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Heart palpitations

Patients may have unrelieved heart palpitations due to uncontrollable fear.

Differential diagnosis: Patients with heart qi deficiency may suffer from fear,
insomnia, dreaminess, pale tongue with thin and white coating, and feeble pulse.
Patients with deficiency of heart blood may suffer from dizziness, sallow complexion,
fatigue, pale tongue with thin and white coating, and weak pulse. Patients with heart
Yin deficiency may suffer from annoyance, insomnia, dizziness, hotness in palms and
soles, tinnitus, red tongue with thin and white or thin and yellow coating, and thready
and rapid pulse. Patients with heart Yang deficiency may suffer from chest distress,
shortness of breath, pale complexion, cold body and limbs, pale tongue with thin,
white and slippery coating, and feeble and weak pulse. Patients with stasis of heart
blood may suffer from chest distress, occasional precordinal pain, cyanosis of lips and
nails, and dark purple tongue. Patients with deficiency of spleen and kidney Yang may
suffer from distension of upper abdomen, reduced amount of urine, edema of lower
limbs, thirst without desire to drink water, white and slippery tongue coating, and
wiry and roiling pulse. Arrhythmia of different heart diseases and heart palpitations in
iron deficiency anemia, aplastic anemia, hypothyroidism and neurasthenia recognized
by modem medicine can be treated by the following methods.


Foot massage: The massage may be applied to the heart (33), kidney (22), spleen
(34), head (1), thyroid gland (12) and adrenal gland (21) reflecting areas (Fig. 43).

Foot acupuncture:

1) Meridianal acupoints: Zulinqi (GB 41), Shenmai (BL 62), J inggu (BL 64), Taibai
(SP 3) and Rangu (KI 2) are used; Xiangu (ST 43) and Neiting (ST 44) are added for
patients with edema of lower limbs; the reinforcing technique of acupuncture
is applied with moxibustion for patients with deficiency of heart qi, unsteady heart
blood and heart Yang; the balanced reinforce-reducing technique is applied to patients
with heart Yin deficiency; and the reducing technique is applied to patients with heart
blood stasis. The needles are retained for 20 minutes.
2) Foot acupoints: At Heart (FA-P 5), Heart pain (FA-D 8) and Neizhiyin (EX-F 20)
acupoint, a moderate twisting stimulation is applied and the needles are retained for
20 minutes.

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Heart pal pi tati ons
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Heart pal pi tati ons
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