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Types of clause complex Types Subtypes Meaning Paratactic Parataxis Elaboration Exposition, exemplification, clarification (often unmarked) Hypotaxis

Description Exposition: i.e, (in other words, or rather, that is to say) Exemplification: e.g, (for example, for instance, in particular) Clarification: viz, (to be precise, in fact, actually, indeed, at least), shift in polarity, evaluative comment.. Addition Positive: (both) and, not only but also Negative: (neither) nor Adversative: but Variation Replacive: but not, not..but, instead, on the contrary Subtractive: only, but, except Alternation (either) or (else), conversely, Finite Non-defining relative clause introduced by whelement Realization Hypotactic Non- finite Avoidance of whelement


Addition, variation, alternation

Addition While, whereas Besides, apart from, as well as While, whereas without Variation Instead of, rather than Except that Except for, other than Alternation if not (.then)


alternatively, on the other hand Paratactic Temporal Same time Meanwhile, (when)


Different time, later Different time, earlier Same place

(and) then, and+ afterwards And/but + before that/first And there

Hypotactic Finite Non-finite As, while While, In (the course, process of) When, as soon as, When, on the moment Whenever, every time After, since Since, after Before, until / till (extent) as far as (point) where (spread) wherever, everywhere As, as if, like, the way By means of like Until, before

Manner Causalconditional

Means And + in that way, (and) thus Comparison And + similarly, (and) so, thus Cause: reason (cause ^ effect) (and) so And + therefore (Effect ^ cause) For, (because)


Because, as, since, in case, seeing that, considering In order that, so that

Cause: purpose

With, through, by at, as a result, because of, in case of In order / so as to For (the sake of) With the aim of

Cause: result Condition: positive Condition: negative Condition: concessive

So that (and) then And + in that case Or else (or) otherwise (Concession ^ consequence) But (and) yet Still But + nevertheless Consequence ^ concession If, provided that, as long as unless Even if Even though Although

For fear of to If, in the event of Unless, but for, without Even if Even though Although Despite In spite of without


Conjunctive markers used for more than one type of expansion Elaboration and but yet or while as Since If Alternative (if not /then) or Exposition: or rather Extension Additive: and also Adversative: on the other hand Replacive: instead Adversative: on the other hand Alternative: or instead Additive: and also Adversative: and yet Enhancement Temporal: and then Causal and so Concessive: nevertheless Concessive: nevertheless Temporal: same time Spread: and meanwhile Temporal: same time Spread: when Causal, reason: because Temporal: different time: later, after Causal, reason: because Conditional positive: in case

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