet differentiates from other trading platforms by not being part of the Pyranomic complex and by establishing a progressive security levels system among the Reserve issuers and receivers ensuing credibility and trust of all parties including the initiators of the action. To engage in a large trade on ConnectXusfloNet, both trading parties must develop their prospective security - trust levels from an initial Level 5 (Bronze) to highest Level 1 (Rare Earth) prior to the consummation of the contracts/covenants. As each party migrates up on the security ladder, increasing documentation and verification requirements are established into the process to correspond the needs of each the transactional step in order to proceed to the next step. This parallel process eliminates gaming and deception that are currently plaguing the trading international commodity industry leading to confident issuance of CRNs and IRNs and TRNs.

Trade now is not communication, it is pure exchange. There is no need for any kind of reciprocity, equality or any social meaning in any specific individual transaction.

Any individual transaction must only reflect real costs and demand at the specific time of the transaction. Structuring the basis of transactions to effect equality and social well-being expands trade to an altogether different thing. ConneXusfloNet is a paradigm shifting Global Valuation Verification Platform. The use of ConneXusfloNet as transaction intermediary with progressive security verification of parties involved ensure ethical and confident valuations of Commodity and Innerprise Reserve issuances and large exchanges. By eliminating gaming and the risks of transaction failure, this platform will interest any party who treasures security, efficiency and confidentiality while providing a high level of confidence to accepters of the CRNs and IRNs and TRNs. Worldwide accessibility and global payment enforceability will empower exchangers to accelerate their trading cycles. By eliminating exchange frauds and reducing trading costs, ConneXusNet will attract an active continuous participation from the commodity trading communities, such as public and private commodities traders, business assets purchasers and sellers, regional and global commodity brokers and commodities producers in the developed and developing countries. Using fiat pyramoney convertibility for a time we include the total wealth mechanisms of the world to alchemize by transferring Worth to the Whole and recreating a Wholonomic Platform Basis.

Problems plaguing trading channels include lack of verification of buyers and sellers authenticity and information leading often to failed transactions or even fraud. Facilitators ConneXusfloNet is operated with Wholoteam Connext Group Facilitators who are interested and trained in this type of platform activity. This Platform permits complete confidential escrow services for Reserve Holders and buyers and sellers of assets. This is done in such a way that ensures we can issue trusted Reserve Notes and also that parties are interacting with true suppliers or buyers. As privacy is balanced with transparency the parties through escrow agents do not have to divulge sensitive information to any outside parties. Disclosure of information occurs in such a way as to ensure the confidence and protection of all parties. WholoEscrow levels the playing field, no matter where the enterprise is located. Our purpose is to provide risk free facilities for Commodity Reserve Note creation, Innerprise Reserve Note creation, Transtructural Reserve Note creation and for import & export traders and companies and present government departments. ConeXusfloNet can assist all producers to activate their wealth potential in a risk free and safe environment.

HoloTrust Escrow Network Module 21 HoloTrust Escrow Network - Mechanism to vet or prove up Reserve
Notes and large buy and sell transactions. Connexteams are formed to facilitate Reserve generation and large transactions. Prototype Completion: 100,000 Commodity Reserve WholoCurrents What is an Holomid Escrow Agent in Simple Terms? A Holomid Escrow Agent is a trusted third party, who ensures a safe, efficient and quick method of valuating and issuing Reserves and facilitating large transactions on a global basis. Connexteams are formed to facilitate the transactions. The Escrow Agent can accept Reserve commitments into a reserve escrow account from the Issuer and confirm to the receiver or community that the Reserves are held pending delivery or confirmed shipment verification by a Connext Team. Traditionally, the correct definition of an escrow is the holding of funds, goods, documents or intellectual property by a trusted third party pending fulfillment of certain conditions. An example of how escrow works in a traditional real estate transaction: A property investor in country A has identified a piece of real estate in country B that meets his specific criteriainstead of sending the entire asking price for the property to the vendor in country B and trusting that upon receipt they will transfer the title deeds into the name of the property investor, the investor can send the funds to a licensed escrow agent in a reputable offshore jurisdiction. The vendor of the property in country B will send the title deeds to the escrow agent as well and when the agent is in receipt of both, the funds and deeds will be transferred and fees are paid to the third party for expenses and commissions to brokers. Replaces Letters of Credit Functions Due to the turmoil in International Banking today even dealing with Banks Letters of Credit can be a risky decision. This alternative uses a ConneXusfloNet Escrow Exchange Platform to ensure safe and secure transactions.

Through Connexflonet Escrow Trusts Holders and Wolopreneurs issue Commodity and Innerprise Reserves that are converted to WholoCurrents distributed to workers, stores, shippers and so on. When the reserve is used or exchanged then the reserve status is completed and the WholoCurrents are redeemed for a % returned as denominated. WholoEscrow Trust Amplification of the Wholomid Wealth Field. Tying Current issuance to Commodity and Innerprise Reserves constrain the loss of value of externals. Linking currents with reserves constrains the expansion or contraction of available currents. Since Reserves can be of thousands of varieties valued against thousands of constants the underlying support for Currents is dynamic and expanding. This is a Space no cartel can gain control even with vast reserves at their disposal as it just releases more Current into the System. Reserves are shared with contributors and to the Wholomid Field surrounding the Creation of the Reserve Notes through Hyperdimensional Scalarization; Syntropic Wealth Distribution. Wealth does not lay only in the Reserves but also in reputation and Wolomid and Holomid Scales of Values.

This same scenario below applies to Reserve Generation.

CoNexusfloNet Issue Escrow Stamps, of an agreed percentage. Escrow Stamps are paid to all intermediate organizers on buyer and seller sides administered by Escrow Disbursement. Percentages depend on the type of transaction and agreements reached, the amount of involvement ConneXusfloNet has, normal facilitation fees for transaction items according to size and nature of transaction. As these transactions are private, parties decide as sovereigns by receiving as much verified information as possible while maintaining appropriate confidentiality.

Advantages for ConneXusNets I-Issue Platform Most business critical applications like e-commerce and online transaction processing are affected by issues of access, confidentiality and integrity. As such, four major security requirements need be addressed:

o Data Confidentiality - ensures that the contents of sensitive programs, files and transactions are disclosed only to authorized personnel o User Authentication - computer systems rely on user authentication to verify the identity of a user requesting access; o Non-repudiation - ensures that personnel does not have the ability to deny having sent a message, or a written document, particularly when it relates to a business transaction with high associated financial value or to competitive confidentiality o Data Integrity - prevents anyone from changing the contents of a program, file or transaction. o Convenient and intuitive access to personalized content. o Convergence is bringing new media and services to customers who have little or no experience with computers or the Internet. A way to track usage of content for billing and research. o Robust interoperability across diverse systems and networks. o The ability to provide links across the content lifecycle, from creation to management to distribution.

Power of the Paradigm Module 22 Power of the Paradigm Discovering Paradigms are a Key to it all - The
Philosophical Field of Paradigms as Space Reflecting on Pyranomics and Wholonomics is the stuff of change, the most fundamental and powerful change we can make. All experience is rooted in the invisible. A paradigm shift that is something anyone can make. When we can trace personal and social suffering back to the paradigm and also to Liberation we set the stage to Liberate. This is certainly not welcome to The Pyramid Powers. Creator and creativity that dissolve the rigid? We beings of immense powers and abilities? We out of the bag, with so many miracles. Mindsets and institutions made obsolete. And to be made obsolete is precisely what the pyraparasites do not want. We have a fight to Life through the soul of all of us. Bluntly put, everything in this human world is held by one core archetypal paradigm, a primary template. This paradigm archetype won a long time ago and is preventing the evolution of a new basis for human life. We cannot ever wake up Awareness fully based upon this paradigm platform. It cannot happen any more than you could build a computer made only of wood.

Make no mistake. Wholonomics is threatening to every Institution of the One Eye.

If there is a command group we cannot see, then they ultimately control by controlling the Paradigm Space of science and art and every other kind of social space.

We Filter Transspatial, Transtemporal Unity Consciousness through "Context, our Paradigms Templates. Paradigms have a cosmic power to filter Consciousness and then amplify what they filter. That which is Beyond Form is formalized through the filters of "Context". Paradigms give form to the formless. These bring shape to the decision field of experience. Paradigms are the context of meaning. They operate like software behind the Scenes running the forms and functions of our collective life. Paradigms are archetypes made of Space and philosophical models made of related perspectives. Our patterns of living flow from there; the channels through which our possibilities and our lives journey. New space and geometry express new beauty in new ways, to enable us to dance the new dance that we want to dance. No part of human activity is outside the scope of the paradigms influence. Its as if our energies get poured through an all-encompassing mold. Then reduced to solidify into rigidity. Or, our energies can open into a New Worldview. We view ourselves through the mirror the paradigm gives us. Our choice of collective Intelliware is at stake here. Wholomid Paradigm Shift sweeping through human consciousness, a multidimensional movement in human affairs driven into overdrive by the communications revolution, bypassing the controllers control systems. We

implement this potentiating reformation through all sectors of the mind and consciousness and human life, modeling the Whole as the Whole dimensionally.

Visionary Expressions Module 23 - Visionary Expressions - New Culture, Dance, Stories, gathering, taking
this on the road. Base 12 Arithmetic and Geometry.

Wholonomics is our checkmate move. They never saw this coming.

We represent the heart of all of the oppressed communities and countries. We have to find ways to broadcast the truth to everyone over and over until we can overcome their programming and ancient docility. All of US can actually reflect Ourselves in the World of Reality. All of us representing ourselves and the Whole can grasp control of the world situation together at once. This CAN happen as you CAN understand. Multi-dimensional Relationships of Multi-dimensional Awareness. Cultural and spiritual awakening to life fulfillment. Age of Potential as Currency with tolerance. With Wholonomics the Mirror reflects Wholeness. This Resonance of Wholeness allow the mood to become more Aware. Inspired by your personal anarchy, our behavior rewards what serves the Whole. Self-adjusting feedback loops tunes the frequency. Credit creation function is a Trust held in common agreement.

We access the materials, the tools, the space, the time and our skills and intent to create a perfectly well designed system everyone wants to use. Sufficient to meet all our needs of society without the monetary problems of poverty, exploitation, homelessness, unemployment, fear and stress.

Those intent to the quickest possible realization of resource and consciousness liberation eliminating war and poverty will have to shift their attentions from coping with pyranomic complexity and controls with its displaced focus leading to collective and personal overwhelm and despair; to evoking a Wholonomic CounterRevolution. This world we have created by disowning our responsibility to others and ourselves, the movie screen before us only shows us what needs to be set right. It shows us, up to now our overarching ability to shrug off responsibility for our own souls growth. Wholonomics creates a space where responsibility for our souls growth is our path of least resistance.

Space for potentials of mind and heart Compassion

Wisdom Altruism The Wholomid is a fixed and flowing geometric structure to channel the fluids of value.

We absorb the Fire of Will to Control and balance with the other elements Larger than Social Space is Civilizational Space. This gives value to the Currents, the scale we engage. With Positive Flow, each is the Phire of the Holopex, re-containerizing the fire of the apex.

When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an un-pitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. Edmund Burke From his essay: Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents The lies they tell wont work anymore. Official lies about war and peace, will not be believed. From Individuals to Peoples The Holomid Restores to Dimension Zero the Balancing of Power, the ancient and lost sacred function to mediate between all Valuexchanges liberating us from excess concentrations of imbalanced power. Healing is a by-product of healthy fields benefiting the Whole.

The Proper Study of any Science is Space and the Properties of Space

The Spirit of Pyranomic Revolutions has repeatedly swept the landscape of history as Revolutionary Impulses of Pyrasitic Intent progressively collapsing Humanities Value Gradients until now there is very little left. Wholonomics is a Philosophical Counter-Revolution, a Counter-Revolution of Focused Actions to Regenerate our Common Life to counter-spin our descending droppings into the Entropic Pyres of The Apex Dreamers. Wholonomics as a conceptual framework is probably the only practical Pathway to Resource Management and Distribution for a Sustainable Global Life

The world has completely lost the meaning of true wealth. There has to be complete regime change sooner or later to get humanity free of Pyrasitic domination. The house of cards that is the global economy will come crashing down when people realize what value really means and that it does not exist outside the consciousness of all of us. We no longer live without real value, individual and as community. Understanding and applying the principles here shared and underlying strategies the Wholomid can become a Grailship of Planetary Awakeness Transformation.

Jesus with the Moneychangers

We have been diverted from seeing and focusing and actually getting on with our evolutionary momentum. We have just enough resources left to build a sustainable Wholonomic economics with elegant technologies and super-efficient resource use powered by real low cost

decentralized energy sources. We can have clean and we can have abundant. We can achieve both through Wholonomics. Communecologies, self-sufficient and elegantly efficient tied by high speed rails. Gardens and parks in our cities rather than concrete deserts. Social halls, not shopping malls... We have been lead to believe that consumerism would bring us closer to our most innate needs of warmth, security, food and love. What we really want is each other. Humans receive just as much or more pleasure from a meaningful experience when they connect with other human beings in a positive way, than by getting a new material thing. Hundreds of studies prove beyond having our basic needs met, money doesnt provide happiness, and neither does having a $200,000 car or a jet airplane increase our happiness-wealth. What does make us happier is supporting each other in meaningful ways, sharing what we have and learning something new. We have enough when we look with love at people around us and the love we share with friends and family instead of ruminating on our financial despair.

4 Currency Ethers or Levels of Currency

First Ether - The Gift Current First Ether Current of Gift. We can find ourselves challenged to let go even of even subtle usury measures, I give you this so you give me that. To instead trust in pure gift giving. Knowing by example of Jesus and many others that when we are able to do give freely without measure, a greater gift comes to us from another place where no material necessity is known, where love is sourced. When give with no intention to receive back then Wholeness Itself gifts us with talent and inspiration and a sense of well-being and support.

We move from out-there is the real world view, frozen at a primitive stage of selfcentered projections to a HyperClassical view where the Whole is here and there perceptive. We move to a far deeper level of questioning. Wholonomics channels potential to serve the well-being of the whole to shift our self-conceptions. SECOND Ether The Potential Current THIRD Ether The Reputation Relationship Current FOURTH Ether The Market Current

We will change nothing until we challenge the way money is

Ego and The Pyramid are identical. We can have Dimensional Transcendence of both. Radically and radially decentralized yet fully self-organizing, the Whole shared through social, cultural and economic design realizes a raising of our collective intelligence SynOps are Resource Relationships Across Scale The Principle of Just Enough Grounding Economic Resilience Mindsets and also Institutions made obsolete Transparency of Distribution

This work is both spiritual and material. Regenerates the Vibrational Field of the Collective. Focus. That is going to be our greatest task, to get enough focus of intention and effort and action to coalesce this new hyperdimensional space. We all are needed. This calls for massive organizational creativity. This is an undertaking that requires teams of teams in all diverse ways. But if we cant find fun in it, it will never fly.

Can you Commit? Are you all in, outside the box?

Released flow of Hololective Consciousness Enhancement awakens the Collective Cellular Intelligence to create Consensus Reality more Coherently. When sufficiently developed the conditions in the field, the Natural Equilibrium of Complexity Space ensure the system is functionally stable and stays socially gyroscopically just and equitable. The Inner and Outer Scales of Value encourage right behaviors that are conducive to a just and equitable society. There is No Ego to feed only natural empowered esteem.

Sustainable Wholonomic progress is both stable and comprehensive. Impervious to bubble formation and is capable of representing the entire wealth creation process, both human and natural in origin, through one philosophic plan. Believing that you are one individual standing alone, it could appear rational to try to get the best that you can out of the status quo, to become a profit-maximizer in negative circumstances. That is if you know of no other option You are being challenged here to reconsider how we can share our happiness - our inner wealth with our outer happiness, our wealth and with our kin, our community, and our consciousness. Wholonomics is the science of how we express Wolofied Awareness through a Holofied Place.

The Wholomid is a Space not a State. It is without State, a Space for allowing new kinds of creative ways to emerge a communion of communities, a Collaborative for holding Wholeness Values. Very truncated list: this will go to unlimited. Health Wolo'Sphere o Regional Health Wholomid

Health Support Health Products Counseling

Friendship Wholo'Sphere Pet Companions

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Decisions happen through Ringspheres of Decentralized Wisdom collated across Scale, expressed as Localized Scalar Power, that means power that is held by

the will of the many. Normal people have hearts of charity, but lack money to enact it.

Carl Jung We can have Wholoperatives, not PyraControl Grids. With full support of: Artistic values Tolerance - Unity of Humanity is fundamental. Arbitrary divisions of preference within the Unity of Humanity are accepted and honored Ideals and ideas centered Free decentralized media Balanced limits between the rich and poor. Everyone has enough, fewer have too much. Basic human rights, basic life necessities such as food, water, shelter are a given Rule through love and dialogue. Honoring each persons inner living processes Inclusive intrinsic human worth. Expanded Spiritual Life Public debate, protest, debate Opportunity to direct our natural healing ability to where it is needed Distributing energy, information, value and benefits through Interconnecting HoloSpheres. What we give we receive in return. The quality of concern to The Whole The more you succeed the more we all succeed.

From passive to active citizenship Cooperation for mutual advantage Restorative justice Social order by mutual responsibility and accountability. The ego is increasingly obsolete

As with all disruptive successes, once this transformation embeds in the psyche of humankind, no powers will be able to reverse its motion, leaving the pyramid controllers in its Wake. Irreversible like the use of electricity, this Spatial Reformation will be. The Wholomid is disruptive to the entire edifice of the controllers paradigm.

Do you have the courage to be disruptive to alter the Template of our governing institutions? The Printing Press was disruptive to the feudal paradigms of power . The Protestant Reformation and American Revolution were natural consequence resulting from the decentralization of knowledge power. The personal computer was disruptive to the highly centralized, one-way, top-down, mainframe corporate culture. Home business and small business revolution were natural consequences that decentralized ownership and control. When the computer became the network of computers, the Internet disrupted the sense of separation in time and space. Core virtue in our core freedoms challenged the core disconnect from the reality of our humanity in our instant-everywhere-interactive connection. Enlightened self-interest honors that connection. The dot com economy created unprecedented knowledge power with the promise of extraordinary abundance through inherent valuation with the opportunity to optimize the Abundant Life for all.

This new abundance of currents will disrupt scarcity. Abundant Free Flow is disruptive to scarcity schemes. Vested interests are in the creation and management of scarcity for profit and control of the human and physical resources of the planet. This is disruptive to all that would make for a better world. The currency of conscience is disruptive to corporate tyranny. This currency has been suppressed so the Controller can profit while poisoning the environment. This is disruptive to our planetary life support system. Big Pharma profits by treating disease. This is disruptive to health in the population. Fearless self-direction disrupts the System that profits from terror and tyranny. This is disruptive for bringing Peace to Earth.

Why Use a Base Dozen(12)?

This sets the Wholomid as distinct, its own thing. That is a big reason. Try to find a base 12 calculator. We can more quickly deprogram by loosening one of their deepest collective anchors. Base 12 is used as Shared Geometry. All field templates have base 12 relationships. The Base Harmonic Geometry is 12. When 10 is written, it means 12 and 1/10 is 1/12 or 8.75% in the base 10 system. Two extra numerals are introduced; the star, *, written and pronounced Dec," and the Pound Hatchmark, #, written and pronounced Ele. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,*,#, 10 If you had a clock that was fully base 12 it would have in place of ten oclock, dec oclock, eleven oclock is ele oclock. The number of minutes in an hour is written 50, equal to 60 base 10. One counts 8,9,*,#, 10 spoken as twelve 12 base. Nineteen, decteen, eleteen, twentyfour (20), twenty nine, twenty dec, twenty ele, 36 minutes, up to forty nine, forty dec, forty ele 50. The main reasons it seems we have a number system based on 10 is because of having 10 fingers. Base 12 is a superior choice. We recognize the advantages of 12

and have 12 months in the year, 12 hours on the clock, and 12 inches in the foot. We buy and sell items in units of 12. An advantage of 12 over 10 is that you cannot take a 1/3 or a 1/4 of 10 and get an even number, whereas, you can with 12. Nor can you write a third of 10 as a decimal. The number goes on forever, 3.3333. . . Being able to take a third and a forth of your base number and get an whole number is very handy. A secondary advantage is that 12 has more divisors, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, &12 verses 1, 2, 5, & 10 for 10. For geometrical reasons, using a 12 pointed or 12 ringed fractal space the natural arithmetic is base 12. This has been extended to dimensional distributions of wealth.

Each dimension interpenetrates its lower dimensions. Dimensions interconnect with all the other dimensions through a geometric code across scale. The Wholomid as a Whole forms the hardwiring geometry. Only wholeness can come from wholeness. Dimensional crystal root, a holodimensional form. Root 12 decentralization.

Restructuring Pyramid Space

Evolution proceeds not in a smooth and linear fashion. What happens is that a few members evolve followed by a major rear guard action thrown up by the dominating forces. But eventually the pressure builds up to such a level that nothing can stop the inevitable, and the whole species rapidly rises to a new level of coherence and order. To end the control of the Money Supply by the Money Power and bring it back to where it belongs: the individuals forming the Commonwealth.

To allow equitable access to all. As opposed to the current situation, where the Money Power only finances what it owns or wants to own starving the rest from credit. To have an evolving credit supply, it should not deflate costs faster than the economy can reorganize, so that reserves are not hoarded. Have the courage to practice long-term thinking and to make bold, courageous, anticipatory decisions at the time when problems have become perceptible but before they reach crisis proportions. Humanity will re-organize with elegant resolution of its fundamental dilemmas when we redirect our Realitys Dissipative Structures.

Free Energy will be understood as Scalar-Time transformed into action. The fuel of process evolution. We will discover the principles behind Space Evolution. Here we are replicating free energy technology through a Global Field. As a result every aspect of our lives will be touched and up leveled.

When complex systems of Consciousness are at a bifurcation point the smallest catalyst can shift the entire field dynamics to a New Plane of Life, new root paradigms have this power. Free Energnomics does not serve the exclusive interests of any individual or organization.

WHolomid is the Space to self-organize solutions.

WHolomids are initiated by local leaders with passion and commitment to make real a better world.

WHolomid is hyperdimensional space where Wholeness is our root value.

Wholocurrents mediate Wholeness between The Wholomid Internals and The Holomid Externals.

Wholomid validity is the sensibility of itself, the sense it makes in and of itself. Purpose is inherent in its context and form. It is not organized by rigid status. Benefiting the whole is the basis of our incentives. Collective success leads to personal enhancement and improving circumstances. Wholomid Space dissolves avarice without eliminating self-initiation. Every one of us involved in the measures that have to be taken to shape the new world

Pyranomic Deconstruction Module 24 Pyranomic Deconstruction Presentation on economics as a religion,

false science, control grid, etc. The Pyramid as the base model of control of mass numbers of people originates from animal organization. To be fair this template did provide long lasting stability to many civilizations some spanning thousands of years. Based on the limited capacity of thought of the time it was the best they could do. However, as now the Pyrasite Class did live off the labor of the body, In ancient Egypt for centuries there were no rebellions and little theft. Everyone just knew their place. Now it is completely different. We have grown beyond the restrictions of that kind of space. Now unnecessary and obsolete. Might have been OK when human social consciousness was more primitively organized. The ancient inertia bred into our awareness is at blame for our almost complete apathy in the face of radical demands to change how we live and change how we live with each other.

Some Pyranomic Words and Terms Pyranomics Pyranomic Absoluteism Pyrasites Pyramoney Vector Money Vectorized pyramid power-space Force vectors Keystone in the Arch Pyra-corrupted software Pyramid Paradigm Pyraschemes Pyraparasitism Apexsite Pyrasites Pyracracy Pyrates Apex Vibrational Construct Pyramid Eyepex Core operating standing-wave platform of reality Pyramidology Armageddon economics The Occult Empire of the Pyrasites Temple Institutions of the Eyepex Pyracorps Pyrampires, Pyrasite Empires Bondage to the Moneye-Xchangers

The Pyramid says there are no alternatives to its concentrating methods. Not much else is taught or seriously addressed. Pyranomics is the only economic model people know of, the only economics they are aware of. The pyramid context of reality has defined our patterns of human culture all through history. That vectorized pyramid power-space has dominated the last thousands of years makes a turn to the Wholomid seem unlikely. But is that so? Pyranomics is the Keystone in the Arch of the Pyramid's Apex. Here in this transmission, Pyranomic Absoluteism is being deconstructed and reconceived. Reality isn't out there. Externals cannot be our primary values and survive. Reality is an interactive process including consciousness, meaning, compassion, justice and wisdom. Pyranomics as our core operating standing-wave platform of reality is full of operating bugs, infecting our minds and soul with viruses, worms and all manner of false creatures of illusion.

This corrupted alogos scheme, logos means principle-based so alogos means, not principle-based is totally incapable of meeting the co-evolutionary demands of Today and the awakening understanding of Humanity as consciousness. It needs to be replaced. NOW! To the millions of people butchered around the world by a corrupted alogos scheme, to them we represent. They can be expelled, expelling their control space. People are wakening up! The whole construction of lies and media brainwash is being ruined. We can deboot and delete the Pyra-corrupted software. Pyranomics weaves together theories, standards, and methods mixed with hypnoinduced beliefs and is used as a control grid on Human and Other Awarenesses. Pyra refers to pyramid as well as fire, the consuming of order to feed entropic schemes leaving ashes to be picked apart by Pyrates using vulture economics. Also could be called Armageddon economics, at least to those caught in its spiraling grip.

Humanity cannot survive dependent on a Vector Function that endlessly transfers the Wealth of the Whole to the apex. We have to have had it with elite posers, terrorists holding humanity at ransom. Inflicting beyond massive economic, social and ecological destruction with their bankrupt smash-and-grab system. A system has reached the point of meltdown. That is why we are being pushed into relentless wars. So they and their puppets can corner the remaining resources. Their fully insane criminality protected through widespread individual and social docility is the present historic challenge facing humanity.

Speculation mixed with loss of confidence causes hyper-inflation. Speculation coupled with debt is a total disaster.

Belief Systems imposed rule us. They cause us to become slaves. Becoming slaves to and through Belief Systems, we are bound as if powerless, as if inferior, as if we are limited cogs in an illusion of control The Pyramid Paradigm masters control the space of the possible and desired through force vectors called money, from the bound to the unbounded, from powerless to the powerful. From the exploited to the exploiter. Power of a few is based on the exploitation our sources of natural wealth. The Pyramid "takes up space." It is a lower dimensional and vibrational construct. Pyramid architecture in its profound limitations automatically generates stratification of resources, knowledge and opportunity, sourcing pain and despair. The pyramid represents a form of political and social control that allows a small group of individuals to benefit off of a much larger group. The power of a few is based on the exploitation, on every level. Pyrasites have continually stolen land, poisoned peoples water, burnt their crops, dispossessed their homes, assassinated families with aerial drones and ground drones in the form of death squads. They commit these shocking crimes with lies and impunity to the point where now they are actively acting in many countries simultaneously in a permanent state of relentless war, pushing the very future of humanity to the brink. In this constructed constricting framework of pyrasitic space we can find only the imprisonment of falsehood. Spiritual Souls can realize awareness not bound by this conflicted space. That is why alignment to your higher nature is absolutely necessary. Pyranomics lead to increasingly extreme inequality between the richest and poorest. The poorest being left ultimately with nothing and thus eliminated and the rich have everything except just enough power given to maintain their servant class.

Pyranomics figures out how we should live for them, without a true consensus of what best serves society. We give up our rights through apathy and greed and conflicts of the mind. Focusing on maintaining the appearance by settling on making ends meet we allow conditions created not come from the peoples but from the Apexsite Pyrasites. How many true movements of social liberation been destroyed even in the last hundred years. A hundred or more. We need for our Context, that is the roots of our Paradigm To Wake-Up! As long as we believe in this end of times story, we are slaves to the forms of this system, continuing to maintain them, in conscious and unconscious ways. Their agents seek to bind Awareness to an agenda. A pyramid has progressively fewer but more powerful power-concentrated levels. Fewer people, more power. Up the pyramid, up the power. Each is one in a million, numbering around six thousand on a planet of six billion. They run our governments, our largest corporations, international finance, the media, world religions, and the world's most dangerous criminal and terrorist organizations. They are the global superclass, and they have been shaping the history of our time. Today's superclass has achieved unprecedented levels of wealth and power. They have globalized more rapidly than any other group. They have more in common with one another than with their own countrymen. They control and benefit from globalization more than anyone else. Their influence feeds growing economic and social inequity that divides the world. What happens behind closed door meetings or aboard corporate jets? Who sets the rules for a group that operates beyond national laws?

This primary Vector Archetype is the very Root of Western Economics. This is the controlling Paradigm.

Corporations, Banks, Governments, organized religions, form the network while lesser structures mimic the global form, and to form from this Template to manage and mete out status and influence. The Occult Empire of the Pyrasites is a massive pyramid super-structure of corrupted streams of being held in place by massive amounts of resource waste and destruction. All this code corruption maintains the Temple Institutions of the Eyepex. Ultimate result of this archetypal space is the appearance of totalitarian forms of government where absolute political power is held by socio-psychopathic elite few and their effect on the people is such that the entire society is increasingly ruled and motivated and delineated by pathological values. This is inherent in this space that archetypically rules our beliefs.

From the Pyramid Paradigm, evolves the suppression of individualism and creativity, impoverishment of artistic values. Moral values get corrupted based on a social structure of self-interest and oneupmanship, altruism is suppressed. This is why we must absorb all the wealth of the world and return it to a principled existence.

Fanatical manipulation-based ideologies arise. Intolerance and suspicion especially of anyone who disagrees with the higher stratus of The Paradigm Construct, the State and Corporation. Everyone is a target for a role of servitude. Many of them believe the

way to stop erosion of their control over truth is to elicit a major nuclear WW3 that will radically depopulate the earth and convert the political structure back into a Middle Ages type feudal King/Serf system.

Control is centered and concentrated into an increasingly few in number. With the absence of a moral compass, corruption is the norm. With Pyranomics, the mirror of the mind reflects externals. Externals control the mood.

Pyramid Space limits us to a three dimensional Social Space Only the lower dimensions are acknowledged. Three-dimensional reality is only a subset of a series of hyperspatial dimensions that are the physics of our very existence. From Humans to stars to galaxies to life itself, Wholonomics reflects and expresses this Foundation Understanding.

PyraMoney inherently makes everything more dysfunctional

In the big picture, even when we appear to prosper, there are unseen and unknown costs. Our meager efforts cannot balance the effects and impacts our using Pyramoney. All the real costs are offset into the environment and into the psychic dimensions of humanity. Money now has an unfair advantage. It is not subject to entropy. By means of threat to withdraw from the marketplace, taking his buyers non-deteriorating money with him, he can force the producer compelled by the law of entropy to lower the return of his ever-deteriorating goods. This is the inevitable and inequitable consequence of adopting money that is also the store of value. The Supplier of money is granted an unjust and unfair

power over the Demander of Currency the producer/seller. Money as it is naturally encourages its possessor to mistreat his fellow man by taking advantage of the relative weakness of his bargaining position. The product of labor sweat and effort are subject to the natural laws of entropy. farmers produce spoils. Products have a shelf life. They deteriorate, or are superseded. Product of labor are compelled by the laws of entropy to find a buyer promptly. If it does not, the producer who has no personal use for surplus inevitably suffers loss. He wears the carrying cost of deteriorating product if it remains unsold. The wealthiest families or clans or cabals on planet earth orchestrate major upheavals. Their sphere of activity extends over the entire globe, and even beyond, their ambition and greed for wealth and power know no bounds, for them, we are a power source to harvest as long as needed. Their target is to depopulate, mutate and maintain a much lower population to what we have now. Pyrasites operate in unison against public benefit, against a better life for mankind in which the individual is free to develop his or her innate creativity, a life for everyone free of war and bloodshed. Officers and directors who run corporations are actually duty-bound to act in the corporation's best financial interest, and that means they are obliged to do whatever they can within the law to make money. This fiduciary duty requires corporate management to set aside ethical niceties when they get in the way of corporate profits. This is why tobacco companies market their products to kids when they can - only laws prohibiting such conduct will keep them from doing so. This is especially true when we are dealing with large, publicly traded corporations. Whereas a small corporation could have local ownership, management, and community roots that might resist the drive for profit in certain situations, publicly traded corporations almost always answer to institutional investors under tremendous pressure to produce short-term profits. The management chain is geared for profit, not ethics or sustainability. The "United States" is an insolvent, civilly dead corporation/person, with "its property" U.S. citizens and their assets being administered as a "trust fund" (14th Amendment PCT) for the benefits of its stockholders and creditors, the Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank. You are owned people. Wake-up!

Money is deliberately maintained scarce. Even though the means are in plenty, never enough money is the theme of life written by the Pyra-elites who ALWAYS have way more than enough. Pyrasites are addicted to their paradigm power and will recognize no other. They equate paradigm survival with their own personal survival. They will manipulate and control a society in order to prevent any social or cultural advancement out of the existing paradigms. They will actively ignore and suppress public knowledge of this. They will intimidate populations to no end to remain within the status quo paradigm. Liberating from Pyranomics will result in paradigm death and death to those and that, that fight to maintain the Pyrasites paradigm.

Pyrasites are not only players on the stage of Humanitys Planet, but they are also a kind of psycho-spiritual mechanical entity that has effectively manipulated the human mind. Where they come from, and how their human hosts came to bear them, there are many opinions. They manipulate to allow themselves to continue to play out their inhumane agenda with distorted and corrupting ways. The Pyrasites do not believe in a future without money obligations. They believe we will have to pay off debt to them forever or be liquidated.

They will never see us free of being ruled by plutocrats who are ruled by greed. They will never see us free of private central banks debiting our exchange of life with interest and tribute and hire-archy slavery. US Government itself has become a huge fraud since 1913 when it was fully hijacked. "No degree of prosperity could justify the accumulation of large amounts of highly toxic substances which nobody knows how to make safe and which remain an INCALCULABLE danger to the whole of creation for historical or even GEOLOGICAL AGES. To do such a thing is a transgression against life itself, a transgression infinitely more serious than any crime ever perpetrated by man. The idea that a civilization could sustain itself on the basis of such a transgression is an ethical, spiritual, and metaphysical monstrosity. It means conducting the economic affairs of man as if people (all life forms) really did not matter at all. E.F. Schumacher

These Pyrasites hire the scientist and then take away the fruits the scientist create through his inventions. This power is then used for their own purposes, at immense human and material cost to mankind. Their goal is a World Government, under their control. Secrecy and anonymity is integral to their operations. They dont want the exploited to know they are being exploited. Do they? Ruthlessness, deception spying, blackmail are simply the tools of their game. Pitching one group against another to weaken the competition and the possibility of birthing a new Game. Nations pitted against each other, the destruction and

corruption of religion and other traditional values, chaos, deliberately spreading poverty and misery, usurping power then placing their stooges in place. Wars, revolutions and assassinations are part of their tactics to destroy the powers of civilization including traditional religions. Amassing vast wealth and power, by eliminating opponents. The real history. Proceeding relentlessly, generation after generation. Deliberate perpetuating of Psychopathic genes. Operating generational covert and overt societies and organizations. By controlling the single point of failure, fiat money, panics can be started with rich opportunity. Currents are diverse, natural, human, free so there is no single point of failure. Societies became divided between the rulers and the ruled, exploiters and exploited. Brutal competition for power creates a relentless play-or-die. This is not compatible with fundamental moral principles. Rule-or-be-ruled dynamic of violence and oppression serve to elevate the most ruthless to the highest positions of power. The peoples of the dominant human societies lose their sense of attachment to the living earth. They cease to be Peoples but become individuals, atomized and controlled, penned in. The situation has gotten so out of hand and so parasitical, an uncontrolled asset eating monster is stripping assets at an accelerating rate completely eliminating the middle class and labor unions and basic cooperative ventures. Major portions of resources available to human societies and their needs are being diverted to supporting military sdventures, prisons, palaces, temples and patronage for retainers and propagandists on which the Pyranomic System depends. It is a dead end along with our high-energy high extractive industrial systems perpetuated to further debtism slavery. The planet is not a resource to simply mine and a place to landfill all the beyond massive wastes. Wake-up to where we are heading. Pyranomics uses ever more dangerous and destructive technologies to access extreme energy sources. There are no solution on this path. Which is easier to imagine an end to Pyranomics or an end to Humanity? That is the choice. Just one poignant example of the short-sighted nature of Pyranomic unreality. Right now they are proposing we build an icewall around Fukushima nuclear plants to keep at bay the radioactivity keeping the icewall frozen for 300 years! Do you see how crazy that is? Pyranomics cannot think much beyond the next quarter much less beyond their own generation. Do you really think Pyranomic systems are going to be able to do this? We are going to have to commit our children and their children and their children's children to dealing with this atrocity. Unimaginable. Thats what your children and their great greatgreat-grandchildren have to look forward to. Shortsightedness doesn't even begin to describe this crisis and how it has been handled thus far. And the tragic joke is that we used the nuke plant to boil water, now we have to freeze water for centuries to contain its legacy. Typical Pyranomic unintended ironic results. Great civilizations built by ambitious rulers fell to successive waves of corruption and conquest and entropic accumulation of decadence. Underlying patterns of domination have remained the same.

A few on top, so most must be on the bottom. The powerful control through their pyramid command and their Pyranomic structures of exploitation. Institutionalizing the processes by which it will be decided who enjoys the privilege and who pays the price, a choice that excludes from Apex Power whole groups of persons based on race and gender and whom you are probably part of. A progressive negative selection takes place in society, the people most suited to any given role are gradually replaced by those with more advanced pathological behavior. This can clearly be seen in Western Pyranomics where, to get ahead, it is almost obligatory to be ruthless and amoral, most specifically those who compose the Pyraparasite Elite, the Pyrasitic Class. They are one Pyrate crew.

The biggest problem with all this is, a predatory global financial system driven by the single imperative of vectoring to them ever more value as money to those who already have lots of it, is rapidly depleting the real capital the human, social, natural, and even etheric capital and thus the overarching systems on which everybodys well-being depends. This scheme is run by a network of pyraparasitic entities who shoot sleeping poisons into the consciousness of Humanity. Humanity hardly stands a chance unless they become hip to it and then move to eliminate the Parasitic domination. Or otherwise in the end, Pyrasites consume their host and ultimately, destroy their scene. But then the cycle starts up again because the Pyramid is the organizer template of civilization itself. Will there be anything to get cycled up again this time around? The purpose of the Parasite is to attach itself to the host and suck all of the lifeblood until it is dead while the parasite takes extremely good care of his own personal needs and lives a lavish, unlimited lifestyle of a King. At to the top, the entire structure is dominated by the Winners. What are the qualities to be a Winner in the Pyramid World? Well, Ego is important, the more the better. Also severe indoctrination into the Pyramid Paradigm as the only option. Qualities and Values; greed, short-sighted selfishness, willingness to commodify their fellow humans and the eco-system. Absence of sense of responsibility towards the whole. Willingness to participate in entropic schemes. Belief that this is just the way it is. Specializes in Babylonian Money-Magick and pernicious usury which has created billions of debt-slaves. Who controls the banks? The investment capital the banks are holding. This is who the banks are working for. This is run as a collective government, the Occult Empire. They pool through the banks. The shots are called to the financial institutions through private associations that group the membership of collective government.

One moving force for policy exertion and accomplishment. And we have the strong arm of government regulation to deal with any uncooperative players. Usury and taxes are pincers. What guarantees payment on false national debt are taxes grabbed at gunpoint threat. Grants monopoly charter on fiat counterfeiting to banks. Reciprocate with infinite spending privileges and perks. Laborers and natural systems foot the bill.

The extreme Ego conditions of The Pyramid lead to all kinds of corrupted psychological reasoning and effects such as mass pharmaceutical enslavement. The Control apparatus is composed of secret activities and private groups who decide for the rest while the surveillance of the general population grows absolute. Pyramids as its maintenance flow grow weaker becomes paranoid and reactionary, excessive, arbitrary, unfair and inflexible. Hypocrisy and contempt demonstrated by the actions of the ruling class towards the ideals they claim to follow and towards the citizens they claim to represent. Winning is the only real value to them. Communication is controlled, enslaved by propaganda. Rule by force and/or fear of force. There is a complete emotional disconnect between their apparent mood and state of privilege, happiness and joy, and the pure evil, tyranny and mass death they perpetrate on the human race.

Protecting their security and the security of their Security State, the Secrets Shadow Government is top. They express a lethal desire to mass murder in order to supposedly protect, purify and save the human race and experience and kind of thrill in deploying armies and weapons of mass death and destruction.

The very purpose of The Pyramid is to exploit. People are only a 'resource' to be exploited. As is nature only to be exploited. Spiritual life is considered a threat so it is channeled for purposes of control and confusion and to lead the People to a condition of inner powerlessness and severe religious indoctrination.. Anyone attempting to go beyond this space is considered a heretic or insane or fringe, and therefore dangerous. Class, ethnicity, creed and every other form of distinction and difference are used to inflame the emotions and attitudes of the People. Suppression or the diverting of free speech into unimportant and distracting channels. Public debate, demonstration and protest are criminalized. The Pyramid Archetype leads to violations of basic human rights, restriction or denial of basic life necessities of food, water and shelter; detainments with or without charges; torture and abuse and slave labor. Addictive processes permeate every social system. In the current world, humans are "ownable", exploitable, controllable commodities useful only insofar as they can either command or generate capital that is vector monitarized value. Pay to play is the rule of Pyranomic systems. Pure Pyrasites main value is egoic power culminating in fully owning everything that controls the host till the host dies. How long can a house stand eroding its own foundation? Pyranomics will implode, collapse and de-energize when Wholonomics is birthed. Pyramids collapse. They always do. It crystallizes then breaks apart as the flow can no longer be channeled. It loses its ability to act fast enough allowing catastrophic crisis to hit. Civilizations share a common path with a sharp curve of decline. Our civilizations demise has begun. Warnings are everywhere.

The Apex Pyramid has to go. It is Time!

Those who are the Apex Embodiment are driven mad. They become homo economicus, driven to greater and greater consumption of Natural Wealth through technological feats and moral defeats. Driven to build empires on a foundation of imposed debt they are divided against themselves. Split. Wholeness of love is not a principle spun. Collective Government Babylon Empire of Zion, Empire of Rome, the Dollar extension of the Crown Empire and all other Pyrampires, Pyrasite Empires will be undone. Pyrasitic Forces choose certain select individuals who are propelled to the highest positions in the world system. These individuals have been infected or initiated into being host to a kind of spirit guide, master parasite controllers, a kind of demon or Jinn or an alien ET-type entity. You can understand this as metaphoric or literal. Pyraparasitism infecting the Paradigm organism causes their slaved subjects to become competitive, insecure, obedient, brain dead, soul-disconnected creatures generating violence and suffering, confusion and despair with culture-wide pain. Pyrasites are not about developing our talents, abilities, or potential, meaning, compassion, justice, and wisdom. Giving and withholding external rewards makes us controllable. Pyrasite society grades according to a hierarchy of externals. Race, gender, age, status, group affiliation, and income. People with pyramoney don't work in sweatshops or sell their children into slavery. Big problem with externals, they become the means for enslavement. Organized crime has taken control, a runaway pyracracy running a runaway slavecracy.

Wholonomics has a self-organizing geometric inclusion to liberate the actions and behaviors of more and more of humanity. Socialism, Communism, Fascism, even classic Free Enterprise, none acknowledge we live on a planet of limited resources. All are based on assumptions that the planet has infinite resources.

The transition to Wholonomics will be a major shock to the Pyranomic system. Most people try to avoid significant short-term pain even if there are tremendous long-term benefits so we must make this as pleasant as possible Pyraparasitic Power is held through only a few mechanisms. Like everything else the principles are simple and few. They control the economics agenda.

The Apex of the Pyramid control the creation of currency as legal tender status. Thus they hold the copyright on money. Through this they get a hold on the monopoly on credit creation. Credit creators hold control to central functions of currency, defining the measure of value and the unit of account used.

PyraParasites do what essentially all parasites do. They find the weaknesses in their host, this case the general population and exploit them. They cause the host to become dependent in some way and then extract their energy and resources for their use. If the host becomes determined to rid themselves of the parasite, well then the parasite will attempt to weaken the host sufficiently so they can no longer resist. They have spent countless billions of Pyramoney confiscated through crooked schemes building systems to control what we know. They almost always broadcast lies seldom tell truth, all to keep themselves in power and everyone else powerless. They know the truth of other options and opportunities must be kept from the people to continue in power. Revealing the truth is the first step, implementing real options is the next. Pyrasites mimic the values of the host so the host will support the parasite even to its own detriment. Pyraparasites have majority control of power today. They will do anything and I mean anything to keep Wholonomics from being implemented once this reaches a large public. We are indoctrinated into believing the present system works for us. In reality, Pyranomics is a hindrance on every level. Debt incurred. Taxes and inflation. All hinder mobility. The Working Class has become the Working Caste. The USA host gets hammered through 70,000 pages of taxes, inflation, and increasing overhang in regards to regulations. The Pyrasites are effectively waived and bypassed for the majority of taxes and rules. Taxes tend to flow to them. Government politically protects Pyrasites. Understand that the political parasites and econoparasites function together against those portions of the host that still have the juice. They eventually have to have it all and then each other. Their will is to survive even if it is only another day. They would eventually consume each other to stay alive. Pyrasites tax us poor, then offer dividends to social-engineer our dependence on them. It helps obedience. In the USA alone over one hundred million unemployed Americans are no longer even looking for work. The state is making sure those who are being controlled through subsidies lock stock and barrel are living better than most of the working population. This is by design.

Why It Better not to work in America

They use the Lower Castes host segments to control through threats of replacement the productive host segments. They want a weak and pliant host to live off of and feed their perverse pleasures. They want a large lower class, no middle with just the pyraparasitic class at the top. Feudalism is the ideal condition for the Pyrasites. But its worse than that. Through their fiscal black magic they actually increase the securitization another 10-fold or more from that! It supports giant offsheet valuation. No wonder the heartless class Pyranomic denizens like a large prison slave population. It props up their bankrupt dim vision. We really have to crack it down. It is far more destructive than having no prisons at all, leaving it to the community to resolve the issues. Civil life at peace can handle any social issue. We grow strong in millions of every walk of life. The combined genius of millions will work wonders. We implement faster than it can be co-opted.

Does anyone else see how inherently insane statism is? Why do these immoral control systems have final say in our reality collective. No wonder we are dooming ourselves as a species. It has to be obvious these characters embedded in a bad play have zero possibility to bring peace, to bring sustainable civilization, to bring social justice or to bring a state a generalized happiness and well-being. Just the opposite. Its all about the game deciding who is "winning" by who is "losing". I say Wake Up and get a grip and do something different that has meaning and purpose. What else can we do? Be a compassionate being and find out. Dont let this just pass through your awareness like air invisible through spinning fans of the mind.

On the surface the people are collectively broke or close to it. Unpayable debt equals collapse and the emergence of one-state world feudalism. The facts are is that we have unfathomable wealth hidden. The seen economy sucks, crippled fiat currency, unemployment rates gaining momentum, Gross National Production being

swamped by unredeemable obligations. We can see clearly a collapse is imminent. Wealth is being hoarded and converted to ownership by the Pyrasite Network. Vast wealth has been hidden or taken from the dominion of the people. The people are now fully debt slaves controlled by the network tentacles, soon to be full-class slaves. Pyrasites use trauma shocks to cement their debt-based control system. Pyrasites are a tiny minority, a hierarchy of parasites with many wanabes who suckup. They control the mind and resources out of nothing but core hypnotic belief and the ability to concentrate command to solidify their version of conditions controlling core channel flows. They will do anything to absorb, discredit or destroy whatever challenges their Apex Power but this will be their downfall. Pyranomics has reached the end of its usefulness. We have definitely moved beyond. Definitely. Wholonomics is a poison pill to the Pyrasites ending their ability to condemn humanity.

Power of Pyranomics Pyranomics enable governments to spend beyond their means, charging the populace through secret or unseen taxes such a inflation and periodic widespread personal and small company bankruptcy. The apex power controls how money power is distributed giving themselves the power to control politics and resources reaping untold riches off this power.

Pyrasites are fully disconnected between their operating psychosociopathic ideology and all the harm and suffering they cause and are responsible for. And we allow them to continue? We have to create Units to confront them on every level to eliminate this obsolete way from our collective human condition. Pyranomic Mechanisms of Control Pyranomics hold power through a few main mechanisms ultimately controlled through our collective space or paradigm. The Apex of the Pyramid controls the creation of currency legal tender status. That is they hold the copyright on money. Through this they hold a monopoly on credit creation. Did you realize that Americans at least are permanently in debt to the Pyrasites? That this debt causes poverty directly and indirectly all over the world? Pyranomic currency creators control the central functions of currency. The measure of value together with the unit of account. Wholonomics make these distinct, measurement and store of value and move them into the hands of many. Pyranomics tie our powers in straitjackets. We are capable of vastly more than we ever imagined. If we have human brains, we are geniuses. The only reason we're not

experiencing our minds' heart powers is that we've been shut down by stress, negative programming, trauma or mind-numbing boredom or bound by circumstantial necessity. Pyranomics put external values first so the consciousness dimensions are dismissed. with neither use nor place, so the conscious collective tends to fade. Pyranomics has no room for us as being, so we become twisted to try to fit, grasping for a place to hold dear to, angry at never finding our place and insatiable in our seeking for our place we can never find.

Pyranomics teaches that humans are ownable, exploitable, controllable commodities useful only as they can either command or generate capital. In the US an unemployable inner city youth is worth nothing but in prison he is worth $30,000 to $50,000 a year to the control elite slave labor needs. This amount is be further leveraged to $300,000 to $500,000 through capitalization schemes. We could liberate much more true worth by freeing that person to express their potentials. But its worse than that. Through their fiscal black magic they actually increase the value another 10-fold or more from that! No wonder the heartless class Pyranomic denizens like a large prison slave population. It props up their bankrupt dim vision. We really have to crack it down. It is far more destructive than having no prisons at all, leaving it to the community to resolve the issues. Civil life at peace can handle any social issue. We grow strong in millions of every walk of life. The combined genius of millions will work wonders. We implement faster than it can be co-opted.

Pyranomics cannot acknowledge our innate worth as having value. Believers are always relative to the externals. So we all feel our dignity has been stolen by this devaluation of what is most precious to us. We become objects within their "context" software and are treated as such. But we are not really software objects, are we? We have little option but to submit to the value crimes of the paradigm. We adapt in part by building cellular walls between the stages of resource extraction and distribution. If we saw the effects of all our decisions? What then? We adopt to the roles rather than having the roles adopt to us. We are fitted to the cultural agenda

The purpose of Pyranomic therapies is keeping people functional or locked into established social structures. They are largely just control symbols to pigeonhole us with weaknesses. As inner values mean nothing, however miserable our lives may be and however abusive or wrong-headed the social structures, we must adjust. Well-adjusted means mental health to the Pyratrists, Pyranomic Psychiatrics. Therapy's purpose is mopping up the mess through a system of worthless human labeling symbols that social systems make of our lives. They do so by convincing us that the mess is our fault, our failing, our screwiness. If we don't conform, adjust, fit in and measure up, something must be wrong with us. We become frozen in grief or shock; with non-functional or dysfunctional feeling.

Concentrated by the Pyramid Vector, interest burdened money makes it expensive to use adding unnecessary costs to every stage of production and distribution.

Inflation is the dilution of credit then re-absorption by the Pyramid Controllers. Apex power decides whose interests will be favored. Money concentrates power and wealth, the rich get richer; everyone else gets poorer. Periodic cycles of depression and inflation derive from the actions of the Apex Controllers. Pyranomics cause social and international conflict and ecological destruction. Pyranomics is inefficient and inequitable. Needs go unmet because the flow is not shared, so is deficient. Dependent on Pyranomic Money We are utterly dependent on Pyranomic money. We hardly have a choice. Yet we know Pyranomic money is an utter failure. Most have little or none. They cannot do what they need to live in this world - Others have vast amounts yet does them and the world no good. We live measured to money to survive. Where we would cooperate and simplify, we compete and consume without compassion. Getting the most for the least we become insulated from and asleep to the materialization results of our inner world as outer collective circumstances. We seek the best bargains even if we damage others. As individuals, businesses, churches, governments and even humanity as a whole we act as separate survivors. Pyranomic logic forces us as a society, as a generation to have everything ourselves no matter what consequences our excesses and negligence bring for others, now and in the future.

Interest and Debt Compound interest cause debts to grow with the passage of time. Money supply expanded only by making additional loans, so the amount of money available to repay loans is always deficient.

Manipulation of interest rates upsets the natural adjustment mechanisms. Monetization of government debt dilutes the value of all money and hides real taxes. The apex predator monetizes loans through collateral against assets, ultimately owning most of the assets this way, reducing the power and viability of everyone else. Pyramoney For an exchange medium to come into existence a debt to a central clearinghouse such as a bank occurs. By creating credit through debt actions circulate. Debt incurs interest effecting cost all along the production-distribution-consumption path causing debt stress to grow. This in turn pressures the economy to grow exponentially or collapse. Pyramoney forces artificial growth. This growth of debt causes the voracious consumption of natural resources, the production of unnecessary goods with a concentrating distribution of wealth. All from pyramoneys inherent malfunctionality. Pyramoney is kept artificially scarce and expensive because interest is charged at its very creation and is misallocated at its source. Pyramoney are simply loans. The higher up the pyramid the better the terms; low interest, minimal collateral and actual access. The lower on the pyramid the worst terms you receive until at a certain level there are simply no terms to be received. You are locked out. Pyranomics starve productive enterprises, flames destructive cycles. Vectorized Pyramoney is a controlled supply created by the Pyramid. We compete for a share of something limited and directed away from your life towards the apex few. It is always tending to concentrate into the top level of the Pyramid. Just before the financial crisis hit, Wells Fargo & Co. had $609 billion in assets. Now it has $1.4 trillion. Bank of America Corp. had $1.7 trillion in assets. Thats up to $2.1 trillion. And the assets of JPMorgan Chase & Co., the US biggest bank, have ballooned to $2.4 trillion from $1.8 trillion. We are witnessing a consolidation of the banking industry. Hundreds of smaller banks have been swallowed up by these behemoths and millions of People are finding that they have to deal with these banking giants whether they like it or not. Pyramoney can go anywhere and does, leaving communities without a stable and dependable basis of exchange. Pyranomic money is scarce, runs back towards the issuing pyramid apex.

Cannot keep the balance between too much and too little. Dysfunctional distribution is an enemy of freedom. Has astronomical costs beside the entropic disastrous effects on our society we have costs of creation and security, administration, operations and accounting, the costs of interest, the costs of the courts, propaganda costs and the costs of resource sucking parasites that feed on the vector flow of money (Pharmos Scam, Medical Scam, Security Scam, Education Scam). Inflation Hurts Trust Inflations and hyperinflations dont just hurt money, they hurt people and the societies they live in. Inflating money is less trustworthy money going to less trustworthy people. People doing business trust each other less. Those who are farthest from the apex suffer the most. Systemic inflation is a form of covert theft. Artificial Scarcity There can never ever have enough pyramoney for every debtor to pay what is owed to creditors. Debt increases with the passage of time as interest compounds. The supply of money to pay loans with interest can be maintained only as creditor creators make additional loans. New loans have the same problem. Businesses and individuals are forced to compete for markets and pyramoney to avoid defaulting on their debts. But some have to fail in this task even if they are providing value to the community or if they do not align with the agenda. Concentration Up towards the Pyramid Eyepex Capital and interest wealth becomes ever more concentrated in giant corporate conglomerates, which are in turn forced to seek higher returns on their investments. They are driven to expand their markets and to dominate economies. Collective Government ends up owning controlling interests in most everything. This is often done through government application of military and other power to assure continued flow of low-priced raw materials and the availability of low-cost labor. Pyramoney itself by its values and space Depletes Natural Capital Credit Interest causes a transfer of wealth from those lower on the pyramid to those higher up the pyramid class structure, from producers to non-producers.

The direct payment of interest on their own debts is not enough, the poor and middle-class majority pay the cost of interest added at every stage of production. Lower income households because they are net debtors pay much more interest than they receive. Those up the pyramid receive most of their income as interest and equity leverage return on investments. Pyranomic Money in limited and controlled supply is issued, that is created by the apex finance units. We have to compete for a share of a limited quantity with limiting qualities. The entire process is alien to our inherent wholeness. Pyramoney can go anywhere and does go everywhere but mainly up the vector hierarchy, leaving communities without a sufficient medium of exchange. Pyranomic money creates conditions of competition and scarcity. Pyranomics enable governments to spend beyond their means, charging the populace through secret or unseen taxes such as inflation and widespread personal and group distress. The apex controls how riches are distributed giving themselves the power to control politics and resources, reaping more and more benefits off this power. Pyramoney Runs Up Pyranomic money is scarce because it runs up towards the issuing pyramid apex, can not keep the balance between too much and too little leading to disfunctional distribution. Pyramoney is an instrument of political power manipulated by and for limited private interests. Credit created when banks make loans. This monopoly is the collective root illusion. Borrowers must pay interest on every dollar with debt growing faster than it can be paid back. Credit Interest leads to Transfer of Wealth Up the Pyramid Gains from productive activity are shifted from working people to money people. Stress of attempting to maintain self and family on insecure jobs paying less than a family wage leads to family breakdown and violence again depleting the social capital of society. Deplete human capital by hiring under conditions that lead to physical burnout after three or four years. Once eyesight problems, allergies, kidney problems, and repetitive stress injuries deplete their efficiency, they are replaced by a fresh supply of younger women. Such practices destroy lives and deplete society's human capital.

Deplete the Earth's natural capital through strip mining forests, fisheries, and mineral deposits, dumping wastes, and aggressively marketing toxic chemicals. Deplete institutional capital by fighting environmental and other regulations essential to the long-term health and viability of society. Corporations further demand direct public subsidies, subsidized infrastructure, and relief from their fair share of costs to operate. This shifts a greater share of the tax burden onto working people and undermines the credibility and performance of government in its essential functions, thus eroding the legitimacy of democratic government. Deplete business capital. Ultimately destroys itself Corporate managers are forced into a short-term view even in regard to their own operations. They cut investment in research and training essential to their own future prospects. As they downsize, the sharp employee quickly learns to use the job only to build a resume to attract a higher bidder. These actions erode the corporation's own human, intellectual, social, and physical capital. Intent on making ever more money for those who already have money even at the cost of depleting the natural, human, institutional, and social capital on which the very survival of society depends the money system becomes like a cancer that consumes its host and ultimately destroys itself. Execs of publicly traded corporations who fail to maximize profits because of a moral aversion to engaging in such predatory practices are almost certain to be replaced by the system, even if he runs an otherwise profitable operation. Where the shareholders don't step in, a corporate raider most surely will. Did you realize that the Pyrasites have declared war against the people, World War Zero? This started a longtime before the 20th century.

Going Pyranomic Always turns Everything Robotic

Pyranomics is fraud based on force with an exponential evolutionary growth curve of artificial capabilities. This leads to astronomical amplification enabling computer/machine entities to take over the money/murder machine! Controlling through huge lies drives The Pyrasites MAD! Why? Because it is massively false. Sanity is Truth Based. With this madness comes systemic psychotic breakdowns and delusions, ever more genocidal and democidal. The worst science fiction nightmares ever imagined faster than just about everybody expects.

The worst parts are formed from terrorism, deception, bribery. assassination, backdoor deals, usury, nepotism, economic warfare, personal destruction of all who speak out, murder, intimidation, spying, extortion and organized crime. They are just waiting for their BIG CHANCE to further imprison all who oppose them Only a miracle can Wake Us Up. Otherwise, we are on an accelerating runaway of tragedy. The more we wake the stronger we become. No room for the Pyrasites and their puppets. Just as we wake up in the morning even though we know our life will one day end, we take on projects we know can make a difference creating new possibilities for all of us. An honest accounting should not paralyze us. The world order must be changed and the controlled states dissolved, only then the world's problem can be solved. They are being exposed more and more. We can be infinitely more free than as Captured Citizens of the Empire of the Apex. Corporations like Monsanto, G.E, Haliburton, Bethel, General Dynamics, Boeing, Pfizer, Gruman are the roots that feed the fuel for demonic policies. Collectively, through investment, the United States government and sub-units own most major corporations and just about everything else in America, including 87% of the land.

Until we realize that violence is part and parcel of our beloved system of exploitation, then the world will be subject to increasing conflict. The problem rests squarely on Pyranomics and its system of exploitation. To say otherwise is to obfuscate the problem. This is our plague on humanity. We cannot believe that injustice is necessary for anyones material well-being. Pyrasitic Infestation Gone Amuck An ultimate result of this Psychotic space is programming computers and robots to take control of the money system, and the murder system, with these programmed actors not caring about human beings and life, but only caring about their masters abstract calculations.

o Our entire civilization astronomically amplified; runaway with Garbage In/Garbage Out programming, with human beings and life defined as the garbage.

Every form of exchange becomes increasingly opaque. We do not really know what is happening anymore, do we? Politically, economically, socially, or any other way; it is all more and more opaque. Yet, our personal privacy has evaporated.

The manufactured realm of illusion makes this a prison planet. Becoming "healthy" comes to mean adjusting to the archetypal dynamics definitions of healthy. This is the global interrupt, and it is no longer reparable. It is not sustainable. It expresses a dysfunctional space, destructive in its chaos enhancement. This is whats been interrupting the natural processes, the natural intelligence emerging over a long and ancient flow of time. Those who are sensitive can feel it.

It has gotten so extreme that the Earth itself is no longer holding things together. Credit is misallocated at its source. It goes to finance government deficit spending. Weapons and military interventions. Payments to corporate clients. Large chunks finance real estate developments supported by inflated land values and overblown prospects of profitability. We find an abundance of hotels, resorts, and upscale residential construction but a chronic shortage of affordable housing for the billions who maintain the edifice. Everything is measured and valued according to the dictates of this one core template. Our destiny is expressed through and is limited by this core crystallizing structural pattern. Our political apparatus is saturated with this paradigm to and through its bones. Also, precisely the ego is this too. Our mind itself has been taken over by a foreign predator, embodied as core separation fear. So the two are one and the same. Embedded in our inner framing are fabricated regions of Pyranomic internalization. People become little ego machines as they toil through a machine of monstrous ego. And all this is disrupting the natural order of the ages. Vectorized Pyramoney with a controlled supply created by the Pyramid. We compete for a share of directed away from your life disfunctionality. Credit Interest causes a transfer of wealth from those lower on the pyramid to those higher up the pyramid class structure, from producers to non-producers. Pyramoney can go anywhere and does, leaving communities without a stable and dependable basis of exchange. Pyramoney creates conditions of competition and scarcity. The direct payment of interest on their own debts is not enough, the poor and middle-class majority pay the cost of interest added at every stage of production. Lower income households because they are net debtors pay much more interest than they receive. Those up the pyramid receive most of their income as interest and equity leverage return on investments.

Pyramoney itself by its values and space Depletes Natural Capital

In Pyranomics human based organizations compete for investment funds against more lucrative financial games of the world of pure pyramidology. Corporations have little choice but to use their economic and political power to externalize and disavow ever-growing portions of their costs onto the community and communecology. Dynamics of Pyranomics force cost externalization. Workers and communities are pitted against one another in a deadly race to the bottom. Competing for the jobs corporations offer, workers and communities are compelled to deplete real wealth to make corporations more profitable. Responding to the pressures of the pyramid vector, corporations deplete social capital by moving production to places where they can pay less than a living wage or use the threat of moving jobs to break up labor unions and bargain down wages.

Pyramid maintains its "flow of energy" by maintaining collective faith in their Current so they can inflate it in their privileged position. Their trick is maintaining the appearance of value as long as possible concentrating it at the apex of the scheme.

Module 25 WholoTeams,WoloTeams, HoloTeams, SolaTeams, LocaTeams, GlobaTeams Project Completions - Activision Natural principles
applied for focus results in alignment with the whole o WholoTeam Module 1 Web Presence o Operational Prototype: 30,000 USD + 30,000 WholoCurrents o WholoTeam Module 2 Graphic Production lead graphic with network of graphic people for creating graphic material o Mock-up Production Completions: 30,000 USD + 60,000 WholoCurrents

o WholoTeam Module 3 - Video Production - Complete set-up, green screen, etc. Production Completion of the Body Description: o Completed Set of Presentations: 50,000 USD + 50,000 WholoCurrents o WholoTeam Module 4 Security and Encryption o Put into Place: 200,000 USD + 200,000 WholoCurrents o WholoTeam Module 5 Marketing Machine: Viral, Traffic, Articles, List building, Funnels, Commitment Scaling Create and Launch: 50,000 USD + 50,000 WholoCurrents

Principles of Self-Organizing Team Intelligence Distributed Intelligence organizes and effects many points at once across scale The fastest computers flow process simultaneously through multiple dimensions. Awake Collective Intelligence does the same. SynTropic Intelligence is much, much, much vaster than the boring centralized control grid. We can learn to manifest at way faster rates. Arrive at solutions no consensus view had conception of. Collective Creation Synchronicity dwarf individual concepts. Flownet Teams will allow us to make critical decisions correctly even if not all agree. We are all in charge. The Whole is the Charge. We have a vehicle through which to fully mature as spiritual sovereign Aware Being managing our sovereign domain through The Scale of Being.

Autopoiesis of Flow Goals and roles are in terms of the transformations intended in the lives of the people and partners they engage with. Every aspect feeds the flow. Self-organizing WholoFlows enliven and IQ increase the Teams foundations.

We will evolve methods to arrive at Truth.

Action Focused Wholoteams solves problems and learns by rapid experimentation and evolution. Wholoteams has very concrete goals which are hard-wired into the stream. To begin the members don't have strategies or plans for achieving them. They work by rapid experimentation and feedback. If something works and solves the problem it gets reinforced within their collective set of responses for the next time - if not it dies. This can be broadcast across the entire Field, increasing the feedback learning. Wholoteams clear on their objectives are action-focused. They act first and ask questions later. Application of this trait enables us to design simple team member rules of behavior and feedback mechanisms to enable teams to rapidly evolve improved effectiveness. Everyone contributes to the well being of the team and to achieving the direction.

In a Wholoteam there are no leaders controlling the flow, as everyone is broadcasting relevant bits of information just-in-time to all other team members for direct actionresult. Permanent Leaders are not needed as there are no rigid permission structures and any team member can take timely action relative the information received. Direct responsible individual action is supported and facilitated and is further supported by the Wholomid Value Systems. Transparency and clearly agreed policies are the foundations for this to happen.

WholoTeams broadcast information bits and expect receiving teammates to take appropriate action just-in-time. Wholoteams evolves simple approaches to communicate urgent information widely and instantly without doing anything more than sending out just-in-time information bits and letting everyone take action in an independent fashion.

Orders have higher information complexity than situational information and are more difficult to assemble and broadcast quickly to teammates. Orders are more likely to contain errors and to be misunderstood. When you give order information you have to supply more situational information to ensure that the order is properly understood.

Nature has evolved an approach of message transmission coupled with enough distributed self-intelligence within each of the receivers to be able to know what to do with it. Team members have huge amounts of local distributed intelligence, their mind and spirit and tools for working out the required action for them given their situation

Learning from nature means that teammates must be trained to expect information rather than orders and must be able to quickly work out appropriate responses without having to be told. If we start providing just-in-time information bits to a Wholoteam which has been exposed only to receiving "orders" and "instructions" and do not understand this there will only be one response, team paralysis. The team members will digest the information but will not take action. Hence this education.

Information needs to be communicated to all teammates quickly Members of a team are generally very busy and they don't have the time to read and understand complex instructions. They want brief, synthetic, focused, short messages. One-way is okay. When an ant or a bee broadcasts a message to another ant or bee it doesn't wait for a response. Why? In Nature speed is the essence. If nature's teams waited for a response they would probably get eaten before it arrived. They rely on razor sharp fast responses to survive.

Nature's teams subjugate everything to speed. Speed enables living animals to move to more powerful positions further up their ecosystem. Speed is the essential difference between the species at the top and bottom of the food chain. The difference between a plant and an insect or animal. Natures' teams are communicating information rather than orders, it follows that their communications are broadcast rather than conversational. Therefore these messages do not need responses, they are one-way. This enables very fast team reactions.

Not Waiting for a Response - Waiting for a response to electronic communications drastically hampers the Wholoteam's speed, agility and responsiveness. Everything stops while somebody does not reply or somebody is away from his or her screen or someone's email gets bounced. Adopting information for action and one-way messaging is an excellent strategy. We use two-way messages where you absolutely need to have a clear-cut response, where there is unavoidable complexity or where you require a particular bit of info.

Action First not Analysis is The Way to Get It Done Act and move on. Dont wait for feedback. Act again. This is our formula for rapid manifestation. Signal with directive information not as an order. Then we can learn to hack the whole system.

Experimentation, mutation and team review, not extensive planning, design and preparation before trying out new things. Wholoteams know that live controlled experimentation gets things right. Most things dont work out as planned. No matter how well they are analyzed and designed. Wholoteams quickly try out alternative actions in parallel in small safe ways to find out what works best and then they build on and adapt the most promising results. This is directed evolution in action.

Three Action Rules Rule 1 - Send out timely information- Communicate Information not Orders- Use 1way messages- Develop member autonomy and self-management Rule 2 - Everyone must broadcast - Enable every-member-broadcasting to and from any device- Define Team Vital Signs - Evolve Team Etiquette and Behaviors Rule 3 - Act don't Ask, Permission Granted- Permit but log and track actionsChallenge Permission Structures - Regular team review sessions

Treat all members as leaders. Always On 24/7 message hotlines for team members. Wholoteams take the messages via whichever device suits each member best at any particular time in their day.

Wholoteams model nature by becoming teams of peers and leaders where every member understands that it is central to their role as a Wholoteam member on the look-out for justin-time critical information which may be of value to the whole and fulfillment of their Manifestreams. SynOptic Union External to the WholoTeam partners as treated as fully trusted team members. Wholoteams treat them identically to their own internal team members in terms of transparency and trust.

Flowitecture Wholoteam internal and external flows Wholoteams pay attention to the collective flows and the inner flows of each team member. This ensures adequate ties to get Manifests done well. Able to tap favors as needed from external parties.

Ensures sufficient ties to quickly spot important changes and warning signals from external market /operational environments.

Consistent Behaviors To be really effective Wholoteams first put in place the foundations by ensuring there are a basic core set of member behaviors which can be guaranteed to be executed consistently by members at all times. Wholoteam members take an interest in anything which might affect the ultimate success of their Manifest whether its within their defined role or not.

Learn Co-operation Strategies Wholoteam members learn co-operation strategies. Real, raw, basic and undeclared motivations of each team member is important to include. Win-Win is used as a collaboration strategy not as an outcome. What's in it for me question important to address and fulfill for each team member.

For an ant colony, the job of the Queen is to reproduce not try to control what all the other ants do. Some colonies have 300 million members while the Queen has no idea of what each colony member is doing at any given time. The Queen Bee does not find the good nectar source or dance the waggle dance. Nor spots the ant from the rival colony out on a scouting mission.

Vital Signs How do make sure team members will know what info to send out? How can we prevent them from constantly spamming with pet topics, irrelevancies and trivia? Well, we need to clearly know what is vital and what is not. To support this we need a Wholoteam dashboard of vital signs" which always requires immediate attention.

Act don't ask (permission granted) One way organizational teams protect themselves against the risk of an individual making critical mistakes that can significantly affect the rest of theteam or the Wholomid is by using Permission Structures. A permission structure is a structure regulating where action cannot take place without some other approval.

Just Act Wholoteams act according to simple agreements. They do not seek permission from higher authorities before acting - they just act.

Communicate information not orders.

Act don't Ask raises Issues of Trust in Wholoteams It is OK to use permission structures where you don't trust a team members skills. It is not OK to use permission structures where you don't trust a team members motives or commitment. In these situations you need to challenge motives issues and if necessary find replacements for such team members. Let team members act with as much freedom as possible but log all actions and who took them. Recorded information available to all team members, transparency. WholoTeams engages in a review process where team member actions are regularly reviewed by the whole team in the spirit of openness and learning. Instead of issuing orders, nature's teams function by providing timely information to the team members and then expecting them to take appropriate action where needed Accountability is achieved through transparency systems.

Permission Structures Effective teams constantly challenge their existing permission structures, where an action cannot happen without somebody else's permission. For each of these structures teams should ask, if the cost of the control is greater than the cost of the potential losses if someone acts without permission?

What gets measured gets managed. What you appreciate, appreciates. Authority comes from being authentic not from a position in power matrix. The flow of power is not contracted or diverted or systemically hoarded. All persons explore who they are and are capable of achieving. We use free here as in free speech, free radical, free lifestyle, free expression, freely available enoughness. Free is not something you get for nothing. Your WholoCurrents get valued through your word, your reputation in community. Even though you might receive a large Current it will not hold charge as well as if you have built a field of integrity.

The Changing Nature of Teams - Virtual Flownet WholoTeams

It is now rare to find a team who all know each other, sit in the same work area day by day, work the same hours, work within the one organization, have a common business culture and enjoy prior history of working together.

Wholoteams are complex alliances with core Wholoship commitments with different organizations, professions, locations, using different technology platforms. Wholoships have different technology backgrounds. They engage levels of involvement from a Wholocore to the occasional reviewers from global concern to the concerns of a neighborhood. This is a very different model. The difference is so profound that we need a new name - Virtual Flownet WholoTeams.

WholoTeams align together by one or more Co-operating Manifests, streams of action to achieve some important, urgent and specific objective such as: Planning and launching of a major event Designing and running of a new program or initiative Developing and testing of a new process Running a campaign to open up new sectors Design and implementation of improved functional processes Planning and execution of managing and training initiatives

WholoTeams are the means for getting Manifests done. Right Size not Preordained Membranes are open to energy but closed to waste. Wholoteams are not sealed to a right size. Wholoteams select the members. They recognize right team size will only emerge over time. They keep looking for useful new members throughout the whole team lifetime. Part-time members, advisors and experts, guides and allies.

NetFlowed rather than Networked means that the team is made of individuals who are not always part of the same team and even when they are, rarely share common reporting lines rendering command and control methods mute. Instead we use Manifestream Actions and Results that are maintained until resolved. Actions and Results are the basis of communication.

Virtual State of WholoTeams

Virtual means that the team is more than less dependent on Internet technologies. Virtual also means that the team operates with virtual capacity that is not physically present. This means each team grows and shrinks its membership. This can make it harder to maintain a coherent sense of team and purpose unless we can understand certain core principles. Why is it more difficult to operate a WholoTeam than a traditional team? The Flow Factor

A Flowed team does not share common accountability structures, business cultures and professional sensibilities. This makes it hard to agree standards, accountability structures and sanctions for nonperformance.

The Virtual Factor It is very difficult to manage the involvement, commitment and trust building of a team operating "virtual capacity" because members constantly dip in and out of the team and some of them may never be present together in any physical meeting.

The Speed Factor Today's rapidly accelerating environment with its "Just do it now" business culture is not news to anybody. When you overlay this on top of the complexity already there in Wholoteams due to Virtual Network Technology Factors it just makes things all that more difficult. Doing a complex thing is ok if I concentrate and take my time. Doing something very fast is ok too if I can focus on it. But doing a complex thing very fast is altogether much more stressful.

The Technology Factor With the emergence and maturing of a vast array of corporate strength intranets, extranets, portals and a multitude of supporting communications tools there is a huge potential for technology to bring real gains to teams. - particularly those which are physically distributed or highly mobile. Few people would dispute the potential benefits of effective communications technology or a private asynchronous team room or a shared real-time whiteboard for a Virtually Networked Team. However, in practical reality these technology-led benefits have not been fully realized.

Recognition of the dynamic and living nature of the team itself separate from its members. A Wholoteam is a living thing in itself, more than the sum of its members. The Wholoteam is whole. This allows more insightful selection of the best course of action. WholoTeams are colonies which must be nurtured while recognizing they are inherently unpredictable. The team is a kind of super-organism and needs to be treated in ways that enhance and support its complex and interconnected nature.

Once we can see the Wholoteam as a whole and not as the mere aggregation of the individual parts that make it up, we can discover how much more productive, reliable and efficient a Wholoteam can be. This forces you to rethink how you should nurture, organize and support such teams and implies radically new approaches to: Team Mobilization and Change Management New Processes and Practices Team Support Technology Ongoing Team Coaching

Everyone looks for team threats and opportunities It is not just for the focalizer to share information on potential threats or opportunities for the Wholoteam. Every members responsibility is to constantly tap this team intelligence making sure it is rapidly effectively communicated to other team members who might need to know about it.

WholoIQ - The Challenge of Learning to Manifest Collective Vision Together Wholoteams are more distributed and more complex but also more intelligent. Despite the number of technologies available to assist team and group working it is still exceptionally difficult to manage such teams. In some ways these technologies make things worse by distracting the team members into technology experimentation rather than the harder challenge of learning to work together and creating the Collective Vision. Even if we master the technology of teams there will still be something major missing which will stop our operating with the speed and agility we need. Looking to natures' most successful teams we see what are the secrets of their longevity and dominance over millions of years of evolution. They all share a number of common natural principles we can apply to our Wholoteams. Wholoteams seeks to match these ancient principles to be faster and more responsive.

Each Wholoteam Zero Point member manages itself and does not need to be told what to do. Non-verbal Broadcast Communication No more wait till told and obey orders. Wholoteams are self-managed teams. This does not mean that there is no leader but that every member is a leader in some domain

Application of this trait allows a Wholoteam to successfully address the fundamental problem of accountability in a Flowed Team Context. Wholoteams develop superb communications that do not rely on direct member-tomember communications. This is relevant especially with teams at multiple locations with every one working different hours and where members can't physically meet that often. Application of this non-verbal broadcast trait helps us to design the team's communications in a way which eliminates communication bottlenecks and redundancies. WholoTeams are built on signals not orders. Everyone looks for team threats and opportunities It is not just for the localizer to share information on potential threats or opportunities for the Wholoteam. Every members responsibility is to constantly tap this team intelligence making sure it is rapidly effectively communicated to other team members who might need to know about it.

Wholoteams require a simple set of instructional guidelines to What are WholoTeams and how to operate. Set of rules of engagement the Open Enterprise Governance. The open enterprise model offers a new way of working together that is decentralized and dynamic. We are replacing the command and control hierarchy with a collaborative and co-creative model. In this new model, there are no bosses and no job titles, but there are different levels of engagement with manifeststreams. This is a starting point to discover the best methods. Even the most seriously concerned of people make use of the method of creating tribal councils in which everyone gives their speeches. To imagine that that method will result in the rightening of humankind is a fantasy. Indeed, it is worse than a fantasy, because human beings are thereby making themselves dependent on the powers of separateness and separativeness in the already failed world. People trust that their leaders are going to do something about what is wrong in the world, but the leaders are not in a position to do anything fundamental about what is wrong. All the leaders can do is enforce the already-presumed separateness between tribal groups and continue the conflicts between those groups. The vested interests keeping human disunity intact can be bypassed, replaced by self-organizing, self-correcting, and self-rightening processes the unified voiceof Humankind-as-a-Whole. The developing course of industrialization and modernization has not led to the unification of humankind. The emergence of humankind as an inherently interconnected global totality is being prevented by the institutionalization of Pyranomic Power. This institutionalization is why the ancient roots of conflict are kept in place.

There are 3 levels of engagement with a manifeststream: contributor, member and core team. A core team take responsibility for the success of the Wholomid and assumes whatever they are capable of achieving, with the help of the Whole.

You receive Core Wholos by any of these. Value according to consensus. You might do this by adding new ideas to Work Streams participating in the discussion: commenting on Work Items, and in the forums starting or joining Work Items providing feedback informing the organization of strengths and weaknesses from a new user perspective keeping the group accountable to its mission and values providing moral support (a thank you goes a long way supporting other users Contributors are welcome to participate as much as possible. ETC. Contributors figure out how to engage the total Wholomid into its Birth. Contributors engage with the enterprise through the manifest-stream dashboards. They can start (or join) any open manifest item. In addition to starting and joining manifest Items, users can use the dashboard to vote in the following ways: prioritizing existing manifest items voting on new ideas (agree/disagree) estimating the effort for suggested Work Items accepting completed manifest Items (accept/reject) Serve as a way for the community's vote to be heard. As Contributors gain experience and familiarity with the project, their profile within, and commitment to the Wholomid will increase. At some stage, they may find themselves being nominated for Core Membership. How does one become a contributor? There is no application process to become a contributor. Once you have completed a work item, you are automatically made a

contributor. In addition, if you are invited to a manifest-stream by an existing member, you are automatically made a contributor. Core Wholomid Members contribute 12,000 WholoCurrents WholoShips are Contributors who have shown that they are committed to the continued development of the project through ongoing engagement with the project and its community. Any Contributor can become a WholoShip; there are no special requirements, other than to have shown a willingness and ability to participate in the manifest-stream as a team player. Typically, a potential member will need to show that they have an understanding of the project, its objectives and its strategy. Most importantly, they need to demonstrate that they are aligned with the projects core principles and values. They will also have provided valuable contributions over a period of time. Contributors are nominated for membership by other members. In addition to their actions as Contributors, Members will find themselves doing the following; nominating contributors for membership and voting on Core Team Membership.

The Core Wholomid creates an innovative new work environment. We are looking for this be five dimensions in size, sufficient to moderate the Whole. Wholoteam members have equal voice, equal access to information with agreed upon decision making rules. Work flows quickly in the direction that the most active people are taking it. Decisions about what needs to get done and who is going to do it are done in a efficient synoptic manner. Not everyone has to vote. And those who show up are the ones who influence what happens. People choose what to work on freely, not based on what they are told to do, but based on what is important to the team and they feel inspired to complete. These inspiration-based work principles are the same methods that allow unfunded, volunteer-run open source developers to successfully compete with massive-commercial enterprises. If this sounds like jargon and overly ethereal, it is because it is different from control paradigm methods thus difficult to initially comprehend.

The Core WholoTeams consists of those individuals identified as manifeststream representatives. The Core Team has additional responsibilities over and above those of a member. These responsibilities ensure the smooth running of the Whole. Core Team Members participate in strategic planning, approve changes to the governance model and formally represent the project to the outside world to name a few charges.

First and foremost, they are the guardians and keepers of principles and values and are accountable to all stakeholders. They naturally adhere to Principled Awareness. Core WholoTeam Members do not have significant authority over other members of the community, although it is the Core WholoTeam who can vote new core members. In addition to their actions as members, Core Team Members will also find themselves doing the following; i-voting on changes to the governance model and nominating Members to the Core Team

How does one become part of the Core Team? Membership of the Core Team is by invitation from the existing Core Team members. If you are a core team member, you can nominate another member to Core Team by going to the Team tab and clicking Nominate to Core next to the persons name. A nomination will result in discussion and then a vote by existing members of the enterprise. Core Team membership votes are subject to unanimous consensus approval of Members. Unanimous consensus votes last for a time, and at the end of that time all of the binding votes that are cast must be agree and there can be no disagree votes or vetoes (binding block votes). How can I know who is a contributor, member, and core team? You can see each persons role by visiting the Team tab. There will be a list of all the people involved in the manifeststeam. To the right of the name lists the role and since when they have been a part of that manifeststream.

Core Wholos are a way of tracking contribution and rewarding Wholomid development. When core Wholos are activated in a manifest-stream, they are then used to track, record and make transparent the efforts of each team member. Work items are counted in HoloNote Units of results or completions and as Manifeststreams are completed, disbursed. Retrospectives conducted, HoloNotes valuated based on peer ratings.

HoloNotes are used to track relative contributions. Wholos are exchanged for contributions. Estimations is based on the groups judgment and records. Retrospectives make compensation based upon peer review. Compensation can be more fair, awarding those that do great work and not rewarding those that park in jobs without earning their position. There is also a freedom that allows people to contribute at the level that they are able and be rewarded accordingly.

Master Team Skills

I. Download to Public A. Operations Management I. Accounting and Financial Management III. Legal Services Liaison IV. Process Planning V. Personal Co-ordination VI. Packaging VII. Graphics Copyediting VIII. Computer Network Engineering IX. Marketing X. Webmaster Talents XI. MLM Marketing XII. MD..XL.. Design XIII. Social Architecture XIV. Internet Video XV. Alternative Economics XVI. Currency Creator XVII. Barter XVIII. Database Engineering XIX. Spiritual Roots XX. Securities XXI. Events Promoter XXII. Project Management XXIII. Internet Promotion XXIV. Education XXV. Peer-to-peer XXVI. Social Justice XXVII. Ecological Focus

XXVIII. NGO Coordinator Video Explanations and introductions Outreach Media Social Media Outreach Press Releases Discussing on public forums Video Development Complete Wholonomic Platform vote Gaining Authority in the Age of Overload Some Wholonomic Phase One Development Development Platform decision Expectations Duration of Workstream Site Design Core Deployment & Database Buildout & Table Structures Deploy Core Administration Area and configure as needed by Application Core Holomid Dashboard and Back Office Area and config as needed by Deploy Core Joining Options Platform, integrate and config as needed Install Site Design for Public Website, Admin Area, Member Area, eC Test Inhouse Social Media Module

Some Phase Two Development Instant Creation of Replicated Sites Management of Resource Flow / Excess Offerings Management Member Management

This is a starting point to design Dashboard functions. The dashboard is a central point of the Core Creator platform allowing them to see all of the work items of a manifeststream.

From the dashboard you have an overview of the status of all the items in a manifeststream and you also have the ability to take action on items and see the tracking of all actions. Being signal driven with actions self-organizing are how Manifeststreams are delivered. The dashboard includes all action items. Action items have been proposed and agreed to be completed. Work items include: o bugs o features o expenses o recurring tasks o chores

Motions and discussions are included in the Dashboard. Each manifeststream and submanifeststream has its own interconnected dashboard. Each has separate dashboards and action items. These are broadcast as signals to the Whole for action. All action items can be found in the manifeststreams and submanifeststream.

The dashboard is a good place to see an overview of all the work and take action directly. You can create an item, vote, estimate, prioritize, start, join, finish and accept or reject an item From the dashboard you can also open up a lightbox window within the window, where you can see the details of an item, including full history, discussion, status, creator, owner and more. From the lightbox, you can take all the actions that you would in the dashboard, voting, estimation, etc. With the lightbox when you are done you can close it and you are back on the dashboard where you left off.

Can I add someone to an Manifeststream? Yes, you can both add people and remove people from your team for a particular action item. Open up the lightbox view of an In Progress Item. Under Joined By a link to Add Someone. Select from the drop down menu of the members and contributors to the enterprise. Invite them to the manifeststream.

Can anyone vote, estimate or prioritize? Yes, anyone who has access to a manifest-stream can vote, estimate or prioritize. However, only the votes of the members will be binding.

All votes/estimates/priorities of contributors will be non-binding. The non-binding votes will appear in the record; however they will not be factored into the advancement, estimation or prioritization. The only votes that will make an impact will be the binding votes. This system allows you to get a sense of the larger communitys opinion, however ultimately you and your Wholoteam members are the ones that determine the direction of the project. Can anyone create an item? Yes, anyone can create an item. This means we are able to capture everyones ideas, both good and bad. But your team then gets to vote on what is a good idea and what is a high priority. This feature brings richness and diversity of perspective to the work. If an item has had no activity for some period a Cancel button appears and this item can then be canceled by any core member. Every dashboard has the ability to search within that dashboard for a particular item. Filters that allow you sort everything on the dashboard by useful views, such as Items that I didnt touch, Needs my agreement, Updated in last week, and Only show Bugs. options in the drop down And when you are done, you can go back to the full view by selecting Filter (show all).

What control is over the work? Control is exercised by the Wholoteam as they vote on items. Every team member gets an equal voice on this platform, and manages each other. While anyone can create an item and anyone can start an item, you and your team control what works is open to be started and also whether work is accepted or rejected. Quality is controlled in the end product through the accept and reject. Prototype Speed is enhanced. In addition, if you are the owner of a work item, you have control over who is on your team. In this democracy of ideas, great ideas can come from anywhere and the team drives the project forward and you truly work together to make it all happen. How do Manifeststream items advance from one queue to the next? Items move when there are more agrees than againsts or more accepts than rejects, and the speed at which they move depends on the value/complexity with the smaller items moving faster. It is more complicated than that. The more detailed answerVoting on the Dashboard functions using lazy majority. Lazy majority is a vote that is open for some days and at the end of the days if there are more yes than nos than an item advances. This means that those who show up to vote, drive the direction of the work, and there is no waiting for unanimity. The exception to the days of waiting are: if the majority of active members on that workstream have voted yes, than the item advances before the days are up if the difference between yes and no votes is greater than half.

When someone blocks an item - this stops an item and any member has that power. But a block requires an explanation, and used with respect. Examples: 4 active members and 3 have voted yes in day 1, then the item moves forward if an item is estimated at 3 dice complexity, and 2 members have voted yes, than the item advances if an item is estimated at 6 dice value, and 5 members voted yes and 1 voted no, the difference is 4 which is greater than 6/2=3, therefore the item advances. if an item is estimated at 1 dice value, only one person needs to vote yes and it advances Note - the above logic applies to voting agree/against when an item is New or Open OR when an item is done and needs to be accepted/rejected. Therefore a yes vote would be agree or accept, and a no vote would be against or rejected.

Platform Design Development We create a customized work architecture weaving distinct competencies together to frame and drive toward creative centered solutions. We develop solutions to enhance organization and overall position by employing strategic evaluation of design components in the development of our transactional business model: IDENTITY DESIGN INTERFACE DESIGN WEB DESIGN DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS DESIGN PRODUCT DESIGN VR VALUE RETURN

WholoTeams WholoTeam Module 1 Graphic Production lead graphic with network of

graphic people to use for creating graphic material

WholoTeam Module 2 - Video Production Complete set-up, green screen, etc.

Video / Webinar / Talks One - Overviews Spiritual Roots Dimensionality Two Pyranomics

Three - Wholonomics Wholomid / Holomid Four - Project Implementation Wholoteam Field Induction Five Scalarization, Analogous to Capitalization Dimensional Scale circumscribes Wealth Potential Analogous to Credits Six - Scales of Value Equilibrium o Pyranomic Scale - Money o Holomidal Ecological Impact o Wholomidal Social Quality o Seven - Call to Action Determining Relative Value

Building Archived Knowledge

WholoTeam Module 3 Security and Encryption

SYSTEM & DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR CONNEXUSFLONET -Automated background check for every player in each transaction -Financial routing systems: automatic commission collection/disbursement, buyer/seller safety, funds traceability for purchase records / transparency 1. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS: -SSL cert and HTTPS connection, possibly a secondary stripped-down "ConnexusNet Browser" for clients to prevent clickjacking or 0-day exploits via JavaScript, PDF or Flash plugins, etc. -Penetration testing in any submittal form data, including XSS attack vector analysis and prevention. -Sandboxed file upload locations for user accounts -CSRF penetration testing, including modeling the cookie system from foundation up to account for low-TTL UID's and other CSRF holes -Cloud deployment with high degree of redundancy, inclusive of sandboxing techniques to assure no corruption of cloud occurs. -Secure DNS system for users/cloud to prevent DNS poisoning attacks -Internal data protection protocols to ensure no data theft can occur via employees or contractors, whether on- or off-site, intentional or not. example: recently a

database auditor was tricked with a phishing email that compromised millions of dollars of assets in a hacking attack on a currency exchange. -NO intranet services, private ISP, direct database access, etc for employees. All data-flow must occur through secure sandboxed online platform to prevent data theft via backdoors, so ConnexusNet employee control panels must be developed for all major position types in the organization. -Data access segregation: Only a few key players within organization have access to systems at a "root/superuser" level; i.e. direct database access, filesystem access with read/write permissions, backup infrastructure, etc. -Employee Training to counter Social Engineering attacks on ConnexusNET. -Private email service for employees and clients, to prevent external phishing attacks. -Bi-hourly database tape backups -Database encryption system for highly sensitive information(banking, personal, transaction) -Secure document repository for each buyer/seller 2. ACCOUNT REQUIREMENTS: -Grouping for each transaction. Must have Sellers' and Buyers' subgroups, containing intermediaries and payouts for each -Lawyer account must link to associated Seller/Buyer and all subgroups for each transaction -Paymaster account for each transaction to handle escrow and associated ConnexusfloNET services -Enable modification of accounts by transaction admin to raise or lower status type, and change account type (mandate / intermediary) Modular account transferability is key. Each user account has certain functionality allowed for each transaction, such that the same account (once verified) can act as seller, buyer, mandate, etc depending on the role in each transaction. Unique AccountID will allow granting of access to modular service deployment for individual transactions, and is essential. 3. TRANSACTION REQUIREMENTS: A. STAGE 1 -Transactions must be handled by ConnexusNet protocols governing contact initiation governed by Attorneys & authorized mandate introductions, or buy/sell

history. -Must have secure document repository for each transaction -Escrow agreement terms are finalized, document is uploaded to secure repository. -Creates databases of information for Buyer and Seller sides of transaction. Contains: (i) Product (ii) Quantity (iii) Allocation is valid from date and to date (iv) Origin (v) Sellers have been verified Seller DB ONLY (vi) Mandates & authorized contacts approved for this transaction (vii) Escrow agent information (viii) Blocked POF confirmation from buyer -Buyer submits NCND/IMFPA and LOI/ICPO to Escrow -Seller submits FCO manifests All are verified before transaction can escalate -Stage 2 escalation occurs when required information is present and marked as verified in both Buyer and Seller DB's B. STAGE 2 -Sales Purchase terms are negotiated on ConnexusNet -When terms are agreed upon by buyer and seller, contracts are issued and transaction process starts. Transaction DB & Buyer/Seller DBs updated with new status, and any required auxillary information. -When contracts are complete and verified, escalated to Stage 3 C. STAGE 3 -Escrow releases funds to seller, minus comission. Seller initiates shipment(in presence of Connexus shipment verifier if requested), uploads shipping documentation to secure repository. -Escrow Agent follows payment disbursement process monthly without interference -Payments made by wire xfer/broker's bank acct. No transaction parameters can be modified without agreement from all parties involved. 4. INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS

-AJAX for live updating without page refreshing -Secure document repository -Employee control panel -Internal email/messaging system -Ease of use for various account types -Live support functionality for clients -Secure against XSS and CSRF exploits START-UP PROCESS Collectively develop strategy Implement e systems technology solutions Mitigate the risk of deploying emerging technologies Continually enhance and extend solutions

Phase 1: Clarification 1 Focuses on a rigorous process of inquiry and analysis resulting in a comprehensive needs assessment, including identifying challenges. At the end of this phase, we will prepare clearly stated objectives, a strategy by which to achieve them, and a high-level Project plan. A lot of the solution is available as off the shelf components. Phase 2: Architecture During Phase 2, we refine the solution in terms of functions, features, technologies, branding, and design. In doing such, we will be collectively exploring ideas, options, and concepts. Thereafter, we test and refine the concept and overall structure of the solution. At the end of this phase, we will present creative and technical directions, along with functional requirement documents. 3: Design Adjust the solution. Content development, user interface design, some technology design, and marketing plan. At the end of this phase, delivers a functional system prototype. Conduct usability and/or market tests and make necessary adjustments during this phase. 4: Implementation During Phase 4, we launch the system identified under Phase 3. Critical quality assurance and beta testing also are conducted during this phase to ensure the integrity of the system design. Prior to full launch we test the code and the user interface. We perform supporting

online and/or off-line marketing, client staff training, and develop maintenance documentation. 5: Enhancement Following the system launch under Phase 4, we continue to analyze and monitor the performance of the Project system against objectives as defined at the onset of the Project focusing on increasing the value.

WholoTeam Module 4 Marketing Machine and Video Demos, Viral, Traffic,

Articles, List building, Funnels, Commitment Scaling 50K USD 50K WC Marketing & Promotion Total Presentation to different target groups with the goal of bringing 10,000 person into creative alignment to make this real. Spiritual Persons Currency Exchange Memebers and organizers Alternative Economics Supporters Artists People looking to make a difference Students Activists Social Justice Supporters Potentials Teachers Publicists Talk Hosts CPA Marketers Traffic Masters

Post everyplace and bring to gatherings Squeeze Pages with split testing

Connexusflo Network
The trading of commodities consists both of direct physical trade and derivatives trading. ConneXusfloNet focuses on physical trading. Spot trading is any transaction where real product is delivered. ConneXusfloNet is in a prime position to capitalize on the pent-up need for a secure and ethical trading platform in the commodity trading space. Both internet and non-internet approaches will be employed to gain market penetration for rapid acceptance. 1. Social-media and personal networking campaigns to design to introduce this platform to the commodity trading communities. Social networks such as LinkedIn, and, Xing.

2. Search Engine Optimization to bring up the visibility of the platform with key words, whitepapers, and videos directing to educate traders and brokers alike. 3. Educational web presentations to promote the advantages of ConneXusNet platform to brokers and traders. Word of Mouth This is number one. Everyone is more or less linked to someone else. Our first focus is on intermediaries who could also be able to function as brokers to see transaction through to completion. They are in the core Connext Group. We could easily attract hundreds of parties interested in participating as intermediaries. These will be the pathway to the real buyers and sellers and Resource Note Generators. Research and recommendation of very targeted e-mail lists. Limited banner advertisements on web sites focused on commodity trading. Strategic Alliances and Partnerships with groups that have connections. Development of key partnerships with other trade portals. These relationships will facilitate transactions. Advertising and Promotion Tracking To maximize our advertising, we will carefully monitor: o Unique visitors generated by inquiry method, ad or promotion o Number of qualified members generated by ad or promotion o Which ads are generating the best quality of member. o Cost ratios for each ad or promotion Customer participation & polling services Internet search engines & blogs Mobile Smartphone integration Multiple forms of print and direct marketing Outbound/inbound call center services Target marketing Web services Search engine optimization (SEO) web development Social media interconnectivity Television & radio Social profile gathering Proximity market analysis Real-time key word density analysis

The Internet makes it possible for a campaign to go viral very fast. However, the Internet and in particular, social media technologies do not make a brand viral; they just enable people to tell other people faster. The Internet can, so to speak, make a brand famous overnight. No matter how prescient your designers and how well thought out your design strategy, there is no way to design a perfect social operation that doesnt need ongoing management, designated caretakers. Use and users are always changing, always adapting and pushing the limits of your software. Moderation is full-time.

All back end programming must be completed to conduct transactions, access and manage Social share tree. Calculate in a completely decentralized manner or at least locamid managed calculations of disbursement channels. We have to create this as decentralized as possible. Core System to which integrations are performed As App decentralization HDXL and MDXL Scalar Disbursement Programming Total System Management Calculation programming for Overall Disbursement Patterns including bonus disbursements. Creation of peer with peer admin platform and interface Dashboard to manage Members. Scheduled or On Demand disbursement calculation Export function Posting to replicated member app back office Customized I-Commerce System Disbursement Calculations Content Management Bulk Edit of millions of products and services to transact through Wholomids. Replicated Dimension Zero Wholomid Portal Sites Fully editable by person. Dashboard MDXL and HDML Dimensions Node and Scale Views Collective Sales Performance Charts Wholomid Family Tree Enrollment Options Creation of many Joining Options Enabling new Dimension Zero to purchase and offer. Net Master Pages to wrap Public Site Admin Back offices ecommerce gateways Total Viral Activity Payment Gateways o Fiat o WholoCurrents o Reserve Additions Tests on database programming stored procedures, MDXL and HDXL calculations, posting to back offices, Integration and innovation

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