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Petitto_Chem210_F10_1pm CHEMISTRY 210X General Chemistry I Fall 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Instructor: Dr.

Sarah Petitto Office: Wick Science Building, Room 371 Phone: 308-5420 Email: Lecture: Office Hours: MWF 1:00 pm-1:50 pm, Wick Science Bldg, Room 116 (WSB-116) MWF 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm

MWF 9:00 am-11:50 pm By appointment

Suggested Materials: Text: General Chemistry, Atoms First; by McMurry and Fay from Prentice Hall, 2010. ISBN-10: 0321571630 ISBN-13: 9780321571632 Mastering Chemistry access code and working registration Mastering Chemistry Course ID: petittochem210f101pm Mastering Chemistry Course Title: Chem_210_f10_1pm eInstruction's Classroom Performance System (CPS) clicker available at the SCSU bookstore for use in daily in-class quizzes during lecture. You are responsible for registering, additional batteries, and bringing to lecture every day. Lab Text: General Chemistry 1; Laboratory Manual Chem 210; Department of Chemistry, St. Cloud State University. Splash-proof chemical goggles can be purchased from the SCSU Chemistry Club during lab (week 2) or from the SCSU bookstore. Calculator with the standard arithmetic keys along with Log, 10 x, Exp, Ln, and ex keys Please learn and know how to use your calculator. Please Note: Programmable Calculators will only be allowed during exams with cleared memories by Dr. Petitto, NO exceptions! Programmable Calculators WILL be needed for lab. Extra Materials: Preparing for your ACS Examination in 2nd Semester General Chemistry; The Official Guide available for $15.00 from the SCSU Chemistry Club ordering in November The course is conducted assuming the student has successfully passed the Chem 210 placement exam, completed Chem 160 with a C or better, or is concurrently taking Chem 110 and must obtain a satisfactory grade (S). Students who do not have the prerequisites will be dropped from the course.


Chemistry 210 is the first half of a two-semester course in introductory chemistry where we will cover Chapters 1-10 in the text. Completion of the Chemistry 210/211 sequence should be transferable to any university. The goals for this course is to continue build your skills as problem-solvers, which include; critical reading, problem-solving, carrying out laboratory experiments, communication of information, self-confidence, and selfreliance. The syllabus contains a detailed schedule of the material being covered. The course will focus on atoms and elements, electron configurations, trends in the periodic table, chemical compounds, covalent and ionic bonding, molecular structure, reactants and products, energy and chemical reactions, gases and atmosphere, liquids, solids, and materials. 1

Petitto_Chem210_F10_1pm The lectures are structured assuming that you have read the suggested material in the textbook and/or handouts prior to coming to class. The course has an accompanying on site on D2L, where a copy of the course materials, a calendar of due dates and academic holidays/deadlines, links to helpful websites, and your grades. Please check these sites and your SCSU e-mail regularly for the most up-to-date course information. Grades: A total of 800 points are possible for Chemistry 210 and are explained in the table below. Please note that your grade is in your hands. Any assignment/exam that is considered excellent (answers are complete/correct, format has been followed, a solid grasp of the material is demonstrated, and work substantially exceeds minimum requirements) will receive an A. Consistent submission of excellent work will earn you an A in the course. I also reserve the right to adjust these percentages only in the students favor when assigning final grades. Letter Grade A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF Percentage Grade 100 - 97.5 97.4 - 92.5 92.4 - 89.5 89.4 - 87.5 87.4 - 82.5 82.4 - 79.5 79.4 - 77.5 77.4 - 72.5 72.4 - 69.5 69.4 - 67.5 67.4 - 62.5 62.4 - 59.5 59.4 or lower Total Points 800 780 779 740 739 716 715 700 699 660 659 - 636 635 620 619 580 579 556 555 540 539 500 499 476 475 or lower

Exams (50.00% or 400 points): There will be 4 1-hour exams (100 points each) held during class. There will be no dropped exams. If you are unable to take an exam at the scheduled time, you must inform the instructor at least 48 hours before the exam in order to make special arrangements and if the absence is unexpected, contact the instructor immediately. Please do not wait until after the exam or the next lecture period to discuss missing the exam as you will receive a 0 for the exam. However, only in the event of some extraordinary circumstance or unavoidable tragedy will a make-up exam be administered. o Practice exams will be available 1 week before the exam; you are strongly encouraged to complete these exams as they will be similar to the exam being given. Final Exam (12.5% or 100 points): A 2-hour comprehensive final will be given during the final exam period that is 2.5 hr as determined by SCSU, which is listed in the lecture/laboratory schedule. The final exam will be the American Chemistry Society (ACS) First Term General Chemistry Exam, which is a 70 question multiple choice exam. o FINAL EXAM ON Tuesday, December 14th at 10:15am-12:45pm (note change in time from regular lecture time!) in WSB-116 o The official ACS guideline book listed in additional materials will be useful in preparing and providing details about the type of exam questions and strategy for approaching these questions. Sample problems with solutions also are available within the guide book and are most useful to practice with. The SCSU Chemistry Club will sell them in November. Laboratory Report (12.5% or 100 points): There are 13 laboratory reports, 12 of 13 laboratory reports will be used to calculate your laboratory grade. You must complete 12 laboratory experiments and reports in order to pass Chemistry 210. o More than 1 unexcused absence will result in failing Chem 210. o There are NO Make-Up labs! 2

Petitto_Chem210_F10_1pm o Laboratory report grading will be done by your Laboratory Instructor and/or Teaching Assistant (TA), therefore, all regrades and comments should be directed to your lab instructor.

In-Class Quizzes (12.5% or 100 points): This grade reflects how well you understand the material being presented in class. Quizzes will be graded and recorded using the eInstruction's Classroom Performance System (CPS) clicker. o A correct answer is worth 2 points, an answered incorrect question is worth 1 point, and no answer is worth 0 point. o Quiz grade will be based on best 90% of the total grade, which means 10% of the total Quizzes will not be counted, meaning available zeros with no penalty for absences, dead batteries, missing clicker, etc o Quizzes also act as an attendance taker. Mastering Chemistry Homework (12.5% or 100 points): Homework problems will be completed using the Mastering Chemistry system. It is the students responsibility to have an Mastering Chemistry access code and registration in order to complete the homework assignments. Mastering Chemistry homework chapter assignments will have multiple due dates to split up the work load and to hopefully prevent just get the homework done cram sessions. o Mastering Chemistry homework sections are due at 11:59 pm Central Standard Time on Mondays and Thursdays, see Mastering Chemistry for specific due dates of Mastering Chemistry assignments. o Mastering Chemistry assignments will amount to about 5 sections per due date assignment o You will have 5 chances to solve and answer the questions o There will be no extensions, as every students grade is based on 90% of the total Mastering Chemistry questions assigned, meaning available 10% of zeros with no penalty for missed or incomplete assignments. Extra Credit (5.6% or 45 points): o Learning to Use Mastering Chemistry Tutorial in 5 areas, each area is worth 1 point for 5 points total due on September 9th at 11:59 pm. o Chemistry Review in Mastering Chemistry in 20 areas, each is worth 1 point for 20 points total due on December 14th at 10:59 pm. o Mastering Chemistry Homework is based 90% of the total assigned problems, those problems that comprise that 10% will be converted into extra credit points . Example: 200 of 200 questions answered, but only need 180 points = 100%, therefore those 20 points equal 10% = 10 additional points added into your total point tally (800 points) o In-class Clicker Quiz grades are based 90% of the total assigned problems, those problems that comprise that 10% will be converted into extra credit points. Example: 100 of 100 questions answered, but only need 90% = 100%, therefore those extra 10% = 10 additional points added into your total point tally (800 points)

Course Policies: Instructors Expectations of the Students: You are expected to be familiar with all policies, procedures, materials, scheduled homeworks, exams, and labs, as wells as due dates outlined in this syllabus and the accompanying documentation for this class. You are to bring your Textbook and Clicker to class every day. Lecture: You are expected to attend lectures, take notes, participate in quizzes, and interact with others and the instructor. Please be respectful of other students. Arrive on time and conduct yourself in a professional manner. If you arrive late, please enter quietly into the lecture room. Please remember to turn off your cell phones or put your phone on vibrate only if you are expecting an emergency phone call.

Petitto_Chem210_F10_1pm o o Any cell phone that rings (i.e. beeps for a text, vibrates, etc) during lecture, the student will NOT be able to turn in in-class quizzes/exercises If the phone rings during an exam, the student will NOT be able to finish the exam.

Laboratory: The lab section of Chemistry 210 is used to reinforce lecture concepts through hands-on investigation, to gain skills in scientific reasoning, and learn safe practices for using chemicals and laboratory apparatus. Your Laboratory Instructor and/or Teaching Assistants (TAs) may grade some of the labs, all regrades should be brought to your Laboratory Instructor. Your final lab grade will be based on the scores of 12 of 13 lab reports. You must complete at least 12 experiments and laboratory reports in order to pass Chemistry 210. o More than 1 unexcused absence will result in failing Chem 210. There are NO Make-Up labs! o Laboratory time is a premium in this course and your Laboratory Instructor, TA, lab partner, and I expect you to spend the lab period performing the lab rather than figuring out how to do the lab. You are welcome to leave if you finish a lab before the period ends, though I strongly encourage you work through the entire lab period given that you, your partner(s), and your laboratory TA are available during this time. o Please remember there are significant hazards in any chemistry laboratory. If you suspect you are pregnant or have other health concerns, you should contact your doctor and inform your Laboratory Instructor and Dr. Petitto For most individuals, the most significant concern is eye safety. You are required to purchase and continually wear approved splash-proof chemical goggles when in the laboratory. Safety goggles pushed onto your forehead is not acceptable. Being uncooperative in obeying our safety policies may result in a Faculty Initiated Withdrawal from the course. Splash-proof chemical goggles can be purchased from the SCSU Chemistry Club during lab or from the bookstore. Office Hours: Posted office hours are MWF 9:00 am 12:00 pm, MWF 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm. If you need to see me outside scheduled office hours, please feel free to stop by my office or make an appointment. Please note that if my office door is closed, I am not available at that moment and remember helping you outside scheduled office hours without an appointment or outside normal working hours (M-F, 7:30 am-5:30 pm) is a courtesy granted at my discretion and limited by my schedule. Regrade Policy: If you feel a mistake has been made in grading, you may request in writing for it to be regarded, though please note regrade means that I regrade the whole paper again, not just the section you have discrepancy with. Regrade requests are to be made in writing and accompanied by the assignment you feel contains an error within 48 hours of the material being returned. Clickers and Quizzes: In order to get full credit for your quizzes, you must bring to class your eInstruction's Classroom Performance System (CPS) clicker that is registered to you and only to you (no exceptions). Clicker by proxy is a form of cheating and could result in your failing Chem 210.

Privacy Notice to Students: It is important to note that any information provided to a CPS service vendor through the registration process may not be safeguarded. As a result, it is critical that you do not use your HuskyNet ID, your 8-digit student ID, your social security number, passwords for other accounts, your name for your user ID or any other identifying information when registering. Keep track of your CPS user name, password, and response pad ID number! These will be shown in your browser window when you register, and e-mailed to you. The response pad ID number is what you will see on the screen in class. If you are assigned number 125 you should see 125 light up on the screen when you press the keypad on your response pad (well test this out in class). Write down the serial number of your response pad, and label it. Dont mark it permanently if you want to sell it back to the Bookstore or to another student at the end of the semester. An address sticker could help someone return a lost response pad to you. 4

Petitto_Chem210_F10_1pm Response pads can be used for multiple courses. A registration card needs to be purchased each semester that you have a course using the CPS. With most systems, you only have to join the class once. After that, simply click Students, and log in under Existing CPS Online Users. You will need your CPS user name and password. If you need help, please contact the eInstruction tech support line at 1-888-333-7532.

After logging into the CPS, you can: Check your response pad ID number (short, on-screen number). Check your response pad serial number (longer number on the back of the CPS response pad). Change your response pad serial number, if you entered it incorrectly the first time, or you had to exchange a malfunctioning response pad.

Lost Points: Points lost due to late work, unexcused absences, or shared course work cannot be made up. o Any cell phone that rings (i.e. beeps for a text, vibrates, etc) during lecture, the student will NOT be able to turn in in-class quizzes/exercises o If the phone rings during an exam, the student will NOT be able to finish the exam. Plagiarism, Cheating, or Disruptive Behavior: Students will be disciplined following SCSU student policies and procedures, Any student caught cheating will be: assigned a failing grade to the paper, examination, report, etc. or assigned a failing grade for the course in which the student cheated or assigned other appropriate sanctions(s). The student must be notified of the offense and sanction. o The instructor should report the incident to the Student Life and Development office. Any conduct action would follow the Universitys Student Code of Conduct guidelines. Conduct records will be kept by the Office of Student Life and Development for the period designated in the Student Code of Conduct. The student accused of cheating has the right to appeal the decision of the faculty member per established procedures. For more information concerning academic honesty, refer to o Unauthorized dry labs, collaborations during exams, clicker by proxy, and use of cell phones, programmable calculator without cleared memory, iPods, or mp3 players during an exam are examples of cheating. Progress Grade Reports: The combination of your first exam grade (50%), your quiz average (25%), and your Mastering Chemistry Homework average (25%) will be used to estimate your progress in the course on Wednesday, October 6th. Remember the last day to Withdraw with a W is Wednesday, October 13th. Tutoring: Students are encouraged to get extra help sooner rather than later. Chemistry is cumulative; therefore, a strong understanding of the basics is necessary for your continued learning. If you are needing extra help, please come see me during my office hours, or use the free tutoring services offered the Academic Learning Center and the Chemistry Department, a schedule is listed outside of WSB-358 and the SCSU Chemistry webpage, Students with Disabilities: Any student who may need reasonable academic accommodations should discuss these with Dr. Petitto during the first two weeks of class. You will need to provide documentation of your disability to Disability Services, 308-4080,


Chemistry 210 Schedule for Fall 2010 for Dr. Petittos MWF 1:00-1:50pm
Date Aug 23rd Chapter Sections Topics Introduction to Chemistry 210 & Syllabus Chapter 1- Chemistry: Matter and Measurements 1.1-1.5 Chemistry and Elements, Periodic Table 1.6-1.11 Measurements-mass, length, temperature, Units-volume, density, energy 1.12-1.14 Uncertainty, Significant Figures, Converting one Unit into another Unit Fri Last day for late registration and 100% tuition refund Week 2 (Aug 31/Sep 2) : Check-In; Safety Lecture/Video and Lab 2: Significant Figures, Chemical Safety Report, No Class or Mastering Chemistry Hmwk on Labor Day Loading DataMate on Graphing Calculators In-Class Clickers Quizzes Start Chapter 2- Structure and Stability of Atoms Atomic Structure, Nuclear Atom, Sizes Atomic Numbers, Atoms Masses, Molar Mass Isotopes, Nuclear Chemistry, Radioactivity Lab

Aug Aug 27th Aug 30th


Week 1 (Aug 24/26): Lab 1: Math Review via Mastering Chemistry (no attendance in lab)

Aug 27th

Sep 1st Sep 3rd Sep 8th Sep 6th Sep 8th

2.1-2.5 2.6-2.7 2.8-2.9 Mon Wed



Sep 13th

Sep 15th Sep 17th

Chapter 3- Periodicity and Electronic Structure of Atoms Week 3 (Sep 7/9): 3.1-3.5 Electromagnetic Radiation, Matter, Plancks Quantum Lab 3: Accuracy-Precision, Theory, Bohr Model of Atom, HUP Excel Exercise 3.6-3.9 Quantum Numbers, Shapes of Orbitals, Atom Electron Configuration, Atomic Line Structure, Electron Spin Week 4 (Sep 14/16): Atom and Ion Electron Configurations Lab 4: Electron 3.10-3.12 Periodic Trends: Atomic Radii, Ionic Radii, Ionization Configuration 3.13-3.14 Energies, Electron Affinities

Sep 20th Sep 22nd

Mon Wed


Week 5 (Sep 21/23): Lab 5: Names, Formulas of Chemical Compounds

Sep 24th Sep 27th Sep 29th

Chapter 4- Ionic Bonds and Some Main Group Chemistry Molecules, Ions, Chemical Bonds, Electron Configuration Week 6 (Sep 28/30): of Ions, Ionic Radii, Ionization Energy, Electron Affinity Lab 6: Properties of 4.7-4.9 Octet Rule, Ionic Bonds, Lattice Energies in Ionic Solids Solutions - Electrolytes & 4.10-4.14 Naming Ionic Compounds, Some Chemistries Non-Electrolytes 4.1-4.6 Fri Last day to apply for Fall Graduation

Oct 1st




Oct 4th Oct 6th Oct 8th Oct 11th Oct 6th

Chapter 5- Covalent Bonds and Molecular Structure 5.1-5.4 Covalent Bond, Covalent Bond Strength, Ionic vs. Covalent, Bond Polarity, Electronegativity, Bond Length, Bond Energy 5.5-5.9 Naming Molecular Compounds, Lewis Dot Structures Octet Rule, Resonance, Formal Charge VSEPR 5.10 5.12-5.13 Valence Bond Theory, Hybridization, Hybridization Multiple Bonds 5.14-5.16 Molecular Orbital Theory Wed Grade Progress Reports *CHECK YOUR GRADES! Last day to Withdraw from course with a W on your transcript (*CHECK YOUR GRADES!)

Week 7 (Oct 5/7): Lab 7: Geometrical Structure of Molecules

Oct 13th


Oct 14-15 Thur-Fri No Classes, Fall Break Oct 13th Oct 18th Wed Mon REVIEW AND / OR CATCH-UP EXAM II ON CHAPTERS 4, 5

Week 8 (Oct 12/14): No Lab, Fall Break

Oct 20th Oct 22nd Oct 25th Oct 27th

Chapter 6- Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions Molarity, Dilutions, Solution Stoichiometry, Titrations Balancing Chemical Equations, Stoichiometry, Yields of Chemical Reactions 6.5 Limiting Reactants 6.10-6.12 Percent Composition, Empirical Formula 6.6-6.9 6.1-6.4

Week 9 (Oct 19/21): Lab 8: Determination of the Concentration of a Solution (Spectrophotometry) Week 10 (Oct 26/28): Lab 9: Determination of Acetic Acid in Vinegar by Acid-Base Titration

Oct 29th Nov 1st Nov 3rd Nov 5th Nov 8th Nov 10th Nov 11th

Chapter 7- Reactions in Aqueous Solution Electrolytes, Aqueous Reactions, Net Ionic Equations, Precipitation, Solubility 7.6-7.8 Redox Reactions, Oxidation Numbers, Activity Series 7.9-7.11 Balancing Redox, Redox Stoichiometry 7.5 Acids and Bases, and Neutralization Reactions 7.1-7.4 Mon Wed Thurs REVIEW AND/OR CATCH-UP EXAM III ON CHAPTERS 6, 7 No Classes, Veterans Day Chapter 8- Thermochemistry: Chemical Energy Energy, Conservation, Internal Energy, State Function,

Week 11 (Nov 2/4): Lab 10: Activity Series

Week 12 (Nov 9/11): No Lab, Veterans Day

Nov 12th



Nov 15th Nov 17th Nov 19th

Work Energy, Enthalpy, Thermodynamic Standard State, Enthalpies Physical and Chemical Change 8.7 Calorimetry and Heat Capacity 8.8-8.13 Hess Law, Standard Heats of Formation, Bond Dissociation, Heats of Combustion, Entropy, Free Energy 8.4-8.6

Week 13 (Nov 16/18): Lab 11: A Series of Chemical Changes

Nov Nov 24th Nov 29th


9.1-9.3 9.4-9.5 9.6-9.9

Chapter 9- Gases Gases Gas Pressure, Gas Laws, Ideal Gas Law Stoichiometry of Gases, Gas Density, Molar Masses, Daltons Partial Pressures, Gas Mixtures Kinetic Molecular Theory, Grahams Law: Diffusion and Effusion, Real Gases, Earths Atmosphere

Week 13 (Nov 23/25): No Lab, Thanksgiving

Nov 25-26 Thur-Fri No Classes, Thanksgiving

Dec 1st Dec 3rd Dec 6th

10.1-10.2 10.3-10.5, 10.11 10.6-10.10

Chapter 10- Liquids, Solids, and Phase Changes Polar Covalent Bonds, Dipoles, IMF Liquid Properties: Phase Changes and Phase Diagrams, Evaporation, Vapor Pressure, Boiling Point Solids: PXRD, Unit Cells, Structures, Ionic Solids, Covalent Network Solids

Week 14 (Nov 30/Dec 2): Lab 12: Thermodynamics

Dec 8th Dec 10th

Wed Fri


Week 15 (Dec 7/9): Lab 13: Vapor Pressure of Liquids Check-Out Course Evaluations

Dec 14th


FINAL EXAM ON at 10:15 am-12:45 pm in WSB-116 NOTE: change in TIME from regular lecture time!

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